Podcast and Blog Content Index
Shalom and Welcome. Here you will find a categorized index of this website’s content for your convenience. Feel comfortable to explore and tap the wide array of Hebrew Roots/Messianic-significant topics and issues that we purpose to encourage and aid your in your day-to-day walk with Yahoshua our Master. May you, your family and fellowship be well and blessed.
Weekly Torah Portion
Round and Round the Asherah Pole we Go–Parashah 138 (BLOG)
What Walking in Torah With a Circumcised Heart Looks Like–Parashah 134 (PODCAST)
Yeshua-The Bread of Life–Thoughts & Reflections on Parashah 132–Deuteronomy 7:1-20 (Podcast)
Torah Reading and Study–Deuteronomy 13:1-5–Beware of False Prophets (BLOG)
Lashon Hara–The Sin You Never Knew You Were Committing–Torah Reading–Numbers 12:1-15 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Finding Contentment in our Faith–Torah Reading–Numbers 11:1-36 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Polygamy and the Bible–A Messianic Perspective (PODCAST/BLOG)
Torah Reading 48–Shofetim (Judges)–Reading Outline and Thoughts (BLOG)
Torah Reading 46–Ekev (Because)–A Focus on the Kingdom of God (BLOG)
The Proper Way to Worship God–Yeshua-Focused Torah Studies for 7-11-20 (VIDEO)
Living the Life of a Priest of God–Yeshua Focused Torah Studies for 7-4-2020 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Is Torah-Keeping Necessary For Salvation–Yeshua-Focused Torah Studies for 6-27-2020 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Torah’s Forbidden Sexual Relationships-Yeshua-Focused Torah Studies for 6-20-2020 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Animal-Blood Sacrifices-Torah Reading for 6-13-2020 (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur-Torah Reading for 6-6-2020 (PODCAST/ BLOG)
The Brazen Laver-The Anointing Oil-Sacred Perfume–Messianic Reflections on Torah Reading #68 (BLOG)
Reflections on Torah Reading 65-The Garments of the Levitical Priesthood (BLOG)
Fashioning the Elements of the Tabernacle-Torah Reading 64 (Triennial Reading Cycle) (BLOG)
The Book of the Law Versus Book of the Covenant Controversy-Study of Torah Reading 62 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Usury-Interest According to God (YHVH) and Torah (BLOG)
A Little Balaam in Each of Us–Reflections on Torah Portion Balak (PODCAST/BLOG)
One Law For All-Reflections on Torah Portion Shelach Lekha (PODCAST/BLOG)
Burdens and Service–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading Naso–Lift Up (PODCAST/BLOG)
M’Tzoro-Person Afflicted With Leprosy (BLOG)
Irresistible Holiness–Parashah 26–Eighth–Shemini (PODCAST/BLOG)
Parashah 25–Give An Order (BLOG)
Parashat Pedudei–Accounting Of (BLOG)
The Netsarim Day-to-Day Walk
Unlocking the Keys to the Kingdom part 2: Binding and Loosing on Earth and in Heaven (PODCAST/BLOG) New
Unlocking the Keys to the Kingdom: Understanding Yeshua’s Teachings in Light of Torah (PODCAST/BLOG) New
Unveiling the Truth-Yeshua’s Prohibition Against titles in Matthew 23:8-12-Part 2 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Unveiling the Truth-Yeshua’s Prohibition Against Titles in Matthew 23:8-12-Part 1 (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Ineffable Name Controversy-Breaking Traditions: The Controversy of God’s Name (PODCAST)
Understanding our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree-Part 2: Abram’s Melchizedek (PODCAST/BLOG)
Are God’s People Required to Wear Tzitzit Today and is the Wearing of Tzitzits a Salvific Issue? (BLOG/PODCAST)
Forbidden Messianic Titles and Roles for the Body of Messiah
Can I Get a Witness Up In Here? (BLOG)
The Great Commitment to Kingdom Living by God’s Elect (BLOG)
Heeding Zophar’s Wisdom About Yehovah (BLOG)
Overcoming Obstacles to our Faith-Part 1-Learning From Ancient Israel’s Mistakes of Holding on to Egypt and Being Stubborn and Rebellious
Should Messianic Torah Observers Keep Thanksgiving? The Re-Broadcast (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Messianic Duty During Times of Global Crises (PODCAST/BLOG)
Can Messianics Attend Same-Sex-Weddings and Similar Social Events? (PODCAST/BLOG)
Praying in the Spirit-Part-3 of a Series on Messianic Prayer Life (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Critical Role Faith Plays in the Prayer Life of a Messianic (PODCAST/BLOG)
Constancy-Persistence-Ceaselessness in Prayer (PODCAST/BLOG)
Cooking on the Sabbath-Is It Allowed? (PODCAST/BLOG)
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God And…(PODCAST/BLOG)
Social Media and Hebrew Roots–A Warning to Discern Who’s Who in the Social Media Zoo (BLOG)
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem–Part 3 of the Love-Hate Israel Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Israel–To Love or Hate Her–That is the Question–Part 1 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Patterns of Evidence–The Moses Controversy Film Review (PODCAST/BLOG)
Endure Sound Doctrine (I Will Not) (PODCAST/BLOG)
To Call or Not Call on the Name of the LORD (PODCAST/BLOG)
My Last Word on the Cepher Bible and the Divinity of Yeshua–At Least Till Next Time (PODCAST/BLOG)
To Fellowship Or Not Fellowship (BLOG)
Who or What is a Messianic Torah Observer (PODCAST/BLOG) in Social and Political Activism (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah as Slave (BLOG)
Living a Life Beyond the Norm–Lessons Learned From the Levitical Priesthood (PODCAST/BLOG)
Messianic Biases Against Nehemia Gordon and Michael Rood (BLOG)
All Things are Lawful for Me–STAR-108 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Understanding the Shema–STAR-107 (PODCAST/BLOG)
5 Things Every Believer Should Consider About Christmas–STAR-104 (PODCAST/BLOG
Leaving the Faith Lured by Seducing Spirits–STAR-99 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Controlling Our Emotions for the Work of the Gospel–STAR-90 (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Rule of Emotions Over our Lives–STAR-89 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Witnessing to Non-Believers–Is Keeping Torah Possible–Tithing and Taxes–STAR-91 (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Bible: The Answer to Every Question? –STAR-92 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Overcoming the Cares of Life–STAR-94 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Controlling Our Emotions for the Work of the Gospel–STAR-90 (PODCAST)
The Rule of Emotions Over the Lives of Certain Believers–STAR-89 (PODCAST)
When Tradition Overrides Truth and Reason–STAR-88 (PODCAST)
Making a Case be to Holy (PODCAST)
Why Aren’t We Wearing Tzitzits/Fringes in Hebrew Roots as Commanded (BLOG/Part 1)
Facebook and Hebrew Roots–My Love-Hate Relationship with Facebook (B LOG/Part 1)
STAR-83–Operating Effectively as a Disciple of Yeshua (PODCAST)
Is Cooking on the Sabbath Prohibited by God and Torah-Pastors in a Credibility Crisis–STAR-82
STAR-81-Identity Crisis in Hebrew Roots (PODCAST/BLOG)
STAR-80-Hebrew Roots Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth (PODCAST/BLOG)
STAR-75-Falling in Love with Christmas All Over Again Part 2 (PODCAST)
STAR-74-Falling in Love with Christmas All Over Again Part 1 (PODCAST)
STAR-69-Are We Seekers of God or Torah Observers? (PODCAST)
Working Through My Torah Obsession (BLOG)
The Paul and Hebrew Roots Series–Exploring Some of Paul’s Hard to Understanding Writings and Teachings
The Gospel According to the Apostle Paul–Part 30 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Keeping Passover and Sin Consciousness–Part 3 of the Paul on Being Under the Law Series and Part 28 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Torah Meets Grace–Part 2 of the Paul on Being Under the Law Series and Part 27 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Paul and the LGBTQ Community-A Messianic Perspective-Part 25 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Jews Before Gentiles?–Part 23 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
To Whom Do You Pray?–Part 22 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Putting on God’s Image–The Belt of Truth–Part 19 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Obedience Versus Faith–Part 18 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Book of Romans and the Gospel of God–Part 17 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Book of Romans-To Whom Was It Written? Part 16 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Let the Woman Learn in Silence–The Problem with First Timothy–Part 10 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Let Your Women Keep Silence in the Church (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Un-Silenced Women of Paul’s Ministry-Part 8 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
Paul on Aggadah–Part 5 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Apostle Paul and Hebrew Roots–Part 4–Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Apostle Paul and Hebrew Roots–Part 2–The Man Beneath the Apostleship (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Apostle Paul-Part 1–The Man Beneath the Apostleship (PODCAST/BLOG)
Politics/Social Issues Affecting the Hebrew Roots Community
The Fox in the Hen House–The LGBTQ Infiltration of Judeo-Christianity (BLOG)
When Evil is Considered Good-The Evil-Demented America of Today (BLOG)
Should Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua Messiah Celebrate Thanksgiving–STAR-101 (PODCAST/BLOG)
The 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation–STAR-98 (PODCAST/BLOG)
News and End Times Prophecy from a Hebrew Roots Perspective
Israel’s Inextricable Link with our Salvation Part 1 (PODCAST/BLOG)
TMTO Ministry Update and My Thoughts and Reflections on Hamas’ Invasion of Israel (PODCAST/BLOG)
A Sit-Down Conversation with Dr. Miles R. Jones on the Survival of the Hebrew Gospels (PODCAST)
What Are You Going To Do When They Come For You? (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Meaning Behind the Recent Dedication of an Altar in Jerusalem (BLOG)
As it Was in the Days of Noah (BLOG)
Do We Go to Heaven or Remain on the Earth When the Rapture Hits?–STAR-102 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Controlling Our Emotions for the Work of the Gospel–STAR-90 (PODCAST)
Sabbath/Feast Days
Should Messianics Keep Purim? A Question of Imitating Messiah (PODCAST/BLOG)
Hanukkah-Truth and Spirituality Versus Traditions of the Rabbis (PODCAST//BLOG)
True Biblical Repentance is to Teshuva (Podcast/Blog)
The False Hope of Imitation Christianity by Pastor Ray Hall (PODCAST)
Feast of Tabernacles and the Kingdom of God in You (PODCAST/BLOG)
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)–A Messianic Torah Observer Perspective (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Shavuot-Pentecost Connection (PODCAST/BLOG)
Shavuot 2020-When is It-How Did We Arrive at the Date-Do We Still Keep It (PODCAST)
The Feast of Unleavened Bread: A Ridiculously Long Week (PODCAST)
Our First Passover–An Overview of the First Passover Exodus Chapters 1 Through 12 (PODCAST)
Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah (PODCAST)
5-Facts Every Believer Must Know About Shavuot (PODCAST/BLOG)
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (PODCAST/BLOG)
Keeping God’s (Yehovah’s Feasts (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Fall Feasts of Yah–Trumpets–Yom Teruah (BLOG/PODCAST)
Feast Pilgrimages to Israel–Messianic Lessons Learned from Shemitah (BLOG/PODCAST)
Selecting Our Passover Lamb (BLOG)
How to Observe and Guard the Month of the Aviv–STAR-110 (PODCAST/BLOG) W
Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua–STAR-103 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Feast of Tabernacles 2017 Thoughts and Reflections–STAR-97
How to Correctly Keep Yom Kippur. (PODCAST/BLOG)
STAR-85-Post Passover–Feast of Unleavened Bread Thoughts & Reflections (PODCAST)
Eating Unleavened Bread for 7-Days–Literally? (BLOG)
STAR-84–One of the Greatest Passover Mystery of the Ages Revealed (PODCAST)
Spiritual Warfare
The Gates of Hell (PODCAST/BLOG)
No Pagan Links to Catholicism and Christianity (BLOG)
STAR-78-Spiritual Transfer of Power (PODCAST)
Torah Living
The Niddah Laws–Still in Effect Today? (PODCAST/BLOG)
Endure Sound Doctrine (I Will Not) (PODCAST/BLOG)
Parashat Mishpatim Judgment-Property and Love of Neighbor (BLOG)
Parashat Mishpatim or Judgment-Debt and Slavery (BLOG)
Tithes and Offerings (PODCAST/BLOG)
Torah Portion Re’eh–See-I Set Before You a Blessing and a Curse (BLOG/PODCAST)
Torah Portion ‘Ekev–On the Heel of-Because (BLOG/PODCAST)
Torah-Keeping When it is Practiced in Sin (BLOG/PODCAST)
Sacred Oaths and Vows–Wages of Sin–The Spoils of War (BLOG)
Torah Portions and the Body of Christ/Messiah–STAR-109 (PODCAST/BLOG)
Witnessing to Non-Believers–Is Keeping Torah Possible–Tithing and Taxes–STAR-91 (PODCAST/BLOG)
The Bible: The Answer to Every Question? –STAR-92 (PODCAST/BLOG)