I’m Rod Thomas–servant and disciple of Yeshua Messiah–Messianic Content Creator–Hebraic Roots Teacher–Retired Coroner Investigator and Naval Officer.


I came into this Faith (some call this Faith Hebraic Roots while others refer to it as the Messianic Faith) almost 18 years ago. And within those 18 years, I’ve devoted myself to learning as much as I possibly could about the Faith once delivered to the first-century saints. It’s a work in progress through the leading and guidance of Yehovah’s precious Ruach HaKodesh (that is, Father’s Holy Spirit). A great deal of my learning involved the teachings of a great many leaders of the Messianic–Hebraic Roots Faith over the last two decades. But the bulk of my understanding of this Faith was arrived at through extensive studies on my own as it relates to this Faith and what walking out of this Faith looks like from a biblical perspective. Consequently, I have earnestly sought to pass on to any with “a heart to understand, ears to hear and eyes to see” those things that Father has revealed to me through His eternal Word (Deuteronomy 29:4).


In 2012, Hilary (my lovely, Spirit-Filled wife of 36 years) and I launched QFC (Qumran Family Church) from our Southern California home. From the beginning, we intended QFC to be primarily an intent-based ministry. Two web-based ministries were born out of QFC: “It’s Not As You Perceive” and “The Messianic Torah Observer.” Both projects and ministries aim to promote Yeshua-focused Torah Living: “It’s Not As You Perceive” from the perspective of in-depth studies on the tenets of the Messianic-Hebrew Roots Faith; “The Messianic Torah Observer” from the perspective of what is needed to actually walk out this Faith and make it into the Kingdom of Yehovah.


The heart and soul of The Messianic Torah Observer is “The Messianic Torah Observer” podcast program and blog. Here we do just that: we explore what walking out the Hebraic Roots-Messianic Faith looks like and what it takes to make it into Yehovah’s Kingdom from a biblical perspective. You are most welcome to explore the many hours of content we’ve created on this site, dedicated to topics related to Yeshua-focused Torah Living, with the hope, trust, and prayer that you may be encouraged to embark on the greatest journey that any man-woman-child could ever take on.


What is it about Yeshua-focused Torah Living that we believe? Well, we avoid any and all denominational and organizational influences and assertiveness in order to bring you the unadulterated Word of the Most High. We encourage all to conduct their own studies in conjunction with the content we present in the podcasts and blog posts while allowing the Word and the Ruach HaKodesh (aka Holy Spirit) to lead and guide them into all understanding (John 14:17). We further encourage the use of proper study techniques that include examining Scriptural passages in their proper historical-cultural-linguistic and geographical context in order to arrive at as accurate an interpretation of Scripture as possible.


I’ll tell you right now: Although we encourage the use and understanding of Hebrew names, places, and things, we are not Messianic Jews. It’s not that we have anything against the Messianic Jewish Community. We highly respect that community, and we consider the members of that community to be our brothers and sisters in the True Faith. On the contrary, we do not practice nor encourage Rabbinic traditions and teachings in walking out in this Faith of ours. We are strictly Bible oriented in our teachings, and we discourage giving way to any man-made doctrines of any type. For at the end of the day, this is all about Yehovah, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.


What do we call ourselves? Well, first and foremost, I call myself a “child/son of God” or “child/son of Yehovah.” From a practical standpoint, I identify and often refer to myself as a “disciple of Yeshua Messiah.” At times, you may hear me identify myself as a Netzar (i.e., Nazarene Israelite) or Messianic (believer).


We believe in keeping the Torah commandments (i.e., the Creator’s instructions in righteousness) that we can keep based upon the example and teachings of our Master Yahoshua HaMashiyach (aka, Yeshua Messiah). And we walk out Yah’s Torah in “Spirit and in Truth” (John 4:23-24), which for us is another way of saying we practice Yeshua-Focused Torah Living. And this is what this ministry is primarily about: What Yeshua-Focused Torah Living means and looks like to a true disciple of Yeshua in these last and evil days.


I trust that this brief introduction into who and what we are here on the Messianic Torah Observer somehow kindles at least a small flame of interest in you; enough to lead you to explore this site further and taste and see if maybe you are being called to “Yeshua-focused Torah Living.”


Shalom and Blessings to You


Rod Thomas–The Messianic Torah Observer