by Rod Thomas | Jun 27, 2014 | Blog
Just when the 21st century western world has relegated demons and the topic of demon possession to the primary domain of fictional books and blockbuster movies, comes a story from the “Daily Mail” that reminds the spiritual minded of us that demons and demon possession indeed exist even today. Sophie Jane Evans, a writer for the Daily Mail, in her article entitled “Three American friends hospitalised after becoming ‘possessed’ following Ouija board game in Mexican village,” reports on the acute demon possession of 3-young adults in a Mexican village while playing a Ouija board game. According to Evans, 3-American friends, ranging in age from 18 to 22, were hospitalized with classic possession symptoms after the trio played a game on a Ouija board. The town? San Juan Tlacotenco, located in southwest Mexico.
Minutes after these young people began playing the game, the only female participant, began “growling and thrashing around in a trance-like state” while the two males suddenly became blind, deaf and began hallucinating. A local Catholic priest was called to perform exorcism on the three by one of the victims’ parents, but the Church refused to provide the service citing that the young people were not members of the church congregation. Conversely, those same parents called for paramedic assistance. The trio were transported to a local hospital. The three young peoples’ possession symptoms were treated with pain and anti-anxiety drugs and eye drops. The possession symptoms seemed to succumb to the hospital’s treatment regimen. A medical professional who witnessed the behavior of the three said of the victims, “They had involuntary movements…they were so erratic. It appeared as if they were in a trance-like state…They spoke of feeling numbness, double vision, blindness, deafness, hallucinations, muscle spasm and difficulty swallowing.”
Indeed, the spirit-realm or spirit-world is real, whether or not we choose to believe this story. Our 21st century, western world, effectively masks this reality from her citizens. Yet, tens of thousands and maybe even hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world experience such connections with the spirit world on a frequent basis. In many parts of the world, the spirit world is as common a reality as waking up and going to sleep each morning, breathing, eating, or talking to one’s spouse or children. Those of us who experience such connections with the spirit-realm are considered crazy, demented, psychotic and the like. One can only imagine how many people behind bars in this country alone (i.e., the United States) are beset and influenced by the spirit-world. The greatest attention and seemingly the most prolific manifestation of the spirit-world has to do with the evil or demon side. It is this dark side of the equation that seems to demand, deprive and take away from its victims their freedom to live peaceful and productive lives. In extreme cases, this dark side brings its victims to a state of harm to others and to themselves.
The Bible contains several stories related to demon possession and in each case, the manifestation is frightening and intimidating to say the least. Man overall appears impotent in the midst of such possession events. Man is carnal and incapable of even the smallest influence on demons. Spiritual beings, which we all know include demons, angels, the Creator and now the Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, operate on an entirely different plain of existence. Brute mortal strength has no effect on demons. Human reasoning can not break through to possessing demons. Demons are opportunistic creatures who seek out opportunities to intervene in the affairs of men—invited and uninvited. As a species, people in general are so oblivious to the dangers of the demon realm, that they will embark upon activities and behaviors that open the door to demon activity. Such things include: drugs, alcohol, Ouija board games, seances, promiscuous relationships, vodoo, satan worship and the like. Once demons find a foot hold in an individual’s life, it is next to impossible to get rid of them. The only sure cure for demon possession is the name and power of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Yeshua HaMashiach (aka: Jesus Christ). Luke 10:17-24 addresses the disciples (the seventy) reporting back to Yeshua, just before the Feast of Dedication in December of the year 27 CE. Luke records, “The seventy returned again with joy saying, “Master, even the demons are subject to us through your name.” Yeshua said to them, “I saw hasatan come down out of the heavens like lightning. I gave to you the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and authority over all the power of the enemy.” As redeemed, believers in Messiah, we should be equipped to effectively deal with demons. When we became disciples of Messiah, we received that whole package. Yet the vast majority of us want nothing to do with the spirit-realm and thus would not be in any position to attend to a demon possession if we were to come across one. Regardless what side of the Faith we find ourselves in, we by virtue of our sacred heritage and calling, are required to not only operate in the spirit-realm, but to also deal with evil spirits when they enter our sphere of influence. We must absolutely begin with our relationship with the Father who stated through the Son, 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4:23-24 KJV)
Once we’ve gained a foothold in to the spirit-realm, dealing with demons on their turf should not be a problem and demon fighting should become the duty of every believer and disciple of Messiah. May we all be so ready and fit for the battle ahead. Be Most Blessed.
by Rod Thomas | May 30, 2014 | Blog
Greetings Fellow Saints! Today is the 30th day of the 2nd Biblical Month and the 41st Day of the Counting of the Omer. May this great day of preparation be of most blessing to you and your family.
My Torah studies today took me to a most profound place in the Children of Israel’s history–Numbers 24: 14-25: 9. Encamped just outside the region of Moab, the king of Moab (Balak) had just concluded his failed attempt to have a prophet of Yehovah (Bil’am) curse Israel on Moab’s behalf. Being totally protected by the strong arm of Yehovah, Balak failed in having his future destroyer cursed and put away.
The insult to injury, however, was seen as: while Yehovah pledged His unwavering protection of Israel, the men of Israel began to whore after the women of Moab which ultimately led to the people of Israel assuming the worship of Moab’s principle god, Ba’al. This of course angered Father to no end and this terrible betrayal on behalf of the Israelites against their protector resulted in the death of some 24,000 people; many of them were executed by direction of Moses.
Yehovah has pledged His undying protection of us, His beloved. This of course doesn’t mean that we will never meet doom or harm, as the will of Yehovah and His providence will have its just way. What Yehovah’s protection does afford us, however, is eternal guarantees that we will not see death eternally, but some day arise to life everlasting and a renewed body and a new assignment in the kingdom of Yehovah. This all can come to a screeching halt, of course, when we forsake the protection and disobey Father’s Torah. Father has shown over and over throughout His Torah how much He despises idolatry and how jealous He is. Yet many of us struggle with the urge to violate and compromise His Torah and whore after Ba’al in our land of Moab. Each time we do such things, we offend and anger Yehovah as well as hurt Him.
It’s tough to be the Israel that Yehovah desires of us to be. We can’t always do it alone. But fortunately, we are in a better place than our forefathers, the Israelites at Ba’al-P’or. We have Yehovah’s Holy Spirit to provide us that extra oomph we may need to resist the urge to embrace other gods and violate Father’s Torah. We have been provided the tools to fight competently against this problem. But like everything else in life, it all comes down to how effectively we utilize those spiritual tools that have been provided to us by the Almighty. Prayer, fasting, meditation, Torah, fellowship, reading resources-all of these are lethal weapons against the enemy and remedies against evil. I struggle daily with my natural inclination to complain, worry, engage in idle talk at work, all of which leads to less than kingdom behavior. These and other shortcomings are my Ba’als as I try to live a righteous life in P’or and Moab. I know, however, that my strength comes from Father and His Spirit and I’m ever so conscious to be on guard and to be always questioning within myself: is Yehovah happy with my behavior today? Is my walk today with Messiah a pleasant and good one?
How about you?
by Rod Thomas | May 29, 2014 | Blog
Greetings Fellow Saints in Training! Today was the 28th Day of the 2nd Biblical Month and the 39th day of the counting of the Omer. We trust that you have a blessed day in Messiah.
My Torah studies today took me to Numbers 23: 13-26. Those of you who are Torah buffs may be familiar with this passage of Scripture. This is a continuation of the Balak and Bil’am story whereby Balak, the king of Mo’av feared for the life of his country/nation as the nation of Israel was encamped nearby, too close for his comfort. Thus he attempts to hire a prophet to curse Israel-i.e., Bil’am, and neutralize the perceived threat. Balak takes Bil’am to high country after erecting 7-alters and making a significant sacrifice to Yehovah, to see the immense size of Israel. Bil’am then receives direction from Yehovah regarding what he should tell Balak and the message Bil’am has is not favorable to Balak’s desires to eliminate the perceived threat of Israel. Apart from telling Balak that Israel is protected by the Creator of the Universe, Yehovah also reveals some things about Himself that most believers tend to forget from time to time:
vs. 29-Yehovah is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind. When Yah says something, He will do it; and when He makes a promise, He will fulfill it…(vs. 21) for Yehovah their Elohim (speaking of Israel) is with them and acclaimied as King among them…(vs. 23) thus one can’t put a spell on Ya’akov, no magic will work against Israel.
Imagine Balak’s disappointment upon receiving this news from Bil’am. Yet, I fear that our beloved Faith has over the last 2,000-years forgotten these iron-clad traits/characteristics of Yehovah, attributing to Father a change in Father’s plan for man. So much of what Christianity has adopted as doctrine, beliefs, and teachings is based upon the concept of progressive revelation that says that over time, the spirit of God has revealed greater and greater truths about the Father as well as we better understand our Creator and the person of Jesus Christ more than we ever could have. How presumptive we’ve become as a people, as supposed adherents to the Faith once delivered. The truth of the matter is that no one knew the Savior and the Father better than Yeshua’s handpicked apostles who delivered the true faith to the first century saints of old. The whole grace perversion is a prime example of how men have crept in to the Faith once delivered and over time convinced many that the Father really didn’t mean what He said previously or that the Father actually intends this and that for man and there was no way the apostles could have known the things we know today about the faith.
Hogwash! It is absolutely time that we stop playing church and return to the original ekklesia that was founded by Yeshua HaMaschiyach, become staunch and uncompromising disciples of Messiah, and adhere to the ways and the laws of Yehovah. Father has said without ambiguity, that He is the same today as He was yesterday and He does not change. There is no foundation beyond this truth upon which one can nor should they even try, to build their faith. Any move towards adding to or subtracting from the Word that Father has given is only leading one to religion and religion has no place in our Faith. No place.
Shalom. Be most blessed.
by Rod Thomas | May 28, 2014 | Blog
Greetings Fellow Saints in Training. Today was the 27th Day of the 2nd Biblical month and the 38th day of the counting of the omer. I trust you had a lovely day in Messiah.
This morning prior to going to work and as part of my daily Torah studies, I happened upon Rood’s Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar that highlighted the Miracle at the well as having occurred this past Sunday-in accordance to The Chronological Gospels: The Life and Seventy Week Ministry of the Messiah. Somehow I had missed that over the last two days. Given that my anticipated Torah reading passage was rather short, I squeezed in the reading of this story which is found in John 4: 5-43. You all know the story I certain so I won’t go into the particulars here. Suffice to say, however, that what I found quite astounding and what I seemed to have missed all these years was the beautiful prophetic shadow picture portrayed in this unique story. The Samaritan woman at the well, whose name was never mentioned, but who has gone down in Christian history as the woman who confronted the Master at Yaakov’s well in Samaria about the Jew’s views of her people.
The story goes into the woman being asked by the Master for a drink of water from the well. The amazed woman, obviously learned in the ways of the Jews and their disdain towards gentiles calls Yahoshua out on the carpet that He is violating a central tenet of the Jew’s religion. Yahoshua uses this situation as an evangelistic opportunity and in a rare and most amazing revelation, He announces to her that He is indeed the prophesied Messiah. In the interim the Savior uses the analogy of water to get His point across to the woman as well as He exercises His bordering on god-like knowledge of the woman’s personal situation. Eventually the woman realizes that indeed this is the prophet that Moshe foretold of whom we must Shema. She goes and fetches the town’s inhabitants who come to witness this most auspicious appearance of the one foretold would come to earth and set man free from the bonds of sin and death.
The passage goes on to read: “Many of the Samaritans of that village believed in him because of the testimony of the woman who declared, “He told me everything that I ever did!” When the Samaritans arrived at the well, they begged Him to stay with them, so He abode there two days. Many more believed because of Yeshua’s own words, and they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said but because we have heard Him ourselves. WE know truly that this is the Messiah, the redeemer of the world. Now after two days, Yeshua departed from Sh’khem and went into the Galilee. (John 4: 39-43)
Most of us who profess to be Messianic, Torah Observant Believers, are Gentiles. We have been tremendously blessed to have been included and grafted in to the promise given to the Children of Israel. We’ve had 2,000-years (the equivalent of the two-days Yeshua spent with the Samaritans) to get our acts together and come in to the fold. We are now in the year 6014. The end of the two-days is rapidly approaching. Yeshua said, “…the hour has now come when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such worship.” (vs. 23) I ask each of us today, have we treasured the two-days Messiah spent with us and are we truly worshipping Father as He has so much sought from us? May we not squander these two-days that Messiah abides with us. May you be most blessed. Shalom.
by Rod Thomas | May 21, 2014 | Blog
Today is the 21st Day of the 2nd biblical month and the 32nd day of the counting of the omer. I trust this brief post finds you and yours well and blessed. Shalom.
My #Torah study today provided a prophetic shadow picture of the Master and His sacrifice at Calvary. In #Numbers21, the people once again complained to #Moshe about their arduous situation in the desert. Father permitted fiery serpents to plague the children of promise, causing many to die. The people petitioned Moshe to intercede on their behalf before Father for relief. Father instructed that Moshe construct a brass serpent to be hanged upon a pole in the midst of the camp so that anyone who was bitten by a serpent would be saved! Indeed, this act would translate into a similar act of compassion and salvation some 1400-years later. Yeshua was hung from a pole-the perfect man, the second Adam, #Y’hovah’s chosen one, #HaMashiach–in the midst of our lives. This act for the last 2000-years has provided life to a dying world as each and every soul is compelled to look up at the One who will crush the head of the serpent and live–oh not just live today (although He does provide us abundant life each and every day) but for all eternity. This is truly amazing and wonderful. Most of you probably are aware of this story and the shadow picture is painted, as I was. However, for me, it is a wondrous and reaffirming thing to read this passage of Numbers yet again and be reminded of the sacrifice the Master made for me on the cross. I hope that you too are encouraged and reminded. May you have a blessed day and walk in the power and might of #RuachHaKodesh.