Because you are Obedient Part 3–Forgetting Yehovah

Picking up in Chapter 8, verse 11, we find that we are commanded not to forget Yehovah our Elohim.  The passage reads:
 11″Beware lest you aforget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today; (Deu 8:11 NAS)
The word “forget” actually translates in the Hebrew as “shakach.” The English term “forget,” is suggestive of a lapse in memory about Yehovah in some way. The term “shakach” to me takes us in a slightly different direction that the English term forget would naturally lead a casual Western reader of the Bible. This is one of the many great advantages of having a Hebraic Roots mindset and why we in the HRM value the Word of God so much more than others in various denominations of churchianity.
We find that “shakach” as used in this passage of Torah denotes, not a lapse in memory about Yehovah (as one my reasonably garner from a casual read of the passage through Western glasses so to speak), but to ignore Yehovah’s commandments; to follow other gods (Deut 8:19); to stand in fear of harm and danger such as one having a failure Faith that Yehovah will deliver; to live fretfully and timidly (Isa 51:13); to challenge Yehovah (Psa 106:13).
At this point in Torah, we find Yisra’el preparing to cross the Yarden (aka Jordon) to begin the process of possessing the land that Yehovah had promised His people. The land was rich in natural resources and would be a veritable paradise for the weary Children of Promise who spent a generation wandering in the Sinai wilderness. The nations that would be overcome by the power and might of Yehovah through the onslaught of the Israeli people would leave behind remnants of their culture which could potentially lead the Children of Promise astray. This is why in the previous passage (7:21-26) Yehovah commanded that Yisra’el utterly destroy the nations as He would direct. Canaan was filled to the brim with idol worship and the remnants of such evil could be picked up by the Israeli’s, destroying all that had been accomplished in the Israeli during their years of wandering and preparation. This is why Yehovah pounded into the peoples’ minds over and over that they stay focused on His Torah.
The take away for me in this passage is that it is imperative that I not “forget” Yehovah in my day-to-day interactions with the world. There are so many things throughout the day that could potentially lead me astray and cause me to “shakach” Yehovah: pointless conversations with individuals that could cause me to speak evil about someone; allow situations to upset me and lead me to react or act contrary to my chosen status; lust of the eyes, envying, anger, hatred, etc. These things, although seemingly nebulous in the whole scheme of day-to-day life, would certainly lead one (lead me) to “shakach” Yehovah. That’s why each day I seek to study Yehovah’s Word and fill my mind with His Torah; follow the example of Yeshua who lived Torah perfectly; wear tzit tzits as a visible and tactile reminder of Yehovah; and heavily rely upon the leading of the Ruach Kodesh throughout my daily journey. It’s so easy to “shakach” Yehovah and despite what our carnal mind and nature might say otherwise, we often “shakach” Yehovah. Thus I keep a mental journal about my day-to-day activities and thus identify those incidents where I “forgot” Yehovah. Upon identifying them, I repent and seek Yehovah’s forgiveness. This practice helps keep me centered on Yehovah’s Torah as I grow in grace and live in truth. 
Have a non-forgetful day dear Saints. Be blessed in Yeshua Messiah.

Because you are Obedient to Torah Part 2

Picking up from the previous section of Deuteronomy 7:12-8:10:

7:12–there is a 3-part requirement related to Torah observance: (1) listen (i.e., to shama or to hear); (2) keep (i.e., to watch and preserve); and (3) obey (i.e., to do them). What we have here is a causal clause–because a, b, c…then d, e, f… Thus, as it is implied here, because the Children of Promise listen, keep and obey Torah, then the covenant that was made with Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya’akov will carry on with them.

I’ve been struggling, as many of you know, with the naysayers who rail against our Faith, labelling us as heretics, liars and everything other than Children of the Most High. Their issue is deeper than just a disregard for Torah; their anger and disdain for those of us who embrace Torah as our own is really against Yehovah. To me, taking such a vociferous position against believers in Messiah who’ve elected to keep Torah is  not unlike the Islamist who takes and interprets portions of his/her Koran, insisting that one is commanded to murder all who refuse to adopt Islam as their Faith, when in reality no such command is contained in the Koran. The fundamentalist, like the radical Islamist, reads and understands their Scriptures from an entirely extra-contextual perspective (that is, understanding their Bibles without proper context). Both groups have come to accept a form of their respective Faiths that best fits in with their chosen perspectives on the world around them. For the Christian, the onus can never be on one’s world view as the foundation for determining whether or not Torah remains a viable or required thing for every believer. It’s actually the other way around. The believer must develop a world view through the lenses of Torah, imitating Yeshua HaMaschiyach’s example of how to live Torah.
Recall that old saying if you will, that “the proof is in the pudding.” If Torah is (as the fundamentalists contend it is) a curse, why would a loving God foist upon His chosen people such a thing? Why would Shaul suggest such a thing–if in fact he actually wrote it or meant it as many in churchianity have come to accept and teach. Fast forward to today: for those of us who have kept Torah for any length of time, have we personally realized the blessings promised to the Children of Israel as sort of a proof positive that Torah is for us as it was and remains for the nation of Israel and the Jew? I for one have realized such blessings, although not in as powerful a manifestation as I would have liked to be honest. I still struggle, not so much in the living Torah each day, for I love Torah beyond my capacity to describe, but more so it is the faith aspect of living Torah that I’m working hard to correct. The one aspect of living Torah that I believe many of us struggle with is that faith aspect that is inconspicuously tied to obedience to Torah. The Children of Promise did not require a lot of proof that Yehovah would and could do  all the things that He promised them in His Torah. Many of the individuals who were listening to Moshe in this passage had first hand knowledge of the power and might of Yehovah as He protected and guided them throughout their 40-year jaunt through the Sinai desert. For us living in the 21st-century (or in the year 6015 F.C. per the Creator’s Calendar), to read these same promises requires us to have true faith. This passage requires us to make a conscious decision whether or not to obey Torah–all the applicable portions–and if we chose to obey Torah, believe that by us remaining resolute and obedient (even in the midst of persecution and ridicule from the fundamentalists) we will realize the same blessings that were afforded and enjoyed and realized by the Children of promise over 3,200-years prior (by some estimations).
I guess it comes down to each of us asking the question of ourselves: why do I; why should I; why must I observe and obey Torah? Today dear brother and sister of the True Faith once delivered, ask yourself, as I ask myself, why obey Torah. And if we come up with a true answer, determine whether or not we believe in the blessings to follow us as we obey Torah.

Because you are Obedient to Torah-Part 1

Because you are Obedient to Torah (Part 1)

Greetings Saints,
My Daily Torah studies took me to D’varim 7 (Deut 7). Beginning at verse 12, we find Moshe speaking to the nation of Israel from a reassuring perspective. He’d already established the need for them to keep Torah. Because Israel had been obedient to Torah, now it was time to speak to the benefits to be had with the keeping of Torah.
Fundamentalists Hate Torah
One of the prevailing admonishments the “fundamentalists” throw at us is this rule that believers in Jesus Christ (aka Christians) must not adhere to Torah. In fact, any Christian who finds themselves observing Torah in any form or fashion is considered back-slidden or completely a non-Christian. The irony in this situation is that those who choose to live without rules or laws  (i.e., Christians) are insisting that we (Messianic Believers in Messiah) live by a rule or law that says no Torah. The Christian contends authority to enforce this edict through a denominational understanding of the writings of the Apostle Paul. Sadly, the same Christian who stands by a biased interpretation of the Apostle Shaul on the subject of Torah-Keeping ignores the very teachings of The Living Torah–Yeshua Messiah–who said that He absolutely had not been sent to abolish Torah but to elevate Torah to its greatest potential and that Torah would remain in effect to the end of time (Matt. 5:17-20). The Christian who rails against believers keeping Torah will by default ignore this teaching or outright distort it as he/she has done with the teachings of Shaul.

We, the redeemed of the Most High choose to live Torah for a number of reasons: (1) we realize that we have been grafted in to the heritage of Israel (Romans 11); (2) Yehovah does not change (Mal. 3:6) and since the Creator does not change and has not signaled a termination of Torah in His Word, we have no license to toss it to the side or worse, no license to teach others to disobey or violate Torah; (3) we cannot effectively know sin without Torah; (4) we cannot effectively worship and have a true relationship without Torah, otherwise we presume that we are pleasing Yehovah when we have no true indication that we are. Yehovah has provided a prescription for how He is to be honored and worshiped and obeyed. There are many other reasons. But one other reason the believer in Yeshua Messiah keeps Torah is contained in this passage of Torah which reads:
13 He will love you, bless you and increase your numbers; he will also bless the fruit of your body and the fruit of your ground – your grain, wine, olive oil and the young of your cattle and sheep – in the land he swore to your ancestors that he would give you.
 14 You will be blessed more than all other peoples; there will not be a sterile male or female among you, and the same with your livestock.
 15 ADONAI will remove all illness from you – he will not afflict you with any of Egypt’s dreadful diseases, which you have known; instead, he will lay them on those who hate you. (Deu 7:13-15 CJB)
Many a fundamentalist will say that this promise was specific to the nation of Israel as they wandered the Sinai, preparing to enter the promised land. Indeed, there is absolute credence to such a contention. The true believer in Yeshua Messiah, however, believes that being grafted in affords him/her the same benefits as the children of promise in the day. Shaul expounded upon this best in Romans 11– 17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you – a wild olive – were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, (Rom 11:17 CJB) Thus the believer in Yeshua Messiah has become an equal sharer in the rich root of the olive tree and that richness naturally comes from the fertile ground that is Torah–the Word.
Let no one judge you in your walk with Yeshua Messiah nor feel shame, for by keeping Torah we have taken up the mantle that was to be Israel’s greatest purpose and potential–
5 Now if you will pay careful attention to what I say and keep my covenant, then you will be my own treasure from among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine;
 6 and you will be a kingdom of cohanim for me, a nation set apart.’  (Exo 19:5-6 CJB)
It’s Not About Being Saved 
Sadly, the fundamentalist has completely ignored this fundamental purpose of the Creator’s overall plan for mankind. Why? Because the focus has become that of an idealized Greek-philosophic form of the Faith that was once delivered, and that refocus and intent of the true Faith once delivered now promises eternal life in heaven. That focus is entirely self-serving. We’ve all heard the classic evangelical question posed to potentially new converts: if you were to die tonight, where will you spend eternity. Interestingly, this question was never asked by Yeshua during His earthly ministry. Yet it has become the essential “call to action” for anyone seeking redemption.
The focus of the Messianic on the other hand is indeed future-centric, but also focused on serving the Father and humanity–especially the brotherhood and sisterhood. A convert must always be cognizant as to how he or  she will serve the Creator in the here and now, as well as what one’s role will be in the coming Kingdom of Yehovah here on earth. It is not about being “saved” and gaining eternal life. Eternal life is a benefit to becoming His sons and daughters. It’s all about serving the King fellow Saints in Training. Shalom.

Standing Up To The Christian Bullies Part 1

Standing Up to the Christian Bullies Part 1
Commentary on “Hebrew Roots Heresy” Facebook Page
One of the posts on this site rails upon Hebraic Roots advocating Christian believers being Torah Observant. This post went out of its way to insist that the New Testament commands that Christians NOT observe Torah, which they site Col. 2:16-17:

16 ¶ So don’t let anyone pass judgment on you in connection with eating and drinking, or in regard to a Jewish festival or RoshHodesh or Shabbat. 17 These are a shadow of things that are coming, but the body is of the Messiah. (Col 2:16-17 CJB)

I have a hard time seeing how anyone can derive an abolition of Torah observance by believers in Yeshua Messiah from these two verses. I guess if you are coming at this from a western perspective or mindset and with a twist of pre-existing bias against Torah observance, then Shaul’s admonishment could be taken as an denouncement against Torah Observance.
Bullies Part 1
But let’s do some simple investigation into exactly what was going on in Colossae at the time of Shaul’s writing and what Shaul’s message to the Colossians was. Colosse (aka Colossae in certain MS) was a city in Phrygia. The Colossian assembly was overwhelmingly Gentile in composition–NAS  Colossians 2:13 And when you were adead 1in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He bmade you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, (Col 2:13 NAS). All indications are that Shaul did not establish the Colossian assembly as he had established the assemblies of Corinth and Thessalonica, but it was most likely Epaphras–as mentioned by Shaul–NAS  Colossians 1:7 just as you learned it from aEpaphras, our bbeloved fellow bond-servant, who is a faithful servant of Christ on 1our behalf, (Col 1:7 NAS). Early in the Colossian epistle we can clearly see that Shaul was counteracting some form of Jewish false teaching. Consequently, fundamentalists stop here and simply assume that the Jewish false teaching is Torah or the Law. Case closed. But is this indeed the case?
The passage in question–as put forth by our friends on Facebook–speaks to festivals (Jewish was added by the author of the CJB), Rosh Hodesh or Shabbat. Now we know that Judaizers were far far from being strict Torah followers. Their focus was on the oral tradition and many sects delved into Jewish mysticism that seems to have made it way into Messianic Judaism even today. Thus, inquiry reveals that Judaizers held to teachings on the new moon (rosh hodesh), sabbath days (not necessarily the weekly Sabbath) and specific practices to be adhered to during the Feasts of Yehovah. As just mentioned, these same Judaizers were adding into the mix what Jameson-Fascet-Brown describe as “…oriental theosophy and angel worship and ascetism.” This crazy mix was being foisted upon the unsuspecting Colossian gentiles as required initiation rites to the true Faith being delivered. Theosophy and theosophists believed that they had “insight into the world of spirits and understood and taught pathways to heavenly purity and intelligence.” (JFB)  Some scholars contend that these same Judaizers were teaching the Colossian gentiles Greek philosophy from the Philo School of philosophy and were combining their beliefs and practices with Rabbinical theosophy and angelogy which are simply precursors to Kabbalah.
But wait, there’s more. Remember that Colossae was a city of Phrygia where worship of Cybele was a mainstay of everyday life. Cybele worship was considered one of the Mystery Religions of the Near East. According to Wikipedia– Cybele is Phrygia‘s only known goddess, and was probably its state deity. Her Phrygian cult was adopted and adapted by Greek colonists of Asia Minor and spread from there to mainland Greece and its more distantwestern colonies from around the 6th century BCE. In Greece, Cybele met with a mixed reception. She was partially assimilated to aspects of the Earth-goddess Gaia, herMinoan equivalent Rhea, and the Harvest-Mother goddess Demeter. Some city-states, notably Athens, evoked her as a protector, but her most celebrated Greek rites and processions show her as an essentially foreign, exotic mystery-goddess who arrives in a lion-drawn chariot to the accompaniment of wild music, wine, and a disorderly, ecstatic following. Uniquely in Greek religion, she had a transgender or eunuch mendicant priesthood. Many of her Greek cults included rites to a divine Phrygian castrate shepherd-consort Attis, who was probably a Greek invention. In Greece, Cybele is associated with mountains, town and city walls, fertile nature, and wild animals, especially lions.

So very early on, we can see quite clearly the mess that Shaul was having to clean up in Colossae. We can also conclude this early on that the problems Shaul was addressing was not the Colossian assembly practice Torah and that Torah was an anathema to the true Faith being delivered. 

The problem facing Hebraic Roots as well as churchianity is this concept of seeing the writings of Shaul through the lenses of Shaul and the assemblies he is addressing in his various writings. Churchianity only sees a series of colorful sound bites which are then used individually (in most situations) as the basis for doctrine and foundational belief systems and structures. As we can clearly see in this passage of Colossians, verse 16 cannot be taken alone or as a single sound bite. Why? Because Shaul begins verse 16 with the word “so.” So implies that this is a “carry-on” of sorts from a previous set of verses. When you and I are talking with one another, we typically use the term “so” to carry-on the conversation from something that was explained or discussed earlier. Starting any conversation with “so” and then moving on to substantive content would only serve to cause the listener a lot of confusion. I know when I’m at work and someone comes to my office to talk to me about something and they start off the conversation with “so,” it usually means that they are expecting me to be able to make a connection with the content they are about to spill out to me. “So Rod, about the investigators’ schedule…” says to me that the speaker is going to talk to me about the schedule and I should know what it is they are going to be talking to me about prior to them getting too deep into their dissertation on the schedule. Otherwise, by the time they get half-way through their dissertation, I will be totally confused or lost and will have to get them to provide me some background on what they are talking to me about…and believe me, this happens more times than not…they begin telling me about something, starting out with “so,” but I know nothing about what they are talking about. This may prove somewhat embarrassing to the individual trying to talk to me about the issue at hand and they are then required to get me up to speed on what it is they are there to talk to me about.

In the above passage of Colossians, the “so” is a crossover or conjunction for verses 8-15 of that same chapter 2 which speaks to the Colossians avoiding the trap of philosophy (the precursor of Gnosticism that would soon hit the first century Church) and human traditions:

8 ¶ Watch out, so that no one will take you captive by means of philosophy and empty deceit, following human tradition which accords with the elemental spirits of the world but does not accord with the Messiah. 9 For in him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that God is. 10 And it is in union with him that you have been made full – he is the head of every rule and authority. 11 Also it was in union with him that you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by human hands, but accomplished by stripping away the old nature’s control over the body. In this circumcision done by the Messiah, 12 you were buried along with him by being immersed; and in union with him, you were also raised up along with him by God’s faithfulness that worked when he raised Yeshua from the dead. 13 You were dead because of your sins, that is, because of your “foreskin,” your old nature. But God made you alive along with the Messiah by forgiving you all your sins. 14 He wiped away the bill of charges against us. Because of the regulations, it stood as a testimony against us; but he removed it by nailing it to the execution-stake. 15 Stripping the rulers and authorities of their power, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by means of the stake. (Col 2:8-15 CJB)
From what we’ve gathered so far, Shaul was not likely speaking out against the discipline of philosophy per se, but more so, “The Philosophy” and that Philosophy was the likely precursor to Gnosticism. The Philosophy here that is mentioned is NOT Torah and if one is true to heart and soul, they must concede this point and not simply default to anti-Semitic–anti-Torah rhetoric. But we must be called to stick to the facts and not denominational hogbosh. 
The Traditions of men in this section seems to apply to Rabbinical traditions as well as the appendages of acetism/gnosticism that we spoke to earlier.
The Rudiments of the World” likely speaks to (adhering to the rules of context) legal ordinances that were taught to Jewish children throughout their childhood. These are Jewish practices that are in many cases contained in the Talmud.
Thus, the traditions of men, the rudiments of the world, and the Philosophy spoken of by Shaul seems to have been focused upon the carnal and worldliness of everyday life while setting aside the focus which should have been on Faith in Yeshua Messiah and being His worthy disciples.

The whole point to Hebraic Roots is that the true Believer in Messiah Yeshua must look at the content contained in our bibles from a Hebraic context. Notice that I did not say from a Jewish context. Simply put, if our Bibles were written in and through a Hebraic context, doesn’t it make perfect sense to read, understand and apply these messages contained therein in the same spirit and vein of being Hebraic based? It’s entirely asinine to think and do otherwise.

Case in point: White America could never understand the plight of Black America unless they themselves saw and understood life from a black perspective. And the same could be said in reverse.


In the case of these folks who are behind this Facebook page who go out of their way to villainize the Hebraic Roots Movement with enough venom and hatred to put the most di-heart racist to shame -they are so entrenched in seeing the Bible from a westernized, Pauline mind set and perspective that anything, any sect, and writing, any thoughts that suggests viewing and understanding the the Bible otherwise is heresy to their ears. I can’t discount either that the enemy has a huge stake in this fight as well; so he no doubt works overtime to further the cause of damaging the reputation of the Hebraic Roots Movement.

The funny thing is: the fundamentalists’ iron grip on understanding and interpreting the Bible from a western-Pauline perspective only leads them to a complete misunderstanding and misinterpretation of many of the passages of the Brit Hadashah (aka the New Testament), including the one I just mentioned. Unless you understand what was going on in Colossae and the Colossian Assembly–truly understand–as much as possible that is–you just might come to the grossly erroneous conclusions that traditionalists have come to with regard to this passage. The simple fact of the matter is that Judaizers (even precursors to Kaballah) had established a foot-hold in the Colossae Assembly and they set upon a mission to inject various mystical Jewish traditions into the Gospel message and into the everyday life of the Christian Colossian. Today, as in first-century Colossae, certain Jewish sects practice a form of Judaism that is built upon man-made practices. Although these practices are framed upon and around Torah, they are far from the intent and beauty that is Torah.

The one thing that I’ve come to appreciate and understand about Hebraic Roots/Messianics is our insatiable hunger and thirst for knowledge and understanding about the contents contained in our Bibles. Churchianity has taught her adherents to be lazy. Lazy in the sense of: don’t search; don’t dig; don’t worry about the true meaning of what you’re reading. That is criminal my friends. Criminal in this day and age because the truth and the information is out there for all to see and possess. But the believer must want to gain that knowledge and understanding. Churchianity has taught its adherents to rely upon its pastors, ministers, evangelists, teachers and the like to provide them all the answers they think they need. Thus, there is no need for the believer to search out the truth for themselves…it’s automatically fed to them from pulpits each and every Sunday. 

Picture this: when our bank statements or even our cell phone bills don’t match what we think the charges should be (i.e, we suspect erroneous charges), we will dig and hunt to the point of exhaustion to prove that those charges are invalid–in many cases, simply to save a couple dollars. But when it comes to our eternal life and our walk with Messiah Yeshua, we rather leave that to the experts (i.e., our church leaders). How many times have you tried to share some truth from Hebraic Roots with a family member, friend or acquaintance, only to be told by said family member, friend or acquaintance–I don’t know; let me ask my Pastor first? What?! Why can’t we simply tap the resources that are out there that are right at our finger tips (in many cases) and find out the truth for ourselves? Because we’ve been taught to be lazy and dependent upon those who have assumed authority over our spiritual lives. That laziness has the potential, however, to lead so many millions down a road to destruction.
But back to verses 16 and 17. With all that we’ve covered on this topic, what was Shaul saying to the Colossian assembly? Shaul was admonishing them not to get “caught up in the midst of a spiritual quagmire” and not allow folks to pass judgment upon them in connection to these “optional matters” (practices surrounding feasts and sabbaths and the like)–and I’ll add to the CJB commentary’s treatment on this passage in Colossians–and avoid these Kabbalisitic beliefs and traditions that would naturally supplant the truth of the Gospel message. Shaul did NOT command the Colossians to abandon Torah. Contrary to the Facebook people, Shaul gave the Colossians permission to either observe or not observe the man made rules surrounding dining and feast days as long as they kept everything in proper spiritual perspective and kept first things first–Faith in Yeshua Messiah and being His proper obedient disciples. Shaul did add that there is value in the Feasts of Yehovah for they, according to Shaul, were shadow pictures of good things to come. These Feasts must be looked upon and treated as rehearsals and nothing more. They can not be treated as an end unto themselves as so many in the Messianic and Hebraic Roots communities have done. In other words, avoid at all costs being bound legalistically to the festivals. 
Thus, the owners and contributors of the Hebrew Roots Heresy Facebook page (I refuse to post the link to their page–if you are interested simply Google it) have in their post, addressing Colossians 2:16-17, failed to prove their contention that Shaul taught it was heresy to observe and practice Torah. Not only did they fail, have placed themselves in a precarious situation from which they must repent and make right–not only with Yehovah, but with their fellow fundamentalist Christian readers who are trusting them for the truth. The Master said Himself–NAS  Matthew 5:19 “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches 1others, shall be called least ain the kingdom of heaven; but whoever 2keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5:19 NAS)
In closing, let me say: let us not grow weary in doing what it is we are compelled to do as disciples of Yeshua Messiah. Let us not be discouraged by the fundamentalists who seek to damage our Faith. Let us remained focused and  NAS  Philippians 3:14 … apress on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phi 3:14 NAS)

Two of Purim’s Greatest Secrets

Happy Purim!

Well, here we are in the Month of March which translates to the 12th Biblical Month or the Month of Adar as recorded on the Rood “Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar.” At the time of this post it will be the beginning of the 14th—day of the 12-Biblical Month, otherwise known as Purim. Yes Purim: to the uninitiated and Semitically-biased among us, it will simply be a repeat of another Jewish holiday. Certainly not something for Christians to even have the slightest inkling to get involved in. No indeed, the Church triumphant has but a few more weeks before the advent of one of her holiest of feast days—Easter. Thus there is no room for such bognosh as those Jewish or Hebrew Feasts. Right? Funny though: Purim comes just before the Christian horror-day of Easter, but Purim entails the story of Esther. Again, to the uninitiated, most would never make the connection between the two names. However, the truth of the matter is that the name Esther (the name given to the Jewish-girl Hadasah who Yehovah would use to save His people from utter annihilation by the evil motives of an agagite) and the title of the Catholic-created horror day of Easter are one in the same names—the name given to Semiramus, the presumed wife of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz. Indeed, the name comes directly out of Babylon and it is Babylon where the story of Purim actually takes.


Certainly fundamental Christianity would frown terribly upon any believer admitting that he or she even thought about celebrating Purim (or for that matter any of the Feasts of Yehovah). It seems that anything having to do with the Jews or the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith frightens to death the average card-carrying Christian believer. Indeed, the general consensus interpretation of the Pauline Epistles condemned any celebration, acknowledgment or even leaning towards acknowledging that our beloved Christian Faith was entirely birthed from her Hebraic foundations. It’s almost as if the cognitive reality that the Christian Faith is of Hebraic origins is likened to one having a drunken, whoring, worthless father that one simply wants to forget and never mention again in conversation or in thought. Certainly the enemy has done a superb job in masking the connection. More so, the enemy has done an even greater job hiding the significance the Feasts of Yehovah has for each and every believer in Yeshua Messiah.

Purim is not one of the seven-mandated Feasts of Yehovah. Like Hanukkah, however, it is what I choose to call, an ancillary Feast of Yehovah, that provides another layer of prophetic shadow pictures related to our redemption and the end of the age. For me, it wasn’t until well after I came in to a modest knowledge of the Hebraic Roots of our Faith that I came to appreciate the ancillary feasts of Hanukkah and Purim. I was introduced to the significance of these two feasts through the ministry and teachings of Michael Rood of “A Rood Awakening International.”

The 2-Secrets

Secret One: Purim provides for the believers of Yeshua Messiah a prophetic shadow picture of the end of the age. Two major events in the end times are foreshadowed by the Purim story: (1)  modern Israel and the Jews who reside there will be in a position of being almost entirely annihilated just as she was back during the Nazi-driven holocaust and potentially so by the works of Haman the Agagite. Ezekiel 38 and 39 speak to a time when the modern nation of Israel will be invaded and the inhabitants brought to the verge of extinction. Daniel 9:27; 12:1, 11; Zech. 11:16; Matt. 24:15, 21; Rev. 12:13 also speak to this period in the end times when the enemies of Yehovah will march in to Zion and attempt to utterly destroy the Jews just as Hitler attempted to do in the middle of the 20th century.  But just as He did in the Purim story, Yehovah will intervene on behalf of the Jew and the nation of Israel will be saved. (2)  Hadassah was selected from 100’s of fair maidens  throughout the Medio-Persian Empire to be the Bride of Xerxes. This honor (if one could actually refer to it as an honor after being forced into the process)  was not awarded without Hadassah having to go through a year of work-up that included oil, cosmetics, myrrh and spice application and etiquette training. Upcoming completing this rigorous regimen, Hadassah still had to appeal to Xerxes heart which she apparently did. Thus she became queen. This scene provides the believer in Messiah with a shadow picture of the redeemed of Yehovah attending the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (reference Rev. 19:7-10). Contrary to that which traditional, fundamental, orthodox Christianity teaches, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will not be an all inclusive event whereby every individual who professes to be a Christian will be snatched up to attend. Oh heck no! Only those who are deemed Saints and whose “righteous acts” serve as their “bright, clean fine linen.” Like Hadassah, if we are to participate in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, there is a preparation process that we are compelled to complete and that process is life–Torah Living; living by Faith; being led by the Ruach Kodesh; living righteous lives worthy of our chosen status. It will be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb that we are bound together with Yeshua Messiah and thus we will reign with Him for eternity.

Purim 2

Secret Two: This secret is a little strange, but I find the shadow picture with the story of Purim to be quite compelling. Esther 8:15-17 speaks to Mordecai being exalted in the land by Xerxes and Queen Esther upon the decree that went forth throughout the empire to allow the Jews to defend against those who would follow Haman’s edict to destroy the Jews. The Jews in the empire provided those non-Jews throughout the empire with such a witness as to their calling as God’s people, that “many among the peoples of the land became Jews” (vs. 17). We, the chosen of Yeshua Messiah, through our love for the Master through obedience and leading of the Ruach Kodesh, have the opportunity to live lives that will call “many among the peoples of our land to become Messianic Believers in Messiah.” It then behooves us to live lives commensurate to our chosen state. The fields are ripe as more and more people are leaving Christianity and Christian Churches by the 10’s of 1000’s each year. If we exude the right spirit and are obedient to Yehovah, people will naturally wonder about our Faith and some may even seek to affiliate.

There are other secrets contained in the story of Purim. I ask you this Purim, to prepare yourselves for that great day of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and pray for the peace of Yerushalayim.  I’m dedicating my life to putting the word out this year that the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith is the true Faith once delivered to the first century Saints. It’s one thing to put out words in the hope that one or two might be convinced and come on over. It’s an entirely different thing to live and walk out the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith, which is what we need to focus on this Day of Purim. Shalom. Be most bless fellow Saints.