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Do you truly understand your call and purpose? Maybe you’re a new to the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith and you have no idea where to go from here. Or maybe you’ve been in the Faith for a while but have failed to understand just what your call and or purpose is in the Body and the Kingdom of Yahovah. A wilderness experience just might be your key to understanding your call and purpose.
I am often dismayed by the sheer number of souls who transition over and into the True Faith that was once delivered, even after enduring much personal internal and external hardship; only to become stalled and to stagnate, never fulfilling their purpose in the Kingdom of Yahovah. Many soon after coming in to Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Faith, having at first entered with the greatest zeal and hopes and dreams to do great things for the Kingdom, soon find themselves mired in uncertainty and frustration. Their uncertainties and frustrations seem centered upon a lack of understanding. That lack of understanding is in realizing what their purpose is supposed to be in the Body of Messiah and the Kingdom of Yahovah.
Those who experience such feelings and perspective cite a desire to DO SOMETHING; to get out there and make a difference in their world. The only problem facing these sincere and very well-meaning brothers and sisters is that they just don’t know what it is they are supposed to do to make that difference happen.
It is a fair bet that most of us come into this Faith of ours with a deep-seeded desire to be relevant: relevant not just to our God, but also to our Faith Community and to those within our circle of influence (e.g., our family members, friends and co-workers).
Far too few of us recognize the value of embarking upon, what I choose to call, a “wilderness experience” before setting out to understand what our purpose and calling is to be. A wilderness experience in my mind is one in which we find solitude and separation from the world in which we physically live; and in that solitude and separation, connect with the Creator of the Universe and sit at the feet of our Master to learn. That hard and fast established connection with the Creator, in association with tutelage of the Faith from our Master Yeshua, serves to set our spiritual feet on the firmest of foundation and prepare us for that purpose and calling that many of us are so desperate to realize and embark upon.
Our Master went through an intense “wilderness experience” where He not only connected with Father in a way that we can only hope to begin to understand, but also certified Himself worthy of His calling to be our redeemer and to strip the title deed of this world from the clutches of our age-old enemy hasatan. Master came out of that wilderness experience fully prepared and purposed to do the will of His Father. (Reference: Matthew 4; Luke 4; Mark 1)
Our forefathers went through a wilderness experience that proved trying and troublesome, not only to us as a nation of people called out to be a kingdom of priest to the world for the Creator of the Universe, but proved trying and troublesome for our Creator who determined to establish and work His plan of salvation and redemption through us as a chosen nation. We came out of that wilderness experience after a generational purge, fully schooled and purposed to take the land that Father had parceled out for us. Along the way, during that wilderness experience, we broke the covenant that Father had established with us and we also broke the heart of the Father. Yet Father was gracious and merciful to us and maintained us as a people who had been given His instructions for life. Fortunately for the world, He did not abandon His plan to redeem us from the penalty of eternal death and He stilled worked that plan of salvation out through our ragtag existence. (Reference: Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy; and Joshua)
The Pharisee Saul was called to a wilderness experience where he too sat at the feet of our Master Yeshua (spiritually speaking of course and based upon his statement to the Messianic Assembly of believers in Galatia—Galatians 1:15-17; Acts 9). It can only be presumed that Paul learned of the Kingdom of Yahovah and of the purpose Father had for him in the work of the Gospel during the time of his wilderness experience which seems to had lasted some 3-years in Arabia; this taking place before his return to Damascus and officially beginning his ministry. All indications are that Paul was Master’s true pick to replace Judas as His 12th disciple/apostle. Paul would likely have failed in his ministry if he had not undergone that time in Arabia.
A note of interest: some have suggested that Paul spent his wilderness experience, at least in part, at Mount Sinai, which more and more evidence seems to suggest is actually in Arabia. Also it should be mentioned that the Acts 9 account of Paul’s conversion leaves out any mention of Paul in sojourning in Arabia, suggesting instead that Paul, upon receiving his sight and eating some food after days of fasting, straight-way went out preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Gentiles. It’s likely that Luke intentionally left out mention of Paul’s time in Arabia for purposes of condensing the story and getting straight to the topic of Paul’s ministry beginnings.
None of this is to say that everyone who comes into the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith must undergo a so-called wilderness experience. Nevertheless, if we approach the Holy Scriptures from a perspective that it has the great potential of providing for us a road map for life, then the example set for us by our Master and the heavy hitters of our Faith, then may we may find our purpose and calling if we embark upon a wilderness experience.
Certainly I do not mean to imply that one actually picks up, leave family and job and home, and go out to some remote part of the world to hang out and connect with the Father and learn from the feet of Master Yahoshua. Certainly, there have been some in history who have been called to do just this very thing. Yet what I would suggest is more of a time away from the cares of this life: away from smartphones; computers even; televisions; children if we have them and we can get away from them for a time; away from ringing door bells and responsibilities and chores—and simply immerse ourselves in the Word of God; pray; fast; meditate and seek Father’s face. For one, at any given time, to actually hear the often “still-small voice” of the Creator, we have to find a quiet place where our soul, heart and mind may connect with Father through the agency of the Holy Spirit (aka, the Ruach HaKodesh).
I would suggest a bifurcated approach to scripture study that includes Torah and the Gospels—the biblical foundations of our Faith. Several good translations of the Bible are a necessity, especially if you are new to this Faith (e.g., the KJV, NAS, ESV and the CJB to name just a few). A defined course of study that is put out by a specific teacher or organization is not necessary. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you. Read each book through in its entirety, not just select verses, preferably in one setting, but if time restricts, read as much of the book in the alloted time and then pick up where you left us when you resume. Take notes as needed and as prompted by the Spirit to do so. Highlight key passages in the course of your journey through each book. From time to time during your journey, review those key passages. Don’t be afraid to tap commentary on difficult passages, but do not rest your final determination and understanding of difficult passages upon the work of any one man or organization. Allow the Holy Spirit to confirm the teaching in your heart and spirit. Most bible resources today appeal to a fundamental Christian and orthodox Jewish mindset that often runs contrary to the tenets of Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Faith. So be ever on-guard for the agenda of the writers.
Pray, pray and pray. Throughout your wilderness experience, don’t forget to pray. Pray when you feel like praying. When you don’t feel like praying, push through that veil and pray anyway. Be specific and intentional in your prayers. Pray with complete conviction, faith believing that you are getting through to the Creator of the Universe and that He will perform the good work in you and affirm your calling and purpose in Yeshua our Messiah.
Meditate. Take time away from the reading and study during your wilderness experience and consider walking and talking to Father; converse with Him from your heart as you would your best and dearest friend. Don’t hesitate to pour your heart out to Him and beseech Him to reveal Himself to you in a powerful and profound way.
Consider fasting for a day or two, but do so as you are led by the Holy Spirit to do so. Far too many of us go through the motions of fasting without ever involving Father in the act and in our purpose. Fasting must never be a “going through the motions” or some exercise of self-righteousness that we have launched into in a vain attempt to earn our salvation. If He’s not in the center of our fast, then the effort is doom to be nothing more than a day of going without food and hydration. Recall that our Master fasted in His wilderness experience some 40-days. This is a feat that should inspire us, not to imitate (for doing so could be permanently injurious to one’s health), but to realize the power and relevance of the fast as it relates to our wilderness experience. As our bodies grow weak from lack of food and hydration over the course of our fast, our faith and our spirits are strengthened and we can better hear the “still-small voice” of our Creator.
As you are inspired and grow as a result of your wilderness experience, write down your thoughts in a journal of some sort. Share your thoughts and learning with others on your select social media platforms. That which you may learn and gain from your wilderness experience may be of invaluable help to someone seeking Truth and understanding and who may be going through a rough-go at it in their walk with Messiah. Not to mention that we are called to a kingdom of priests and one cannot fulfill this calling unless they share and do.
Give glory to the Father through song and music and spontaneous sacrifices of praise. Seek of the Father a greater unction of His Holy Spirit; that He may fill you to overflowing and instill in you the gift of speaking in tongues, according to His purpose and glory. I have found that nothing helps push through the veil of troubles and difficulties than defaulting form time to time in speaking to and praising Father in tongues of praise and intercession. At times when I have no words to say to Him, I simply pray and praise Him in tongues. There is a cleansing and purity of purpose in such an endeavor that far too many in our Faith Community have shied away from for various and sundry reasons.
In all, put Father first and foremost in your thoughts, feelings and purpose and you will ultimately realize your call and purpose as you emerge forth from your wilderness experience.
Do not give in to the enemy’s ploys to railroad the success of your wilderness experience. He will, as he attempted to do to our Master in the wilderness, enter your mind and play upon your fears and weaknesses.
Keep your mind set on Him at all times during your wilderness experience and you will emerge victorious.
Faithfully, Your’s in Yeshua Messiah
In this installment we reflect upon a recent Zachary Bauer posting related to folks leaving Hebrew Roots after being lured by doctrines of seducing spirits.
I was quite taken aback after viewing a Zachary Bauer YouTube video this past weekend, to learn that folks are leaving Hebrew Roots. These individuals were not leaving Hebrew Roots in the classic sense of leaving a group or organization as we see happening in Fundamental Christianity today (see Barna 2011 survey). Turns out that these folks are leaving our Faith through a change, or what could be considered, a complete reversal of belief in certain core aspects of Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Faith.
Zachary Bauer reported that he had recently received correspondences from or had had communications with certain individuals, claiming to have been formar Hebrew Rooter and Messianics. These individuals informed him that they had determined, convinced by the teachings of certain “wolves in sheep’s clothing” and shysters (my word choice), that either the keeping of Torah is improper for believers in Messiah or that Yeshua is not The True Messiah.
Now,it’s hard for me to justify why I am in such a mournful state after hearing such news from a well-respected and well-informed leader in our community. I guess it comes down to the difficulty that I have processing how any individual could at one time arrive at The Truth, and then reject The Truth after hearing information that is contrary to what they claimed to have once received and accepted.
Since my coming into this Faith, roughly a decade and a half ago, I have been exposed to all manner of teachings and belief systems that have over the course of time called Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Community their home. Some of those teachings have been completely off-kilter and anti-Torah, anti-biblical, anti-Messiah, racist, hateful, and just outright wrong. Despite hearing such teachings, often delivered by some talented orators and presenters, when time for the “spiritual smell test arrived,” I had no problem rejecting the teaching, shaking the dust off my shoes and moving on in my biblically-centered walk with Messiah. I can honestly say that since converting to Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Movement, I have never wavered nor questioned the tenets of our Faith.
I know of others in our Faith Community who have had similar experiences as I just described who did essentially the same thing I did when they applied the “spiritual smell test” to those unsavory teachings and half-baked belief systems.
Yet of late, I’m hearing more and more about former Hebrew Rooters who are happily leaving the True Faith once delivered after receiving and accepting so-called “new” knowledge; revelation; and teachings that not only betray the tents of our Faith, but I would go so far as to deem heretical.
Zachary Bauer went on to describe the situation and explain that many members of our Faith community are being subjected to wolves that are operating out there in our midst; preying upon the less spiritually grounded of our community.
Bauer’s impassioned post reminded us that our Master warned us that this very thing would take place and that there’s little that we can do to prevent such occurrences.
As Zachary’s video continued, I scrolled down the comments section of his YouTube post and was bothered to find comments from some who criticized him for not detailing for his listeners how to convince these departing believers that they were making the greatest mistake of their lives. Zachary lamented in his monologue as well how he had received criticism for his seeming ambivalence towards those individuals who were leaving the Faith.
Let me just say that I found no fault whatsoever with the way Zachary Bauer handled this situation nor in the fact that he did not track down these departing individuals and attempt to convince them to stay in the Faith.
We cannot convince anyone to convert to this Faith of ours, nor can we convince anyone to stay committed to a Faith that they were never chosen to be a part of in the first place. This is not the order that Father established for admission of souls into the Kingdom. No eloquence of speech or persuasive manner will alter the minds and hearts of potential candidates for the Kingdom of Elohim.
Now, I realize that this truth may not resonate with our compassionate sensibilities as caring Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah. Indeed, we would want nothing more than for everyone that we care dearly about to become vibrant and happy members of the Body of Messiah and of the Kingdom of Yahovah. Unfortunately, this is not how Father set this thing up to be. Truth be told, it comes down to our having to trust the wisdom, providence and purpose of our Heavenly Father.
Many instances are given in the Holy Writ where God’s anointed warned us that there would be, disappointingly so, some who would at first, seem to have been devoted members of our Faith community, who we later learn were never truly invested or grounded in the Body of Messiah.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (1Jo 2:19 KJV)
Act 20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
1Co 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
Deu 13:13 Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
The question that should be asked of those who would criticize Bauer’s inactions or his seeming heartless stance toward those who choose to leave the Faith for whatever stated and unstated reasons is: why would you want anyone to be strong-armed into either coming in to or remaining in the Kingdom of Yahovah and Body of Messiah?
Keep in mind that we are not talking about defending the Faith and giving every individual who asks an answer as it relates to why we believe what we believe and why we do what we do. We are compelled to treat our Master Yeshua as holy, and with gentleness and respect and with a good conscience, be ever so ready to defend our beloved Faith (1 Peter 3:15). However, that’s not at all what we are talking about here. Zachary was not asked by these departing souls whether or not their new-found understanding and revelation was biblical. These individuals were simply informing him that they no longer held to the beliefs central to the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Faith.
Have you ever been strong armed into doing something that you did not genuinely want to do? Or for that matter, have you known of individuals who have been coaxed into committing to an endeavor of which they had not been originally invested? The general outcome, with few exceptions, is that the efforts expended by those coaxed into participating in the endeavor is pathetic, pitiful at best. In fact, the lives of those who are forced to endure the strong armed ones’ whining and miserableness are made all the more burdensome and even perilous. Besides, how fair is it to force someone to give up the life they wish to live for the life that you have chosen to live?
Let’s look at this from a secular standpoint and maybe this will help to shed some perspective on this critical issue. In this country, every citizen that works or receives an income of some sort is required to pay income taxes. I would submit that no worker, be they the lowliest fast food worker or the corporate elitist, relishes paying taxes to the government. Yet each year citizen workers of this country endure the self-deprecating exercise of filing their income taxes and having to pay money out to a government that only abuses and misuses those funds; that is, unless they are able to find loopholes in the system that would aid them in not paying out those taxes. Everyone dreads paying taxes unless they know for a fact that they will reap a massive return of their withholdings. Nevertheless, is it no wonder why there is so much widespread cheating and endless searching by citizen workers to avoid paying out taxes to the government? The citizen worker, out of a viable fear of being punished by the government, is forced to do something that they do not wish to do, and therefore, they will do whatever they can to avoid giving up their hard-earned moneys to the power brokers in Washington and their local and state leaders, in more ways than one.
I believe the same sentiment holds true when we seek to strong arm souls into the Kingdom of Yahovah. Any who would be admitted to and remain in the Body of Messiah and the Kingdom of Yahovah must pay a steep price. The price to be paid, if one is truly invested in converting and coming in to the True Faith, is a full and complete change in his/her heart, mind and soul. The true Torah Observant Believer in Messiah must give up the life they once knew, and likely held dear, for a life unlike any the world at large will ever understand and truly know. If the convert is true to their profession of Faith, they will stand out like a sore thumb in the secular world. They may be ostracized and brutally criticized by members of their family; they may endure long periods of loneliness and isolation. The true convert must say no to things that they once said yes to with great pleasure and acceptance. Conversely, they must say yes to Father but no to the world.
Entrance into the Kingdom and Body of Messiah is not something that should ever be taken lightly by the would-be believer; nor should such a commitment be forced upon anyone. For one, their commitment to the Faith has nothing to do with our commitment. And two, as disciples and members of the Body of Messiah, we are only tasked with being disciples and discipling those whom Father sends; teaching them to observe all things that Master taught us. Does that discipling aspect of our journey require us to act as gatekeepers of the Faith—determining who to admit and who to let out? Absolutely not. Again, our human sensibilities may say otherwise, but the Kingdom of Yahovah does not operate based upon our human sensibilities. May seem cold and callous, but it really is not. It is God’s way over our way.
Abba’s plan of salvation factors in those who are not going to be a part of His eternal Kingdom and the Body of Messiah. In fact, the Apostle Paul reveals to us in his cepher to the Assembly of Messianic Believers in Rome, that Father gives those who reject Him and His ways, and who persist in their ways “worthless ways of thinking” (Romans 1:28; Stern, CJB).
So then, how must we address this situation of individuals who are rejecting and turning away from the tenets of the True Faith once delivered?
Well, I would say that we need not address it at all. Master did all the addressing on this matter that is required. Consider the following Gospel passage where Master is recorded to have addressed Jewish synagogue goers of Kfar Nahum (i.e., Capernaum) about the Kingdom of Yahovah when He was challenged by a handful of attendees:
What shall we do that we might work the works of Yahovah? Yeshua answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of Yahovah, that you believe in Him whom He has sent’ They replied, ‘What sign will you show us then, so that we may see and believe in you? What miraculous work will you do? Our fathers did eat manna in the desert, as it is written, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.’
Let’s stop briefly at this juncture of the story. Are there not significant parallels being played out in this story with those who would today be convinced to either come in to the Body or even stay in the Body? You see, Master was being challenged to produce solid proof that what He was teaching and preaching about was indeed true; and that He should prove those things with some sort of sign or wonder.
In the natural world, the human psyche often has to be convinced that a matter is true in order to internalize it and adhere to it. Generally, we believe things are so by proofs that are manifested and supported by our five natural senses of sight, hearing, taste, feel and smell. If we walk out of our homes and see on the horizon smoke, smell something burning and hear the sounds of fire engine sirens, we will feel pretty certain that a fire is nearby.
Bear in mind that we also factor into our decision-making whether to believe a thing or not our knowledge base and life experiences.
Thus, if the issue in question is certified by any one or a combination of our natural senses, knowledge base and life experiences, then we will normally accept those things as valid and true; unless those verified things are somehow challenged by opposing known and established facts that we’ve tucked safely away in our psyche. Case in point: we may see what would appear to be a murder being committed on a movie or television screen, but we know that that murder did not occur because the actor or actress that was shown to be murdered on the screen was known to have cashed that very hefty check he or she made and received a Best Acting Award for being in that movie.
This verifying of things as true or not through our natural senses, knowledge base and experiences, are of the established natural order. And there is nothing wrong with how this order plays out in our lives and how we make determinations of things being true or not in our lives. Father set this order in operation within us for our safety, health, wellbeing and so on.
Nevertheless, when we move from such natural things on over to the spiritual, the natural order no longer applies. In the case of Zachary Bauer and the convincing of souls to come in or stay in the Faith, there is a process that must take place that in some respects defies the natural order. That process involves the intervention of the Holy Spirit in the heart and mind of the would be believer. Master expounds on this as we continue with the above cited passage out of the Gospels:
“Yeshua said to them (those demanding that He show them a sign so that they will believe), ‘TRUTH I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but my Father, and He now give you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of Yahovah is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.’ Then they said to Him, ‘Master, give us more and more of this bread.’ Yeshua said, ‘I am the bread of life. He that comes to me shall never hunger, and He that believes in me shall never thirst. But I also say to you that you have seen me, and yet believe not. All that the Father gives me shall come to me, and he who comes to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me. And this is the Father’s will who has sent me: that of all whom He has given me I should lose none, but should raise them up again at the last day…No man can come to Me except the Father, which is has sent me, draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day…The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you who will not and cannot believe.’ (For Yeshua knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray Him.) Then He said, ‘That is why I said to you that no man can come to me, except it is given to Him by my Father.’ From that time many of His disciples went away and walked with Him no more. Then Yeshua asked the twelve, ‘Will you also go away?’ Shimon Kefa answered Him, ‘Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure that you are that Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.’” (John 6:28-66; Rood’s Chronology of the Gospel Record)
It took a rather long time for me to be convinced of this reality: that being only the Father can bring a bona fide, would be disciple into the Body of Messiah and into the Kingdom. Thus, I have stopped trying to convince people that this Faith of ours is THE TRUTH that they must hearken to and live. Instead, I have taken on the stance of planting and watering the seeds of the Word, but allowing the Father to bring about the germination and growth that leads a convert into the Body and the Kingdom. Otherwise, my efforts are contrary to that of the teachings of my Master.
Paul brilliantly expounded upon this whole issue of conversion and maintaining the body when he wrote the following to the Messianic Assembly of Believers in Corinth:
Who then is Shaul, and who is Apollos? But ministers by whom you believed, just as Yahweh gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but Yahweh gave the increase. So then, he who plants is not anything, neither is he who waters, but IT IS YAHWEH WHO GIVES THE INCREASE. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor (I Corinthians 3:5-8; The Book of Yahweh).
I say: let us not get worked up by news of those who have departed from the foundational elements of our Faith, nor by those who refuse to accept the Truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Faith once delivered. Their ultimate destination, though it should be our concern, is really NOT our concern. These individuals’ fate are in the providential hands of our Creator. Instead of worrying and consternating over those resisting ones, let us pray and intercede on behalf for them; make ourselves accessible to them if they have any questions; and leave it to our God to do the work that He has started.
Father will build the increase to our Faith Community and ultimately to His eternal Kingdom. It is not for us to worry how He will do this and to insert ourselves into the mix. We simply must plant and water and allow Yah to germinate and grow that seed within His chosen ones.
Everything on this planet is now being shaken with a tensity and frequency unseen in our time. Governments, economies, families, societies, entertainment, religion, and yes, even our Faith Community. As the days of human existence grows dim and begins to devolve towards ever increasing chaos and ultimate, complete takeover by the evil one, lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold. There will be a falling away from the Faith as more and more believers’ professions are challenged by heresies and the increasing cares and infringements of this life. Where it may have once been a safe haven for some, our Faith for some will seem a hindrance and relic of days long ago. For all we know, our numbers may dwindle to just a small, precious few—the small flock our Master spoke of, but that’s entirely okay. It is okay because our God and our Master are still seated upon their thrones in heaven and Father’s great plan of redemption will not be voided by the works of hasatan, halleluyah!
Eventually, our Jewish cousins will do a 180 and turn fully back to Yahovah and become tremendous disciples of Yahoshua our Messiah and Redeemer. Father will bring us who are of True Nation of Israel out of every nation of this world, to Jerusalem and Messiah will establish His illustrious millennial reign over the peoples and nations of this world. Peace will reign and Torah will be established as the world’s sole constitution and way of life.
As troublesome as such things may be to us, these are times of great hope. Knowledge of Yahovah and our Master Yeshua abounds and is readily accessible for any who would seek it out. Yes, people are departing from the tenets of the True Faith once delivered for doctrines of devils, but truth be told, more and more people are waking up to the True Faith once delivered as well. These are indeed exciting times. Yet these are times where we as a faith community must rally around one another and certify and uphold the pure and undefiled foundational elements of what it means to be a Spirit Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah.
Let us stand firm in our convictions, neither turning to the right or left, ever so ready to give any who would seek of us a reason for the hope that is in us, and let us glorify and uplift the eternal Name of our God until Master Yeshua returns.
I did some snooping, or should I say, Shoobing, to try and find some information on one of the main leaders Zachary Bauer had identified as putting out such doctrines of seducing spirits within the Body of Messiah. I learned that one individual in particular, a Mr. Scott Shoob, apparently has put out written material that many who have read or heard his materials are stating that he denies the Messiahship of our Master Yahoshua. I have personally NOT read nor heard any of his teachings, and quite frankly, am not the least interested in doing so.
Now, a lot of us may find ourselves in an uproar over the shanaghans of such teachers and their spurious doctrines, but again, this is all expected and even addressed by the Apostles of Old.
People have been denying the Messiahship and person of our Master Yeshua from virtually day one. The bigger problem I personally have with these wayward purveyors of anti-Biblical and anti-Messiah rhetoric, along with their followers, is that they tend to be aggressive and quite rambunctious when operating in and around the Body of Messiah. These are not above inciting discord in the Body of Messiah and setting spiritual fires within the hearts and minds of some of the less grounded of our Community. Their actions occasionally, as we see happening even today, cause our less rooted brothers and sisters to question the foundations of our Faith.
Father has, in this dispensation, made provision for folks to believe and follow whatever doctrine appeals to them. Yet it falls to the most grounded of our community to “guard” the essentials of the Faith. Over and over throughout the whole of the Holy Writ, we are told to “guard,” that is to “keep” (which in Hebrew it is “mishmereth” and in the Greek it is “tereyo”):
Guard/Keep the Word of God (Luke 8:15; 11:8)
Guard/Keep the teachings of our Messiah, Yeshua (John 8:51,52; 14:15, 23; 15:10,20)
Guard/Keep Father’s Feasts (I Corinthians 5:8; all of Torah)
Guard/Keep the Unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3; Jude 1:21)
Guard/Keep ourselves unspotted from the world (James 1:27; I John 5:21)
Guard/Keep God’s commandments (I John 2:3, 22; 5:2; Revelation 12:17; 14:12; all of Torah)
For me, the concern then becomes, not one of convincing those in our community who have been mislead to rethink their path, but one of us being able to stay on point and not allow the enemy to continue to bring disharmony into the Body of Messiah.
Thus it behooves us to be ever more set in our resolve to “keep;” to “guard” the very foundations of our Faith. That’s not to say that we, as individuals and as a collective Body of Believers in Yeshua Messiah are to never examine how we’re doing in our walk with Messiah. Are we:
Properly keeping/guarding Father’s Torah according to Father’s written instructions? Not according to someone’s “private” interpretations as we see happening in greater frequency and numbers (2 Peter 1:20).
Following and living out the instructions of our Master Yeshua HaMashiyach.
Doing our part in the Great Commission.
Producing the fruits that Master Yahoshua instructed us to produce.
Safeguarding against heretical, anti-Biblical, anti-Torah, anti-Messiah belief systems and teachings that serve to separate us from Truth and purity of the Gospel and the Kingdom of Yahovah.
Serving the members of the Body of Messiah with our gifts and talents.
We recently met up with a Hebrew Roots based couple last week, who we did not know personally prior to the meeting, but we had heard of via a YouTube video that they were featured in. Upon meeting them, we exchanged information as it related to our profession of Faith and what ministries we followed and so forth. When it came time for the couple we were conversing with to tell us of their ministry preferences, I was slightly taken aback by the mention of one ministry in particular they strictly adhered to, with the comment that they as a couple had moved beyond the fundamental tenets of the Hebrew Roots Faith. In other words, the ministry they were now closely following was bringing to the select few, new knowledge and revelation that somehow put them into a higher plain of holiness—understanding—spiritual savoir faire—I don’t know.
We thought these folks, based upon what little we’ve come to know about them through watching their YouTube video, were well rooted in the foundations of our Faith. Turns out that they may be suffering from “itching ears syndrome;” an ailment that seems to be plaguing so many in our Faith Community these days. What I mean by “itching ears syndrome” is simply that which the Apostle Paul counseled the Evangelist Timothy:
Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove (i.e., refute), rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (2 Timothy 4:3,4; KJV).
It is what it is my friends. Challenges to the tenets and foundations of our Faith—the True Faith once delivered—whether they be external or internal challenges will abound and plague us till the time our Master cracks the sky and orders His angels to collect us from the four-corners of the earth. That is an indisputable fact of Faith reality.
As crazy as this may sound, some days I feel as though that such internal and external challenges to our Faith are the least of our worries. I believe our greatest problems lies within the realm of the spirit, whereby our adversary hasatan, is ramping up his military operation against the saints.
Knowing his time is growing shorter by the day, hasatan, as he’s done in the past, is setting up for a full frontal assault against the Body of Messiah, and I am concerned that some of us may not be up to meet that assault.
Hasatan means business, and he aims to wipe us out.
Although not Hebrew Roots, just a couple weeks ago, a young man entered a Sutherland Springs Texas Baptist Church and murdered some 26-parishioners in cold blood.
The Sutherland Springs Texas Church Massacre was not about guns but about an attack on people of Faith.
Massive attempts by liberal elements of our government and society to turn this horrible tragedy into a national referendum for “gun confiscation,” does not in the least hide the ominous truth that this event was a full-frontal attack on Faith. It just so happened, tragically so, that this attack was perpetrated against fundamental Christians and not members of our Hebrew Roots/Messianic Community. Truth be told, it’s just a matter of time before such an attack could potentially be levied against one or more of our Hebrew Roots/Messianic fellowships.
Nevertheless, this is not a Christian versus Messianic situation. There is a much broader agenda being played out here that we must be cognizant of as a people of Faith.
Dear saints, let us not be, as Paul customarily cited in many of his epistles, ignorant of what is going on about us and what is going to happen to us in the future. Our government and elements of the social order—so to speak—would have the world believe that the Sutherland Texas Church Massacre (as it has infamously become referred to in the press) was all about a troubled, lone gunman who seized upon an opportunity to abuse the freedoms that the U.S. Constitution affords to her citizens to bare and possess firearms, and infringe upon that freedom to harm innocent people. It just so happens that the innocent people who were harmed were no-doubt well meaning Christian believers enjoying their Constitutional Freedom of assembling to worship their God in a way and manner that seemed fitting to them and their established religion.
Make no mistake, that attack was leveled against people of Faith. (I told you earlier that everything that can be shaken is being shaken these days, and that includes Faith.) I have tried to nail down some statistics on church killings of recent years, but hit a brick wall. There were a handful of articles written just around the time of the Sutherland Texas massacre, and those pieces attempted to downplay the significance of such murders—yes, believe it or not. One article in particular, written by Francie Diep, of the Pacific Standard, on November 6, 2017, asserted that, “Church shootings are becoming much more common, yet the existing data suggests churches aren’t more or less vulnerable to gun violence than other publicly accessible spaces.”
Certainly, if one has an agenda that is not in alignment with Truth, but more geared to social reform and even enacting gun confiscation laws, then of course, church murders by the numbers will seem relatively insignificant. The truth of the matter, regardless of numbers and agendas is, that such murders of people of Faith portend of a much darker time ahead when, like the Body of Messianic Believers of the first-century C.E., our beloved Faith and the true Body of Messiah will face an existential threat to our very existence. My purpose here is not to alarm or trouble you, but to simply alert us all to the fact that hasatan is on the prowl and he means business; he means business now, and he definitely will mean big business tomorrow.
So what’s a Messianic to do with all that I’ve laid out before us today?
The Apostle Peter wrote a most brilliant piece in his first general epistle addressing in great part some of these issues that we are, and will be soon facing, as a Body. He write:
Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time He may lift you up. Throw all your anxieties upon Him, because He cares about you. Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (Do we fret or hide our heads in the sand? Not at all saints. Peter admonishes…) Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering. You will have to suffer only a little while; after that, Yah, who full of grace, the one who called you to His eternal glory in union with the Messiah, will Himself restore, establish and strengthen you and make you firm. To Him be the power forever and ever. Amein (I Peter 5:6-11; CJB)
Saints, everything is going to be alright. It’s gonna get rockier as the days grow darker. Many more of us are going to leave the Body and the Kingdom in pursuit of “fables” and “myths.” Sadly, many of us may face martyrdom at the hands of the evil one. Nevertheless, our beloved and older brother, Yeshua HaMashiyach gave us a wonderful hope that we would be wise to keep in the back of our minds as we continue our walk with Him. He said:
He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 24:13; KJV).
And what awaits us who endure and who refuse to waver and who earnestly and tirelessly await His appearing?
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth…Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Yeshua and because of the word of Yahovah, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years…Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of Yah and of Messiah and will reign with Him for a thousand years (Revelation 5:10; 20:4,6; NAS).
Be well and blessed fellow saints. Warmest Shalom.
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The term or title Netsari and Netsarim have been making and floating about the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith Community for a few years now, slowly catching in popularity and distinction.
The reason I use Netsari and Netsarim to refer to us as a community of Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah is because it is an apt, cool, highly-descriptive, spiritually rich, Messiah-centric and powerful “one-word” title and descriptor that identifies who and what we are.
I’ve spoken in past installments of this program about society’s insistence and innate need to classify or label groups and individuals. So to sort of satisfy that social need, I’ve adopted the term Netsarim to describe us. I try to limit the use of the term to describe us simply because 99% of the population of the world (my guess only) has no idea what a Netsari or Netsarim even is.
The other thing about Netsari and Netsarim that is appealing to me is that the term hasn’t been overly used or tainted by some of the damaging fringe elements of our Community. Most people outside our community consider us as a strange sect of Jews because we’ve elected to keep Torah, or as renegade Christians who have fallen from grace because we’ve chosen to keep Torah. So the western world finds it challenging to categorize us or put us in a defined, established Faith-based box. And the descriptors and terms Hebrew Roots and Messianic only confused the situation because few understanding these terms.
So the common titles and terms to classify us as a Faith Community have become, in my opinion, watered down and somewhat confusing, although I will continue to refer to us by these well used and known descriptors.
Within our Faith circles, however, I sometimes prefer a descriptor and title for us that provides more of an intimate and exclusive rendering and revelation of who and what we are as a Body of Believers.
So what is the deal with the term Netsarim that I believe makes it so intimate and exclusive within our Faith Community? What does Netsarim mean and where did we get it from?
Believe it or not, Netsarim and Netsari are derivations of a Scriptural name that we all should know: Nazareth and Nazarene ( The term Nazarene is found only once in the KJV, while Nazareth is found some 29 times in the authorized versions.
Nazareth was of course our Master’s earthy home town—it was the town in which He grew up in.
The town of Nazareth is named after an agricultural term that is not so familiar to us in the west, although I clearly see an example of this term being played out in my backyard, much to my dismay.
You see, the root of Nazareth is Netzer. A netzer in Hebrew and middle east agricultural terms refers to a branch that springs from a well-established tree (mostly referring to an olive tree, some of which are extensive, large and live for centuries). The unique thing about this branch is that it does not spring or sprout from the main tree, instead springs or sprouts somewhere distant from the main or originating tree. That branch, if left to grown and thrive, will become a secondary tree some distance from its parent or the main tree.
As I mentioned, there is a species of tree that is native to our Southern California region that imitates this process of sprouting up branches from a main source, resulting in multiple trees all over our yard. This species of tree is pervasive and damaging. The main tree as well as its extensions (or netzers) have damaged the wall surrounding our property in many places. You might say, just cut the problem ones down. Well, that works for a time, but after a couple years, we end up having another extension growing and doing equal damage elsewhere in the yard. It’s a never ending battle I’m afraid.
But I digress.
So what does the term Netzer have to do with us as disciples of Yeshua Messiah. We find in the Book of Isaiah prophetic reference to:
“…a rod that would come forth out of the stem of Jesse (father of King David), and a Branch that would grow out of His roots. And the Spirit of Yahovah would rest upon Him; the Spirit of wisdom and understanding; the Spirit of counsel and might; the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of Yahovah. And shall make Him of quick understanding in the fear of Yahovah; and He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears: but with righteousness shall He judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and He would smite the earth with the rod of His mouth and with the breath of His lips will He slay the wicked. And righteousness would be the girdle of His loins and faithfulness the girdle of His reins (Isaiah 11:1-5; KJV).”
Sound like anyone we know?
Let’s look a little deeper into the history here. We know from Scripture that King David’s home was Bethlehem (I Samuel 16). As David’s family grew and prospered, and sometime after David died, some members of his family appeared to have settled in Nazareth. Some scholars place the timing of this family relocation around the time of the Greek occupation of Israel (Chronological Gospels, Michael Rood). The family and descendants of King David never lost or gave up their identity, as evidence in our Master’s documented earthly genealogy with Mary his biological mother and Joseph His adopted father both being descendants of King David (Matthew and Luke).
Upon these distant relatives of King David relocating and settling in the region that ultimately became their new home, they named the town as such, according to Michael Rood, “…in recognition of their identity as a “shoot” springing forth from the original root of the tree of Jesse at a distant place and time.” (Reference The Chronological Gospels, Michael Rood)
Fast forward to the time of the birth of our Master. Recall that Mary and Joseph were compelled to journey to Bethlehem to register for the Roman census because their ancestral home was that of King David’s, that being the city of Bethlehem. Master was, according to the Gospel account, born in the city of David. It appears likely that He resided there with His parents for the better part of a year until such time that Herod the Great threatened His life; forcing the family to flee to Egypt for safety (Matthew 2:13-18).
After Herod’s death a short time later, Master and His family returned to Judea and ultimately resettled in Nazareth, fulfilling in great part the prophecy of Isaiah 11.
The Isaiah prophecy describes our Master as a “righteous branch” (in Hebrew, a “tzemach”) that springs from the truck of David. The unique and glorious spin to this agricultural paradigm is that our Master’s advent into this world came at a time and distance from that of His ancient ancestor King David. The other parallel should also be evident—David’s family settling in Nazareth from Bethlehem several centuries after David’s reign.
As disciples of Yeshua Messiah, we are the branches of that righteous rod that sprung up from the root of Jesse some 2,000-years ago. We exist and thrive and operate at a time and place different from that of our Master’s time here on earth. Like Mary and Joseph, we as grafted in Israelites and Hebrews, possess a tremendous heritage that affords us all the privileges and authority of our predecessors (Romans 11:17-24).
In so many respects, as imitators of our Master, we are Netsars. Netsari denotes a single individual; Netsarim denotes of course a group or community or even the true Body of Messiah.
If you are like me, you should be touched by the full meaning and application of the title and descriptor: Netsari/Netsarim. Reflect and ponder on the full meaning of this descriptor and title; let it sink in and empower your walk with Messiah. We are Netsarim and we have a unique calling and heritage that separates us from the rest of the world. May we walk in the power, might and authority of this reality and may we be blessed as we explore the fullness of the title and descriptor: Netsarim and Netsari.
This past week marked the 500th birthday or anniversary of the great “Protestant Reformation.” That’s right. Just calm down; I know most of you are probably disappointed—probably a little broken up—maybe a little teary-eyed even that you missed all the festivities. Oh wait: there weren’t much in the way of festivities to mark this great historic event.
I was, however, able to pull up a small handful of articles this past week that highlighted this event:
A German website——posted an article entitled “Germany marks 500th anniversary of Protestant Reformation in Wittenberg;” reported on gatherings by certain German leaders in ceremonies throughout the country commemorating the reformation that originated in the city of Wittenberg in 1517.
As you may or may not know, Martin Luther, a 16th century Wittenberg Catholic Monk, initiated the Protestant Reformation when he allegedly posted his famous 95-theses on the door of Wittenberg Castle Church on the 31st of October, 1517. I say allegedly because of late, a certain sect of scholars are challenging the validity of that story, which we will not debate here today.
Nevertheless, it is universally accepted that Martin Luther was indeed the flame that ignited the process that ultimately became the Protestant Reformation. We’ll reflect upon this aspect of the Reformation in just a bit, but for now let’s continue on with this past week’s acknowledgments of the anniversary day. posted a video on its website entitled “The Luther Mile,” whereby the president of this organization traced Martin Luther’s footsteps. (I will admit, however, that I did not watch the video. Just saying.)
Time Magazine’s website——reported on the various festivities around the world commemorating the day. The article reported that the hub of the celebrations were to be held in Germany where “Reformation Day,” has been somewhat of a sanctioned state holiday for many years (did you know that such a day existed? I didn’t). With this in mind, this being THE 500th anniversary of the reformation, the day would be observed as a national holiday. German Chancellor Angela Merkel led much of the day’s ceremonial observances.
Aside from Germany, there wasn’t much in the way of global attention for Reformation Day 2017. The article concluded with a sobering reminder that “For some people, this anniversary may be the first they’ve heard of Luther and the Reformation;” and indeed it likely was. Not only are Christians as a whole (and to a great extent, Hebrew Rooters) biblically challenged, they are equally challenged when it comes to Church History as well.
Now, I realize that most will take exception to this. Let’s face it, Church History is not as attractive a subject matter as, say, some of the latest and greatest “itchy ears” teachings from the latest and greatest Hebrew Roots/Messianic teachers. And if we dare bring our Fundamental Christian cousins into the discussion, many just don’t have the desire to understand anything about their Faith other than “Jesus and Him crucified.” Indeed, I am speaking from experience my friend.
The problem I see with ignoring church history is that we as a vibrant and emerging Faith Community, if we’re not careful, are destined to repeat the mistakes made by the Christian Church. Not only are we at risk of repeating the mistakes of Christianity (that would, by the way be easily identified by gaining even a modest understanding of Church History), we fail to gain a clear understanding of the origins and basis of some of the central and fundamental beliefs and doctrines of Protestantism. It stands to reason that the more we know about Christianity and her history, the better equipped we become to carry out our mission in the Great Commission.
The Barna Group, a Fundamental Christian think-tank that samples and analyzes data on various topics and issues pertinent to the Christian Faith, recently found that roughly 33% of American Evangelicals were ignorant of what the Protestant Reformation was about, leaving roughly a third having a little knowledge of the event and the rest sampled having what they believe to be a comprehensive understanding the reformation. The interesting finding of this study, however, was that 86% of those sampled felt the reformation was justified, but then 56% of those same sampled felt the event was divisive.
I’m not entirely sure what was actually meant by the reformation being divisive as the article did not elaborate. Did those who deemed the reformation divisive see the event as regrettable? I don’t know. Given that so many today, both within and outside the Faith Community, have become hypersensitive to any actions that may be perceived as offensive and divisive, one can only surmise what was meant by this statement. Certainly, the actions taken by Martin Luther were decisive and meant to divide; or for that matter, incite serious dialogue to address the many problems that 16th century Catholicism had become well known for in the western world.
By the time Luther ignited the flame that would usher in the Protestant Reformation in 1517, the Catholic Church had emerged as the absolute ruling power over the western world. Despite her dominance, the Church and the Vatican had many detractors who dreamed that someday the Church would abandon some of her self-serving and foolish ways.
History suggests that Luther was not the only one in 16th-century Europe desiring to see the Holy Roman Catholic Church make changes moral, institutional and doctrinal changes. It is known that some within the Church’s hierarchy had become disillusioned by her hubris and hypocrisy.
To add fuel to this all consuming fire, many western royals and nobles had become uncomfortable with the political environment that the Vatican arrogantly Lorded over Europe’s royal families, whereby these royal families, out of fear of being ex-communicated or militarily challenged by the Church, were forced to subjugate themselves and their citizens to the authority of the Vatican and the Church hierarchy.
The increase in literacy and mass communication, facilitated by the invention and use of the Gutenberg Printing Press, enticed many common westerners to question the efficacy and relevance of the Church.
Aside from doctrinal and political tensions, the cracks in the facade that was 16th Century Catholicism was made worse by the Church’s brazen adoption of lifestyles that some scholars described as opulent. While the Pope and his cardinals, bishops and priests were supposed to portray a life that imitated that of Christ and the saints of old, they were living large as any of the most wealthy and powerful kings of known history. These Church leaders lacked or wanted for anything. Some even sported women (and men) and properties on the side, which we know was a violation of the vows of poverty and celibacy that every Catholic priest is supposed to take and adhere to as fundamental requirements of their profession of Faith and service to the Church of Christ.
And if violations of the so-called vows of celibacy and poverty weren’t enough to spark the fires of reform, the Vatican enacted various non-biblical—pagan inspired traditions and practices within the Church that served only to fatten the Church’s coffers and add yet another layer of control over the people. The most incendiary of these practices was the selling of indulgences and offices in the Church which frustrated Luther to no end and became the premise of his 95-these.
So what were the primary issues that are believed to have started the Protestant Reformation?
1. The Catholic Church had adopted a number of rituals and celebrations that served to “bind the people to its ministrations,” this according to Robert Freeman, author of “The Protestant Reformation.” These rituals and celebrations were not only intended to control the masses, but also to generate and maintain a cash cow for the Vatican. Recall that I just mentioned the selling of indulgences in the Catholic Church of the 16th century. We’ll touch briefly upon this issue momentarily.
2. The Catholic Church hierarchy, essentially from the top down, had become “lax and corrupt.” (Reference again Freeman) It was widely known at the time that many of the Church officials had become wealthy off the backs of the laity, counter to the so-called “vows of poverty” that each Catholic priest was required to give upon their acceptance into the service of the Church. It was also known that certain of the Church’s officials working out of the Vatican in Rome were flagrantly breaking their so-called vows of celibacy and possessed a good number of concubines. Thus, the whole construct of the Catholic priesthood and bishopric being Christlike in how they conducted their lives was nothing more than a grand facade which Freeman described as “Caesar-like arrogance.” Both insiders and outsiders of the Church knew about and saw this happening, and this had an undesired alienation effect upon a great many 16th century European citizens.
3. The Vatican and its Papacy had grossly departed from its original premise of being the seat of the Vicar of Christ to that of a powerful and vibrant business. The Vatican routinely sold offices and positions within the Church hierarchy to the highest bidder. The one financial misdeed receiving the greatest attention, especially from Martin Luther, was of course the “selling of indulgences” which involved the bestowing of “grants of the remission of sins,” which was ultimately based upon the payments parishioners agreed to make to the Church. In other words, if a loved one had died and was feared to be in purgatory or even hell, that loved one could conveniently receive freedom from purgatory or hell and be ushered straight into heaven simply by the relative of that loved one making a substantial donation to the Church or to certain power brokers within the Church. The Church was able to get away with this insane practice because the Vatican asserted and maintained the Pope’s absolute power to stand in the place of Christ here on earth; and by virtue of this holy privilege, the pope and his charges had the absolute authority to forgive sin. And who in their right mind in 16th century Europe, under the vise grip of the Roman Catholic Church, would challenge such authority?
It was this practice and abuse of the laity above all that prompted Luther’s ire towards the practices of his beloved Roman Catholic Church. As I just mentioned, it was this obscene practice of selling indulgences that drove Luther to draft his 95-theses and allegedly nail them to Wittenberg Castle Church’s front door. This flagrant act, as it would be understood in 1517, was in reality a symbolic act of calling the Bishop of Wittenburg out for debate on the authority of the Catholic Church to do the things it was known to be doing without any regard for the rule of Scripture and human reason.
Martin Luther’s actions essentially challenged the extent of the Pope’s and his church’s authority on several levels. The Catholic Church’s founding position was that the Pope stood in the place of Christ on earth and thus had absolute authority to do anything she purposed to do; even when those purposes opposed the Bible. Luther’s challenge, then, went to the heart of papal authority. Consequently, by calling the Church out in such a public manner, Luther placed himself, as well as all who would support and follow him, in harm’s way.
On a number of occasions Luther was ordered to report to headquarters in Rome to explain himself and recant his challenge. Fortunate for Luther, his actions appealed to the sensibilities of certain members of the local nobility and even certain elements of the church hierarchy, and thus he was miraculously afforded protection.
Luther’s notoriety stems primarily from his groundbreaking nailing of the 95 theses on Wittenberg Castle Church’s front doors. However, truth be told, the nailing of his 95-theses on the Church’s door only kindled the flame to the Protestant Reformation. In ensuing years, Luther authored a number of additional challenges to Roman Catholic Church and Papal authority that grew and spread the reformation throughout the whole of Europe. Needless to say, Luther, his supporters and protectors remained, for a number of years, the bane of the Vatican’s existence.
More than Luther’s widely published challenges, the Church’s greatest problem was found in the relative rapid spread of anti-Catholic sentiment throughout Europe that led to calls from within and outside the Church to completely reform the Roman Catholic Church.
This rebellion ultimately culminated in a series of wars that was based upon the Vatican’s so-called “Counter-Reformation” that was aimed at eradicating Protestantism, and as Freeman describes, “reclaim the souls that had been lost to Protestantism.”
Tapping her extreme wealth, resources, influence and reach, the Vatican launched the what some scholars have labeled as the Roman Inquisition in 1542 (note this is roughly 25-years after Luther posted his theses in Wittenberg). The so-called Roman Inquisition was patterned after the Spanish Inquisition of prior years. Simply put, Rome embarked upon a heavy-handed scheme to track down and destroy any whom they considered to be “heretics,” which essentially meant any person or groups that appeared to be part of this pesky Protestant Reformation. Rome was effectively demanding a pound of flesh from the reformers and all challengers (be they real or perceived) to her authority.
In the midst of the terror that Rome launched against Europe’s reformers in the mid-16th century, the Vatican actually stepped back and critically examined herself and sought to implement internal reforms that included: formal training of her priests; forbidding concubinage by members of the priesthood; the abolishment of the practices of selling offices; and the redirecting of more funds to relieving the poverty of the Church’s poor. Much of these and other reforms were meliorated by the newly formed Jesuit Order that was composed of men who were fiercely loyal to the Pope; zealous for the fundamental ways and traditions of the Church; and who fearlessly went on to facilitate the spread of Catholicism to the Far East and on to Latin America.
As it relates to the incendiary practice of selling indulgences, the Catholic Church did officially outlaw the practice in 1567. However, according to Google, the practice continued, as such, through the giving of charitable contributions to the Church, combined with certain specified acts, would go a long way to earning one an indulgence. Oh, by the way, “there is a limit of one plenary indulgence per sinner per day.” (reference: Google—are indulgences still sold today?) It should be mentioned, however, that the Catholic Church’s official position on the whole topic of indulgences is that “the Catholic Church does not now nor has it ever approved the sale of indulgences…This practice is utterly opposed to the Catholic Church’s teaching on indulgences, and it cannot be regarded as a teaching or practice in the Church.” (Aaaaameeeen.) (reference:
Back to the Roman Catholic Church’s “counter reformation,” which actually blossomed into a series of wars that extended over into the middle of the 17th century before peace was finally established and Protestantism was allowed to flourish, un-harassed by the Church. Truth be told, the Protestant Reformation did not take place on October 31, 1517 as the story of Martin Luther nailing his 95-theses to the doors of Wittenberg Church might lead us to believe. The reformation was actually 130-years in the making, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives and the restructuring of nations and rulerships on the European continent.
The effects of the Protestant Reformation extend well beyond the birthing of a new religion or faith from the womb of Catholicism. When one clearly understands the extent of power that the Catholic Church had over much of the western world prior to the reformation, only then can he or she understand the huge impact it had on the entire world. In other words, the reformation impacted not just the realm of religion, but it also profoundly impacted the whole of western secular society.
The Reformation brought into question the preeminence or sovereignty of any one man or organization over the souls of men and women. Thus, the Reformation caused a refocusing, if you will; from that of the organization being the end all to be all, to that of the individual being the end purpose of religion and Faith; from ordinances and sacraments to the individual soul; from a traditions-base to a scripture-base.
The Reformation changed the way we view nation states. Whereas before the Reformation, the state was subordinate to the Church. This core structure of The Church and The Papacy persisted unchallenged for some 8-centuries. The Reformation summarily reversed roughly a millennium of Catholic supremacy over the nations of western Europe. It was this reversal of politics that inspired the creation and implementation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—that being the separation of Church and State.
Capitalism received fertile ground upon which to better the plight of nation state citizens and eliminate the horrendous scourge of feudalism that existed during the Dark Ages.
Science was able to emerge from the dark cellar in which she dwelt for the 8-centuries that the Catholic Church inhibited the masses from discovering Truth for themselves.
At this juncture, having reflected upon the Protestant Reformation in a broad sense, I would now like to briefly reflect upon the person of Martin Luther and how his actions in spurring the Protestant Reformation helped deliver our Faith—the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith–from the bonds of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. And if you think this a far-fetched statement, consider the plight of the Waldenses of the 12th to 13th centuries who were all but wiped out by the Church for their reformist beliefs and way of life at the time of the Protestant Reformation. Granted, little is truly known about this courageous sect of believers as just about all of their written documents were deemed heretical by the Church and destroyed without remorse. All we do know about them comes from the Catholic Church, unfortunately. Therefore, much of the information that we now have could very likely have been misrepresented and tampered with by the Church. But all indications are that, although not classically Hebrew Roots or Messianic in their theology, the Waldenses Community was the closest we have record, of a people, who aspired to live as the first-century Body of Believers in Yeshua Messiah. These dear souls were summarily and systematically wiped out by the Roman Catholic Church because they rejected the Church’s and the Papacy’s authority over their Bibles and their lives.
My position on Martin Luther is not in line with the thinking of some in our Faith Community. I’ve heard anti-Luther teachings that labeled him a heretic; an avowed Catholic till the day he died who was against the True Faith once delivered; and other less than flattering labels.
But based upon my rather limited research into the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther, the person, I see Martin Luther as somewhat of an emancipator. I believe that if Martin Luther, and those who followed behind him and his work, had not stopped the Catholic Church in her corrupt tracks, and the Catholic Church had been allowed to exist in the state she existed for the better part of a millennium, Hebrew Roots/The Messianic Faith would have been summarily crushed, if not under total and complete subjection and control of Catholicism, maybe even to this day. The Protestant Reformation served to free us from the scourge of forced religion (which was once Catholicism), just as the True Faith of the first-century freed many from religion (which was once Judaism). For me, Martin Luther broke the back of Roman Catholicism and freed the masses from forced religion.
Consider: prior to the Reformation, no one was permitted to possess a copy of the Scriptures and of course, illiteracy was common to all but the elite of society. The only religious gathering permitted was in a sanctioned Catholic Church. All tithes and offerings belonged to the Church. Thus, everything and anything that the masses learned about Christianity came from the processed and repackaged dogma and pagan-derived traditions of the Vatican. So you see, one’s Faith was controlled by men and an institution, something that the author and finisher of our Faith never intended, and even forbade us to put tradition before Truth.
Master railed against the Pharisees and Scribes over this very thing, which is recorded in Mark, chapter 7. It reads:
“Then came together unto Him the Pharisees and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. And when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault. For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, Why walk not they disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? He (Yeshua) answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias (i.e., Isaiah) prophecied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”
Where was Master getting this from? From Isaiah 29, where the prophet wrote, speaking against the Nation of Judah:
“Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from Yahovah, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? And who knoweth us? Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? Or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding (Isaiah 29:13-16; KJV).“
The Catholic Church, launched by Roman Emperor Constantine, paved the way for the Assembly of Messiah to adopt traditions that would all but replace the instructions of our Creator and God. History does indeed repeat itself. Master continued:
“For Moeses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban (that is, a gift to be offered), that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; Making the Word of Yah of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye (Mark 7:3-13; KJV).”
I can only speculate how much blood is on the hands of the popes and the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church through the centuries; for their indiscriminate warring against those who would, if not for the overbearing traditions and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, who to the best of their ability, follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. How many souls has that institution led away from the Truth, but instead delivered unto them a gospel of damnation? How can anyone have but respect for the man Martin Luther; for the work that he did to break the hold of the great satan over the souls of men? Oh, Martin Luther may not have been a Hebrew Rooter or Messianic, that’s for sure, but he darn well knew right from wrong, and he set out to right the wrong that he saw playing out before him in the only way he knew how. That in and of itself should serve as a lesson to us all today: when we see wrong being perpetrated with impunity around us, do we simply turn a blind eye and go with the status quo? Or do we stand for what’s right and speak Truth, regardless the consequences we might face in doing so?
Martin Luther reintroduced the essential concept of the individual man or woman, through the atoning work of Messiah, establishing a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. Prior to the reformation and Luther, the individual had to establish a relationship with the Church in order to be connected in some sanctioned way to God. Every man’s salvation was seen to rest entirely with the Church and its Sacraments and Traditions. (Of course we know better than this; but perceptions have that nasty tendency of becoming reality if not altered or proved wrong.)
This whole relationship paradigm that Luther sought to challenge Rome with shifted the discussion from one of man-made religious authority and sacraments, to that of Faith and Justification and Grace. Faith, justification and grace are fundamental elements of, not just Protestant Christianity, but Hebrew Roots as well. Luther’s refusal to accept the Pope’s and the Church’s claim over the souls of men ignited a flame within him that of course, in a series of succeeding acts and events, led to a more biblically-based understanding of salvation and faith, absent the keeping of Torah and a true understanding of the person and work of Yahoshua HaMashiyach.
Let me just say here, that none of what I’ve mentioned here in favor of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, justifies or explains some of the spurious doctrines and beliefs that Martin Luther and cohorts such as John Calvin espoused—much of which were carried over into what we know today as the Lutheran Faith and Calvinism. But I would stand on that age old argument of “do we as a body throw this baby out with the bathwater? I would of course say absolutely not.
Is it possible? Is it even remotely possible, oh ye who are vehemently anti-Luther and anti-Protestant, that Father in His infinite wisdom and providence used Luther and Protestantism to lay the fertile ground that would re-introduce to this world, His True Faith that was once delivered to the first century saints? Just a thought.
Now, some in our Faith Community, and rightfully so, have expressed concerns that the Catholic Church is quietly working behind the world stage to put an end to the Protestant Reformation. It has been reported on a number of websites that this current Pope, Pope Francis, has made it one of his papacy’s missions to dissolve the Protestant Reformation and bring all the Protesters back under the wing of the Catholic Church.
I’ve read a few articles over the last couple years that told of Pope Francis having been in secret (and some not-so-secret) meetings with Protestant Leaders, discussing terms of a possible reunification of the Catholic Church and Protestant Denominations. Certainly a monumental undertaking to say the least. However, all indications seem to suggest that many of these assumed Protestant Church leaders are favorable to such a reunification.
I watched a video a couples years ago where Pope Francis addressed an Evangelical Protestant Conference, where he all but demanded that the Protestant Faith return to Mother Catholic Church. It should be mentioned that the attendees of this conference, after the Pope’s address, entered into a time of rejoicing and affirmation at the prospects of such a proposed reunification.
Other stories of signed agreements between the Vatican and certain Protestant Leaders have been bantered about on YouTube and various private websites. These alleged signed agreements are said to be documents that lay the groundwork to an eventual dissolution of the Protestant Reformation of 1517 and a return of the Protesting Church to the Catholic Church, planned for sometime around the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Oh, this year!
I will say that since seeing these videos and reading the articles about a proposed reunification of both Churches a couple years ago, I’ve not seen any follow-up to this story. So needless to say, when the 500th Anniversary hit this past week, I was anxious to see if anything would be reported about such a reunification.
Alas, I found nothing!! Not one new article or even a hint that all these once reported concerns of a reunification of Catholicism and Protestantism in 2017 would happen this year.
I do not want you to think that I am somehow desirous of such a thing occurring, because truth be told, if such a reunification were to actually take place, I fear that the end would not be too far off. Not only would the end not be too far off, in my opinion, if such a thing were to happen, both our Faith Movement and Community would be all the more challenged and isolated.
I don’t want to get into the specifics of such a scenario in this installment of Thoughts and Reflections. What I really want us to reflect on is how the Protestant Reformation helped or harmed our Faith Community and Movement. Then I would like us to reflect on how we must view and treat Protestantism: do we shun it and turn our back on it as so many in our Faith Community advocate? Or do we embrace Protestantism as a sort of wayward cousin with expressed love and compassion and offer them a lifeline and pathway to Truth and a life of true discipleship?
Whether we choose to believe it or not, we are inextricably linked to Protestantism, just as much as we are inextricably linked to Judaism. Obviously, both religions categorically reject us as a Faith Community—Judaism for identifying with Yeshua as THE Messiah; and Protestantism for our adoption and keeping of Torah.
Nevertheless, Protestantism is going through a New Reformation that is already marginalizing her as a viable World Faith Religion. Like Judaism and Catholicism in so many ways, Protestantism has lost her way. She has forsaken her self-adorned role of rescuing souls and getting people saved, and has today taken to a role that is primarily geared towards “social engineering.” It’s no longer about pointing people to Christ and establishing a viable relationship with the undisputed Creator of the Universe. It is now focused on making herself relevant to society and community; to fashioning the Protestant Church into some form of all inclusive organization; it has devolved to subjugating the primacy of the Bible over the lives of her members to that of elevating man-made ideals and principles that best fit the preferences and conveniences of members of the community and society. Protestantism has become a religion that is in so many senses political and idealistic. It has become a thriving and burgeoning business that exists through the expert use of production and entertainment. All this and so much more I’m afraid. Yet Protestantism is hemorrhaging members at a rapid pace. (Reference: Barna Group, 2011 study) The reasons cited in that study range from perceptions that Christianity has become shallow to Christianity does not offer them much in the way of meaning in their busy and complicated lives. In a 2016 post, The Christian Post reported that some 3,500 people leave the Church every day. (Reference:
And you know what the most concerning aspect of all this is? It’s the realization that our Faith Community is following right behind and in the shoes of our Protestant cousins.
So many of us are into social reforms, politics, compromising on the tenets of the Faith and selling the Word of God for personal gain. It seems as though that every month there arises a new sect or denomination of Hebrew Roots believers who have adopted a new and unconventional spin on what it means to be a Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah. I fear, like that which has happened to Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism, we as a Faith Community and Movement may be gradually losing our way.
Now that’s not to say that Catholicism ever had the right way, because they never did. Catholicism ultimately uprooted Hebrew Roots because shysters were allowed to infiltrate the Body of Messiah–sometime just after the death of the Apostle John–and introduce a Gospel, a Messiah, a Creator, and a Faith that was unlike, in every respect, that which was delivered to the first century Messianic Believers. And for whatever reason, the 2nd century Body of Believers began to compromise on the Truth and allowed the trash that the shysters brought in to the Body to take root and grow in influence to the point that we didn’t know whether we were coming or going.
So instead of turning to Scripture to find our way back, we turned to more men, in the hopes that they, being smarter and wiser than us, might get us back on track. But that getting back on track never came. We simply stayed on that train, heading the opposite direction in life, until we were hopelessly unable to find our way back. By the time we reached that point of no return, we had surrendered everything to these men and their Church: our families, hopes, dreams, lives, our very souls were all turned over to them. Thus, history repeated itself yet again—our God became men and their institutions. And this remained the case for some 800 or so years; until a low-level Monk by the name of Martin Luther came on the scene, and reminded us that there was once a time—many—many-years prior—where we possessed the divine opportunity to establish a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe; the process of linking up with the Creator would involve no one else but us as the individual and our Creator.
And although we may have some uneasiness with some of Luther’s beliefs and perspectives, I believe we are in debt to this man and the movement that he ignited. Where would we be today if not for the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther?
Then we have the Reformation’s end product: Protestantism—a behemoth of a religion composed of some 30,000 denominations; in many ways doctrinally separate from her mother the Roman Catholic Church, but still hanging on to her apron-strings through the practice of certain traditions and beliefs.
This being the case, should we as a Faith Community, abandon our Protestant cousins by not making ourselves accessible to them as the means for finding the True Faith once delivered?
Absolutely not. Consider the story of Master and the Samaritan woman. If Master had followed convention and rejected the Samaritans, He would not have introduced the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Samaritan Community of His day (John 4). If Paul and the other apostles had followed convention and rejected the Gentile peoples of the surrounding region, the Gospel of the Kingdom would have not reached around the world and ultimately us today.
Who knows the extent of the harvest that awaits us in the great field that is Protestantism today. Assuming that the Christian Church is losing members even today, many of those former Protestants will be looking for a place in which to rest their weary souls, and certainly this Faith of ours fills that prescription to a “t.” In fact, while blindness in part remains in effect for our other cousins the Jews, pending the scales being dropped from their eyes through the miraculous revealing of Yeshua as their Messiah (Romans 11:25), I would be so bold to contend that our discipleship efforts must, in great part, be aimed at the Truth-Seeking Protestant. And certainly, the harvest is plenteous and ready for the laborers (Matthew 9:37).
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This is probably one the most frequently asked questions that I have received over the years, and to be honest, there is no true right answer to the question.
I do believe that there is a wrong way to go about witnessing or telling non-Torah Keepers about our Faith, and that entails beating the non-Torah-Keeper over the head with the Bible/Torah in an attempt to force them to see things our way. Beating non-believers over the head with the Word of God simply does not work. No one likes to be beat with the Word of God. When a Torah-keeping believer uses God’s Word in an attempt to force a non-Torah-keeper to agree with the believer’s perspective and belief, the non-believer is forced to take a defensive stance to defend against the “beat down.” It is an inevitable natural defense mechanism that most I employ when facing aggressive opposition.
Seems clear to me that Master never forced Himself on anyone. Who in their right mind would wish for anyone to come into the True Faith Once Delivered “kicking and screaming?” The ideal convert to our Faith is one who ultimately becomes profoundly convinced in their heart, mind and soul that our Faith is based upon Truth that they have been searching for their entire life.
There is no secret that Christianity, as a whole, generally rejects the keeping of what they popularly refer to as The Law.
Most Christian rejection of Torah is derived from their mishandled, mismanaged, misinterpreted and misunderstanding of the writings of the Apostle Paul.
I believe that Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua Messiah are prone to commit a critical error when they convince themselves that they can somehow overturn centuries of ingrained anti-Torah indoctrination. The Protestant Church has been building upon the hijacked doctrines of “grace” for centuries (viz., since Calvin and Luther). The “grace” doctrines, of course, were put in place after Protestant leaders called out the Catholic Church for their abuse of the two-part biblical principle of faith and works that the Apostle James so brilliantly wrote about in his foundational general leter.
The protestant reformers, in response to the abuses of the Catholic Church related to the concept of works and faith, turned a cold shoulder to James and fully embraced the “grace-heavy” writings of the Apostle Paul. This turning to the writings and teachings of Paul was not done with any firm understanding of the delicate balance that Paul was actually placing on grace, works and the law. The grace agenda over the years overshadowed and ultimately replaced works and the law as crucial elements of Christian life. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church had already forced the removal of Torah-keeping as a critical element of the Christian life. Ultimately, the doctrine of “sola gratia”–grace only–became the Christian ethos, finally conquering and destroying the delicate balance of grace-faith-works-Torah that was once the government of our Faith.
As an aside, did you know that the Book of James almost did not make it in to our present day canon of scripture because he categorically endorsed this delicate balance?
Think not that I am come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill (Matthew 5:17; NAS).
There are no convincing words that we can speak; no single proof-positive Bible verse that we can reference; no physical, natural or even spiritual demonstrations that we can perform that will stop a Christian dead in their tracks and force them to repent and convert to the True Faith once delivered.
It took the Damascus Road Event to convince Paul that he was on the wrong path of life (Acts 9). Literally, the scales had to drop from Paul’s eyes before he would see the error of his ways. His was a dramatic and powerful conversion and a poignant touchstone for any Messianic Believer who would share their Faith with non-Believers.
Paul’s Damascus Road Experience, taken in conjunction with the experiences of myself and others who have made the transition over to Hebrew Roots, strongly hints that witnessing alone will not effect change in non-Believers. Does every conversion require a Damascus Road level event take place to effect the conversion? No. Nevertheless, I would suggest that some form of “change agent” must be employed to effect the change, and that change agent is God’s Spirit.
Paul wrote the following to the Corinthian Assembly of Believers:
After all, what is Apollos? What is Sha’ul (viz., Paul)? Only servants through whom you came to trust. Indeed, it was the Lord who brought you to trust through one of us or through another. I planted, Apollos watered, but it was God who made it grow (I Corinthians 3:5,6; CJB).
Here we see from Paul’s writing that it falls to the Father to effect a change in the non-Believer; all we can do is to make the initial delivery of the Word to the initiate.
The Word of God (Yahovah) has throughout the New Testament been so wonderfully and aptly likened unto “seed” that is to be planted among the nations of the world. No farmer or gardners, regardless how talented and experienced they may be in cultivating their preferred plants, can in and of themselves cause their seeds to germinate and grow. It falls to the wonders of nature–the provisions of Almighty God (our Elohim) to effect the growth. The same thinking must be applied when we consider delivering the Word of God to non-Believers, especially non-Torah keepers.
I would contend that much of our problems as it relates to effective Hebrew Roots/Messianic evangelism is rooted in a gross misunderstanding of the “Great Commission.” Protestant Christianity effectively took the clear directive of our Master Yeshua’s commission to make for Him disciples of the nations (i.e., of the peoples of the earth) and turned it into global program to get people into heaven.
Indeed, the disciples were tasked by Master Yahoshua (a.k.a., Jesus Christ) to baptize and make disciples of every creed, race and nationality of people on the earth. The would-be discples were to then be taught by those same discples soon turned apostles the things that Master taught them while He sojourned among them (Matthew 28:19,20; NAS). Contrary to mainstream Christian understanding of the Great Commission, these disciples we were NOT tasked by Master to go out and get people saved. I would therefore contend that it is this gross misunderstanding of the Great Commission that has resulted in our ineffective and feeble attempts at evangelism.
This concept of discipleship by its very nature violently defies and flies in the face of the “grace only” crowds of Christianity; for by its very nature the term denotes an established process by which one is made to follow, conform and imitate the Master. Discipleship is work-intensive; it is not passive as tradition would lead us to believe. More so, and this may be the most troublesome aspect of the equation to Christians, discipleship requires full acceptance and obedience to Torah. Why? Because Yeshua Messiah (a.k.a., Jesus Christ) kept Torah perfectly. If the intiate is to conform to the image of his or her master, by the very nature of the concept of discipleship, he or she MUST follow and obey the very principles followed, obeyed and taught by the Master. What principles then did Yeshua Messiah follow, obey and teach? Those principles–every last one of them–were key elements of Torah!
Here’s the next shoe to drop in this soliloquy: a master chooses his disciples; disciples do not choose their master. The record bears that Yeshua handpicked every one of His disciples.
Yeshua possessed many disciples during His earthly ministry (Luke 10). Most Christians fail to grasp the reality of this because the church’s focus has always been on Master’s inner core of 12, each of whom (with the exception of Judas Iscariot) ultimately went on to become the great apostles who built upon the work that Master initiated (Matthew 10; Luke 9; Mark 6). Master Yahoshua chose who would be His disciples who had certain qualities that would qualify them for the arduous work of delivering the true Gospel to the nations of the world. He had stringent and uncompromising standards that most would-be disciples could not meet (reference the story of the rich young man as recorded in Matthew 19; the man who wanted to be a disciple but wanted first to bury his father in Luke 9; the one who would be a disciple but who wanted first to go and bid farewell to his friends and family before embarking on the journey in Luke 9).
If we take this classic concept of a first-century master and his disciples and we step back and look at this question of witnessing to non-believers in the 21st-century, we should see the “Great Commission” in an entirely different light. The quest of every current disciple of Yeshua HaMashiyach (a.k.a., Jesus Christ) must change from beating the bushes to feret out unwilling, unwitting, unassuming and scripturally ignorant non-Believers to planting and watering the seed–the Word of our Elohim (a.k.a., God)–and stepping aside for our heavenly Father to ignite the flames of change in those who He chooses.
The seeds (viz., the Word of the Most High God) of change, so to speak, cannot be indescriminately scattered amongst the peoples of the world. The seeds of change must be guarded maintained in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits, ever-so-ready for the good-ground that Father makes available to us. Unfortunately, we do not come by good-ground so easily. I would go so far as to say that good-ground must come to us, and if we make ourselves accessible and available to Father, He will faithfully bring that good ground to us, albeit at some of the most unexpected times.
From my personal experience and study, the most effective means by which to receive that good ground is simply by living and walking out our Faith as the Holy Spirit facilitates. This make include: faithfully and meticulously keeping Torah the way Master Yeshua modeled for us; showing love and compassion to all people, regardless their respective stations in life. When we live our lives openly and transparently this way, we are showing forth light before men such that they see our good works and end up glorifying our Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
Remember the classic Kevin Costner movie, “Field of Dreams?” What was the pivotal saying that came out of that movie that has been burned into popular culture: “If you build it, they will come?”
Building upon the firm foundation which is our Master and Saviour will naturally bring that good ground to us so that we may do our required part of the Great Commission.
When the world sees how we live and talk, it naturally awakens curiosity, especially in those who are genuinely seeking Truth and understanding. Torah-living was ingeniously designed by Father to serve as a beacon, whereby men are drawn from all parts of the world to query and understand what we are all about.
It is through this paradigm that good ground is brought to us such that we may plant and water the seeds of the Word of the Most High.
We should bear in mind, Master promised that when the time comes to share our Faith with non-Believers, He would have the Comforter work with within us so that we can effectively deliver the Good News:
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you (John 15:26).
So the thinking is that our living provides the light by which good, fertile ground is made available for inplantation and watering of the Word of Truth. Given that we become the planters and waters, we must “always be prepared to give every man an answer who ask of us a reason of the hope that is in us with gentleness and respect (I Peter 3:15).”
Father provides many obvious and not-so-obvious opportunities to share our Faith with others:
Then there is the working of the Holy Spirit that should be factored in to our evangelical efforts.
Master Yahoshua, often before He preached and taught the masses, provided a demonstration of the power and authority of the Holy Spirit that was operating in Him. Yeshua healed the sick, delivered people from oppressive spirits; raised the dead; and fed the hungry. If we are at such a maturity level in our walk with Messiah that the power and might of the Holy Spirit (aka the Ruach HaKodesh) is actively operating such that people are being healed and delivered through our direct interventions, then such manifestations of the Spirit will naturally open the door and provide powerful opportunities to share the Faith with non-believers.
Here are 7-things to consider when making ourselves available to disciple non-Torah keepers:
1. Study, study, study in preparation for discipleship opportunities.
2. Get close to Father by allowing His Spirit to be the dominant and guiding spirit in our lives. Adopt the Mind of Messiah—think as He thought; behave as He behaved (I Corinthians 2:16).
3. Pray that Father uses us in the work of the Gospel and in the making of new disciples for Yeshua Messiah (I Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18).
4. Give first before seeking to reap a harvest of new souls for Messiah. In other words, bear good fruit—do good—let your light shine before men such that our Father in heaven is glorified (Colossians 1:10).
5. Walk out this Faith with perfection and zeal (Philippians 3:14,15). Friends, this is like being in professional athletics—there is a lot of preparation involved; practice; honing our skills and our spiritual bodies such that Father can get the best use of us as He sends us forth to make disciples for Master Yahoshua.
6. Be transparent and approachable. The biggest problem I see manifested in our Faith Community in this regard is the high, mighty and haughty demeanor of so messianics. Why are so many messianics this way? I believe it can be attributed, in great part, to the over–accumulation of Biblical knowledge which Paul warns has the potential of puffing one up (I Corinthians 8:1). It is truly a sad thing to see, especially on social media: individuals genuinely seeking Truth that are brutalized by the more knowledgeable of our Community. The knowledge put forth by such individuals is devoid of compassion, justice and love. And so many of these pompous know-it-alls hide cowardly behind their knowledge, afraid to reveal their weaknesses as disciples of Messiah and fearful of being vulnerable to others themselves.
7. Lastly, understand that it’s all about Him, and not at all about us.
Happy discipling!
Why discuss the Feast of Tabernacles 2017 after its passing? To recap Tabernacles from an experiential perspective with the aim of better observance and keeping of Tabernacles in the coming years.
In past years, Hilary and I have always planned in advance to keep the Feast of Tabernacles with other like-minded Torah Observant Believers in Messiah. This year we did not hook up with a group of believers as in years past.
Instead, we packed up and checked into a local hotel where we observed the 8-day festival together as husband and wife, away from home.
Feast of Tabernacles is one of 3-pilgrimage Feasts of our Elohim—the other 2-being The Feast of Unleavened Bread (a.k.a. Feast of Matzah) and Pentecost (aka Shavuot).
Within the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Communities, it is the custom of many to vacate our homes during the 8-day celebration of Taberncles. The practice of vacating our homes and dwelling in some form of temporary abode (Hebrew–Sukkah) for the duration of the Feast week is meant to commemorate our sojourn in the Sinai Desert and our dwelling in tents/booths/sukkahs (Leviticus 23:43).
Father instructed us, as recorded in Leviticus 23:42,43, to construct Sukkahs or Booths and dwell in them during the 8-Day celebration as a memorial that He
“…made the children of Israel to dwell in booths when He brought them out of the land of Egypt.”
Each year, many in our Faith Community erect temporary dwellings that they occupy during the entire week of Tabernacles. Others in our community dwell simple modern day tents. Still others dwell in their RV’s and other such temporary, but more modern, mobile dwellings.
In previous Tabernacles Hilary and I have taken a rather conservative approach to this time-honored Torah instruction by dwelling in hotels during the Feast week. Some have humorously named this practice “The Feast of Hotels.”
A great many in our Faith Community do not vacate their homes nor do they occupy temporary dwellings the Feast week. (If you fall into this category, don’t fear, this is a no-judging zone!)
Some brethren are unable to vacate their homes for the 8-day celebration period for various and sundry reasons. Those of us who desire to take up the command to dwell in booths–temporary dwelling–but for whatever reason can’t, it behooves us to work it out with Father that He provide the opportunity and means to do so.
It falls to every believer to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling (Psalm 2:11; Philippians 2:12). Those of community who do not regard this command as valid are certainly free to do so. It falls upon the Body of Messiah to not render judgment against these individuals.
Paul wrote to the Roman Assembly of Believers:
Now as for a person whose trust is weak, welcome him—but not to get into arguments over opinions. One person has the trust that will allow him to eat anything, while another whose trust is weak eats only vegetables. The one who eats anything must not look down on the one who abstains; and the abstainer must not pass judgment on the one who eats anything, because God has accepted him—who are you to pass judgment on someone else’s servant? It is before his own master that he will stand or fall; and the fact is that he will stand, because the Lord is able to make him stand. One person considers some days more holy than others, while someone else regards them as being all alike. What is important is for each to be fully convinced in his own mind (Romans 14:1-5; CJB).
(I would caution all who would suggest that Paul is sanctioning complete and utter lawlessness reign within the Body of Messiah here. I believe Paul in this passage is assuming that we have enough of our wits about us to recognize that we must be obedient to Torah; how every respective believer goes about obeying specific Torah commands, though, must become a thing between the individual and our Heavenly Father.)
If you’ve not done so in the past and find that you want to begin keeping this commandment, maybe the best way to start by simply erecting a makeshift Sukkah somewhere permissible on your property. You can dwell in this makeshift ediface during the day and then retire at night within the safe confines of your home. If your makeshift sukkah is of such that you can dwell in it at night, by all means do so. There are actually Sukkah kits that you can purchase through on-line vendors.
Abba said to us over and over throughout His Torah that these are His Feasts—His appointed times spread out in His yearly calendar–to commune with us, His children. If Father is willing and desires to meet with us–His people—His special possession—His kingdom of priests unto the world–during 7-at these set apart times of the year, who are we then to not keep of His set-apart days?
Consider this heart-tugging challenge from Moses’ predecessor, Joshua:
Now therefore fear Yahovah/Yahweh/Yahuah and serve Him in sincerity (sincerity in the Hebrew being “tamiym,” meaning completely; wholly; entirely; with the YLT putting as serving Yah in “perfection;” the Septuagint as serving Father in “righteousness.”)—continuing–serving Him in sincerity and truth (truth in the Hebrew here is “emeth,” meaning firmness; faithfulness; with the LXX suggesting serving Father in justice; the NET serving Him with integrity; and the NIV taking both sincerity and truth and summing them together as serving Father with all faithfulness)—continuing–thus serving Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye Yahovah. And if it seem evil unto you to serve Yahovah—that is if you disagree with me; if it seems bad to you or displeasing to you all that I have said here—I say choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Amorites in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve Yahovah/Yahweh/Yahuah (Joshua 24:14,15; KJV)!
I do not pretend to be a Joshua calling any believer out as it relates to how they observe or honor the Feasts of Yahovah/Yahuah/Yahweh. All I am suggesting is that we “up our game,” at least just a bit; and serve our Elohim with the zeal and commitment to serve that we once had. Yes, honor our “first love! (Revelation 2:4)”
Father is calling unto Himself a people (Deuteronomy 7:6) who will not allow “self” to get in the way of their relationship with the Creator of the Universe.
In the course of my studies of the Word of God during the Feast Week, I spent a great amount of time reading and meditating on the specific protocols Father laid out to us regarding the Feast of Tabernacles. My focus was not on the prophetic significance of Tabernacles this go-round, but to, instead, flesh out what Father expected of us during the Feast week. It became clear to me that many of us fail to keep the fundamental ordinances of Tabernacles as Father outlined in His Torah.
Because the Temple no longer exists, it is virtually impossible to keep many of the ordinances of Tabernacles today.
The Feast of Tabernacles, as given to us in Torah, was heavily Temple-centric, making the rote “keeping” of this amazing feast somewhat challenging, if not impossible, for today’s Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah.
Given that the Temple and all her operations ceased to exist between 68-70 C.E., along with the priesthood changing from the Levitical to the Melekzedek (aka, Melchizedec) priesthood, we are no longer expected to observe Tabernacles in Jerusalem . The physical Temple has been replaced by the temple of our human bodies (reference I Corinthians 3:16; 6:16,19; cf. John 2:21).
Does this reality nullify our mandate to keep these Feasts? How then do we reconcile Leviticus 23:41, which reads as follows:
You shall celebrate it as a feast [The Feast of Sukkot/Tabernacles/Booths/Ingathering] for seven-days in the year. It is a statute forever throughout your generations; you shall celebrate it in the 7th month (Leviticus 23:41; ESV)?
The Apostle John records the following prophecy that Master delivered to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well:
The hour cometh, when ye shall neighter in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father…(let’s stop here for a moment! With the destruction of the Temple and elimination of the Levitical priesthood, have we Messianics not fulfilled this propehcy, at least in part by our present-day observance of the Feast of our Elohim?) Continuing–Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship HIm in spirit and in truth (John 4:21,24; KJV).
So then the question that is naturally to be asked: how do we worship Father during the Feast of Tabernacles? I think Master pretty much summed this up for us in this stated passage: we worship Father in spirit and truth! Our bodies, having replaced the Jerusalem Temple as the hub of worship, now become the fulcrum of all proper worship in the spirit. Father’s Spirit dwelling within these bodies of ours brings us grand opportunities as His children up close and personal–more so than our predecessors ever imagined.
Thus, we worship Abba Father during the Feast in songs of praise, adoration and thanksgiving; the blowing of shofars; prayer and meditation; the reading of His Word; fellowshiping with the brethren; and listening to teachings delivered by Yahovah’s anointed.
The other forms of worship, being spiritually and truth based, take the form of giving and doing good. We of course have the opportunity during the feast of giving of financial tithes and offerings–the standard form of giving in this day and age. Offerings given during Tabernacles may also take the form of giving of our skills, talents and strength as most feast gatherings tend to be operationally and administratively labor intensive (e.g., set-up; preparations; music; childcare; logistics; food preparation and serving; teaching; and the like–assuming our celebrations are with a sizeable group). Worship through giving place one of the biggest roles in our Tabernacles observance.
Leviticus 23 is the go-to passage of Torah that lays out Father’s requirements of us regarding His seven-mandated Feasts and the Weekly Sabbath. Deuteronomy 16, Numbers 29 and Exodus 23 and 34 all sort of fill in the celebration details that Leviticus 23 might leave out.
Let’s glean from these key passages some of Father’s key expectations of us as it relates to the proper keeping of the Feast of Tabernacles.
The first thing we should consider is Father’s commandment that we keep the Feast of Tabernacles as a permanent requirement of our citizenship in God’s Kingdom.
How series is Father in terms of requiring us to keep this Feast, even in the 21st-century? Considering the following passage from Zechariah:
Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD of host—Yahovah Tzva’ot—and to keep the Feast of Booths. And if any of the families of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Yahovah Tzva’ot, there will be no rain on them. And if the family of Egypt does not go up and present themselves, then on them there shall be no rain; there shall be the plague with which Yahovah/Yahweh/Yahuah afflicts the nations that do not go up to keep the Feast of Booths. (Recall that the Feast of Booths is synonymous with Feast of Tabernacles and Sukkot.)—Continuing–This shall be the punishment to Egypt and the punishment to all the nations that do not go up to keep the Feast of Booths. And on that day there shall be inscribed on the bells of the horses, Holy to Yahovah. And the pots in the house of Yahovah shall be as the bowls before the altar. And every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holy to Yahovah Tzva’ot; and all who sacrifice will come and take of them and boil in them. And there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of Yahovah Tzva’ot in that day (Zechariah 14:16; ESV).
If Father is intent on withholding rain from those nations that fail to keep Tabernacles in the world tomorrow, which would no doubt result in famine and other natural hardships, does it not make sense that He would expect His chosen to keep this Feast today? In fact, Father explicitly commanded that this Feast is to be kept by us as a statute forever in our generations (Leviticus 23:41).
We are to participate in a Holy Convocation. The Hebrew term for convocation is “Miqra,” which refers to a “public meeting,” and it also could be seen as that of a “public rehearsal” of some type.
Leviticus 23:33-43 instructs us to participate in a Holy Convocation on the first and 8th Day of Tabernacles.
Our present society does not sanction the keeping of this Feast. Christianity rejects Torah and thus rejects the keeping of Father’s annual Feasts, including Tabernacles. Thus it falls to each of us to keep Tabernacles as best we can while living in a society that is relatively hostile to the observance of the Feasts of our Elohim.
The challenge, as we’ve previously mentioned, for many of us is finding a gathering where we may observe Tabernacles in a way that, to the best of our understanding and ability to replicate, would serve as a holy convocation. Some of us are privileged to live near local Messianic congregations or fellowships that observe/celebrate Tabernacles on an annual basis. Others of us are blessed and privileged to have the means by which to travel and convocate with gatherings during Tabernacles that are at a good distance from our homes.
Still, others of us are not so fortunate to be able to convocate with fellow Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah during the Feast of Tabernacles, much less on the weekly Sabbath for various and sundry reasons. This presents quite a problem our Faith Community.
Fortunate thing for us living in the 21st century west is that we have technology that can connect us to others in our community. Albeit such opportunities are limited, those of us with the technological means and know how have opportunities to participate in holy convocations on-line during the Feast of Tabernacles. Many Messianic groups and fellowships simulcast their celebrations and observances on the internet every Tabernacles. It then becomes of matter of searching these groups out and establishing the connection.
Lastly, there are some in our Faith Community who, because of health and financial reasons, are unable to participate in person in holy convocations during Tabernacles. If our community were closer and more in tune with the Spirit of Torah and the acute needs of the Body, the Community would take care of making it possible for those who do not have the means to travel and participate in the Tabernacles’ convocation and various events during feast week. Unfortunately, our community is not there yet. Let us be hopeful that we will get there some day.
On the first and 8th day of the Tabernacles celebration, we are instructed to do no ordinary or servile work (Leviticus 23:35,36).
Father gives us advance notice of when His Feasts and the weekly Sabbaths hit. Thus, as intelligent human beings, we have the wherewithal to prepare ahead of time to ensure that we do not violate Torah in respects to work prohibitions during Tabernacles. It amazes me how so many of us leave the weekly Sabbaths and the High Days of the Feasts to chance and wait to the day of to get things done or find we have to do prohibited work. Individually and as a Faith Community, we have to do better; and that better starts with us as individuals along with our commitment to please and obey our heavenly Father.
This ordinance is somewhat challenging for us today given that the Jerusalem Temple and the Levitical Priesthood are no longer in operation.
It then falls to the Body of Messiah, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to define what “an offering made by fire to Adonai should consist of” during the Feast of Tabernacles. Father instructs us to make such an offering each day of Tabernacles.
I insinuated earlier in this post that offerings and sacrifices can extend beyond the giving of money-based tithes and offerings and over to the giving of praise and thanksgiving to Abba Father and the doing of good works. Of course, how we ultimately enact this specific command is subject to what Father and His Spirit leads each of us individually to do.
We reflected upon this ordinance earlier in this post.
Father requires that we rejoice (the Hebrew for rejoice is “Samach,” which means to brighten up—to be gleeful) before Him by bringing with us to whatever assembly we end up in: choice fruits; palm fronds; and thick leafy-trees and willow boughs (Leviticus 23:40). How many of us actually keep this commandment, or at least make an attempt to keep it?
This manner of rejoicing is to be done for the entire seven-days of Tabernacles. Along with the items we been instructed to bring to the celebration, we are instructed to proclaim this Feast as a holy convocation by name. In what form should such a proclamation be made? The primary form of proclamation seems best delivered through the reading and recitation of Father’s Word-His Torah (Leviticus 23:37).
The bottom line in all that we’ve reflected upon here in this segment is that every self-professing, Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah is expected and required by Father, to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. Much of our keeping of this beautiful and joyous feast is to be done with the spirit of the Feast in mind, given that the Temple and the Levitical Priesthood are no longer in operation. Regardless the specifics as to what we can and can not realistically do as it relates to Tabernacles today, we must make the best effort we possibly can to keep the feast. We absolutely cannot treat Tabernacles as a anecdote; an inactive relic of our predecessors; or as simply an idealistic Jewish holiday with grand prophetic significance. No. We must keep Tabernacles and do the best we possibly can to not only keep the spirit of the feast, but to fulfill as best we can the specific elements of the feast given to us by our Heavenly Father.
Is it was permissible, by Torah, to travel on the Sabbath?
The concept of restricting one’s travel on the Sabbath, of course, seems directly tied to the prohibition against performing work on the Sabbath (Leviticus 23:3).
For some in our Community, as well as in some orthodox Jewish sects, walking or using mechanical conveyance on the Sabbath is considered work.
So let use reason together. When we can reasonably extract from the purpose of our travel on the Sabbath–such that we eliminate any obvious or hidden intentions to perform work–and if the purpose of our travels are to fulfill the spirit of Sabbath and Torah, then travel on the Sabbath would seem reasonable and justified.
When a specific need for travel on the Sabbath comes up, we should ask ourselves, is the trip necessary. Certainly, if travel is needed to attend a holy convocation on Sabbath, then travel in this case would seem quite reasonable.
If , on the other hand, a specific trip on the Sabbath was for the purpose of simply going to the mall and shopping or just hanging out; grabbing an ice cream; meeting up with some ole buddies; or just going out for a drive, or the like, then the whole spirit behind Sabbath being a holy convocation day is lost.
Then there’s travel that involves the working of others on our behalf to get us from point A to point B. When we contract with others to take us from point A to point B, such as airlines, buses, ships, taxis, trains and the like on the Sabbath, we begin to broach the prohibition against work on the Sabbath. Deuteronomy 5:14 makes it pretty clear that we are not to have anyone in our employ or under our influence effect work either on our behalf or within the confines of our property.
One could argue that if an emergency were to require us to travel on Sabbath, would that still be a violation of Torah. I would say yes, and no; it depends. If the emergency were to come upon us so suddenly that we are unable to make provisions for travel outside the Sabbath (e.g., rendering aid or attending to the needs of a sick family member or helping a friend in dire need), then certainly one could argue that the spirit of Torah remains intact in our contracting with commercial conveyance to effect our travel.
On the other hand, if we have been given discretionary time to effect travel to attend to an emergency and we have the means of traveling outside the Sabbath, then it would behoove us to make every effort to keep Sabbath and travel outside the Sabbath.
If there is ever a question of travel on Sabbath, it would behoove the Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah to consider the following:
1. Always seek to keep the Sabbath holy. Consider how our travel will affect keeping the Sabbath holy.
2. We must avoid any travel that would be construed or considered as work.
3. We must make every effort to participate in a holy convocation.
4. If we must contract conveyance on the Sabbath, the spirit of Torah and the Sabbath must be factored in to the transaction.
5. We must always ask ourselves: will our travel on the Sabbath hinder our keeping the Sabbath holy and would our travel be considered as work (i.e., servile or menial)? Can we accomplish our travels outside the time frame of the Sabbath if our travels do not involve our going to a holy convocation or to do some good on the Sabbath? It’s always good to plan ahead. We know each and every week when the Sabbath is going to hit. So preparation (typically and traditionally on the 6th day) provides us the opportunity to take care of any need to travel on the Sabbath; again, unless the travel on the Sabbath involves a holy convocation or going to do some good on the Sabbath.
Consider sharing your personal thoughts & reflections of Feast of Tabernacles 2017 with other Messianic Torah Observers such as yourself. Bless others with your experiences and understanding. Shalom.
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We have brethren in our Faith Community who are seeking Truth and want to understand when and what Yom Kippur is and how to properly observe and celebrate the day.
As mature Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah, we are compelled to remind ourselves of the meaning and purpose of the day and prepare ourselves (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and even physically).
Permit me to approach this briefly from a personal perspective and from the perspective of one who has folks who will listen to this program and need and desire to know how to make the day relevant to them as a 21st-century Messianic Believer.
Yom Kippur—Hebrew for Day of Atonement—is considered by most in our community (and I would tend to agree as well) as the holiest day of the Father’s sacred calendar year. For this is a day to commemorate and reflect upon our need for a savior. More specifically, reflect upon sin and the influence of sin on our relationship with the Creator of the Universe.
Another aspect of the day is that it is a day to reflect upon the sin of the nation and to seek forgiveness and atonement (at-one-ment) for violations of Torah.
The entire chapter of Leviticus 16 addresses the Day of Atonement. There was a sequence of events and actions that were to be followed and all those events and actions are rich in meaning and prophecy.
The bottom line elements of The Day of Atonement are as follows:
Most Jews believe that Yom Kippur is the most solemn and sacred time of the calendar year.
It is a time of great introspection and reflection on one’s life. It is a time where the Jew deals with their guilt and shame and takes actions to address those guilts and shames by seeking forgiveness from those they’ve offended or wronged and from God. (This process of introspection and reflection actually takes place over the entire 10-days leading from Trumpets to the Day of Atonement—traditionally referred to as the 10-days of awe.
At least one popular Hebrew Roots teacher has applied significant prophetic meaning to these 10-days of Awe.
The following are Jewish general practices of Yom Kippur:
What follows is based solely upon my opinion which is based upon my personal study of Scripture, prayer, meditation and years of personal experience related to the Feasts of Yahovah and Yom Kippur.
At the very least, we must observe the day as a special Sabbath—mainly, no work and a day dedicated to focusing upon Father and our relationship with Him.
Additionally, we must consider what it means to afflict our souls and how we will convocate. These two aspects or elements of the Scriptural undergirding of the day must be worked out between us as individuals and with our Father.
The Temple is no longer with us. We are now the Temple of Yahweh (I Corinthians 3:16,17).
The offerings and the application of the blood to the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies in the Temple have been replaced by Master Yeshua who ceremonially accomplished this once and for all upon His ascension to heaven just after His crucifixion and resurrection. Hebrews 10:1-12. Thus presenting an offering made by fire is not truly possible. Such offerings for us today take on a meaning that must be reconciled between us as individuals and Yahovah our Elohim.
Some give financial offerings and tithes to their assigned congregations and favorite Messianic ministries. Some take a more spiritual bend (to which I tend to personally agree), whereby sacrifices of praise are offered—that is, the fruit of our lips giving praise to His Name (Hebrews 13:15).
In terms of afflicting our souls, I believe it should be a “complete fast” as suggested in Isaiah 58:3-6 and Acts 27:9. I believe it could go even further than a fast, whereby we deny ourselves anything that we desire or feel we need for that day. (What that may be is again, between us as individuals and our heavenly Father.)
The Feasts of Yahweh (the Moedim of our Elohim) are divinely appointed times of the sacred calendar year (Abba’s calendar) where He from the beginning determined to meet and commune with us (Genesis 1:14 and Leviticus 23:4). They also serve as a yearly reminder of the things of our God (throughout the whole of Torah it talks about memorial).
Additionally, the Feasts of Yahweh seem to brilliantly paint for the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah, Father’s Plan of Salvation. Hebrews 9:28-10:1 (READ) strongly suggests this.
At least one prominent Messianic/Hebrew Roots teacher ties the Day of Atonement to the Great Tribulation and the destruction of Israel and Jerusalem.
Many tie The Day of Atonement with the prophetic event of Revelation 20:2,3 (READ) when hasatan will be eliminated and the world is freed from his deceiving influences. Then the Word of Yahovah will be proclaimed upon the earth and men will once and for all realize Truth without being deceived by the enemy. This is certainly a brilliant comparison to the ceremony involving the scapegoat being taken from the midst of the people and dragged out to the desert forever (Leviticus 16:7-10).
I do not presume to tell you how you should celebrate, observe or honor Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). It must be a thing between you and Yahovah. What I will say, however, is that we must honor the day, at the very least.
Presuming that we elect to honor the day, I believe that our efforts must transcend any and all taught or suggested rote/mechanically prescribed ideals and traditions and beliefs.
As well intending people of our Elohim, we tend to fall into this belief that we need to be told how to do—how to observe—what not to do—how best to do it—when it comes to the things of Yahuah; especially when it comes to the Feasts of Yahuah.
Why do we do this? Why do we acquiesce to the directions and prodding of those whom we hold up as paragons of our Faith Community as if they are Yeshua or Moses? I believe we do it because we genuinely want to do it right and we don’t want to make mistakes. We genuinely want to please our Elohim. Thus we seek direction on how to do it right and how to please our Elohim.
The truth of the matter is, however, that we have it within each of us to please Father without having to resort to the prescriptions of other people as relates to pleasing Father and observing His holy days. Such prescriptions are purview of religion. Religion’s role in the earth is to control the people and dictate to them how they are supposed to live.
I decided in my walk with Messiah to reject religion with all her trappings and traditions. Religion by her very nature is anti-Torah; anti-Elohim and anti-Messiah. Religion offers no place for the true worship of Yahovah and the working of the Holy Spirit (i.e., the Ruach Kodesh) in every aspect of the believer’s life. Why? Because the controllers of religion make the rules and dictate to the members how, when, where, why and everything in between. Religion then becomes man-centric as opposed to Elohim-centric.
The one thing I would not like us to do on this solemn, most sacred day of the Creator’s calendar year, is to acquiesce to the constructs of religion to direct our observance and honoring of the day. Instead, let us acquiesce to the leading of the Spirit to direct our observance and honoring of the day; with Torah as the foundation upon which we construct and put into practice our actions for the day.
No, I’m not saying that we go rogue and leave our observance of the day to chance and do whatever it is that we think is best to do. No. I’m saying, let us turn the day over to Father: His Word and His Ruach HaKodesh. Then and only then will be please our Father in heaven and observe the day properly.
In confronting the Judaizers, who were aggressively attempting to gain total control of the Messianic Assembly of Believers in Colossae, the Apostle Paul (i.e., Shaul) profoundly instructed:
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:1 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. 18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,1 19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. 20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,1 21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not; 22 Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? 23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.1 (Col 2:16-3:1 KJV)
Now, churchianity would use this passage to support her claim that the Law was done away with. However, we who are in Messiah know the truth of this matter. Shaul was setting the plumb-line here and communicating to the Colossian Assembly that they are no longer men and women practicing the religion of Judaism. Instead, the assembly of believers were now dead to their dead religion with all her trappings and man-made traditions. Like the Colossian assembly members, we now belong to Messiah. Our worship of Yahuah is based upon our trusting faith in Messiah and is executed through the leading and agency of the Holy Spirit (i.e., the Ruach Kodesh).
Master informed the Samaritan Woman at the well:
21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4:21-24 KJV)
I say, on this Day of Atonement, that we worship our Creator in Spirit and in Truth. Do that which is pleasing to Father. Let our hearts and minds be turned fully toward Him and His ways.
It is my sincerest hope, trust and prayer, that you have a spirit-filled—blessed and meaningful day and that we all come out on the other side of this moed, better than when we began it.
Shabbat Shalom. Have a blessed Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur. Shavuatov. Until next time.
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