No Pagan Links to Catholicism and Christianity

No Pagan Links to Catholicism and Christianity

Pagan Links to Catholicism and Religion in Doubt

I have, of late, become somewhat concerned over what I see as growing support by a good many leaders within and without our Faith for there being no pagan links to Catholicism and Protestant Christianity. And how are these folks backing their outrageous claims? Quite simply: by claiming there is no academic, scholarly documentation and proof of such connections in existence. In their eyes, if there is no documented, scholar-backed proof of such pagan connections, then it doesn’t exist.

Doubting the Enemy’s Influence and Existence

What I fear we are seeing in this present move to wipe away any pagan connection to Catholicism and a great deal of Protestant Christianity from minds of Truth-seeking believers today, is a soft denial that the enemy even exists. And the danger that these leaders are posing to the Body of Messiah and any who would seek Truth, is a subtle spiritual disarming of believers.

Spiritual Warfare Has Existed Since The Fall

Now I realize that some would say that I am being a foolish sensationalist by making such statements. Everyone knows the devil exists and has existed from the beginning. Nevertheless, what most folks in positions of leadership in and out of our Faith fail to recognize is the spiritual warfare that has been ongoing in this world since the Fall. And it is that inability and in some cases refusal to recognize the spiritual war that has been waging since Eden by these leaders that is leading them to deny pagan-links to many of the practices, traditions and doctrines of the Catholic Church.

Proof is in the Pudding? Or No?

Of course there would be no documented proof of such pagan links. If there were, would it not then cause the masses to take note and maybe flee from these organizations? The enemy is crafty and is expert at covering up his tracks over the course of millennia. And men’s minds are quick to forget why he does the things he does.

Alexander Hislop Under Attack

Alexander Hislop

Some people in and out of our Faith are calling Hislop a fraud because of his stance on pagan links to Catholicism.

Much of the ire being expressed against any suggestions of pagan links to the Catholic Church and parts of Protestantism seems to be directed at the man Alexander Hislop and his book “The Two Babylons.” In the last few years, Christian and Hebrew Roots leaders have come out of the woodwork, so to speak, to condemn and discredit the man and his book. In case you are unfamiliar with the man and his work, Alexander Hislop was a British minister of the early to middle 1800’s. He wrote “The Two Babylons” as a polemic against the Catholic Church, with a specific focus on supposed links to Babylonian paganism dating back to the days of the Tower of Babel.

Hislop and Book Once Revered

Many evangelicals and not too fee Messianics and Rooters over the years developed quite a bit of admiration for the man and his book. Many Christian and Hebrew Roots teachers have written books, based a number of their teachings and bible doctrines on the content of the book. I would venture to say that a great deal of Hislop’s book has shaped the way Hebrew Rooters view the ways of Catholicism and Christianity in general.

Hislop and Book No Longer Appreciated

Yet, over the last few years, a handful of Christian and Hebrew Roots leaders, teachers and preachers have come out against Alexander Hislop and his “The Two Babylons” book, accusing Hislop of being a fraud; a liar; an uninformed antagonist of the Roman Catholic Church. Some have gone so far as to medically diagnosed the man as being a schizophrenic. I should add, however, that none of these individuals are medical doctors and it is not clear to me what gives them the gravitas to diagnose someone who lived a century and a half, of which very little is known.

Academics Over Spirituality and Truth

Regardless, the issues being raised against Hislop and his book is simply that none of Hislop’s claims from the book can be academically proven. And because none of the book’s claims can be verified by scholars, then the author and his book are fraudulent.

I get that there may be a lack of proof as it relates to some of the book’s content and the author’s claims. Furthermore, I get that some of the content, given some of the archaeological and other documentary evidence that so-called scholars have come into possession of in the 20th and 21st centuries, may contradict or even debunk some of the Hislop’s claims. Things like this happen all the time in several areas of our Faith and the bible research. Just in recent years, the circumstances and timeline for the Hebrew Exodus out of Egypt has been challenged effectively changed as a result of recent archaeological findings. But no one goes out of their way to call the scientists and researchers who postulated the inaccurate circumstances and timeline of the Exodus in the first place frauds.

The Body Begins to Eat Their Young

What we are sadly seeing, even in Hebrew Root’s circles today, those who stand firm in their belief of the pagan-link to the Universal Church and her traditions, being labelled as frauds and deemed as divisive people in the Faith.

The Two Babylons

The Two Babylons is Alexander Hislop’s polemic against the pagan links to the Universal Church.

Just in the past few years, more and more Hebrew Roots teachers and preachers are speaking out in somewhat of a reserved defense of Christmas–at least they are saying that there is no pagan ties to Christmas as far as any scholars or authorities can determine. Many then launch into a polemic against Hislop. What most folks don’t understand, however, is that Christmas in this country, for the first century of so of its history, outlawed the keeping of Christmas. Bear in mind, this outlawing of Christmas came prior to Alexander Hislop’s birth and the publishing of The Two Babylons. [If you are interested, I posted a podcast on the subject of the pagan-links to Christmas.]

So one must ask themselves: what did those early settlers and Christians know about this Roman Catholic Church derived holiday that so many claim is not known today?

It’s Probably a Duck

I like the old adage: “If it quacks like a duck; if it waddles like a duck; if it looks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”  In other words, there’s something not right about the traditions and practices and doctrines of the Universal Church (ie., the Catholic Church and her offspring). Maybe it requires spiritual insight to see such things that maybe those who speak out against the existence of pagan links to the religion don’t see. I don’t know. For when we begin to speak and defend the Church Triumphant that has the traditions of venerating the dead and saints; worshiping the Virgin Mary; the rejection of the Feasts of the Creator with replacement of holidays such as Easter, Christmas, All Saint’s Day; Fat Tuesday; Lent; indulgences; infant baptism; and so many other Traditions, we are doing nothing but deluding ourselves and denying the Truth that is right before our eyes.

Let’s Be Reasonable About This Thing

Maybe Alexander Hislop’s work in some places is lacking scholarly integrity (whatever that actually looks like), but the premise of what he was trying to get across is that we must be able to discern the holy from the unholy; the pure from the impure; the Truth from lies; the biblical/God-breathed from the manmade; the spiritual from the carnal; and hold to Truth that comes only from the Word of YHVH and the revelation of YHVH’s Holy Spirit.

If scholarly documentation and archaeological proofs are required to certify the existence of pagan-links to the Universal Church and some of her offspring, what’s next? Will they then begin to require scholarly documentation and archaeological proofs that our Creator and our Master Yahoshua Messiah exists? Just because we don’t have the proverbial smoking gun for pagan-links to religion don’t mean it ain’t so. Just saying.

Faithfully submitted.

Paul Opposing God On Issue Of Circumcision?

Paul Opposing God On Issue Of Circumcision?

A Matter of Circumcision or No?

As I was watching Kenny Russell’s (Bulldozer Faith) most recent Sabbath teaching entitled “Press On!,” the text  of which he based his message being Philippians 3, I became fixated on verses 2 and 3 of that chapter. It is here that Paul touches upon the issue of circumcision.

What Was Paul Writing About If Not The Abolition of Circumcision?

However, Paul was not at all discussing whether or not a male disciple of Y’shua Messiah should or should not be circumcised. He was actually speaking to “matters of the heart.” Yet many within and without our Faith have used this brief passage to dissuade untold numbers of people from keeping Torah. These take the dangerous step of suggesting Paul opposed YHVH on the issue of circumcision. We will find this is not the case at all.

Beware of the Mutilation!

Phiippians 3:2,3 read as follows:
Beware of dogs; beware of evil workers; beware of the mutilation! For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
The inflammatory verbiage Paul uses here has the high potential of leading the reader down a path of believing Paul was rejecting Torah. It is rather easy to see that Paul’s use of the phrase “beware of the mutilation” is either directly or indirectly referring to the practice of circumcision given to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Torah (Gen. 17:11; Exo. 4:25, 26).

What About Circumcision Is Paul Talking About?

However, in this particular passage, Paul elected to NOT use the Greek term “peritemno” to describe the act or practice of circumcision. Instead, Paul uses the term “katatome,” which is a rather derogatory or negative term to describe cutting something up or mutilating something, which many English translations have chosen to use. Some English translations have chosen to use the term “concision” over mutilation such as the Young’s Literal Translation which reads:
Look to the dogs; look to the evil-workers; look to the concision…(Phi. 3:2).

Another Challenging Pauline Text?

Some of us might have some fundamental problems with this passage. If we read the plain wording of the passage, Paul seems to be instructing the Philippian assembly members to beware of those of the mutilation, or more civilly, those of the circumcision, suggesting that circumcision is a bad thing.
As Torah Observant Disciples of Yahoshua Messiah, how must we reconcile this anti-Torah stance that Paul  seems to be taking. Abba gave the instruction to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and it has been carried down throughout generations by His people. When the Hebrews entered the Land of Promise, Joshua had all the males circumcised, suggesting that most of those males entering the land had not been circumcised as Abba directed.

Is Paul Telling Us to Reject Torah?

Is Paul actually denigrating or rejecting the instructions of Yah here? Is Paul giving New Covenant male disciples a full pass on circumcision?
Well, no.
Concision or mutilation–katatome–according to Nave’s Topical Bible denotes a “term for ‘over-zealous’ circumcision.
What we are seeing here is classic Pauline play on words. The apostle to the Gentiles is clearly playing to the conventional wisdom of his Gentile audience in Philippi by using a play on terms and phrases common to that time and culture.

A Play on Words and Phrase

We know from the Book of Maccabees, that the Greeks viewed the Hebrew practice of circumcision as barbaric. They called the practice mutilation. Philippi was a Greek city and her citizens would have no doubt held similar views of circumcision and used the derogatory term katatome to refer to orthodox Jews.
In order that he “might gain them that were without law,”  Paul sought to appeal to them that were without Torah by using their common vernacular–their common terminology–their method of talk–their slang to get his point across to them (1 Cor. 9:21).
Paul expertly used common Gentile terminology to describe a certain class of individual causing confusion and division in and around the body of Messiah there in Philippi. Essentially, Paul was warning his Philippian readers to beware of Judaizers who were going about in the body insisting that the members of the Philippian Assembly follow to the letter of the law, Rabbinic Judaism. Among so many other things, these Judaizers were pushing a requirement that all Gentile male converts to the Way had to first convert to Judaism, which meant they had to first be circumcised.

Religion Corrupting the Purity of the Gospel Message

This was not the Gospel message that Paul originally brought and taught them. In fact, these Judaizers, or “dogs” and “evil doers” as Paul refers to them, were perverting the Gospel that Yeshua brought and that Paul had taught.
So Paul was using Gentile terminology to get his warning across to the Philippian Assembly members. He also chose to flip the verbiage around on the Judaizers as well. Jews often referred to Gentiles as “dogs” (ie., Greek=kuon) and “evil workers.” Thus Paul’s reversing and plays on words and phrases would have a poignant impact upon his readers across the board.

Labels Can Be Powerful

According to ESV Study Bible, Paul “labels those who extol good works of the law as evildoers…”
Beware of those who mutilate the flesh is Paul playing on the Gentile’s perspective of the practice of circumcision. Whereas the Judaizers’ badge of pride and honor was circumcision (as opposed to a relationship with YHVH and Y’shua), it was actually a sign of their destruction. These are ultimately leading men down a path away from the Truth of the Gospel by forcing converts to focus on Rabbinic laws and traditions.
Master Yahoshua has effectively freed us from such things–that is, He freed us from religion.
None of this is to say that circumcision in and of itself is bad. Heavens no. Father gave it as a sign between Him and His people. Therefore, who are we to denigrate and reject that which Abba has given?

Circumcision and Heart–Inseparable

The point is that true circumcision is of the heart–as it always has been. Physical circumcision is still valid in the Body of Messiah, even today. Once one’s heart is properly situated with Messiah and YHVH our Elohim, then it becomes an issue between the disciple of Messiah and God the right time for circumcision.  This plays right back into the whole Aggadah first, then Halakhah second. We looked at this in our Paul and Hebrew Roots series.
Circumcision of the Heart

Father in His Torah always sought for a circumcision of one’s heart before that of the flesh. And Paul taught the same thing.

Circumcision of the heart first and then the flesh was always Abba’s desire and requirement for all the men of Israel:
Therefore, circumcise the foreskin of your heart; and don’t be stiffnecked any longer (Deu. 10:16; HCSB)!
YHVH your Elohim will circumcise your heart and the hearts of your descendants and you will love Him with all your heart and all your soul so that you will live (Deu. 30:6; HSCB).
Yet ancient Israel violated Torah both aggahdically and halakhically:
When you brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in both heart and flesh, to occupy My sanctuary, you defiled My temple while you offered My food–the fat and the blood. You broke My covenant by all your detestable practices…This is what Master YHVH says: No foreigner, uncircumcised in heart and flesh, may enter My sanctuary, not even a foreigner who is among the Israelites (Eze. 44:7,9; HCSB).
As Torah Observant Disciples of Yahoshua Messiah, each of us are commanded to circumcise our hearts–to give our hearts, minds and souls over to the Creator of the Universe. In doing so, our walk–our obedience to His eternal Torah will fall naturally into its proper place in our lives.
Not to leave his Philippian readers hanging, Paul clarified what he was referring to regarding “beware of the mutilators” or “concision” or katatome in verse 3 of the same 3rd chapter. Paul writes: “For we are the circumcision; meaning that are hearts and minds are that of Messiah and thus we walk in the newness of life and obedience of YHVH and Yeshua Messiah.
Bottom line saints: it’s a heart thing. We must ask ourselves: is our hearts circumcised
Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah–Part 4 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah–Part 4 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah--Part 4 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer



Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah

Last installment, or Part 3 of this series, I introduced to you the Hebrew concept of Halakhah. In that discussion, I attempted to not only define what halakhah meant, but I also attempted to convey the significance of Halakhah to a great portion of Paul’s teachings and writings.

If you’ve not done so at this point, and are interested in what I had to say about halakhah and Paul, I would humbly ask you to head on over to part 3 of this series and listen or read what I had to say about this concept.

Before I proceed on over to the concept of aggadah today, I want to do a little more exploration of the concept of halakhah. There is indeed a great deal more to halakhah that I feel is vitally important to gaining a firm understanding of many of Paul’s teachings and writings.


The Hebrew concept of halakhah is quite simply the walking out of one’s Faith; how one behaves in accordance with the tenets of one’s Faith; that which one can see that is directly or indirectly associated with one’s Faith commitment.

Halakhah and Aggadah

Uniquely Hebraic Concepts having to do with our walk and inward drive to live God’s ways.

Thus, halakhah is how we walk out our Faith. It’s what others see us do as a result of our commitment to our Faith. And the most prominent representation of Halakhah is found with Torah; that which the Jews refer to as the written Law. For all intents and purposes, Torah is the rawest form of halakhah, for it contains the instructions of how we are to behave and conduct our lives.

As children of the Most High Elohim, our forefathers weren’t simply whisked out of Egypt, ushered into the Sinai wilderness and left to figure this whole Faith thing on their own. Father established a conditional covenant—an agreement–with Israel, that if they would obey Him; walk according to His commands; behave in accordance with the precepts and ordinances and instructions that He passed down to them through Moshe (ie., Moses), then He would be their God (ie., their Elohim) and He would make them a peculiar—a special people—unto Him above any other nation peoples of the earth—with all the privileges and benefits associated therein (Exo. 19:5,6). The stipulation, however, was that Israel would have to halakhah—walk in accordance with His instructions.

As I just mentioned, Yehovah did not simply lead our forefathers out to the wilderness and leave them to figure everything out on their own. Indeed, He not only miraculously and brilliantly delivered Israel from devastating Egyptian slavery or bondage (Exo. 18:10), Abba then gave them His Torah: the governing constitution; instructions for acceptable righteous living; that which would make Israel a light to the nation peoples of the world.

Messianic Jewish teacher Brad Scott brilliantly helped me understand this concept of halakhah from the perspective of a Hebrew father, placing the palm of his hand upon his young son’s head, and then guiding him through all aspects of life. That father would teach his son all the ways of Yehovah and Torah. He would train his young son in the family’s vocational trade. The father would teach his young son how to be a man.

And this was a perpetual handing down from father to son; an unaltered teaching and training throughout every generation.

No Hebrew father in their right mind would think of leaving his son to figure life out on his own. Such a thing would go against everything the Hebrews were taught and instructed to do concerning the rearing of children by Yehovah.

Moses commanded:

“You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up” (Deu. 6:7; cf. Deu. 4:9; 11:19; NASB)

Heck, even the Apostle Paul recognized the immense relevance of this illustration of halakhah. Paul wrote to the Assembly of Messianic believers in Ephesus:

“And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them in the nurture and admonition of the Master” (Eph. 6:4; KJV).

Yet today, we in the west have, for the most part, forsaken this commandment. Most of us have placed the responsibility of teaching and raising our children on the shoulders of our nation’s teachers. We fathers have walked away from our Torah mandated responsibilities of placing our hand upon the head of our children—metaphorically speaking–and teaching them how to walk out their lives as Godly men. And that’s a travesty. Indeed, is there no wonder that our younger generation is in many cases so out of control?

The halakhic concept, as symbolized in how one “walks” out their Faith, is mentioned dozens of times throughout the Tanakh (ie., the Old Testament), as well as the Brit HaDashah (ie., the New Testament).

Gen. 17:1—in speaking to Abraham YHVH instructed him: I am the Almighty God; walk before me and be thou perfect.

Exo. 16:4—that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no.

Lev. 18:4—and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am YHVH your God.

Deu. 5:33—Ye shall walk in all the ways which YHVH your God hath commanded…

Jos. 22:5—and to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments…

Psm. 119:45—I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.

Eze. 11:20—That they may walk in my statutes and keep mine ordinances and do them…

We see this same principle of halakhah illustrated in the term “follow,” which not only suggests a physical coming after the one beckoning others to follow; but more so, to become a disciple and to walk in the ways of the one beckoning to follow; that being the Master.

Mat. 4:19—Yeshua speaking:…Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

Mar. 8:34—Yeshua speaking:…If any who comes after me, let him deny himself and take up his stake and follow me.

Joh. 12:26—Yeshua speaking: If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will the Father honor.

Rom. 6:4—We were buried therefore with him through baptism unto death: that like as Christ was raised from the death through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.

2 Cor. 5:7—(for we walk by faith, not by sight)…

Gal. 5:16—Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Eph. 5:2—and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell.

1 The. 2:11—That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto His kingdom and glory.

1 Tim. 6:11—But thou, O man of god, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

Hands down this is an essential element of our Faith. Yet most folks don’t even realize it’s significance.

Think about it: what is the first thing (or one of the first things) that a convert to our Faith inquires about? I can answer that from this ministry’s standpoint: by far, the question I am asked the most is “how do I…”

  • How do I keep Sabbath?
  • How do I keep the Feasts?
  • Is it okay for my son to play sports on the Sabbath?
  • Can I cook on the Sabbath?

These are all halakhic questions. How do I walk out this newly chosen Faith of mine? And the truth of the matter is that there is no shortage of individuals who are standing by at a moment’s notice to tell these converts how to halakhah.

Why is it that the convert to our Faith is faced with so many challenges and questions related to walking out the Faith? Is it not obvious that converts to fundamental Christianity conversely have no issue whatsoever as it relates to walking out or walking in their faith? There’s a difference.

Fundamental Christianity places more attention on aggadah—establishing a relationship with the Almighty—establishing one’s Faith in the Almighty—loving one another—establishing that hope for life eternal—than it places on walking out or walking in Christianity. Christianity is more aggahdic in her approach to faith (and we are just about to get into what aggadah is all about) than halakhic. Hebrew Roots, conversely, is more halahkic in her approach to Faith than it is aggahdic. And it is this inherent imbalance, on both sides of the aisle, that creates so much angst and hostility between the two groups of Messianics/Hebrew Roots and Christianity.

The reason it is so challenging for many converts, and veterans of Faith for that matter, when it comes to understanding how to properly halakah our Faith is that Torah is purposely vague in many of its commandments. I truly believe Father designed His Torah to be vague in many areas. Why? Because He desired the Hebrew to first give Him their hearts—to establish a substance relationship with Him. And it would be that after that relationship has been firmly established that Father’s Spirit, dwelling in them, would lead and guide their halakhah. The vagueness in halakhah—the vagueness of the various commands of Torah would be filled with a joyful seeking out by the Hebrew, of ways that he or she may keep the spirit of every Torah instruction and command. The Hebrew would wake up each day and be driven by his or her love for Yehovah, how they may please Him and how best for them to keep Father’s Laws. No longer will that Hebrew look for ways to get around keeping the commandments of Father’s Torah. Instead, the true, converted Hebrew looks for ways to please their God. Halleluyah.

And this is just scratching the surface of the concept of Halakhah in both the Old and New Testaments.

The Other Side Of Halakhah

In your many studies throughout the days, months and years of your walk with Messiah, you may have come across numerous examples and calls for the people of God to halakah in accordance with the ways of Yehovah our Elohim. You, like me, may not have associated a specific Hebrew term with this principle of walking or following in the ways of our Creator at those early times. But as you can clearly see, halakhah is extremely important to Yehovah and the Apostle Paul recognized this. In many of his writings he is constantly urging his charges to walk or follow in accordance with the traditions and doctrines and teachings he put forth to them:

“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1).

1 Cor. 4:16—Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.”

Phi. 3:17—Brethren, be followers of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.

When Paul wrote this to the Corinthian and Philippian assemblies, he was no doubt pulling extensively from various aspects of his Jewish upbringing. It’s a fair bet that he was raised by his father and taught all aspects of Jewish life by him, including how to be a man as well as the family trade of tent-making.

So Paul then takes this essential principle and applies it to the various Messianic assemblies he oversaw. Paul was treating the members of those assemblies as if they were his children. We can only assume that Paul did not have any biological children of his own. Thus, the members of the various Messianic assemblies he over saw, were in effect his children—his sons. And Paul took very seriously the training he was providing his children. To him, it was his absolute responsibility to ensure that his charges were fully trained and adopted into the Faith.

To the Corinthian Assembly of Messianic Believers in Yeshua, Paul wrote concerning his ties to them:

“For I am jealous for you with God’s kind of jealousy (remember where Father stated that He was a jealous God to Israel?); since I promised to present you as a pure virgin in marriage to your one husband, the Messiah; and I fear that somehow your minds may be seduced away from simple and pure devotion to the Messiah, just as Havah (ie., Eve) was deceived by the serpent and his craftiness. For if someone comes and tells you about some other Yeshua than the one we told you about, or if you receive a spirit different from the one you received or accept some so-called “good news” different from the Good News you already accepted, you bear with him well enough! (In other words, when some bootleg preacher dude comes in your midst with some foolishness he or she calls the Gospel Message directly from Jesus Christ, you don’t seem to have a problem accepting that jacked up message.) (Continuing) For I don’t consider myself in any way inferior to these “super-emissaries.” I may not be a skilled speaker, but I do have the knowledge; anyhow, we have made this clear to you in every way and in every circumstance” (2 Cor. 11:2-6; CJB).

Thus Paul was uber-committed to ensuring that his charges—his children so to speak—learned to walk—to halakhah–in the proper ways of Messiah. Unfortunately, he realized that there were a lot of folks out there delivering to the Corinthian Assembly members a different kind of walk and many of the Corinthian Assembly members easily altered their walks to match the walks being taught to them by these other so-called apostles.

There is indeed another side to halakhah that you may be familiar with and I’m certain you’ve come across indications of this other side of halakhah many times throughout your studies. The other side of halakhah that I am now referring to has to do with walking in ways that are NOT of Yehovah: that is following after other gods; walking in our own ways, according to our own desires and understandings. Needless to say, this is not halakhah that pleases Father.

Now, the thing that should naturally come to the minds of well established Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah is the fact that any who would truly “halakhah”—walk—follow after the ways of Yah stand to reap tremendous, positive benefits and blessings, especially in this life, and even in the life to come. And over and over we find, especially in Torah, where Father pleads with Israel to walk in His ways which will always “lead to life” and “blessings.”

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that thou mayest live and thou and thy seed—that is your descendants” (Deu. 30:19).

We can see tucked away in this admonishment directed to wandering nation of Israel to halakhah according to the ways of Yehovah in order that they would live well and receive abundant blessings, that there is another side to halakhah that leads instead to death and curses.

And the simple truth of the matter is that the world with the exception of Father’s chosen and obedient ones, halakhah’s—walks—follows after ways that are not of Yah on a daily basis. Yeshua Himself when describing the unbelieving people He encountered close to the time of His crucifixion in Jerusalem:

“He (speaking of Yehovah, His Father) has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so that they do not see with their eyes, understand with their hearts, and do not t’shuvah (return; repent) so that I could heal them” (John 12:40; CJB).

Part of the reason the world walks in all the various ways that are NOT of Yehovah is because they are blinded and their hearts are hardened. According to Master here in this passage, thus they are incapable of understanding, nor repenting from their evil ways.

The bible is filled with examples of this other side of halakhah. I shall only give just a few for your reference since our focus is on the proper halakhah:

Psm. 1:1–blessed is he who walks (ie., halakhah’s) not in the council of the ungodly…


Jude 18–the mockers shall walk after their ungodly lusts.


1 Joh. 1:6–If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk (ie., halakhah) in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.


Hos. 2:5—In illustrating the infidelity of Israel with Yehovah, Father borrowed from the life of the Prophet Hosea. In speaking about Gomer, Hosea’s wife, Hosea writes: Yes, their mother is promiscuous; she conceived them and acted shamefully. For she thought, ‘I will go after (I will walk or follow) after my lovers; the men who give me my food and water, my wool and flax, my oil and drink” (CSB).

Lev. 26:21—”And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me, I will bring 7-times more plagues upon you according to your sins” (KJV). This is indeed clear enough warning that those who walk in walks that are contrary to the ways of Father will suffer problems. This is talking expressly of God’s chosen ones who abandon Father’s ways and walk in ways that are contrary to the ways Father has commanded us to walk.

And so forth throughout the remainder of the bible, we find where there is a form of halakhah that is not of Yehovah and any who chooses to walk in those paths are destined for death and curses.


Aggadah Defined


I want now to spend the remainder of our time together discussing the concept of Aggadah. As with halakhah, aggadah is a uniquely Hebraic concept. You will soon see that aggadah is intricately linked to halakhah, although many Messianic and Orthodox Jews have failed to link them in their lives. What I mean is simply this: there are many folks out there who halakhah, but lack entirely aggadah in their lives. You will see clearly in a moment what I mean.

Brad Scott describes Aggadah as instructions that we cannot see. Aggadah is something born from the heart.


Aggadah–this uniquely Hebraic concept is inwardly based and generally associated with the state of one’s heart that drives one’s actions in the Faith.

When we speak or think about aggadah, we are thinking and speaking about that internal thing that moves the true disciple of Yeshua Messiah to live a righteous life. Aggadah is nascent and cannot be seen, whereas halakhah is clearly seen by all. Aggadah is that which is born or dwells within the disciple’s heart and that which is born or dwells within the heart compels the disciple to walk.

In other words, what we do on the outside has to be born from the inside first. Otherwise, what we do on the outside is nothing more than rote, blind activity that is not genuine: it’s fake; it’s hollow; it’s without substance; and Father can clearly recognize that.

You see, by itself, Halakhah lacks compassion, motivation and commitment. Compassion, motivation and commitment comes from within and is inspired within us by the Ruach HaKodesh.

It is common to see a great amount of walking being done and lived out by people of our Faith Community and of Judaism. Yet many of us find ourselves lacking that compassion, motivation and commitment. We are simply going through the motions of our Faith. We are blindly halakhah’ing-out—walking out the Faith by blindly keeping Torah commandments. Most individuals who find themselves in this situation truly believe they are in a great place. They believe they are doing what they are supposed to do. And before you know it, they start to believe they are purchasing their salvation through their blind, rote obedience to Torah. Next, these same individuals begin to think of ways to get around various Torah commandments—work arounds if you will. They have it all figured out. They follow the teachings of the Jewish sages and start to take on the religion of Judaism. They lack any kind of love for their brothers and sisters in the Faith. Some even turn their noses up on those they deem are not of their elite spiritual status.

Father is not in the least satisfied with heartless Torah-keeping. Yes, it is important to be Torah observant. But being Torah observant must first become a willing giving of the disciple’s all to Father; a desire to please the Father; in so doing, it results in proper keeping of the Creator’s ways—His Torah—the written halakhah.

Recall that although many of the Jews of Isaiah’s time were Torah observant—to a degree—Father saw through Judah’s walk—that they were simply going through the motions in order to stay in God’s good graces if you will. Yet their lives were pure stank. These were evil through and through, although they went through the motions of keeping Torah—of being orthodox—tadah!

What was going on? The people of Judah were going through the motions of keeping the Feasts of Yehovah and the prescribed Temple worship, yet they were at the same time facing east on the Temple Mount and bowing knees to Baal and weeping for Tammuz. The Levitical Priests were corrupt and not carrying out their prescribed duties; mishandling the tithes of the people; committing untold, disgusting acts and forfeiting their reputations as appointed intermediaries between Yah and the people. And there were other iniquities ongoing in Judah at the same time the people were going through the motions of keeping Torah.

This flagrant hypocrisy annoyed Father beyond description. So annoyed was Father over the hypocrisy of His people that He said the following through the Prophet Isaiah:

“’Why are all those sacrifices offered to me?’ asks Adonai. ‘I’m fed up with burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened animals! I get no pleasure from the blood of bulls, lambs and goats! Yes, you come to appear in my presence (so-called worship at the Temple); but who asked you to do this; to trample through my courtyards? Stop bringing worthless grain offerings! They are like disgusting incense to me! Rosh Chodesh (New Moons), Shabbat, calling convocations—I can’t stand evil together with your assemblies. Everything in me hates your Rosh-Chodesh (New Moons) and your festivals; they are a burden to me. I’m tired of putting up with them” (Isa. 1:11-14; CJB)!

What can we see here in this compelling passage of Scripture? We can clearly see that Judah had halakhah, as they were clearly walking out Torah: they were acknowledging New Moons; they were offering prescribed sacrifices; they were showing up at the Temple at proper times of the year to worship; they were keeping Shabbat; they were convening or participating in holy convocations; they were keeping the Feasts of Yehovah.

Yet they were cheating on Yehovah. It was like we saw illustrated in the Prophet Hosea’s story. Hosea marries Gomer, a prostitute. Hosea is representative of Yehovah, while Gomer is representative of Israel and Judah. Hosea marries Gomer and rescues her from her life of iniquity. Yet Gomer is not satisfied with the righteous life that Hosea was affording her. So she returns to her life of prostitution. As disgusting as her previous life of prostitution may have been, she was never in to Hosea. Her heart, even after marrying Hosea and living a life away from the filth she came from, she yearned for her past lovers and her former life on the streets.

The book of Hosea is a fascinating read, especially as it relates to the concepts of halakhah and aggadah. What we see beautifully but woefully implanted in the book is the interrelationship that exists between the two concepts. We see in Hosea’s story and prophecy related to Judah and Israel where Father was calling Israel and Judah out for their bad–halakhah—their bad walk, which is an outcropping—which is resulting from—their hearts—their aggadah—being tied or given over to evil. Israel and Judah were the whores (ie., their whoring being their halakhah—their walk in paganism). The hearts of Israel and Judah belonged to the nations that brought them their paganistic ways. Their hearts were not with Yehovah but with the world. Thus they feigned loyalty to Yehovah through their rote, mechanical keeping of the ceremonial commandments of Torah in order to stay within the good graces of Yehovah. Little did they know, however, that Yah does not play that. Yah desired their full commitment. He demanded their hearts (ie., their aggadah) as much as He demanded their obedience (ie., their halakhah). He was not willing to separate the two. It would be both halakhah and aggadah, or nothing at all. And we know from the scriptures and from history that Israel’s refusal to give their hearts to Father (ie., their aggadah) resulted in them being dispersed to the four-corners of the globe, out of the Creator’s sight. Judah, facing a similar plight for similar, but slightly less heinous crimes, would go into captivity in Babylon.

If you’ve not taken the time to do so, I would humbly encourage you to read the book of Hosea in connection with our discussion here on aggadah and halakhah. The content of Hosea will give you a wider perspective on the dual concept of halakhah and aggadah, that I believe will go a long way towards increasing your understanding of these two concepts beyond that which we have already discussed.

And this has always been the problem with a great many of our cousins in modern Judaism: they halakhah—they walk in Torah (the written Law) and in their so-called oral laws, which they claim acts as a wall around Torah. They are steadfast in their commitment to their religion, which they have been persecuted for throughout millennia. Yet like their wilderness wandering forefathers of old, they lack the heart to properly keep—to properly walk in Torah. In fact, many of the precepts of their oral laws are in place to provide them a way around proper keeping of Torah. Their hearts are not for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their hearts instead are solely for their religion.

Yehovah desires to have every Hebrew’s heart; every Jew’s heart; every Messianic’s heart—aggadah. (That’s the one thing that Christianity seems to have gotten right in this equation. They have aggadah, but they lack halakhah.)

In order to have aggadah, the heart for walking—halakhah’ing in the Creator’s ways, one must first have a desire know God. One must know God in order for him or her to then desire to walk in God’s ways properly. One must desire; one must establish a true relation with Father first before developing the desire or heart (aggadah) to walk-in (halakhah) the Father’s ways. Otherwise, one ends up making the same mistake that our Hebrew forefathers made in the Sinai wilderness and in the Land of Promise—they end up turning away from the ways of the Creator and walking-in (halakhah’ing in) their own ways or in the ways of evil. We just saw in Isaiah 1 how Father was scolding the Jews for their hypocrisy, despite their seeming keeping of Torah.

Somehow, humans convince themselves that all they have to do to stay in God’s good graces is to render unto the Creator a handful of platitudes and do a few good deeds and chores, and then they are all okay to live like the hellions they’ve given their hearts over to. And like Gomer, Hosea’s prostitute wife, they never had a relationship with their Master—their husband. Their hearts (ie., aggadah) are really with the other entities they admire and the other ways of life that are contrary to the ways of Yehovah.

Israel has never truly had a relationship with Yehovah. Moshe (ie., Moses) knew God. Second only to Yeshua our Messiah, Moses had the most intense and close relationship with Father. Exodus 33:11 described that relationship as:

“YHVH spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend…” (KJV)

“And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom YHVH knew face to face” (Deu. 34:10).

On the other hand, the Israelites as a nation people only knew of Yehovah. With the exception of just a handful of Hebrews such as Joshua and Caleb, the wandering Hebrews and their descendants in the Land never established a relationship with Yah. And this absence of a relationship with the Creator resulted in their repeated departures from walking-in Yah’s Torah, which in turn resulted in their being subjected to hard penalties and even death.

Father recognized the problem: the people’s hearts were never with Him; their hearts were always somewhere else. Some hearts were with other gods. Others’ hearts were for themselves. Still others’ hearts were after some foreign, made-up principles, beliefs and doctrines that were not of Yehovah and served only to draw the Hebrew away from the Creator of the Universe.

Father’s heart was broken and He acknowledged the problem by saying:

“O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever” (Deu 5:29 KJV)”

Paul recognized that the Jews propensity for halakhah in Judaism was worthless if they lacked aggadah. To the Roman Assembly of Messianic Believers Paul wrote:

29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom 2:29-3:1 KJV)7




A Biographical Portrait of the Pre-Converted Paul and Halakah–Part 3 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

A Biographical Portrait of the Pre-Converted Paul and Halakah–Part 3 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

Review of Parts 1 and 2 of this Series

Over the course of the last two installments of this series, we have been laying the groundwork for assembling our portrait of the Apostle Paul prior to his conversion.

In the first two-installments we discussed:

  • Why it is important to our exploration of Paul and his writings to gain as much of an understanding of his pre-conversion life as possible.
  • The first-century C.E. world of the apostle.
  • His upbringing.
  • Paul’s rabbinic education.
  • His vocations and careers.
  • Paul’s Roman citizenship.
  • His personality and even his personal appearance.

Additional Background Information on the Pre-Converted Apostle

Since posting parts one and two, I have continued to study the pre-converted life of the Apostle Paul. Most of the additional information I have come up with during this time is within the domain of what we have already covered in those first two-parts. However, some of this additional information I feel is important to have for purposes of broadening our understanding of Paul the pre-converted man; the Jew; the rabbi; the scholar; the lawyer; the business man; the teacher; the apostle to both Jew and Gentile.

Again, without this foundational information in our tool-belts, it becomes somewhat challenging to understanding some of what Paul wrote concerning key elements of our Faith. So I wish to share this additional information with you now and then move on over to a discussion of Halakah and how Paul tapped this essential Hebrew principle to help his readers navigate the “One True Faith Once Delivered.”

Paul’s Upbringing

Paul’s upbringing in Tarsus made him somewhat familiar with “maritime transport, commerce, the cultural diversity of caravans and crews of workers from the most diverse origins, each with their particular differences in appearance, clothing, language and culture (Rod Carmona).”

Tarsus of Cilicia

Paul’s upbringing in Tarsus granted him educational opportunities and Roman citizenship–essential elements to Paul’s success as an apostle to the Gentiles.

Tarsus was multicultural, yet a Roman city. It was the capital of the Roman province of Cilicia. Linen, wool and animal hides served as the primary basis for manufacturing in the region.

Compare and Contrast

I found it quite interesting that a good number of Pauline scholars and writers boldly compare and contrast Master Yahoshua’s upbringing with that of the Apostle Paul.

As I mentioned in the previous two-postings, it is widely accepted that the young Yeshua and Paul were contemporaries. They were likely born about the same time, give or take a year or two difference.

Both were raised in strict, orthodox Jewish homes. They no doubt both attended their respective local synagogues. Each was circumcised on the 8th day of their respective lives according to Torah and Jewish tradition (Gen. 17:12; 21:3,4; Lev. 12:3; Luk. 1:59). It’s a fair bet that both were bar mitzvahed sometime between their 13th and 14th years.

These are the comparable aspects of their respective upbringings. (Note: I have some uneasiness comparing and contrasting Paul to Yeshua. Yeshua is the most unique human being to ever grace this planet for all the obvious known reasons. But for the sake of framing Paul within a defined period of history—critically important to the creation of our biographical portrait of him–I’ll simply touch upon their similarities and differences strictly for reference.) You will agree that the contrast between the two are striking: 

Paul’s family most likely was part of the Jewish dispersion or Diaspora–the scattering of Hebrews over the centuries to the Gentile nations of the world by the various conquering nations that came against Israel. The Jews of the Diaspora were directly affected by the cultural influences of their “surroundings than that which Yeshua would have experienced living in Palestine.”

Yeshua was raised in Palestine while Paul was raised in metropolitan Tarsus of Cilicia. Thus, Yeshua’s world-perspective was strikingly different than that of Paul. Paul was raised in a thriving, international metropolitan city. He no doubt had opportunities to travel. Paul was obviously exposed to innumerable cultures and languages. Yeshua on the other hand, was raised in first-century C.E. Palestine proper where He no doubt received the customary, basic Jewish training that every Jewish male child received. His surroundings would have been pastoral or suburban. He grew-up in an extremely slower pace of life than that of his contemporary in Tarsus. Yeshua interacted exclusively, with a handful of rare exceptions, with Jews. (Stalker; pg. 22; paragraph 2).

Given Paul’s secular trade of goat-skin tent-making; the common practice of Jewish fathers passing down their secular trades to their sons; given that he was brought up in Tarsus of Cilicia—a robust metropolitan city teeming with commerce and trade—it is very likely that Paul’s father was a successful merchant. We know from Paul’s own writings that Paul’s secular vocation would benefit him immensely at certain times throughout his ministry. Conversely, it is generally accepted that Yosef—Yeshua’s step-father—passed down to Yeshua the family trade of carpentry (whatever carpentry turned out to be in Master’s case). Interestingly, Mark 6:3 is the only suggested mention of Yeshua’s background as a carpenter. All indications are that Yeshua came from humble means as evidenced by the type of offering that was presented at the Temple by Yosef and Miriam on the 8th day of His life (Luke 2:24; cf. Leviticus 12:2-8; 2 Corinthians 8:9).

Paul was likely classically trained. Some have surmised that he received formal secular education from the University of Tarsus. Furthermore, we know that Paul received rabbinic training in Jerusalem at the school of Hillel.(I’ll speak more to this aspect of Paul’s pre-conversion life in just a moment.) Yeshua on the other hand, received his education and training from his step-father Yosef and his mother Miriam, and from his local synagogue. (We know that He really received his fullest training and education from His heavenly Father.) 

Paul’s Two-Prong Education

Starting with his childhood, pre-rabbinic training, centrally located in Tarsus of Cilicia, it can be confidently concluded that Paul was trained at home and at his local synagogue. This is training that every Jewish child receives. It is a carry over and continuation of the command that Torah be passed down to every Hebrew child, especially to every first-born son.

It has been highly speculated and postulated by many bible scholars that Paul attended the renowned University of Tarsus. The University of Tarsus was known as the 3rd “most important educational center of his time, only exceeded by Athens and Alexandria, and especially recognized for its school of rhetoric.”Support for this contention comes from the fact that Paul “makes 2 or 3 quotations from the Greek poets” in his writings (Stalker; pg. 26; paragraph 2):

Menander—Acts 17:28—the first part of verse 28 comes from Cretica by Epimenides, and the second part of the verse from Hymn to Zeus, written by the Cilician poet Aratus.

Menander—I Cor. 15:33—”Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good morals.” This is found in a play by Menander (4th-3rd century BCE).

Epimenides of Phaestus, or Gnossus in Crete, about 600 BCE—”One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, ‘Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.’” (

Thus, Paul would have received education in the classic Greek arts, which would serve to prime his intellect in understanding how the Greek mind worked. This was all the more relevant when it came to the art of polemics and reasoning which the Greeks excelled in. Otherwise, Paul’s preparation for being the Apostle to the Gentiles (as well as to the scattered Jews) would have been lopsided: he would have been ill-prepared to tackle and reason with the hardcore intellectuals he was bound to come across during his missionary journeys.

Besides the bestowing of the family secular trade upon Paul, the family saw fit to instill formal religious education upon him. This education, by no means was trivial or slight. It would prepare Paul for his spiritual work as a rabbi; a minister; a teacher; a lawyer of Jewish law (Stalker; pg. 24; paragraph 1).

The Jewish side of the equation, in terms of Paul’s education, would have been the training he received in Jerusalem. According to common Jewish practice, the advance, elite, exclusive Jewish training he would receive at the feet of Gamaliel in the School of Hillel would likely have begun at age 13. This could have possibly coincided with Yeshua’s time and visit in Jerusalem. (Stalker; pg. 27; paragraph 2).

Thus Paul began his rabbinic training which was lengthy and uniquely Jewish. Studies weren’t limited to just learning and study of Torah, the prophets and the writings. It would include extensive study of the writings and comments of the sages and masters. Much of both the Tanakh and the writings of the sages would be committed to memory. It would be during this time that Paul would learn the art of disputation, rhetoric and polemics. The method of instilling these lessons was arduous and involved a rapid fire of questions from the school’s various scholars and masters. This method of learning served to sharpen the students’ wits and enlarge their views of Judaism (Stalker; pg. 28; paragraph 2).

It is believed by many scholars that Paul’s text of choice was the Septuagint, as he quoted them “some 90-times in his writings…His use of the texts demonstrated a habitual contact and a profound familiarity with them (Rod Carmona).” Additionally, Paul possessed a mastery of “figures of speech” as evidenced in some of his writings.

Paul’s advanced rabbinic studies are clearly evidenced in the way he presented arguments and reasoned with his followers.

According to some Jewish websites I’ve come across, rabbinic education took upwards of 5-years to complete. If this was the case during Paul’s day, he probably would have been about 18-years of age at the completion of his rabbinic studies.

Did he remain in Jerusalem after graduation from Hillel School? Most scholars surmise that it was unlikely that he did. Some contend that Paul, like most other graduates of the various rabbinic schools, either returned to their homes and began work of some sort in their local synagogues or practiced in other localities throughout Palestine and even throughout the Roman Empire (Stalker; pg. 32; paragraph 1).

Let us keep in mind that if our theories are correct in terms of Paul being a close contemporary of Yeshua, Paul’s likely return to Cilicia to begin his rabbinic career would have coincided with the timing of John the Immerser’s and Yeshua’s ministries. Therefore, it is somewhat reasonable to conclude that Paul never met Yeshua nor John the Baptist in person.

Additionally, it stands to reason that Paul at some point soon after Yeshua’s crucifixion, returned to Jerusalem and maybe then was given a seat in the Great Sanhedrin (Stalker; pg. 32; paragraph 2). This makes sense given that Paul would have been at the proper age to assume the office; for the age requirement to sit on the council was 30.

Paul’s Rabbinic Training and Career

The Great Sanhedrin

The Great Sanhedrin in Paul’s day was the equivalent of our U.S. Supreme Court today.

The Sanhedrin served the Jewish nation as her “principal judicial body (Rod Carmona).” It was headed by the ruling high priest. Its jurisdiction over the the Jewish people extended beyond simple religious matters. It also extended into virtually every conceivable civil aspect of Jewish life.

It is likened unto our Supreme Court. The council met on the Temple Mount in the Hall of Hewn Stones. They convened daily with the exception of Feast Days and the weekly Sabbaths. This council was composed of former high priest, levitical priests, scribes, pharisees, and representatives from prominent Jewish families in the city of Jerusalem (Wikipedia).

The Rabbis contend that the Sanhedrin is based on Exodus 18:21, 22; Deuteronomy 1:13; 17:9.

Positions were often political appointments.

Little known fact-bomb I’m going to throw at you right now: There were 2-Sanhedrin organizations. There was the Great Sanhedrin, headquartered in Jerusalem. It was composed of some 71 members. Then there were the regional or synagogal Sanhedrins (formally referred to as the Lesser Sanhedrin). The Lesser Sanhedrins consisted of 23 members—generally locally appointed elders.

The attention of most New Testament believers, however, is placed on the Great Sanhedrin headquartered in Jerusalem.

By the time Paul would have assumed his seat on the council, Christianity was only a couple years old, growing quietly throughout Jerusalem. Despite their Messianic undergirding, the Jerusalem members of the Way Movement “attended temple worship, observed Jewish ceremonies and respected the ecclesiastical authority” (Stalker; pg. 33; paragraph 1).

Given Paul’s talent and intellect, he seems to have become a very influential member of the Great Sanhedrin. This is evidenced by the council granting him prosecutorial authority against the Jewish Messianic Believers immediately after the death of Stephen (Acts 8:3).

There seems to be no biblical evidence to suggest that Paul was ever married. We know, however, that Paul made a statement in one of his writings to the Messianic Assembly of Believers in Corinth that he desired that certain members of the body would be as he was: celibate (I Cor. 7:8,9).

Paul’s celibacy is odd. It was common for every pharisee to take a wife. This is because pharisees “took very seriously the commandment to multiply…To be married was almost an obligation to belong to the Sanhedrin or to have a high rank there” (Rod Carmona). Nevertheless, Paul seems to have successfully bypassed this common practice and tradition.

The Pharisaic Dilemma

The problem with pharisees was that they held so tightly to the letter of the Law (both the written and the so-called oral), leaving little to no room for the spirit of the Law. Consequently, “they placed barriers between the people and their God, instead of attracting them (Carmona).”

This stands as a perfectly good reason why Paul and the Sanhedrin became so intolerable of the burgeoning Way Movement. They could not envision any way that the Gospel Yeshua preached had any place within or beside Judaism.

Thus the Sanhedrin and Paul saw the growing Messianic Movement (ie., the Way) and Judaism as two, mutually exclusive entities that could not possibly coexist. Paul knew exactly what side he was on.

I mentioned in part 2 that Yeshua in no way matched the pharisee of 1st-century C.E.’s concept of Messiah. Judaism expected a triumphal, conquering king in their Messiah that would free them from their Roman overlords.

This disparity between Yeshua and Judaism’s concept of Messiah in great way fueled Paul and the council’s ire towards the Way members. Paul and his ilk were convinced that the Messianics were incurably mistaken about the Person of Yahoshua and as a group they had to be eradicated for the overall good and wellbeing of their nation and the Jewish religion (Phi. 3:6).

The zeal that Paul possessed fueled his persecution against the Palestinian Messianics. This was interesting because most of the Jews throughout the ANE did not fear the Messianics as the rabbis did. In fact, the Messianics were highly favored and respected by the Jerusalem Jews (Acts 8).

Paul Fit the Suit

As we can see in this overview of Paul, he was for all intents and purposes a universal soldier—to borrow the descriptor from a 1980’s/90’s movie that went by that name. He fit the suit perfectly for one who would become an international evangelist—prophet—teacher—overseer—apostle.

Looking back one last time to the city where he was raised, the Tarsus of Paul’s day would have been steeped in Baal-worship. No doubt Paul witnessed the evidence and outcropping of such worship. Yet it would clearly seem to any student of scripture that he remained unsullied. He stuck to his Jewish convictions. I guess one could assert that Paul’s Jewish life kept him insulated from the surrounding scourge of paganism (Stalker; pg. 23; paragraph 2). And I would submit that this was an essential requirement for him becoming the great apostle to the Gentiles that he is famously known for becoming. There was no chance then of him being of two-minds when it came to matters of Faith and commitment to Yehovah and to the Gospel that was given to him by his master Yeshua HaMashiyach.

There is, however, that nasty little caveat that raises its head throughout portions of the New Testament we see played out in the lives of most devout 1st-century Jews. Every devout Palestinian Jew, especially those of the various Jewish sects of the day, were staunchly bigoted towards Gentiles (Acts 11:2; 10:28; Galatians 2:11-16). Clearly, this inbred bigotry stems from a twisting of Torah where Father commanded the Hebrews to not intermarry or conduct business with pagan, enemy nations. The pharisees took these Torah instructions to a whole other level when applying them to their lives (Deuteronomy 7:2,3). Father sought, through these commends, to insulate His people from all pagan influences and to assist them in living holy, righteous lives. Father never meant for His people to be hateful and vicious in their quest for holiness and righteousness. Unfortunately, this is the pathway that the pharisees and scribes were leading the Jews of the first-century C.E.

I believe that Paul’s upbringing as a Jew of the diaspora/dispersion and being the son of a likely successful merchant in the bustling, affluent, commerce-driven city of Tarsus of Cilicia, conditioned Paul to be more accepting of those not of his Jewish culture. None of what I’m saying here is to insist that Paul did not possess the required amount of bigotry that we see displayed by first-century pharisees. What I am saying, however, is that Paul’s upbringing played a role in him becoming the well-traveled emissary of the Kingdom of Yehovah that we all have come to know and love (and in some cases hate).

I appreciate what one expert of the apostle wrote concerning this issue of Jewish bigotry: that Paul’s conversion served to prove the power of the Faith facilitated anyone “overcoming the strongest prejudices” and establish its own unique brand and purpose (Stalker; pg. 8; paragraph 2).

So from an international sense related to delivering the Word of Truth, Paul handily fit the bill, or fit the suit to borrow from an old movie where one of the Mercury astronauts was said to have been selected primarily because he best fit the space suit and space capsule.

When we compare and contrast Paul to the 11-inner circle of disciples turned apostles, the inner circle of disciples would have naturally been ill-equipped to engage the world in intellectual discourses related to Yeshua and the Work of the Gospel. Yet we find from our study here that Paul was uniquely qualified for such an international ministry.

Was the inner-circle disciple’s ill-preparedness for international evangelism a bad thing? Absolutely not! The inner circle disciples served a unique purpose and role in launching the Faith movement from their base in Jerusalem. Without them, the Way Movement would have not gotten off the ground and Paul would have been simply a small voice of Truth in the midst of a huge pagan-based world.

Indeed, the inner circle disciples served a vital role in the Work of the Gospel. They served the role that Father in His infinite wisdom established for them to play. Their role was confined primarily to delivering the Gospel to their own people and the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 10:6; Romans 15:8). They would have especially appealed to Jews of their social class (Stalker; pg. 10; paragraph 2).

So the inner circle of disciples were not schooled (ie., they were not lettered) as Paul was. Yet it was in the various places of education that Paul was afforded (ie., Jewish home training, his synagogal training, the University of Tarsus possibly, and the Hillel Rabbinic School), that he “learned how to arrange and state and defend his ideas.” Stalker suggests that Paul’s intellectual gifts helped him provide us the “best explanation of Christianity” that the world currently possesses. The writer takes the bold position of suggesting that Paul’s ministry was actually a continuation of Messiah’s own teachings (Stalker; pg. 12; paragraph 1).

The Apostle Peter broke the ice, so to speak, related to Jewish prejudice towards Gentiles with the conversion of Cornelius and his family (Acts 10). Despite Peter’s attempts to convince the Jerusalem Council “of the perfect equality of Jew and Gentile and apply it without flinching in all its practical consequences,” we find that none of the inner circle apostles had the intellectual capacity to complete the breakdown of the cultural and religious wall that stood between Gentile and Jew. These were Galilean fishermen, “fit enough to teach and preach within the bounds of their native Palestine,” but not sophisticated enough to take their message to the great international cities of the world. The task required “a man of unlimited versatility, of education, of immense human sympathy and breadth” to deliver the goods, so to speak. It required a man “who could not only be a Jew to the Jews, but a Greek to the Greeks, a Roman to the Romans, a barbarian to the barbarians—a man who could encounter not only rabbis in their synagogues, but proud magistrates in their courts and philosophers in the haunts of learning—a man who could face travel by land and by sea, who could exhibit presence of mind in every variety of circumstances and would be cowed by no difficulties.” Again, we see clearly that Paul fit the suit (Stalker; pg. 13; paragraph 3).

Paul was able to escape the confines of established rigid Jewish biases towards Gentiles and “accept the equality of all men in Messiah, and applied this principle relentlessly in all its issues” (Stalker; pg. 15; paragraph 1).

Some see Paul’s work as a continuation of Yeshua’s earthly ministry. And to a great extent I agree with that contention. I agree with this contention, not from the standpoint of some who hold that Yeshua’s earthly ministry was limited in time and region, but from the standpoint of Father’s plan. Father does everything He does according to His timing and purpose. Yeshua had a specific mission. The disciples turned apostles had specific missions. Paul’s mission, on the other hand, was much more expansive in terms of time and region—years as opposed to months; nations as opposed to one central region (Stalker; pg. 15; paragraph 1).

The 11-disciples turned apostles never saw Paul coming. They saw, however, a need to replace Judas Iscariot. Thus they prayed and following Jewish tradition, cast lots to determine who would replace Judas. “Matthias was chosen” to become the 12th apostle. Little did this group realize, but Matthias, as nice a guy as he may have been, was not Master’s choice to be Judas’ replacement. Like some others, I truly believe it was Master’s intention to make Paul the 12th apostle, as evidenced by the fact that beyond his selection, we never read another word about Matthias in the Holy Writ.

Some contend that the Apostle Paul could not possibly be an apostle because he did not meet the conditions that Peter established for apostleship (Acts 1:21, 22). Paul was not a direct follower of Yeshua. In fact, Paul was a persecutor of the Messianics in Palestine. He was an accomplice to Stephen’s martyrdom and “a fanatical persecutor and tormentor of Christians (Rod Carmona)”

Paul the Thinker

The one of many significant character traits, as described by James Stalker in his book entitled “The Life of St. Paul, was Paul’s intellect. Stalker described Paul as having “immense mental stature and force” (Stalker; pg. 8; paragraph 1).

By virtue of what we know of his upbringing, education and as evidenced in his writing and writing style, we can competently conclude that Paul was the consummate thinker. Throughout his writings we get a clear sense that he was always sorting out in his mind how best to approach and work through each particular situation and problem that was put to him.

Paul’s “thinker” persona plays hand-in-hand with the Hebrew concept of Halakah that he brilliantly crafted into his discipling of the various converts to the Faith that he mentored. (We’ll get into the concept of Halakah from Paul’s perspective in just a moment.)

Stalker describes Paul as “a born thinker.” Paul’s mind went beyond that of just having a cognitive understanding that Yeshua was the Son of Yehovah. He was compelled to dig deeper and explore the elements of this enormous Truth to such a degree that he would be capable of explaining what all of these Truths meant to the end user. (How many millions of people throughout the world today have a cognitive understanding that Yeshua is the Son of God, but beyond that, have absolutely no understanding of what that reality truly means to their lives and to the world?)

Of Paul, Stalker continues: “It was not enough for him to believe that Messiah died for sin: he had to go farther and inquire why it was necessary that He should do so and how His death actually took sin away.”

Thus, Paul was devoted to the cause of Messiah for the remainder of his life in the most “exhaustless” manner which made him the great “Thinker of Christianity” we know him to be (Stalker; pg. 11; paragraph 3). 

Paul and the Hebrew Concepts of Halakah

So we are now done discussing Paul’s biographical background. I now want to shift gears somewhat and begin a brief discussion about an important aspect of our Faith that Paul was instrumental in delivering to the world during his ministry.

It’s important that we come to an understanding of the Hebrew concepts of Halakah and Agadah. We will find that these two concepts play significantly in Paul’s ministerial work and is seen in his writings—especially in those pesky hard to understand passages of his.

Defining Halakah

Halakah, according to the Talmud, is what the rabbis say a Jew’s conduct—behavior—must be. Bear in mind, the writers of the Talmud are coming from a purely Judaistic perspective. The rabbis may lead one to conclude that the concept of Halakah (and agadah for that matter) are uniquely Jewish concepts. However, we will see that Halakah and Agadah are concepts derived from our Heavenly Father and were delivered to us through His Torah; then taught to us by the prophets of old, Yeshua, Paul and the inner circle apostles.

Halakah according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance means to walk; to go forth; to follow.

The root of the Hebrew word is strongly associated with the concept of someone leading another by the hand or training someone to perform a specific task.

We often speak of walking out our Faith. The Biblical “walk” so to speak is directly linked to the practice of a Father laying the palm of His hand upon the head of his son and leading him in the way he should go. This leading of the son in the way he should go involved the father teaching his son how to live according to the ways of God as well as it involved instilling upon the son the family trade. This was a perpetual thing that went down from the father to the children and so forth in perpetuity. There would be no adjusting or changing of what was originally put forth. The truths passed down to each generation had to remain perfectly in tact.

This was how Yehovah always intended that our society would exist and remain true to His ways. Throughout Torah we find father commanding the Hebrews to teach their children His ways:

“Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when the LORD said to me, ‘Assemble the people to Me, that I may let them hear My words aso they may learn to 1fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may bteach their children.’ (Deu 4:10 NAU)

aYou shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deu 6:7 NAU)

“aYou shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deu 11:19 NAU)

“Now therefore, awrite this song for yourselves, and teach it to the sons of Israel; put it 1on their lips, so that this song may be a witness for Me against the sons of Israel. (Deu 31:19 NAU)

The responsibility for instilling proper behavior throughout an individual’s life was not given over to the schools and teachers like we see happening in our 21st century western society. Father always intended the responsibility to rest solely upon the shoulders of the parents. The buck ultimately stopped with the father of the family to ensure that this was accomplished. We don’t see that happening today much in our society.

In the days of the Patriarchs, it was incumbent upon the children to take up the mantle/profession of the father, especially the firstborn son. Now, recall that we looked at this in our biographical discussions of Paul. We saw that Paul took up the mantles/professions of his father that included being a goat-hair-tent-maker as well as being a pharisee.

Brad Scott—a well known and highly respected Hebrew Roots teacher—extensively covers this concept of Halakah and Agadah, especially as it relates to Paul and his teachings. Scott cites Luke 4 as giving us details of Yeshua accompanying his parents on a trip to Jerusalem. Yeshua was probably about 13 years old—bar mitzvah age. You know the story: Yosef and Miriam depart Jerusalem, no doubt heading back to Nazareth when they realize Yeshua was not with them. Yosef and Miriam return to Jerusalem. They find Yeshua in deep conversation with the Jewish sages and teachers in the Temple. Miriam and Yosef scold Yeshua for not staying with them as they departed.

Our young Master responded to them that He would be about His Father’s business.

In Judaism, when a male child reaches Bar Mitzvah age, part of the ceremony calls for the boy to state to those in attendance that he would then begin being about his father’s business. In other words, that child would then assume the profession of his father (Luke 2:49).

In Yeshua’s case, He was stating to his parents that He would be about His heavenly Father’s affairs.

Now, I disagree with Brad Scott where he contends that Yeshua was stating to His parents that He would be about both His heavenly Father’s business first, then His earthly step-father’s business second. Contextually, this does not make any sense to me. Yeshua is speaking about being in the Temple setting about the work that Yehovah had given Him to do.

Regardless if we buy into Scott’s perspective on this story or not, I do fully agree with Scott that this story is an excellent example of the Halakah root principle—that of a son being led to learn the ways of life directly from and by His father.

Paul, in acting as a father to the assemblies he oversaw, wrote that they remember the ordinances as he passed them down to them (I Corinthians 11:2).

Circling back, parents are essential to the training up of their children in the ways of Yehovah. This is what Biblical halakah is all about. And this is the mindset that we see employed by Paul in his approach to teaching and correcting the assemblies that he oversaw.

Paul said, follow me as I follow Messiah (I Corinthians 11:1).

This principle was not only seen demonstrated in Paul’s ministry. We also so this repeated time and time again in our Master’s earthly ministry. Yeshua said:

So Jesus said: When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am He and that I do nothing of my own accord. What I say is what the Father has taught me; (Joh 8:28 NJB)

Joh 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

Joh 12:49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

Joh 12:50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

Likewise, Yeshua taught His disciples how to walk out the Faith. He taught them how to pray, heal and teach and preach the Gospel. And when He was about to leave, He promised his disciples that He would not leave them as orphans, but He would always be with them as well as send them the comforter—the Ruach HaKodesh—the Holy Spirit (John 14:18).

The ancient concept of the Master-Disciple relationship was one where the disciple imitated his/her master. In so doing, the disciple would over time grow into the image of his/her master. This is the point that Paul is trying to get across to the Corinthians in his 1 Corinthians 11:1. I used to think that Paul was crossing the line somewhat by putting himself in such a prominent position in his followers’ lives. I felt Paul should be pointing his followers only to Yeshua. However, I now realize that Paul was coming purely from the perspective of the ancient near east Master-Disciple relationship. This passage then was a clear example of the concept of halakah.

Another prominent example of the Halahkic principle or concept is Torah. The instructions given to Moshe that were written on stone by Yehovah is essentially halakah: these are the instructions on how to walk; how to live. Those instructions of course were passed down to us by our heavenly Father.

So then, Biblical halakah is seen as instructions on “how to walk” or live out one’s Faith. It’s what you do in response to your commitment to your chosen Faith. It is doing what you see demonstrated.

And with that we will conclude this 3rd installment of our series on Paul and Hebrew Roots. In Part 4 I wish to explore the concept of Halakah a little more, especially as it relates to Paul and his teachings and writings. Then, I want to introduce the Hebrew concept of Agadah. We will see how Paul’s teachings and writings beautifully employed in perfect concert both concepts.

I want to thank you for fellowshipping with me here today. I was blessed putting this thing together and presenting it to you, as much as I was blessed by your presence with me here today.

Please bless me with your edifying comments. Let me know how this series is blessing and informing you.

Until next time, may you remain blessed and secure in Father’s perfect will for your life. May you walk steadfastly in the power and might of His Ruach HaKodesh.

Shalom and take care.


To Fellowship Or Not Fellowship

To Fellowship Or Not Fellowship

A Nagging Question

To fellowship with a group of Sabbath-Feast-keepers or not has been a question plaguing me for the last couple weeks.  A couple months ago we were invited to fellowship with this group. 

Now, know that this is NOT a question whether to participate in a Sabbath convocation with this group of Sabbath-Feast-keepers. It seems quite clear to me that Torah and the teachings of the apostles demands that we convocate with one another: that we fellowship with other like-minded believers.

This particularly nagging question of fellowshipping or not is one of worshiping and studying the Word with individuals who strongly disagree with many of the essential tenets of the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith.

Inextricably Mired in Churchianity

The group in question seems inextricably mired in churchianity; denies the power and working of the Ruach HaKodesh (i.e., the Holy Spirit); rejects the wearing of tzitzits and the use of the Creator’s Name; and is without question in my mind misogynistic and anti-Jewish/anti-Hebrew. 

Apart from these and other nagging differences, the people that compose this group appear to be lovely in their deportment. They, without a doubt, love one another and the Word of Yah.

Yet the question remains in my head: to fellowship or not?


Be Not Unequally Yoked

Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? Or what communion hath light with darkness?

A Question of Being Unequally Yoked

After praying for days and going back and forth in my mind on what to do about this thing, the Ruach spoke to me. I was reminded that as great as my desire to fellowship with others be, I cannot overlook the possibility that such an arrangement might actually be a mismatch that would not be pleasing to Father. 

Paul’s instructions to the Corinthian Assembly of Messianic Believers came to mind. He wrote:

“Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness” (2 Cor.6: 14; ASV)?

The New English Translation reads more modernly: “Do not become partners with unbelievers…” which is to say: do not become mismatched with others.

The New American Standard Bible reads: Do not become bound together with unbelievers.

Becoming Bound or Partnered With Non-Believers

So I did a study on this Pauline passage.

The highlighted phrase used by Paul in this verse in English is “unequally yoked.” In the Greek, the phrase is “Heterozugeo.” 

The Friberg Greek Lexicon defines heterozugeo as follows: 

“To be strictly yoked with an animal of a different kind; to be mismatched; to be wrongly associated together.”

A Question of Fellowship

The second-half of the verse Paul mentions fellowship. The Greek for fellowship is rendered as “Metoche.”

The Louw-Nida Greek Lexicon explains “Metoche” as:

“A relationship involving shared purposes and activity; a partnership; a sharing.”

So we have addressed in this verse by the Shaul the question of fellowshipping with individuals who do not believe or live as we do.  And the obvious conclusion to be gained from a plain reading of this verse is that a Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah should not be in fellowship–in a partnership–with non-believers. 

Paul Citing Torah Principle

The sentiment that Shaul paints with this well-known text has been accepted and taught doctrine by both mainstream Christianity and Hebrew Roots. 

Yet I feel that this instruction, with the exception of a handful of hardcore congregations and Torah Observant Believers in Messiah, is rarely practiced. It seems that many of us are more than willing to fellowship–to partner–with individuals who in many cases outright reject our lifestyle and our belief system. 

And this goes way beyond simply fellowshipping with others on a spiritual level. This subject impinges upon virtually every social area of our lives. It impinges upon:

  • Our career and business dealings
  • The friends we keep
  • Our family interactions
  • The selection of a spouse

I don’t have any stats to support my contention here, but I would bet you dollars to a doughnut that we all violate this principle of being unequally yoked in at least one or more areas of our lives.

Here’s the problem: When we ignore this Pauline instruction, we are in essence violating the spirit of Torah.

Do Not Sow Mingled Seeds

Lev 19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

Abba commanded that we not let our cattle gender with a diverse kind. He further instructed that we not sow seed with mingled seed and that we not mingle linen with wool for our apparel. 

Later on in Torah Father commanded that we not make covenants with our enemies. When it comes to family relationships, we are not to marry individuals who are of our enemies. Furthermore, we cannot allow our children to marry those who are of our enemies. (Reference Deu. 7:2,3)

There is a direct Torah link to Paul’s writing which is found in Deuteronomy 22:9-11, which reads:

“You are not to sow two kinds of seed between your rows of vines; if you do, both the two harvested crops and the yield from the vines must be forfeited. 10 You are not to plow with an ox and a donkey together. 11 You are not to wear clothing woven with two kinds of thread, wool and linen together. (Deu 22:9 CJB)

A Question of Becoming Defiled and Compromised

Any suggestion that we discriminate against any who may not hold to our Faith values runs contrary to the liberal-leaning Western mindset. A partnering or mingling of diverse ideals, cultures, and religions (as long as those elements are NOT conservative-Judaeo-Christian-based) is now demanded by the liberal public at large. And sadly, many of us are happy to oblige this demand.

Many of us who come into Faith, out of some fear of offending those who are not like us or fear of being alone,  refuse to leave the trappings of our former lives. We remain in relationships, jobs, churches and other situations that violate the spirit of this Torah instruction.

That fear of offending others or being alone, however, causes most of us to forget or ignore the reason why Father instructed us to reject partnering or mingling with those individuals or situations that are not in alignment with His way commanded way of living.

Father informed us that mingling seed would defile the land. Furthermore, establishing covenants (i.e., agreements) or marrying into those that are deemed our enemies would lead us to compromise our Faith. Yoking two different animals to plow or work a field is simply animal cruelty.

The avoidance of compromise to our Faith and defilement of our witness and walk with Messiah rests at the heart of Shaul’s instruction to not be unequally yoked. 

Old Testament Examples of the Non-Mingling Principle 

We find in I Samuel chapter 5 where the Philistines set the captured Ark of the Covenant in the temple of Dagon (the Philistine’s god of choice)–before a statute of Dagon. This situation ultimately resulted in the statute of Dagon being toppled and broken into pieces (verses 2 and 3).

In First Kings 18:21, we find the Prophet Elijah adjuring the people of Israel to make up their minds who they will serve: 

“Elijah came unto all the people and said: ‘How long halt ye between two opinions? If YHVH be Elohim, follow Him; but if Ba’al, then follow him…” (KJV).

At a time when Israel was re-awakening to Torah-keeping, Ezra writes about the people of Israel who intermarried with the indigenous pagan people of Palestine who which according to Torah would have been their enemies. The intermarrying was so bad that even Israel’s princes and rulers were the greatest violators of the lot. (Reference: Ezr. 9:1-12)

Ezra notes that this compromise of Torah on the Hebrew’s part led to a defilement of the Land and of the people of Israel.

A contemporary of Ezra was Nehemiah who reminded the nation of Israel while reading the Torah to them that no Ammonite or Moabite was to be admitted to their assembly, ever. In heartfelt response, the people acted on this command by restricting access to the congregation of Israel. Those of mixed ancestry were essentially barred from the congregation of Israel. (Reference: Neh. 13:1-3)

New Testament Examples of the Non-Mingling Principle

Master informed us that He chose us out of the world–that is to be separate from the world. In so choosing and separating us from the world, the world naturally despises us. (Reference: Joh. 15:19)

Then we find another Pauline text where he addresses this issue of being unequally yoked with non-believers. It was to the Ephesian Assembly of Believers in Messiah that he instructed that they:

  1. Not be partakers with the sons of disobedience.
  2. That they walk as children of light.
  3. And that they do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness.

Heeding Paul’s Call

As Messianic Torah Observers, it behooves each of us to draw a line in the sand, so to speak, when it comes to all our relationships. Clearly Torah requires that we, as Yah’s elect, be holy as He is holy (Lev. 11:45; 1 Pet. 1:16). 

Part of this process of becoming holy–popularly known as the sanctification process–requires that we not partner with those who are enemies of our Way of Life and our beliefs. As I mentioned above, this is not just limited to fellowshipping with others. This applies to every aspect of our lives. How we effectively accomplish this, however, is a discussion for another day. 

Nevertheless, we must not find ourselves in any unequal-yoked situation, and that of course includes in terms of our Sabbath and Feast Day fellowships. As we’ve seen above, there is too much at risk, especially in terms of being compromised and being defiled.

As for me and my house, we’re going to serve Yehovah and avoid the mingling. Besides, there are a great many of you out there who share our Faith and way of life. There is no need to go outside for fellowship. 


Faith Submitted.