Messianics—Modern Day Levites—Separated for Service to God—Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Portion Behaalosecha

Messianics—Modern Day Levites—Separated for Service to God—Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Portion Behaalosecha

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer


Some in our Faith Community liken Messianics to the Levitical Priests and Levite workers of old. And I personally think there’s some merit to that comparison.

We know that the Levites, who were under Aharon and Sons’ direct oversight, were held to higher standards of living than the rest of the nation (see  my post entitled living a life beyond the norm). In fact, Father separated the Levites from the other 12-Hebrew tribes. The Levites as a tribe would be wholly beholden to Him and the service of the Tabernacle. In exchange for their complete service, Yah would be the Levites’ inheritance. For YHVH said unto Aharon:

“Thou shalt have no inheritance in their land, neither shalt thou have any part among them: I AM THY PART AND THINE INHERITANCE AMONG THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL” (Num. 18:20; KJV).

This set-up/construct was a partial establishing and foreshadowing of the promise that Israel would be a royal, priestly nation:

“And ye shall be to me a royal priesthood and a holy nation” (Exo. 19:6; LXX; cf. Exo. 23:22).

By extension, of course, this passage points to modern day Messianics role in being a light to the nations. The job of Messianics is an extension of the Levites’ original job: that of  pointing and guiding the nation-peoples of this world to the Creator of the Universe. Today we are in part a fulfillment of that royal priesthood declaration that Abba Father has set in place for His chosen people.

This week’s Torah Portion entitled “Behaalosecha—When You Set Up“—is found in Numbers 8:1-12:16.

Although this reading touched upon a great many events and issues,  for today’s discussion, I want to focus our attention on the dedication and service of the Levites as recorded in Numbers 8:5-26.

Within this fascinating section of Torah, we get a sense of what Father requires of those who have sworn to commit the rest of their lives to serving Him and the Body of Messiah. And what we will find in thday’s discussion is that many of the elements that separated the Levites for service in the Tabernacle were in great part a foreshadowing of the elements that Yeshua and His apostles taught would be necessary for our service to the Kingdom of God.

So let’s unpack this Torah Portion and see what we can see. 

There are two themes that are intricately linked to the story of the Levites dedication. The first theme has to do with the Levites being brought to a place of “Ritual Purity” so that they may serve in the Tabernacle. And the second theme is that of the Levites actually walking in their calling. In other words, the walking in their calling involed the Levites being officially and ceremonially separated from the other tribes of the nation and  wholly dedicated to service in the Tabernacle.

The dedication of the Levites, as depicted in this week’s Torah Portion, foreshadows the spiritual purity and dedication for service that every modern-day Messianic is called to possess.

Ritual Purity

Ritual purity was a non-negotiable requirement for Levites to serve in the Tabernacle. Failure to be in a state of ritual purity would result in the Levite becoming separated from YHVH (ie., cut off from Yah’s presence) and being denied the opportunity to serve (Lev. 22:3).

As it related to our reading this week, those being dedicated for service in the Tabernacle were the Levites. These were not the Levitical Priests. Instead, these Levites would support the Levitical Priests in their work in the Tabernacle. These could be considered as the work-horses of the Tabernacle. For these physically fascilitated the Tabernacle operation. Their priestly brothers, on the other hand, were holy and served various intermediary-functions between YHVH and the people.

Andn like their Aharonic-priestly brothers, the Levites were expected to always be in a state of ritual purity.

Ritual Purity Defined

In preparation for service, Moshe was instructed by YHVH to see to it that the Levites were ritually clean. The Hebrew term for “clean” that is used here is “taher” or “tahor.” “Tahor” as used in our Torah reading this week denotes a “ceremonial preparation for sacred duty” (Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon).

Scriptural Incidents Where Ritual Purity Came Into Play

We find throughout Torah specific incidents where Abba instructed the Hebrews to conduct ritualistic cleansings in order for individuals and objects to be acceptable unto YHVH:

  • Purification of the booty taken in war (Num. 31:23).
  • Women were to undergo postpartum cleansing (Lev. 22:4-7).
  • Men who suffered discharges were to undergo cleansing (Lev. 25:13).
  • Those healed of leprosy were to undergo cleansing (Lev. 14).
  • Any who were exposed to dead bodies were required to undergo ritualistic cleansing (Num. 19).
  • Soldiers killed in warfare were required to undergo cleansing (Eze. 39:12-16).

As it related to their dedication to service in the Tabernacle, Father instructed that the Levites adhere to the following symbolic cleansing ritual:

1. These were sprinkled (spattered) with purifying water (vs. 7).

Ezekiel prophesies of a time in the future—maybe in the Messianic Age—when He will sprinkle clean water upon physical Israel, which will symbolically purge the nation of their uncleannesses and their idols. This act by YHVH will once and for all cleanse the nation for service unto YHVH (Eze. 36:25; LXX).

The writer of Hebrews speaks of the blood of Yeshua replacing such ceremonial rites as the sprinkling of water on those who would serve in the Tabernacle (Heb. 9:10). It is Mashiyach’s (ie., Messiah’s) perfect blood through Yah’s Ruach (ie., His Spirit) that permanently purifies our souls from works that lead to death. Thus, it is Master’s blood that purifies us for serve to the Kingdom of  God (Heb. 9:14; CJB).

Indeed, the purification rites that the Levites underwent before YHVH at the Tabernacle foreshadowed the purification we would enjoy through the work and agency of Y’shua haMashiyach.

2. These were to shave their bodies (vs. 7).

The idea of every Levite completely shaving his body in preparation for this ceremony, according to Abraham ibn Ezra (ie., an 11th/12th century Spanish Jewish commentator and philosopher), served to symbolize “the most perfect purity, and a removal of all superfluity of haughtiness and excrescence (wild outgrowth of something) of the flesh from them” (Gill’s Bible Commentary).

Levi Ben Gersom Gersonides (ie., a 13th/14th century French Talmudist) looks at the shaving question from the standpoint of a message that is directed to the Levite preparing to serve in the Tabernacle: that “he must forsake material things and employ themselves in the service of God” (Gill’s Bible Commentary).

I personally recall some 36-years ago, my first day of military training in Pensacola, Florida, having my head shaved along with 2-dozen or so fellow naval officer candidates. The process of having our heads shaved according to our Marine Corp Drill Instructor, was to strip us of our identities; our uniqueness; our individuality. In so doing, we as a class of trainees would be equal in every sense, having no individual agendas with the exception of one: obediently serving and accomplishing those tasks given to us by the U.S. Navy as one single body.

And as we saw mentioned in Hebrews 9, the blood of Y’shua cleanses us from all impurity and readies us for service. Needless to say, there is no need for the disciple of Messiah, though he or she is in a sense could be considered a modern day Levite (or for that matter, even a priest of YHVH), with Y’shua as our High Priest, to undergo such a rite as shaving one’s body in preparation for service.

3. The Levites washed their garments and their bodies (vs. 7).

The washing of the clothes and of their bodies seemed to go hand-in-hand .

Recall that when the people arrived at the base of Mount Sinai and agreed to meet with YHVH, Father instructed that the people wash their clothes in anticipation of the meeting (Exo. 19:10). I believe the people washed their bodies as well.

The spiritual application to be drawn from this story are enormous. When meeting with and serving Father—in whatever capacity that may be—He requires that we be in a state of purity: that we be clean or “tahor.” Otherwise, we are no good to Father.

Churchianity would have us ascribe to the mindset that our purity is imputed unto us by the blood of Y’shua haMashiyach. And to a great extent this is true. However, it is incumbent upon each of us to ensure that there is no lingering, chronic, invited, habitual impurity within us. We must have skin in the “purity game so to speak” and deny sin to continue in our lives. Then we must allow the Holy Spirit to purify (ie., cleanse us) from the inside out.

4. Israel Lays Hands Upon the Levites

The laying on of hands is a practice to (1) confer a blessing, or (2) impart something from one person to another person or from a person to a creature or thing.

To begin with, when we look at laying on of hands, there must be some form of identification with the object or person upon which the hands are laid.

According to the author of an article I found in wikibooks on this subject:

“The hands become a channel through which something from the Ruach haKodesh is transferred from one to the other” (

One Hebrew variation of laying on of hands is “Samak,” which implies the act of laying one’s hand on someone or something so as to lean heavily upon that person or thing. It conveys the idea of “forcibly pressing down upon, so that the victim was viewed as a support. This conveyed the idea of the pressure or weight of responsibility which was to be borne by the victim as a result of the laying on of hands.” Thus, an obligation of some sort was placed upon the one the hands were placed.

The Hebrew word for hand is “yadh,” which denotes “strength, authority and power.” Thus the laying on of hands implies the hand-layer drawing from a place of “great strength and authority;” the reservoir of authority and strength coming from YHVH, being conferred upon the recipient.

The 5-Functions related to laying on of hands:

1. Impartation—Whereby an unction of the Ruach haKodesh is passed from the Spirit-filled anointed servant of YHVH onto the recipient. In this sense, the laying on of hands results in the impartation of spiritual blessings, giftings, power and authority onto the recipient.

2. Identification—Generally in terms of a sacrifice, whereby the offerer identifies him/herself with the sacrifice through physical contact (ie., laying on of hands). The act of laying on of hands in this sense makes the offerer one with the offering. In so doing, the offering bears the sins of the offerer (Lev. 1:4; 3:2; 4:15, 24, 29, 33; 16:21,22; Num. 8:12).

3. Confirmation—Dual application as it relates to the laying on of hands: (1) Witnesses laying their hands upon an accused would be making a formal confirmation attesting to the guilt of the accused (Deu. 17:2-7). (2) An overseer or leader of an assembly confirms a member’s giftings and ministry, the purpose of which is to edify the Body and Assembly of Messiah (Act. 14:22; 15:3; 1 Tim. 4:14,15; 1:18; 2 Tim. 1:6, 14).

4. Ministration of Blessings—The act of transferring blessings from YHVH to the recipient. In this example, however, the hands of the anointed servant is not placed upon the individual, but instead, over or toward them. In so doing, there was a sense that the recipient’s situation would improve (eg., Gen. 48:13-20). This is famously illustrated in the Aharonic or Priestly Blessing (Num. 6:23-27; cf. Lev. 9:22).

5. Commissioning for Ministry—This is generally done in the ordination of ministry and commissioning and sending of workers forth to minister. This served as a public acknowledgment that the receiver of the commissioning was (1) ordained; (2) commissioned through established human authority; and (3) equipped to perform the ministerial task(s) that was set before him/her (Act. 6:1-7; 13:3; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6)

The Purpose of the Laying on of Hands in this Story

Matthew Henry comments that by placing their hands upon the Levites, the Hebrews “transfered their interest in them and in their service to God and to His sanctuary.” Thus, in this sense, the people were not imparting YHVH’s Spirit upon these men. Instead, the people were publicly acknowledging or proclaiming unto YHVH and to the world, symbolically speaking, that the Levites would serve in lieu of them having to do the work of the Tabernacle.

This symbolic gesture also served as a public acknowledgment that the Levites would be separated from the other tribes of the nation to serve the nation and Yah in the Tabernacle. As a rresult these would no longer be part of the nation’s militia or defense force.

YHVH Works Through the Actions of People

Yah most often works through the actions people. Some contend, for example, that Yah being a Spirit that possesses no actual arms or hands, it is the priests’ hands that become Yah’s hands performing God’s necessary work. Thus, the intent of laying on of hands is that God reaches out through the vessel of His chosen ones’ hands to perform His work. Yah’s presence is in a sense invoked and if accepted of Yah, He visits the proceedings and performs the necessary work.

In this case, the people as opposed to the priests laid their hand upon the Levites. Thus it became the people who invited Yah to show-up and do a great work on their behalf.

According to Lawrence A. Hoffman (co-founder of Synagogue 3000 and professor of liturgy, worship and ritual at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion):

“God visits the earth through the magic of human touch, as sacred a thing as there is.”

Hoffman continues:

“But like all things holy also, nothing bestows the certainty of hope and comfort better than the human touch, properly applied, by those we love: a friend at our bedside, their hand on our own; a soft embrace when words cannot assuage our pain…When explanations only make things worse, when words ring hollow, when we just have nothing to say, we can reach out, God-like, feeling hope’s promise flow to those in need. God shows up best in the warming touch where two hands meet.”

5. Aharon Waves the Levites Before YHVH

In the spirit and likeness of a wave sheaf offering, Aharon “presents” (CEB; DBY; DRA; ERV; ESV; JPS; KJV; NAB; NAU; NIV), “offers” (ASV; CJB; HCSB; NET), “separates” (LXX) the Levites “for a gift before YHVH from the children of Israel” (8:11; LXX). Aharon’s actions insinuated:

“Father, here are the Levites, which the nation is offering/presenting/separating out from the peoples of Israel, to serve You, the Tabernacle and the priests.”

6. Meat, grain and sin offerings were offered unto YHVH (vs. 8, 12).

As required with every opportunity the Almighty affords His people to worship, burnt, sin and grain offerings were made on behalf of the newly dedicated Levites.

We find in verse 12 that Abba instructs that the Levites lay their hands upon the heads of the 2-bullocks (LXX has it as calves). One bullock would serve as a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering unto YHVH.

The purpose of laying one’s hands on an animal sacrifice was symbolic in nature. Thus, the sins and impurities of the one offering the animal sacrifice were symbolically transfered onto the animal through this simple act of faith.

In reality, nothing was actually transferred onto the animal? Instead, this act of faith certified the state of the offerers heart unto YHVH.

Laying Hands–Sacrifices–Act of Faith

It was YHVH through Jeremiah’s pen that stated:

“I YHVH search the mind, I try the heart, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings” (Jer. 17:10; ASV)

And given that our God is a God that judges the heart, He credits the sacrifice of the offerer (in this case the Levite) as atonement for his/her sins when he in faith places his hands upon the head of the sacrifice, looking to YHVH that his sins be atoned for.

Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno (15th/16th century Italian rabbinic bible commentator) suggested that:

“Hand-laying is as central to Temple sacrifices of old as it is to my college’s ordination today. And for the same reason; not that rabbis and cantors are sacrifices, God forbid, but because the touch of human hands is how God’s presence may appear.”

An Brief Overview of Offerings/Sacrifices

Burnt Offerings (Hebrew=”karbanot) served as a gift brought to YHVH so that the offerer may be accepted by YHVH (Lev. 1:3). Upon the offerer laying his/her hand upon the head of the burnt-offering, it served as an atonement for the offerer (Lev. 1:4) .

Karbanot is derived from the Hebrew root Qof-Resh-Bet, which means “to draw near,” suggesting that the underlying purpose of rendering offerings unto YHVH is to draw near to YHVH. (Reference:

One of the biggest symbolic concepts embedded in karbanot is that of substitution. The concept of substitution as it relates to the karbon is that the offering is a substitute for the offerer. That which ultimately happens to the offering is the thing that should happen to the offerer. One can fairly assert then that the offering is being punished on behalf or in the place of the offerer. In a thematic sense, it is this substitutionary element that is embedded in karbanot that underscores the grace and mercy of YHVH.

Another less obvious concept to be understood from karbanot is that of coming near or drawing close to Yah. Apart from the substitutionary element embedded in karbanot, in getting past the need for dealing with the sins and impurities of the offerer, the sacrifice opens up for the offerer the opportunity to draw or come close to the Almighty.


Before going any further on this subject, it should be noted that all sacrifices ceased with the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E. The greatest (and most biblical) reason sacrifices were not continued beyond the destruction of the temple is that Torah explicitly required all animal sacrifices be performed at the temple proper by a Levitical Priest.

As disciples of Yeshua haMashiyach, we know that Father did away with all animal and meal sacrifices upon Messiah’s ultimate sacrifice on the execution stake. Any resumption of animal sacrifices on the part of God’s elect would serve absolutely no purpose other than needlessly slaughtering animals. For Yahoshua Messiah’s sacrifice addressed the sin issue once and for all:

“For in that He (Yeshua) died, He died unto sin once…” (Rom. 6:10; KJV).

“Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this He did once, when He offered up Himself” (Heb. 7:27; KJV).


The Five Types of Offerings/Sacrifices

1. The Burnt Offering (Heb. Olah). Olah has the same root as the world “aliyah, which is used to describe a pilgrimage or even a relocation to the Land of Israel. Additionally, it represents an ascension to a synagogue podium to read the Torah scroll or say a blessing during Sabbath worship services.

The whole of the Olah was to be burnt. No part of it was to be eaten, either by the priests, Levites or the offerer.

The Olah represents total, and complete submission to YHVH and His will. Thus, the whole of the offering is rendered unto YHVH. In presenting unto YHVH the burnt offering, the offerer shows forth his/her sincere desire to draw close to YHVH.

Indeed, there is an atoning element attached to the burnt offering/Olah. This should make total sense since the offerer’s sin would have to be dealt with in order for him/her to draw close to or commune with the Almighty.

Burnt offerings could be made from cattle, sheep, goats, or birds.

2. Peace Offering (Heb. Zevach Sh’lamim). This is generally a thanksgiving offering. If one pays close attention to the Hebrew title for this offering, one may see a variation of “shalom” embedded in the Sh’lamim. Shalom, of course, means peace.

Most of the peace offering was to be burnt up on the altar. However, a portion of it was to be given to the priests (ie., the Cohenim) and was to be eaten by the offerer and his/her family.

3. Sin Offering (Heb. Chatat). This offering is meant purely for atonement and purging of unintentional sins. The offerer comes to the altar in a state of sorrow because of his/her sin and desires to be restored or reconciled to YHVH.

The Hebrew term “chatat,” by the way, means to “miss the mark.”

There were individual as well as communal (ie., community) sin offerings.

Generally speaking (with a few rare occasions), individual sin offerings were consumed by the Cohenim and Levites.

4. Guilt Offering (Heb. Asham). This was a unique sin offering that addressed sins whereby the offerer believed he or she committed a sin but they weren’t certain as to what sin they actually committed. The guilt offering was also used to address the breaching of trust (ie., inadvertently not fulfilling one’s word or responsibility to someone).

The Asham was consumed by the Cohenim and Levites.

5. Food and Drink Offerings (ie., Meal Offerings). This was a devotional offering representing the fruit of one’s personal labor. Submitting a meal offering required exacting preparations on the part of the offerer. For it represented the offerer’s personal heartfelt gift to YHVH.

A representative portion of the meal offering was consumed on the altar. The rest however, was consumed by the Cohenim and Levites.

Levites Officially Set Apart For Service of the Tabernacle

Returning back to our story, we receive in verse 17 an explanation as to why Father was separating the Levites from the whole of the community of Israel for service in the Tabernacle.

Father told us back in Exodus 13:2-15 that the firstborn of the Hebrews were to be holy (special; separated) unto Him. Now, in this dedicatory service, Father is saying that the Levites were holy and special unto Him. So what gives?

According to Torah, the firstborn of every Hebrew family would forever remain special to YHVH. However, the Levites were special unto YHVH in that from this point forward (ie., from that dedicatory service forward), their entire existence would be focused on YHVH and serving Him. The firstborn of the nation were not required to attend to the work of YHVH and the Tabernacle. But now, the Levites would attend to the work and service of YHVH.

It should be noted that the firstborn of the nation could own property and have lucrative businesses and the like. The Levites entire sustenance and wellbeing, on the other hand, came from YHVH.

And thus, after being purified and completing the dedication service, the Levites went to work as full-time servants of YHVH; working out of the Tabernacle. They were overseen by Aharon and Aharon’s sons. Consequently, we are spiritually better-off as a result of their example. For as I stated at the outset of this post, their story contains tremendous spiritual significance for us today.


Behaalosecha—Instruction in Righteousness and a Shadow of Service to the Kingdom Today

Whenever I engage in study of Torah I keep at the forefront of my mind the purpose for which I am studying it.

I always ask the Father to reveal to me what it is He wants me to learn from the reading. And I believe that if we are open to the teaching of Father’s Ruach, He will open our eyes to see; our minds to understand; and our souls to embrace that which He intends to reveal to us. All that is left for us to do is to take action on the things Father has taught us.

In Behaalosecha, we learn of the historic dedicatory ceremony that inducted the Levites into a lifetime of service in the Tabernacle.

So, the question to be answered in this case is: So what? Why should I care about what happened to the Levites on that historic day back some 3,500 or so years ago on some dusty plain in a middle east wilderness?

And in answering this crucial question, I always go back to two-key passages of the New Testament that helps put the Torah passage in quiestion into its proper perspective.

“For the Torah has in it a shadow of the good things to come…” (Heb. 10:1a; CJB).


“All Scripture (ie., Torah—the Prophets—and the Writings) is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living, thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16,17; CJB).

So, when I look at Behaalosecha from the framework of Hebrews 10:1 and 2 Timothy 3:16,17, I quickly get a sense of what Father expects of me as a modern-day Levite. Not a Levite by birth mind you. But a Levite, spiritually speaking, who is dedicated wholly to the service of the Kingdom of God.

Messianics Set Apart For Service

The dedication of the Levites for service in the Tabernacle highlights for us a number of essential concepts that we must put into practice when we give ourselves over to service for the Kingdom of Yah.

1. Spiritual Purity

Behaalosecha gives us a beautiful glimpse into what was required of the Levites in order for them to be of service in the Tabernacle from a ritualistically pure standpoint. But when we talk about being pure as Messianics today, that purity is spiritual in nature.

Sure, being physically pure from the standpoint of being well-groomed, physically clean at all times and in good health are important to our goal of service in the Kingdom of Yah.

But when we transition over to the spiritual, as disciples of Messiah, our search for purity must transcend the physical. We must always keep at the forefront of our thoughts that which Master told the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well:

“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him” (Joh. 4:23; KJV).

So what then does it mean for one to be “spiritually pure” or “clean?”

It’s An Inside Job

Well, with the outside being taken care of—that is, our bodies and person being in a state of cleanliness—work must also be done on our insides. In working on our insides, we’re going to require some serious help. Unfortunately, we are incapable of cleaning up our insides on our own. Thus, Master gave us a helper so that we may, in concert with the Holy Spirit’s work, be able to effectively have our insides cleaned.

But in order for the Holy Spirit to begin its work purifying our inner man/inner woman, we’re going to have to allow the Holy Spirit to do its work. Otherwise, if we stand in the Spirit’s way (eg., allow sin to continue in our lives; disobey Father’s commandments; hold on to old carnal and spiritual baggage, etc.), the Spirit’s work will be stymied (ie., impeded) and we’ll remain the old, impure soul we were before we came to Faith.

So from a buy-in standpoint, each of us has a role to play in the clean-up and purification (ie., sanctification process) of our inner man/woman.

It’s Time For a Heart Transplant

Ground-zero for inward purity of course is our hearts. Our hearts have to be right before we can be of true service to the Kingdom. Thus, it behooves us to seek after a heart transplant. For the Psalmist wrote:

Psm. 51:10—”Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (KJV).

If our hearts aren’t right, there is no hope of being at one with the Father, nor of being permitted to serve in the Kingdom.

It was Master Yeshua who extolled the virtues of having a pure heart to the people who came to hear His Sermon on the Mount:

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Mat 5:8 KJV)

The Psalmist famously highlighted the state of one’s heart as a requirement for one to truly ascend to the presence of YHVH:

Psm. 24:3-5—”Who shall ascend into the hill of YHVH? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from YHVH, and righteousness from the God of his salvation” (KJV)

Therefore, the process of having our hearts purified for service requires that we do the following:

“Lay aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies and envies, and all evil speakings…and desire the sincere milk of the Word that we may grow…” (1 Pet. 2:1; KJV).

The Pharisees and Scribes as Examples of Impurity

If anything, it is the example of the Pharisees and Scribes of the first-century C.E./A.D. that put this whole concept of spiritual purity into perspective for us. These religious leaders were looked upon by the Jewish population of their time as being beyond reproach as it related to their being ritually pure, holy and righteous. But Master called them out on their missing the mark in that respect:

Mat. 23:25-28—”Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup so the outside of it may also become clean. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every impurity. In the same way, on the outside you seem righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” (HCSB).

Thus, as Messianics today, we must endeavor to come into a state of spiritual purity if we are serious about serving the Kingdom of Yah.

2. Deal With Sin in our Lives

Un-addressed sin in a Messianic’s life will disqualify him/her for active service to the Kingdom. The reason un-addressed sin disqualifies us for service in the Kingdom should be obvious.

We have been called to be servants unto YHVH. When we fail or refuse to deal with ongoing sin and disobedience in our lives, we become servants to sin as Yeshua taught:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” (Joh. 8:34; KJV).

Master expounded upon this principle of dual service (ie., serving sin and Yah) when He taught the “Parable of the Dishonest Manager.” Master taught:

“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other…” (Luk. 16:13; KJV).

The Apostle Paul also expounded upon this issue when he wrote to the Messianic Assembly in Rome:

“Don’t you know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of that one you obey—either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness” (Rom. 6:16; HCSB).

Obedience is an Important Element of Sanctification

Spiritual purity requires that we not only repent and stop sinning, but that we also obey Yah’s eternal Word of Truth.

The Apostle Peter wrote:

1 Pet. 1:22—(Peter calling the brethren to Holy living)—”By obedience to the truth, having purified yourselves for sincere love of the brothers, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again—not of perishable seed but of imperishable—through the living and enduring word of God” (HCSB).

So in order for us to be of service as modern day Levites, we’re going to have to repent from ongoing sin in our lives; stop sinning; and then earnestly obey YHVH’s and Y’shua’s instructions.

3. Offer Ourselves to the Service of the Kingdom and Draw Close to YHVH

Behaalosecha records that Aharon, the High Priest, waved the Levites before YHVH, offering them unto YHVH for service in the Tabernacle.

Now, did Aharon physically wave them up and down before YHVH? No. He simply presented them to YHVH in a dedicatory manner and YHVH accepted their service accordingly.

In like manner, spiritually speaking, we must present ourselves unto YHVH for service.

Paul wrote that the Messianics of the Roman Assembly do that very thing. He wrote:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1; KJV).

In so offering ourselves up to Yah for service in the Kingdom, we must draw close to Him.

Drawing Close to YHVH to Serve

The writer of the Book of Hebrews penned the following:

Heb. 10:22—”let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water” (HCSB).

According to the NET Bible commentary on this passage:

“The OT imagery of the sprinkling with blood to give ritual purity with the emphasis on the interior cleansing provided by the new covenant: it is the heart that is cleansed and the conscience made perfect.”

We’re talking about a heart that is submissive to YHVH. It is the atoning work of Y’shua that activates the provisions of the renewed covenant within us, whereby one’s inner person undergoes a process of purification (ie., sanctification). Father’s Ruach haKodesh does a progressive work within the converted disciple of Mashiyach that causes him/her to begin serving the Kingdom with a purified heart.

Baptism is what is likely meant by the pure water. So it is important that every Messianic be baptized at some point in their journey.

James wrote:

Jam. 4:8—”Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people” (HCSB)!

Thus, when we offer ourselves unto YHVH and we draw close to Him, He will use us to His glory and ultimate purpose.

4. Walk in Service that is Beyond that of the Original Levites

And once we’ve been purified and dedicated to the service of the Kingdom, we then need to walk in that calling and service. And we must do so with joy and reverence and purity of heart, mind and soul.

Paul wrote about this to the Messianics of the Ephesian Assembly:

“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:1; KJV).

And unto the Thessalonian Messianics on this same theme Paul wrote:

“…walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto His kingdom and glory” (1 The. 2:12; KJV).

In All, We Must Strive to do Better Than the Levites

Although the Levites, as depicted in our Torah Reading today, are in a sense a pattern for us to emulate (in reality we’re to emulate our Master Yeshua) in our quest to serve YHVH, we’re actually called to do better than the Levites.

It was Master who made this real to us when He told the following story:

25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?
27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?
30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
31 And by chance there came down a certain priest (Levitical) that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
(Luk 10:25-37 KJV)

And thus, it was Master who gives us the best end to this discussion for today: Let us go and do likewise.


Questionnaire for our Christian friends

Shalom, everyone! My name is Carmen and I love to help people become Torah observant! To help you along the way, I have made up this questionnaire for our Christian friends. Enjoy! QUICK INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: Is it really true that to gain eternal life, all we have...

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Mentally Preparing for Passover

6 aYour boasting is not good. bDo you not know that ca little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?7 Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our aPassover also has been sacrificed.8 Let us therefore...

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Israel: To Love or Hate Her—That is the Question—Part 2–A Biblical and Personal Perspective on the Significance of Physical Israel

Israel: To Love or Hate Her—That is the Question—Part 2--A Biblical and Personal Perspective on the Significance of Physical Israel

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Welcome to Israel: To Love or Hate Her—That is the Question—Part 2–A Biblical and Personal Perspective on the Significance of Physical Israel.Welcome to Israel: To Love or Hate Her—That is the Question—Part 2–A Biblical and Personal Perspective on the Significance of Physical Israel.

Indeed, this is becoming more and more a question that every person of Faith is being pushed into answering for themselves and even for their respective Faith Community groups. Although not a salvific issue (ie., not having any bearing on one’s eternal life or service in the Kingdom of Yah), how we view or perceive physical Israel can have an effect upon one’s understanding of covenant relationships between YHVH and His select people. As well as it may directly effect how one understands and will ultimately respond to future events as the End of Days draws closer and closer to us. And I will certainly touch upon why I believe this to be so in this installment of the series.

So, what I aim to do in this series is to examine the issue of physical Israel (to include the modern nation of Israel) as it relates to the Messianic/Hebrew Roots mindset.
In so doing, I am compelled to point out that our Faith Community seems divided into 3-camps, as I pointed out in part 1 of this series:

1. Those who love on physical Israel; some even to the point of worshiping her.

2. Those who despise her for various and sundry reasons; some of those reasons which we will detail in this installment of the series.

And 3. Those who are indifferent to physical Israel, also for various and sundry reasons.

In an attempt to be as transparent as I possibly can on the outset, when considering the question of whether to love or hate Israel, I am of the perspective that physical Israel is important to us for a number of reasons which I will discuss in this and in the final installment of this series, which will be part 3.

But for now, suffice to say that I respect physical Israel as a covenant people who YHVH continues to deal with even today. And I respect her for her biblical and eschatological significance, which I contend every professing disciple of Messiah is responsible for understanding to the best of his/her ability. And I believe that physical Israel plays an integral role in Father’s great plan of redemption and salvation.
So, lets get into the meat of today’s discussion.

Analysis of Why People of Faith Reject Physical Israel and Biblical Responses to Those Viewpoints

In part 1, I began my personal analysis of why some people of faith reject physical Israel with two points of discussion. Allow me to quickly review those two points before continuing on with the 3rd.

1.  The hatred towards the citizens and inhabitants of the nation state of Israel, as well as towards Jews worldwide, suggests that some members of our Faith Community may be suffering from heart problems.

What I mean by this is that some members of churchianity and of our Faith Community are simply haters of Jews. This condition is popularly referred to today as anti-semitism.

I contend that regardless one’s understanding of who is a true Jew versus who is not, especially as it pertains to those who currently inhabit the Land of Israel (ie., referencing the Khazarian Controversy and other such pointless debates), Master Yeshua called us to love one another (Joh. 13:34; 15:12,17). Even to love our enemies. For He taught:

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.’ But I say unto you, Love your enemies…” (Mat. 5:42,43a; KJV).

Thus, I contend that a softening and healing of some of our hearts and souls may be in order. As disciples of Yeshua Messiah, we are obligated to love and care about others—regardless who they may be–as our heavenly Father loves and cares about us.

2.  Supersessionism, or as more popularly known to scholars: “Replacement Theology.”

In part 1 we went into what supersessionism and replacement theology was all about and determined that there was no biblical basis for its existence in our Faith. We who are the elect of YHVH our Elohim, have not replaced or supplanted physical Israel as His chosen people. We are certainly favored among the nation peoples of the world by YHVH and we have an unbelievable future ahead of us in Yah’s eternal kingdom. But physical Israel still remains a significant entity in Yah’s plan of redemption and salvation, whether we choose to believe or or not.

So picking up where we left off in part 1 of this brief series, we come to my 3rd point of analysis.

3. Some reject physical Israel because Paul taught that a Jew is one who possesses a circumcised heart.

So when read and understood out of context in the 2nd chapter of Romans, such individuals arrive at the erroneous conclusion that physical Israel and Jews of the world today cannot possibly be true Jews. They are, according to them, impostors.

Let’s take a look at what Paul actually wrote and see if we can make any true heads or tails of the statement he made to the Messianic Jews of Rome:

 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom 2:28-29 KJV)

Contextually, Paul in this passage was specifically addressing the Messianic Jews of Rome (Rom. 2:17). Some of the Messianic Jews of Rome possessed “superiority complexes.” These saw themselves as better or above the non-Jewish converts of the Roman assembly of disciples. They touted themselves as superior to the non-Jewish converts because of their heritage, understanding of Torah, and because the oracles of Torah was entrusted in the Jew for purposes of bringing light to the lost of the world (Rom. 2:18-20).

Yet these same Messianic Jews were violating the very Torah they were using to control the non-Jewish converts. Paul described their behavior as dishonoring YHVH in their transgression of Torah (2:21-23). Furthermore, Paul asserted that the Gentiles reviled or dishonored YHVH because of the duplicitous behavior of these Judaizers (Rom. 2:24; cf. Isa. 52:5).

In other words, Torah belongs to YHVH. In gifting Torah to the Jew (actually to the Hebrew), it brought honor to the Hebrew nation—that is, when they kept it. When they failed to keep Torah, they brought dishonor upon themselves and the Faith.

Nowhere in Paul’s writings does he ever call Gentile converts Jews. Paul was actually distinguishing who the True Jews were of the Roman Assembly. The Gentiles were never considered Jews by Paul. To view non-Jewish, even Gentile disciples as Jews, or even “spiritual Jews” for that matter, would lend support to the non-biblical doctrine of “Replacement Theology” or “supersessionism.

What Paul was actually getting at here was one of the greatest Torah Truths to be revealed to the people of Yah. For it was Father that said unto Moses regarding the people:

“O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever” (Deu. 5:29; KJV)!

The Psalmist took it a step further when he wrote:

“For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” (Psa. 51:16,17; KJV).

Circling back to the Romans 2 passage, we find Paul next mentions something that Christians generally ignore. Touching upon circumcision, he tells the Messianic Jews of the Roman Assembly that circumcision is advantageous (ie., of value) if they keep Torah—that is they are not duplicitous in their living—that they are obedient in every area of Torah in their lives. However, if they were duplicitous in their keeping of Torah, their circumcised status was essentially nullified (Rom. 2:25). In other words, if they rested their entire Faith existence upon their circumcised status, they were simply J-B-N-L: Jews by Name and Lineage (only).

Why? Because true circumcision is of the heart, not of the flesh (Rom. 2:29). Physical circumcision is good (actually a privilege) because Abba instructed the practice be kept by His chosen people. But, if one’s heart isn’t right, their physical circumcision becomes null and void.

4. Others reject physical Israel because of an erroneous belief that the renewed/new covenant nullifies the existence of physical Israel (ie., the physical Jew).

Without engaging in a full-on discussion of the Renewed Covenant, suffice to say that the tenets of the renewed/new covenant are recorded in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:26-28. But for the sake of reference, I refer you to the book of Hebrews for a quick overview of the covenant, which reads:

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: 11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. (Heb 8:10-12 KJV)

Now, many within and without our Faith Community would contend that the renewed covenant has been fulfilled. And this understanding is the basis of much of “replacement theology” or “supersessionism.” Such an understanding supports their worldview that there is no longer a physical Israel—or that physical Israel or physical Jews no longer matter to YHVH and His great plan of redemption.

Why? Because, according to these, the Jew has failed in having Torah placed into their minds and written on their hearts and they have rejected Y’shua as their Messiah.

Instead, many sects of churchianity have, as a result of oppressive ignorance, arrogantly claimed that Christians alone have become and replaced physical Israel. Christians have become THE COVENANT PEOPLE. These collectively believe they are “spiritual Israel.” And now that YHVH is working ONLY with the spiritual elements of the Faith, He will no longer have any dealings with the physical (ie., physical Israel).

And of course these individuals (as well as not a few Messianics) use the Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Hebrew passages on the renewed covenant as their proof-scriptural passages.
But here’s a very interesting passage of Scripture that actually proves that there’s nothing new “under the sun” and that the very things such individuals are speaking against Israel’s importance to YHVH was spoken by some of Israel’s opponents some 2,500+-years ago.

Please consider the following:

“The Word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah as follows, ‘Have you not noticed what these people say, ‘The two families (ie., House of Israel and House of Judah) which Yahweh chose He has now rejected?’ So they despise my people, whom they no longer think of as a nation. Yahweh says this, ‘If I have not created day and night and fixed the laws governing heaven and earth, why, then I shall reject the descendants of Jacob and of David my servant and cease to choose rulers from his descendants for the heirs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For I shall bring back their captives and take pity on them’” (Jer. 33:23-26; NJB).

[The ESV ends this passage a little different, stating “For I will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on them.”]

Indeed, as so many continue to utter these very sentiments, YHVH Himself has emphatically stated to the contrary: “I will never reject nor forsake them (ie., physical Israel)” (1 Kin. 6:13; Psa. 94:14).

The prophet Isaiah wrote:

“Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for thou art my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant: O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me” (Isa. 44:21; KJV).

And then this:

“Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee” (Isa. 49:15; KJV).

Okay. No doubt some will contend that there was a shelf-life to YHVH’s covenant with physical Israel. Such would contend that when Israel broke covenant with YHVH over and over again, YHVH eventually got tired of their obstinacy, picked-up His marbles and walked away from the game (ie., He abandoned physical Israel forever).

Well, such thinking is diametrically contrary to the Truth of Scripture. For the Psalmist wrote regarding YHVH and Israel:

“He has remembered His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded for a thousand generations which He established as a covenant to Abraham, and He remembered His oath to Isaac. And He established it to Jacob for an ordinance, and to Israel for an EVERLASTING COVENANT: to thee will I give the land of Canaan, the line of your inheritance when they were few in number, very few, and sojourners in it” (Psm. 105:8-12; LXX).

But I can clearly see how so many would reject physical Israel in churchianity. For I submit to you that most of these reject Israel because they reject YHVH’s tanakh (ie., His Word as contained in the Old Testament).

Think about it: what has churchianity taught over the centuries? That the Old Testament has been done away with, along with YHVH’s laws and instructions.

So let’s be honest about this thing: when one rejects any part of YHVH’s Word, isn’t he/she also rejecting YHVH. Regardless if we’re talking about something in the Old Testament (ie., Tanakh) or in the New Testament (ie., the Brit haDashah), we know that it is the whole of God’s eternal Word that is “true.”

John recorded Master uttering in prayer:

“Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is Truth” (Joh. 17:17; HCSB).

Let us not forget that at the time Yeshua posed this prayer to His Father, the Word of Truth that He referenced was none other than the Torah, the writings and the prophets as contained in the Tanakh. For the New Testament had not as yet been written.

I’ll say it another way: rejection of Yah’s Word is rejection of YHVH our Elohim. And if we are Yah’s elect, rejection of Scripture (be it the whole or in part) is NOT an option.

And I do get that some will challenge the points I’m making here from the perspective that this is all based on how one interprets the various scriptural passages related to physical Israel. Indeed, I would concede that my understanding of the stated passages may not be another’s understanding of those same passages.

It goes without saying that eschatology is a very tricky animal and understanding the ancient prophets requires understanding of the historical context in which the passages were written; the context in which each verse is written; YHVH’s proper timing along with the revelation of the Holy Spirit in order to fully grasp the true interpretation of some of these passages.

But when YHVH says over and over that He will never forsake Israel and that He will return Israel to the Land; and then on top of that, we see a people miraculously existing in that same land today that is spoken of in all these scriptural passages, then it stands to reason that one’s anti-physical Israel position has no biblical truth attached to it.

Truth be told, the renewed covenant that Christians use as a proof passage certifying their spiritual Jew/spiritual Israel status has only partially been fulfilled. Indeed, we who YHVH has grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, through the work of Yeshua our Messiah, already enjoy the benefits of the renewed covenant several years ahead of physical Israel. However, Scripture tells us that in the last days, the callouses of the unbelieving Jew and of the unrepentant  Hebrew will fall from their eyes and they will receive Y’shua as their Messiah. These will miraculously come under the fullness of the renewed covenant alongside us.

Now, I do not presume to be an expert of eschatology or End Times prophecies. Although we have more than a fair number of End Times experts on YouTube and other media platforms, I do not believe any one person truly knows precisely what the End Times looks like. Surely, in every sense of the phrase we look at the End Times through a “glass darkly.”

But I will say that I am familiar with most of the existing models of the End Times that churchianity and Messianics commonly buy into. I personally don’t embrace any one one those models particularly. Yet I do believe that somewhere in the midst of all those variant models will emerge the true End Times event sequence which I also believe will not be anything near what we’d ever imagine the end to be like.

The other thing that I will acknowledge about most of these End Times prophecy models is that physical Israel has a significant role to play in just about all of them. In fact, in some of those models, physical Israel (ie., the nation state of Israel) is brought to the brink of destruction and then saved by the mighty hand of YHVH.

We find in Zechariah the following prophecy that seems to have clear End Times significance attached to it:

“Behold, a day is coming for the LORD, when the spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. THEN THE LORD WILL GO OUT AND FIGHT AGAINST THOSE NATIONS AS WHEN HE FIGHTS ON A DAY OF BATTLE. On that day His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward” (Zec. 14:1-4; ESV).

Indeed, in order for this prophecy to occur, physical Israel must be present in the Land.

We also find from Matthew’s, Mark’s and Luke’s accounts of Yeshua’s “Olivet Discourse” the following elements, all of which imply the presence of physical Israel in the Land:

1. Jerusalem will be surrounded by a foreign invasion force that will precede the mysterious “Abomination of Desolation” (Luk. 21:20). Ultimately that invasion force will just about decimate Jerusalem and physical Israel (Luk. 21:21-23).

2. The “Abomination of Desolation” as prophesied in Daniel 9:27 and 12:11 “stands in the Holy Place.” The CJB and HCSB describe this event as “The Abomination That Causes Desolation.” Now, what exactly the “Abomination of Desolation” is, I am not entirely sure. I have some ideas, but to articulate them at this point would be pure conjecture at best.

3. There will follow Great Tribulation never before witnessed on this planet, and Israel will be smack in the middle of this mess (Mat. 24:16-22; cf. Dan. 9:26; 12:1; Joe. 1:2; 2:2). Yeshua says that Abba will have to actually shorten this period of tribulation for the elects’ sake (Mat. 24:22; Mk. 24:22).

4. Then a series of false messiahs and prophets working great signs and wonders with the potential of deceiving Yah’s elect will emerge on the End of Days scene (Mat. 24:26-27; Mk. 13:26,27).

5. Next, the natural elements (ie., the earth and heavens) will be shaken (Mat. 24:29; Mk. 13:24).

6. Finally Yeshua returns to earth to establish His millennial kingdom reign headquartered in Jerusalem, bringing along with Him the elect from the 4-corners of the world (Mat. 24:30,31; Mar. 13:26,27).

So, from where I’m sitting, I can’t understand how anyone who is a bible-trusting, self-professing man or woman of God, can say that physical Israel is irrelevant to the world, the Body of Messiah or to bible-prophecy. The scriptures are simply bursting at the seams with physical Israel relevance throughout its pages, both old and new testament alike.

5. Those who oppose physical Israel claim that Zionism disqualifies Jews living in the Land from being true Jews.

Let’s define Zionism. According to Wikipedia, Zionism is a nationalist movement that was officially founded by Theodor Herzl in the late 1800’s in central and eastern Europe. Theordore Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwrite, political activist and writer. Herzl and his followers’ vision was the founding of a future independent Jewish state.

Theodr Herzl was one of the founding fathers of Zionism. Zionism is one of the reasons given by some for rejecting physical Israel today

Herzl’s movement stemmed from the wave of anti-smeitism and other nationalist movements spreading across Europe during that time. Those that succeeded Herzl established the specific goal of creating the Jewish State in the then Ottoman Empire controlled Palestine region—specifically Israel.

According to most Zionists, the Jews of the Diaspora (ie., the dispersion of Jews throughout the world as a result of their being exiled from Israel in the latter half of the first-century C.E.) had endured extreme persecution and antisemitic discrimination for centuries. The Zionists’ actions to bring about a Jewish state was born out of a concern for the safety and wellbeing of the world’s Jewish population.

Today, Zionists continue to advocate on behalf of the nation state of Israel. They pay particular attention to the external threats to the state for purposes of guaranteeing its continued existence and security.

It was Ahad Ha’am who put forth a secular vision of the state, different from the vision of Herzl. Herzl’s vision was simply to establish a “State of Jews.” Ha’am’s vision was that of a “Jewish State.”

But were you aware that there are a number of different classifications of Zionism? Well, there are:

  • Labor Zionists
  • Liberal Zionists
  • Revisionist Zionists
  • Religious Zionists
  • Green Zionists
  • Post-Zionists
  • Christian Zionists (eg., Martin Luther King)
  • Muslim Zionists
  • Black Zionists (eg., Marcus Garvey who inspired African Hebrew Israelites to seek after their own homeland).

Zionism has over the last several years been negatively viewed as a form of illegal colonialism (ie., unfair confiscation of land and violence toward Palestinians who some call the indigenous people of Israel). Others tag Zionists as racists (ie., are hostile toward the indigenous population).

So I ask you: Why would the intervention of the Zionists to bring about a homeland for the Jewish people nullify the significance of physical Israel? How would zionism, either in the modern nation state of Israel or in any other area of the world, negate the significance of Israel to YHVH, to the world or to end times prophecy predictions? Furthermore, why would an ideal such as founding a safe-haven for Jews in the world negate YHVH’s promise to never abandon physical Israel?

Is not our God big enough to use whatever means (be it people, ideals or secular and religious movements) to establish His eternal purpose on the earth? Does it not seem reasonable to consider that YHVH used Zionists to bring His wayward children back into the Land? Since YHVH promised, under the auspices of the renewed covenant, to make a new covenant with physical Israel (ie., both House of Judah and House of Israel), does it not seem reasonable too that Father would bring physical Israel back into the Land to ultimately bring them back into covenant with Him?

The renewed covenant includes all TRUE Gentile converts to Faith. However, the renewed covenant is reestablishing the covenant Father had with House of Israel and House of Judah. Father never established a covenant with the Goyim (ie., the Gentiles). Let’s get that straight. Father established a covenant with only one people according to Scripture. We happen to have been factored into that new covenant as beneficiaries: enjoying all the benefits of the covenant provisions. In other words: we have been adopted by YHVH into His Family.

6. Another interesting reason some choose to hate on physical Israel is the mysterious Rothschilds Dynasty.

Many within and without our Faith Community are rabid consumers of conspiracy theories. (I don’t dismiss conspiracy theories. I just put them into proper perspective in my life. They don’t control my relationship with the Almighty nor do they control my life and how I live as a disciple of Y’shua Messiah.)

But many within and without our Faith Community have disqualified physical Israel because of Rothschild involvement in the nation state’s creation and continued existence.
So what’s the deal with the Rothschilds, especially as they relate to physical Israel?

The Rothschilds were a wealthy European Jewish family. They originated out of Germany and made their wealth from the banking business (c. 1760’s). The family’s wealth was passed down the generations and across Europe as the family grew and spread out. The Rothschild banking concerns had presence in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples.

Walter Rothschild was a Zionist who helped spearhead the creation of the modern nation state of Israel

One of the Rothschild’s direct descendants by the name of Walter Rothschild found himself at the tip of the Zionists’ movement. Walter Rothschild was an influential British banker, politician and zoologist, who in 1917 found himself an addressee of the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation. The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during WWI announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. At that time, Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire, possessing a small Jewish minority population” (

It can be accurately stated that Walter Rothschild was one of many Zionist leaders of that time. He was named an addressee of the Balfour Declaration, no doubt with the expressed intent of getting his considerable influence and wealth behind a movement to bring about the nation state of Israel.

As an aside here, why would using a person with considerable influence and wealth to bring about a safe haven for the world’s beleaguered Jews be a disqualifying element for the existence and relevance of physical Israel?

Well, interestingly enough, the Rothschilds have become the brunt of conspiracy theories across a wide-range of world events over the course of the last several decades. Why? Because of their ties to Zionism and because the family’s banking interests touches virtually all walks of western life. Unfortunately, most of the negative rhetoric regarding the Rothschilds and the Zionists have horrendous antisemitic overtones.

Personally, I have no position on the Rothschilds because, frankly, they have nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with them. They may or may not be “bad” people, but what else is new in the world. The world is full of wealthy and powerful, bad people. But YHVH has it all under control. Such debates over concerns of Zionists and the Rothschilds serve only to, as Paul wrote to Timothy, “promote speculations rather than promote the stewardship from God that is by faith” (1 Tim. 1:4; ESV).

In all fairness, however, the Rothschilds as a family have been divided over the issue of Zionism. One side of the family has always supported Zionism, while the other side has opposed the creation of a Jewish State.

Again, conspiracy theories and speculations (eg., flat earth, the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the Zionists, etc.) have no true place in our Faith. Yet a great many teachers in our Faith Community are peddling conspiracy theories as a means of evangelism and teaching Torah. The Word of YHVH and the teachings of Yeshua Messiah must be our only source of teaching.

The Apostle Peter mentioned that he and His followers avoided such practices when teaching the gospel:

16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (2Pe 1:16 KJV)

Physical Israel is Backed by Miraculous Occurrences

Contrary to so many who have written off physical Israel and who attempt to pass on a false doctrine that YHVH has completely abandoned the Jews of the modern world and replaced them with another, so-called “spiritual Israel,” as I have already shown in part and we will later see as a whole, YHVH does indeed care about physical Israel. He has great plans for physical Israel.

The fact that Father worked many miracles to bring about the nation state of Israel in 1948 and secure her existence even today speaks volumes of the care and concern He has for physical Israel.
For one to ignore, or even deny what has occurred in physical Israel’s favor since 1948 is to willfully give in to religious dogma that is not based at all on the truth of Scripture (eg., replacement theology; anti-semitism; etc.).

I researched some of the reported historical miracles that have surrounded the establishment and continued securing of the modern nation of Israel. By one website’s count, no less than 17-such miracles exists. These include:

  1. Israel becomes a nation in just one day. It was on 5/4/1948 that David Ben-Gurion, Chairman of Jewish Agency for Palestine, announced the formation of the new State of of Israel. Was this foretold in Scripture? I believe it was: “Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children” (Isa. 66:8; ESV).
  2. The Battle of Mishmar Haemek—4/4/1948—Israel was outnumbered 10 to 3 by the Arab Liberation Army. Israel is victorious in this war of independence.
  3. The Battle for Katamon—1948—War of Independence. Israeli forces attempted to seize an Arab controlled section of Jerusalem. Again, greatly outnumbered and certainly outgunned, physical Israel prevailed despite great losses on both sides of the conflict.
  4. The Battle of Safed—1948—War of Independence. Victory in the midsts of being out numbered and outgunned.
  5. Taking Back Mount Zion—1948—War of Independence. Ira Rappaport’s small platoon fought hundreds of Jordanian military fighters for Mount Zion with only 25-rounds remaining at a crucial point in the battle. The Jordanians dropped their weapons and ran. One of the Jordanian troops years later testified that his military unit that day saw a vision of Abraham defending the Israeli platoon from the sky above.
  6. Saving the Kibbutz—1948—War of Independence. Israeli forces inadvertently crossed over into Lebanon as they raced to rescue a besieged kibbutz. The forces were met by overwhelming Lebanese armored vehicles and troops. The Israeli troops fired upon the Lebanese armored unit causing a cascade of explosions taking out the entire enemy unit. Those Israeli troops returned safely to Israeli soil to find that the kibbutz they were sent to rescue had survived the attack against them.
  7. Attack on Degania—1948—War of Independence. Syrian forces attacked another kibbutz at Tel Al-Aasr. Seventy-kibbutz members attempted to defend their community with molotov cocktails and ancient makeshift French canons. The Syrian attackers, believing they were outnumbered and outgunned turned and fled. The kibbutz was saved.
  8. In 1967 the IDF launched a preemptive strike against a joint Egyptian-Syrian-Jordanian pact that was preparing a surprise attack to finally destroy Israel. A series of miraculous missteps and miscommunication on the part of the pact members resulted in Israel destroying half of the Egyptian air force. This preemptive strike by Israel launched what is famously known today as the “6-Day War.”
  9. Battle for Ammunition Hill—1967—6-Day War—East Jerusalem. The Jordanian military maintained a military post in East Jerusalem. In order for the IDF to take East Jerusalem, they had to overtake the Jordanian post. For purposes of reducing the risk to civilian casualties, the IDF chose to use some of their ground forces over their air force. However, the IDF misjudged the number of Jordanian forces stationed at the post. The IDF sent only 1/3 of their ground forces to take the post. Despite being grossly out-manned and outnumbered, Israeli forces defeated the Jordanians in just 4-hours.
  10. Kusseima—1967—6-Day War. A heavily fortified Egyptian outpost. As the weary IDF forces approached Kusseima, they heard explosions. Upon arriving at Kusseima, they found that the Egyptian forces had blown up their own equipment and abandoned their posts. Years later, some of the Egyptian soldiers from that incident testified that they had seen a gigantic hand descend toward them from the sky, causing them to flee in fear.
  11. Taking Back Jerusalem—6/8/1967—6-Day War. Jordanian troops continued to harass and fight against the IDF in Jerusalem. One day, however, the Jordanians simply stopped shooting. When the IDF went to investigate, they found that the Jordanian forces had abandoned the Old City, leaving behind their equipment. The IDF took the Temple Mount without ever firing a shot.
  12. Golan Heights Attack—1967—6-Day War. The IDF was tasked with taking the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights was defended by 70,000 Syrian forces. Fierce fighting occurred between the IDF and Syrian forces. But before the IDF got to the Golan Heights, the Syrian forces had abandoned their weapons and fled the region.
  13. Taking Tel Fakur—1967—6-Day War. Twenty-five IDF forces charged Tel Fakur in the Golan Heights against a heavily fortified Syrian position. The Syrian commander kept his men from firing on the advancing IDF forces until they had reached a certain position on the tel. The IDF forces were so fast, they came upon the Syrian troops before the commander could give the order to engage the rapidly advancing Israelis forces. The IDF was victorious. From there, Israel recaptured the Western Wall and much of the Land of Israel in just 6-days.
  14. Yom Kippur War—1973—Day of Atonement. Israel received a surprise attack from 100,000 Egyptian ground forces and 1,400 Syrian tanks. Despite being physically weakened by their fast, the IDF overcame the surprise attack and in so doing, defeated the aggressors, in the process annexing some 20KM of Syria.
  15. Valley of Tears—Yom Kippur War—1973. A small IDF force faced hundreds of Syrian tanks near the Golan Heights. At the height of battle, only 3-Israeli tanks remained against 150-Syrian tanks. One of the 3 remaining IDF tank commanders who had used up all his shells was ordered to hold his position, despite facing certain death. Shockingly, however, the Syrian tank forces inexplicably retreated. A time later, one of the fleeing Syrian soldiers testified that he and his comrades saw angels surrounding the 3-remaining IDF tanks, prompting them to flee.
  16. Gas Attack—Gulf War—1991. Iraq threatened to hit Israel with chemical weapons in the midst of the U.S. Gulf War against Iraq. Although not participating in the Gulf War, Iraq bombed Israel with rockets. Iraq never used chemical weapons against Israel.
  17. 39-Rockets—1991—Gulf War. Without any Israeli provocation, Iraq fired some 39-missiles into Israel. Israel refused to retaliate at the behest of the Americans. In the midst of the missiles being fired into Israel, not one Israeli was killed.
  18. Massacre Adverted—Summer of 2015. Tunnels built by the terrorist group Hamas operating among the Palestinian peoples, used tunnels to scout out attack points in Israel. The farming village of Sufa was chosen by Hamas as their point of attack because at the time, the wheat growing in Sufa fields were tall and would serve the attackers as good cover. When the attack was launched, however, the attackers found that the tall wheat had been harvested. The attackers were left without cover and were easily captured by the IDF.

Now, those who have an ax to grind with Israel will disavow or deny the miraculous nature of these stated events. And any who would choose to do so, that’s their choice. But, any sane person with even a little understanding of the political and military situations facing Israel over the years, must recognize that Israel has from the very beginning been out-gunned and out-manned by her surrounding adversaries. And being a retired military officer with some War College education under his belt, I can tell you that it’s darn near impossible to defeat overwhelming military force without superior strategy and “luck.” And I can tell you, I don’t believe in luck.

Physical Israel Today Has Her Problems

Look, I’ll be the first to concede that physical Israel has a lot of problems—in particular speaking to the modern state of Israel which is made up of physical Jews and Hebrews. She is wholly secular in her day-to-day conduct of life. Like the U.S., she condones liberal secular life practices that more times than not violate Torah. Just like the U.S.

Physical Israel—the modern State of Israel—is not the holy sacred nation some of us (both within and without our Faith Community) have elevated her to be. She’s fraught with problems that no doubt upset, anger and disappoint YHVH. Again, just like the U.S.  In her modern history (ie., since 1948), she’s done some terrible things in the name and ideology of Zionism. And she continues to vehemently deny Y’shua as her Messiah. Once again, just like the U.S. and the rest of the so-called civilized world.

But word on the street, which is coming from some very reliable sources, is that there’s movement, revelation and revival emerging in Israel amongst the physical inhabitants of the Land. And I truly believe that we will see in our lifetime physical Israel repent and turn to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and accept Yeshua as her Messiah.

YHVH is bigger than we could ever imagine Him to be. Sadly, however, our hearts and minds have this nasty tendency of boxing and minimizing Him and not taking Him at His Word. Some of us box YHVH to the point that we imagine YHVH working only within the rules we establish for Him in the box we created for Him in our own minds. That is, YHVH cannot possibly work with physical Israel or the Jews; they are a lost cause; He will never renew the covenant with them; He can only work with us because we are special and dear to Him exclusively. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The facts are there for all to see—both historical and biblically: that YHVH has NOT abandoned physical Israel and His eyes and future intentions include (dare I say feature) the modern nation of Israel. Because YHVH can, in His sovereignty and ominiscience use non-God-fearing Zionists, Rothschilds and secularists to achieve His intended purpose with physical Israel.

Look at each of us. Are we not evidence that Yah can and does work with those that the world has discarded or written off as irrelevant and hopelessly lost? Aren’t we as individuals, somewhat like physical Israel in Yah’s sight? Wayward? Hopeless? Sinful? Obstinate? Covenant breakers? In need of a heart-transplant? In need of a savior?

Do not most of us live in corrupt western communities today. Does such a reality eliminate the likelihood that He can do a great work in that community or that He has saints/His people who are living and working—being salt and light to those corrupt communities? Have we become so holy and high-minded that YHVH has to make an appointment to talk or meet with us?

I argue that far too many of us sit back in the midst of our righteous smugness while we go about condemning an entire nation because they don’t fit our ideas of what YHVH has intended for the world.
Instead of wallowing in that righteous smugness, why don’t we try on a bit of Holy Spirit inspired reflection and consider from whence we’ve come. Indeed, none of us are in any position to judge or condemn anyone but our own selves.

But what we can do is love and pray. That’s what we’ve been tasked to do. Love others and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And if we can do just those two things, I think maybe Father will do an even greater work in us so that we become the royal nation of priests He is calling for in these last and evil days.

Questionnaire for our Christian friends

Shalom, everyone! My name is Carmen and I love to help people become Torah observant! To help you along the way, I have made up this questionnaire for our Christian friends. Enjoy! QUICK INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: Is it really true that to gain eternal life, all we have...

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Mentally Preparing for Passover

6 aYour boasting is not good. bDo you not know that ca little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?7 Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our aPassover also has been sacrificed.8 Let us therefore...

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Burdens and Service-Thoughts and Reflections on Parashot Naso-Lift Up

Burdens and Service--Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Portion Naso--Lift Up

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer


Service to YHVH as well as bearing necessary burdens for the Kingdom are essential requirements for every Torah Observant Disciple of Yeshua Messiah.

Welcome to “Burdens and Service—Thoughts and Reflections on Parshot Naso—Lift-Up.” Welcome.

The concepts of burdens and service are addressed in the 4th-chapter of Numbers.

The Gershonites’ Burden

Beginning at verse 21, we learn that the Gershonites (2,630 families descended from the Tribe of Levi) were tasked with carrying or bearing the burden “of the dwellings” (ie., the Tabernacle and Tent of Meeting). This would include the coverings and hangings of the Tabernacle (4:21-28).

So Aaron would give his son Ithamar orders to take up the Tabernacles and Tent of Meeting and the Gershonites would pack up and transport the various coverings and hangings to the next location. Upon arrival at the next location, those coverings and hangings would be re-erected.

Ithamar had full authority over the Gershonites as it related to their service as attendants and bearers of the elements of the Tabernacle.

The Merari’s Burden

Levitical tribesmen were tasked with carrying the burden of elements of the Tabernacle as discussed in this week’s Torah Portion Naso.

The Merari (3,200 families) were tasked with bearing the solid parts of the fabric of the Tabernacle and its associated court (4:29-33). Like the Gershonites, Ithamar supervised the Merari.

It should be noted that from a weight and bulk standpoint, the Merari bore the greatest burden of the serving tribes according to J. Hertz (Torah and Haftarah).

The Glory and Prestige of Serving

So did this fact make the Merari more important than the Gershonites or any of the other serving tribes? Absolutely not. You see, in YHVH’s economy, the burden of transporting the elements of the Tabernacle was indeed a honor and a privilege, regardless how great or small one’s service may have been.

Youth and the Aged a Consideration for Service

We also learn in this passage that service fell within 30 to 50 years of age. Certainly, the responsibility of taking down, resurrecting and transporting the elements of the Tabernacle was no trivial matter. Thus, such service required training and time for the youth to be assimilated into the work rotation. It was indeed a monumental task requiring precise logistical and physical support from all the attending tribes if it was to be carried out properly. Thus, the aged (ie., those over 50-years old) would be afforded retirement from the arduous service.

(Is not our God a thoughtful God?)

Reflections on Service and Burdens

When I reflected upon the significance of this section of the Torah Reading, the concepts of “service” and “bearing burdens” caught my imagination and attention.

Messianics Compelled to Serve and Bear Burdens

Contrary to churchianity convention, disciples of Yeshua Messiah are compelled to “serve” and “bear burdens.” And I believe that what we see embodied in this week’s Torah instruction was a shadow of the service and burden we are to take on as disciples of Messiah and children of Yah.

The Fake News Surrounding True Service

Now, much of the confusion around service and bearing burdens seems wrapped up in concerns by many (both within and without our Faith Community) that those who commit themselves to such endeavors are doing so to earn their salvation. Consequently, this is the same pathetic accusation that is leveled at our Faith Community by members of churchianity over our keeping of the Feast Days, the weekly Sabbath and the food laws.

And no matter how many times and ways we respond to this “fake news,” the naysayers stay with the same old allegation.

Salvation Continues to Remain a Free Gift From Yah

Regardless, we know that it is impossible to earn one’s salvation through deeds, service, the bearing of burdens, or for that matter, even the keeping of Torah. Because salvation is a gift from YHVH our Elohim. Nevertheless, we serve and bear burdens, just like we keep Torah, because we love YHVH, and because it’s simply the Godly thing to do.

Service and Burden Bearing Rarely Seen in Faith Today

Sadly, we see much of nothing happening as it relates to service and burden bearing in churches and fellowships these days. Fewer and fewer members of churchianity, as well as a few members in our Faith Community, are simply refusing to serve and bear burdens.

But when we shirk our service and burden bearing responsibilities, are we not despising or rejecting our Master Yahoshua Messiah? Did He not question a multitude of followers on a plain just outside of Kfar Nahum (aka Capernaum):

Yeshua Requires Service and Burden Bearing

“Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and don’t do the things I say” (Luk. 6:46; CSB)?

One of the earliest Gospel mentions of bearing burdens is found in Matthew 11. And it was while addressing yet another multitude of followers that Yeshua declared this essential element of discipleship:

“Come to me all who labor and bear burdens and I will give you rest. Bear my “yoke” (Greek=”zugos”) upon you and learn from me. That I am tranquil and I am meek, and in my heart you will find tranquility in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light” (Mat. 11:28-30; AENT).

[If you would like to hear/read more on Messianic service, I invite you to listen to/read my post entitled, “Messianics Dedicated to Service.“]

Man-made Religion Places Unreasonable Burdens and Service Requirements Upon It’s Disciples

This essential passage of the Gospel is an example of Master Yeshua comparing His requirements for true discipleship with those of His counterparts—those pesky Pharisees. Master was essentially saying here that comparatively speaking, his followers had up to now been wrongly treated by members of their religion in that their leaders were foisting upon them unreasonable burdens and service requirements; just so they can be in good standing in their religion. But here Master tells them: ‘Hey guys, know what, I can do infinitely better for you.”

Taking Master’s Yoke Upon Us

Master Yeshua asked us to take His Yoke–His requirements–upon ourselves and learn from Him.

So in using an agricultural analogy, Master likened the requirements and service of discipleship to that of a “yoke.” Now, a yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that the animals are to pull. The animals could be said, in this situation, to be taking on a burden in the midst of their servitude.

Yoke Defined

Now, the term “yoke” or “zugos” in ancient Greek is a metaphor referring to any burden or bondage (eg., slavery).

Check out this verse in Acts regarding the concept of bearing yokes and maybe we’ll get some clarification as to what Master was referring in Matthew 11:

“And now, why do you test Elohim so as to place a “yoke” upon the neck of the disciples (ie., the newly converted Gentile believers) that which not even our forefathers nor us were able to carry” (Act. 15:10; AENT)?

Gentiles Messianics Spared the Yoke of Religion

Of course, Luke in this passage is actually documenting James’ response to Paul’s report of Gentiles’ coming to Faith through His ministry, defying the conventional wisdom that only Jews were being admitted to Faith. James here, in referring to the “yoke upon the neck of the disciples,” is actually referring to the “oral tradition” (aka, the “oral law” or the “Talmud”).

Now, certain Messianic Jews were defying Paul’s ministry teachings by circling back around to newly converted Gentiles, and demanding that they conform to the Talmud in order to be a part of the Faith Community. And we know James here is referring to the Talmud and not Torah because context confirms this. No true, practicing Jew would ever assert that Torah was “a yoke upon the neck of a Jew.”

The Problem with the Oral Law (Tradition)

The problem with the oral tradition, as alluded to by both Master and James was that it placed additional burden upon the Jew and potentially incoming Gentiles over and above Torah and the teachings of Yeshua. Therefore, those coming into Faith were being burdened with impossible to maintain man-made rules and traditions that, in many cases, superseded and supplanted Torah and the teachings of Yahoshua. And thus every member of the Way was expected to keep the oral tradition if they aspired to be named a member of the Body of Messiah according to the Judaizers.

Religion in Many Cases Subjugates its Members

But Paul referred to the Judaizers’ attaching of the Talmud to the Gospel as subjugation. This subjugation served to force the disciple into a life of servitude (Gal. 5:1; AENT). And servitude in this sense is basically slavery to religion as opposed being servants of Messiah.

Burdensome Rights

And then on the other hand the term “burden” or “phortion” in the Greek, is a metaphor referring to “burdensome rights” (Thayer’s Greek Lexicon). When we think about burdensome rights, we must consider what things Master Yeshua was asking those who would be His disciples to do. That which He was requiring of His disciples, is of course, recorded throughout the gospel accounts. And frankly, those requirements have not changed one jot or tittle.

The Burden of Torah-Keeping Not Really a Burden After-all

Essentially, Yahoshua is requiring that we, His disciples, keep Torah as He has taught and modeled for us. Plain and simple. No additional burdens or requirements would ever be placed upon His disciples. This, of course, runs contrary to the burdens that the Pharisees placed upon their disciples. (Yes, pharisees did indeed have disciples.)

Churchianity has falsely described Torah as being burdensome and impossible for anyone to keep. Interestingly, however, Jewish sages believed that Torah did not impose upon the Jew any unreasonable burden whatsoever.

According “Pirke Aboth” (aka, “The Sayings of the Fathers.” A compilation of ethical teachings and maxims supposedly passed down to the rabbis from Moses. These sayings are actually part of didactic Jewish ethical literature known as the Mishnah), service in accordance with Torah was not a burden. Hebraic understanding of taking on the burden or yoke of Torah was truly a symbol of obedience. For when one takes on the “Yoke of Torah,” he or she devotes his or herself to the service of YHVH and Yeshua Messiah.

Take-Away: Serve and Bear Your Load

So when considering this section of this week’s Torah Portion, the take away (at least for me) is not that of carrying across a wilderness physical burdens related to our Faith (which we really don’t have today per se) or having to endure the rigors of keeping Torah perfectly. Granted, as Messianic Torah observers, we are compelled to carry burdens (especially spiritual ones) and keep Torah as best we can. It’s a requirement of being a disciple of Messiah.

Rather, it’s about making ourselves available for service to YHVH and to the Body of Messiah.

Thus, when we make ourselves available to Yah’s service, He assigns us specific tasks that certifies the depth and health of our relationship with Him, as well as it brings glory to YHVH and edifies the Body of Messiah.

Until next time, I bid you boundless blessings and warmest Shalom.

Questionnaire for our Christian friends

Shalom, everyone! My name is Carmen and I love to help people become Torah observant! To help you along the way, I have made up this questionnaire for our Christian friends. Enjoy! QUICK INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: Is it really true that to gain eternal life, all we have...

Mentally Preparing for Passover

6 aYour boasting is not good. bDo you not know that ca little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?7 Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our aPassover also has been sacrificed.8 Let us therefore...

5-Facts About Pentecost [Shavuot] Every True Disciple of Messiah Should Know

5-Facts About Pentecost [Shavuot] Every True Disciple of Messiah Should Know

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

This is 5-Facts About Pentecost [Shavu’ot] Every True Disciple of Messiah Should Know.

Most of us who are Torah-keeping disciples of Yeshua Messiah recognize that Pentecost (aka, Shavu’ot) is one of the 7-annual, mandated Feasts of YHVH.

The practicing orthodox Jews of the world recognize the day with night-long Torah-studies, selected readings of the Tanakh (ie., books of the Old Testament), and with family meals and celebratory get-togethers.

Even churchianity recognizes Pentecost as a special day, citing it as the day the Christian and Catholic Church was officially born.

Beyond Pentecost/Shavuot being just another of the 7-annual mandated Feasts of YHVH, as a season and as a day, it is tremendously rich in spiritual meaning and significance for every true disciple of Y’shua Messiah.

Today, we will reveal and explore 5-facts about Pentecost/Shavu’ot we all should be aware of as we head into the day.

Fact 1. Pentecost [Shavu’ot] is About a Season as Much as it is About a Day

Most of you will be observing Pentecost (aka Shavu’ot) this coming S-nday, J-ne 9th. This according to the Calculated Jewish Calendar. Because I keep the observational calendar, Hilary and I will be keeping Pentecost the following S-nday, J-ne 16th.

I mentioned the reason for the disparity in dates in installment 27 of the Messianic Torah Observer. I would humbly refer you to that post for a detailed explanation of the disparity in the dates if you are so led.

Why Keep Shavu’ot?

As Torah Observant disciples of Y’shua Messiah, we keep Pentecost (aka, Shavu’ot) because Father commanded us in His Torah to keep each Feast in perpetuity. (At the very least we keep the spirit of the Feasts as the Ruach haKodesh/the Holy Spirit directs.) Why?

1. Because it pleases our Heavenly Father when we obey His commands such as keeping His Feasts at their appointed times.

2. The Feasts reminds us of Father’s Great Plan of Redemption and Salvation. They serve as rehearsals for us.

3. Our Master Y’shua and His disciples turned apostles kept these feasts. Their obedience to Torah serves the Body of Messiah as a foundation for righteous and holy living which is pleasing to the Father and is the right and proper thing for us to do.

4. Shavu’ot is the second of the 3-annual pilgrimage feasts. (I covered what a pilgrimage feast is in my post entitled, “Feast Pilgrimages to Israel.” So if you desire a more in-depth discussion on pilgrimage feasts, I would point you to that installment as well.)

Of the 7-annual feasts, the pilgrimage feasts have added importance because they required us to travel to and worship at the Sanctuary/Temple, the place where YHVH established His Name; His presence. Since the Temple no longer exists, under the auspices of the renewed covenant, we have effectively because the place where YHVH establishes His Name and presence. Thus, our keeping of the 3-pilgrimage feasts, which includes Shavu’ot, must be meaningful to us in every way possible.

(As an aside, I also posted an in-depth discussion on Shavuot last year entitled, “Keeping Shavuot—The Feast of Weeks—Pentecost—It’s Importance and Meaning to Messianic Believers Today.” I encourage you to check out that discussion which focused, as the title suggests, on the importance and meaning of the day to Yeshua-focused Torah keepers.)

Acts 2:1 and the Meaning of Pentecost/Shavu’ot

For purposes of this post, I want to briefly explore Shavu’ot from the perspective of Acts 2:1, which reads:

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (KJV).

Now, the AENT (Aramaic English New Testament) places somewhat of a different nuance on this verse. It’s rendering of this critical verse actually takes us in different direction than that of the KJV. Thus, the passage reads,

“And after the (fifty) days of Shavuot (Pentecost) were fulfilled, all were assembled as one” (AENT).

Do you recognize the nuance here? The AENT rendering of Acts 2:1 actually clarifies for the reader what Pentecost actually means in Luke’s accounting of the day just 10-days after the ascension of our Master to His Father in heaven. It speaks to a period of 50-days (which Jewish tradition calls “the counting of the omer”) leading up to the arrival of Pentecost, when all (ie., all of Y’shua’s disciples) were gathered together at a yet-to-be revealed location, in “one accord (ie., “homothumadon” or with one passion and purpose of mind).”

(If you desire a more in-depth discussion on the concept of the Jewish tradition of “The Days of Counting the Omer,” I invite you to listen to the first portion of my installment entitled, “10-Things You Must Do to Improve Your Understanding of the Bible.”)


The Aramaic term used in this verse is “Pentaqostia,” which Andrew Gabriel Roth, author of the AENT says is a “loanword” meaning 50th-day. Pentaqostia is not a common Aramaic term. The AENT presumes that Luke wrote his account in Aramaic, effectively borrowing from Greek terminology (such as Pentecost) that is found throughout his work. Thus, Pentaqostia is derived from the Greek term “Pentecoste.” Roth contends that Luke, a Syrian-Antioch native, used the term Pentaquostia to appeal to his primarily Gentile, Aramaic-Greek reading audience.

Luke: a Most Unique Historian

Luke was a unique historian. Like his traveling partner the Apostle Paul, Luke was able to operate in both semitic and gentile worlds with the greatest of ease.

Pentecost: Both a Season and a Day

The AENT rendering of Acts 2:1 actually highlights the relevance of the 50-day “season” leading up to the feast day. And the relevance of those 50-days is recorded in Luke 24 and Acts 1. Thus the AENT defines Pentecost as a Feast composed of 50-days leading up to the mandated pilgrimage feast day.

Thus, Pentacostia is: (1) the Feast Day itself; and (2) it serves as a time marker (ie., the period of time leading up to the actual day of Pentecost).

The Date of Pentecost Each Calendar Year

As you may (or for that matter may not) know, Pentecost (ie., Shavu’ot) does NOT fall on the same day of the biblical calendar month each year.

When Father gave us instructions for Shavu’ot and Yom HaBikkurim (aka, Wave Sheaf Offering), He also gave us very strict instructions on how to determine the exact dates on which these two calendar events fall.

Now, there is a slight trick to nailing down when Shavu’ot falls. In order to determine the day when Shavu’ot falls, one must first nail down when Yom HaBikkurim (ie., Wave Sheaf) occurs. And this nailing down of the exact date of Wave Sheaf is a point of contention in our Faith Community. This is because the date of Wave Sheaf is not universally understood or agreed upon by members of our Faith Community.

(For a more detailed explanation of the Wave Sheaf Offering Day, I humbly invite you to listen/read my post entitled: “The Day of First Fruits or the Wave Sheaf Offering.”)

Determining When Wave Sheaf Falls is Critical to Determining When Shavuot Falls

The crucial element of this thing is determining exactly when Wave Sheaf falls during any given biblical calendar year. Accurately determining what day Wave Sheaf falls directly affects the date when Shavu’ot takes place each biblical calendar year.

Torah tells us when Wave Sheaf is to fall in each biblical calendar year:

“You are to count seven complete weeks starting from the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the presentation offering” (Lev. 23:15; CSB).

In order to understand this instruction, we must take in context of the overall chapter. Wave Sheaf takes place only during the pilgrimage feast of Passover/Unleavened Bread. Wave Sheaf is easily marked by the weekly Sabbath that falls during the Week of Passover/Unleavened Bread. So when that weekly Sabbath hits, we know that the very next day (ie., S-nday) will be Wave Sheaf. That day MUST fall within the Passover/Unleavened Bread week. It cannot fall outside it. And lastly, Wave Sheaf always falls on a S-nday (ie., the first day of the week after the weekly Sabbath that falls during the Passover/Unleavened Bread Week.

It is on Wave Sheaf that we begin our 50-day count (ie., 7-week count) leading to the Day of Shavu’ot (Lev. 23:16).

When we as a community follow this basic instruction of Leviticus 23:15, we by default keep Shavu’ot at its appointed time (Num. 9:2-13).

Fact-2. The Day of Pentecost [Shavu’ot] Goes By a Number of Names

One of the greatest challenges facing a new convert to our Faith has to do with learning the language of our Faith. Most of us came from some sect of churchianity. The common vernacular of churchianity is pretty easy to understand as it generally matches our western, secular language. However, when individuals move into Faith (ie., Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith), most are met with a whole other set of names and terminologies that is totally foreign to them.

The learning curve just for the language (ie., individual words and phrases as opposed to the entire Hebrew language) often associated with our Faith can be daunting to some. But learning key terms, phrases, and names is essential to one’s ability to understand the things of YHVH as recorded in the bible.

Understanding Names and Vernacular is Important 

Important elements of our Faith such as the designation of the Feasts of YHVH can be especially challenging to the new convert. Not only does the convert have to learn what the Feasts are, when and where they fall during the biblical calendar year and their significance to their walk in Messiah, he or she must also be able to recognize the various references, names and titles given to each Feast by the various writers of the bible.

Like the other annual feasts of Yah, Shavu’ot is referenced in scripture by at least 4-distinct English names or titles:

1. Feast of Weeks—Exodus 34:22; Deuteronomy 16:10.

2. Feast of Harvest—Exodus 23:16.

3. Day of First Fruits—Numbers 28:26.

4. Day of Pentecost—Acts 2:1; 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8.

Then of course there’s the name or term “Shavuot,” which is an Ashkenazi (one of two fundamental Jewish sects) Hebrew term. Sephardic Jews (the second Jewish sect) refer to the Day as Shavu’oth. Consequently you will not find Shavu’ot in most, if any, English translation of scripture.

Fact-3. Pentecost [Shavu’ot] is Chocked-Full of Key-Spiritual Meaning and Relevance

In their rawest form (ie., as they were literally prescribed and practiced in Torah and the Tanakh), the feasts served as annual reminders to us of Yah’s goodness, grace, mercy and sovereignty.

The First Shavuot at Mount Sinai

The first Shavuot was likely the day Israel received the Commandments of YHVH.

Many in our Faith contend that Torah was given to us on or around the Day of Shavu’ot, some 50-days after we were delivered from Egyptian bondage by YHVH. (I personally believe this to be true.)

The feasts also served as key historical markers in the life of ancient Israel: not only embodying our exodus from Egyptian bondage, but also the life and atoning sacrifice of our Master Yahoshua.

The 50-day/7-week period leading up to Shavu’ot matches the amount of time it would have taken us to depart Egyptian territory; trek across the Red Sea and the desert on the other side; enter into Arabia; assemble at the foot of Mount Sinai; and receive Father’s covenant and Torah (Exo. 12-20:1-17).

For the disciple of Yeshua Messiah, the 50-day/7-week period leading up to Shavu’ot is the same, allotted time frame that existed between Yeshua’s resurrection and the giving of the gift of the Holy Spirit as recorded in Acts 2.

What Happened During the 50-Days?

During this critical 50-day/7-week period:

  • Yeshua makes several appearances to His disciples (Mar. 16 and Luk. 24).
  • In appearing to His disciples during this time period, Master performed a number of signs/miracles in their presence (Joh. 20:30,31).
  • Yahoshua gives His disciples the Great Commission (Mat. 28:18-20; Joh. 21:24,25).
  • Master fully reveals the Gospel and foretells the imminent outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His disciples (Luk. 24:45-49).
  • Yahoshua ascends to His Father on the 40th Day in the presence of His disciples and angels reveal His ultimate return to Jerusalem in the same manner that He left them (Act. 1:11).
  • On the day Yahoshua ascended to His Father, the disciples took up residence in a rented space in Jerusalem in accordance to the instructions provided to them by Yeshua (Luk. 24:52,53).
  • For 10-solid days, the disciples went to the Temple: teaching, preaching and praying (Mar. 16:20).

The disciples, by means of a makeshift lottery, selected Mathias to replace the trader Judas Iscariot. After this incident, we read nothing more about Mathias. Some in our Faith contend that the disciples acted prematurely and ignorantly, not realizing (or not having it revealed to them) that Judas’ replacement was to be Paul the Apostle. I tend to agree with that assertion.

The Feasts and Torah Are Shadows of Good Things to Come

Furthermore, the Feasts of YHVH have been described as “a shadow of the good things to come, [but] not the very image of the things” (Heb. 10:1; ESV).

I mentioned just a moment ago that I believed, along with many scholars and teachings in our Faith Community, that Torah was passed down to us by YHVH on Shavu’ot Day. Well, it would stand to reason in addition, that Shavu’ot foreshadowed the teachings, modeling and person of our Master Yahoshua our Messiah. Indeed, it goes without saying that Yeshua is the walking-talking Torah. He came down to earth from His Father above to teach us how to live and walk out Torah the way our Creator always intended us to live and walk out Torah.

Wave Sheaf Serves as our Marker for Shavuot

Wave Sheaf Offering

The Day of the Wave Sheaf Offering serves as the marker day to commence our 50-day count and lead us to Shavuot.

The Wave Sheaf Offering, which marked the start of the 7-week countdown to Shavu’ot was a shadow of Yahoshua being the “First Fruits” of YHVH’s great plan of salvation and redemption. As “first fruits,” Yahoshua ascended to His Father after His resurrection, having successfully atoned for our sins (Joh. 20:17; Col. 1:15-18; Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:15-18; and Rev. 1:5,6).

And of course, Shavu’ot foreshadowed and even marked the giving of the Holy Spirit to Yah’s elect. For the Holy Spirit empowers us to live and walk out Torah the way Yeshua taught and modeled for us during His earthly ministry. The Holy Spirit (ie., the Ruach haKodesh):

  • Inspires us to do the will of YHVH our Elohim.
  • Empowers us to walk in the will of YHVH our Elohim.
  • Comforts us in the midst of trials and tribulations.
  • It enlightens us by revealing the meaning of YHVH’s eternal Word of Truth.
  • And when we can’t remember what Father said about a particular thing in His Word of Truth, it brings those things to our remembrance at the proper time.
  • It creates, resurrects and heals in the mighty Name of Yeshua.
  • And so much more.

Fact-4. Fake-News is Attached to Pentecost [Shavu’ot]

Believe it or not, fake news surrounding Pentecost/Shavu’ot has been perpetrated upon churchianity as well as certain sectors of our Faith Community.

“Fake news” has to do with what some have termed the “Upper Room Conspiracy,” which I believe to be a very apt moniker for it.

Pentecost/shavuot, one of the annual, mandated Feasts of YHVH, is filled with spiritual significance that every true disciple of Messiah should be aware of.

Acts 2: 1b and 2, describe what is believed to be approximately 120 or so disciples gathered in one place in one accord on the Day of Pentecost. All of a sudden, a sound came from heaven. The sound was likened unto that of a “roaring wind” (or a “groning spirit”—Andrew Gabriel Roth—AENT). Luke records that the sound filled “all the house in which they were sitting.”

Verse 3 of the same 2nd chapter of Acts describes that this audible sound manifested itself visually as to that of “divided tongues and as fire sitting upon every one of the disciples” (AENT).

This of course was the long awaited and prophesied outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His elect, and the token of the renewed covenant that was mediated by our Master Yeshua Messiah (Joe. 2:28; Act. 1:11-15; 2:17).

However, tradition would have us believe that this amazing miracle took place within the confines of the rented space Yeshua’s disciples procured for themselves the day Master ascended to His Father in heaven. Luke refers to this rented space as an “upper room” (Act. 1:13).

But did the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Yeshua’s 120-disciples take place in that upper room in accordance with traditional teaching?

Contextually and semantically speaking, the answer is NO.

House: A Term for the Upper Room or The Temple in Jerusalem

The point of contention here has to do with the English term “house,” or in ancient Greek, “oikos.”

Depending on how “oikos” is used by the biblical writer, it may describe a literal house, abode or structure; all the individuals forming a family; or a race or descendants.

The Rented Room

Certainly, the fact that Master’s inner circle of 11-remaining disciples rented a space in Jerusalem in obedience to Yahoshua’s instructions (Act. 1:4), especially when we filter this situation through our western mindset, Luke’s choice of the term “oikos,” translated “house” in English, would naturally lead us to conclude that the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples as they sat in the upper room on the Day of Shavu’ot.

However, recall that at the beginning of this discussion, I mentioned to you that Luke was apt to borrow Greek terms in various places of his writings to describe uniquely Hebrew concepts. (eg., Pentaqostia for Shavu’ot). Truth be told, Luke’s use of “oikos” here is one of those instances.

Remember also that Luke was very familiar with Hebrew vernacular and terminology. But Luke also knew his Gentile audience. Thus he went out of his way to make his accounting of what had taken place, within a completely Jewish context, as understandable to his Gentile readers as he possibly could.

Greek Loanwords to Describe Uniquely Hebrew Things

Unfortunately, Luke’s efforts in making this purely Jewish incident understandable to his Gentile readers was not full-proof. Luke no doubt assumed that His Gentile readers would have at least a modest understanding of Jewish vernacular that he could reasonably frame within Greek/Aramaic terms (eg., “oikos” or house). However, Gentile readers who would come along, let’s say some 2,000-years later, would not have that same understanding of Jewish vernacular as some of the Gentiles of Luke’s day. Thus, we (ie., churchianity and members of our Faith Community) would be at a major disadvantage when attempting to translate and understand this and other similar passages of Scripture.

Oikos–Understanding The Term From a Hebraic Perspective

Contextually speaking, Luke’s use of “oikos” here is in no way referring to the disciples’ rented “upper room,” for a number of reasons which I’ll explain momentarily.

The term “house” or “oikos” in this passage must first be understood from a Hebraic/Jewish perspective.

House in Hebrew is “beit. Beit has the same variety of meaning as its Greek counterpart “oikos.” But like its Greek counterpart, in order to understand exactly what the writer is referring to, one must fully grasp the context in which beit is used. (Again, context, context, context is vital to an accurate understanding of scripture.)

Why Didn’t the Event Happen in the Upper Room?

Consider the following points of reason:

  • Cramming upwards of 120-people (men and women) into a single room (in this case the famous “upper room”) would be spatially challenging to say the least. Unless we’re talking about an auditorium of some sort, which is not likely the type of space Luke refers to as an “upper room.”
  • Having Yeshua’s female disciples hanging out in a rented room with their male counterparts over a period of days would certainly not be culturally appropriate for that time period and place.
  • Luke clearly announces that the Day of Pentecost had fully arrived (ie., the 50-days of counting had been completed and the feast day had finally come). Thus, in keeping with Torah, the 120-disciples would not have likely remained holed up in their rented room. Torah required that Hebrews on Shavu’ot proclaim and convene a holy convocation at the location YHVH placed His Name/His presence. And in the disciples dispensation (ie., era), the place of worship on the Day of Shavu’ot would have been on the Temple Mount at the Temple.
  • We also know from Luke’s accounting that for 10-consecutive days leading up to Shavu’ot the disciples—both the men and women disciples—spent their days on the Temple Mount at the Temple proper teaching, preaching and praying (Luk. 24:52,53). Luke describes the disciples being “at all times in the Temple.”

The Holy Spirit Was Poured Out on the Disciples While They Sat in the Temple

Given the context and taking into account the points of reason I just laid out for you, one would logically conclude that the term “house” or “oikos” as used by Luke in Acts 2 is referring to the Temple.

How so? It goes back to looking at this thing from a Hebrew perspective. Matthew, Mark and Luke refer to the Temple as the “House.” More specifically, Yeshua referred to the Temple as “The House of Prayer” and Luke records Stephen as referring to the Temple as “the House that Solomon built” (Mat. 12:4; 21:13; Luk. 2:49; Joh. 2:16,17; Act. 7:47). According to Andrew Gabriel Roth: “The Ruach haKodesh was clearly poured out in full view of those in attendance at the Temple, not in some hidden place” (AENT).

So the true story continues: that the Holy Spirit was shed upon Yahoshua’s 120-disciples in the presence of thousands of international Jews, attending and worshiping at the Temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount on Shavu’ot Day. And it was on that historic day that some 3,000-souls were added to the Body of Messiah.

These old and new disciples became one big family in Messiah. These—literally hundreds and thousands who stayed behind in Jerusalem—continued in the Temple daily in prayer, worship and in the breaking of bread from house-to-house.

And of course, the rest is history.

Why The Fact News Story About the Upper Room?

So why the centuries’ old fake news regarding the upper room and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Well, apart from simple ignorance of what was going on Hebraically on the Temple Mount that Day, it was probably a case of antisemitism. Indeed, as the years passed, the so-called “Church” attempted to remove every vestige of Hebraism they possibly could in response to their utter hatred of the Jews.

Sadly, this and so many other traditions of the “church” have been passed off as “Gospel Truth” because the church chose to abandon the Hebraic Roots of the True Faith once delivered.

Fact-5. Father Requires 5-Things of us on Pentecost [Shavu’ot]

Although today we cannot physically keep Shavu’ot as Torah instructs, as we keep all of Yah’s Word in Spirit and in Truth, I came across 5-basic, nonnegotiable things we must strive to do each Shavu’ot:

1. We are to proclaim a holy convocation (ie., a miqra or a sacred assembly) on the Day of Shavu’ot (Lev. 23:21; Num. 28:26). One can pretty much determine what a holy convocation (ie., a sacred assembly) looked like in ancient Israel under the auspices of the old covenant. But for us today, enjoying the tremendous benefits of the renewed covenant, it means that we must strive to assemble ourselves with other like-minded disciples of Y’shua Messiah when reasonably possible (Heb. 10:25). In convening a holy convocation on Shavu’ot, we might sing songs of praise and worship unto YHVH. We might engage in heartfelt prayer unto YHVH. Furthermore, we might engage in the reading of YHVH’s Word of Truth or receive teachings from Yah’s anointed teachers and leaders. All such activities are ordered by the leading of the Holy Spirit (aka, the Ruach haKodesh) and the needs and desires of the assembly (1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 4:12).

2. We are prohibited from doing any servile work on Shavu’ot Day (Lev. 23:21; Num. 28:26).

3. The keeping of Shavu’ot is to be a perpetual regulation (ie., an everlasting statute) down through every generation (Lev. 23:21). In other words, we are compelled by this instruction to teach our children and those who we are assigned to disciple to keep Shavu’ot each year. And these in turn must teach their children and their assigned disciples.

4. We are to rejoice on Shavu’ot Day before YHVH our Elohim (Deu. 16:11). In other words, we must view the day as a time of celebration and worship before YHVH. This may take the form of spirit-filled praise and worship activities: singing and dancing before YHVH. It may also take the form of breaking bread with our fellow-feast goers.

5. Lastly, We are to bring general and freewill offerings to our sacred assemblies as a form of worship unto YHVH (Lev. 23:26-31; Deu. 16:10). For us today, it can be in the form of financial and material gifts to ministries that feed us. As well as it may be the “fruit of our lips” uttering praise and worship unto YHVH(Heb. 13:15). Additionally, it may entail doing good deeds on Shavu’ot such as assisting those in need of our help; visiting the sick and shut-in of one’ assembly; or lending one’s physical or knowledge expertise to address a brother or sister’s nagging matter or concern. How we serve others and YHVH on Shavu’ot is only limited by our own imagination and our willingness to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Until next time, stay well and blessed fellow saints of the Most High. Shalom. Take care.



Questionnaire for our Christian friends

Shalom, everyone! My name is Carmen and I love to help people become Torah observant! To help you along the way, I have made up this questionnaire for our Christian friends. Enjoy! QUICK INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: Is it really true that to gain eternal life, all we have...

Mentally Preparing for Passover

6 aYour boasting is not good. bDo you not know that ca little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?7 Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our aPassover also has been sacrificed.8 Let us therefore...

To Love Or Not Love Israel?That is the Question–Part 1

To Love Or Not Love Israel?—That is the Question--Part 1

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

o Love Or Not Love Physical Israel? That is the Question–Part 1
A Biblical, Historical and Personal Perspective on Physical Israel and Hebrew Roots

Why this Topic?

Recent surge in antisemitic type posts on social media involving folks within and without our Faith Community. Also lots of talk in government about physical Israel—the nation state of Israel—which, among so many other things, is polarizing our nation. The other thing has to do with the spiritual awakening we see going on in Israel of late:

  • Messianic fervor in the Land
  • Revival in the Land
  • Talk of reviving sacrifices and building the 3rd Temple
  • Recent conflicts involving the Palestinians
  • The recent wild fires engulfing parts of Israel
  • The extreme levels of support by many in our Faith Community for the nation state of Israel—sending moneys for support; Messianics in the U.S. elevating the nation state of Israel in their teachings, social media postings and the like
  • The looming Jared Kushner/President Donald Trump Middle East Peace Plan
  • U.S. sanctions against Iran.

Defining Physical Israel

Those who are Jews by birth. Paul confirms this in his writings (eg., Rom. 11:13-14; Phi. 3:4,5). For this discussion specifically, I include the citizens of the modern state of Israel who claim Jewish ancestry.

The diaspora of the House of Israel (3,000-years ago) and House of Judah (2,000-years ago) has resulted in a multi-cultural mix:

  • The Story of Ruth
  • Not every Ethiopian is Jewish
  • Should not be a racial issue, but it has become one because the hearts of people remain corrupted—on both sides—both Jew and Non-Jew alike
  • Skin, hair and eye color truly don’t matter when identifying physical Israelites
  • Competing entities claiming to be physical Israelites such as the “Black Israelists”
  • During their diaspora, Jews have undergone tremendous persecution (eg., the German Holocaust)

Some have latched onto teachings that portray physical Israel (specifically the modern nation of Israel)as impostors. Most notable is the assertion that the Jews today, both in and outside the land of Israel, are not descendants of Judah. These assert that Jews today (especially those living in the modern state of Israel) are really Khazarians (ie., descendants of the Khazars). Others assert that the modern nation of Israelites are Zionists. And Zionists are of the Illuminati and the Rothschilds.

Has She Been Lost And Forever Forgotten By YHVH?

The Tanakh suggests that Physical Israel has NOT been lost and forever forgotten by YHVH:

14 For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the house of Judah: I, even I, will tear and go away; I will take away, and none shall rescue him.
15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.

KJV Hosea 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. (Hos 5:14-6:4 KJV)

Contextually speaking, Hosea is prophesying of the return of the House of Israel to the Land of Promise here. To date however, House of Israel has not returned to the Land. (Could be some of us.)

5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth.
6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.
8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.
9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.
10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled.
11 Also, O Judah, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people. (Hos 6:5-11 KJV)

Could be speaking to Judah’s return to the Land after Babylonian Captivity, but since it’s grouped here with a return of House of Israel, Judah’s prophetic return to the land could be a dual prophecy.

Many contend that Judah forfeited her place as a chosen people of Yah when they crucified our Master, Yeshua Messiah (ie., the leaders of Judaism) and the nation’s rejection of Yeshua as their Messiah. Yet that which the Jewish leaders meant for evil (ie., in the crucifixion of our Master), Yah used for good to fulfill His eternal purpose:

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Rom 8:28 KJV)

Indeed, Yah is not finished with Judah. As we see in Zechariah, Father will bring Judah back to Himself both physically and spiritually:

7 The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.
8 In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.
12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
13 The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart;
14 All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart. (Zec 12:7-14 KJV)

As maddening as this may sound, the Jew’s selling out of Y’shua to the Romans was ultimately good for the Jew. This concept of intended evils being used by Yah to achieve His purpose was clearly seen in Joseph revealing to his brothers that what happened to him by his brothers’ selling him into slavery ultimately served to save their entire family from the famine (Jasher 54:69):

“And Joseph observed all their acts (his brothers’) and said unto them, ‘Why do you look here and there? I am Joseph whom you sold to Egypt. Now, therefore, let it not grieve you that you sold me. For as a support during the famine did God send me before you’” (cf. Gen. 37:23).

Despite what many contend, physical Israel will play a pivotal role in the End of Days as this dual purpose prophecy seems to suggest:

  • YHVH receives the glory due Him when the world sees Judah back in the land.
  • When Ephraim returns to the land then will YHVH really be glorified.

The Title or Descriptor “Spiritual Israel” Is Not Biblical

Search as one may, the title or descriptor “Spiritual Israel” is not found in Scripture. I believe it was born out of the antisemitic-based doctrine of “Replacement Theology.”

Our Faith Community Seems To Fall Into 3-Groups As It Relates To This Issue

  1. Those who love physical Israel—specifically the modern state of Israel–even to the point of worship.
  2. Others who despise physical Israel for various and sundry reasons.
  3. Still others who are indifferent to physical Israel.

Why The Disparity in Viewpoints ?

Failure to adopt a universal understanding of who and what is physical Israel (to include the modern nation of Israel).

In failing to adopt a universal understanding of the significance (or insignificance) physical Israel currently plays and will play in our lives relative to biblical prophecy.

People of Faith have a nasty habit of boxing YHVH (and His Word and Work) to fit into preconceived boxes that they’ve constructed for themselves.

Those boxes are often built upon personal biases; fear; hatred; misplaced adoration; personal preferences; ignorance; bigotry; blind obedience. 

Reasons Given For Rejecting Physical Israel.

1. The inhabitants of the Land are not real Jews.

  • They are Khazarians
  • The Jews are Zionists
  • Rothschilds are behind the Jewish occupation of the Land
  • The Illuminati is behind the nation state of Israel
  • Jews are Christ-Killers
  • Christians or Messianics are now God’s “chosen people”
  • True Jews are those that possess a circumcised heart
  • The renewed covenant nullifies the existence of physical Israel and the old covenant.

2. The citizens of the Land are doomed and are not worth paying them any mind.

3. Believers of Y’shua under the New Covenant have replaced physical Israel.

Personal Analysis For The Rejection

1. The hatred towards the citizens and inhabitants of the nation state of Israel, as well as towards Jews worldwide, suggests that we may need a healing of our hearts. A softening of our hearts and souls. To love and care about others as our heavenly Father loves and cares for us. (Antisemitism)

2. Supersessionism, or as more popularly known to scholars as “Replacement Theology,” among so many other things, focus on Paul’s concerns about physical Israel and where they fit in Yah’s plan of salvation, and created a false doctrine that replaces physical Israel with Christians. These call themselves “spiritual Israel.”

Supersessionism vs Israel

Replacement Theology is at the heart of a great deal of the negative rhetoric we hear regarding physical Israel within Christian and Hebrew Roots circles today.

According to the supersessionists:




  • The new covenant through Jesus Christ supersedes the old covenant which belongs exclusively to the Jews. Most, if not all, supersessionists are anti-Torah in their worldview
  • The Christian Church has succeeded the physical Israelites as the definitive people of YHVH
  • The new covenant has replaced, superseded Torah, or the Mosaic Law
  • They reject dual-covenant theology, although some Christian sects teach that the moral law continues to stand
  • Catholicism contends that “the Church is the new people of God” (1965 Vatican Council II).

KJV Romans 9:1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,
2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;
5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. (Rom 9:1-8 KJV)


28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
(Gal 3:28-29 KJV)

When looking at the Supersessionists’ replacement theology from a biblical perspective, and for the moment resist spiritualizing the topic of physical Israel, I believe we must keep two things in mind:

Regarding the seed of Abraham: Abraham became the father of/to many nations—not just the Father of the Jews (I.e., House of Judah or the Jews) (Gen. 17:5). So why do we feel we have to replace physical Israel as a so-called “spiritual Israel?” The Bible nowhere suggests such a thing.

Case in point: Abraham had 8 sons according to Scripture (although churchianity teaches that he had just Isaac and the illegitimate Ismael):

I. Isaac
II. Ishmael
III. Zimran
IV. Jokshan
V. Medan
VI. Midian
VII. Isbak
VIII. Shuah

In using agricultural terminology, Paul put the issue of the “physical” Jew and Gentiles coming into Faith. He likened the Gentile coming into Faith as that of a “wild olive branch” that is grafted into a cultured olive tree. That cultured olive tree is true physical Israel—the commonwealth of Israel—those who keep the commandments of YHVH and have the testimony of Y’shua Messiah. (Rev. 12:17).

But Paul warned that we are NOT at all the tree nor have we become a replacement for the tree. We are branches (Rom. 11:17).

As branches being grafted to the tree, we become partakers of the tree, receiving the fatness (ie., the necessary nutrients) of the tree’s root system.

Paul further taught that it was unbelief (ie., blindness of the Jew) that led to our plum spot in YHVH’s Plan of Salvation. (If Judah would have recognized the visitation of her Messiah, those branches would have remained in place. Some physical Israelites, however, recognized and accepted the visitation of their Messiah, as have so many today who have come to a saving knowledge of Y’shua Messiah. These have been grafted back into the tree or the commonwealth of Israel.

And as we closer to the End, more and more of those purged branches (rebellious physical Israelites) will have the scales dropped form their eyes; the veil over the minds removed; and the callouses over their hearts broken off, and they will be grafted back into the tree along with us (Rom. 11:23,24).

9 And on that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn. (Zec 12:9-10 ESV)

As grafted branches, we must be very careful in adopting such attitudes as the “Supersessionists” have done: casting dispersions and hate toward those who are physical Israelites or Jews in general.

In fact, Paul warned about this very thing, which we see happening today, even in our own Faith Community. Paul warned that we must come at this question of being grafted in to the commonwealth of physical Israel, not from a place of arrogance, but from a place of fear (respect). In other words, be fearful (actually terrified) of losing your place. Paul wrote:

18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. (Rom 11:18-22 KJV)

It should go without saying that supersessionists, in making such claims that they have replaced physical Israel, and are now THE chosen people of YHVH, that they best walk carefully as Paul so warned above. For the mantle of being Israel carries with it great responsibility. And they best be ready to fulfill that mantle or else.

We will pick this up in our next installment.



Questionnaire for our Christian friends

Shalom, everyone! My name is Carmen and I love to help people become Torah observant! To help you along the way, I have made up this questionnaire for our Christian friends. Enjoy! QUICK INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: Is it really true that to gain eternal life, all we have...

Mentally Preparing for Passover

6 aYour boasting is not good. bDo you not know that ca little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?7 Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our aPassover also has been sacrificed.8 Let us therefore...