Cooking on the Sabbath-Is It Allowed ?

Cooking on the Sabbath-Is It Allowed ?

Cooking on the Sabbath--Is It Allowed?

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Was God’s commandment that the Hebrews not go out to gather manna on the Sabbath a prohibition against cooking on the Sabbath?
I had not intended to do a post on this past Sabbath’s Torah Portion Reading as I had already determined to post on the subject: “Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And…” But given that I frequently receive questions from listeners and readers on the topic of cooking on the Sabbath, and seeing that the Torah Reading under the “Triennial Reading Cycle” this past Sabbath touched upon a passage that is used by some to support their understanding on the subject of cooking on the Sabbath, I felt it important to use this opportunity to discuss it before the next Sabbath hits. So I hope, trust and pray that this discussion will help those of you who are unclear about cooking on the Sabbath make informed, and spiritually sound and healthy choices.

Exo. 16:25-17:16 

This reading entails the gathering of manna against the Sabbath. Father set out to teach us about the holiness and sanctity of the Sabbath. He also set out to test and try our faith and our obedience. (16:25-28). 
25 And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field.
 26 Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none.
 27 And it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the seventh day for to gather, and they found none.
 28 And the LORD said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws? (Exo 16:25-28 KJV)

 We Learn the Principles of Trust, Obedience and Preparation

Thus, Father provided us twice as much manna on the 6th-day so that we could gather two-times the daily allotment of manna in preparation of the coming Sabbath. Now I ask you: was this commandment to gather twice-the amount of manna in anticipation of the weekly Sabbath an indication that we are not to cook on the Sabbath? Or rather  was this commandment a prohibition against work on the Sabbath? If this were indeed the case, then it would stand to reason that gathering manna on the Sabbath was seen by Abba as work. 
I will give you my answers to these questions once we’ve concluded our reading of this passage.
But continuing: in verse 29 we see Moshe takes note of the disobedience by many of us to YHVH’s commandment to gather the double-portion of manna on the sixth-day in anticipation of the coming Sabbath. Thus, Moshe seems not to rebuke the people as much as to educate them about the Sabbath. He says to them:
“See! YHVH has given you (“natan) the Sabbath; therefore on the sixth day He gives you bread for two days” (16:29a). 

The Sabbath Reintroduced as a Gift

Moshe in other words was saying to us here that YHVH has given–natan–has in effect “gifted” us the Sabbath; that the Sabbath is a special day for us which He–YHVH–set-apart for us to focus on His goodness and to afford us a time of much needed rest and reflection. Thus the Sabbath is a good thing for you. Nevertheless, YHVH requires that you obey his commandment not to go out and gather manna on the Sabbath (specifically), nor participate in any activity that would detract from that rest and reflection.

Forced Compliance To YHVH’s Commandment

So, what Father did to enforce his prohibition against gathering manna on the Sabbath was the following: 
“Remain each of you in his place; let no one go out of his place on the seventh day” (Exo. 16:29b; KJV). 
In other words, if you’re not going to do as I’ve instructed you to do regarding my prohibition against gathering manna on the Sabbath, I’m going to put in place a provision that will inhibit you from gathering on the Sabbath altogether. You are hereby prohibited from leaving your dwelling place on the Sabbath. This will force you–in fact, this will by default condition and train you to make provisions for your food needs on the 6th-day each week as I shall provide.

Not a Prohibition Against Cooking on the Sabbath, But…

Let me just say  now that I reject the thinking put forth by some in our Faith community that this verse is a proof-positive for a perceived prohibition against cooking on the Sabbath. Contextually speaking, there’s nothing mentioned here, whatsoever, about cooking on the Sabbath. 
Now, I know this presents for many of you a rather trite understanding of the Sabbath from the standpoint of whether one is permitted to cook or not on the day. But it is what it is. And my point is, should one draw from this passage an understanding that one is emphatically prohibited from cooking on the Sabbath when cooking is not at all mentioned? I would say no. But then, is it reasonable to conclude that this passage somewhat implies that one is prohibited from cooking on the Sabbath? I would have to say possibly.
So with this nebulous understanding on the issue of cooking on the Sabbath, what then about the Sabbath can we draw from this passage? Maybe if we can dissect the relevance of the Sabbath as described in this passage, then maybe we can arrive at a more accurate answer to our question on cooking. 

Sabbath a Set-Apart Day

It is clear from this Torah passage that the Sabbath is one of the most important provisions–even gifts–given by YHVH to His people to not only keep, but also to enjoy. And when He re-introduced the Sabbath to us while we were in the wilderness of Raphidim, He required that we recognize that this day was to be viewed and treated unlike any other day of the week; that it was to be a day when we would not do the things we ordinarily did the other six-days; that our focus was to be that of the Creator on that day; and that this particular mitzvah–commandment–would test our willingness to obey and trust in Father’s provision of providing us sustenance each and every Sabbath.
I personally see in this passage, Father attempting to teach us that the Sabbath is in reality a special gift that He has given to His elect–His people. And contrary to Rabbinic understanding of Sabbath-keeping, the Sabbath was, and never was intended to be a burden to the people of God. And although the Sabbath was a special gift, with tremendous spiritual and prophetic applications (beyond the scope of this posting I might add), it was not up to us to determine whether we would keep it or not; nor determine how we would keep the day if we decided to keep the day. In other words, it was never up to man to determine how we are to keep the Sabbath. And this principle plays out perfectly in this week’s haftarah reading:
Isaiah 58:13, 14“If you turn away your foot from the Shabbat from doing your pleasure on My holy day; and call the Shabbat a delight, the holy of Yahuah, honourable; and shall honour Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words: Then shall you delight yourself in Yahuah; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Ya’aqov your father: for the mouth of Yahuah has spoken it” (Cepher).

 The Sabbath Is Supposed to be a Joy, But Keeping it is Not an Option

In other words, what we see described here in Isaiah, Father trying to get across to us that our keeping of Sabbath is not optional. Yes, the Sabbath is a gift which is intended to bring rest and joy to God’s people, but it is not a day in which God’s people do that which pleases or works best for them. It is supposed to be a day in which we set-apart from all the other days–keep it holy; honor it; honor the Almighty; delight exclusively in YHVH on that day and for this one day, do that which YHVH would have us do. 
And when we get to a place in our walking out of Torah that we freely hand over our free-will to YHVH, then we find (along with all the other elements of Torah-living) that the Sabbath is really a delight and we benefit physically and spiritually from keeping it.

The Context and Spirit of Sabbath in this Passage

So back to our original question about cooking on the Sabbath? Well, taking into account the context and spirit of these key passages of Scripture, I would venture to say, if one finds that they must cook on the Sabbath for whatever reason (young children; a sick or elderly loved one; or let’s just say circumstances out of one’s control, then I say cook on the Sabbath. Do what you need to do to feed you and your family. But I would honestly ask yourself–why can’t you use the example given to us in this Torah Reading to prepare whatever meals we need for the Sabbath the day before? Why do you feel you need to cook on the Sabbath? Cooking is something that we do every other day of the week. Yet Abba is asking us to set aside those things we do those other six-days of the week and give Him our full-undivided attention. So can we do that? Can we instead of focusing on what we’re going to eat on the Sabbath, have food set out for us to eat on the Sabbath already prepared and keep Sabbath in Spirit, unencumbered by the otherwise daily concern that comes with having to cook meals.? And if you find that you absolutely must cook on the Sabbath, maybe use this particular event as a reminder to next week, prepare your meals ahead of time so you won’t have to cook.
In our home, we don’t cook on the Sabbath because we’ve made provisions ahead of time to remove the need for cooking on the Sabbath. We see cooking as personal preference–“doing our pleasure on the day.” So we eliminate that worry by preparing our meals on the sixth-day so that we may fully engage the Sabbath, find joy and honor Abba by focusing our attention on Him that day.

Is Cooking on the Sabbath Really Necessary?

Let me ask you this: if, heaven forbid, some natural or manmade event temporarily made our stoves, ovens, grills, etc. inoperable–and let’s be honest, this has happened to countless individuals over the years–we’d have to figure out pretty quick how to subsist without cooking now, wouldn’t we? Just saying. 

The Sabbath From a Spirit and Truth Perspective

Let’s reference for a brief moment the proclamation that our Master made to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well on that fateful day:
 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4:23-24 KJV)
This essential principle of the True Faith once delivered by our Master Yahoshua applies to every aspect of our walk in Messiah. Indeed, it applies even to our keeping of Shabbat. Understanding and Truth are essential to Torah-living and Torah-keeping. Yet, far too many of us keep and live Torah only from a mechanical–rote–perspective; a religious perspective if you will. And frankly, we’ve inherited much of that mechanical, rote keeping of Torah, which we know to be horrendously skewed by rabbinic laws and traditions from orthodox Judaism. Indeed, orthodox Jewish teaching prohibits cooking on the Sabbath–along with a laundry-list of other prohibitions against the day as well.

Judaism’s Perspective on Sabbath

But here we can clearly see that Judaism has taken interpretation of Torah into her own hands and has led millions of ignorant would be Torah-keepers away from the true intent and purpose of the Sabbath. Thus, it fell upon Yahoshua to make the following statement in response to certain religious leaders’ staunch criticism of Him and His disciples on something they witnessed them doing on the Sabbath:
Mark 2: 27, 28–“For the Shabbat was created for man, and not man made for the Shabbat. Thus, the Son of man is also the master of the Shabbat” (AENT).
Context: Here we find Yeshua and His disciples harvesting, winnowing and grinding grain on the 2nd Sabbath after the first of the month (ie., after the Rosh Chodesh). Their actions came to the attention of the Pharisees and of course incurred their wrath:
So what prompted this bold but brilliant statement from our Master? Mark recorded the following incident that took place on a Shabbat in the fall of 27 CE:
Yeshua walked through the wheat fields on the Sabbath day, and His disciples began to pluck the ears of grain as they went. The Prushim said to Him, “Look, why do they do that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath day?” Yeshua said to them, “Have you never read what David and those who were with him did when they had need and were hungry? He went into the house of YHVH in the days of Abiathar the Cohen Gadol and ate the showbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and he gave also to those who were with him.” Then He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore, the Son of Man is likewise the master of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:23-28; Rood). 
(And for your reference, the King David and the shewbread incident can be found in 1 Samuel 21:1-6.)

Yeshua Master (Lord) of the Shabbat

So what then is the point behind Yeshua’s remarks that the Son of Man is the master (ie., Lord) of the Sabbbath? Yeshua and His entourage were traversing a wheat field on the 2nd Shabbat of the Chodesh. In their transit, the disciples indulged themselves by picking the heads of wheat grain, rubbing the chaff from the grain, and eating the grain. This, according to the so-called oral law/tradition, was prohibited because it constituted “work” on the Sabbath. According to Rood’s Chronology, the plucking of grain heads was tantamount to harvesting; the rubbing of the chaff from the grain was considered threshing; and eating the grain, well, was equivalent to grinding–if you can believe that. 
So the pharisees, upon seeing this or being made aware of this situation, confronted Yeshua and berated Him for allowing His disciples to violate their laws of the Sabbath.
Yeshua responded with a simple Tanakh reference that would serve to illustrate the principle that the Sabbath was not made by YHVH for men to regulate and control; that the Sabbath was holy unto itself and not under subjection or control by any man other than Mashiyach who is the Master of the Sabbath. And the tanakhian reference Master gave the Pharisees was that of David and his men, while fleeing King Saul’s persecution, were in dire need of sustenance. David and his entourage happened upon a Levite priest serving in the Tabernacle. David asked the priest for food for he and his men. The priest indicated that he had no other food than the shewbread that had recently been removed from the holy place of the tabernacle. The priest, seeing the need, gave David and his men the shewbread which according to Torah was to be consumed only by the attending Levitical Priests in the course of their duties serving the tabernacle (Lev. 24:5-9).
I love the ESV Commentary on “the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath”: 
Jesus does not challenge the Sabbath law itself but rather the Pharisees’ interpretation of it. As Messiah, Jesus authoritatively interprets every aspect of the law (cf. 5:17-48) and here points out the Pharisees’ blindness to the actual intent of the Sabbath–to bring rest and well-being. This final argument in response to the Pharisees’ challenge (12:2) is the decisive argument–that because of who Jesus is, he has the authority to interpret the law. (ESV Commentary)

 Man is not Permitted to Determine How We Keep Sabbaath

So whether it’s cooking or traveling to a fellowship gathering on the Sabbath, or whatever, we are compelled to look to Yeshua and the Holy Spirit for direction when determining whether this or that other is permissible on the Sabbath. Obviously, it’s not for us to blow-off Sabbaths to do what we want to do on the day, but at the same time, religion cannot dictate to us how we are to keep the day either. In our home, as I mentioned earlier, we neither cook nor patronize restaurants on the Sabbath. And if we are blessed to attend fellowship on the day, we do so with joy. This we’ve come to understand, taking into account the Spirit and Truth of the Sabbath, that we honor YHVH and His Sabbath by removing the daily practice of cooking on that day; focus on Him; fellowship with other like-minded brethren; and learn of Him and His ways.

Yeshua is the Eternal Connection and Reason for Shabbat

Yeshua is the eternal connection and reason for Shabbat. Any good host for an event will have a purpose and reason for that event he or she is hosting and generally that purpose and or reason is put forth to their guests. The Shabbat is the weekly event of Mashiyach. “For Mashiyach was, is and forever will be the reason for Shabbat…” It is on the seventh-day of the week that we “rest and rejuvenate” our spirit, soul and body in Mashiyach. We rest from our labors and enjoy the fruits of our labors in Him. Yah’s elect connect with Yeshua on the Sabbath on a spiritual level. Unfortunately, that spiritual rest and communion and unity in Mashiyach has been “reduced into a ritual effort of the flesh, an intellectual theological idea and a socio-political factor that has taken on humanist and Gnostic interpretations, making it a ‘burden’ rather than a blessing” (Roth; AENT) And of course, the bulk of the world who profess Jesus as Messiah take this to the other extreme and completely reject the seventh-day Sabbath for it either being inconsequential or pagan-based day of worship.

Rest in Yeshua Messiah

It was Master who invited any who would to become His disciple to pick up their stakes and follow Him–ie., leave all they’ve known behind–friends, families, business, wealth, social status, fun, etc. And in so doing, they would be relieved of life’s heavy burden (eg., secular and religious) and find rest (Mat. 11:28). He further mentioned that any who chose to follow Him, take up His burden (ie., His yoke) and learn of Him, they would find rest for their weary souls (Mat. 11:28, 29). 

Eternal Rest Through Yeshua Messiah

There is coming a time when God’s people will find eternal rest from the world’s ways, difficulties, trials and persecutions. It will be a time when peace will reign supreme over all the earth and the Word of the Almighty will flow forth from Mount Zion, out to all the nations of the world: 
But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.  2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Mic 4:1-3 KJV).


Are we prohibited from cooking on the Sabbath and does Exodus 16:25-28 support this belief? No to both questions. However, we must consider the issue of cooking on the Sabbath very carefully and determine the following: 
Is it right to cook on the Sabbath when cooking takes time away from worship, fellowship, learning and prayer on the Sabbath? 
Is it right to cook on the Sabbath when we know good and well that we can do better simply by preparing the meals we would have on Sabbath the day(s) prior to sundown on the 6th day?
Is it right to cook on the Sabbath when we see that we can better utilize the limited time we have on Sabbath for worshiping YHVH, learning of Yah’s ways and producing good fruit (ie., praying, healing, teaching, preaching, discipling, etc.)?
I say, if the answer to any of these questions is no, then cooking is definitely something that we can put off till sundown on the 7th-day. 


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Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And…

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And…

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And...

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Seeking First the Kingdom of God, And….


Yeshua instructed us to pursue those things that qualifies one to receive and enter the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of YHVH our Elohim. In fact, He said to His disciples on that hill somewhat distant from the masses that had gathered below that day, that they were to seek first before anything else the Kingdom of God and the Creator’s righteousness; and in so doing, ever care of life would be attended to by Father.  Well, if that is indeed the case, how does Torah-keeping fit in with Yeshua’s instruction?

There Are Legal Prerequisites for Entering the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God

There are legal prerequisites for entering the Kingdom of God.

There are legal prerequisites for entering the kingdom of heaven. And in order for us to enter the Kingdom of God we must meet those legal prerequisites. And those legal prerequisites are found in the Gospel of the Kingdom

Those legal prerequisites are specific and difficult to meet
Pertaining to those specific and difficult to meet requirements, Master taught in Matthew 7:13, 14:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat. 7:13, 14; KJV). 

The Church Does Not Acknowledge the Difficulty 

But many believe that all one needs to do to make it into the Kingdom is to keep the Feasts–primarily the Feast of Tabernacles; don’t work on the weekly Sabbath; don’t eat pork and shell fish; get baptized and receive the laying on of hands; and then you’re good to go for the Kingdom. Yet it’s recorded only once or maybe twice where Master focused on keeping the commandments in relation to entering Kingdom:
Matthew 19:17–in speaking to the Rich Young Ruler, Master says to him: “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God: but, if thou wilt enter into life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS” (KJV).

Commandment-Keeping and the Kingdom 

Why did Master place so little emphasis on keeping the commandments in relation to entering the Kingdom? Because commandment keeping was a given; it essentially went without saying that if one wanted to enter the Kingdom of God he or she must keep the commandments. So what more needed to be said? Why belabor the issue? 
What Master did focus on, however, was not commandment-keeping, but those prerequisites for making it into the Kingdom.

The Narrow Way and the Strait Gate Focus of Yeshua

The “Narrow Way” and the “Strait Gate” were Master’s focus and the whole point behind the Gospel of the Kingdom. We return to the story of the Rich Young Ruler and we find the Ruler, just like Job, was blameless in his keeping of the Commandments. BUT, Yeshua brilliantly pointed out to him that which disqualified Him from the Kingdom:
Matthew 19:21–If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me” (KJV).
Not everyone who says Lord Lord to our Master will enter the Kingdom according to our Master (Mat. 7:21). And it is not so much those who are “bad” people who will not enter the Kingdom of God as much as it will be those who fail to meet those legal prerequisites for entering the Kingdom. 

Failure to Meet the Requirements For the Kingdom 

These did what the Church said do (in certain cases), but they failed to do what Yeshua said needed to be done in order to make it into the Kingdom. 
So important is it for us to meet those prerequisites that Master told His disciples to:
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness… and all these things will be added unto you (Mat. 6:33)

It was during the famous Sermon on the Mount that Yeshua provided us the rules to the Kingdom of God and admonished us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

This famous instruction given by our Master is part of the “Sermon on the Mount” where He declared to His disciples the “rules of the Kingdom” (Matthew 5:1-7:29).

Matthew spent three-whole chapters on the Sermon on the Mount. (Out of 28 chapters, Matthew devoted 10% of his gospel record to this teaching!)

An Important Message For Those Who Climbed the Hill to Hear It

Important you think? Only to those disciples who would climb the mountain to hear the rules of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:1, 2).
Consider that the Sermon on the Mount was given by Yeshua in plain speak–no parables–direct talk (which meant no code was used by our Master). Yeshua did not give this sermon to the multitude as we may erroneously be led to believe:
Matthew 5:1–“And seeing the multitudes, He (ie., Yeshua) went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him and He opened His mouth and taught them…” (KJV). 

 Each of us Must Make the Climb Up the Hill

We must go directly to where the Master is and learn from Him face-to-face. For the fullness of His Truths are gained by us in those secluded places–those places that are not frequented by the crowds–away from the multitudes. Because contained within those lessons and teachings is the rules and requirements for entering the Kingdom–the elements to life eternal. And when one takes the time to climb that solitary mountain and sit at Jesus’ feet to learn and then obey that which He teaches about the Kingdom, one will see that there’s much more required to enter the Kingdom than keeping simple Torah commandments such as keeping the Feasts; eating clean and not working during the weekly Sabbaths. 

The Rules of the Kingdom Oppose Religion 

Turns out that the rules of the Kingdom were in direct opposition to the rules of the Pharisees–that is, their oral traditions and laws in many cases (Mat. 5:1-7:29).
It goes without saying that the rules of the Pharisees parallel that of our world system’s rules today. These are the ways of the world that we are indoctrinated to follow and embrace.
Over and over throughout His sermon, Master tells His disciples:
“You’ve heard it said…but I say to you…..”
Thus it was Master pointing out the rules of the Pharisees–equivalent to the rules of the world–to His disciples which were really twists and even alterations to the rules and commandments of Torah.

Yeshua Clarified Torah For Us

As Yeshua laid out each worldly rule, He refuted their twisted laws by clarifying God’s laws from the standpoint of God’s laws being the rules of the KingdomThis is one of the reasons Master was sent to us–to bring Torah to its fullest expression; to clarify Torah for us:
Matthew  5:17–“Think not that I am come to destroy the Law (Torah), or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (KJV); Isaiah 42:21–YHVH is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will magnify the Law (ie., Torah) and make it glorious” (KJV). Romans 10:4–For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth” (KJV). 

The Rules of the Kingdom Equal Torah Instruction 

It turns out that the rules of the Kingdom are and have been contained in Torah all along. But those rules were watered down and made of no effect by the traditions and laws of the Jewish religious leaders:
Matthew 15:6–“…ye (ie., you Pharisees and Scribes) made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition” (KJV). 

 The Rules of the Kingdom Constitute Proper Godly Behavior

So what then are the rules of the Kingdom of God that Master taught the disciples on the mount that day?  Well, they constitute in great part proper, Godly behavior:
    • Humility–the humbleness–the pious poor–of whom God especially cares (Psm. 14:6; 22:24; 25:16; 34:6; 40:17; 69-29). These are seen as being in a state of spiritual bankruptcy (Mat. 5:3).
    • Mourn–those that are spiritually, emotionally or financially lost because of sin resulting in a longing for Father’s forgiveness and healing. These lament the sinful lives they’ve lived; the wasted years they pursued other gods and rejected or ignored the One True God. These followed after their own desires. (2 Cor. 7:10). (Mat. 5:4).
    • Teachable–Those who don’t assert themselves over others in order to further their own agendas in their own strength, but who will ultimately be in positions of rulership in the world tomorrow (Mat. 5:5). 
    • Desirous of righteousness–those who long for the righteous character Yehovah and these will be satisfied to overflowing through the invitation to be in intimate relationship with the Almighty (Mat. 5:6).
    • Merciful–those that show mercy unto others–these will be shown mercy from the Creator of the Universe (Mat. 5:7).
    • Purity of heart which succeeds that of external ritual purity. Master taught that purity of heart was one of the most important aspects of His disciples’ live–Mat. 5:28). (Mat. 5:8). Jer. 17:10–I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings (KJV). Jer. 29:13–And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart (KJV).
    • Peacemakers–that advocate shalom in the Body of Messiah–will be called Sons of God, for they reflect the true character of their heavenly Father (Mat. 5:9). 
    • All the martyrs and those who are and were tribulated by the world for the sake of Messiah, for they will enter the Kingdom of God (Mat. 5:10-12). Great will be their reward. Martyrdom and persecution are the natural birthrights of true disciples of Yeshua Messiah. 
    • Salt and light of the earth (Mat. 5:13-16)–those that do good works and glorify Abba who is in heaven.
    • Those that do not diminish nor augment Torah–God’s word. Whoever shall break break one of these least commandments of Torah and teaches others to do also shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But those that teach and obey Torah shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat. 5:17-19).

 Our Righteousness Must Exceed That of the Religious Leaders of Yeshua’s Day

Yeshua asserted that a disciple’s righteousness MUST exceed the righteousness of the sages and Prushim (ie., Pharisees) if they are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat. 5:20).
Consequently, the scribes and pharisees taught that one may be forgiven by God if they break a Torah commandment. However, one who willfully breaks the “takanot” (ie., the oral law) of the Pharisees will not see the world tomorrow. But here in verse 20 we see where Master turns the table on the Jewish religious leaders by asserting that the true standard of righteousness in the kingdom will not permit even the scribes and pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven.  

The Level of Righteousness to Enter God’s Kingdom is High

Thus the level of righteousness to enter the kingdom is so high that man is required to keep even the highest spiritual application of Torah:
  • Murder versus hating someone without right cause (vss 21-26) Thus we must do everything we possibly can to ensure we are in right standing with others in this life if we expect to enter the kingdom of heaven. We cannot hold grudges nor hate for no reason.
  • Adultery versus lusting after another (vss. 27-30). If we have such a problem, in order for us to make it into the kingdom, we must get it fixed.
  • Improper marrying versus adultery = legalized adultery  (vss. 31-32). Far too many people use divorce as a means to easily get out a marriage, only to afford them an opportunity to marry someone else. God’s prescription for marriage allowed for divorce/dissolution of marriage in cases of adultery. Remarriage is permitted only in the case of the death of one of the partners. 
  • Making improper oaths unto Yehovah–oaths that you don’t intend to keep. Yet religion in Yeshua’s day facilitated the breaking of oaths through manmade loopholes in Torah (Deu. 6:13; 10:20; Num. 30:2). We must keep our vows to YHVH. If you don’t intend to keep a vow, you must not make it and certainly do not look for ways to circumvent fulfilling vows made unto God (vss. 33-37).

       Treatment of One Another Under the Rules of the Kingdom

      Then Master goes into how we treat one another in the Kingdom way of livin, in such we do not demand recompense from those who do evil against us. We don’t seek retribution against others. When we’re sued for our property for whatever reason, we don’t fight against the suit but give willing. If someone demands our assistance, we go out of our way to assist them. We give to whoever asks of us that which we have (vss. 38-42).
      This of course is contrary to the world’s treatment of others. Under the world’s treatment of others we fight, hoard, and seek revenge at every opportunity. These are not the means by which we inherit the Kingdom of God. These are the ways of the Oral Traditions of the Jews–not Torah as so many have erroneously proposed. 

      The Oral Tradition Contrary to the Eternal Principles of Torah 

      Oral traditions tells the Jew to love their neighbor but hate their enemies. But under the Kingdom way of treating one’s neighbor and enemies, we love our enemies and do good to those who hate us (ie., those who are our enemies). We pray for those who use us and or persecute us out of spite. Master downplays the love we may have for those who would love us in return. The problem with this secular mindset is that even the UnGodly love those that love them. What’s the difference when a disciple of Messiah loves someone who loves them (vss. 43-48)?
      Jewish leaders were renowned for flamboyantly giving to the poor. They often made a big production of their giving so that others would see and admire them for their supposed generosity. Those that do such things to draw attention and admiration unto themselves, according to our Master, receive their reward in the form of that attention and admiration. For the Kingdom dweller, he or she is to give discretely; never letting the left hand know what one’s right hand is doing. This discrete way of giving is seen by our Father in heaven who will in the world tomorrow reward that discrete giving publicly. 
      Likewise, our prayers must be carried out appropriately: maybe in a prayer closet; out of sight and hearing of those who have no business seeing and hearing about it in the first place. Our prayers must be substantive and pure and purposeful. And then Master gives us the template of the famous Lord’s Prayer to help us formulate our prayers (6:1-13). 

      Forgiveness Is Essential For Entering the Kingdom

      We must learn to forgive unconditionally (6:14-15).

      Our Focus Must Be on Things Eternal–Not on Things of this Life

      Therefore, Messiah requires that we not worry or be anxious over the things of this life:
            • What we’re going to eat.
            • What we’re going to drink.
            • What we’re going to have to wear.
            • In fact, Master requires that we not be distracted by continually chasing after food, drink, and clothing–nails–hair–stuff as the gentiles endlessly pursue such insignificant things. 
      We are instead to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (FOR MANY OF US IT’S A FULL TIME JOB). And in so doing, all the cares of life will be taken care of. We are not to be distracted about the concerns of tomorrow; tomorrow will have its own concerns. Each day has it own problems (6:34).
      Instead of investing our moneys and time into these temporal things, why not spend that time and money on things eternal–those things that will help us prepare ourselves for receiving and entering the Kingdom. Are we willing to invest in our eternal security and wellbeing? And if we invest in our eternal security, Father will invest in our earthly–temporal security by providing that which we need to get by on this earth in this life.  

      Seeking Out the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

      The seeking out of the Kingdom of God and YHVH’s righteousness is all laid out in the two chapters we’ve just looked at. Contained within these 2-chapters is the standards of the Kingdom that every disciple of Messiah must meet. And Master is simply saying to us, spend your time working on meeting the standards of the Kingdom and living Godly and righteous and holy lives. And while you’re focusing on doing this, YHVH will provide for our natural needs. Just as He did in the Israelite’s sojourn in the wilderness for 40-years. 
      And that which Father provides may not always be what we desire, but it will meet our needs in the here and now. (It may not be the nice car we want or need–it may be a bus pass or a workable car–it may not be a trip to the hair and nail salon, but instead a bottle of nail polish from CVS and maybe a box of hair color–it may not be New York steak but instead a bowl of soup and bread or rice and beans. I can confidently say that the manna the Israelites consumed for 40-years sojourning in the wilderness wasn’t their first choice as it related to meals. But it met their needs–it fully nourished them and kept them healthy so that the people could focus on living right and not worry about them trying to sort out where their next meal was coming from.



      Released from the Law

      Released from the Law Moving on from our lengthy discussion on Grace as taken from Ephesians 2:8 and 9, I’d like to look at another popular passage of the Bible that the anti-Torah Christian uses to condemn those of us who embrace a Torah lifestyle. Romans 6:14, and...

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      By Grace are you Saved–Grace and the Law Part 2

        By Grace are You Saved   Part 2 of the series: Grace and the Law In part one (1) of this series entitle Grace and the Law, we critically looked at some of the key bible passages that our cousins in fundamental and charismatic churchianity (or Christianity...

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      Torah Portions-The Many Types and Patterns of Torah

      Torah Portions-The Many Types and Patterns of Torah

      Torah Portions-The Types and Patterns of Torah--Looking Ahead--My Sukkot 2019 Thoughts and Reflections

      by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

      The Types and Patterns of Torah

      Torah Readings

      Torah Portions should be viewed as an opportunity for worship and to apply the spirit of its observance to our day-to-day walk with Messiah.

      As part of our looking forward and plans for the coming months,I want to continue our study of Torah along the lines of the weekly Torah Readings (aka, Torah Portions). But instead of looking at the Torah Readings from a mechanical, duty-driven, historic, commandment rendering perspective, I will be treating the readings from the perspective of Types and Patterns.

      I have referenced Romans 10:4 on numerous occasions on this platform and this passage, along with its supporting passages, are the driving forces behind my weekly reading and study of Torah. Paul wrote:

      “For the goal of which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts” (CJB).

      If we’re not reading and studying Torah from this perspective—from the perspective of Messiah—every bit of it—then I will boldly assert here that we’re wasting our time reading, studying and keeping Torah. We are no better than our cousins in orthodox Judaism who blindly follow their version of Torah underscored by their oral laws. And sadly, this is the direction that I fear so many in our Faith Community have taken. Many of us are ignoring Yeshua’s centrality to Torah in our study, reading and keeping of Torah. And in so doing, we are placing ourselves, not under our Master’s and High Priest’s oversight, but instead under the covering and teaching of the rabbis.

      The New Testament writers put Torah into proper perspective for us and it is our responsibility to adhere to their perspective of the purpose and efficacy of Torah. Master appointed them to expound upon the Truth that they received directly from Yahoshua. And we know that Yahoshua is that prophet that we must shama—must hearken—that is listen and obey.

      Yah revealed:

      “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen. I will put my words in His mouth, and He will tell them everything I order Him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which He shall speak in My Name, I will require it of him” (Deu. 18:18, 19; KJV).

      All Scripture is Yah-Breathed

      In expounding upon the relevance of Scripture to his young protege Timothy:

      2 Timothy 3:16—All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

      Thus, Torah is God-breathed and the means by which we are to live our lives; the means by which we conform our behavior; the Truth that must be taught to the Body; the basis upon which improper behavior is to be judged and handled; how we interact and worship our heavenly Father; and the means by which we are to interact with the world around us.

      Torah was Given to Teach Us About Mashiyach and YHVH’s Way of Life

      Rom. 15:4—Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

      1 Cor. 10:6, 11—All these things happened unto them for ensamples (ie., types) and they were written for admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

      The thing that we don’t want to see happen with our keeping of Torah as Netzarim is to fall into a trap of focusing on the how’s. One of the biggest concerns most Rooters have, especially those new to Faith, is how to keep this mitzvah (aka commandment) and or what must I do when I keep that mitzvah. Often there isn’t the slightest concern over why we do what we do and what we are to LEARN from the commandments. Paul brilliantly points out in these two verses that Torah was given for our learning and ensample.

      Torah is all About Yeshua

      Luk. 24:26, 27, 44-46—All things must be fulfilled concerning me.

      Joh. 5:45, 46; Act. 3:22, 23—Moses wrote of Me (prophetically and typically).

      Gal. 3:24—The law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

      Mat. 11:13—The prophets and the Law prophesied.

      Psm. 29:9—All speak to His glory.

      1 Pet. 1:11—All were prophetical of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow.

      The Law/Torah was and is a shadow (ie., an outline) of good things to come through Mashiyach’s holy office. Thus it becomes the purpose of the shadow to bring us to the substance—the core thing that Father is desiring to teach us. The shadow of the thing has no reality in and of itself—the Levitical Priesthood; the Mishkin; the purity laws; etc., all of which have passed away. These things can only point to that which casts the shadow.

      One must trace the shadow with light before you come to the actual substance. If one, let’s say, were to ignore the light, then that individual would get lost in the shadow and begin to move further away from the realities. This is what we see happening in many parts of our Faith Community. Many people are moving from center to extreme, taking on Rabbinic Judaism, focusing only on the shadow and completely missing the substance.

      Thus, the only true purpose in looking at the “Shadow of the Law” is to follow the shadow through until we come to Him—the shadow–whose shadow the Torah element pointed to.

      Elements of Torah like the Tabernacle: its measurements, furnishings and curtains were all “separate revelations, each of which sets forth a portion of Truth” (Heb. 1:1,2) leading us to Mashiyach in one or more aspects of His Being, mission and purpose.

      The Natural First Then the Spiritual

      The way Abba set this whole thing up to work is to establish His Truths leading up to Mashiyach through physical things and actions and such.

      1 Cor. 15:46, 47—First the natural, afterward that which is spiritual. Thus we consider the natural, the material, which is temporal; ie., that which is seen; in order to discover, by means of the Spirit, the Truth, which is Spiritual, and the eternal; things not seen by the natural mind of man (2 Cor. 4:18).

      So we see examples of this understanding in the following:

      1. The smitten rock from which the Children of Israel drank pointed to Mashiyach as the source of living water for the nations of the world (1 Cor. 10:1-4).

      2. The manna which came from heaven pointed to Mashiyach as the living bread that came down from heaven (Joh. 6:45-67).

      3. The sacrificial Passover lamb typified the Lamb of God that would take away the sins of the world (Joh. 1:29).

      4. The High Priestly ministry of Aharon demonstrated Mashiyach’s priestly ministrations in the heavenly Mishkan and Mashiyach’s role as mediator and intercessor (Heb. 4:14; 5:1-5; 6:19-20).

      5. The Tabernacle and its furnishings, metals, curtains, coverings and operations typified Yeshua HaMashiyach in His ministry in the Church.

      Rom. 1:20—For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and G-dhead.

      In other words, Yah gave us the visible things of creation to aid us in understanding spiritual things (ie., the invisible). Thus, the things we see are temporal, while the things that they point to are eternal (2 Cor. 4:18). Even the things from creation must be looked at as symbols, hiding or revealing Truths and different facets of revelation concerning Mashiyach and His ministries.

      We know that Yeshua taught the Gospel by employing parables. It was a means by which finite man could understand some of the things of God through natural symbolic elements. God is omniscient and infinite. In all the parables that Yeshua spoke there was veiled Truth which the Ruach is still unfolding to us today. Today, Yehovah speaks to us in the parable of the Tabernacle of Moshe, taking the natural elements of creation and transforming them into symbolic language to reveal eternal truths. The whole of Torah becomes God’s story-telling board to teach divine Truth to the people of God.

      Paul informed the Corinthian Assemblies that everything that happened to Natural Israel happened to them for types and ensamples and were written for OUR admonition (1 Cor. 10:11).

      Understanding Types and Patterns in our Walk With Mashiyach

      Why is it important for anyone to understand types and patterns of Torah as it relates to a believer’s journey and walk with Mashiyach? Because we are forgetful creatures. And we tend to ignore things related to our Faith as found in Torah and those things are vitally important to our walk with Mashiyach and our relationship with the Creator.

      When we clearly understand why we’re doing that we’ve been commanded to do; or we see the significance or spiritual relevance in the stories and events and commandments recorded in Torah, we are better able to live according to the Ways Father always intended for us to live. Paul tells us that the things contained in Torah serve as ensamples for us—so that we don’t make the same mistakes that our forefathers did; so that we know how we are to do whatever we’re commanded to do; so we understand our Creator better—what He loves and hates; how He sees things; and what He expects of each of us in this life. The types and patterns contained in Torah provide us a sense of what’s ahead for us—they foreshadow or are shadows of good things to come. Those same types and patterns illustrate and teach us about holiness and righteousness and Faith and truth and above all they teach us about the Person and Office of Mashiyach—the Prophet who we must shama—that is, hear and obey.

      Thus, it is vitally important that we keep our heads and noses buried in our bibles and that we seek the guidance and revelation of the Ruach haQodesh as to those all too important types and patterns so that we may walk out a powerful and effective life in Mashiyach that is based on Spirit and Truth.

      Case in point, let’s look at the types and patterns contained in:

      This Week’s Torah Portion Readings:

      Exodus 15:19-16:24 and John 6:31-51

      The Red Sea Crossing (15:19).

      The Song of Miriam (15:20, 21).

      The bitter waters of Marah in the wilderness of Shur made drinkable (15:22).

      The Waters of Marah

      The Bitter Waters of Marah in our Torah Portion reading were made drinkable by Moses’ intercession on behalf of the Hebrews. Many Spiritual applications may be drawn from this story.

      In this section of the reading we find the waters of Marah described as being bitter or undrinkable (vs. 23). Thus the people began to murmur against Moshe and Aharon because they lacked drinkable water. Moshe described this situation as a testing of the people’s trust in YHVH’s ability to provide for their needs despite the wonders that YHVH wrought in the sight of the people. Moshe went along with Abba’s instructions, but He himself was unaware of YHVH’s plans to sustain His people (vs. 24).

      Moshe intercedes on behalf the people for water. And we can clearly see in this story that Moshe is a type of Mashiyach (vs. 25). Why? Because we see from Hebrew 7:25 that one of the roles of Messiah in the heavenly Mishkan is to make intercession on our behalf.

      In response to the people’s murmuring and Moshe’s petition for water, Abba shows Moshe a piece of wood which when casted into the waters of Marah, made the water drinkable.

      We can see that the piece of wood that was casted into the bitter waters of Marah is clearly a precursor of the cross/the execution stake of our Master Yahoshua. The cross—made of wood of course—serves as the vehicle by which life (specifically eternal life) was wrought unto the world, the world being illustrated in the waters of Marah. The cross or stake makes right the deadliness that is realized in the world today because of the scourge of sin.

      The 12 Springs and 70-Palm Trees of Elim

      12 Springs and 70 Palm Trees of Elim

      The story of Elim’s 12 springs and 70 palm trees in this week’s Torah Portion reading also has significant spiritual applications attached to it.

      Then we encamped in the wilderness of Elim where there were 12 springs of water and 70-palm trees. The 12-springs and 70-palm trees are of course types and foreshadows of things to come. The 12-springs refer to the 12-tribes of Israel from which eternal life will flow through the work of Mashiyach. Master told the Samaritan Woman that “salvation comes through the Jews” (Joh. 4:22; NLT).

      The 70-palm trees refer to the 70-original nation peoples of the world that were placed under the oversight of 70-angels (ie., sons of God). (cf. Rev. 7:17; 22:2).

      We find in Genesis 10 a listing of the 70-original nations that descended from Noach that were ultimately scattered to the 4-corners of the world at the tower of Babel incident. The indication that the 70-nations were placed under the oversight of 70-sons of God is mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:8, 9 with similar referencing in Sirach 17:17; 1 Enoch 89:59-64; 90:20-23.

      (Note: Most English translations that are based upon the Masoretic Text us children of Israel as opposed to sons of God. But it appears that Jewish scribes changed their text from sons of God to sons of Israel, most likely sometime during the leadership of Rabbi Akiba. But the Septuagint—the Greek version of the Old Testament which out-dates the Masoretic text by a millennia—retains sons of God in the verse.)

      Murmuring in the Wilderness of Sin

      From Elim we journeyed to the wilderness of Sin, arriving on the 15th day of the 2nd month (16:1).

      There at Sin we once again murmured/grumbled/complained against Moshe and Aharon. This time our grumbling and murmuring was because of lack of food—no bread nor meat which we referenced having in abundance back in our days as slaves in Egypt (16:2,3).

      This is clearly a reminder to us all as it relates to our personal, present-day wilderness journeys of Faith—in our heading for the promised land—which foreshadows the Kingdom of God. Along our day-to-day journey we face testings and hardships and during those difficult times we have the natural tendency to hearken back to what we perceive were good times when we were in the world or in another Faith living life seemingly better than we may have at the moment. And we end up complaining about our present lot in life. Some of us lose faith; some of us doubt Father; some of us even blaspheme the work of the Father in our lives. But we lose sight and memory of those wonderful things Abba has done for us and continues to do for us. In such situation, Father tests our hearts and our resolve to remain obedient and trusting of Him. This same thing was happening to us in our wilderness journey.

      Father then provides us sustenance in the form of Manna along with instructions on its consumption (16:4-10). And in the process Moshe reminds us that our murmuring or complaining was not against him and or Aharon, but really against YHVH who put us in our present situation.

      Father informs Moshe that He’d heard our murmurs and complaints about not having any food to eat. So Father reveals to us that He will provide us bread each morning (in the form of manna) and meat each evening (in the form of quail (16:11-19). We were to take as much as would satisfy each member of our respective families. Yet, we were to leave nothing of these meals for the next day as these meals would become inedible.

      God Giving Manna was a Teaching Moment—The Principles of Trust and Faith Still Applies Even Today

      The manna which YHVH provided the children of Israel during their wilderness sojourn foreshadowed the Yeshua–the Bread of Life come down from heaven.

      The principle Father was attempting to teach us during our sojourn in the wilderness of Elim and Sin was that same principle Yahoshua taught His disciples during the sermon on the mount.

      Master taught that we are to give no thought for the morrow as the morrow takes care of itself (Mat. 6:34). For each day has enough troubles of its own (NET).

      We of course did not obey Moshe’s instructions as many of us chose to squirrel away excess manna (and no doubt quail) in anticipation of the following day’s food needs (16:20).

      Another principle that translates over to our Master’s ministry is found in the same sermon on the mount teaching where Master taught us to not store up for ourselves treasures in this life as such treasures are only temporal (Mat. 6:19; Luk. 12:33).

      Thus, the manna represents for us many amazing Truths: the fact that Father will provide for us our daily bread and that we should not concern ourselves about where we’re going to get our next meal from; the “bread of life/from heaven” which is Yeshua Mashiyach; and the illegally stored manna represents riches that we hoard unto ourselves in anticipation of perceived needs for future times ahead.

      Master instructed us further that when we seek first the Kingdom of Yah and His righteousness, all our physical needs would be taken care of (Mat. 6:33). In so making such a bold statement, Master was declaring to us that Father seeks our full, undivided attention and uncompromising trust in Him. Father does not appreciate us putting our focus on fulfilling our daily needs. For He will provide for His children’s material needs.

      He thus provides for us when we place our trust in Him and give Him our full attention. As we render unto Him our focus and trust—He feeds us in the here and now the bread of life—and in so doing, Father adds to us the things we need to survive abundantly in this present life.

      Just as Father Provided the Lamb (ala Abraham and Isaac), thus Father provided us Bread

      The Brit haDashah reading for this week’s Torah Reading is found in John 6:31-51.

      In this reading we find the story of Yeshua teaching in the synagogue at Kfar Nahum on Yom Teruah 27 CE. The whole issue surrounding Yeshua linking bread to His body is based upon the crowds following Him looking for their next meal (Joh. 6:25).

      In our reading here we find the Jewish religious leaders brought up the story of the manna—this week’s Torah reading–to Yeshua (vs. 31; cf. Neh. 9:15-20; Psm. 78:24, 25; 105:40).

      Yeshua reminded the Jewish synagogue leaders that YHVH provided their forefathers manna which sustained their lives. And the same Person who provided their ancestors this bread from heaven—ie., this manna–during their fathers’ 40-year sojourn in the wilderness, “gives true bread to you from heaven” (vs. 32). (Ref. Exo. 16:4-15; Deu. 8:3)

      Then Yeshua describes the true bread of Elohim that comes down from heaven that gives life to the world (vs. 33). And Master reveals that He is that true bread from heaven. The manna was a type or foreshadowing of Mashiyach. However, the manna that fell from heaven, which was of course given by Yehovah, sustained their Father’s physical life. Mashiyach, the bread that came down from heaven, also given by Yehovah, provides us eternal life (6:33). For it was Yeshua’s broken body and shed blood that would bring mankind the opportunity for life eternal. Yet no one hearing Master’s words here in that Kfar Nahum synagogue that day before Yom Teruah in 27 CE understood a word of what Master was saying. The people hearing Master’s teaching, focusing on their next meal no doubt, interpreted Yeshua’s teaching from the standpoint of physical sustenance. Thus they begged Master for this bread—this erroneously perceived physical bread—food–that would keep them full and satiated forever (6:34).

      Yeshua is the Bread of Life Come Down From the Father

      In response to the people’s request for the bread that Yeshua spoke of–although the people obviously thought Yeshua was speaking about physical food–Yeshua informs them that He is that bread from heaven–He is the bread of life that He was speaking about (6:35) and any who would be His disciple and trust Him (i.e., have Faith in Him), they would receive eternal life.

      Yeshua then vociferously touches on that fact that the people knew of Him and saw the things He’d done, yet they did not believe He was THE Prophet–the Mashiyach–that they were to shama (6:36). Yet anyone who would come and be His disciple–follow Him–He would in no wise reject (6:37). In fact, Yeshua made it clear in at least two places during his teaching in this passage that it was the will of His Father that every single person who Father draws unto Him (6:44, 65) will receive eternal life and be raised up to that life eternal on the Last Day (6:38, 39). Furthermore, this is the whole point behind Yeshua being sent as the Bread of Life that comes down to us from heaven–the giving of eternal life to those who take up a life that is modeled after Yeshua and those disciples trust Yeshua’s work as the means by which they will receive eternal life–as the means of their salvation (6:40).

      So the Jews in response to this teaching murmured against the Bread of Life that came down from heaven (6:41)—just as their forefathers did throughout their 40-year sojourn in the wilderness. And why did they murmur against Master? Because familiarity has the natural tendency to breed contempt. The synagogue leaders and members, as well as the residents of Yeshua’s hometown of Kfar Nahum, believed because they knew Yeshua’s family personally–who they were and what they were all about–that Yeshua was a simple country boy who could not be anything other than a man from Kfar Nahum (6:42). Thus they pegged Yeshua for a fool or impostor.

      Comparing and Contrasting Yeshua and Manna

      Yet Yeshua responded that they should not murmur. Recall from the manna story back in Exodus, we know that Father does not appreciate murmuring. For the people’s murmuring for food was not against Moshe and Aharon, but against Yehovah Himself. In like manner, the synagogue leaders’ murmuring was not against Yeshua, but against His Father who sent Him. Yeshua was only doing what He was sent to do. And all their petty concerns and doubts and biases amounted to nothing, because none of what Yeshua said of Himself being the Bread of Life was entirely of YHVH’s doing. All that He taught and did was the message and mastermind of His Father (6:43, 44).

      Yeshua reiterates that He is the bread which came down from heaven and that bread equals His flesh which He would give willingly for the sins of the world so that every man, woman and child may have a chance for life eternal (6:46-51). And once again, Master compares and contrasts the manna that fell from heaven back in Moshe’s day which sustained our physical lives until we died out in the wilderness over the 40-years of sojourning. But that manna only kept us alive until such time we were appointed by the will of YHVH to die. But the bread that Master analogized was that of His body which He would offer in exchange for our receiving pardon from the penalty of eternal death and receiving life eternal.

      In Conclusion

      So what I’ve tried to do here in my first attempt at examining a weekly Torah Reading is to illustrate the relevance of identifying types and patterns in the readings. And being able to readily identify and discuss types and patterns found in Torah is vital in our ability to evangelize and disciple others in the Faith. The natural question most people outside our Faith ask more than anything is why should we keep Torah when the Law was done away with by Christ’s crucifixion.

      Peter told us to be ever-so ready to give every man an answer for the hope that is in us (1 Pet. 3:15).

      As well as it is important that we understand within ourselves why we do what we do in our Faith simply because when we understand why we do what we do, we are more prone to keep Torah in Spirit and in Truth and not simply practice Torah mechanically without meaning.

      Bottom line: when we know better, we’re expected to do better.

      We’ve been at this Torah Living thing now for a few years. We’ve grown past the nuts and bolts of Torah-keeping. It’s time we move past the rote, mechanical keeping of Torah, to now realize the Spirit and Truth of Torah so that we become effective disciples for our Master and for preparing us to become a Son of YHVH (Rev. 21:7).


      Released from the Law

      Released from the Law Moving on from our lengthy discussion on Grace as taken from Ephesians 2:8 and 9, I’d like to look at another popular passage of the Bible that the anti-Torah Christian uses to condemn those of us who embrace a Torah lifestyle. Romans 6:14, and...

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      By Grace are you Saved–Grace and the Law Part 2

        By Grace are You Saved   Part 2 of the series: Grace and the Law In part one (1) of this series entitle Grace and the Law, we critically looked at some of the key bible passages that our cousins in fundamental and charismatic churchianity (or Christianity...

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      Preparing for the Feasts of God-2019–The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts

      Preparing for the Feasts of God-2019--The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts

      by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

      Preparing for the Fall Feasts of God 2019–The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts

      This, my friend, is a special re-posting of a portion of last year’s post I did on Preparing for the Fall Feasts. Bear in mind, this is just a brief, edited portion of that post. It’s a short, succinct message relating to the role grace plays in our keeping of the Fall Feasts. And my aim in publishing this abbreviated is to remind us of the importance of being spiritually prepared for the coming Fall Feasts. You know, it’s one thing to simply keep Yom Teruah–Trumpets–Yom Kippur–Atonement–and Tabernacles–Sukkot, each year as they come. But it’s an entirely different thing to keep the Feasts in Spirit and in Truth and to fully understand, embrace and walk out the important aspects of the Feasts. 

      The Fall Feasts are celebratory manifestations of God’s grace shown to mankind.

      As it relates to teachings/discussions on the individual Fall Feasts, what follows is the links to my discussions for each of the three-Feast days. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you will no doubt recognize that my posts tend to be rather long. Those 3 posts are consistent with the lengthy posts I typically publish that resonate most with those who wish to consider the many facets/many colors of the topic on which I’m addressing: thus time for them is generally not an issue. But for those who recall the content of those posts last year and are not inclined to do a repeat listen this year, I’ve provided what I believe is a substantive discussion on the link between grace and the Fall Feasts that I believe will bless you and enhance your walk with Messiah. 
      Nevertheless, if you are inclined to listen to any or all of the posts I did on the Fall Feasts last year, I will put the direct links to those posts here in the show notes/show script for your convenience.
      In any event, my sincerest hope, trust and prayer is that you, your families and fellowships will have a meaningful Day of the Blowing of Trumpets–a meaningful and revealing Day of Atonement–and a joyous and blessed 8-day celebration of Tabernacles. 
      We plan on returning in November with a new season of posts.
      So without further ado, here’s “Preparing for the Fall Feasts of YHVH.”
      Blessings and Shalom to you. 

      Scriptural References:

      Matthew 4:3-11

      Mark 1:13

      Luke 4:3-13

      John 8:44; 12:31

      2 Corinthians 11:14

      Ephesians 2:2

      1 John 5:19

      Revelation 12:1


      Fall Feasts specific posts:


      The Fall Feasts of Yah–Feast of Trumpets–Yom Teruah

      The Fall Feasts of Yah–Day of Atonement–Yom Kippur

      The Fall Feasts of Yah–Feast of Tabernacles–Sukkot



      Hitting the Default Button on our Faith–STAR 33

      Hitting the Default Button on our Faith  8 ¶ Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.   9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:   10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy...

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      Released from the Law

      Released from the Law Moving on from our lengthy discussion on Grace as taken from Ephesians 2:8 and 9, I’d like to look at another popular passage of the Bible that the anti-Torah Christian uses to condemn those of us who embrace a Torah lifestyle. Romans 6:14, and...

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      Listen to What the Father Says–Part-5 of Parashah 47

      Listen to What the Father Says Part 5 of Parashah 47 The third aspect of Moshe’s direction to us as it relates to Yahovah preparing us to enter the Land of Promise (verse 5 of the 13th chapter of Deuteronomy—it is the 4th verse in the NAS, KJV DBY, NLT, ASV, YLT, ESV,...

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      By Grace are you Saved–Grace and the Law Part 2

        By Grace are You Saved   Part 2 of the series: Grace and the Law In part one (1) of this series entitle Grace and the Law, we critically looked at some of the key bible passages that our cousins in fundamental and charismatic churchianity (or Christianity...

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      Paul’s Bold Stand Against Anti-Torah Teachings in the Ephesian Church—Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

      Paul’s Bold Stand Against Anti-Torah Teachings in the Ephesian Church—Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

      by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

      “For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.”

      A simple, plain read of these 3-short verses, drawn from 1 Timothy 2:9-15, will naturally cause a great many within and without our Faith community to draw wrong conclusions about women serving in teaching and preaching roles in the Body of Messiah. For without proper understanding of the passages’ context to the whole book of 1 Timothy and the rest of Paul’s writings; without a clear understanding of Ephesian religious and cultural practices; and without a firm grasp of the Koine Greek from which the text is derived, all one has to draw upon in order to understand what Paul is trying to get across to Timothy is the English words and their meaning as printed on the pages of our Bible.

      In this 15th installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series, we conclude our examination of Paul’s attitude towards women of Faith, especially his attitude towards women of Faith filling leadership roles in the Body of Messiah. Today, we will conduct a thorough examination of 1 Timothy 2:13-15 and upon completing that examination, present the most contextually accurate and reasonable interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 possible.

       This is “Paul’s Bold Stand Against Anti-Torah Teachings in the Ephesian Church—Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series.”

      Rehashing Part-14

      In our previous installment to this series—Part-14—I introduced to you a rather different understanding of 1 Timothy 2:11 and 12. It reads as follows:

      “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence” (KJV).

      Donna Howell’s The Handmaiden’s Conspiracy highlights the erroneous understanding many have of 1 Timothy 2:9-15, resulting in the silencing of women of Faith.

      In that post, we examined these two key verses from research that was conducted by researchers Donna Howell, Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt and Richard and Catherine Kroeger. In our building upon the foundational work of these researchers, we were then able to develop what I believe to be the best, most accurate understanding or interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:11 and 12 that I’ve ever come across in all my years of studying the writings of Paul. Their understanding and interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:11 and 12 is contextually, culturally, historically and linguistically sound. And the ultimate model or understanding that comes out of their research—that is, what Paul was actually addressing in his letter to Timothy–to me makes the most sense; especially from an internal consistency perspective (however that actually plays out in any one believer’s mind).

      Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt, through his research, the most logical character and star of this whole focus passage: the unnamed illusive woman who Paul instructed Timothy to provide her the education she required and to stop her from teaching Gnosticism.

      We concluded that Jewish Gnosticism, myths and tales had somehow overtaken some, if not most of the house fellowships/churches/congregations in Ephesus. The spreading of these heretical false teachings had set the Messianic Community in Ephesus in somewhat of a doctrinal and spiritual tizzy. Thus, Paul dispatched the young evangelist Timothy to not only put an abrupt stop to the heretical teachings of the Gnostics and of the meddlesome women believed to have been spreading this trash (1 Tim. 1:3), but to also correct the brethren and their false doctrine with Truth, love and faith (1 Tim. 1:5).

      Of most concern for Paul, were the meddlesome women or woman who was going door-to-door or house-to-house spreading their heretical myths, fables and tales; no doubt focusing on the members and or owners of Ephesian assembly homes (1 Tim. 5:13). And it is this contextual basis and linkage to the purveyors, or perpetrators of this Jewish Gnosticism to Paul’s order that Timothy see to it that the Ephesian assembly women (or woman who was behind the spreading of false doctrine house-to-house) be afforded the opportunity to learn the Truth of Torah and the Gospel; as well as to put an abrupt end to their (ie., the meddlesome women) or her (the unnamed woman’s or wife’s) teaching (1 Tim. 2:11 and 12).

      So our understanding of 1 Timothy 2:11 and 12 changes from that of a universal or normative prohibition against women teaching and preaching in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah, to that of a restrictive, localized prohibition against the Ephesian assembly women or the unnamed woman teaching and spreading their trash in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah.

      We therefore concluded that our updated understanding of 1 Timothy 2:11 and 12 had nothing whatsoever to do with the centuries old, misinterpreted, erroneous doctrine and tradition that is drawn from our focus-passage, that prohibits women from teaching and preaching in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah. And our present understanding of our focus passage is a clear example of the importance of employing proper, hermeneutical principles and tools when studying and reading Paul’s writings and teachings. Otherwise, the reader is forced to adopt misinformed and baseless conclusions of what they believe Paul was saying to his readers; which in turn is based upon the reader’s culture, overall level of scriptural understanding and education, and the state of their heart.

      We also expressed the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to do its part in revealing corrected Truth to us; as we seek and search out Truth in some of Paul’s most difficult writings (2 Pet. 3:15 & 16).

      For Adam was formed first…

      This then leads us to today’s final discussion of our focus passage of 1 Timothy 2:9-15; in particular to the remaining verses of our focus passage—verses 13 through 15. The passage reads as follows:

      “For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety” (KJV).

      Now, this is another one of those “what you talk’n ‘bout Paul sections of Paul’s more difficult to understand writings. Recall back in chapter 2, verses 1 through 8 of 1 Timothy, Paul instructed Timothy to get the men of every Ephesian Assembly to engage in corporate/public prayer for all people; engaging in such prayer that was devoid of anger and argument. And this admonishment that Timothy causes the men of the Ephesian assemblies to engage in corporate prayer on behalf of all people, everywhere, occurs at a place in the letter immediately after Paul charges certain individuals to stop teaching false doctrine in the Ephesian assemblies. Thus we concluded in Parts 10 and 11 of this series, that Paul’s instruction that the men of the assemblies engage in corporate prayer was essentially the first line of attack against the Jewish Gnosticism that had begun to take hold in the assemblies.

      Then in verse 9, out of nowhere mind you, Paul abruptly breaks into a discussion of proper and appropriate womens’ attire, appearance and deportment, and then on to womens’ education and the alleged prohibition against women teaching and usurping authority over men. And we found that without employing proper hermeneutic techniques and contextual criticism, there is no logical way to explain or understand Paul’s abrupt indictment against women in the so-called church, except one accepts that Paul was doing an about-face or a reversal in his views on women in leadership roles in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah. There simply is no other way to understand and explain this section.

      But we, through a careful examination of 1 Timothy—ie., using context—and certain well researched extra-biblical resources that tackled Ephesian culture, religion, language, and history—that Paul in no way prohibited women from teaching and preaching in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah. In fact, Paul insisted that women learn Torah and the Gospel the proper way. And that nagging verse where Paul declares he “suffers not a woman to teach but to remain silent and not usurp authority over the man” appears to be a refutation against or an indictment against the women or the unnamed woman who were spreading their heretical Gnostic dribble throughout the Ephesian assemblies. Thus, Paul’s obvious support for women of faith leaders remains firmly intact.

      An Unexpected Addition to the Narrative 

      Then we come to verses 13 through 15, and we find another abrupt, inexplicable teaching by Paul that essentially summarizes the creation story. And it’s not just the inexplicable insertion of the Torah story of creation that’s problematic here, but it’s the suggestive misogynistic points that Paul, on the surface, appears to be driving home to Timothy. Again, on the surface, these suggestive misogynistic points, absence contextual and sound extra-biblical hermeneutic resources, are confusing:

      (1) That Eve was deceived, transgressed the commandment of YHVH, and man innocently becomes the victim of Eve’s deception;

      And (2) that women are through childbearing as opposed to a trusting faith in the atoning sacrifice of Yahoshua haMashiyach. Indeed, another “What you talk’n ‘bout Paul set of hard to understand Pauline verses.

      All Is Not Lost—There is a Reason For Paul’s Adam and Eve Statements

      Nevertheless, what we will find out, just as we discovered with verse nine’s inexplicable, abrupt discussion of womens’ apparel and deportment, there is a reason why Paul wrote what he did regarding the creation story. In fact, based upon all that we’ve been talking about regarding the spread of Jewish Gnosticism in and through the Ephesian assemblies in Paul’s day, you’ve probably already figured out (1) why Paul wrote what he did regarding Adam and Eve, and (2) what Paul likely meant in these confusing and troubling three verses.

      For the time being, however, we’re going to examine verses 13 through 15 in context with verses 9 through 12, as well as put our entire focus passage all together into an easy to understanding format that will hopefully expel the many error-ridden doctrines and teachings regarding women of Faith in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah.

      Logical and Accurate Transitioning From Women Education and Teaching to the Creation Order

      Now, we’ve come to understand that Paul wanted the Ephesian women or the unnamed woman (the scenario which I tend to favor) to give up her heretical, no-doubt Gnostic-based teaching in the Ephesian assemblies; sit down; shut up; dress appropriately; and learn (verses 9-12). But then we come upon another one of Paul’s abrupt, inexplicable instructions, without much in the way of a warning or transition verse, phrase or word. However, when we consider all that we’ve discussed regarding the Artemis/Diana cult in everyday Ephesian secular and religious society; the spreading of heretical Jewish Gnostic teachings, twisted Torah tales, Jewish myths and such, all of which was heavily infringing on the Ephesian assemblies as evidenced by the existence of various clues scattered throughout 1 Timothy, it actually becomes quite easy to determine the reason for Paul’s seeming inexplicable mention of the creation order, the fall of man and his discussion about women’s salvation being based on childbearing.

      So what we will find as we examine these three, otherwise hard to understand verses, is that if we (1) understand—at least somewhat–the false doctrine that certain of these Ephesian assembly women (or the unnamed woman) were putting out there—again, conceivably house-to-house; and (2) if we take the bold step of accepting the single, unnamed female Gnostic teacher being the primary focus of Paul’s instruction regarding truth-based Torah education, teaching and preaching in the Ephesian assemblies, then we will find that these three verses (ie., verses 13 through 15) make perfect sense. And the fake news that for centuries put forth the false doctrine, dare I say, the ridiculous misogynistic narrative that 1 Timothy is somehow this amazing church administrative manual that, oh by the way, prohibits women from preaching, leading corporate prayer and teaching in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah because Eve was created after Adam and Eve transgressed the commandment of God, which led to the fall of man, well that prohibition story crumbles under the weight of Spirit-led Truth. Instead of silencing women, we find under the light of Truth, that women are forever free to exercise their God-given talents and callings in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah. Furthermore, through a true understanding of 1 Timothy, we stand to gain a greater appreciation of the damage that false, inaccurate teachings can impose on a congregation and or the Body of Messiah. And thus the current leaders and teachings of the Body of Messiah are responsible for rightly dividing the Word of Truth (cf. 2 Tim. 2:15), using proper hermeneutical principles and giving ear to the Ruach haKodesh (ie., the Holy Spirit).

      So let’s revisit Gnosticism one last time so as to set the table, if you will, for our contextual break down of 1 Timothy 2:13-15.  

      Gnostic Ideas of Origin

      As a whole, first through third-century Gnosticism was terribly inconsistent. In fact, Irenaeus (2nd century A.D. Greek church bishop and theologian) remarked that “no two Gnostics could be found who agreed on an issue.” Celsus (a 2nd century A.D. Greek philosopher and early Christian opponent), as revealed through Irenaeus’ writings, agreed, suggesting that the various Gnostic sects could not come to any sort of agreement in their teaching (Irenaeus Against Heresies 1.11.1; 1.9.5, and Celsus Against Origen 5.62). Thus their teachings appeared to be fluid; absent of any clear-cut boundaries. It has been noted that a story told twice in the same Gnostic-based document could be rendered altogether differently in that same document; even to the point of the two renderings of the story being outright contradictory.

      In addition, it could be accurately concluded that there were a variety of Gnostic sects popping up throughout the Roman Empire in the early centuries of the so-called Church.

      Now, interestingly enough, the creation story appears to be one of the most obvious links that tie 1st-century Gnosticism to Judaism, Torah and the True Faith once delivered. Taking advantage of this critical link, the Gnostics in most cases, twisted the creation story such that it was at times completely at odds with Torah’s revelation of the creation. Invariably, Gnostic teachings of the creation often featured a supreme being who was far higher than YHVH—the God of the Old Testament.

      Revisiting the Mysterious Greek Term Authentein

      Looking back to Part-14 of this series, recall that we examined in detail, the mysterious Greek term “authentein.” This mysterious term (mysterious because it is not used anywhere else in the whole of scripture) was used by the Apostle in his refutation of the false teaching activities of the unnamed Ephesian assembly woman or women. Paul’s refutation of the woman is framed as a “usurping of authority” or “authenteo” over the man, with the solution to that unauthorized usurpation being the woman or women taking on a state of “hesuchia” or respectful quiet and learning in the Ephesian assemblies.

      Well, interestingly enough, in certain Gnostic literature, the so-called Gnostic supreme being is referred to as “Authentia,” or in English, the “Author.” And at times, Authentia is identified as female (eg., Artemis/Diana).

      And the discussion doesn’t end there. In many portrayals of the creation story, the Gnostics portray Eve as the giver of life; specifically, the originator or the giver of life to none other than Adam. Furthermore, Eve is portrayed as the originator, or the “gnosis” (ie., of knowledge and enlightenment) of humankind. Thus, Eve is viewed as pre-existing Adam.

      (Are you starting to see where this is all going as it relates to verse 13 of our focus passage?)

      According to Richard and Christine Kroeger in their book “I Suffer Not a Women:”

      Richard and Catherine Kroeger meticulously examine in their book the various Gnostic and mythological influences adversely affecting the Ephesian Assemblies.

      “The Gnostics maintained that the beneficent serpent, through the instrumentality of Eve, undid the deceit perpetrated on Adam. Satan brought news of a spiritual world far higher than the material one, and of spiritual realities far grander than those provided to Adam by Ialdabaoth (the name of their creator)” (ibn; pg. 122). 

      The Adam and Eve Story in 1 Timothy 2

      We discussed in previous installments to this series that the first-century A.D. Gnosticism that Paul and Timothy were up against, appears to be the handiwork of “heterodox Diaspora Jews” (Kroegers; pg. 148). Now, we know this to have a basis of Truth because of the works and accounts passed down to us by some of the so-called Church Fathers, who wrote extensively in opposition to Gnostic teachings and beliefs (eg., Iranaeus’ “Against Heresies,” c. 180 A.D.).

      As well as we now have the rather dubious benefit of a treasure trove of archaeologically recovered Gnostic writings known as the Nag Hammadi Library of Gnostic writings.

      In case you’re unfamiliar with the Nag Hammadi Gnostic writings, it is a collection of some 13-ancient books or codices, containing some of the so-called “Gnostic Gospels” (eg., The Apocalypse of Adam; The Apocryphon of James; The Gospel of Thomas; and so many more). This library was supposedly recovered in upper Egypt in 1945. Interestingly enough, scholars knew of these books before the 1945 discovery, but feared they were forever lost as a result of them being destroyed in the first-couple centuries of the so-called Orthodox Church for obvious reasons.

      According to “The Gnostic Society Library” (The Gnostic Gospels Website), “The discovery and translation of the Nag Hammadi library, initially completed in the 1970’s, has provided impetus to a major re-evaluation of early Christian history and the nature of Gnosticism.”

      So it is through these and other discovered writings that we now have a greater appreciation for the likely situation on the ground in the Ephesian assemblies of Paul’s day.

      I’ve actually read portions of some of these writings and I have to say that I was appalled at the content—the twisting of Truth—the presumption and hubris of the writers. Indeed, these are as Paul described, teachings of demons (1 Tim. 4:1).

      The Mixing of Truth with False Teachings

      Nevertheless, I love what the Kroegers wrote regarding first-century heterodox Diaspora Jewish Gnosticism:

      “Everything in the society (ie., Ephesus) invited a blending of the religious culture” (ibn; 148).

      And we know that the diaspora Jews were not immune to this religious tendency.

      Case in point: Paul’s first missionary journey to Ephesus where we get our first peek at the Diaspora Jewish Gnosticism that was prevalent in Ephesus at the time: 

      Acts 19:1 While Apollos was in Corinth, Sha’ul completed his travels through the inland country and arrived at Ephesus…both Jews and Greeks, living in the province of Asia heard the message about the Lord.
      11 God did extraordinary miracles through Sha’ul.
      12 For instance, handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were brought to sick people; they would recover from their ailments; and the evil spirits would leave them.
      13 Then some of the Jewish exorcists who traveled from place to place tried to make use of the name of the Lord Yeshua in connection with people who had evil spirits. They would say, “I exorcise you by the Yeshua that Sha’ul is proclaiming!”
      14 One time, seven sons of a Jewish cohen gadol named Skeva were doing this;
      15 and the evil spirit answered them. It said, “Yeshua I know. And Sha’ul I recognize. But you? Who are you?”
      16 Then the man with the evil spirit fell upon them, overpowered them and gave them such a beating that they ran from the house, naked and bleeding.
      17 When all this became known to the residents of Ephesus, fear fell on all of them, Jews and Greeks alike; and the name of the Lord Yeshua came to be held in high regard.
      18 Many of those who had earlier made professions of faith now came and admitted publicly their evil deeds;
      19 and a considerable number of those who had engaged in occult practices threw their scrolls in a pile and burned them in public. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, it came to fifty thousand drachmas. (Act 19:1-19 CJB)

      So we have available to us today, undeniable biblical and extra-biblical support for the existence of Jewish-Gnosticism in first-century Ephesus. In particular, we have a number of clues scattered throughout 1st and 2nd Timothy, as well as in Titus, that point to an infiltration of Gnosticism (eg., 1 Tim. 6:20 & 21), tales and myths (ie., 1 Tim. 1:4; 2 Tim. 4:4; Tit. 1:14) into the Ephesian assemblies of Messiah; again, conceivably by women or an unnamed woman who was spreading this heretical teachings throughout the assemblies.

      This Pauline passage is quite revealing as it relates to the scourge of Jewish Gnosticism in the Cretan assemblies:

      10 For there are many, especially from the Circumcision faction, who are rebellious, who delude people’s minds with their worthless and misleading talk.
      11 They must be silenced; because they are upsetting entire households by teaching what they have no business teaching, and doing it for the sake of dishonest gain.
      12 Even one of the Cretans’ own prophets has said, “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons”-
      13 and it’s true! For this reason, you must be severe when you rebuke those who have followed this false teaching, so that they will come to be sound in their trust
      14 and no longer pay attention to Judaistic myths or to the commands of people who reject the truth.
      (Tit 1:10-14 CJB)

      Thus, a refutation against Jewish Gnosticism seems to be the basis or purpose upon which these three pastorals were written. In a very general sense, these letters contain discussions about false teachings and how false teachers were to be dealt with. In other words, 1st and 2nd Timothy, along with Titus serve as an antidote to “heterodoxy” (Kroegers; pg. 42). And just for the record, heterodoxy has to do with any teachings or doctrines that differ with orthodoxy—ie., with Torah and the Gospel that Yahoshua Messiah taught.

      First Timothy, then, is a response to congregational turmoil; an assembly threatened to be overrun by heretical teaching and doctrine; an assembly fraught with “bitter disputes over matters of faith and practice” (Kroegers; pg. 43). Paul had departed Ephesus, leaving Timothy behind with instructions to “stop certain people from teaching a different doctrine and embroiling themselves in myths” (1 Tim. 1:3,4).

      Thus, at the risk of getting too ahead of myself here today, 1 Timothy 2:13-15 serve as a refutation against the Gnostic notion that Eve was a spiritual mediator with some amount of superior knowledge such that she was sent by the supreme being—possibly Authentia—the Author—not enough information to definitively say—as possibly an “instructor of life to rouse Adam from his sleep” (Kroegers; pg. 124). Paul strongly repudiates the idea that the wise serpent, instead of beguiling or deceiving Eve, actually passed his vast wisdom on to Eve. Consequently, we find in 1 Timothy 2:15, Paul re-establishes the Truth of Torah to Timothy; that Eve was not only created after Adam, but that she was deceived and she too transgressed the commandments of YHVH.

      Eve (aka Havah) did not bring enlightenment to Adam, or for that matter, mankind. Instead, her transgression, along with Adam’s, resulted in darkness and alienation from YHVH. Not her alone, but Adam alongside her as well. For we find Paul saying in verse 14 of 1 Timothy 2, that Adam was not deceived. Now, some might take exception to Paul’s statement here. But when you really think about it, it’s quite reasonable to rationalize that the commandment to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was given directly to Adam by the Creator:

      “Adonai, God, gave the person (Adam) this order: ‘You may freely eat from every tree in the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You are not to eat from it…” (Gen. 2:16; CJB).

      So the prohibition against eating the forbidden fruit was given to Adam, whose duty it was to teach Eve the Creator’s commandments—His Torah if you will. However, it would appear that Havah’s training or understanding or commitment to the understanding of Father’s commandment not to eat of the forbidden fruit, did not firmly take hold within her. Thus, she bought into the nechesh’s (ie., the serpent’s) lie and the twisting of Father’s command.

      And what about Adam? Wasn’t he deceived? Well, Genesis 3:6 clearly documents that Adam was right there with Havah (aka Eve) at the time she was being deceived by the nechesh (aka serpent). Clearly, the nechesh’s deceptive work was directed exclusively at Eve, not Adam. Thus, Adam would not have been deceived, but he ate of the forbidden fruit in rebellion to Abba’s Torah—Abba’s commandment, knowing full-well what he was doing at the time he transgressed the commandment. He himself, instead of repenting for his transgression, stated that he simply chose to eat of the forbidden fruit because Havah gave it to him. Thus, Adam willfully transgressed YHVH’s command for whatever reason. Eve, on the other hand, revealed that she ate of the forbidden fruit because she was “tricked” by the nechesh (aka, the serpent) (Gen. 3:12 & 13; CJB). 

      Considerations of Childbearing—1 Timothy 2:15

      So let’s quickly tie together what we know so far in our examination of our focus passage.

      In 1 Timothy 2:13 & 14, Paul once and for all sets the record straight as it relates to the facts of the Creation order; the fall of humankind, and the understanding that man transgressed the commandment of His Creator as opposed to reaping the grand benefits associated with the gifting of gnosis or knowledge from the serpent and or Eve.

      Now, we have two ways of looking at this “setting the record” straight by Paul:

      1. Orthodox, conventional wisdom would contend that Paul, in verses 13 and 14, provided his apprentice Timothy a reason for his prohibition against women teaching and preaching in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah. In other words, Timothy, my son, the reason I will not tolerate women teaching and or preaching in the Church is because Eve was created after Adam and that she single-handedly ignited the fire that brought about the “fall of man.” Hands down: this is the most widely accepted explanation for these two verses. The problem with this understanding is that it is contextually out of place—there is no reason whatsoever that Paul would bring up the Creation order and the fall of man to substantiate or support his prohibition against women teaching and preaching in the assemblies of Messiah, especially when we know from previous parts of this series, that Paul revered a great many female teachers, preachers, prophets, congregation leaders, and at least one apostle of the Body of Messiah. Nor is it sufficient to postulate that all the female leaders of Paul’s evangelistic team were exceptions to Paul’s teaching and preaching prohibition. For Paul to make such a universal, normative prohibition against women preaching and teaching in the assemblies and Body of Messiah not only makes no spiritual or commonsense, it would be Apostolic suicide on Paul’s part. The assemblies he oversaw would no doubt call him on his flip-flopping on his new, contradictory doctrine, as well as they would have serious concerns about other areas of the Faith he would no doubt later flip-flop on. In other words, Paul would not be trusted by the very people he instructed to imitate him as he imitated Messiah (1 Cor. 11:1). Again, at the time Paul wrote 1 Timothy, not many years had passed since Priscilla taught, preached and oversaw the Ephesian assemblies. So it’s a fair bet a good many Ephesian assembly members still recalled her time in office there.

      2. Contextually, culturally, historically, and linguistically, these two verses are clearly a refutation (ie., a setting the record straight, if you will) of the heretical, false Torah teachings that we’ve identified as Jewish Gnosticism. And clearly, the one heretical, false teaching that stood out the most in Paul’s mind is the false teaching that Eve (ie., Havah) was created before Adam, and that Eve did not transgress God’s commandments, but instead, she brought enlightenment to Adam, and by default, all of mankind. Havah, thus, became somewhat of a mediator between God and man. And thus we have it; just a few verses prior to our focus passage, Paul leaving yet another clue of that which he was having to deal with; that being an erroneous understanding that there was more than one God and one mediator:

      “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men; the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Timothy 2:5; ESV; KJV).

      Now can you see what I mean by my statement that Paul leaves numerous clues strewn throughout his letter that when factored into the vise of Holy Spirit revelation, context, history, culture, language and geography, reveal the true intent and meaning of his writings?

      The other thing that I slightly touched upon in a previous installment to this series, but failed to give much in the way of attention to, is this whole underbelly of the “matron goddess,” which appears to be part and parcel of some early Gnostic beliefs and teachings. And this matron goddess belief and teaching ties in quite well with Paul’s insertion of the Adam and Eve story in verses 13 and 14.

      It appears that Ephesus’ matron goddess was known by many names throughout the Roman Empire: the Great Mother of the gods; the Mountain Mother; Ma; Bellona; Cybele; Demeter; and Artemis. She was worshiped as “the mother of all gods and of men and the mistress of animals.” And it was firmly believed that from her came all life. When one died, he or she would be gathered once again to her womb. Furthermore, the matron goddess was believed to have stood guard over the tombs of her devotees (Kroegers; pg. 50).

      So we have Jewish Gnosticism, which we know to have existed in first-century Ephesus, a city well known for her devotion and pagan beliefs in a matron goddess—the mother goddess Artemis—spreading anti-Torah teachings and rhetoric that denied Torah’s stated order of Creation and the truth of the fall of man. Can there be any coincidence that Paul would simply choose to put women teachers and preachers on a spiritual “time out” just because he felt like it at the time. Eh, it’s a good bet that it’s not at all a coincidence, but a clear and precise refutation of spiritual wrongdoing in the Ephesian assemblies by certain women or an unnamed, no doubt married woman; possibly going from assembly to assembly, plying her pagan, heretical doctrinal wears. 

      Childbearing and the Salvation of the Woman

      So with all that’s been said about verses 13 and 14, it’s time to bring this passage to a proper conclusion, and see if we can explain and properly interpret verse 15 of our focus passage.

      The first thing Paul hits us with is a rather confusing and provocative statement that women or the unnamed woman will be saved through childbearing…the key term childbearing (Greek of “technogonia”) being what I want to touch on here for just a few moments.

      As with other areas of our focus passage, there are some inherent problems with this verse:

      (1) What does childbearing have to do with Paul’s instruction that the Ephesian assembly women or the unnamed woman be afforded the opportunity to properly learn Truth and to abstain from teaching and spreading their Gnostic trash throughout the city’s assemblies? Again, another “out of nowhere” statement/instruction from Paul.

      (2) Why would Paul bring up childbearing as the basis upon which the women or the woman would be saved? This statement on its own merits is extremely contradictory and any semblance of internal consistency is ruined just on the merits of this verse alone. For Paul himself wrote to the Messianic Assemblies in Ephesus the following regarding salvation:

      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8; KJV).

      And even in his follow-up letter to Timothy, Paul affirms the same doctrine:

      “Who (ie., our Heavenly Father) hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began…” (2 Tim. 1:10; KJV).

      And we find that Paul wasn’t the only one to recognize that salvation is a gift of God—Abba’s abundant grace that is shed upon us—and is based upon Faith:

      “Through His (ie., our Heavenly Father) faithfulness, you are guarded by god’s power so that you can receive the salvation He is ready to reveal in the last time” (1 Pet. 1:5; CEB).

      So, once again, “What you talk’n ‘bout Paul?” Is salvation had through Faith in the sacrifice of Messiah or is it through childbearing?

      The one good thing to be had, as it relates to this tricky verse, is that both problems can be easily resolved together—ie., in unison. For when we factor in the single, unnamed woman scenario into our focus passage, then our understanding of this verse is made easier.

      But before we do that, let’s quickly look at:

      Gnostic Views of Procreation

      Richard and Catherine Kroeger point out in their book the following regarding Gnostic thinking as it relates to procreation:

      “To procreate children is to scatter the divine particles still further and to entomb more human spirits in the flesh” (ibn; pg. 174).

      Clearly, certain Gnostic groups were vehemently opposed to childbearing (Stephen Benko, “The Libertine Ghnostic Sect of the Phibionites According to Epiphanius,” Vigiliae Christianae 21, 2 (1967); 103-19).

      One group (ie., the Phibionites) urged their followers to renounce the procreation of children during intercourse. Sadly enough, certain extra-biblical literary evidence suggests that groups such as the infamous Phibionites forced abortions upon their female members, in the event a couple were to become pregnant. And to make matters worse, the aborted child would be eaten by members of the group for purposes of assimilating the child’s soul-particles.

      This is diametrically opposite of that which Torah commanded: that humans be fruitful and multiple. In fact, Paul made the family a highlight of his ministry. Secondly, Torah forbid murder.

      Folks, this disgusting account should, if anything, help us better appreciate the enormity of Paul’s and Timothy’s war against Gnosticism in the Ephesian assemblies. Indeed, Gnosticism was, and in many cases, still remains a significant threat to the Faith once delivered. A significant threat, yes, but not an existential one. For Master Yahoshua clearly asserted that the gates of hell—ie., the forces of evil—would not prevail against his sacred assembly (Mat. 16:18). 

      So you may be asking, what does any of this have to do with the issue of childbearing that Paul brings up in verse 15? Well, actually a great deal. If in fact these Gnostic women or the unnamed Gnostic woman was spreading anti-marriage; anti-procreation’ anti-Torah; anti-Gospel teachings throughout the Ephesian home fellowships, then the pieces to our puzzle finally start to fit into their proper places and an amazing picture starts to emerge.

      Paul left us a clear clue that indeed such anti-marriage and anti-childbearing teachings were making their way throughout the Ephesian assemblies. I refer you to 1 Timothy 4:1-3:

      “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared (ala Hymenaeus and Alexander—the Faith shipwreckers), who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (ESV).

      Indeed, it seems pretty clear to me that Paul truly believed that he and the Body of Messiah were living out the “latter times;” and Gnosticism seems to be the teachings of demons Paul was alluding to in this passage. Furthermore, the fact that Paul attempts to impress upon Timothy the importance of women marrying, especially the younger ones, supports, in my mind, the likelihood that Paul is directly addressing the importance of marriage and childbearing amongst the couples of the assemblies. In fact, Paul instructed Timothy not to enroll the younger widows into a program that provided for the material needs of the assemblies’ widows. Instead, those younger widows would be encouraged to re-marry and serve the Body of Messiah domestically and deny the “adversary occasion for slander:”

      “But refuse to enroll younger widows, for when their passions draw them away from Christ, they desire to marry…So I would have younger widows marry, bear children, manage their households, and give the adversary no occasion for slander” (1 Tim. 5:11-14; ESV).

      In a sense we see Paul here touching on the commandment given to Adam and Eve in Torah, to be fruitful and multiply. Indeed, Paul here was being overtly anti-Gnostic in his statement. He was refuting the heretical anti-marriage, anti-childbearing teachings that the Ephesian women or the unnamed woman was spreading to the various house assemblies. I guess one could say Paul was throwing these heretical teachings right back in the false teachers’ faces.

      Nevertheless, Paul had compassion for the deceived women or woman. He wanted nothing more than the woman to be brought to Truth and in to a Godly life. He wrote:

      “But she will be delivered through childbearing, if she continues in faith and love and holiness with self-control” (1 Timothy 2:15; NET).

      In other words, if this unnamed female Gnostic, anti-Torah teacher were to simply give up and stop spreading doctrines of demons; sit down; shut up and learn Truth; raise a family—assuming she continued in the Faith and lived a holy and Godly life–she would be redeemed.

      An Alternate Interpretation

      A rather prevalent interpretation of verse 15 that is widely accepted by many Pauline and New Testament Bible scholars is that Paul is actually referring Timothy back to Genesis 3:15 which reads as follows:

      “And I (YHVH) will put enmity between thee (ie., the serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel” (KJV).

      This well known and often referenced passage of the Creation story is believed by most to be a prophetic reference to Mashiyach. This verse has been dubbed the “protevangelium” by modern-day scholars. The protevangelium supposes that this pronouncement against the serpent—ie., the nechesh—is the earliest Messianic prophecy in scripture. For it allegorically tells of Havah’s ultimate offspring, Yahoshua HaMashiyach—the “seed of the woman”—who delivers a crippling blow to the seed of the woman—Mashiyach—who in turn delivers a fatal and ultimate blow to the serpent—the nechesh—whereby hasatan will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

      Now, some of course reject the allegorical Messianic prophetical interpretation of Genesis 3:15, choosing instead to interpret the passage as a literal struggle against humans and snakes throughout history. I don’t necessarily ascribe to this interpretation; especially given the information that is emerging of late regarding the serpent of Genesis being not so much a “snake,” but a fallen angel with a flaming, serpent-like appearance. (We will not get into this issue in this post.)

      If we reject my scenario whereby verse 15 is an admonishment for the unnamed Gnostic woman or women to settle down and redeem herself through learning and marriage and childbearing, then the “protevangelium” scenario seems to be the only reasonable interpretation for this verse. There is really no other reason for Paul to have mentioned a woman being saved through childbearing. 

      Putting Our Focus Passage into Proper Light

      So in closing—let’s put this whole focus passage of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 into an easy to understand interpretative light. I would offer the following interpretation of the passage—actually beginning with verse 1 of chapter 2:

      Having handed Hymenaeus and Alexander over to hasatan for their making a shipwreck of their faith through outright blasphemy of YHVH and Torah, the first thing I want to happen in our efforts to get the Ephesian assemblies back on spiritual track, is for the men of the assemblies to engage in corporate prayer. In every assembly, I’m calling all the men to engage in requests, prayers, petitions and thanksgiving on behalf of all people. And those public prayers are to be devoid of argument and anger, so that we of the True Faith once delivered may live peaceful, Godly and dignified lives.

      And I want the women of the assemblies to also engage in corporate prayer just like their male counterparts. In so doing, however, I need the women of the assemblies to dress appropriately and present themselves in a Godly manner. They cannot engage in corporate prayer activities in such a way that they draw inappropriate attention unto themselves. The women of the assemblies should not behave as the pagan Ephesian women do. Instead, they should behave in a Godly manner.

      This married woman, however, who is going from assembly to assembly spreading doctrines of demons, should be given the opportunity to learn Truth. She should engage in the learning of Torah, as any other Ephesian assembly man and woman, in a reverent, respectful and engaging manner.

      But I absolutely will not allow any teaching that puts women or makes women the originator—the architect of man. This woman who is going throughout the assemblies teaching this trash must be made to sit and learn the Truth with respect for her teachers.

      Besides, contrary to this woman’s heretical teaching that Eve was the originator of Adam or that she was the mediator between God and man, or that some mother goddess created all things, Adam preceded Eve (aka Havah) in the creative order. Additionally, also for the record, Eve did not bring light and knowledge to Adam or to mankind. She was beguiled—fooled by the nechesh (aka, the serpent) and she, along with her husband, transgressed YHVH’s Torah—His commandment.

      Here’s the deal regarding this woman—despite this heretical teaching that men and women should not marry nor procreate, which is anti-Torah teaching, this woman would be best served to stop spreading her doctrine of demons, learn Torah—learn Truth, and raise a family. If she does this, she is redeemable and will be saved as a result of her Faith, her godly behavior, her set-apartness, and her strict adherence to Truth.


      Friends, this concludes this portion of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series that has dealt specifically with Paul’s attitudes towards women of Faith fulfilling leadership roles in the Body of Messiah.

      I pray that this series has been a blessing to you. And if anything, my prayer is that any woman who may have listened to this series, be encouraged to embrace and exercise the teaching, preaching, prophesying, and leading gifts and callings that rest upon you. The Body of Messiah needs your unique callings and giftings; for the time is short and the fields are beckoning workers to work the harvest while it is still day.

      Now, this in no way says that women should wrest all control from men and assume every leadership position in the Body and Assembly of Messiah. We men must continue to do our part. As Godly men, we are compelled to love and provide for our wives and our families; lead in the work of the Gospel as the Spirit directs; and fully support our wives in whatever ministry the Holy Spirit bestows upon them.

      The other thing I hope comes from this series is that it will cause you to conduct your own studies on the topics we’ve discussed and allow the Holy Spirit to speak directly to you as a result of your personal studies.

      Released from the Law

      Released from the Law Moving on from our lengthy discussion on Grace as taken from Ephesians 2:8 and 9, I’d like to look at another popular passage of the Bible that the anti-Torah Christian uses to condemn those of us who embrace a Torah lifestyle. Romans 6:14, and...

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      By Grace are you Saved–Grace and the Law Part 2

        By Grace are You Saved   Part 2 of the series: Grace and the Law In part one (1) of this series entitle Grace and the Law, we critically looked at some of the key bible passages that our cousins in fundamental and charismatic churchianity (or Christianity...

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