The Book of Romans-What it is and What it is Not–Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

The Book of Romans-What it is and What it is Not–Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

The Book of Romans-What it is and What it is Not--Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Looking Back 

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you may recall that I began a series entitled “Paul and Hebrew Roots” in the fall of 2018. In addition, with the completion of my discussion on Paul’s view of woman leaders in the Faith in September of 2019 (Part-14 of the series), I put the series on somewhat of a hiatus, fully intending to resume the series in short order. 

You may also recall that I embarked on this series because I had received so many inquiries about certain challenging and difficult Pauline passages. These passages seemed to oppose the Hebraic/Messianic/Netzari lifestyle or Torah keeping by Yah’s Set-Apart people. 

However, while I was a few episodes into the series, questions regarding Paul’s view of women in Messianic and church leadership roles caused me to shift the course of the series. Therefore, I veered away from a general discussion of Paul’s difficult and challenging writings for a detailed study of Paul’s true view of women in the Messianic Faith.

 We’re Resuming the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

Well, today we will resume the series as promised and get back on our original intended course. Moreover, needless to say, we have a lot of ground to cover for the duration of this series. 

Therefore, my focus in this series will now turn to Shaul’s (i.e., Paul’s) Cepher (i.e., the Book, Letter, Epistle or Scroll) to the Romans. In addition, over the next several installments of this series, we will identify, dissect and attempt to accurately interpret (i.e., explain) some of the more challenging and unclear passages of Romans.

 Paul Is Often Hard to Understand

Regarding those annoying, challenging and unclear Pauline writings that we’ve all come to love and hate, the Apostle Kefa (i.e., Peter) wrote in his general epistle: 

“And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation. Even as our beloved brother Paul, also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you. As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things (i.e., that which was formerly written by the Set-Apart prophets and the commandment of Yahoshua; and the end times 3:2), in which are some things hard to be understood. Which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction” (2 Pet. 3:15, 16; KJV).


So even Shaul’s apostolic colleague recognized contemporaneously, that Shaul’s readers might have some difficulties understanding some of the things Shaul wrote. This tells us that Kefa himself had to have read some of Shaul’s writings and thought to himself, “What in the world?”

 Paul was Unique and Brilliant

Let us remember (and I mentioned this in my portrait of Shaul, the man and the apostle, the first couple episodes of the Paul and Hebrew Roots series), that Shaul was indeed a unique, complex and brilliant servant of YHVH. He obviously was operating on a different plain than his apostolic colleagues. 

However, just because some of Shaul’s writings are a bit challenging and difficult to understand doesn’t mean we can’t accurately understand them. For with a little spiritual and mental hard work, we most assuredly can accurately understand them. 

Why Resume The Paul and Hebrew Roots Series? 

Why are we doing this? Well, we’re doing this for a few reasons, some of which I went into detail when we first launched this Paul and Hebrew Roots Series. Moreover, if by chance you either are new to this program, or were not able to listen to any of the segments to the series, I would humbly encourage you to do so when you get the chance. (I’ll go ahead put the link to this show’s index page here in the show notes where you can select whichever installment of the series you want to listen to for your convenience.

But suffice to say, one of the greatest points of division that exists between the Hebrew Roots/Messianic/Netzari Community and our cousins in fundamental/traditional/charismatic Christianity. These points of division are doctrinal and theological teachings that are based upon a scandalous misinterpretation or misrepresentation of Shaul’s (i.e., Paul’s) writings. In addition, let’s not mince words here. We’re talking primarily about areas of Paul’s writings where Paul addresses issues and topics related specifically to Torah.

 A Lot of Work Ahead of Us

Now, we’re going to look at a great number of interesting and challenging Romans passages covering a whole host of topics and issues; not just his pesky and confusing passages on Torah. And the ultimate goals of this series are:

(1) To help us better understand various aspects of our Set-Apart walk with Messiah that were uniquely revealed to the Apostle to the Gentiles by our Master Yahoshua Messiah.

And (2) to help correct and or dispel some of the confusion that surrounds some of Paul’s challenging and or more difficult passages. 

I have to say that I am very excited to be taking this journey with you. And the reason I’m so excited about resuming this series is simply that much of what most of us know of the Book to the first-century Roman Messianics, is from a Christian—Trinitarian—Grace-only—Pre-Tribulation—Secret Rapture—dare I say Anti-Semitic—Replacement Theology perspective. So with all the advancements our Faith Community has made in our understanding of the Hebrew culture, history, geography and language, it seems about time we stop embracing the worn-out, tired old westernized brand of Pauline Christianity. 

Starting Out With The Epistle To The Romans 

To get this party started, so to speak, I’ve elected to begin with the Book of Romans. 

As it relates to our study of Romans, we are going to conduct more of a “topic or issue” study than a chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse study of the book. Therefore, we will only examine those passages that present unique challenges to our Faith Community and or that highlight unique aspects to our Messianic Set-Apart lifestyle. 

Let us not forget that the series title remains “Paul and Hebrew Roots.” Therefore, we will only be interested in discussing those topics and issues contained in Romans that present particular challenges and insight into important aspects of our Faith.  

Setting the Tone—What is the Book to the Romans? 

So let’s get started by setting the tone for our study. 

To begin with, no Torah Observant Disciple of Yeshua Messiah should pick up the Book of Romans (or any other Pauline epistle) and simply start reading it without first coming to terms with what it is he or she is actually reading. For I can tell you (and you should inherently know this) that Romans is not like the books of Torah; nor the books of the prophets; nor the writings such as Psalms and Proverbs; nor the Gospels.

Romans and Paul’s other letters, are simply ancient letters. An ancient writer wrote these letters. Paul addressed his letters to a specific ancient reader(s). He wrote these letters in response to topics or issues that came to his attention. Plain and simple. Moreover, we will see that contrary to what most Christian scholars and teachers and preachers contend Romans is not a theological framework upon which to establish and maintain a Church organization.


Setting the Tone—The Reader of Romans Must Desire More Information 

If the Set-Apart truth-seeker truly desires to arrive at an accurate understanding of the Book of Romans, he or she must gain as much background information about Paul and his original readers as possible. 

Setting the Tone—Rejecting Laziness 

The only way for the Messianic Truth-Seeker to gain a true understanding of those challenging and difficult Roman passages is to reject/fight against biblical laziness. What I mean by this is that he or she must learn to appreciate the art of digging deep. Bottom line: we must overcome Biblical illiteracy at every level possible. 

Allow me to explain. Many of us in this Set-Apart Faith can’t stand having to reference/or read other scriptural passages and verses that are not our specific focus passages or verses. Just tell us what our focus passage or verse means. Right? 

However, such an attitude should not get in the way of our search for Truth. For as a Torah Observant Disciple of Yeshua Messiah, we are required to dig deep.

 The Importance of the Whole of Scripture to Study

Recall our Master Yeshua who taught the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus of Himself through what means? Luke records that means: 

“And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27; ESV). 

Therefore, our Master used the whole of Scripture to teach his disciples about Himself. 

We have the example of Shaul delivering the Gospel to the Bereans, who before accepting the Apostle’s teachings: 

“…received the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things (i.e., the Words/teachings of Shaul) were so” (Acts 17:11; ESV). 

Thus, we have to somehow get beyond our biblical laziness and search the whole of Scriptures if we intend to take our learning to the next level. 

Therefore, our study will be at times, Scripture intensive.


Setting the Tone—The Five-Elements That Lead to True Biblical Understanding 

In addition, this leads me to what I call the five-elements that lead to true Biblical understanding. You see, we have a tendency to read passages from, not just Romans, but all the other books of the bible in scriptural “sound-bites” (i.e., isolated passages) . When we do that and fail to take into account these elements, we stand the high risk of misinterpreting or misunderstanding that passage. 

Why would I say such a thing? Well, I say this because Romans, and the other books of the bible, are ancient documents from a foreign, ancient culture and people that are very unfamiliar to most of us today. These documents are in most cases missing a great amount of background information. Consequently modern readers must grab hold of and understand those missing bits of background information. 

Therefore, the five-elements that lead to biblical understanding are:

(1) Context: that linkage involving the chapter itself; the book itself; the testament; and the whole bible.

(2) History: the specific history of the writer and his audience.

(3) Language: being able to understand specifics related to the Greek-Hebrew-Aramaic words used by the author.

(4) Geography: not always pertinent, but sometimes relevant when travel and locations referenced in our focus passages.

In addition (5) culture: the specific culture of the writer and his audience. 

Setting the Tone—Romans Was Not Written to Modern Messianics 

I am sorry to inform you that we (modern-day Messianic or Christian alike) were NOT Shaul’s intended audience, despite doctrinal and theological teachings to the contrary. We happen to be beneficiaries of the information that Shaul passed on to His Roman Messianic Assembly readers. Like anything else when it comes to bible study: the information we come across which was not originally addressed to us, must always be understood from the perspective of the writer and his original readers. 

We have to recognize that Paul did not address his writings to 21st century Christians and Messianics. They were not. We are blessed that these documents, through the grace of Yah, were saved and passed down to us over the centuries. In addition, we benefit from these ancient letters because contained within them is the Words of YHVH and the teachings of Yeshua our Mashiyach. In addition, we will maintain this mindset throughout our study of the Book of Romans. 

If Not Intended For Us, What Then is the Epistle to the Romans? 

Unfortunately, many church leaders, and not too few Messianics, treat the Letter to the Romans as some sort of theological treatise and NOT what it truly is. What do I mean by theological treatise? Well, a theological treatise is simply a “formal” document that identifies, presents the facts, and puts forth a conclusion on a specific issue or topic. And the conventional  thinking by many in the so-called church is that Paul’s epistles are theological treatises. In other words, Paul decided one day to sit down and write out his thoughts on various and sundry Christian-related issues. He then sent those thoughts on over to the Roman Assemblies for their reference.

 Romans is Not a Church Organization Manual

In fact, many see the Book of Romans as some form of Christian-living manual. Thus, according to such individuals, any well-intended believer who seeks to live a sound Christian-life would be compelled to go to the Book of Romans (and other Pauline writings) to learn about topics and issues common to Pauline Christianity. 

Moreover, although there is a slight degree of truth to this understanding of the Book of Romans, the truth of the matter is that it is NOT a theological treatise. Romans is in fact a letter written by the Apostle Paul specifically to first-century A.D. Roman Messianic Believers. Moreover, this letter addresses certain relevant, contemporaneous issues and topics that are specific to the first-century Roman Messianic Assemblies.

 Paul: A Cause and Effects Kind of Guy 

You see, since beginning this series in 2018, I’ve come to a clear understanding that Shaul was a “cause and effects kind of guy.” Something(s) happened. That something(s) comes to Shaul’s attention. Then Shaul responded by addressing that something(s) in the form of a letter. So apart from the Book to the Hebrews (which is in a sense a theological treatise that many scholars attribute to Paul), none of Paul’s epistles are theological treatises. You see, Shaul wrote as he was moved to do so (i.e., the Holy Spirit) in response to ongoing or contemporaneous issues that were adversely affecting the assemblies he oversaw. 

Now, none of this is to say that Shaul does not use the opportunities afforded him in his various epistles to expound upon theological matters. Clearly he does this on a frequent basis. However, his writings are in response to the specific issues and topics that his Roman Messianic readers were experiencing. 

Romans Must Be Viewed as a Historical Document Containing Essential Spiritual Truths 

Thus Romans, as in all of the remaining Pauline epistles, must be viewed as an ancient historical document, first and foremost. 

However, I would take this statement one-step further if you please. Romans is an ancient historical document that contains essential spiritual truths. 

As it relates to the historical nature of Romans, Douglas J. Moo (New Testament professor at Wheaton College), in his article entitled “The Epistle to the Romans” (New International Commentary on the New Testament) wrote: 

“Like every book in the NT, Romans is rooted in history. It is not a systematic theology but a letter, written in specific circumstances and with specific purposes…to understand its message aright, we must appreciate the specific context out of which Romans was written.”

 Next Time 

Well, this is a good place to stop for now. In addition, we will pick this study up in our next installment of The Messianic Torah Observer, Abba willing. 

In our next post we will examine who the Book of Romans was addressed to. For there are some essential facts as it relates to Paul’s Roman audience that every Messianic who studies Romans must be cognizant of if he or she is to truly understand what Shaul was trying to convey to his Roman Messianic Readers. 

And of course, at anytime during this series you have a specific passage of Romans that you want us to discuss, shoot me a message using any of the contact platforms we have available on our website 

Otherwise, we will simply go through The Book of Romans in chapter sequence. 

Until next time, may you be most blessed, fellow saints in training. Shalom. Take care.

The Niddah Laws–Still in Effect Today ?

The Niddah Laws--Still in Effect Today?

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

The Question of Niddah 

One question that seems to pop-up a lot from members of our Faith Community has to do with the Laws related to Niddah. Are the laws of Niddah still valid for today’s Torah Observant Disciples of Yeshua Messiah?

And in case you aren’t familiar with this Hebrew term, “Niddah” (“separated”) has to do with ordinances or statutes in Torah that governed Hebrew behavior in the midst of a woman’s menstrual periods.

Consequently, many (especially women) who transition into our Faith Community inevitably come across this issue.

So the purpose of this installment of the Messianic Torah Observer is to:

(1) Biblically define what it means to be Niddah.

(2) Distinguish between what is biblical and what is Rabbinic in regards to Niddah.

And (3), clarify whether or not the laws (the mitzvoth) pertaining to Niddah remains in effect for Netzari/Messianics/Hebrew Rooters today.

Father’s Torah

As true Torah Observant Disciples of Yeshua Messiah, we must always remain vigilant and diligent in keeping our Father’s commandments or instructions. We refer to those instructions and commandments as Torah. These are contained in the first 5-books of the Old Testament. And these make-up the basis by which we live and walk out our Faith.

Types of Torah Instructions

Despite our belief in the whole of content and context of Scripture, it is vitally important that every Netzarim/Messianic/Hebrew Rooter recognize the classes of commandments and instructions contained therein.

Father Himself differentiated the elements of His Torah into specific classes (cf. Nehemiah 9:14):

(1) Commandments—Mitzvah; the root being Tsavah, which means to lay a charge upon; to command; to give an order; to appoint. (These tend to include universal instructions related to righteousness, Godly behavior such as seen in the 10-Commandments.)

(2) Statutes or Ordinances—Choq or Chuqqah; decrees; requirements; boundaries that are set by the Creator. Even the customs and manners that make up our Faith (e.g., Niddah). (These tend to include instructions surrounding Tabernacle/Temple worship.)

(3) Judgments—Mishpat; a decision in Law; a legal right or provision; what to do when something happens. (These are provisions that are situational and may or may not apply to us today. It just depends on the situation. Such as cases of negligence.)

(4) Laws—Torah, which tends to be inclusive of all the above.

Just Because It’s In Torah Doesn’t Mean It is Still Applicable 

So when it comes to certain provisions in Torah such as Niddah, we must ascertain what the provision actually means and when and how it is applicable. Unfortunately, Niddah is one of those provisions that are contradictory as it relates to its applicability and validity to our Faith Community today.

What I mean is that there are certain aspects of the statute or ordinance of Niddah that are applicable today, as well as other aspects that do not apply today. Don’t worry. I’ll elaborate in just a moment.

Considerations When Addressing the Issue of Niddah 

There are a few things we must be cognizant of when we’re addressing the issue of Niddah.

The first thing is determining exactly what Niddah is biblically about (i.e., how Scripture defines the ordinance).

Secondly, we need to determine, biblically, whether the whole ordinance or just aspects of the ordinance apply to us today. In particular, we want to determine the essential balance of Ruach (I.e., Spirit) and Truth.

Lastly, we then need to simply walk out the Word with joy, peace, reverence and steadfastness; in Spirit and in Truth.

Determining Current Day Applicability of Niddah 

Despite Niddah being one of those hybrid Torah ordinances (ie., aspects of the ordinance still apply while other aspect don’t apply), biblically determining the applicability of these ordinances is quite easy. It simply requires we look at this thing from a biblically holistic standpoint. That is, we are compelled to consider the whole of Scripture within the scope of history, culture, and internal textual context. As well as, we must be of the mind to accept and obey the Truth of Yah’s Word when it is made known to us.  

Niddah and The Cepher of Leviticus

Let’s first define the ordinances/statutes related to Niddah. These ordinances or statutes are found in the Cepher (i.e., Book) of Leviticus or Vayikra. And take note that whenever we are studying Leviticus, we must keep in mind that this cepher or book is primarily dealing with the rites associated with Tabernacle and Temple Worship.

In particular, we’re talking about instructions governing:

  • Sacrifices and offerings;
  • How the Levitical Priests were to conduct worship;
  • Purity regulations for men and women;
  • Regulations for the Feasts and seasons of YHVH.


Purity and Tabernacle Worship 

These all relate in some way or another to Tabernacle and Temple worship. Although, mind you, these and other elements contained in the Book of Leviticus are NOT solely restricted to Tabernacle and Temple worship.

For example, in we find in Leviticus 23, Father provides us His appointed Feasts and Seasons. Within this chapter, Father gives us specifics regarding the keeping of the Feasts as it relates to Tabernacle worship (such as the required sacrifices and offerings for each occasion). Also contained within this chapter are specific instructions for us to do certain things for each occasion (such as do not servile work and convene a holy convocation) that are not necessarily tied to Tabernacle worship.

So we must be able to place each instruction into its proper biblical context.

Niddah and Worship at the Tabernacle/Temple 

And as it relates to the ordinances surrounding Niddah, we’re primarily (and I stress primarily) looking at how a woman’s monthly cycle affects her (and in some cases, her husband’s) ability to worship at the Tabernacle or Temple.

The Torah passages that define and address Niddah are contained in Leviticus (Vayikra) chapters 15 and 20.

Leviticus 15 Overview 

Leviticus 15 addresses regulations concerning bodily discharges which places affected man or woman into the ritually “impure” or “unclean” (Heb is tame’) category as it relates to his or her eligibility to worship at the Tabernacle or Temple. The first 18-verses of the chapter address the statutes related specifically to bodily discharges of men.

Then in verses 19-33, Father instructs that both the affected woman and anyone else who comes in physical contact with her during the time of her menstrual period be deemed as unclean for specified periods of time. In particular, the woman is in a state of ritual impurity from the start of her period until it ends. And when that period ends, she remains in a state of impurity for 7-days thereafter. Then, she is to wash her clothes and bathe (i.e., mikvahed). Afterward she was required to present 2-turtle doves or 2-pigeons to a Levitical Priest at the door of the Tabernacle. One of the birds would serve as a sin offering and the other a burnt offering. And upon the completion of these things, the woman would no longer be Niddah. Instead, the woman would be deemed ritually “pure” or “clean (taher).”

(This was only a rough overview of the chapter. For specifics, please study the chapter for yourself.)

Niddah From the Perspective of Ritual Purity 

Now, bear in mind that we have just looked at Niddah from the biblical perspective of the woman (and anyone who comes in physical contact with her at the time) being in a state of ritual impurity or uncleanness. This is very important to understand. For understanding the concept of taher and tame (purity/cleanness versus impurity/uncleanness) helps us recognize which Torah statutes and ordinances are still in effect today.

Niddah: A Case For Context and History 

How so? Because at the time these ordinances or statutes were given, the Tabernacle, soon to be Temple was in existence and in operation. And if you were deemed unclean/impure, you were not permitted to worship at the Tabernacle or Temple. As it relates to us today, the Temple no longer exists nor is it in operation. Thus, those statutes or ordinances defining the cleanliness or purity of a person of Faith for purposes of Tabernacle or Temple worship no longer applies to us.

So then, does this mean that all of the biblical statutes or ordinances surrounding Niddah do not apply to Messianics today? Well, from a ritual purity standpoint, the ordinances regarding Niddah do not apply to us today. Why? Because our purity is now determined by the shed blood of our Master Yahoshua Messiah. We are deemed pure in the sight of our Creator because of the work and agency of Yeshua our Master.

Cleansed From Our Impurities 

The Apostle Yochanan wrote in his first general epistle:


“If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Yeshua Messiah His Son cleanseth us from all sin…Therefore, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1:7; KJV).


The Applicable Side to the Niddah Question 

However, we are not in the least done with the subject of Niddah. Because there is at least one aspect of Niddah, that still applies to us today. And we’ll see here very quickly, what that applicable aspect is.

Let’s go back briefly to the Cepher of Leviticus, chapter 20. And we will see in this chapter Father addresses certain behaviors that violate the Holiness Laws of Torah.

(Now keep this in mind. When we’re talking about being in a state of Holiness, we’re talking about being set-apart unto Yehovah for His special purposes; to be used of Yah; to be loved by Yah as His special possession.)

And yes, there are several things covered in this chapter that disqualified the Hebrew from being holy unto YHVH.

Niddah and Holiness 

One of those disqualifying things has to do with Hebrew couples engaging in sexual intercourse during the time of a woman’s menstrual period.

We find in verse 18 the following:


“If a man lies with a woman during her menstrual period and uncovers her nakedness (i.e., he engages in sexual intercourse with her), he has made naked her fountain, and she has uncovered the fountain of her blood. Both of them shall be cut off from among their people (i.e., tossed out of the community)” (ESV).


What we see in this single verse is a prohibition from married couples engaging in sexual relations during the time of the wife’s menstrual period. Although such an instruction touches on ritualistic purity concerns, the true application of this ordinance or statute is an abstinence from intimacy during the menstrual period.

Obvious Concern For Health 

The concern here is the exposure of both the husband and woman to blood.

One aspect that must be factored into our understanding of this ordinance has to do with sanitation and health concerns for the congregation. And this one of many instructions concerned with keeping the congregation of Israel in pristine health. For Yah placed within the woman this biological process to accomplish a purpose. And certain activities such as intimacy are not to interfere with this process.

Rabbinic Influences Related to Niddah 

Now, the one thing that we must be cognizant of when it comes to our obedience to certain biblical ordinances is the ever-present influence of Rabbinic laws and traditions that surround those ordinances. For indeed, Rabbinic laws and traditions have completely placed a hedge around the biblical ordinances of Niddah. This means, of course, that those of us who do not have a solid contextual, Yeshua-focused understanding of the various ordinances of Torah, are easy prey for such Rabbinic laws.

Indeed, mainstream Judaism added extra-biblical commandments to the Niddah ordinances. Thus, Rabbinic traditions and laws in effect violate Deuteronomy 4:2:


You shall not add to the Word that I command you


Yes indeed, Rabbinic Judaism has not disappointed in their incessant tinkering of Yah’s Torah. For she has put into effect a whole set of detailed laws and teachings surrounding the ordinances of Niddah. And their laws and traditions in many places supersede or override the simple instructions of Father’s Torah.

For instance, Rabbinic Judaism has added detailed, robust instructions on the ritual bathing (mikveh) that Niddah women must undergo. As well as their laws stipulate the requirement for spouses to take up residence in separate quarters during the time of the woman’s menstrual period.

I won’t magnify the teachings of the Rabbis here by going anymore into detail.

So What Now? 

Suffice to say brethren: the ritualistic aspects of the Niddah ordinances no longer apply to today’s Messianics. Such that if anyone comes into physical contact with a Netzari woman during her menstrual period, he or she will not lose their purity in the sight of our Creator. That purity is cemented through the sacrifice of Yeshua Messiah.

However, what this ritualistic ordinance does remind us is that we must always be on guard to live holy and righteous lives so that we do not sully our spiritual garments and taint our presence before the Almighty.

Suffice to say brethren: the ordinance prohibiting intimacy during the spouse’s menstrual period is still very much in effect. There are obvious sanitation concerns and general deportment issues that make this aspect of Niddah of relevance today.

It was the Jerusalem Council that wrote that gentle Messianics were to abstain from “things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled and from blood” (Act. 15:20). Thus, we are required to not engage in marital intimacy at the time of our spouse’s menstrual period.

I pray that this brief discussion has clarified things for you and that you will conduct your own in-depth study on this and other subjects related to our set-apart walk with Yeshua Messiah.

And then it behooves us as Torah Observant Disciples of Yeshua Messiah to trust and obey.

Until next time, may you be most blessed, fellows Saints in Training. Shalom.

Mark of the Beast: What Are You Going To Do When They Come For You?

Mark of the Beast: What Are You Going To Do When They Come For You?

Mark of the Beast-What Are You Going To Do When They Come For You?

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

This is, “The Mark of the Beast: What Are You Going To Do When They Come For You.”


The Question is: What are you going to do when they (the power-brokers with the mark) come for you?


We will apply the question of “What are you going to do when they come for you?” to this present world health crisis. I’m not so much interested in creating dialogue around what appears to be looming ahead in the coming months for every well-meaning Torah Observant Disciple in Yeshua Messiah. Instead, I’m interested in convincing every Torah Observant Disciple in Yeshua Messiah to start thinking. As well, I’m praying that the elect start planning for what appears to be dark days ahead for members of our beloved Faith.

 Not About The Validity of the Current Pandemic

And just to clarify: this is not a commentary on whether or not the present health crisis is real. This is not about whether or not this thing was intentionally created and spread by any government. And this is certainly not about whether or not our governments are properly handling the situation. 

I recognize there is something out there: I’ve had distant members of my family as well as friends affected by this thing. But I also understand that this thing must be looked at by people of Faith with proper biblical, spiritual and commonsense perspective. And I’ll leave it at that.


 A Power Broker’s Proposal to Combat the Current Pandemic:

According to Bill Gates (allegedly), founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:

“Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”

This quote came from Laura Ingraham’s interview with U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr on Fox News Channel. Essentially, Ingraham asked Attorney Barr his opinion on the virtue of  implementing a tracking system in this country. It would be presumed that this sytem would track citizens who are immune to the virus. Thus, the system would  by default single out those who cannot certify they have immunity to the disease. 

The Importance of Such a Proposal to People of the True Faith:

Such a thing becomes quite relevant to Bible believers who are familiar with the well recognized prophecy of the Mark of the Beast. This prophecy is recorded in the Book of Revelation.

The Apostle John records:

“And he (the 2nd Beast)  causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: …that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666” (13:16-18; Cepher).

Is a tracking system such as that which Bill Gates, and others like him, what this Book of Revelation prophecy portends?  

Is The Proposal Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy? 

There’s absolutely no way that we can say for certainty that this present situation will lead to the ominous Mark of the Beast system. 

However, what the Mark of the Beast prophecy does do is it provides a stern warning to those for whom the Revelation of Yahoshua haMashiyach was written (Revelation 1:3).

Taking a Serious Look at the Mark of the Beast Prophecy in Light of the Proposal

In other words, Mr. Gates’ alleged proposal may or may not be valid. Nevertheless, a number of self-professing “thinkers” are indeed proposing the same sort of thing Mr. Gates is alleged to have proposed. This being the case then, it behooves us to take a serious look at the Johnannine prophecy of the Mark of the Beast. I believe we must determine for ourselves what we’re going to do when they (the powers that be) come or us.

Which God Do We Serve

It further behooves the disciple of Messiah to determine right now which God he or she will serve if indeed Bill Gates’ alleged proposal were to come to fruition. Will he or she feel compelled to submit to the requirements of the “god” state? Would he or she freely take the tracker implanted in or on their person so that he or she may buy and or sell? Or will he or she reject the tracking system but remain true to their profession of Faith?


The Proposal Sounds Very Much Like An Iteration of the Mark of the Beast 

Most of us recognize the looming situation every Torah Observant Disciple of Yeshua Messiah is likely to face if such a mandated vaccination and tracking system were to be put in place in the Western Nations of this world.

I have come upon recent teachings on the subject of the Mark of the Beast that seems to have gotten a lot of traction of late. Under this recent teaching, those who received the Mark of the Beast are believed to have received some form of alteration to their biological make-up. That alteration results in the individual  becoming a hybrid: part human and part machine.

But I’m wondering, with this latest proposal, if the hybrid thinkers are rethinking their hypotheses on the subject of the Mark of the Beast?

I’ve always believed that the Mark of the Beast would be some form of artificial marker placed either on or within the individual receiving the mark. Under that paradigm the only reason given by the Beast Government for receiving the “Mark” was political. It would be to distinguish between those who would be loyal to the Beast government from those who would NOT be loyal.

 How Do You Get Compliance From the Populous?

Now, I always had an uneasiness with this particular thinking and scenario. For I could not fathom how you convince a populous to willingly take such a Mark for simply political purposes. Such a scenario would result in certain widespread uprisings and civil unrest. No matter how popular a world leader may be to his or her citizens, there’s always a good chunk of their population that cannot stand them. 

So the question always remained within me: how would the governments of the world convince their citizens to acquiesce and freely receive the mark? Well, prior to this latest pandemic, I could not think of many valid scenarios where this scenario would peacefully occur.

I Get It Now

With this latest proposal, I’m having second thoughts on the hybrid Mark paradigm. I am now leaning towards the Mark of the Beast paradigm that distinguishes one group of citizens from another group of citizens for health reasons. And the fundamental basis by which this particular tracking system, or Mark, would be implemented is an existential fear.

Indeed, this latest situation overrides the vast majority of people’s hesitancy to getting such a tracking system implanted on or in them:

(1) Fear of becoming infected from a highly contagious bug.

(2) The fear of not being able to provide for one’s self and family; and

(3) A fear of not being able to move about society freely as a westerner.

No Mark or Tracker For You?

Indeed, if such a tracking situation were to be deployed, the true believers of this world who would choose to reject the tracking system (aka Mark) would be forced to undergo hell.  That is, unless those brethren have planned and figured out a way to operate effectively “off-the-grid” so to speak.

The Mark of the Beast Described in Scriputre

The Apostle Yochanan (aka John) in the Revelation he received from Master Yeshua haMashiyach, described the Mark of the Beast this way: 

“And he (the 2nd Beast) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: …that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six” (Rev. 13:16-18; KJV).

 The Pre-Tribulation Factor

Now, one of the reasons most fundamentalists have no real concern about such a tracking or Mark system is because they hold to a “Pre-Tribulation-Sudden-Rapture” understanding of the end times. In this understanding, Churchianity has been sold a bill of goods. The false thinking is that “born again believers in Jesus Christ will be out of here” (ie., snatched up to heaven) before such a thing like the Mark of the Beast takes place.

 The Redeemed To Be Tribulated

However, Torah Observant Disciples of Yeshua Messiah clearly recognize that those who are still alive at the time before the Great Tribulation will undergo great persecution and even tribulation. That persecution and tribulation will be brought on by the peoples of this world. Not Yah. 

Our Master Yahoshua endured persecution and tribulation on our behalf. And by virtue of our operating under the Kingdom of YHVH economy, no one is better than another. Yeshua warned His disciples that they, like Him, would endure tribulation and persecution. And indeed they did. Simply read Foxes Book of Martyrs. It should become abundantly clear to you that many of Yeshua’s disciples of the first couple centuries A.D. endured hellish torture and tribulations. 

Yochanan in the Revelation that he received from Yeshua recorded the following:


“So the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed that keeps the commandments of YHVH and has the testimony of Yeshua Messiah” (Revelation 12:17).


In another place in the Cepher (Book) of Revelation we read:


“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of YHVH, and for the testimony which they held” (6:9). 

 YHVH’s Elect Identified

Therefore friends, if we truly belong to YHVH and Yeshua Messiah and we are still around in the last days, we are most certainly marked for tribulation and even for martyrdom. Our Faith is not a get out of jail ticket for the End Times. Instead, our Faith will be the standard by which YHVH’s true children will be recognized: 

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of YHVH and the faith of Yeshua” (Revelation 14:12). 

And here’s the deal with those who acquiesce and take the Mark of the Beast: 

“…the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image” (Rev. 16:2; KJV). 

“The third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name” (Rev. 14:9-11; KJV). 


 So What’s A Disciple of Yeshua to Do?

So getting any form of tracking, be it the actual Mark of the Beast when the time truly comes, or the tracking system that the powers that be are proposing for the citizens of the world today cannot be an option for Torah Observant Disciples of Yeshua Messiah. The reasons are obvious and biblical.

So what? What do we do about this potentially dire situation?

The Spiritual Preparations

Well, we have to be prayed up; fasted up; and studied up; ready for the dark days ahead. And when I say ready for the dark days ahead, I’m talking about making preparations the best way we know how and can.

Seems the powers that be in our society today, as well as the Apostle John, have given us ample notice to prepare. It’s now up to us to ready ourselves for the consequences that will be inherent if we do not take the mark that the power brokers are proposing for the citizens of the world these days.

Material Preparations

For those of us who have means—such as land to grow food. Dwellings that are free and clear of debt. And the ability to subsist without public utilities and other such resources. Maybe it’s time to prepare to go off the grid. For those of us who are lacking in terms of material means we probably need to start looking at cutting back on the things that are not of necessity. Maybe it’s time to stock up on necessities in anticipation of a prolonged period of lack. This most recent pandemic situation was an excellent rehearsal for this. Many of us found that we can subsist without the extras that we’ve grown accustomed to having in our present lives.

 Learn Survival Skills

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to learn some skills that many of don’t currently possess. Maybe:

(1) Growing our own fruits and vegetables.

(2) Raising Torah sanctioned animals for food.

(3) Currying favor with those around us who may have skills and resources we can tap into in times of need.

(4) Clear-up our debts as much as possible under the present circumstances.

(5) Become a part of a trustworthy network of trustworthy brethren to work with in times of trouble. 

Trust in YHVH

And certainly, our faith must be unshakable. We must learn to rely on Father to guide us through the bad times ahead. To grant us wisdom and knowledge and grace to navigate these coming perilous times. And of course, it goes without saying: we must ask Yah for unshakable courage to stand-up to the power brokers who will attempt to enforce the taking of the Mark.

My Prayer

May you be ever so ready for the sobering days ahead of us. Regardless if this thing turms out to be the real Cepher of (Book of) Revelation Mark of the Beast, a precursor of the real thing, or just a well-crafted threat, designed to test the public’s willingness to comply with such a tracking system. We must be prepared: spiritually; emotionally; psychologically; and physically for the fall-out that’s sure to come from such a proposal. As I always try to get across to everyone who hears the content of this program, none of this is about us. All of this, however, is about Him—YHVH our Elohim.

In all things, let us give our Elohim the praise, glory and honor He so justly deserves.

May you, your families and fellowships stay well and abundantly blessed. Shalom.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: A Ridiculously Long Week

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: A Ridiculously Long Week

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

My Struggle With Time 

One of the many things I struggle with in this life is the issue of time.Time is an enemy. It is often stressful. There never seems to be enough of it to go around. Time moves by so swiftly. And I often find myself fearful of wasting it; losing it; time consuming events popping up on me suddenly.

Leveraging Time

The most successful of us in this life leverage time to our advantage (in the secular world):

  • Investments
  • Education
  • Careers
  • Families
  • Relationships
  • Health

 Time Seems to be On Our Side When We Are Young

Indeed, when we’re young, time does seem to be on our side. But it’s not until you get to the latter part of your life that many of us have not leveraged time as we should. And far too many of us come to the conclusion that time is no longer on our side. In fact, time suddenly becomes an enemy. In the secular world: did I put enough money away for retirement; did I take care of my health well enough; did I foster relationships as I should; did I raise my children properly; did I treat my wife the way I should have; achieve all I set out to achieve? When career was my focus in life, I worried about all those things and now having retired, I recognize that I did not leverage time as I should.

Maybe I Squandered My Time in my Youth

Looking back, I see now that I often squandered time. In fact, I did not use time well. I messed up in a lot of places in my life because I did not leverage or use the time allotted to me by the Almighty as I should.

Time is Precious 

I’m particularly sensitive to time as it relates to our Faith. We’ve been allotted just so many years of this life:

Psalms 90:9-10–“For all our days pass away in Your wrath; we finish our years like a sigh. [In fact] The days of our years are seventy; and if any by strength live eighty years, yet their pride is labor and vanity; for it soon passes and we fly away.”

Time Does Matter to YHVH, but Moreso It Should Matter to Us

Time matters to Father–but time matters greatly for mankind. Father created time to achieve His purpose in the earth
Remember the time the Israelites made and worshiped the golden calf after they had covenanted with YHVH to be their Elohim and after seeing the mighty wonders Elohim performed on their behalf. Abba told Moshe:

“I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people. Let Me alone that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under the heavens; and I will make of you a nation mightier and greater than they” (Deuteronomy 9:13, 14).

Father didn’t say to Moshe that He’d wasted His time on Moshe’s brethren and to just forget the whole thing. He proposed to start over with Moshe and get it right the next time–THAT WOULD TAKE A LONG TIME. What about when the spies returned from scoping out the Promised Land and they reported the presence of giants and caused the people to refuse to enter and take the Land as He had commanded them to do.

So what did Father do? He postponed the people entering the land for 40 years–until the generation that left Egypt died in the wilderness. 40-YEARS IS A LONG TIME TO GET IT RIGHT.

Thus Father instituted the Feast Days in His Torah. These are all time sensitive. For the Feasts and Torah are shadows of good things to come according to the writer of Hebrews.

The Feasts Outline Father’s Plan of Salvation for Humankind

We recognize that the Feasts of YHVH, among other things, is a beautiful outline of the Plan of Salvation–Redemption–Restoration for mankind from start to finish:

  • Passover–The sacrifice of Messiah for the sins of the world.
  • Unleavened Bread–Illustrating the elimination of sin from our lives.
  • Shavuot/Pentecost–The receiving/imparting of the Holy Spirit in the lives of His people and the final touches to preparing His people to enter His Kingdom.
  • Trumpets (Yom Teruah)–The return of Messiah to establish His Millennial Reign upon this earth.
  • Atonement/Yom Kippurim–Ridding of the planet of the Enemy–hasatan.
  • Tabernacles/Last Great Day–The 1,000-year reign of Messiah–the final judgment of mankind and the world–The New Heaven and New Earth.

Each Feast Has a Defined Time 

Each of the Feasts on the Creator’s Calendar occurs at a time and for a duration that Father alone determined. To me, this is all beautifully laid out and I look forward to each and every one as it comes. But one thing intrigues me about the feasts: and that’s the time Father has allotted for them: For Pesach (Passover)–Firstfruits–Shavuot (Pentecost)–Trumpets (Yom Teruah)–Atonement–Last Great Day (Shimeni Atzeret) are just one day moedim or feast days.

The Two Week-Long Feasts

Yet Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles are 7-day observances and celebrations. Why? Why not just 1 day for these festivals. The impact these have on the lives of God’s people is always something that one is forced to deal with: jobs–families–life situations. It requires alterations in our lives–major in some cases.

For most of us, Tabernacles is a much appreciated Feast. We get to leave our homes and go to hotels or other places where we set up temporary abodes. We get to be reunited with friends and family. We get to have a wonderful time of celebration: usually great teachings–activities–food–talking, talking, talking–food–sleeping. Our focus is on the Millennial Kingdom and the World Tomorrow–A VERY POSITIVE/DESIRABLE FOCUS. It often seems as though it’s over before it’s begun and we are sad to have to leave and return back to our day-to-day lives.

But then there’s Unleavened Bread. It’s NOT LIKE TABERNACLES/SUKKOT. For we are required to eat unleavened bread and NOT consume any leavened products for 7 long days and take off from work 2 of those 7 days. For many of us who love baked goods, it’s a very difficult and challenging time. Our focus in terms of the spiritual is ridding sin from our lives: NOT A VERY POSITIVE FOCUS. In fact, when we look at this thing from a carnal perspective: The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a RIDICULOUSLY LONG WEEK.

Why Is The Feast of Unleavened Bread a 7-Day Observance?

Why not 1 or 2 days for this feast?

To the carnal mind it seems natural to wonder why Father places such a burden upon the people He claims so much to love.


Yeshua informed us that our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and Scribes in order to be permitted entrance into the Kingdom of YHVH (Matthew 5:20). In other words: As Yeshua’s disciples, we must exceed the standards of righteousness that the Pharisees placed upon their disciples.

 The Feast of Unleaven Bread Illustrates a Journey Every Disciple Must Take

This is a journey to perfection. For YHVH set and provided for us the standards of perfection by which we must live. As well as He gave us His Son, Yahoshua, as the very image of those standards of perfection. It’s not about Yeshua keeping Torah perfectly during His earthly ministry so that we today don’t have to. Indeed the the fundamentalists contend this to be the case, which they say is the basis for their outright rejection of Christians keeping Torah.

 Yeshua Clarified and Elevated the Meaning of the Feast For Us

However, this is about Yeshua clarifying, elevating, explaining and modeling Torah for us–the standards of perfection requires of His children. Furthermore, just after Master departed this world, He sent us Father’s Holy Spirit (ie., Father’s Ruach haKodesh) to help us in our journey towards perfection. (And the Spirit of the Almighty enables us to overcome this sinful existence and live the life abundance that Master preached and taught about.) 


 The Standards For Entry Into the Kingdom of YHVH Are Very High

Thus, Father says to us, look, I’ve given you the standards by which I require you to live by in the form of Torah. Here’s what living by those standards look like in the person of My Son, Yeshua. And oh by the way: knowing that you will encounter difficulties living up to those standards by virtue of your flesh, I will endow you with My Holy Spirit. All you have to do is ask for it and you will receive. But you got to let my Spirit take control of your life, otherwise, you will stumble and never achieve the standards I’ve established and expect you to meet.

Now go and walk and live out those standards. There’s no excuses for not living the perfect life.


The Feasts Embody Life Processes in the Great Plan of Salvation

Father gave us two 7-day feasts–Unleavened Bread and the Sukkot. Both foreshadowed and embodied processes and journeys that mankind would go through towards perfection:

  • Unleavened Bread would be a journey and process towards living a perfect life THAT IS WHOLLY AND ACCEPTABLE TO YHVH (the sanctification process).
  • Tabernacles would be a journey whereby creation would be brought back to its original perfect state, to be returned to Father on the Last Great Day (aka Shemini Atzeret) in that perfect state.

 The remainder of the moedim or set-apart days are inserted processes and events in the great work of redemption, restoration and salvation: Passover–Yeshua atones: Pentecost–My Holy Spirit; Trumpets–Yeshua coming back; Atonement–I’ll deal with satan; Last Great Day–A New Heaven and New Earth. (Father takes care of these things for us!) 


 As it relates to Unleavened Bread, however, the process of sanctification by which we are required to endure takes time and has a lot of twists and turns embedded in it.

 The Answer to Why The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a Ridiculously Long Week

Why is the Feast of Unleavened Bread a ridiculously long week? Because the process for sanctification takes a lifetime to complete.

Abba demands perfection in His people. But Abba knows that achieving that perfection takes time.

Our First Passover–An Overview of the First Passover Exodus Chapters 1 through 12

Our First Passover--An Overview of the First Passover Exodus Chapters 1 through 12

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Exodus 1


  • 70 blood relative of Jacob enter Egypt–>Joseph dies as well as the Patriarchs.
  • Israelites grow in number.
  • A pharaoh who did not know Joseph enslaves the Hebrews, yet the Hebrews flourish in number.
  • Pharaoh orders every male infant be cast into the Nile:
    • Spiritual significance seen in the plague of blood.
    • Foreshadowing of the murder of male children murdered by Herod at Yeshua’s birth.

Exodus 2

  •  Birth of Moshe–>Pharaoh’s daughter adopts him as her son.
  • Moshe knew he was a Hebrew, despite being a member of the Egyptian royal house (vss. 13, 14).
  • Moshe slays an Egyptian he catches beating a Hebrew unjustly.
  • Word gets out that Moshe murdered the Egyptian and Pharaoh issues a death order against Moshe.
  • Moshe flees Egypt and makes his home in Midian–>Marries Zipphorah–>bears son Gershom.
  • YHVH hears the cries of the enslaved Hebrews and remembers His covenant with Avraham, Yitchaq and Ya’achov (vss. 23-25).


Exodus 3 

  • While tending Jethro’s (Moshe’s father-in-law) flocks around Mount Sinai, Moshe has a face-to-face encounter with YHVH.
  • YHVH commissions Moshe to lead the Hebrews out of bondage and explains how it all is going to work, noting that Pharaoh is going to be a tough nut to crack. But the people of Egypt were also going to have a close encounter with the Creator of the Universe that will ultimately lead them releasing the Hebrews.

And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Mitsrayim (ie., Egypt) with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he (ie., Pharaoh) will let you go. And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Mitsriym (ie., the Egyptians): and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty: But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that sojourns in her raiment: and yet shall put them upon your sons and upon your daughters: and ye shall spoil the Mitsriym (vss. 20-22).


Exodus 4

  •  Moshe is a defeated man who has and expresses unto YHVH reasons why he was not a good fit to lead the people out of bondage.
  • Moshe gives 3 excuses why he believes YHVH’s plan won’t work:
    • What name would Moshe give to the Hebrews to identify who He is to them: YHVH–I am that I am (refer back to Chapter 3).
    • The Hebrews nor the Jews will believe Moshe: YHVH tells Moshe that He will work wonders through Moshe. For through Moshe YHVH would provide a demonstration of Yah’s power and authority.
    • Recall that the Jewish leaders of Yeshua’s day demanded of Yeshua a sign so that they may believe that He was who He said He was and had the authority to teach and do what He had been doing. Recall Shaul (Paul) reminded the Corinthians that he did not come to them with eloquence of speech, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and Power (2 Corinthians 2:4).
    • Which leads to Moshe telling YHVH he was not an eloquent speaker (suggestive that Moshe was a stutterer which YHVH knew.
  • YHVH revealed His overall plan for deliverance of the Hebrews from Egyptian bondage:

And Yahuah said unto him, Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I Yahuah? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what you shall say. And he said, O my Adonai, send, I pray you, by the hand of him whom you will send. And the anger of Yahuah was kindled against Moshe, and He said, is not Aharon the Leviyiy your brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, behold, he comes forth to meet you: and when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart. And you shall speak unto him and put the words in his mouth: and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth and will teach you what ye shall do. And he shall be your spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be  to you instead of a mouth, and you shall be to him instead of Elohiym. And you shall take this rod in your hand, wherewith you shall do signs (vss. 11-17).


And Yahuah said unto Moshe, When you go to return into Mitsrayim (ie., Egypt), see that you do all those wwonders before Pharaoh which I have put in your hand: but I will harden his (Pharaoh’s) heart, that he shall not let this people go. And you shall say unto Pharaoh, Thus says Yahuah, Yisrael is my son, even my firstborn: And I say unto you, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your son, even your firstborn (vss. 21-23).

  • Moshe is reunited with his brother Aaron and Moshe and fills Aaron in on the plan and they travel back to Egypt to brings the news of deliverance to the Hebrews.
    • Moshe performs some of the wonders of YHVH for the Hebrews.


Exodus 5

  •  Moshe has his first set of confrontations with Pharaoh and demands Pharaoh release the Hebrews to go out to the wilderness to worship YHVH.
  • The Hebrews had stopped working.
  • Pharoah responds to the work stoppage by increasing the labor demands on the Hebrews (making brick without providing them the straw they needed).
    • Pharaoh recognized that Moshe had the great potential of inciting the Hebrews to resist and revolt against the authority of their Egyptian overlords.
    • Pharaoh thus put forth a heavy hand against the Hebrews to dissuade the Hebrews–to soften them/their resolve.


Exodus 6

  •  Moshe finds himself between a rock and a hard place:
    • The people had stopped listening to Moshe because of the increase labour demands Pharaoh placed upon them.
    • Pharaoh stopped listening to Moshe because he wanted to show them that Pharaoh was the authority to be heeded, and not Moshe (politics).
  • YHVH reaffirms with Moshe that He held the ultimate authority in this world. Thus He reiterates His Name (His authority) to Moshe and to the Hebrews:

Then Yahuah said unto Moshe, Now shall you see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land. And Elohiym spoke unto Moshe and said unto him, I am Yahuah: And I appeared unto El-Avraham, unto El-Yitschaq, and unto El-Ya’aqov, by El Shaddai, but by my name Yahuah was I not known to them (vss. 1-3).


  • Deliverance

  • Redemption

  • YHVH claims Israel for Himself as His Son

  • YHVH will be Israel’s God


Exodus 7

  •  YHVH moves Moshe into the next phase of the plan to free the Hebrews.
  • Before this point, it was reasoning.
  • Now YHVH moved the strategy into the realm of wonders.
  • YHVH starts out with the demonstration of Moshe’s staff being turned into a serpent (vs. 11), which the magicians–Jannes and Jambres are recorded to be the ones (2 Timothy 3:8).
    • At least one sect of Gnosticism that the evangelist Timothy was contending with held Jannes and Jambres as the founders of their religion.
  • When this and other demonstrations fail to sway Pharaoh, vs. 15 takes us into the series of 10 plagues.


The 10 Plagues of Egypt


Judgment Against the Gods of Egypt–The People of Egypt–The Might of Egypt–YHVH would show the world (including the demigods of Egypt) who He was and what He was all about (Exodus 7:15-11:10).

 Jews throughout the world this coming Wednesday will rehearse the 10-plagues as they celebrate Passover.

  1. Blood (Directed to gods of Egypt)–“Hapi” was the god of the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egyptian religion. Hapi was greatly celebrated among the Egyptians. This plague likely took place with the flood or rising of the Nile which took place between June and September each year. So we see that the 10 plagues that Father heaped upon Egypt took place anywhere between 6 to 9 or so months.
  2. Frogs (Directed to gods of Egypt)–“Heqet” was an Egyptian goddess of fertility represented in the form of a frog. To the ancient Egyptians, the frog was a ancient symbol of fertility, related to the annual flooding of the Nile.
  3. Lice or gnats (directed against the well being of the people)–a great deal of uncertainty as to what Moses meant in terms of lice or gnats. It is certain, however, that this plague involved some form of biting insect. And despite the magicians’ attempts to vanquish this plague, they were unable to reverse what YHVH had set in place (Exodus 8:19, 20).
  4. Flies–(directed against the well being of the people) “Khepri” was the god of flies having what is described by at least one website as a having the head of a fly. ( According to, flies were worn as protective amulets as well as symbolising persistence: soldiers were awarded golden flies by the pharaoh as reward for heroic efforts in battle.
  5. Livestock–Apis–The mighty bull. At the foot of Mount Sinai, the Israelites worshiped the Golden Calf. The other thing to take note of here is that Yahweh extended His grace upon the people of Egypt and tested them to see if they would heed words–as YHVH gave the Egyptians advanced warning of what would before the livestock of Egypt.
  6. Boils–(directed against the well being of the people) festering–referred to as Zaraath; seen as a form of leprosy.
  7. Hail–first of the plagues taking effect in the heavens, showing YHVH controlled all areas of universe. YHVH said that “I will send all my wonders to his (pharaoh’s) heart” (Exodus 9:14). Moses had instructed the Egyptians to “send all animals into their houses.” This was an extension of the grace of YHVH towards the Egyptians. For YHVH offered Pharaoh and the Egyptian nation an escape route. Thus, those that feared YHVH’s words removed their livestock from the fields and those that didn’t take to heart Father’s word, left their slaves and animals outside and they were harmed (Exodus 9:20). This was an opportunity for the Egyptian people to turn themselves away from the god they knew and worshiped, none of which could stand up to YHVH, and turn to Him–the one and only true God (Elohim). Now, we learn that some of the Egyptians did heed the word of YHVH and took their livestock in doors, while of course, other Egyptians did not heed YHVH’s words. However, we see here that YHVH is a God that searches the heart. For we see later on down in verse 27 of the same chapter where Pharaoh makes a rather surprising pronouncement regarding the series of plagues his nation has endured: “This time I have sinned, God is righteous, and I and my nation are wicked.” Interestingly, Moses informs Pharaoh that he and his people did not in fact fear YHVH. For “it is only before the removal of the plague that you possess fear. In other words, once the plague was to be removed, the Egyptians would revert back to their old ways and serve their false gods. At this time, the barley was in an aviv state of maturity while the wheat and spelt were still in an immature throughout the land of Egypt (Exodus 9:31,32). Barley, when it is aviv, the stalks are brittle, while wheat and spelt, when it is immature, the stalks are very pliable. Thus a principle grain crop of Egypt, barley, was destroyed by this 6th plague, showing the Egyptians that YHVH is in control of everything. Remember: grain was one of Egypt’s major source of commerce and wealth. In fact, Egypt was the breadbasket of the known world at that time. And by Father striking at a major source of Egyptian commerce, He showed forth to the world that He was the Creator of the Universe and no demigod could match Him. We see this very thing being played out today with this coronavirus pandemic. Could this thing be YHVH’s judgment upon the various sectors of our world. For Father informed the Egyptians with this plague: “I will send all my wonders to your heart, and in your servants and in your people, in order that you shall know that there is none like Me in all the land” (Exodus 9:14). Thus when such things as happened to the Egyptians, and now the world around us, these are extensions of YHVH’s grace as He educates us of His sovereignty and power and might. Regardless which road one takes (ie., to fear Him or not) YHVH is either going to get the glory or His going to get the glory.
  8. Locust–And because the people refused to fear YHVH despite the devastation left behind by the hail, that which the hail did not destroy would be destroyed by an invasion of locust from the east between the Nile and the Red Sea. And since this plague essentially devastated Egypt’s commerce and world power status in the region, Pharaoh was brought to a place of full acknowledgment of YHVH’s sovereignty and greatness (Exodus 10:16). Yet again, we see that once the locusts were swept away by the winds, Pharaoh’s heart showed forth its true colors.
  9. Darkness–described as a darkness so thick that “people could not see one another.” In fact, it was darkness that could be felt (Exodus 10:21-23).
  10. Death of firstborn which leads to the establishment of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.


Exodus 12:1-36


  • Establishing the calendar–Opposing the Egyptian calendar (vss. 1, 2).
  • Hebrews select an unblemished male yearling lamb on the 10th day of the month of Aviv (vss. 3-5).
  • On the 14th day of Aviv the lamb was to be slaughtered at twilight. Some of the blood from the lamb was to be smeared upon the doorposts and lintel of each Hebrew’s home (vss. 6-7).
    • The blood covenant discussion of ancient near east practices.
  • YHVH institutes the Passover meal (vss. 8-11):
    • Roasted lamb
    • Unleavened bread
    • Bitter herbs
    • The meal was to be eaten in haste with the participants dressed to leave their homes at a moment’s notice.
  • YHVH reveals His plan to judge the gods of Egypt and to kill the firstborn of Egypt (vss. 12-14) and the commandment to keep Passover as a feast for all generations. The blood was to be a sign that He will pass over the homes with that blood on its doorposts and lintels and no harm would befall the members of that home.
  • YHVH institutes the Feast of Unleavened Bread (vss. 15-20).
  • Moshe instructs the Hebrew elders to do all that YHVH had revealed to Moshe and that this would be a commandment for the Hebrews to keep in perpetuity (vss. 21-27).
  • The Hebrews did as they were instructed (vs. 28).
  • YHVH as promised goes throughout the Land of Egypt and strikes down the firstborn (vss. 29-30).
  • Pharaoh calls Moshe before him and releases the Hebrews (vss. 31-32).
  • The Hebrews are rushed out of Egypt with the wealth of Egypt in their possession as the Hebrews had curried favor with the Egyptian people despite what had happened to the people of Egypt (vss. 33-36). The Hebrews took with them for food unleavened bread.