As we examine Torah Portion Korah we learn about the potentially rebellious condition of our hearts; the importance of living holy lives; and the dangers of false teachers and their teachings to the Body of Messiah.
The Oracles of God-The Jewish Advantage-A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:1-2
The Oracles of God-The Jewish Advantage-A Discussion of Romans 3:1-2
Today’s discussion is entitled: “The Oracles of God—The Jewish Advantage–A Discussion of Romans 3:1-2. This will be a continuation of our long-running Paul and Hebrew Roots Series.
Looking Back Over This Series
And if you’ve been with us for any length of time, you may recall that we embarked on this general series about three years ago with the expressed purpose of unraveling some of the Apostle Paul’s more challenging and harder to understand passages. And we’ve certainly done that to some degree, having only just scratched the surface of the apostle’s body of writings. We still have a long way to go in our foray into the writings and teachings of Y’shua’s Apostle to the Gentiles.
Paul Touches Upon a Great Many Torah-Related Themes Throughout His Letters
And I would also mention that throughout the course of our study of Paul’s letters, we invariably touch upon a great many Torah-related subjects that enhance our understanding of Yah’s Words as it applies to the True Faith once delivered to the first century saints. Praise Yah!
Starting A Discussion of Romans Chapter 3
Now, in our last installment to this overall series, which was entitled “Paul on Physical Circumcision-A Question of One’s Jewishness Part 4,” we officially ended our examination of Romans chapter two. So, for this installment, we will begin a rather detailed examination of Romans chapter three (3). Our focus verses will be one (1) and (2).
Although most will not find this portion of our focus passage all that challenging or hard to understand, we will find that the overall implications, application, and significance of what Shaul was attempting to convey to his Roman Messianic readers to be eye opening.
The Questions to be Answered in this Discussion
So today we will attempt to answer the questions:
- How is being entrusted with the Oracles of God an advantage to the Jew and to physical circumcision? And,
- What does the Jew being entrusted with the Oracles of God have to do with us today?
Reread Romans Chapters One and Two
Now, what I need from you today is for you to carefully reread (with understanding) chapters one (1) and (2) of Shaul’s letter to the Roman Messianics. And I would ask that you, during your rereading of these two chapters, that you, with the guidance of the Ruach Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), outline in your minds the gist of what the apostle was attempting to convey to his Roman Messianic readers. And the reason I’m asking you to do this is because, as we move forward in our discussions of chapter three over this and the next several installments of this series, it is going to be crucial that we have a firm contextual understanding of the basic themes, concerns, and issues that Shaul was bringing to the attention of his readers.
What the Book of Romans Is and What it is Not
We must never forget that the cepher (or the letter) to the Roman Messianic assemblies is an ancient document, written by an ancient writer, in a dead language, specifically to an ancient assembly of Jewish and Gentile converts of the Way Movement (or the true Faith once delivered). And the author wrote this letter to the members of this ancient assembly for a reason: He was addressing issues, concerns and questions that were in some way brought to his attention. And those issues, concerns and questions he was addressing in this ancient document were in some way or another, impacting or affecting the wellbeing of the assemblies.
It must also be understood that contrary to the conventional wisdom of orthodox religiosity (or fundamental Christianity), the Book of Romans is NOT a church operation manual. It is everything that I just mentioned above, but it not meant to be an outline on how to structure and operate a church.
The Book of Romans Considered as Scripture
However, because Paul was led (or inspired) by the Ruach Kodesh to write this letter in response to the issues, concerns and questions that were germane to the Roman Messianic Assemblies as they were conveyed to him, Yehovah in His perfect and unfathomable wisdom, preserved this document for us, along with the rest of the apostolic writings, as a spiritual resource to aid us in our day-to-day walk in Mashiyach. Yes, we should treat this and the other apostolic writings as scripture. Thus, we should study them and glean from them the mysteries that are contained in Yah’s Torah and the teachings of our Master Yeshua HaMashiyach. But we must study and glean from these living, spiritual resources responsibly, prayerfully, and practically; and resist the urge to make these writings into things that they were never intended for. These sacred writings are not meant to supersede or replace Torah and the teachings of Y’shua our Master. They are meant instead to clarify and enhance our understanding of Torah and the teachings of Master Y’shua.
Paul’s Writing Style
So please reread chapters one (1) and two (2) and sort out in your minds the central themes, issues and concerns contained therein. And I’m asking you to do this because we are going to find that most of the elements contained in chapter three (3) emerge from or are directly linked to the issues, concerns, and questions the apostle outlined for his readers in the previous two chapters. For Shaul commonly goes back and forth in his letters to expound and or clarify statements he makes throughout his letters.
Our Focus Passage Reading
Now, our focus passage for today reads as follows:
(1) Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? (2) Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God (Rom. 3:1-2; ESV).
Let’s now break this passage down to get a better sense of what the apostle is saying here.
- Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision?
Shaul, the brilliant Pharisee-trained Torah scholar that he was, anticipated the objections he was likely to receive from his Roman Messianic readers regarding anything having to do with the Jew and circumcision. For Shaul had just concluded (as Messianic Teacher and Commentator Tim Hegg describes) “leveling the [spiritual] playing field” that existed between the Jew and Gentile of his day. And that leveled [spiritual] playing field was that both the Jew’s and Gentile’s walk [or halachah] was to be founded upon an elect’s faith. So, if everything in a believer’s life was faith-dependent and faith-founded, then it would stand to reason that the Jew no longer held any advantage over the Gentile. For Shaul just finished showing everyone that the Jew and Gentile were on equal spiritual footing, such that “both were [now] covenant members by faith.”
The Religious Jew’s Reliance Was Upon His/her Jewishness
Now, recall from our four-part series within a series entitled: “A Question of One’s Jewishness” that the Jewish conventional wisdom of Shaul’s day was that Jews were saved by virtue of their Jewishness—their culture; their lineage; their religion or by their practicing Judaism; because of their Jewish biology; or their heritage. And the Judaizers who were making their way around the assemblies of Messiah at that time were promoting ritual circumcision for the newly converted Gentiles for purposes of making them into proselytes and admission into the Body of Messiah. To these, one’s faith in the elements of Judaism trumped one’s Faith in his or her covenant relationship with the Eternal. And this stood for both Gentile and Jew alike.
The Essentiality of a Faithful Obedient Covenant Relationship
Torah reminds us that Yehovah established a covenant-based relationship with Yisra’el. And He chose her exclusively from among all the nation peoples of the earth (Gen. 18:19; Exo. 19:5-6; Deu. 4:32-37; 7:6; Amo. 3:2). Thus, Yehovah chose Yisra’el to be His special people. And as a sign of that chosen relationship, Yehovah gave Yisra’el the sign of physical circumcision. So for Shaul, the former esteemed and accomplished rabbi that he was, to take the position that Yisra’el no longer held a special place in the Eternal’s heart would essentially make him an anti-Torah, anti-Jewish advocate. Such a position would in a sense blaspheme the Name of Yehovah among Gentiles by insinuating that Yehovah was not a God who was faithful to His Word. And it is this concern that Shaul, at this juncture of his letter, was forced to address: The continued advantage of the Jew and Yehovah’s faithfulness despite the Jews’ unfaithfulness.
Paul Asks: What Then is the Jewish Advantage?
So Shaul proceeds to ask his Roman Messianic readers: What advantage (or “prerogative” or “superiority”) has the Jew, given all that I laid out earlier in this letter about the [religious] Jew?
What Does Paul Mean by Advantage?
“Advantage” or “value” is opheleia, which corresponds to the verb opheleo, which means to assign value or benefit to something (cf. 2:25). One way the ESV commentary suggests we look at this is: Is there any value for salvation [as it relates to the Jew and circumcision]? Contextually, I see this as a poor rendering or understanding, especially after the apostle’s previous diatribe of the religious Jew in chapter 2. But I guess it is one way of framing this question; at least from an orthodox, fundamental perspective.
Why Did God Choose Israel Over All Other Nation Peoples?
Deuteronomy 7:7 reveals that the Hebrews were “the fewest of all peoples,” yet Yehovah loved them, chose them and separated her (Yisra’el) out from all the other nation peoples of the world, to be a special possession unto Himself. In so doing, Yehovah entrusts His oracles (His Words) to her. No other nation peoples have Yehovah done this with (Psa. 147:19-20)
Understanding of Chapter 3 Requires a Review of Chapter 2
Understanding this whole 3rd chapter requires that we look back to chapter 2 where Shaul provides his readers a dissertation on the wrath of Yehovah that is to be poured out on sinful man (1-16—A Question of One’s Jewishness Part 1) –both Jew and Gentile alike. And with this backdrop in place, the apostle continues along in his diatribe by asking the rhetorical question: “What better are we Jews for all our advantages?” And he answers, “Much every way; chiefly, because (rather, first, that) unto them were committed the oracles of Yehovah.”
- Great in every respect. First of all, that they were entrusted with the Oracles of Yehovah.
Shaul’s response to his own rhetorical question from verse one must be understood from a much larger spiritual context than what is written. His assertion that the Jew and circumcision has advantage in every respect cannot be understood from a raw perspective, especially after having spent the better part of the previous chapter laying out before his readers the case that the Jew is equal to every other human being on the planet. For as Shaul sees it (and by extension, we all should see it), all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yehovah (Rom. 3:23), which means that all (Jew and Gentile alike) are subject to Yehovah’s wrath and punishment (Romans 2).
The Elect’s Escape From the Coming Wrath
And we know that the only escape from that wrath and judgment is by way of establishing and walking in a faithful, obedient covenant relationship with Yehovah. Of this escape, Shaul writes:
“There is therefore no condemnation to them who in Y’shua the Mashiyach walk not after the flesh. For the Torah of the Spirit (that being the Ruach) of Life, which is in Y’shua the Mashiyach, has emancipated you from the instruction of sin and death” (Rom. 8:1-2; AENT). Praise Yah!
The Jewish Advantage Not Found in Her Jewishness But Something Else
So, getting back to the question of the Jew’s advantage: The Jew’s advantage is not founded upon privilege, preeminence or even priority over the Gentile. Instead, the advantage the Jew has is founded upon Yah’s love for her; and the purpose, mission and equipping of the Jew that came only about because of her chosen status. Yah loves Yisra’el. And Yah loves His human creation as well. Thus, Yah’s love for both segments of His human creation led to His blessing Yisra’el with the opportunity to bless all of humanity as was promised directly to Avraham. But Yah also hates sin (Ecc. 12:6). And because He is inherently holy and righteous in all His Ways, He is compelled to judge and rightly address the sin of every soul who has ever lived on this planet, whether they be a Jew or a Gentile. Again, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Elohim (Rom. 3:23).
Jewish Advantage Founded Upon the Oracles of God
One advantage the Jew has in comparison to the rest of humanity is founded in Yehovah entrusting His Words—His oracles–to his beloved Yisra’el. And it stands to safely reason that these oracles include Torah, the various covenant promises made to Yisra’el, the instructions in righteousness as recorded in the whole of the Tanach, and most importantly, the promises tied directly and indirectly to the coming and personal ministry of Mashiyach as foretold by Yah’s set-apart prophets of old. All these were entrusted to the safekeeping of the Hebrew nation and peoples. Consequently, when we look a little deeper into what that entrusting of Yah’s oracles really entailed, we not only better understand the sacred, spiritual mantle that Yah placed over His people within the framework of His great plan of salvation, restoration, and redemption, we also better understand what Yehovah expects of us today as His elect.
The Jews Successfully Preserved God’s Words
And despite their many failures, Yisra’el has been successful in preserving Yah’s oracles for the benefit and ultimate salvation of any who would be Yehovah’s child.
Hegg quotes from Cranfield’s Commentary on Romans:
“The Gentiles, when they attain to faith, can in a way only be their [that being the Jews’] guests. It must remain at this: ‘Salvation comes from the Jews’” (Joh. 4:22).
Yah’s Faithfulness Behind the Jewish Advantage
Much of the halachah (which includes some Jewish traditions and the overall keeping of Yah’s instructions in righteousness) of our Faith must be attributed fully in Yah’s faithfulness, and in part to Yisra’el’s being the trustee of Yah’s oracles for millennia. So it wasn’t just the entrusting of the Words of Elohim to the Hebrew nation that serves as a manifest advantage of the Jew, but also the example the Jew provided us in terms of their successes and failures in walking out—in their living out those lively, sacred oracles of our Heavenly Father. Praise Yah!
The Mantle of the Oracles of God Passed Down
And that entrusting of Yah’s oracles is still being written in us today! Are you with me my friend?
Stewardship of God’s Oracles or Something More?
As it relates to Shaul’s mentioning of the Jew being entrusted with Yehovah’s oracles as an advantage or privilege she had over other nation peoples, it must be clearly understood that Yehovah’s entrusting of His oracles to the Jew did not imply Jewish ownership of said oracles. The entrusting Shaul writes about here has to do with stewardship and the inherent responsibility to live and walk in those entrusted oracles for all the world to see so that Yehovah may receive the Glory and Honor He so richly deserves. Thus, within this entrusting of Yah’s oracles to Yisra’el, she would ideally become a light to the world. And this light-bearer mantle that Yisra’el was tasked with becoming would later be emphasized and passed on by Yahoshua to His disciples (Isa. 49:6; Mat. 5:14-16).
Walking in God’s Lively Oracles
Now, I trust that you recognize the importance behind this premise of Yisra’el (and by extension we of the Body of Mashiyach) being entrusted with the oracles of Yehovah having more to do with Yisra’el walking out Yehovah’s Ways and walking out the Messianic Promises that would ultimately lead to humankind’s salvation, than simply being the oracles’ trusted stewards. You see, there’s a major difference between being the steward of a certain thing such as the oracles of Yehovah and being fully invested and immersed–personally and nationally-in the very essence and significance of that thing. So, we’re in essence talking about true and proper Torah halachah here, and not just stewardship of Yah’s Word. Simple, basic stewardship is illustrative of the one who was given a single talent by his master, who instead of investing and promoting that single talent, buried it, awaiting the Master’s return. That single, buried talent produced absolutely no fruit (Mat. 25:24-30). Whereas the other servants took interest in the talents that their Master entrusted unto them, investing, and growing those talents to the delight and glory of their Master (Mat. 25:14-23). So, what we’re talking about here as it relates to Yah entrusting His oracles to His people is a complete, transformative state of being within Yah’s elect that causes the world around them (and we’re by extension including the Body of Mashiyach in this as well) to turn and take notice; to inquire of those oracles; to adopt those oracles; and ultimately become sons and daughters of the Most High!
Blessed by the Jewish Advantage
Regardless any antisemitic sentiments that many within and outside our Faith Communities may possess, Yisra’el has, through Yehovah’s divine providence, made an astoundingly positive difference in the world–they’ve blessed the world (Gen. 12:2-3; Deu. 4:5-8). Oh no, not on their own accord mind you. But they’ve blessed the world because Yehovah loved them, revealed Himself to them, and covenanted with them.
Closing Thoughts and Call to Action
So, what can we conclude from our study of this Pauline passage?
The advantage the Jew enjoys is that she was entrusted with Yehovah’s oracles. And we discussed that this entrusting of Yah’s oracles transcends simple custodianship of Yah’s Word. It must include the walking out of those oracles to the glory and honor of Yehovah for all the world to see. And there are other less tangible advantages the Jew enjoys that center around the nation’s unique experience and relationship with Yehovah; Yisra’el’s history, culture, and traditions. In sum, Yisra’el’s advantage is that of being a light to the world.
And as it relates to us today as Yah’s elect, we too have been entrusted with the Oracles of God. And like our wayward Jewish cousins, that entrusting transcends just a simple custodial relationship with Yah’s Word; that entrusting involves a walking out of those oracles as our Master modeled for us and taught us.
Thus, in our having been entrusted with the Oracles of God, we by default, become a light to the Word. We become a city on a hill that cannot be hid (Mat. 5:14). And so it is, in our keeping and walking out Yehovah’s lively oracles, the world sees our good works, all of which blesses our Father in heaven; and He thus receives the glory and honor He so richly deserves.
Praise Yah!
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