The Call to True Biblical Repentance is to Teshuva

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer-Sermon Delivered to Sabbath-Keepers During Sukkot 2021


A Question of Kingdom Preparedness

This was a teaching I delivered to a Sabbath-keeping group online this past Sukkot. I’ve entitled it “The Call to True Biblical Repentance is to Teshuva.”  This teaching is actually the firstfruits, if you will, of an overall project I’m working on related to Kingdom Preparedness.

The truth of the matter is this: There is NO open, smooth highway to the Kingdom. In fact, our Master described the journey one must take to reach His glorious Kingdom as consisting of a narrow gate and an arduous pathway that only just a few will ever find (Mat. 7:13-14).

 Only a Few Will Be Prepared to Receive the Kingdom

The realities of Kingdom Preparedness that trouble me the most is that little addendum to Yahoshua’s description here that stipulates only a few will ever find the path and gateway to the Kingdom. Master said few ever find the path and gateway to life-to the Kingdom. So, what exactly does that mean? Is the path and gateway to the Kingdom consistent with the path and gateway we have either been led to believe exists, or we have deluded ourselves into believing exists?

The Example of Caleb and Joshua and the 120 Disciples of Yeshua Messiah

As it relates to this thinking—this understanding—that only a few will enter the Kingdom of Yehovah, we have the sobering example of Caleb and Joshua. If we liken the Promise Land—Canaan—Yisra’el–to the coming Kingdom of Yehovah, Scripture tells us that of the vast mixed multitude of adults that left Egypt under Moses’ leadership—some estimate that number to be 2 million or more—only Caleb and Joshua made it into the Promised Land (Num. 14:30). Just 2 people made it in. Not even Moses made it in.

And then we have the case of Yeshua. Scripture tells us that of the scores—the throngs—the multitudes that followed Yeshua during His 70-day ministry, only 120 disciples remained after His ascension.

Only a Remnant will Enter the Kingdom of Yehovah

And so Yah’s true set-apart people who will be Kingdom Ready will be few in number—a remnant actually. So few in number is this remnant that even Yeshua questioned: “when the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth” (Luk. 18:8). This remnant , and we’re seeing this happening already today throughout the world, will be deemed enemies of this world system. And it is this precious remnant that our Master is coming back for when He returns to establish His Kingdom. Master is not returning for an organization or an entity, but a people who are prepared to receive Him and His Kingdom; a people who the Apostle Paul described as being without spot or wrinkle; that is holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:27). And it is this remnant that will be prepared to receive Yehovah’s Kingdom when it comes.

 Only by Being Kingdom Prepared Will One Enter Yehovah’s Kingdom

How will these handful of holy ones get to a place in their walk where they will be without spot and blemish—essentially Kingdom Ready; where they, like the 5 wise virgins of our Master’s parable, will be prepared to receive the bridegroom in the middle of the night, having their lamps properly trimmed and filled with oil (Mat. 25:1-13). How will these reach the level of Kingdom Readiness that Yehovah requires of those who will inherit the Kingdom?

The actions of both the fundamental and Hebrew Roots/Messianic churches, in preparing their adherents to receive the Kingdom of Yah, is not consistent with stark reality of the Gospel record.

As it relates to those whom He will admit into His Kingdom, Master stated:

“By their fruits you will know them. (21) Not every one that says to Me, ‘Lord!’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but He that does the WILL of the Father in heaven; (don’t lose sight of the WILL of the Father, for it may not entirely be as we perceive it to be, or at the very least, not as the Churches would lead us to perceive it to be); (22) Many will say to Me in the day of judgment, ‘Lord! Lord! Have we not prophesied in your Name, and in your Name have cast out demons, and in your Name done many wonderful works? (23) Then I will pronounce the verdict, ‘I never knew (yada in the Hebrew denotes that of a close, intimate relationship with someone)! Depart from Me, you violator of the Torah—you worker of iniquity” (Mat. 7:20-23; Rood).


Indeed, those that find themselves denied entry into the Kingdom by the righteous judge, Yeshua, will not have been in a proper state of Kingdom Preparedness. Why would people who have committed themselves to the work of the Kingdom be denied entry into the Kingdom? In Yeshua’s statement to those whom He denies entry into the Kingdom, we surprisingly find that He does not call these individuals liars, does He? No. He in fact concedes that these will have done significant work for the Kingdom of Yehovah. But the problem—the reason for not allowing these to enter the Kingdom is that these failed to do the WILL OF THE FATHER. And because these failed to do the WILL OF THE FATHER, Master declares to them that He never knew them—He never had a true and substantive relationship—He never “yada’d” them—He never had an intimate relationship with them, nor they Him. The Master labels these individuals as workers of iniquity.

 The Will of the Father

So, getting back to the billion-dollar question here in this critical passage of the Gospel record: What then is the will of Yehovah? And so our Master provides the answer to this question in Matthew 18:11-14:


“(11) The Son of Man has come to save that which was lost…(14) Even so, it is not the WILL OF YOUR FATHER in heaven that one of these little ones should perish” (Rood).


So the will of the Father is that every soul be saved. However, for one to be saved, that soul must do as Y’shua commands. Yeshua was sent to save that which was lost. This being the case, He has provided specific instructions to facilitate that salvation—that entry into the Kingdom of Yehovah.

 The Will of the Creator is for Humanity to Repent and Believe the Gospel

So, what then was Y’shua’s commandments or instructions to us for salvation and entry into the Kingdom? It was for us to repent and believe the gospel.

The various organizational churches of this world view and understand the English term “repent” as used here by our Master, pretty much along the lines of the English dictionary definition:


“To feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one’s wrongdoing or sin.” The term carries with it feelings of remorse; regret; of being sorry for something one has done; wishing that one hadn’t done a certain thing.


So, I ask you: Is this definition of repentance consistent with the instructions that Yeshua gave to those of us who would endeavor to receive salvation and enter the Kingdom of Yehovah? And the answer to that question is not entirely; or our English definition of repent only partly sums up what our Master expects from us.

 What is the Repentance Yeshua Called us To?

The fullness of what Yeshua meant by repent or repentance is best understood, not by its ancient Greek expression that was translated into Elizabethan English over 400-years ago, but by its Hebrew rendering. (And this is why it is so important that we stop pooh poohing the use of Hebrew terminology, names and Torah commandments in the churches of God, because we all too often short-change ourselves in understanding just what the Eternal expects from us by relying only on the English wording of our bibles, which is all too often missing something in its translation.)

Turns out that what John and Yeshua were actually calling the people to do out there in the Judean wilderness, was to Teshuva.

 Defining Teshuva

The Hebrew understanding of repentance is “Teshuva.” And teshuva derives its meaning from its root word “Shuv (Gen. 3:19).” “Shuv” denotes a turning back.” Now, classical Christian understanding of repentance is that a would-be believer turns away from their sins and turns to Jesus.

But the Hebrew understanding of repentance is that of a “return back” to the way of existence that our Creator Yehovah always intended for His human creation; a return to humanity’s original, undefiled state, which He declared at the time of creation to be “me’od tov”—very good, for Adam was made in Yehovah’s likeness, possessing Yah’s attributes. And because Yehovah declared His human creation “me’od tov,” very good, Adam would be the prototype by which all Adam’s descendants would exist, imaging in all their ways, Yehovah in all the earth.

We know, of course, that Adam transgressed Yehovah’s commandment in the Garden of Eden. And thus, humanity became subject to the effects and penalty of sin, which is death. Humankind no longer imaged Yehovah in the earth, but instead, imaged hasatan. But Father, willing that no soul perish, sent His beloved Son, whom the Apostle Paul referred to as the “last Adam” to permanently deal with humanity’s sin issue. And in so doing, providing humanity a pathway “back” to where Yehovah always intended His human creation to exist: In His perfect, righteous and holy image—Be Ye Holy as I Am Holy (Lev. 20:7; 1 Pet. 1:15-16).

Teshuvah Transcends the Guilt-Ridden Mind

But teshuva transcends one’s guilt-ridden state of mind to that of a “personal decision.” It is a decision on the would be elect’s part to turn from the path they were presently on (which Hilary dubs as turning away from one’s personal gospel), and turning back toward Yehovah’s ways—turning back to the state in which we fulfilled our purpose as imagers of Yehovah in the earth (which is Yah’s gospel).

Teshuva must consist of a change in how we think. As imagers of Yehovah, we are to think/we are perceive the things of this world as Yehovah thinks and perceives them. We are to feel and act as Yehovah feels and acts.

 Teshuva is a Transformative Action on our Part

Teshuva is a transformative act. It’s a move towards existing/towards being the way Yehovah originally intended his human creation to be: pure; innocent; righteous—mo’ed tov—fulfilling our original purpose. (Remember Y’shua stated, if we do not become as little children, we will not inherit or enter the Kingdom of Heaven.) So teshuva demands that we turn back and walk out our original purpose, in a state of holiness, righteousness; in purity of heart; glorifying our Father in heaven in the process.

The highlight for the set-apart soul that teshuva’s is that they enter and maintain an obedient covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

What is Yah Requiring of Those Who Would Be His Elect?

Beloved, what is Yehovah requiring of us so that we may receive His Kingdom? Is it feast-keeping; sabbath-keeping; eating clean? Or is it something more?

Yeshua touched upon this in His famous Sermon on the Mount:


“(23) Woe to you, sages and Prushim (Pharisees), you hypocrites! You pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, but you have omitted the weightier matters of the law: Judgment, mercy, and faith. These tithes you ought to have done, but you should not have left the other undone. (24) You blind chairs! You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. (25) You [have a hundred regulations on how to clean the surface of a cup and platter], but just under the surface you yourselves are full of extortion and excess. (26) You blind Prushim (pharisee), cleanse first the inside of the cup and platter, that the outside may also be clean” (Mat. 23:23-26; Rood).


And then in the next verse (verse 27), Yahoshua likened these Jewish religious leaders as “white-washed sepulchers” that appear beautiful on the outside, but inside they are full of bones of the dead and uncleanness.

This is a perfect example of the inward cleaning that true teshuva requires of any who would seek to inherit the Kingdom of Yehovah. At its very core, teshuva is about the heart; it’s about operating in Kingdom with a pure, just, righteous and circumcised heart. The prophet Jeremiah described the uncircumcised heart as “deceitful and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). But Yeshua informed us that only the pure of heart will see Yehovah” (Mat. 5:8). So, unless one’s teshuva includes having his/her heart circumcised, he/she will not inherit the Kingdom.

 Teshuva is not About Joining a Church

Teshuvah is not so much about joining the Church-attending the feast-eating clean-not working on Shabbat-getting dunked in a baptismal pool once in our lifetime. The Teshuvah our Father is calling us to through His Son Y’shua, is a return to the ancient path:

Jeremiah 6:16- 16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. (Jer 6:16 KJV)

 Teshuva is Personal and it Hits Each Person Where they Live

Yochanan’s and Y’shua’s teshuvah hit the people right where they were: If you were rich, you were encouraged to sell your riches and follow Yeshua. If you were a publican, you were instructed not to cheat the people. If you were a soldier, you were instructed not to mistreat people and be content with your wages. To stop sinning. To let the dead bury the dead and follow Yeshua.

Never once did Yeshua and John call the lost sheep to keep the weekly Sabbaths; the feast of Tabernacles; to eat clean. Why didn’t Yeshua and John specifically call the people to do these things? Because the people were already doing these things. Yeshua’s and John’s audience were generally Torah-practicing Jews. So, the two were not calling the Lost Sheep to do the very things they were already doing. The Teshuvah these were requiring of the people was an individualistic/personal teshuvah. It was a call to die to self; to put off the old man/old woman and walk in the newness of life. It was a call that focused on eliminating the worldly, spiritual baggage that every individual carried around with them. And thus, every person who John and Yeshua called to Teshuva were hit right where they lived, targeting those things in their lives that would prevent them from entering the Kingdom of Yehovah.

 Teshuva is Also About Heart

The Teshuvah Yochanan and Master required of the people focused on the state of the peoples’ hearts. Both realized that in general, people will honor Yehovah with their lips and appear to draw close to Him through rote commandment keeping. But the problem remained: Their hearts of the Lost Sheep were far from Him (Mat. 15:8; Isa. 29:13).


Beloved, I will submit to you today, that we cannot have a true Sukkot-a true Feast of Tabernacles without true biblical teshuva. To keep the Feast of Tabernacles absent a true and sincere teshuva on our part, results in our wasting 8-days of our life performing rote commandment-keeping. Yes, Abba desires to convocated with us during His set-apart days. But more than anything else, He desires to tabernacle with us in Spirit and in Truth. The Apostle wrote that we were purchased with a price and that our bodies were in fact supposed to be temples of Elohim-of Yehovah. But we know that Yehovah will not take up residence along with filth, sin and iniquity. He instead requires a pure—an undefiled dwelling place which teshuva is in great part, intended to provide. Halleluyah.



1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.

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Made in the Image of God-Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections on Genesis 1:1-2:3

“In the beginning Yehovah created…” appears to be a subordinate or supportive statement as opposed to an independent clause. Assuming subordinate/supportive is accurate, the clause is better rendered: “When Yehovah began to create the heavens and the earth…”


The Robert Alter English Translation of Torah assumes this subordinate/supportive rendering: “When God began to create heaven and earth, and the earth then was “welter and waste” (or “tohu wabohu” or “emptiness or futility”) and darkness was over the dee and God’s breath “hovering” (Yehovah’s ruach, like an eagle tending her young, moved about or over the chaos, rapidly, back and forth) over the waters…”


The purpose of the opening passage of Torah is to reveal/introduce Yehovah to the reader. Here in this passage one is introduced to the Creator who singly turns chaos into order. Extra-biblical, pagan-based writings also capture this sense from a perspective of a creator battling a god-like creature that is referred to as both chaos and the behemoth.


The creation was also about Yehovah making distinctions and separating that which had become mixed into single elements, best described as chaos. Darkness is separated from light; form is brought into being from formlessness; the firmament is established in the midst of water; dry land is formed in the midst of the separated water; life is created out of lifelessness.


Earth at the beginning of our passage is described as formless and void, indicating something unmentioned in our text, that is part and parcel of the chaos. Conventional, natural thinking might lead one to conclude that Yehovah started out His creative endeavor by creating earth in this stated chaotic state, but such thinking contradicts what we know about the Creator’s character. Yehovah is a Being of complete order and integrity. It is thus fitting and sensible to consider this passage more of an overview of Yehovah bringing about beautiful, perfect order out of utter chaos and disorder. How the chaos came about is a subject/topic of tremendous debate and unending speculation. Nevertheless, regardless how many letters exists before the names of such speculators, the text in no way, form or fashion reveals how this chaos came about. I believe this to be one of those areas of scriptural truths that Abba has chosen not to reveal to His human creation. As I have said many times on this program, there are some things that belong to man, but there are also a great many things that belong exclusively to Yehovah. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with speculating. But speculating becomes problematic when the various conclusions that arise from the speculation are thereafter treated as biblical truth.


One of the greatest principles this passage teaches those of us who are the Elect of Yehovah is that Yehovah demands distinction and separation in His creative order. Yehovah, in fact, abhors hybridization. Hybridization is a corruption of the creative order that was brought about the fallen ones (i.e., the Watchers of Enoch fame) and later on by humanity.


We’re talking mixing of species; types; things; religion. And because Father is this way, we are required to be the same way. It falls to us to learn and understand that which pleases Yehovah and that which displeases Him. We must learn to distinguish between that which is good from the bad; that which is holy from the profane.


One of the greatest examples of this critical topic of distinction in Yehovah’s creative order is found in the distinction that Father placed between the Sabbath/7th Day and the other 6 Days of Creation Week. Yehovah sanctified/blessed the 7th Day, an act He did not do for any of the other days of Creation Week. Thus the 7th Day would ultimately become a covenant-sign between Yehovah and His chosen ones. Unfortunately, much of the world outside of Judaism and our Hebraic Faith Community find themselves incapable of making this critical distinction between the days of the week. We who are chosen of Yehovah are blessed to have been granted eyes to see this fundamental distinction between the days of the week.


The Sabbath is Yehovah’s gift to His chosen ones. And this passage is a revelation of this reality. The Sabbath, like so many other sacred things, points us to Mashiyach. For in Mashiyach the chosen one finds rest and forgiveness of his/her sins. Master revealed that Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the Sabbath (Mar. 2:27).


Humanity, specifically Adam, would be created in Yehovah’s image (1:26). Adam and Eve carried or bore similarities or characteristics of the Creator. Thus the concept of man being made in Yehovah’s image. We’ll discuss more about this in just a moment.


The phrase “let us…” is believed by a great many in denominationalism, and not too few Messianics, to be indicative of Yehovah’s consultation with the trinity in His creative venture. Hebraists tend to side with Yehovah consulting or working with the angelic host during this juncture of Creation. (I tend to favor the Hebraic thinking over that of the trinitarian thinking, primarily because of Job 38:7. We find in Job 38:7 Yehovah questioning Job as to his presence when the foundations of the earth were established by Yehovah and the morning stars sang and the sons of Elohim shouted for joy. Extra-biblical sources such as the Book of Jubilee I believe, talk about the angels being created on Day 1 of Creation Week–Jubilee 2:1-4.) Still, other theorists chalk the “let us” statement is an old statement of majesty that is often tied to Kings of old making and establishing edicts and such–let us do such and such a thing; let us see you; etc.


Regardless, both theories are fraught with problems. It is safe to conclude, in a general sense, that this question of who the “us” were is one of those mysteries that cannot be fully understood until Father deems it time to reveal to us.


Now, the term “image” or “likeness” that is used to describe the make-up of Adam and Eve–both being made in Yehovah’s likeness or image–in a Hebraic manner of speaking, bears a couple significant implications:


  1. Taking into account the term is often used to refer to that which is “carved” or “sculpted,” such as relates to idols (cf. Num. 33:52; 1 Sam. 6:5, 11), one could conclude that Adam bore some level of resemblance to His Creator. Adam looked like Yehovah in one way or another. But how is this possible given the fact that Yehovah is invisible. Our Master described Yehovah as a Spirit (Joh. 4:24) Who must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. This being the case, the idea of man looking like His Creator probably extends beyond the visual.
  2. The term image or likeness can denote “model” or “shape,” whereby Adam being formed in Yehovah’s likeness or image, would serve as Yehovah’s representative in the earth. Messianic author and teacher Dr. Tim Hegg, describes Adam as Yehovah’s “viceroy” in the earth.
  3. Adam possibly denotes a distinct outline of Yehovah in one form or another. But how can this be when Yehovah is, again, a spirit?

I tend to side with Hegg’s “viceroy” angle, especially in light of the chaos that was rendered to the earth by an unrevealed force of some sort. That chaos rendering force, assuming my assertion is accurate, clearly would have NOT have had Yehovah’s image/or would have imaged Yehovah on the earth if it set out to bring about the chaos to Yehovah’s creation that it did. But even this angle/theory falls flat when we consider that the chaos creating force would not have existed before creation. Yet another area of mystery.


Humanity bearing Yehovah’s image in the earth, would ideally right the wrong that led to earth’s chaotic state. Humanity was purposed to bear Yehovah’s image–reflect Yah’s image as he/she ruled /reigned on the earth. The creation is evidence, or a testimonial of Yehovah’s power and wisdom. Humanity was designed to fulfill the purpose of imaging Yehovah in the earth. This was Adam and Eve’s purpose –“me-‘od tov.” Humankind would be the primary creative concern of Yehovah on this planet. It could be said that every other element of creation was created for humankind. Even the Sabbath was set-aside for Yehovah’s people.


Humanity’s purpose is to image Yehovah in the earth. (I’ve spoken at length about this in previous postings of this program.) Humanity finds and fulfills her divine purpose as God-imagers when she enters into and maintains an obedient, covenant relationship with the Eternal. Clearly, being made in Yehovah’s image factors in an understanding that one possesses talents, intellect and other inherent abilities that are characteristic of Yehovah Creator. Those imputed character traits were gifted to Adam and Eve, and by extension, Adam and Eve’s descendants, to facilitate their role as imagers of Yehovah in the earth. Again, by extension, our gifts are meant to enhance and facilitate our imaging of Yehovah in the earth in our day.


The human heart is the “seat” of its intellect/volition/imaging. The human soul is the unique element of the person: the person’s talents; abilities and such. Humanity is purposed then to be the Creator’s collective and individual/unique imaging agents in the earth, created to glorify Yehovah.  Sin, unfortunately, inhibits or diminishes humanity’s imaging purpose. Sin essentially causes humanity to forfeit her purpose in the earth. Instead of imaging the Eternal in the earth, sin causes humanity to image its father, hasatan, as well as to promote herself, which is humanism.


Humanity’s intended imaging of Yehovah in the earth is such a fundamental focus of His that He enacted capital punishment for murder (Gen. 9:6). For murder serves, in essence, to erase or eliminate Yehovah’s image on this earthly plane.


This whole imaging paradigm that underscores this week’s Torah Reading comes only through a true and substantive relationship between Yehovah and His imagers. Without such a relationship, humanity is incapable of fulfilling their intended purpose. We were made to be Sons of Elohim. Praise Yehovah. Through Mashiyach’s personal ministry, we are becoming/being made into Yehovah’s Sons.


Yahoshua was described by Shaul as the “Last Adam.” We know that Shaul also described Yahoshua as the image of the invisible Elohim and the firstborn of every creature (Col. 1:15-17). Of that imaging relationship, Master declared that He and Father are “echad” (i.e., one) (Joh. 10:30). Truly, Master fulfilled His divine purpose at every intended level. But first and foremost, He showed us how Yehovah purposed His chosen ones to reflect or image Him in the world. As disciples of Mashiyach, we are required to imitate–image our master in every conceivable way. In so doing, we naturally begin to image Yehovah, our Creator, and fulfill our created purpose in the earth.

1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.

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[If] The Law Does Not Save—[Then] What Good Is It–A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:9-20


Today’s installment of The Messianic Torah Observer is entitled: “[If] The Law Does Not Save—[Then] What Good Is It–A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:9-20.”

Our goal for today’s discussion is to draw from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the first-century Roman Messianics, an accurate, biblically-based understanding of how our Creator views humanity.


Why is this important?

It’s important because, much of what the apostle writes and bases his Y’shua Messiah taught doctrine on is on the fundamental premise that humanity is in a desperate situation that requires the Creator’s direct intervention. And because humanity is in such a dire situation, it is incapable of resolving its issue with a holy, righteous and just God on its own accord and by its own resources. Humanity requires the Creator’s help in order to escape that which is coming upon her: judgment; wrath; punishment (Rom. 1). And so, the only escape for humanity is by way of the provision that the Creator established for humanity; otherwise, all bets are off. There is no other option or hope for humanity.

So, what we will find in our focus passage here today is the apostle finally pulling away from the rhetorical diatribe he’d based much of his teachings on over the course of the previous one-plus chapters, and his drilling down on the true plight of humanity in the eyes of the Creator; the purpose and role of Torah for humanity; and humanity’s desperate need for a savior.

Bottom line: The Mystery of Iniquity that is alive and at work in the world even today, even in the Body of Christ/Messiah, is blinding much of humanity and even those who profess to be children of the Most High, of the Creator’s coming judgment and wrath to be poured out upon them. Unfortunately, much of humanity possesses a skewed understanding of their plight, reasoning within themselves that they are somehow immune or will be given a pass when time for Yah’s wrath, judgment and punishment comes around. Many rationalize within themselves that deep down, they are really good and that God is going to give them a pass. Others rationalize that their keeping of Torah will guarantee them salvation and even admittance to the Malchut Elohim (that being, the Kingdom of God).

But the apostle here in our focus passage, lays out for his Roman Messianic audience the case that in Yehovah’s purview—his sight—His perspective—the central, fundamental premise that no human is good on this planet (good being, no one possesses right standing before Yehovah based upon anything that they’ve done in their lives, regardless how moral those actions are interpreted to be by the world’s standards). For humankind is inherently evil-wicked-sinful, and nothing apart from Yehovah’s provision contained in His Great Plan of Salvation, Restoration and Redemption can change that. Not even Torah-keeping.

And this point is most important my friends. We have a lot of folks within our faith community keeping Torah—to a lesser or greater extent—rationalizing within themselves that by their keeping of Torah, God is going to save them. In other words, many erroneously believe that by their keeping the feast-days and the weekly Sabbaths; eating clean; wearing Jewish/Rabbinic-type garb/attire; reciting Jewish liturgies and prayers; religiously reading the prescribed Torah-Portions each week, etc., that they are actively purchasing their salvation from God. Many of these, as the apostle Paul describes, possess a form of Godliness, but are entirely disconnected from Elohim—they don’t possess a true and substantive relationship with the Creator (2 Tim. 3:5). These continue in sin; their hearts and lives are not changed; they are not in right-standing with the Holy and Righteous One.


And this is the critical, foundational point that Shaul is attempting to convey to His audience here: contextually taking into account all that was written in the previous two, plus chapters, that one’s Jewishness or seeming moral, good living is going to save you. Yah sets the standards for righteousness, which no man or woman on their own accord can meet. Period. No matter how hard one tries to meet those exacting strict standards, because of the inherent nature and character of people, it is impossible to meet Yah’s standards.

Recall two installments ago, that we discussed in depth what the apostle meant by his explosive statement that “Yah is true yet every man is a liar.”

And folks, this is the critical point that I pray we all leave this discussion with. Torah-keeping is a requirement for all Yah’s people. However, first and foremost, in order to be in right-standing with the Almighty, the would-be elect must enter into a trusting faith-based relationship with Yehovah. Torah-keeping is secondary. For without a true, substantive relationship with the Almighty, one’s Torah-keeping is worthless.

I’m reminded of Master’s prophetic declaration:


 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you (I never had an intimate relationship with you, neither you Me): depart from me, ye that work iniquity.  (Mat 7:21-23 KJV)


And so, what we will find as we progress further along in our discussions of Shaul and his letter to the Messianic Assembly of Rome, is that the apostle is aggressively  pointing his readers to establishing such a relationship with the Almighty by turning their lives completely over to Him; abandoning their old sinful ways; dying to self; sticking with the gospel that Yeshua Messiah and he taught and preached; and allowing the Ruach Kodesh to begin its good work—its righteous work—in their life. And that’s why, in great part, the apostle steered his readers’ focus away from rote-commandment keeping and converting to Judaism. To Shaul, commandment-keeping or converting to Judaism without their dying to self and eschewing their former sinful lives was a pointless endeavor. They were in essence no better than the unconverted souls of humanity. For relying on one’s commandment-keeping or one’s Jewishness for salvation was entirely a fool’s errand.

Satisfaction of the need

The good news to be had from all of this my dear friend is that we who are in and maintain a faithful, obedient covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe, through the personal ministries of Y’shua HaMashiyach will escape the judgment, punishment and wrath the apostle mentioned a couple times in a previous section of this letter.

For we joyously find five (5) chapters ahead in this letter the following confirmation of this:


There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.  3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:  4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Rom 8:1-4 KJV)


So let us rejoice in this reality and as Shaul counseled, work out our Faith ever so more, in much fear and trembling, knowing all that was and continues to be at stake (Psa. 2:11; 2 Cor. 7:15; Eph. 6:5; Phi. 2:12).

But you may be thinking to yourself: If I am no longer subject to condemnation because I am in Mashiyach Y’shua, why should I care about any of what Shaul is writing here in this passage regarding the dire situation of corrupt humanity? I mean, we who are in Mashiyach are being saved because of the grace Yah has extended unto us and by our being in obedient covenant relationship with Him.

Well, quite frankly, aren’t we our brother’s keeper to a lesser or greater extent? I mean, Master not only instructed us to seek the Kingdom and Yah’s righteousness for ourselves, but He also commissioned us to go into all the world and make for Him disciples (Mat. 28:19; Mar.. 16:15-16; Luk. 21:8); to work the works of Yehovah while it is still day (Joh. 9:4); to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Lev. 19:18; Mat. 5:43; 19:19; 22:39; Mar. 12:31-33; Luk. 10:27).

I’m afraid that far too many of us have forgotten these and other mantles of love and caring that our Master placed upon us. Far too many of us are so consumed with our own spiritual situations that we have little to no concern for others who are in desperate need of the provision that Father put in place to address their situations. Indeed, it is time and it is imperative that we live up to our chosen status in the Kingdom of Yehovah in every way. Let us take what the apostle has written here to heart and do that which Father has instructed us to do.


Our focus passage here today can be viewed as a continuation of the foundational premises to our faith that we established in the previous installment: That being every man is a liar (sinner; unfaithful; unbelieving) in stark contrast to Yehovah always being true to His Words; being righteous, faithful and just.

Now, another premise to our faith that will be prominently featured throughout our focus passage is the understanding that prior to our coming to Faith, we were citizens of the Kingdom of Darkness—1 Cor. 12:2; Gal. 4:8; Eph. 2:1-3. We were in fact slaves to sin. But praise Yah, He has redeemed us and we are presently in the process of being delivered from Yah’s coming wrath and judgment. 

So with that, let’s get into our focus passage for today.

Given that our passage is 12-verses long, instead of reading the entire passage first and then

coming back to address each verse individually, let’s examine each verse one at a time in its written order.


  1. What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin… 

In chapter 1 of Romans, Shaul surveyed the rebellious nature of non-Jewish humanity. Then in chapter 2, the apostle describes the similar sinfulness and rebelliousness of his kinsmen. And here in chapter 3, Shaul brings both Jew and Gentile together as being under sin—slaves to sin—under the power of sin—”pantas huph’ hamartian.” J.K. McKee aptly refers to this situation as a “universal condition not limited to any sector” of humanity.

The apostle includes himself in this equation by denoting “we,” suggesting that he too can justly be labeled a guilty sinner (at least one point in his life, as annotated by J.K. McKee).

Shaul no doubt has in mind, as he heavily draws from various passages of Tanach to convey to his Roman Messianic readers, the point that all of humanity (with the exception of the redeemed of Elohim) are citizens of the Kingdom of Darkness. In particular, Job 25:4 and 4 Ezr. 7:22-24 attest to this fundamental, foundational premise of our Faith. 

We should also take note that this verse must be studied within context of the original rhetorical question the apostle posed in verse 1 of this 3rd chapter which reads: “What advantage then hath the Jew? or what is the profit of circumcision? (Rom 3:1 ASV)

And we find the apostle’s answer to this question in the next verse: “Much [in] every way: first of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God. (Rom 3:2 ASV)

But there is a bigger answer to verse one’s question than one might conclude from just a casual read of the apostle’s verse 2 answer. That answer transcends—extends beyond the scope of Yisra’el’s culture, historic and heritage. That bigger answer is spiritual in nature, incorporating within the central themes the apostle previously addressed in this letter: those themes and concepts being judgment; wrath; righteousness; faithfulness; justification and iniquity.

Granted, it’s indeed notable that the Hebrew nation stands head and shoulders above the rest of the nation peoples of the world because she was entrusted with Yah’s oracles—His Torah. And because of this, the Jew is to be recognized and respected.

But beyond this entrusting of Yah’s oracles, in particular, as it relates to the spiritual, the question Shaul is now rhetorically asking his readers is: Given what I mentioned previously regarding the Jewish advantage, is the Jew then better than or superior to any other nation peoples of the earth? Does Yisra’el, by virtue of her possessing Yah’s oracles, enjoy privileged, righteous standing before the holy, righteous and  just Creator of the Universe? Is she by virtue of her Jewishness (listen or read our discussion series entitled: “A Question of One’s Jewishness, Parts 1-4”) guaranteed salvation and a place in the World Tomorrow? And the answer to these questions is provided by the apostle here in verse 9: essentially No! Not at all! Both Jew and Greek are under sin. And that state of being under sin has at least two (2) elements attached to it: (1) the Jew and the Gentile both being slaves to sin or slaves to the Kingdom of Darkness; and (2) by virtue of their being slaves to sin and subjects or citizens of the Kingdom of Darkness, the Jew and the Gentile being subject to Yah’s impending wrath, punishment and judgment.

Thus, in Shaul’s excellent rationalization of the true state of all humanity, that includes both Jew and Gentile, sin is in fact, the universal equalizer of the whole of humanity. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yah—Rom. 3:23. A central premise of our Faith is the simple fact that sin touches and condemns every rational soul on this planet who has ever lived.

Therefore, it must be understood that all of unconverted, unredeemed humanity is a slave to sin. Consequently, one’s Jewishness; one’s religiosity, does NOT make one immune to sin nor does it save one from Yah’s judgment, wrath and punishment. Shaul definitively declares a central premise to our Faith in Romans 3:23 that “All have sinned and come short of Yah’s glory.”

From here, over the next nine (9) verses, the apostle brilliantly draws from a number of Tanach passages to support these central, fundamental principles that both Jew and Gentile alike are indeed “under sin.”


  1. As it is written, ‘There is none righteous, not even one…(NASB) 

Here we find Shaul drawing from Psalm 14:1 and 53:2 to support for his contention that all of unredeemed/unconverted humanity is “under sin.”

The apostle recites here a central premise here that: “There is none righteous, no, not one.” The English term “righteous” as used here in the Greek is “dik’-ah-yos;” which means to observe divine laws; keeping the commands of Yah. It would then stand to reason that unconverted humanity in one form or another inherently rejects and resists Yah’s righteousness—the only true righteousness that exists. And so, any so-called righteousness that humanity claims exists in this world which is outside of Yehovah’s righteousness, is straight-up humanism—self-derived—self-interest—righteousness that is incompatible with Abba’s righteousness.

Stern’s Complete Jewish Bible translates this verse as “no one seeks YHVH,” and this is despite rational human beings possessing inherent understanding that Yehovah exists and a general knowledge of right from wrong (Rom. 1:22-28; Psa. 14:2-3).

The question of one’s righteousness (that being a right-standing before a holy Elohim; being justified), according to Shaul, is answered by a faith-based, imputed righteousness that we will later see, is not based upon the elect’s “works of the Law” (vs. 19-20). The elect’s faith that leads him/her to enter a covenant relationship with the Eternal compels him/her to halachah Torah—to do works of Torah—to walk out his/her faith with fear and trembling.

And so, under the auspices of the renewed covenant, Torah is thereby inscribed upon the fleshly table of the elect’s heart, which causes him/her to lovingly walk in obedient, covenant relationship with the Almighty. But the elect’s right-standing is an imputed one first and foremost, in response to an elect’s faith in Y’shua Messiah—in response to a would-be elect’s acknowledgment that he/she is in desperate need of a savior because the reality is that any righteousness they may have once thought they possessed is as “filthy rags” in the sight of a holy, righteous and just Elohim (Isa. 64:6).

Left alone, no human being is capable within him/herself of achieving right-standing (that being righteous) before our holy, just and righteous Elohim. Consequently, any human who finds themselves NOT in right-standing before Yehovah is then subject to judgment and condemnation.

This standard of imputed, faith-based righteousness applies to both Jew and Gentile alike. And so, staying within the context of Shaul’s letter here, there are no exceptions to this critical spiritual principle. Simply being Jewish—taking on the ways of Judaism—or becoming a proselyte—or for that matter, being born a Jew, won’t cut it in terms of one being found in right-standing before Yehovah. It’s just the way it is. Yah, from the very beginning of time, established the only criteria for righteousness—that being the righteousness that comes through a faith-based covenant relationship with the Almighty—the central element of that relationship consisting of a trusting faith in Yehovah to deliver an individual from judgment through His Son, Y’shua HaMashiyach’s atoning sacrifice and the Great Plan of Salvation, Restoration and Redemption.

Shaul is stating here in this verse what I see as a very deep, fundamental premise of the True Faith once delivered; not just an observation; that being, no one is (1) righteous on their own accord, and (2) no one is capable on their own to live, behave, or walk in righteousness; or as some English translations put it, “no one is good.

So when Shaul writes here about no one being righteous, he’s referring to one’s right-standing before a holy, righteous and just God. In a more general, yet more somber reality, the apostle is essentially concluding that both Jew and Gentile—all humanity for that matter—stands guilty before Yah and is thus subject to His wrath, punishment and judgment.

Now, it must be mentioned and recognized at this juncture that this concept—this premise of all unconverted, unredeemed humanity being slaves to sin and one’s adherence to and keeping of Torah being insufficient to put one in right-standing before Yehovah because the works of the Law do not get rid of sin, is not a revelation that is exclusive of Shaul and the Psalms. Although not widely known by most, the so-called sages grapples with this universal concept of the dire state of sinful humanity (b. Sanhedrin 101a).


11-12.  There is none who understands; there is none who seeks for God; all have turned aside, together they have become useless. There is none who does good. There is not even one. (NASB) 

Doesn’t this scream loudly of Shaul’s quotation back in verse 4: …let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. (Rom 3:4 KJV)

The Greek term for “understands” the apostle supposedly used here is “sunion,” the root of which, as Messianic Commentator and Teacher Dr. Tim Hegg notes, is “suniein,” which turns out to be more a reference to spiritual—faith-based—moral understanding than general cognitive understanding about things of this world. This form of understanding in the Hebrew is “sachal,” which curry meanings that include “understanding” and “acts of insight, devotion and piety.” And when we bring all of these concepts together, we get a sense of what a true, biblically-based life of faith is supposed to look like to lesser or greater extent.

The apostle borrows from the support passages of Psalm 14:2-3 and 13:2-3 (LXX), both of which paint an even grimmer portrait of the human condition from the perspective of him/her not having the interest or inclination to seek after Yah or rather, seek after the things and ways of Yehovah, but rather of pursuing his/her own interests and ways; going after their own hearts desires and inclinations; such that all of unredeemed humanity is turned aside (Exo. 33:7; 2 Chr. 15:12-15; Ezr. 8:22; Psm. 9:10; 24:6; 27:8; Pro. 28:5; Isa. 9:13; 31:1; 51:1; 55:6; Jer. 29:13; Zep. 1:6).

The English term “useless” or “worthless” that is used here is supposed to denote a condition of utter corruption and depravity. Recall the earlier cited passage of our particular righteousness being as filthy rags in the sight of Yehovah.

And thus, Shaul summons all these elements together to reinforce a fundamental premise that is important for all of us to understand; that no one individual is good. From Yah’s perspective, it’s not a question of whether or not people have the capacity to act and behave in moral ways from time-to-time. But rather, no one individual on their own, because of their corrupt nature, is right or is capable of being in right-standing before our holy, righteous and just Elohim.

Ecclesiastes 7:20 supports this whole contention:

There is not a just man on earth that doeth good and sinneth not (KJV).


  1. Their throat is an open grave. With their tongues they keep deceiving. The poison of asps is under their lips…(NASB) 

This verse appears to be a compilation of Psalm 5:10; 140:3[4].

The sense of what the apostle appears to be conveying here is that the deceptive nature of humanity is often manifested in the speech and talk of the unconverted; so much so that he/she is incapable of controlling their tongues.

Ya’achov, the half-brother of Master Y’shua drew upon this reality in his general epistle when wrote:

If someone thinks he is religious yet does not bridle his tongue, and so deceives his heart, his religion is futile. (Jam 1:26 NET) 

Thus, there is a sense here that Man’s mouth—or rather, humanity’s speech is always evil—perpetually spewing deceptions and evils and death. Not so much from the perspective of every single word that is uttered from a person is UnGodly. But rather, it’s the intention or hidden meaning contained in humanity’s words.

It was our Master who put this whole concept of the tongue into its proper perspective and I must say that His teaching here on this issue was simply brilliant:

10 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: 11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest  thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? 13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. 14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 15 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. 16 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? 17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.  19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man. (Mat 15:10-20 KJV) 

So here we have it: It’s not so much the perpetual utterances of a person that’s the problem here. It is, in fact, the uncircumcised, evil, wicked, adulterous, murderous and blasphemous heart of the unredeemed that’ the problem is derived. For it goes right back to the central, core understanding that the heart of humankind is desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9).

Therefore, it is safe to conclude that in order for one to be found in right-standing before Yehovah, they must possess a circumcised heart that allows for Yehovah to write upon it His Torah:

31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more  (I.e., being in right standing with the Eternal. (Jer 31:31-34 KJV)


14-18.  Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their paths. And the path of peace have they not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes. (NASB) 

These verses appear to be a compilation of Psalm 10:7; 9:28 (LXX); Isaiah 59:7-8a; and Psalm 36:2.

Here Shaul continues to paint for his Roman Messianic readers a true, but sad portrait of depraved humanity, this time from the perspective of his/her perpetually evil intentions and actions. When people go through difficult or trying times in their lives, the real condition and nature of their heart is often revealed in the things that come out of their mouths. It is not uncommon for people going through “stuff” to utter nasty and ungodly things, which the writings describe as “cursings and bitterness.”

It appears that the Hebraic/Messianic understanding of “feet that are swift to shed blood” is not so much describing souls that rush out to inflict physical harm upon others, as much as inflicting internal harm upon others by way of slander; gossip; and evil speech (Hegg; pg. 68). And the purpose fueling such intrinsic behavior is of course to diminish; “tear down” and “destroy” others through the utterance of ungodly speech.

Humans do not know the way of peace (shalom in CJB). The English term “know(n)” as used here in the Greek is “ginosko,” which relates to an intimate knowledge of something, often likened unto the intimate knowledge a husband and wife possesses one of the other. The English term “peace,” as used here in the Greek is “i-ray’-nay,” which refers to a holistic wellness one is ideally supposed to possess and experience. The Hebrew equivalent of this term is of course “shalom.” Isa. 59:7-8—Y’shua came to lead us to true shalom (Luk. 1:79). 

Such intrinsic ungodliness is devoid of peace. It is humanistic in nature as humanism serves to edify and build-up self. And that edifying and building up of self is often accomplished at the expense of and by the destroying of others who we perceive in one form or another as some type of threat to us. When there’s no perceived threat, but the desire is there to tear down someone, that’s just being straight-up hateful.

Thus, humanity finds itself in an internal war and struggle to find peace at all costs. And those costs often come at the expense of others. Sadly, because humanity inherently functions this way, that internal peace he/she struggles ever so much to achieve for themselves, is never to be truly manifested in their lives. For true peace—true “shalom” comes only through an obedient covenant relationship with the Eternal, made possible by and through Y’shua HaMashiyach and the indwelling work of Yah’s Ruach HaKodesh.

Mankind has no inherent fear of Yehovah. The English term “fear,” as used here is the Greek term “phobos,” which refers to a reverence one has for one’s Elohim. The Hebrew equivalent is “yare’,” which refers to a fear; a reverence; the honor; the respect one has for their Elohim.

Sadly, the apostle concludes, humanity is inherently devoid of any fear of the Great I Am. And of course, there are a litany of Tanach passages to support this contention (Job 4:6; 28:28; Psa. 19:9; 111:10; Pro. 1:7; 8:13; 10:27; 14:26-27; 15:16; 16:6).


  1. Now we know that whatever the Torah says, it speaks to those who are under [the] Torah, that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may become accountable to God…(NASB) 

Another central premise to our Faith can be drawn from this verse (19), and that has to do with Torah being inclusive—or better, consistent of the Pentateuch, the Prophets and the Writings: essentially the whole of Tanach (1 Cor. 14:21; Joh. 10:34; 15:25). This can be surmised from the context of our focus passage, as we’ve just witnessed the apostle’s use of various Tanach passages to support his point that humanity is inherently corrupt and in desperate need of a savior. Thus, both our Master and Shaul viewed the whole of Tanach as Torah.

Now, it must be understood that there is a significant mistranslation of “en to nomo” here. For most English translations render “en to nomo” as “under the law.” However, the proper interpretation is “in [the] law” (YLT), “within the Law” (LITV), “inside the Law” (Moffat NT), or “within the Torah” (TLV). Therefore, when properly rendered, the first half of the verse carries with it an entirely different meaning than it traditionally carries with it when the mistranslation is allowed to stand. For the apostle is not pointing at those who are subject to the “universal penalty of Torah” as a result of their being judged by a holy, just and righteous Elohim within the framework of Torah. And that penalty, by the way, is essentially death. (Refer to our discussion entitled: “What Did Paul Mean by Being Under the Law.”) But rather, the apostle is more accurately describing those souls who possess or who “decisively sit within the sphere of influence of [God’s] Torah” (J.K. McKee; Romans for the Practical Messianic).

As an interesting aside, Shaul’s use of en nomo(n) in this verse—that being, “within Law”—”those having Law”—”those within Law or Torah”—is consistent with how it is used in 2:12:

“for as many as without law did sin (generally speaking Gentiles), without law also shall perish, and as many as did sin in law (generally speaking the Hebrew/Jew that was entrusted with Torah by Yehovah), through law shall be judged,” (Rom 2:12 YLT). 

When this verse is read in context with the previous 9 verses of our focus text in mind, we can safely conclude that Shaul had in mind the whole of the Tanach when he presumably used the Greek term nomo(s)/nomo(n) or Law, as opposed to having just the Pentateuch or the five (5) Books of Moshe in mind. Well, this being the case, we 21st-century Messianics have a unique opportunity to reorient or refocus our understanding—or our perception of the Bible—to that of the whole—the whole of Scripture. And yes, I would even dare to suggest Torah consist not just of the whole Tanach, but also the Brit HaDashah (popularly referred to as the New Testament by denominationalists).

Now, I must give my dear friend and brother in the Faith, Messianic Torah Teacher, Robert Bills, credit for first introducing me to this concept of the whole Bible as Torah. For I was always under the false impression (if you will) that the Torah was the Torah (I.e., the five (5) Books of Moses), the Prophets were the Prophets, the writings were the writings, and of course, the Brit HaDashah stood alone and was not to be viewed as Scripture, and certainly not Torah.  But I am ever so thankful to Abba that He sees fit to introduce into my walk with Mashiyach Truth-bearing emissaries from time-to-time whose teachings significantly enhance my overall spiritual journey. In this case, seeing the Bible from an entirely different perspective helps solidify in our hearts, minds and souls the reality that Yah’s holy instructions in righteousness consists of an unbroken scarlet strand of Truth, hope, righteousness, faithfulness and holiness that begins and ends with Y’shua our Mashiyach—our Creator’s Word that was made flesh and dwelt among us and whose ministry purchased our redemption and made us Kingdom eligible to the glory, majesty and honor of Yehovah, King of the Universe. Praise Him!

So with all this in mind, we can reconstruct the apostle’s words in such a manner that provides us a more accurate understanding of the purpose and significance of Torah to the Truth-seeking man/woman of Yehovah:

“We know that as many things as the law (let’s say Tanach/Torah) says, to those “en nomo”—to those in—to those with or having Torah/Tanach—that it (Torah/Tanach) naturally alerts the Jew (and by extension the proselyte and the Torah-practicing non-Jew) that he/she is a condemned sinner.” 

So in context, as far as Shaul was concerned, the “en nomon” Jew/proselyte/what have you, should recognize better than any other peoples of the human race, the universality of sinful man. And because of this derived understanding the Jew/Hebrew will be held accountable especially for his/her sin in light of his/her rejection of Y’shua as his/her Messiah. Why? Because the Hebrew was the first of humanity to possess Yah’s revealed truth in the form of Torah. These will be judged, as Shaul described earlier in this letter, within the framework of Torah. Conversely, pagan humanity, citizens of the kingdom of darkness, are also condemned for transgressing the Creator’s standards of righteousness. These will be judged, as Shaul described earlier in his letter, outside the framework of Torah. (To better understand what is meant by one being judged within and outside the framework of Torah, you are invited to listen to or read our discussion series entitled: “What Did Paul Mean by Being Under the Law.) And thus, as the apostle points out in verse nine (9), the Jew is no better than the rest of humanity when it comes to their being subject to Yah’s wrath and judgment for sin.

So I ask you: What does this which Shaul is writing to the Roman Messianics about say about the fundamentalists/orthodox/denominationalists who vehemently oppose walking in obedient covenant relationship with Yehovah? I mean, do they not also possess knowledge of Torah? Are these not “en nomo(s)/nomo(n)” just like their Jewish counterparts, making them especially subject to judgment or even wrath?

Again, all this would have run contrary to the orthodox, Rabbinic conventional wisdom of Shaul’s day. Recall back in our “A Question of One’s Jewishness” series within a series, we talked about the religious Jew placing his faith in his possession of Torah; He essentially believed that because of his Jewishness, which included having possession of Torah, that he was guaranteed a place in the Malchut Elohim (m. Sanhedrin 10:1). However, Shaul corrected this nasty error in chapter 2 of this letter. And then, using various snippets from Tanach, Shaul brilliantly paints an accurate portrait of the depraved state of humanity here in verses 3-18. Thus, all of these principles that the apostle enumerates in his writing here serve to drive home the point that the resultant condemnation that is derived from these Tanach passages first and foremost apply to Shaul’s kinsmen, the Hebrew (aka, in Shaul’s day, the Jew); and then from there, the rest of humanity.

Thus, all of unconverted humanity (Jew and Gentile alike) is subject to judgment, punishment and divine wrath, and no amount of Torah-keeping or even midrashing  will save or deliver us from this coming onslaught (Gal. 2:16). In fact, one’s only escape from condemnation is spelled out by the apostle later on in this very same letter accordingly:

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (And how is this accomplished? By entering into and maintaining an obedient covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe.) Continuing: 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Rom 8:1-4 KJV) 

The phrase “that every mouth may be closed” seems to convey a sense of the guilt to be found in both Jew and Gentile alike and the warranted judgment that both groups will be subject to. This comes despite Yisra’el being chosen by Yehovah to safeguard, and most importantly, walk out His lively oracles in the midst of a desperately corrupt world. For Yisra’el in general failed to do with those oracles what she was supposed to and thus, she (absent the true covenant walking remnant) is as guilty, if not more so, than her Gentile counterparts and is subject to Yah’s pending wrath, punishment and judgment. The phrase, “that every mouth may be closed” is simply another way of expressing the reality that no human, be they Jew or Gentile, when judgment time comes, will have a valid excuse for not believing in Yehovah and turning to and walking in His Ways. The guilty verdict that will inevitably be rendered upon all humanity will be righteously and justly arrived at by the righteous Judge and King.

Recall from our survey of Romans 1 and 2 the apostle emphatically stating to his Roman Messianic readers that all of what we’re discussing here in today’s focus passage is part and parcel of his gospel (2:16). And it is this aspect of his gospel that he assures his readers that no one will have an excuse when the guilty verdict is passed upon them by the holy, just and righteous Judge (1:20-2:1).

And thus we have before us the likely meaning by Shaul’s statement “and all the world (or rather, humanity) may become accountable to God.”


  1. Because by the works of the Torah no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Torah comes the knowledge of sin. (NASB) 

It can be safely deduced that Shaul was referencing Psalm 143:2 in this verse, absent the common preparatory phrase “it is written:”

And enter not into judgment with thy servant, for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. (Psa 143:2 LXA) 

The phrase “works of the Law” (in the Greek, “ex ergon nomou”) as used here in this verse is found in several other places in the apostle’s writings: Romans 2:15; 3:28; Galatians 2:16 (3-times in one verse); 3:2, 5, 10.

And so we have before us another set of fundamental or foundational premises of our Faith are introduced by Shaul here in verse 20: (1) “works of the Law” (”ergon nomou) and (2) “justification.” Biblically speaking; Hebraically-speaking, what do these concepts mean and how do we apply them to our walk with Mashiyach, if at all? From a solidly conservative perspective, “works of the Law” would denote our keeping of, or our halachah of Torah. And as it would stand within context of the verse, that keeping of or halachah of Torah cannot or will not save us or provide us salvation. Now, many within the Messianic and Hebrew Roots Communities, I’m guessing operating out of some kind of anti-Torah fear, have alternatively defined “works of Law” as “legalism.” “Legalism” is a technical way of  perverting the proper halachah or walking out of Torah through the enactment of an established set of rules or laws (e.g., the Oral Law; Talmudic teachings, traditions and laws) that are disassociated from one’s faith in and love for Yehovah and His Messiah and the working of Ruach HaKodesh in his/her life.

Interestingly, Messianic author and commentator J. K. McKee highlights in his book, “Romans for the Practical Messianic,” a Dead Sea Scrolls Document that seems to lay out for its readers a set of strict, sectarian rules or laws (or halachah if you will)—that the writer(s) of this document stipulate:

When performed these ‘works of law’ (those works being the writers’ set of unique rules and laws) would [result in the reader] being blessed and considered righteous by Elohim” (this being in specific reference to the “Club Rules of the Qumran Community). These strict Qumran rules were established to distinguish the adherents or keeper of these sectarian laws and rules from any Gentiles, or for that matter, any other Jewish sect. These so-called works of the law marked those who kept and walked them out as members of their particular Jewish sect. And the leader(s) of this sect believed these laws and rules constituted the lifestyle every member of the Qumran Community had to live by in order for them to be justified—in right standing before the Eternal. Consequently, it should also be understood that most, if not all, of first-century Jewish sects possessed their own unique set of halachic rules and laws and traditions that for their particular group of adherents, served as the method by which their members could achieve righteous standing before God. 

The implications of such sectarian laws, rules and traditions for the first-century Jew were huge in light of what Shaul was stipulating about Torah—that Torah’s purpose was to define what sin is to humanity and what Yehovah required of His people in response to this universal sin revelation—was huge. That being, when one would look at what Shaul had to say about Torah in light of what certain orthodox, sectarian Jews believed Torah represented to them, would most certainly result in quite a bit of spiritual confusion and conflict within the body of Jewish Messianics. For the sectarian Jew coming into Faith, their keeping of Torah—even legalistic Torah-keeping—resulted in him/her being justified—being found righteous before Yehovah Elohim.

But here comes Shaul here in our focus passage to set the spiritual record straight regarding the Law—be it Torah or any sectarian rules, laws or traditions: That Torah served to not only reveal or define what sin is to fallen humanity, but to show humanity just how universal the sin problem really was—affecting both Jew and Gentile alike–and that because of humanity’s desperate state, Torah naturally reveals humanity’s dire need for a savior. Thus, no one is saved or justified by Torah-keeping or “works of the Law” in the apostle’s vernacular.

And so, a proper understanding of “works of the Law” or “ergon nomou” is rendered by Sterns Complete Jewish Bible:

“For in His (Yah’s) sight no one alive will be considered righteous on the ground of legalistic observance of Torah commands, because what Torah really does is show people how sinful they are” (3:20; CJB). 

Now, it should come as no surprise that denominationalism has over the years placed a lot of misguided attention on this phrase, often misinterpreting and misapplying it to lend support to their anti-Torah teachings and agendas. And so we have it today, just the very mention of “works of the Law” or “works of Torah” carry with it negative connotations. However, even here in verse 20, Shaul’s declaration that “by the works of Torah no flesh will be justified in His sight” is not a negative statement. It’s simply a declaration of a fundamental, foundational premise and principle of our Faith, which denominationalism has failed to properly piece together as it relates to our keeping of Torah. For we know (as I along with other set-apart brethren have tirelessly taught for years) that we do not walk in Torah—we do not honor Torah—for salvific-purposes. We in fact acknowledge the reality and fundamental fact that keeping Torah can in no way save anyone. No one is justified by Torah-keeping. But unfortunately, the denominationalists refuse to understand that we keep/honor/walk out Torah because it’s the right thing to do; Father requires it for purposes of His chosen ones remaining in a true and substantive relationship with Him and to prove the state of their respective hearts and wills to submit to the way of life that the Creator established for His human creation. Nevertheless, only the blood of Y’shua can bring a person into right standing before our holy and righteous and just Creator and Father. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule, regardless how pure one’s intentions may be in their Torah-walk. As Tim Hegg so eloquently states:

“Thus, even those whose lives conform to the Torah cannot, in that obedience, manufacture the righteousness needed to measure up to God’s holy standards and be declared without guilt (justified)” (Paul’s Epistle to the Romans; pg. 70). 


Now that we’ve given serious discussion to the true purpose of Torah in relation to the whole of humanity as well as in relation to Yah’s elect, we are then in a better position to defend and contend for the True Faith once delivered. For the vast majority of what we’ll call religious folks strongly believe and teach that no well-meaning Christian or denominationalist should be keeping Torah. And to add insult to injury, these same folks finger Paul as the guy who told the religious world to avoid Torah at all costs.

As the Mystery of Iniquity continues to head to an undeniable crescendo in our day such that the spiritual lines separating us who are of Yah’s set-apart remnant (I.e., those who are walking steadfastly in an obedient covenant relationship with the Almighty) from our wayward cousins in Judaism and Denominationalism—as that line separating our two camps becomes ever so distinct and glaring, more and more our profession and Obedience of Faith is going to be sorely tested. And we are going to be compelled to do that which the Apostle Kefa counseled his readers to do:

but treat the Messiah as holy, as Lord in your hearts; while remaining always ready to give a reasoned answer to anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you- yet with humility and fear, 16 keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are spoken against, those who abuse the good behavior flowing from your union with the Messiah may be put to shame. (1Pe 3:15 CJB) 

I’ve said this countless times throughout the history of this program. And that which I’ve said has never been more pertinent and true than it is today beloved:

It’s time to get “studied up; prayed-up; and fast-up” for the onslaught that is just ahead of us. 

Beloved, it’s not time to fret or go crazy and off the deep end in response to what we’re seeing and hearing around us. For at the end of the day, the blessed assurance we who are Yah’s elect have is that our Elohim is still on the throne. And He’s going to make things right, just the way they’re supposed to be. And as for us, let us end today’s fellowship discussion with the sage words of Rav Shaul, written to the Messianic Community in Galatia:

7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Gal 6:7-10 KJV) 

Abba willing, we will pick-up here where we’ve left off in our next installment of this Paul and Hebrew Roots series. So until that time, and as always, “may you be most blessed, fellow saints in training. Shavu’ot. Blessings. Take care.

1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.

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What Right Does God Have to Punish Anyone? A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:5-8


This is a continuation and an expansion of the diatribe the apostle began back in the second half of the second chapter of Romans which I’ve entitled: “What Right Does God Have to Punish Anyone—A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:5-8.” And our goal for this discussion is to  confront and refute, if you will, the “Epicurean” and “Antinomianistic” mindset and practices, which I refer to in part as simply a precursor to the “Mystery of Iniquity” paradigm, that has overtaken much, if not all, of denominationalism and even portions of the Messianic-Hebraic Roots-based communities today.


In our last two installments, Shaul attempted to level the spiritual playing field that existed between the first-century Jew and Gentile. And he attempted to do this in his letter to the Roman Assemblies after he effectively knocked the religious Jew from his spiritual “high-horse” by highlighting his arrogance, hypocrisy and lack of biblical understanding.

Then he lifted the Jew back-up by highlighting his unique advantage, which he attributes to the Jew having been entrusted with the Creator’s lively oracles (3:1). And so, he lifted the Jew back-up ever so gingerly by reaffirming, primarily to the Gentile side of his audience, that Yehovah’s faithfulness (Yah being faithful to His Words and His promises) would not in the least be dependent upon Yisra’el’s faithfulness or her belief in Him and His Words—in particular, her acceptance of Y’shua as her Mashiyach and Mashiyach’s gospel.

We further established that Yehovah’s steadfast, uncompromising faithfulness is a foundational premise to our Faith: Yehovah is not like man, in that He always keeps His Word and that He will always judge and treat his human creation righteously and justly; for one of Yehovah’s inherent character traits is that He will always remain true to Who He is: a Righteous, Just and Holy Elohim.


So, in our discussion today, for us to grasp what the apostle is writing to his Roman readers about in terms of questioning and putting to the test Yehovah’s grace through supposed Epicurean and Antinomianistic reasoning (we’ll define what these are in just a moment), we need to be honest with ourselves, transparent and spiritually critical of the state of our hearts. For the rhetorical questioning that Shaul uses to convey his vehement rejection of Gentile-derived humanistic thinking and practices that serve to exploit the grace of Yehovah in a believer’s live, will assist us in coming to terms with how we deal with the tug of sin in our respective walk in Mashiyach.

Satisfaction of the need:

So, by the end of this discussion, we will have established the following foundational premises that will serve to solidify our walk with Mashiyach, put into proper spiritual perspective how Yehovah’s grace is applied to His fallen human creation, and what responsibility Yah’s human creation has in terms of its would-be relationship with the Almighty. And lastly, recognize that because Yehovah is righteous, faithful, just, and sovereign, He has every right to judge His human creation and He will do so based upon the standards outlined within the framework of His Torah. (Listen or read my post on “What Did Paul Mean by Being Under the Law.”)

  1. Visualization:

S0 then, let’s get into our focus passage for today which reads as follows:

(5) But if our iniquity (our “ad-ee-kee’-ah”, wrongfulness of character, life and actions) establishes the righteousness (the “dik-ah-yos-oo’-nay, or justification) of Elohim, what will we say? Is Elohim unrighteous when He inflicts wrath? (6) May it never be! Otherwise, how will Elohim judge the world? (7) But if the truth of Elohim has been furthered by my falsehood (by my “psyoos’-mah” or my deceiving ways) to His glory, why am I then condemned as a sinner? (8) Or will we say as some have slanderously reported us to say: “We will do evil things, that good (results) may come?” The condemnation of such is reserved for judgment (Rom. 3:5-8; AENT). 

So, let’s break this passage down verse-by-verse in order to get a better sense of what the apostle is saying.

  1. But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, what shall we say? The God who inflicts wrath is not unrighteous, is He?

The wording of this verse in most English translations to me is frustratingly wonky. And it’s especially wonky when we, the modern reader, neglect to read Shaul’s statement as though he is having an argument with himself. And we can only presume that therefore an unnamed scribe inserted into the authorized text: “I am speaking in human terms.” In other words, this scribe was helping us recognize that Shaul was employing a rhetorical argument to get his point across.

Regardless, the wording remains difficult to decipher. But the gist of what the apostle is writing here is undeniable, if we take what is written within context of the previous verse: “…Let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, ‘That thou mightiest be justified in they sayings, and mightiest overcome when thou art judged.’” (Check out our last installment to gain a better understanding of what Shaul is trying to convey here.)

A more contextually understandable rendering of the verse in my humble opinion is found in the HCSB (not my go to English Translation of the Bible mind you, but it does from time-to-time offer sound renderings of the sacred text). It reads as follows:

“But if our unrighteousness highlights God’s righteousness (Shaul is speaking rhetorically here), what are we to say? Is God unrighteous to inflict wrath?” 

And so, what appears to be the case here in Shaul’s rhetorical questioning is a reaffirming of the fact that Yehovah is always going to be proved right despite Yisra’el’s (or for that matter, any person’s) failures and unbelief. His righteousness will always stand. Is Shaul also rhetorically questioning the sensibility and justification of Yisra’el being punished for that which only serves or proves Yehovah’s righteousness? Or rather, why would Yehovah harm those whose unrighteous actions are working to demonstrate to the world His righteousness? And by extension, what sense does it make for Yehovah to punish His human creation for the very thing that displays His righteousness? Indeed, there are so many angles to be had from this single verse.

Shaul’s retort to such reasoning takes us back to the simple, foundational premise, which happens to be one of Yehovah’s fundamental character traits, which is that He is just and righteous in all His Ways. Therefore, it is Yehovah’s uncompromising righteousness and justice that requires Him to judge and punish sin, separate from the glory He will invariably receive for always being right. For Him to not punish sin would run counter to His righteous and just nature. And so, any individual who would think otherwise deserves the wrath and punishment that is coming to them (3:8).

For such Epicurean philosophical thinking serves only to promote Yah’s people to continue in sin so that grace may abound (Rom. 6:2). Such thinking can also be viewed as antinomianism. Antinomianism essentially promotes lawlessness as a way of life simply because Yehovah’s grace covers and cleanses one from their sins (1 Joh. 1:7). In other words, God’s got you, so you’re free to live however you desire to live. Sounds a bit like Evangelical Christianity’s grace-perversion doctrine. Nevertheless, we’ll revisit Epicureanism and Antinomianism when we examine verse six (6).

So how is any of this connected to what the apostle is writing here? Well, it appears that certain Messianic or Orthodox Jews who stood in opposition to Shaul and his teachings were accusing the apostle of preaching and teaching a lawless grace-based doctrine. And based upon what we know about Shaul and his teachings, it’s kind of hard for us to understand why anyone would arrive at such a conclusion. However, when we take into consideration all that we’ve read in Shaul’s letter to the Roman Messianics regarding religious Jews and the exclusive faith they placed on their Jewishness, any mention of one’s salvation and obedient covenant relationship with the Almighty being faith and grace-based would certainly incite some to rebel against the apostle and his teachings in such a slanderous manner.

Furthermore, it’s certainly not too difficult to recognize that the individuals who were slandering Shaul and his ministry, fell among those who the Apostle Kefa—Peter—described as:

“But we (Kefa), according to His (Yeshua’s) promise, expect new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. (14) Therefore, my beloved, as you expect these things, strive that you may be found by Him in peace, without spot and without blemish. (15) And account the long suffering of Master Yehovah to be redemption; as also our beloved brother Shaul, according to the wisdom conferred on him, wrote to you; (16) as also in all his letters speaking in them of these things in which there is something difficult to be understood; (and) which they who are ignorant and unstable pervert, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction” (2 Pet. 3:13-16; AENT). 

So then, if Shaul was not teaching or promoting antinomianism or a lawless grace-based faith as it relates to Yisra’el’s and humankind’s sinful nature highlighting or vindicating Yehovah’s righteousness, what exactly was he teaching? Well, quite simply that humans are depraved creatures; that they are in fact totally incapable of knowing Yehovah or coming into and maintaining a substantive, covenant relationship with Him on their own accord. The carnal human make-up works overtime to coerce a person to resist obeying, praising, glorifying and imaging Yehovah in this world. The human make-up instead seeks desperately to exalt itself—to always address and see to its own desires and preferences; to focus on the self. There then is no room for Yehovah and His Ways in the carnal man/woman way of thinking and behaving. And the only remedy for this dire situation is the blood of Y’shua HaMashiyach and the indwelling and workings of the Ruach Kodesh in a would-be child of Yehovah’s life. Yehovah’s precious Holy Spirit provides the elect of Yah the ability to walk in Yehovah’s Ways (that being an obedient covenant relationship with Yehovah) and to image Him in the earth. Praise Yah!

  1. May it never be! For otherwise how will God judge the world?

So, if the Epicurean-based religious Jew and Gentile is correct in their assessment of Shaul’s teachings, they would be countering one of the foundational premises of faith in Yehovah: that premise being that Yehovah is fundamentally good and just and holy in all His Ways. And if this axiomatic understanding (this indisputable understanding) of the fundamental nature of Yehovah is not firmly established in his readers’ minds and hearts, then all bets are off. And then the argument being proposed and discussed here becomes a circular one whereby we would never come to an agreement on the question of whether Yehovah has the right to judge a sinful world. Therefore, the bottom-line must be firmly established; that being, Yehovah is the ultimate judge of the world, which alone means Yehovah is just and good and righteous in all His Ways.

But returning to verse six for a moment more, we find here that Shaul raises yet another rhetorical objection. The apostle surmises what the foolish might think regarding the question of one being more and more faithless in their lives, that Yehovah’s faithfulness is made more evident and powerful in that person’s life. So, it would stand to reason in these folks’ flawed minds that for Yehovah to take vengeance upon those poor souls whose faithlessness only made Yah’s faithfulness more abundant, would make Him, Yehovah, unrighteous. In other words, it would not be fair.  And Shaul answers yet again: God forbid; for then how shall Yehovah judge the world. For the simple truth of the matter is that if Yehovah were to stave off His judgment on the unrighteous because His righteousness abounds in their unrighteousness, then there’d never be any future judgment. And we know that Yehovah has promised there would be judgment.

Yehovah offered His people, Yisra’el, a solution to their faithlessness; their sin; their disbelief, in the Person and teachings of Y’shua Messiah. But as we previously mentioned, Yisra’el missed the time of her visitation (Luk. 19:44). So then, what is Yehovah supposed to do in response to Yisra’el’s continued unrighteousness and unbelief? Is Yehovah fundamentally unrighteous to inflict wrath and punishment on His people? What right does He have to inflict his wrath and judgment on Yisra’el or any person since they are inherently incapable of coming to Faith on their own accord?

Part of the answer to these difficult questions may be found back in our earlier discussions of the first chapter of the Book of Romans where the apostle makes that case that despite man’s inherent depravity, they have no excuse:

  1. “For I (Shaul) am not ashamed of the Good News (the Besorah; the gospel); for it is the power of Elohim to life, to all who believe in it; whether firsts they are of the Jews, or whether they are of the Arameans. (17) For in it is revealed the righteousness of Elohim from faith to faith; as it is written, The righteousness by faith, will live. (18) For the wrath of Elohim from heaven is revealed against all the iniquity and wickedness of men who hold the truth in iniquity (19) because a knowledge of Elohim is manifest in them; for Elohim has manifested it in them. (20) For, from the foundations of the world, the hidden things of Elohim are seen by the mind in the things He created even His eternal power and divinity, so that they might be without excuse (21) because they knew Elohim and did not glorify Him and give thanks to Him as Elohim but became vain in their imaginings and their unwise heart was darkened. (22) And while they thought within themselves that they were wise, they became fools. (23) And they changed the glory of the incorruptible Elohim into a likeness to the image of a corruptible man, and into the likeness of bird and four-legged animals and reptiles on the earth. For this cause, Elohim gave them up to fill the lust of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies with them. (25) And they changed the truth of Elohim into a lie; and worshipped and served the created things, much more than the Creator of them…(28) And as they did not determine with themselves to know Elohim, Elohim gave them over to a vain mind; that they might do what they should not…(2:1) There is therefore no excuse for you, O man, who judges your neighbor; for by judging your neighbor, you condemn yourself; for you that judge do practice the same things. (2) And we know that the judgment of Elohim is in accordance with truth, in regard to those who practice these things.” (AENT).

And so, the apostle goes on to lay before His Roman Messianic readers the inevitable wrath and judgment that is to come upon Yah’s human creation. And that pending judgment is one that will focus on the state of people’s hearts:

“But because of the hardness of your un-repenting heart, you are treasuring up a store of wrath against the day of wrath, and against the revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim (6) Who will recompense to every man, according to his deeds” (Rom. 2:5).


You see, Yah judges the deeds of His human creation in accordance with the state of their heart:

“For Yehovah does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but Yehovah looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7; NKJV). 

Clearly, the premise that Yehovah is the ultimate judge over all creation, cannot be overlooked. Nor can one overlook the premise that Yehovah is inherently righteous in all His Ways. Thus, it stands to reason, in a brilliant quote from Messianic Author and Teacher J.K. McKee, that “if God does not judge them (them being his faithless people), how then could He judge the world, as he would surely be fair in His dealings with all His people.”

If Yehovah is indeed unrighteous in His Ways, what gives Him the right to judge His human creation?

One way of understanding Shaul’s answer to the rhetorical question posed in verse five (5) is to approach it from an Epicurean, otherwise known as Antinomian perspective.

What is Epicureanism? Well, it is believed by some scholars that the Greek Philosopher Epicurus founded his religion in c. 307 BCE.

Although Epicureanism bordered on hedonism; the incessant pursuit of pleasure and fulfillment, it also held, among a great many other things, that the Creator had little to no involvement with His human creation. Thus, for the would-be Epicurean, the thought that God would pour out wrath and punishment on humanity just didn’t fit his/her mindset. In fact, Epicureanism espoused that one should not go through their lives fearful of what the gods might do to them.

Epicurean thinking would lead one to see Yehovah as having no right to punish His human creation because humanity is what humanity is: Depraved. Humanity then knows nothing but its depraved nature and thus cannot/should not be held responsible for its behavior. And if Yehovah is indeed what He is touted to be: a loving and forgiving God, then it would stand to reason that He could not pour out wrath and punishment upon humanity.

Antinomianism, seemingly working in conjunction with Epicureanism among the Gentiles, simply rejected all legal systems.  In fact, antinomianism could be viewed as the basis upon which the grace perversion of denominationalism is based. We know that much of denominationalism strongly rejects Torah-honoring/observing/keeping by Yah’s elect for reasons associated with a twisting of the Eternal’s grace. A complete rejection of Torah, and an embracing of lawless grace as the foundation for one’s faith walk.

Epicureanism and Antinomianism, therefore, seems to form the nascent basis upon which much of denominationalism is formed today–a completely lawless, grace-drunk system that is humanistic in nature. And this is what Shaul was likely facing in his dealings with the various Gentile enclaves throughout the Roman Empire that he oversaw: This mindset of let’s live it up today for tomorrow we die. It’s fueled by the mystery of iniquity–that which brings about or promotes lawlessness in the earth, especially within the Body of Mashiyach.  I wouldn’t say that it is an inherent mindset within humanity, but that it is a willful ignorance and an agenda by people, both within and outside the Body of Mashiyach, to live contrary to one’s profession of Faith. In other words, I want to adulterate, fornicate, steal, murder, revel, get drunk, lie, not keep the Sabbath, the feast days or the food laws–I want to live the way I want to live and I’m going to get away with doing what I’m not supposed to do or I’m going to get away with not-doing that which I’m supposed to do because God is not going to punish me; He’s not going to pour out His wrath upon me; He has to forgive me, regardless how many times I go back to Yah for forgiveness, He must forgive me.

Now, the comparison that exists between humans (that stand as inherent sinners and unrighteous and faithless in every aspect of their being) and Yehovah (who is inherently holy and righteous and faithful in every aspect of His Being) are beyond striking. And so it is that Yah establishes and embodies the standard by which His human creation must live/exist/operate in this world. Consequently, there are no exceptions to humans having to meet Yehovah’s standards. Failure to meet those standards will result in Yah’s wrath and punishment being pour out upon those who refuse to meet those standards. And those standards are clearly laid out for humanity in Torah.

Unfortunately, humans are incapable of meeting those standards of righteousness by their own means. Thus, humans desperately need Yehovah’s help for them to meet those exacting standards. And Yehovah has, through His renewed covenant, established a means by which humans receive help to meet those standards, deliver them from the Kingdom of Darkness and save them from Yehovah’s righteous and just wrath and punishment. Those humans who elect and aspire to meet those standards have one and only one option: to enter an obedient covenant relationship with the Almighty through the provisions of the renewed covenant that was facilitated through the personal ministry of Y’shua HaMashiyach.

This is Yehovah’s righteousness and faithfulness in action. He’s provided the means by which every human may escape His coming wrath and punishment. It’s up to the individual then to accept the provision of Yehovah.

And let’s be clear here: We’re not talking about an individual simply saying the so-called “Sinner’s Pray,” receiving the “right-hand of fellowship,” maybe getting dunk in a baptismal pool and throwing a few duckets into the offering plate from time-to-time, and going on to live his/her life as he/she sees fit to do, expecting some day to be raptured up to heaven where he/she will walk the streets of gold, sing in the hallelujah choir and gaze in the face of Jesus for all eternity. Oh no! We’re talking about a complete, from top to bottom, renewal of an individual’s mind, heart and soul, where he/she repents from his/her sins and enters an obedient covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe through Y’shua Messiah. We’re talking about going through a period of sanctification that is affected by Yehovah’s precious Ruach HaKodesh, seeking Yehovah’s Kingdom and His righteousness daily.

Now, if humans choose not to receive the free gift of redemption from the Kingdom of Darkness and salvation from the coming judgment and to walk in covenant relationship with Yehovah, does Yehovah have the right to punish his obstinate human creation? If Yah does in fact pour out his wrath and punish those who choose to remain in their deplorable state (and we know that He must do that very thing in order for Him to remain true to His righteous and just character), can it then be determined that Yehovah is unrighteous? That He is evil?

And the apostle answers assertively in verse 6 with a deafening: “By no means! (ESV)”; “Absolutely not!” (HCSB).  Which leads the apostle to ask a follow-up rhetorical question: If this be so, how then will Yehovah judge the world? In other words, if Yehovah is compromised by way of Him being “unrighteous in His Ways,” how then can He be a proper and just God? For one to execute judgment against an offender, they must be beyond reproach. The judge cannot be compromised; He must be righteous. A judge that is unrighteous is disqualified from judging offenders.

Shaul is anticipating how people will throw doubt as to Yehovah’s righteousness and faithfulness. And we must know that this is an age-old problem with those who claim to be Yehovah’s children: They simply don’t believe Yehovah. People for whatever reason rationalize within themselves (although they may say otherwise) that Yehovah cannot or will not do what He has declared He will do: He will not punish me for my continued sin; He will give me a free pass into the Kingdom despite my refusal to repent and turn from my evil ways. If I want to do something that is sinful, I’ll just go ahead and do it (pretentious sin) and then ask God for forgiveness; and we’ll repeat this cycle endlessly, rationalizing within our deceptive hearts that Yah has to forgive us, otherwise He would not be just, righteous and true to His Word to forgive us of our sins.

But Yehovah doesn’t operate in such a manner. Yes, Yah, as we discussed in our previous post, will always remain true to His Words. Yehovah will always do that which He says He will do. He is uncompromisingly faithful in all His Ways. However, even though He has made provisions for His redeemed to receive forgiveness for their sins, there is a point where Abba’s patience with his obstinate people wears out in response to their insistence in continuing to live in sin. Eventually He will be forced, because of His holy and righteous character, to render unto His obstinate people that which they’ve sown. (Such that the wages for sin is death…Romans 6:23). You see, Abba will also not tolerate presumptuous sin–those sins that are committed willfully, whereby one thinks that he/she will get away with simply by asking Yehovah for His forgiveness repeatedly. Invariably, Yah will judge the guilty accordingly.

To continue to live in sin with the intention of exploiting Yehovah’s grace, serves only to test and ignite Yah’s anger against us. For when we responded to the call to be a child of the Most High, we effectively agreed to walk in obedient covenant relationship with the Most High. We effectively agreed to hand over our lives to Him so that He, through the work of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, will transform us into the image of our Older Brother Y’shua Messiah—so that we may walk out those exacting standards—the ways—the paths—the lifestyle of righteousness that He requires of His chosen ones.

Thus, for our part, we cannot give ourselves over to sin at any level. We cannot do so because we are not our own as we’ve been purchased with a tremendous price (1 Cor. 6:19-20). We belong to Yehovah. Conversely, any who would willfully give themselves over to the ways of the old man—the ways of this world—the ways of the Kingdom of Darkness are effectively showing themselves to be slaves to sin and to the Kingdom of Darkness.

Of this Shaul wrote:

Rom. 6:19–I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification (ESV).


Thus, a central, foundational premise that must be drawn from verses 5 and 6 is that Yah sets the rules for all of humanity. And because of Yah’s righteous, holy and just character, He must abide by those rules, regardless who of humanity violates those rules. So then, who are we to think and act otherwise? Yah has all authority. He is sovereign.


  1. But if through my lie (through my unrighteousness; through my unfaithfulness) the truth of God abounded to His glory, why am I also still being judged as a sinner? 

Here, the apostle reasons: Is it fair for one to be blamed or held divinely responsible for his falsehood, if by his lie, (or rather his unrighteousness or his unfaithfulness) Yehovah’s truth all the more exalts Him (Yehovah) as the Holy and Righteous Elohim that He is.

Some scholars interpret this passage as Shaul referring to himself—that being, “my lie” which would conceivably refer to his teachings and doctrine. And so, in that sense, we find Shaul here rhetorically arguing the flawed thinking: Should Yehovah punish us for preaching and teaching that which is false—or rather a lie, shouldn’t our false teachings serve as a display of Yehovah’s righteousness? Why then am I subject to Yehovah’s wrath and judgment? Or rather, what right does Yehovah have in punishing me?

I, on the other hand, take Messianic Commentator and Teacher J. K. McKee’s position that when Shaul refers to “my lie” here in verse 7, he is referring to a hypothetical person: primarily an ungodly—an unrighteous person. And so, the ungodly mind is rhetorically pondering: “If my (the carnal rhetorical person’s) unrighteousness enhances God’s righteousness; faithfulness; His truthfulness, just as any person’s unrighteousness highlights Yehovah’s righteousness more brightly (verse 5) or rather increases Yah’s glory that much more, then surely God ought to be pleased, even grateful for a person’s unrighteousness? Am I (the rhetorical person) not doing Him a service?” (J.K. McKee)

By my lie—by my unfaithfulness—by my sin, rhetorically speaking, Yehovah’s Truth—His righteousness–becomes more obvious and known to both the Kingdom of Yehovah and the Kingdom of Darkness. The phrase “by my lie” carries us back to verse 4.

Another way of looking at this verse is to refer to the understanding of humankind’s depraved nature. And what we see the apostle rhetorically postulating here is the flawed thinking that man sins as a result of his depraved state, his depraved nature. And it therefore stands that because of this depraved state that man finds himself in, he needs Yehovah’s grace—His helping through Yeshua’s sacrifice to save him. In other words, Yehovah can rightly contend: Look, you are incapable of making it on your own. You need my righteous help. And so Yehovah stands ready to come to our rescue through the work of His Son Y’shua Messiah. And through His saving grace, He ultimately receives the glory.

Well one might rhetorically challenge: Because Yehovah is right and man is in desperate error, is Yehovah then justified in His judgment of depraved, sinful humankind? Or rather, is it fair for Yehovah to judge and punish depraved humanity because Yah knows better; humanity doesn’t? And of course, the answer to such humanistic thinking is obvious: Yah is sovereign, holy, righteous and just. Thus, He has every right to judge and punish His human creation. And referring back to the second half of the first chapter of Romans, humankind inherently knows that Yehovah exists and it knows right from wrong. Therefore, Yehovah’s wrath and impending judgment is just. Humanity has no excuse.

  1. And why not say: “Let us do evil that good may come?” Their condemnation is just. 

There is another parenthetical insertion to be found in most of the Authorized English Versions of this verse, that reads: “as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say…” Although I tend to shy away from parenthetical statements in most of my discussions simply because they were added by some unnamed scribe or interpreter, for the sake of context and reason, it does appear that here in this verse, Shaul is rhetorically responding to slanderous accusations being leveled at him and his teachings. Recall we talked earlier in this discussion about the Epicurean thinking and antinomianism that was finding its way in the various assemblies Shaul oversaw. Well, Shaul in this verse could well have been rhetorically referring to those who hold such humanistic thinking.

Combining verses seven (7) and eight (8), we find Shaul rhetorically asking: If by my lying to you (that is, if by or through my sinfulness–my faithlessness) the truth of Yehovah abundantly succeeds, why then am I condemned or judged a sinner? I simply can’t be judged a sinner. Thus Yehovah has no right to pour out His wrath upon me nor punish me. I’m just a poor, depraved human. Yehovah, on the other hand, is Almighty and will always be shown to be the righteous and faithful One over His human creation. Which then could be reasoned: Let’s continue to live in sin so that good may come of it—such that God’s righteousness and faithfulness prevails and rescues us from our depraved state. And Shaul concludes that such souls who think and live by such thinking deserve the judgment that is due them.

Folks, this is in a general sense the premise that undergirds or supports denominationalism’s grace perversion doctrines–Live according to the way you are so inclined to live, because Y’shua lived and kept the Law (aka Torah) perfectively so that we don’t have to. That being the case, when we live less than Godly lives, we can simply depend on Yehovah to forgive us. And in so doing, God’s outrageous grace that He lavishes upon His people brings forth glory unto Yehovah and the world sees just how wonderful our God is.

Well, such thinking is from the pit of hades. Such thinking is derived from the desperately wicked nature of humanity’s heart (Jer. 17:9): the heart of a soul that seeks to fulfill and promote an individual’s personal desires, resist the Will of Yehovah in his/her life and still get into the Kingdom of Yah when it is all said and done. It’s a self-serving, humanistic mindset that deserves, as Shaul declares, judgment/damnation/wrath.

Any Child of the Most High with a truly circumcised heart and who desires to maintain a true and substantive covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe, could not possess nor entertain such a mindset. Such a mindset runs counter to the changed heart–the circumcised heart–the heart upon which Yehovah’s Torah is inscribed, under the auspices of the renewed covenant through the personal ministry of Y’shua HaMashiyach. For such a renewed soul realizes, through the revelation and indwelling of the Ruach Kodesh, that such mindset and practice cannot stand in the life of an elect of Yah. He/she realizes that Yah receives the glory and honor He so justly deserves when we honor Him with our obedience and our praise and worship and our faith; when we die to self; when we refuse to give our members over to the ways of the Kingdom of Darkness and of the old man. Yah’s glory as manifested through His grace is realized when we turn from sin and walk permanently in the newness of life. Yah’s grace when left to such Epicurean and Antinomianistic thinking is made of no effect.

At the risk of violating my own rule of avoiding the use of biblical sound bites at all costs, I turn to Shaul who wrote the following to the Galatian Messianics:

I do not frustrate the grace of Elohim…” (Gal. 2:21; AENT).  

In other words, I do not set-aside or marginalize the grace of Yehovah, presumably by dabbling in the things I did in my past—turning from walking in obedient covenant with Yehovah, to walking in sin. To do so is to play with fire–Yah’s judgment fire.

Later on in the Cepher of Romans, the apostle rhetorically asked:

Will we continue in sin that grace may abound? (2) Far be it: For if we are persons that have died to sin, how can we again live in it? (6:1-2; cf. 6:15; AENT).  

And from there, the apostle expounds on the reasons why we should not continue to frustrate the grace of Elohim by continuing to live in sin.

The best wrap-up of our focus passage here today comes from Messianic Teacher and Commentator Tim Hegg who writes:

“Thus, the righteousness of Torah still miraculously manifests Yehovah’s faithfulness even when some have been unfaithful to its precepts and demands.” 

Call to Action and Discussion Wrap-up 

Grace certainly exists and operates effectively in the life of Yehovah’s elect.  Conversely, sin also exists, and it too operates, yes, in the lives of many of Yah’s elect. Nevertheless, the reality stands that Yah cannot, by His Perfect and Just character, ignore or give sin a pass. Sinners musts somehow pay for their sin. The question is how will sinners have their sins paid for?

As Yah’s elect, it is our responsibility to die to self, put on the new man and walk in the newness of life in Y’shua Messiah. We cannot take advantage of Yehovah’s grace and commit high-handed sins. As Yah’s elect, we are under contract–a covenant–and we cannot give ourselves over to another master–that master being sin. To do so willfully is to break covenant with the Eternal. In willfully breaking covenant with the Eternal, it stands to reason that the state of our heart is in terrible question and is thus in need of a transplant. Yah’s grace, in its proper understanding, provides us, through the working and indwelling of the Ruach Kodesh, the wherewithal to resist the tug of sin and walk uprightly before our Creator perfectly, in order to be holy as He is holy. And by the way, if we lack the Ruach Kodesh, our Master told us how to get it:

“If you who are evil you know to give good gifts to your children, how much more your Father from Heaven will give the Ruach HaKodesh to those who ask Him” (Luk. 11:13). 

So, if we truly seek to walk in obedient covenant relationship with our Elohim and we want to overcome this flesh of ours, all we need to do, according to our Master, is ask Abba for His Holy Spirit. Yah’s Ruach Kodesh, when fully operating in our lives, gives us the wherewithal to walk effectively, powerfully and successfully in obedient covenant relationship with Yehovah. This is in effect, Yah’s grace in action and in-force.

Yah’s grace was never intended to be used as a get-out-of punishment and wrath card. It was designed and implemented to assist us in walking out this Faith walk of ours successfully and triumphantly.

Therefore, we must examine the state of our hearts and determine where our loyalties lay: With the Kingdom of Darkness or the Kingdom of Yehovah; and then not exploit the grace of Yehovah to our own personal, spiritual and physical benefits. For Yehovah clearly sees through our foolishness and exploitation of Him. His patience will eventually wear out and He will be compelled, by His holy and righteous character, to inflict wrath and punishment upon us, if we don’t permanently straighten up and fly right.

It’s up to us beloved, to accept the challenge Yehovah put before us: to walk in the ways of righteousness and seek His Kingdom, despite the push-back we will inevitably get from this world. But He did not leave us to work through these inevitable challenges alone. Yehovah, through His Son, has given us His precious Ruach HaKodesh—His grace which He’s lavished upon us—to overcome the world, just as His Son overcame the world. We don’t have to continue as slaves to sin. Yeshua showed us that we can break the bonds of the Kingdom of Darkness and sin. Through His sacrifice, we’ve been purchased with the blood of Y’shua. And now, we belong to Yehovah and are eligible to be citizens of His Kingdom, if we simply learn to die to self, let go and let Yah.



1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.

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Let God Be True and Every Man a Liar–A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:3-4


This is “Let God Be True and Every Man a Liar—A Messianic Discussion of Romans 3:3-4.” It will be a resumption of our examination and discussion of Romans chapter three (3), picking up where we left off from the last installment of our overarching Paul and Hebrew Roots series. If you recall, we looked at verses one (1) and two (2) in detail, focusing on Shaul’s declaration that the Jewish advantage is founded first and foremost on the Hebrew being entrusted with the Creator’s oracles.

In our discussing and examining of this unique Jewish Advantage that the apostle wrote about to his Roman Messianic readers, we explored what exactly those oracles consisted of and what the entrusting of those oracles meant to the Jew and the rest of the world.


What we will find as we transition over to verses three (3) and (4), which will be our focus passage for this discussion, is a critical, foundational premise of Faith that we all must securely understand and embrace if we intend to remain in covenant relationship with the Almighty. And that critical, foundation premise of Faith is firmly connected to our faith; to our belief in the faithfulness of Yehovah to keep His promises.


If should be of no surprise to any of us that our obedient faith—our belief—in Yehovah is that which justifies us before our holy and righteous Elohim. Our belief—our faith—in Yehovah and in the personal ministry of our Master Y’shua, forms the basis upon which our covenant relationship with Yehovah, King of the Universe, is built.

The writer of Hebrews said it clearly and succinctly:

“…without faith it is impossible to please Him (Him being Yehovah): for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (11:5; KJV).

That believing or faithfulness of Yehovah on our part—that which leads to Him being a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, involves consists of a few things:

  • Believing that Yah exists and that He is Who He says He is.
  • Belief in Yah’s Words and in His Way of life.
  • Belief that leads to obediently walking in Yehovah’s Ways.
  • Belief that Yah will do all that He said He will do in His Words; to us through His Spirit; to the world through the personal ministry of His Son and our Messiah.

Interestingly, Shaul anticipated that some Gentiles might question Yehovah’s faithfulness—Yah being true to His Words; His promises; His covenant and the completion of the covenant promises He established through Y’shua Messiah. Why? Simply because His chosen people, Yisra’el, refused to believe. Believe what? Well, we’ll get into the “what” in just a moment.

Which begs the question: Is Yehovah’s faithfulness to His Words-His Covenants—His promises—dependent upon the faithfulness of the Jew?

Satisfaction of the need:

Well, suffice to say, we will firmly establish in this discussion that Yehovah does not require His chosen ones—Yisra’el—to be in covenant with Him, nor to believe in Y’shua as their Mashiyach, for Him to remain true to all His promises. He will always accomplish that which He promised He would do.

So, with that, let’s get into our focus passage for today: Romans 3:3-4.


Our focus passage reads as follows:

(3) For if some of them have not believed, have they, by their not believing, made the faith of Elohim inefficient? (4) Far be it (that is, may it never be!; “khes,” “Elohim forbid”): For Elohim is truthful, and every man false: as it is written: “That you might be upright, in your declarations; and be found pure when they judge you.” (Rom. 3:3-4; AENT).

Let’s now break this passage down to get a better sense of what the apostle is saying here.

  1. What then? If some did not believe, their unbelief will not nullify the faithfulness of God, will it?

Starting off, how should we define “not believe” and “unbelief” as used here in this verse by Shaul?”

The Greek term that is used here for “not believe” is “apisteou” which, contextually, means to refuse to believe something that is conveyed to us.

The meaning and use of this term are best understood from the following passages:

  • Luke 24:1-12, specifically in verse 11, We find the term “apisteou” used by Luke to describe the disciples’ refusal to believe the women’s report that the resurrected Y’shua had appeared and spoken to them.
  • Acts 28:23-31, specifically in verse 24, we find the term “apisteou” used by Luke to describe those Jews who refused to believe the gospel as taught to them by Shaul from his apartment in Rome.

Who are the “some” that Shaul rhetorically describes as “apisteou?” Contextually speaking, the “some” that Shaul is alluding to here must be the Jews. This most certainly would be a continuation or carry-over of Shaul’s diatribe featuring the rhetorical Jew of chapter two (2) and verses one (1) and two (2) of chapter three (3).

And so, within the framework of his ongoing diatribe, the apostle, assuming the role of Gentile here, asks the question: So, what if some Jews “apisteou”; what if some Jews refused to believe?

Refuse to believe what?

Well, that is a very good question that I personally cannot, with any appreciable confidence, answer. And the reason I don’t have a confident answer as to what it was that some Jews would refuse to believe is because there are at least two lines of thinking one could take in answering this question. (1) Yisra’el’s general refusal to keep covenant with Yehovah throughout her history because she simply did not believe/have Faith in Yehovah, her Elohim. Or (2), from a more contextual standpoint, Yisra’el’s overall rejection of Y’shua as her Mashiyach and of His gospel message.

Now, if we want to play it safe, we could say Shaul was insinuating that Yisra’el’s refusal to believe consisted of both lines of thinking. It certainly wouldn’t be wrong. However, the second line of thinking seems to agree with the apostle’s intermittent assertion that he was an emissary of Y’shua Messiah, who was set apart to preach and teach the gospel of Yehovah (Rom. 1:1-3, 5-6, 9, 13-15; 2:16; 10:15-16; 11:28; 15:16-29; 16:25). And if this is indeed in alignment with the point the apostle is trying to make here in verse three (3), then “the what” of the apostle’s question is the “gospel.” The apostle then is rhetorically asking: So, what if some Jews refuse to believe the gospel that I’m teaching and preaching? Does the Jew’s unbelief or refusal to believe—let’s say the gospel—nullify (ESV); make of none effect (ASV); cancel (CJB); abolish (Peshitta); make useless (YLT) Yehovah’s faithfulness—in the Greek the term used is “pistis” which contextually means fidelity or simply faithfulness.

Well, this of course brings up the next question: Yehovah’s fidelity or faithfulness to what? And the answer to this critical question can only be answered by our examining the next verse of our focus passage, verse four (4):

  1. May it never be! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, as it is written, ‘That you may be justified in Your words, and prevail when You are judged.’

TheMay it never be! comes in response to Shaul’s rhetorical question about Yehovah’s faithfulness despite Yisra’el’s history of unfaithfulness and unbelief.

“May it never be” turns out to be a common rabbinic expression that Shaul borrows and uses throughout the body of his writings. It is meant to convey to the reader and listener, the impossibility of whatever proposal is being put forth to them. In this case, Shaul is strongly testifying to the impossibility that Yehovah would be unfaithful to His covenant-promises as a result of Yisra’el’s disbelief in those same promises.

And so, in order to prove his point Shaul attempts to establish a basic premise with his readers, which for us today, must be a fundamental understanding of our Faith:

That Yehovah is always true, and man is always the liar (on a broader scale, man is a sinner; in this case, the religious Jew is always the sinner who is the liar). In fact, Yehovah’s faithfulness to His Word and Yisra’el’s disbelief in Yehovah’s Word are mutually exclusive one to another. Yisra’el’s disbelief is essentially illustrative of humankind’s overall fallen state. Humans will do what humans do–sin and disbelieve Yehovah–regardless of whether those humans are Jews.

Shaul uses the Greek term pseustes (psyoos-tace) to describe humankind in comparison to the faithfulness of Yehovah. The KJV translates pseustes as liar. But liar in this sense may be a tad bit much. We know that most people do not lie all the time. They do from time to time tell the truth.

Well, the root of pseustes is pseudomai. Pseudomai, can certainly mean to utter a falsehood or untruth. However, depending on how it is used, pseudomai can also mean attempt to deceive by falsehood.

Recall earlier in Shaul’s letter he writes about his gospel includes Yah ultimately judging the secrets of His human creation (2:16) and a true Jew being he/she who is one on the inside, otherwise expressed as one who is circumcised of heart (2:29).

We know from previous discussions that Yehovah judges and searches the hearts of those who would be His elect. We also know from Father’s revelations that the hearts of people are desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9).

Thus, it stands as a foundational premise of our Faith that human beings are inherently deceptive, evil, selfish, opportunistic, possess a natural hostility towards Yehovah (Rom. 8:7).  Unlike Yehovah, humans cannot be trusted. And so, it makes sense that Yah commanded His elect to trust no man (Psa. 146:3). Why? Because humans are inherently unfaithful in all their ways. And that’s why Yah commanded Avraham to walk upright before him and be perfect (Gen. 17:1). And thusly, Yah commenced to test Avraham to see just how true—how faithful- how circumcised his heart was. Later on, Yah commands His people to do likewise: Be holy as He is Holy (Exo. 19:6; Lev. 21:8). And we were encouraged by the Apostle Kefa to walk before our Heavenly Father perfectly and be holy (1 Pet. 1:16).

Conversely, one of the Creator’s intrinsic character traits is that He is uncompromisingly just and righteous in all His Ways. Thus, He will always be true to Himself by remaining steadfastly true to His promises. For Him to behave or say otherwise would run counter to His holiness, righteousness and justness. He is thus faithful. He is incapable of being unfaithful.

But as it relates to Yehovah in this covenant equation, Shaul is emphatically stating that Yehovah is true: He is unchanging. Yehovah will always remain true to His Words. For an irrevocable attribute of the Great I Am is that He is true. And this is of course in stark contrast to humankind’s attribute of being a liar-being sinful-being unfaithful and unrighteous. And thus, Shaul here in this verse combines references of Psalm 51:4 and 116:11 [LXX is 115:2] which supports this contention:

Psalm 51:4 is a portion of a Psalm of repentance that King Dawid wrote over the sin he committed with Bathsheba: “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.”

Paraphrasing what Dawid (aka King David) has written:

Abba, I know I’ve done wrong and transgressed your Torah. Have mercy on me. Forgive me. Wash me from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins. For there is no doubt about it: I’ve sinned against you and done an evil thing before you. And in the end, whatever punishment is due me, you will be justified and blameless. I deserve what is coming to me.

And in Psalm 116:11, Dawid writes simply:

“I said in my alarm, ‘All mankind are liars.'”

As it relates to Yehovah’s faithfulness to His Words, Shaul argues that man is inherently sinful and prone to transgress their end of covenant bargains (3:4). But Yehovah is not like a man as stated in Numbers 23:19-20:

“Yehovah is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good” (NKJV)?

He will always remain true to His Words and will always fulfill His promises.

Yah purposes to save fallen man through Y’shua who descended through Yisra’el. And He purposed to do this despite His knowing that Yisra’el would break covenant with Him on numerous occasions.

Nevertheless, Yah is not done with Yisra’el as Shaul writes in Romans 11:25-26:

“Mystery, that blindness of heart has in some measure befallen Yisra’el until the fullness of the Gentiles will come in. And then will all Yisra’el live (referring to those who successfully “teshuvah” and receive Y’shua as their Mashiyach, as for a certainty, those who reject Yehovah’s salvation through Y’shua Messiah will not be saved). (Continuing.) As it is written: ‘A deliverer will come from Tsiyon and will turn away iniquity from Ya’akov’” (AENT).

And so Shaul here asserts that Yehovah’s promises are not abrogated because Yisra’el repeatedly broke covenant with Father or that she failed to receive Y’shua as her Mashiyach (3:4). For Yah’s faithfulness [to His promises] will always be manifested and come to full fruition as man will always be proved liars (ref. Psa. 51:4).

And so Shaul, in addition to certifying the value or advantage of the Jew and circumcision, had to address the rhetorical question of how Yehovah is justified in His lumping religious or rebellious or hypocritical Jews in with all of humanity as it relates to sin. And thus, Shaul asserts that Jewish disobedience to Torah and her unbelief/her faithlessness (to include her rejection of Y’shua as her Messiah) does not in any sense adversely affect Yehovah’s faithfulness nor His righteousness to His human creation. McKee brilliantly puts it this way: “Yet at the same time, God’s faithfulness to God’s own self, requires Him to judge sin–regardless of who commits it.”

Although Shaul references a couple Psalm passages to make his point here, there stands another excellent support passage that cannot be overlooked:

“Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who keeps covenant and living kindness, do not let all the hardship seem insignificant before You, which has come upon us, our kings, our princes, our priests, our prophets, our fathers and on all Your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria to this day. However, You are just in all that has come upon us; for You have dealt faithfully, but we have acted wickedly” (Neh. 9:32-33).

Continuing within the context of our present text, this lack of faith or belief on the part of the Jew, according to Shaul, has nothing to do with their guardianship of Yehovah’s oracles. But rather, it is their unbelief and lack of faith that is supposed to rest on what is contained in those oracles. And although not directly stated in this passage, the religious Jew’s unbelief and absence of faith is evidenced in their rejection of Y’shua as their long-prophesied Mashiyach. As Hegg writes: “He (Y’shua) is the locus of the nation’s unbelief.”

This is powerfully illustrated in Yahoshua’s prophetic epithet over Yisra’el, which He uttered during His entry into Yerushalayim, just prior to His crucifixion:

“And when He had drawn near and saw the city, He wept over her. And He said, ‘If perhaps you had known those things that were for your peace, even if in this your day now, but they are hidden from your eyes. But to you will come the days when your enemies will surround you, and will oppress you from all sides. And will overthrow you and your children with you, and they will not leave in you a stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation’” (Luk. 19:41-44).

Despite Yisra’el having been entrusted with Yehovah’s oracles, she tragically failed to recognize, receive and embrace her Messiah.

And so it was: Despite the faithfulness of Yisra’el to physically safeguard Yehovah’s oracles over the centuries, she remained steadfastly unbelieving in those very oracles and ultimately blind to the appearing of her Messiah.  In so doing, Yisra’el’s covenant relationship with Yehovah was severely damaged. Yet again, because of her unbelief/her unfaithfulness, she would be temporarily denied entry into the promised land—the Kingdom of Yehovah—brought to them by Y’shua HaMashiyach.

Nevertheless, Yehovah’s faithfulness to His covenant with Yisra’el remained intact and viable—even more powerful than the Kingdom of darkness could ever realize. Of this Shaul wrote to the Messianic Assemblies in Corinth:

“But we speak the wisdom of Elohim, in a mystery; the wisdom, which was hidden, and which Elohim predetermined before the world was, for our glory: (8) Which no one of the rulers of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have executed the Master of glory on the stake. (9) But, as it is written: ‘The eye has not seen, nor has the ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, that which Elohim has prepared for those who love Him’” (1 Cor. 2:7-9; AENT).

Thus, despite Yisra’el’s failures in terms of her belief and properly walking in Yehovah’s oracles, Abba remained true to all His promises. And of course, we see the fruit of Yah’s faithfulness to His Word evidenced in the Gentiles’ miraculous entering into covenant relationship with Him, through the power and might of our Master’s execution stake and the Creator’s precious, Ruach HaKodesh.

Call to Action and Discussion Wrap-up

This premise of Yah being always true to His Words and human beings found wanting is certainly a pertinent one today as we see in so many instances where government leaders, medical professionals, religious leaders, educators etc. are all showing themselves to be liars (pyroostace). And the apostle expounds on why humans are so unreliable and faithless in chapter 1. Sadly, faithlessness is not exclusive to the gentile. It extends on over to the Hebrew who having been entrusted with Yah’s lively oracles, for whatever reason did not come into a true obedience of Faith.

Regarding those wrath and punishment promises, let us not forget that Shaul declared that such promises were indeed part and parcel of the gospel that he preached. Most folks choose for whatever reason to ignore the fact that Yah will carry out such promises as surely as He will keep His promises of blessings. But the average soul who claims Yehovah as their Elohim for whatever reason does not believe Yah in this respect. Thus, in their non-belief, they don’t walk in obedient covenant with Yah; they walk out their Faith on their own terms, professing from their mouths Faith in the Elohim of Yisra’el, but their thoughts, behavior, words and hearts deny the power and certitude of their profession.

Conversely, Yah’s faithfulness to His promises span beyond every conceivable gambit: the covenants, the prophetic, the Messianic, salvific, and yes, those fearsome wrath and judgment promises. If Yah declared it, He will keep His Word. So let us not fall into the inevitable trap of testing or doubting Yah. And when His judgments and wrath are poured out, as hard and counterintuitive as it may seem to our 21st century, “woke,” western sensibilities, we are compelled to honor Yah and declare to the world His righteous, just and holy ways, just as David and Job humbly did (Job 4:17; 33:12; Psa. 51).

Well, I pray you got something out of our discussion today. And with all that’s going on around us today—politically; health-wise; socially; spiritually, it becomes clear that there is only one firm foundation upon which we may find rest for our weary souls.

Master invited:

“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Mat. 11:28-29; KJV). That firm foundation is in Yehovah, the Creator of the Universe, through His Son, Y’shua HaMashiyach. His is a firm and true foundation that will never let one down. For Yehovah will never default on His Word; He will always do what He has declared He will do.

It’s time we stop believing and trusting in the human leaders of this world; it’s time we realize that the kingdom of darkness has nothing for Yah’s human creation other than death and destruction. With Yehovah, He promises life—abundant life (Joh. 10:10).

True, abundant life will never come from lying mankind. And it certainly doesn’t come from denominationalism—aka the Church. It comes only from Yehovah through Y’shua Messiah. And if you desire to know more about his abundantly life, which is part and parcel of living—of walking—in obedient covenant relationship with the Eternal, I invite you to contact me via our email address: I’ll steer you in the right direction.

As for the rest of us who continue to walk in covenant with Yehovah, let us stay strong and faithful in the life we’ve been called to walk and operate in—with our eyes, hearts, minds and souls focused on the Kingdom and on His righteousness. This world, although we temporarily dwell here, is truly not our home (Heb. 13:13).

So, until next time beloved, may you be most blessed, fellow saints in training.


A Question of One’s Jewishness:

Tim Hegg—Commentary on the Book of Romans—Published by Torah Resources

J.K. McKee—Commentary on the Book of Romans


1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series

In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.

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