Exorcism and the Torah Observant Believer in Y’shua Messiah

Torah Living Daily Challenge 25


This morning I stumbled upon an article that got my attention. It was entitled, “The Great Exorcism Boom,” by Andrew Chestnut; dated 11/5/2015. This article was written for the Catholic Herald. So two things caught my eye here: an online magazine article written in the Catholic Herald and the topic of the article is “exorcism.” How could I possibly pass that article by?

Of the great exorcism boom, Mr. Chestnut wrote: “From Manila to Mexico City, Catholic priests are leading a new and sometimes spectacular crusade against demonic possession.” Well, my initial reaction upon reading this opening statement was: “Right—here we go again about the Catholics waging spiritual warfare in the poor regions of the world. I had actually read an article on Catholic priests conducting exorcisms in the Republic of the Congo on little children and I recall being appalled by the recklessness of both priests and the parents of these poor unfortunate children alike. Frankly, I found this practice—Catholic priests willy-nilly exorcising innocent Congolese children, if indeed they were actually exorcising demons as they claim–to be outright evil. The children discussed in this article were victims of a corrupt culture and social structure that seeks to rid families of the perceived burden of providing for another mouth to feed in terribly impoverished nation. Most of these children were ultimately discarded and abandoned by their parents to the community streets. The Catholic priests, whom I would conceive to be educated and knowledgeable about people, were a huge and disappointing part of this national problem and war against children. These priests I hold totally responsible for what happens to these innocent children and they will have to answer for their sins and their crimes against these little ones who have no one to speak up and protect them against the evils of this world. These so-called priests will have to answer to Yahovah at some future point in time.

Demon Possession

Demon Possession

So when I began reading Mr. Chestnut’s article, I highly expected to read another revelation about the ineptness and criminal nature of the Catholic priesthood in the poorest regions of the world. Well, I was wrong. Mr. Chestnut’s article provided an overview of a current trend that is ongoing in Catholicism and that is exorcisms being performed on tormented individuals and entire nations. That’s right, I did in fact say, exorcisms being performed on entire nations.

The article sighted that Catholic priests in Mexico, which is the 2nd largest Catholic nation in the world, recently exorcised that nation’s demons. This exorcism was performed in secret in the city of San Luis Potosi. The Catholic leadership in Mexico recognized the need for exorcism as a result of the horrendous violence that has gripped Mexico as a result of the drug trade that has become part and parcel of that nation’s black market system the last several years if not decades.

This Mexican exorcism is just one example of a so-called boom in exorcism that is taking place throughout the world, primarily within the the realm of Catholicism. The article goes on to sight that “a cadre of exorcists now specialize in performing exorcisms on parishioners” with a significant increase in demand for exorcism services being seen worldwide. This boom seems to have gone somewhat viral and mainstream in the aftermath of Pope Francis’ exorcism of a Mexican parishioner in a wheelchair 2-years ago. This event was captured on video and has been widely viewed on various video forums throughout the world. Thus, there seems to be a rise in “liberation” or exorcism ministries in Catholicism as the Catholics attempt to compete with Christian pentecostal and charismatic ministries for control or maybe better stated, for authority over this sector of spiritualism and religion. Certainly, exorcisms in general throughout the centuries have been primarily conducted by Catholic priests. Certainly, charismatic Christian sects have dabbled in spiritual warfare for decades and have received quite a bit of “street cred” if you will, as it relates to exorcisms. But Catholics have always looked at the problem of demon possession as something that they are uniquely qualified and responsible for addressing throughout this world, whether it’s true or not. Suffice to say, there appears to be some kind of “boom” as this article labels it, in the exorcism business these days.

Interestingly, there actually exists a conflict within Catholicism between Catholic-lay-leaders and Catholic bishops, who see unsanctioned exorcisms as a threat to their ecclesiastical authority. Thus, some Catholic bishops have denounced the practice of exorcism in a general sense, sighting what they call as “irregularities” with exorcisms by lay-Catholic leaders, and a statement to the effect that says, “exorcisms can only be performed by priests with proper episcopal consent.” Interesting perspective, huh; that you have to be one of the “fellas” or in the Catholic hierarchical inner circle in order to do what Jesus Christ taught His disciples to do without any restrictions. Sounds like these Catholic bishops have some “control issues.” Any way, there appears to be a quiet war being waged in Catholicism over who should conduct exorcisms.

Now, I have my own feelings about Catholicism in general, and those feelings naturally casts a dim view on “so-called exorcisms” being conducted or performed by Catholics. Catholicism is steeped in paganism and idolatry. And we know that paganism and idolatry have always been the portals to demon possessions in the world throughout the centuries. So I ask you, how can devils cast our devils? Just asking. I don’t want to get too much into the legitimacy of Catholic based exorcisms as it is not the point of this Torah Living Daily Challenge.

Interesting also, when Catholic priests or lay-leaders were asked why so much demon possession activity in places like Mexico, their response was that The Devil is hard at work and he uses such vices as soap operas and drinking to exact His demonic possessions upon mankind in places such as Mexico. Okay, I guess that’s a good an answer as one would expect from Catholicism. Hey, I try not to be bias, but there are certain things in this world—certain religious and Faith-based things in this world that I just don’t condone and Catholicism is one. But like most constructs in this world—be they governmental or religious—Father uses them to fulfill His perfect purpose. I don’t claim to know what that purpose is, but Catholicism is and will serve some purpose in this world as Father’s master plan moves forward to it’s heart-pounding end.

So putting Catholicism aside and getting to the point of this challenge today, I want to briefly discuss with you what are known to be some characteristics that are common to demon-possession. Biblically, we find the bulk of these traits in Matthew 9:32, 33; 12:22; 17:18; Mark 5:1-20; 7:26-30; Luke 4:33-36; 22:3 and Acts 16:16-18. I’ll admit, I did not dig up and research each of these passages as it relates to demon possession. I actually came across this definitive compilation of Bible passages related to demon possession from www.gotquestions.org/demon-possession.html.

Summarily, demon possessions are characterized by the following:

  • Physical ailments such as dumbness, epilepsy and blindness
  • Evil deeds conducted by the possessed, popularly seen in the character of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Y’shua
  • Foretelling abilities—that is, being able to tell about an event or having knowledge of a situation when one would absolutely have no access to that privileged information
  • Supernatural strength
  • Dwelling in nasty, sub-human conditions
  • Depression—being vexed—1 Samuel 16:14, 15; 18:10, 11, 19:9, 10
  • Unexplained or unexpected personality changes
  • Immodesty or overt promiscuity
  • Antisocial behavior—well, I hope this is not a major indicator of demon possession. I tend to exhibit anti-social behavior at times—of which Father is working with me on—okay-don’t judge. So I don’t buy too much into this one, unless we’re talking about extreme antisocial behavior, and in that case, maybe there are physical or psychological issues at work more so than spiritual influences

We in the west, for the most part—unless you are affiliated with certain sectors of our society that are more in tune with demonic activity, such as common to certain areas of the Southeast and Gulf-Coast of the United States and the Caribbean, we tend to be blind to satanic activity. But I can intellectually attest that satanic activity is quite commonplace in every town, city, county, state and nation of this world. Demon possession is real and we in the Hebraic Roots community tend to insulate ourselves from things of the spirit. In fact, we run away from things of the spirit. Now, when I say “things of the spirit,” I’m not necessarily talking about things related to the Holy Spirit per se, although we tend to not want to have anything to do with the Holy Spirit either. But, as it relates to things of the spirit, I’m talking in general terms, the spirit realm. We just don’t want to have anything to do with the spirit realm. And to a great extent, I can certainly understand that. The spirit realm is a dangerous place, especially for the uninitiated of our Faith. Most of us are familiar with the story of the 7-sons of Sceva that is recorded in Acts 19. The Sceva boys got themselves in a little hot water with a demon or two, trying to cast or exorcise them or it out of a possessed individual. So we know there are indeed dangers associated with casting evil spirits out of possessed people, especially when one is ill-prepared spiritually and mentally to deal with them.

The inhabitants of the world in general, are susceptible to demon possession, simply by virtue of so many people opening themselves to sin and evil; owning pagan or heathen idols; or possessing occult materials. But we as disciples of Y’shua haMashiyach, are pretty much mandated to make ourselves accessible to the world for purposes of conducting spiritual warfare. And please, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that we are mandated to go out into the world and seek out every demon possessed individual we can find and exorcise them. On the contrary: I’m talking about having the responsibility as disciples of Y’shua Messiah, to imitate Him. And we know as studied up disciples of Y’shua, that our Master demonstrated casting out demons from those who for whatever reason may come to us for opportunistic deliverance; such that Yahovah ultimately receives the glory. He charged His disciples to go forth and expel demons and encouraged them by telling them (and us) that they (that we) will do even greater things than He did—John 14:12. We learned that some exorcisms require much prayer and fasting—this coming on the heels of the return of our Master’s disciples who set out on an evangelistic mission and coming upon very difficult or challenging possessions that they were ill-prepared to successfully exorcise—Mark 9:17-29. So these and other passages of the Bible clearly indicate that we are required to make ourselves available to wage and conduct spiritual warfare whenever such an occasion comes our way. And the question then arises: are we prepared to conduct said spiritual warfare? Are we capable and prepared to cast out demons from a tormented soul who is seeking deliverance. We are tasked by our Master to do as He and His disciples did. For exorcism is actually the domain of Torah Observant Believers in Y’shua Messiah—NOT Catholics, I’m sorry to deliver that news to you. Yes, yes it is. And don’t roll your eyes or give me the hand or blow me off on this dear saint. Hear me out—no, hear Master out on this. Casting out demons is one of our identifying traits as Torah Observant Believers in Y’shua Messiah. Master stated:

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mar 16:15-18 KJV)

So I pose the question—and trust me, I’m included in this—why aren’t such exploits being manifested in Hebraic Roots? Why aren’t these signs following us—casting out devils; speaking in new tongues; healing the sick through the laying on of hands? I’ll tell you why. One of the biggest reasons why these signs are not being manifested in the Hebraic Roots today is because the Christian pentecostals and charismatics have been successfully performing exorcisms since their inception and many of us, having once been a part of these Christian sects, have left that life for the Hebraic Roots as a result of being called to the true Faith once delivered. And it is for this reasons—being called out of these organizations–that we left these communities. Wanting to have nothing to do with our former Christian lives, many of us by default reject the casting out of devils, the speaking in tongues and the healing of the sick through the laying on of hands. But it would seem, regardless how negatively we look at and judge our misguided cousins in the charismatic and pentecostal realm, they at least got this aspect of their spiritual life right. They are doing what we have been tasked to do by our Master, yet we have a problem accepting these serious and important tasks. I’m sorry to throw this on you, but we don’t have am option. Well, we do, but we don’t. If we strive to be like our Master, then we are compelled to accept these traits and tasks as mentioned by Master and recorded in Mark 16.

Now is the time for us to get prayed up, fasted up, studied up and spiritually readied to perform such exploits as casting out evil spirits from those unfortunate souls that may come our way. We got work ahead of us to do fellow saints. I’m right there with you. Let’s get to work and prepare ourselves for the battle ahead. Until next time, I bid you Shalom and may you be most blessed fellow saints in training.