This is “Exposing the Lie that is Replacement Theology-Part 3 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation.”
Recap and Purpose of Post
In part one we interpreted Master Yehoshua’s statement to the woman at Jacob’s well that salvation is of the Jew. In Part 2, we interpreted Paul’s statement there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile in Messiah. In this third installment in our series, I will respond to a commenter’s statements refuting Israel’s connection to our salvation. Turns out that the commenter’s rejection of Israel is quite common among denominationalists, and dare I say, certain Messianic and Quasi-Hebrew Roots sects.
And if you are a true member of Nazarene Israel, or you are earnestly seeking truth that only comes from the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov, you’re going to want to listen to what I have to share with you in this installment of our series.
The commenter’s rejection of Israel and the role she plays in our salvation is based on popularly held, anti-Semitic, anti Torah, dare I say, anti God false doctrine. Sadly, the prevalence, dominance of this false doctrine, is leading countless souls down the path of destruction. How and why? It not only perpetuates Anti Torah, anti-god, and anti-Torah sentiments, it promotes and justifies in the minds of their unwitting members, their perverted hyper-grace and super secret, pre-tribulation rapture doctrines.
Yeshua warned His disciples that many will come to Him in that day, seeking to enter the kingdom. And these will declare that they were born again Christians doing the Lord’s work. But the Master will send them to outer darkness, declaring that He never knew them. He will call them workers of lawlessness as they exit the gate heading to God knows where. (Mat 7:22-24)
Beloved, we don’t want any part of that. We should be desperately desiring to receive and enter the Kingdom and hear our Master declare to us before the Court of Heaven: Well done, my good and faithful servant. You’ve been faithful over a few things. Come on in “ye blessed of Yehovah and inherit the Kingdom that has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Mat 25:34)
So, by the time we are done here today, beloved, we will be in the best position to discern truth from error as it relates to Israel’s inseparable link to our salvation.
I’ve taken the commenter’s remarks and broken them down into five points of contention, all of which we will explore in this teaching.
- Matthew records Yeshua stating He was going to take the Kingdom of God from “you” and give it to a nation that will bring forth fruit. (21:43) The challenger identifies the “you” as Israel.
- Yeshua will never give the Kingdom (i.e. the covenant) back to Israel.
- The blessing that Yah promised Avraham would bring to the world is Christ Jesus, not Israel, as no blessing can ever come from unregenerated man. This, despite the fundamental fact that, without Israel, there would be no Yahoshua. He was and remains Yisra’el’s Messiah!
- The covenant that Yehovah made with Avraham was exclusive to his seed, not his physical descendants. And oh, by the way, Christians are Avraham’s true seed.
- Israel has been “broken off.” Broken off from what? Broken off from the covenant and its promises, which include their receiving and inhabiting the Land and the Kingdom and salvation, because they sinned and broke covenant with Yehovah. So, they misapply Paul’s teaching of the olive tree in Romans 11 by insisting that Jesus broke the branches of Israel off from the root of the commonwealth of Israel in order to make room for the Church Triumphant.
The Kingdom is not the Same as the Covenant
The Kingdom of God (aka the Malchut Elohim) and the covenant (be it the original or renewed covenant) are not the same, although they are inseparably linked one to the other.
The Kingdom of Yah is every true believer’s desired, ultimate destination. It is the focal point of Yeshua and John the Immerser’s Gospel message. It is the declaration—the Good News—that the Malchut Elohim is near and that God’s people (at the time John and Yeshua preached this message; it was Israeli Jews) needed to teshuvah and be baptized (i.e. be purified) to receive it (Mat. 3:2; 4:17; Mar. 1:15).
Yeshua Sent to the Lost Sheep of Israel by His Father
The Gospel was first preached exclusively, with few exceptions, to first-century Israeli Jews by John the Immerser and Yahoshua and His anointed disciples. Yeshua described His mission in that regard and at that time as being restricted to the Lost Sheep of Israel (Mat. 10:6; 15:24).
So, riddle me this Batman. Why were Yeshua’s and John’s preaching and teaching of the Gospel restricted to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel? Because the covenant that exists between Yehovah and Israel required that the commonwealth that is Yisra’el be the first to receive it. The Plan of Salvation, Redemption, and Restoration was to be implemented by the Person and Ministries of Yeshua Messiah, but it would be born out of the covenant relationship Yah cut and possessed with Yisra’el. Again, Yehovah never-ever cut or established a covenant relationship with any other human entities or nations on this planet. To say otherwise is to add to and take away from Father’s Word, which is a transgression/violation of Torah (Deu. 4:21; 12:32; Pro. 30:6; Rev. 22:18-19).
Yeshua is Yisra’el’s Messiah
The other thing we must keep in mind, beloved, is that Yeshua was and continues to be Yisra’el’s Messiah! Moshe declared:
“Yehovah thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto Him ye shall hearken…” (Deu.18.15; ASV; cf. Act. 3:22; 7:37)
Was it the Kingdom or the Covenant That was Being Stripped from the Religious Leaders?
The challenger cites Matthew 21:43 as a support for his anti-covenant doctrine:
43“Because of this I say to you: the reign of Elohim (aka the Kingdom of God) shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits of it. Scriptures[1].
This statement of the “kingdom being given to another people” was given within the context of Yeshua being challenged by the Chief Priest and Scribes (aka the elders) as to His authority to teach, preach, heal the blind and lame, and cleanse the Temple Mount of the money changers (Mat. 21:12-14, 23). And because of these Jewish leaders’ stubborn rejection of Yeshua’s Messiahship, He declared to them, not national Israel or to Jews in general mind you that the Kingdom would be given first to those who were considered least in Israel, such as prostitutes and tax collectors. He declared to His challengers that these would enter the Kingdom ahead of you. (Now, keep this phrase about these will enter the Kingdom ahead of you in mind as it will have significance in terms of the everlasting covenant Yah established and manifests among national and remnant Israel.)
The Problematic Pharisaic Mindset
Yeshua was specific in His rebuttal to these Jewish religious leaders’ challenge of His authority as Israel’s Messiah. Let us not overlook the first century Pharisaic mindset. That mindset placed the Pharisee on equal footing with Moshe: greater than Moshe even. These gave themselves the authority to make laws and rulings equal to, and many times, exceeding, that of Torah. Pharisaic rulings and laws, which they sold to the nation like that of a fence around Torah, are called TAKANOT.
As an example, according to Rood’s excellent Gospel Chronology, the Pharisees (aka Prushim) enacted some 500 takanot Governing the keeping of Sabbath (Talmud, Shabbat). They insisted to the nation that they alone sat in the seat of Moshe, and that “when they make takanot, even the almighty must obey their verdict” (Rood; The Chronological Gospels; p. 18). Their rulings are often referred to as the “Oral Law” (i.e. the Talmud), which they contend are superior to the “Written Law” (i.e. the Torah).
As it relates to the Kingdom being taken from them as the recognized, orthodox religious leaders of their day, the Kingdom would be given to remnant Israel—Nazarene Israel—true Israel instead.
Who is “remnant or true Israel” then? Biblically—Hebraically—and from a covenant perspective — “remnant Israel” comprises Israelis who are in a trusting and obedient covenant relationship with the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov (Zep. 3.13; Ezr. 9.15; Isa. 10.20; Eze. 9.8). Remnant Yisra’el forms the root of the commonwealth of Yisra’el that we who are of Mashiyach are grafted into (Rom. 11). The purest of the remnant are, of course, Messianic Jews or Messianic Israelites, Hebrew followers and disciples of Yahoshua Messiah.
Let us not conflate possession of the Kingdom with possession of Yah’s covenant and covenant promises. Yeshua did not say that the covenant was being stripped from Israel or the Jews and handed over to the Gentiles. Not in the least. To say that this is what Yeshua was saying to these Jewish leaders in this passage is a lie from the pit of hell and a promotion of the false doctrine of “Replacement Theology”.
The Scourge and Lie that is Replacement Theology
A mainstay doctrine of denominationalism is that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ ushered in what many of their pastors, teachers, and preachers refer to as the Church Age. The Church Triumphant has henceforth and forevermore replaced the Jew or the Hebrew or Yisra’el as God’s chosen or favored or covenant people. This is called replacement theology.
Within the guise of replacement theology the Church Triumphant sees herself as having replaced Yisra’el as God’s favored covenant people. A sort of “spiritual Israel” if you will. She has become the sole entity to receive all the covenant promises that were once promised exclusively to Yisra’el. This, according to replacement theology proponents, was God’s plan from the very beginning. Yisra’el choked and couldn’t hang as she repeatedly broke covenant with the Almighty, rebelled, and sinned.
Some Christian academics prefer to call replacement theology “supersessionism” or “fulfillment” theology (ref. What is replacement theology / supersessionism / fulfillment theology? | Regardless how they attempt to market it, replacement theology, supersessionism, fulfillment theology, etc., is spurious and even anti-semitic. It is a lie from the Pit.
The other thing the “Got Questions” article got right in refuting replacement theology’s claims that God abandoned Yisra’el for the Church Triumphant is the inexplicable reality and existence of the Jewish nation of Yisra’el today. The writer penned:
“If Israel has been condemned by God and there is no future for the Jewish nation, how do we explain the supernatural survival of the Jewish people over the past 2,000 years despite the many attempts to destroy them? How do we explain why and how Israel reappeared as a nation in the 20th century after not existing for 1,900 years?” (ibid.)
Oh, but the “replacers” have a rebuttal to this. These contend that the people who presently live in the Land of Israel are not true descendants of Jacob, but are, in fact, impostors. Kazars. Squatters, and so forth, which a series of DNA tests have proved otherwise (reference However, these replacement proponents do not realize the foolish game they’re playing when they go out of their way to justify the lie that is replacement theology. Among several things, they are either wittingly or unwittingly calling Yehovah Elohim a liar to His face.
Yah, through His prophet, declared:
40‘And I shall make an everlasting covenant with them (i.e. Yisrael), that I do not turn back from doing good to them. And I shall put My fear in their hearts so as not to turn aside from Me. 41‘And I shall rejoice over them to do good to them, and shall plant them in this land in truth, with all My heart and with all My being.’ 42“For thus said יהוה, ‘As I have brought all this great evil on this people, so I am bringing on them all the good that I am speaking to them. 43‘And fields shall be bought in this land of which you are saying, “It is a wasteland, without man or beast. It has been given into the hand of the Kasdim.” 44‘Fields shall be bought for silver, and deeds signed and sealed, and witnesses be called, in the land of Binyamin, and in the places around Yerushalayim, and in the cities of Yehuḏah, and in the cities of the mountains, and in the cities of the low country, and in the cities of the South. For I shall turn back their captivity,’ declares יהוה.” Scriptures[2], Jer.32
Dispensationalism—Replacement Theology’s Wicked Sister Theology
Sadly, this article takes an abrupt and fatal turn by offering to the reader the false oasis of another theological understanding that is related to replacement theology. It is called “Dispensationalism”. Dispensationalists, according to this article, contend that “the church is distinct from Israel” and “the terms church and Israel are never to be confused or used interchangeably.” The article lambaste Israel. It contends—and I’m paraphrasing—the Church is separate and superior to Israel in several ways. The least of which has to do with Israel being subject to curses and blessings—i.e. the Mosaic Covenant or the Law (we’ve all heard this before, that the Law or Torah is bad, even a curse)—which have sidelined her in terms of God’s plan of salvation. The church, according to dispensationalists, began on Pentecost and has—although they won’t come out and say so—replaced Israel; at least until after the rapture of the Church. Then and only then will God throw Israel a bone and “restore Israel as the primary focus of His plan.”
Sadly, this article is mixed with truths, half-truths, and outright lies. Unfortunately, millions of otherwise well-meaning, but sorely mistaken souls have bought into these doctrines. And this happens when generations of would be believers in denominationalism’s Jesus Christ train their members to reject the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov, and His Torah; to replace the bible’s Hebrew Messiah with their Greek Christ; to deny the reality that the events of the Pentecost just days after the Master’s ascension involved almost entirely and exclusively Roman Empire Jews; to ignore the reality that there were no so-called Christian Churches in the first-century Roman Empire, but synagogues comprising both believing Jews and Gentiles. And that it wasn’t until well into the second century, most notably the third century, that nascent Roman Catholicism forced a schism/separation between Messianic Jews and non-Jewish believers in a Greco-Roman Jesus, which resulted in the Nazarene Israelites (i.e. the Messianics) being driven underground for centuries. The proponents of “replacement” and “dispensationalism” theologies are a continuation of that Greco-Roman church that has persisted for 2,000+ years. They are the children of Roman Catholicism.
The replacers and dispensationalists have no true biblical basis upon which to support their claims that Israel has been kicked to the curb while they have crept in, replaced her as Yehovah’s chosen people, and absconded with God’s favor (i.e. the covenant) that once belonged to true or remnant Israel. Both of these satanically inspired doctrines were created by the enemy to foil the Creator’s Plan of Salvation, Redemption, and Restoration.
The Antisemitic Tenor of Replacement Theology
Let us not forget that the first converts to the true faith, overwhelmingly so, were Israeli Jews. Our Heavenly Father sent our Master Yahoshua to these individuals, not to the Gentile nations. Upon their coming into a trusting faith in Master Yahoshua, these remained Jews or Hebrew. However, these became true Israelites. Nazarene Israelis. Inheritors of the Kingdom and the Land, as Yeshua promised (Mat. 5). We, non-Jews (aka Gentiles), who’ve come into a trusting faith with the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov, having become engrafted into this commonwealth which is Yisra’el (Rom. 11), and have every right to be called Nazarene Israel. Remnant Israel. Messianic Hebrews. And because of our engrafted state, we walk in obedient covenant with Yehovah because our Master walked in the Way and He has commanded us to do likewise.
Why is this important to Messianic/Nazarene Israelites?
Beloved, I know that some of you who have listened to or read the previous two installments in this series are probably rolling your eyes and are frustrated by my persistence on this subject. Why am I so passionate about this controversial topic of Israel being inextricably linked to our salvation?
I’m passionate about this subject because I am passionate about you and I making it into the kingdom. The renewed mission of this ministry is firstly to promote the Gospel of the Kingdom and second, teaching and promoting the Yeshua-focused-Torah-life principles that will get us into the Kingdom.
What we see going on around us today in a united worldwide show of hatred and rejection of Israel is only the tip of the iceberg. Master warned His disciples that they would face persecution and martyrdom for aligning themselves with the true Mashiyach of Yisra’el. Furthermore, people who they trusted with their lives would betray them to the persecutors as their love waxed cold.
Despite this prophecy being contemporaneous with His disciples (i.e., they all except for John the Revelator would suffer martyrdom), that which happened to them will inevitably happen to many of us in the dark days ahead. And no doubt, some of those foretold betrayers will probably be our denominationalist cousins who have already turned away from the true faith and the Gospel and view us with the same antisemitic disdain they have for national and religious Israel. So, buckle up, beloved, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The failure of the Church Triumphant leadership to groom her people to receive and enter the Kingdom is impeachable at best. I dare say felonious. They, like their first-century Pharisaic brethren before them, think they have a say as to who will receive and enter the Kingdom. They believe they control when, how, and who as it relates to the Kingdom through their anti-Torah, Greco-Roman doctrine. Their rejection of remnant Israel and Yah’s instructions in righteousness for their perverted grace theology will cause untold millions to be turned away at the gates to the Kingdom by our Master Yeshua. Yeshua will tell them He has no relationship with them (i.e., I never knew you), He has no relationship with them because these affiliated themselves with a gutted out version of the true faith once delivered which rejects Yah’s instructions and that discourages any of their members in establishing and maintaining a true and substantive covenant relationship with Yehovah through Yeshua Messiah.
The Permanence of Israel’s Covenant with Yehovah
No matter what foolishness our replacement-dispensationalist cousins come up with in their rejection of Yehovah and his plan for his elect ones, scripture undeniably proves the permanence of Israel’s covenant relationship with the almighty.
37 Look, I am going to gather them from all the lands to which I driven them in my anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath, and I will bring them back to this place, and I will cause them to dwell ⌊in safety⌋. 38 And they will be for me a people, and I will be for them God. 39 And I will give to them one heart and one way, to revere me ⌊forever⌋, for good to them, and to their children after them. 40 And I will ⌊make⌋ with them ⌊an everlasting covenant⌋ that I will not turn away from them, my doing good to them, and my reverence I will put in their hearts so that they will not turn aside from me. 41 And I will rejoice over them to do good to them, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness with all my heart, and with all my inner self.” (Jer.32; LEB)
And I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
The enduring loyalty promised to David. (Isa.55; Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures)
And I shall give their reward in truth, and make an everlasting covenant with them. 9“And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring in the midst of the peoples. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed יהוה has blessed.” (Isa.61; The Scriptures ISR)
60“But I shall remember My covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I shall establish an everlasting covenant with you. (Eze.16; The Scriptures ISR)
26“And I shall make a covenant of peace with them—an everlasting covenant it is with them. And I shall place them and increase them, and shall place My set-apart place in their midst, forever.
27“And My Dwelling Place shall be over them. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.
28“And the nations shall know that I, יהוה, am setting Yisra’ěl apart, when My set-apart place is in their midst—forever.” ’ ” (Eze.37; The Scriptures ISR)
And so we find in these riveting verses promise after promise made Yehovah to Israel that He is going to remember the covenant He has with them, and from that covenant He’s going to create an expansive addition to the covenant He originally cut with them. This renewed covenant will be exclusive to Israel. It will be a covenant of peace. It will be an everlasting covenant. This everlasting covenant of peace (i.e., shalom) is none other than the well known and recited renewed covenant.
31“See, the days are coming,” declares יהוה, “when I shall make a renewed covenant with the house of Yisra’ěl and with the house of Yehuḏah,
32not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I strengthened their hand to bring them out of the land of Mitsrayim, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them,” declares יהוה.
33“For this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra’ěl after those days, declares יהוה: I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.
34“And no longer shall they teach, each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know יהוה,’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares יהוה. “For I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember their sin no more.” (Jer.31; The Scriptures ISR; cf. Heb.8)
This renewed covenant forms the basis of the Kingdom of Yah that exists within us today, as well as the eschatological or soon coming kingdom that will crush and eliminate all earthly kingdoms in its wake!
The God of Heaven will establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, a kingdom that shall not be transferred to another people. It will crush and wipe out all these kingdoms, but shall itself last forever…(Dan.2.44; Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures)
The other thing that we see here in terms of this renewed covenant—which by the way does not void or annul the original covenant Yah cut with Yisrael—is that it will be a “unilateral covenant”. A unilateral covenant (aka an unconditional covenant) is one where Yah alone promises to act on Yisra’el’s behalf without Yisra’el being obligated to do anything in return. It’s a one-sided covenant, if you will. And this unconditional covenant comprises Yehovah gathering the two-divided Houses of Yisra’el into one and implanting in the minds and inscribing upon the hearts (i.e. the newly circumcised hearts) of the people of both houses His Torah. This sovereign act will eliminate the rebelliousness (aka the stiffneckedness) that Yisra’el had become universally known for. In so doing, Yehovah Elohim will be forever Yisra’el’s God and Yisra’el will forever be Yehovah’s set-apart people. Before the renewal of this everlasting covenant, Yisra’el was required to walk according to the tenets of the original covenant, which we know they failed miserably at. Now, Yah will fix it within every biological descendant of Jacob (yes, even the stiffnecked orthodox Jew), not just the engrafted of the commonwealth of Jacob, where they will walk in Yah’s ways without fail or error. Yah will reprogram every Israeli and remove all impediments to their covenant relationship with Him. Each Israeli will have a personal relationship with Yehovah. The same personal covenant relationship many of us possess even today. And last, Yah will forgive Yisra’el all her sins.
Talk about grace!
Yeshua Backs up the Permanence of Israel’s Covenant
Yehovah restricted Yeshua’s one-year ministry to the lost sheep of Israel, with just a handful of exceptions (Mat. 10.6; 15:24). This restriction applied to Yeshua’s one year mission as well and to His disciple’s initial ministry work. All this meant was that the Gospel was not to be shared with the “ethnos” or people of the nations (aka the Gentiles) at that early stage.
Why? Isn’t the Gospel for all of humanity?
Yes indeed, the Gospel is meant to reach all of humanity. However, the replacers and dispensationalists of denominationalism sadly reject the framework upon which the Gospel would rest and then go forth to all the world under the auspices of Yeshua’s Great Commission.
Let’s face it, beloved: Replacement theology is ignorant wishful thinking. It’s wishful thinking as if someone knows they owe the IRS a ton of money and they ignore the monthly demand letters and delude themselves into thinking that the IRS is eventually going to forget that they owe the money and slip away forever quietly in the night. Crazy! It ain’t going to happen. That’s just crazy talk. The truth of the matter is that the IRS is ruthless and they will come for and eventually get the money they claim they owe unless the one who owes faces the reality and deals amicably with the IRS to resolve their tax problem.
Speaking of problems: false doctrines such as replacement theology and dispensationalism and such take hold when so-called believers (1) choose to not believe Yehovah and His Son Yeshua but choose to believe their pastors, teachers, ministers, friends, the internet, and so forth; and (2) when so-called believers pick which portions of Yah’s Word they will accept and walk in (e.g. eliminating the Torah or the entire Tanakh because it doesn’t work for them). And so, when we eliminate half of Yah’s instructions in righteousness and choose to believe that Yah doesn’t mean what He says, we set ourselves up for failure and an eventual “I’ll pass on you coming into the Kingdom because I don’t have a relationship with you. So don’t let the gates of the Kingdom hit you on the way out.”
Of the 16-mentions of covenant in the Brit Hadashah (aka the New Testament), not one of those mentions has anything to do with Yehovah establishing a covenant with anyone other than Yisra’el.
- Action
So then, beloved, where does this leave the replacers and dispensationalists and denominationalists in terms of Yisra’el and her inextricable link to our salvation? Well, simply this: they, like each of us, must shake-off the lies they’ve inherited from their fathers and get on-board Yah’s covenant train; the train that He commissioned only with Yisra’el.
And here’s the most exceptional news: If we enter into and walk in that essential covenant relationship with the Almighty through the Person and Ministries of Yeshua today, along with true Israel (i.e. become a Nazarene Israelite), we can begin enjoying and benefiting from the fatness that comes from the root that is the commonwealth of Yisra’el (i.e. the benefits and favor of being Yah’s chosen one with all the privileges that are associated therein; a partaker of the covenant promises; blessed of Yah and His grace-even His salvation) before the general redemption of Yisra’el that is soon to come.
Please understand me beloved.
I’m not advocating or promoting a forced or even an unreasonable love for the modern state of Israel. We all know that there are many shortcomings when it comes to the modern state of Israel. What I am advocating and promoting, however, is respect and hope and prayer for Israel, especially remnant Israel; true Israel. And I’m sorry: our western society has over the last several decades conditioned their subjects to reject any and everything related to Israel because of the very topic I discussed with you in this teaching: replacement theology. Many of us simply can’t get over ourselves and the deeply ingrained rejection of all things Israel.
Replacers and dispensationalists would have us all reject the concept of a covenant and faith that is built around Yah’s people and that the rest of us have been invited to be a part of that a covenant relationship through the Person and Ministries of Yeshua. To these it feels more appropriate to point out the shortcomings of Jews and past and present modern Israel and declare that they are so much better than Israel; that God has chosen them as the Church to be His favored ones. And they do this not seeing the horrendous shortcomings of the so-called Church that has terribly failed to do that which they claim she was commissioned to do.
We who’ve chosen to walk in Covenant with the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov have become one with remnant Israel through the Person and Ministries of Yeshua Messiah. This is the only game in town beloved and we should rejoice and be glad in this amazing Plan of Yah to reunite humanity unto Himself for the rest of eternity.
If Jehovah has an exclusive plan for Yisra’el such that all Yisra’el will be saved (Rom. 11:26), how do we non-Jewish believers in Yeshua factor into that plan? Well, Paul and the prophets of old reveal how this is going to all play out. And Abba willing, we will explore this plan in the next and final installment to this series.
So, let us pray for the peace of Yerushalayim; for the nation state of Israel that is home to remnant Israel (although many are still in exile throughout the world); that unbelieving Yisra’el will have those scales removed from their eyes and that they will recognize Yahoshua whom they pierced, teshuvah and be reunited with Yehovah forever (Zec. 12.10; Joh. 19:37).
And lastly beloved, I would be remiss if I didn’t invite those of you who may be listening or reading this post, who have not entered and are not walking in a true and substantive covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe, to do so today. Simply believe that Yeshua, Yehovah’s Son, bore your sins on His execution stake and His blood can atone for those sins. Repent, ask Yehovah to forgive you of your sins, and sin no more. And because you believe Yeshua, you are compelled to act. And that act is to be water immersed and then begin walking uprightly before your Creator. Walk steadfastly in a covenant relationship with Him. Turn your life entirely over to Him. Seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. Today is the day of salvation beloved. Don’t let another day go by without getting right with Yehovah.
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This is "Understanding our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree Part 2: Avram’s Melchizedek.” Rehash of Part 1: The Royal Priesthood: Exploring the Historical, Spiritual, and Eschatological Roles of Melchizedek - Part 1 In part one of this...
Divine Judgment and Mercy and Righteousness: The Story of Sodom and Lot – Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 16
Lot’s Privileged Life in Sodom Lot, Abraham's nephew, sits at Sodom's gate (19:1). What is the significance of Lot being seated at Sodom's gate? It’s likely that Avraham’s victory over Chedorlaomer’s and three other powerful Mesopotamian kings’ assault on the city...
Unveiling the Truth-Yeshua’s Prohibition Against Titles in Matthew 23:8-12-Part 2
Greetings and Introduction Greetings saints of the Most High. Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Rod Thomas coming to you on a beautifully mild Preparation Day here in the DFW. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to...
Living in Yah’s Presence: The Call to Holistic Righteousness
Greetings and Shalom to you saints of the Most High. I went through some of this past Sabbath’s Torah Reading (i.e. Torah Reading 14 of Yah’s 3-year Torah Reading Cycle). And in my reading of this parshah, I became captivated by just the first three-verses of the...