God’s Law Written on our Hearts

Deuteronomy 10:1-12

Moshe regales the time past when Yahovah instructed him to come up the holy mountain with two tables of hewed stone, similar to the ones that Yahovah provided in the first time. (Reference Exo. 34:1, 2) Prior to that, Yahovah instructed Moshe to have the ark of the covenant constructed. (reference Exo. 25:10) We must recall that awesome day, at the foot of mount Sinai, when Yahovah ratified His covenant with us and He shouted down to us His ten-commandments. (Reference Exo. 19) Later, Moshe was called up the mountain and Yahovah provided him two-tables of stone, inscribed with the ten-commandments. However, when Moshe saw the people had broken the covenant that had just a few days prior been established between Yah and us, Moshe broke the tables of stones containing the commandments. This second set of stone tables would be hewed and brought before the Father for His inscription, whereas the first set of tables Yah provided and inscribed His words upon them. This second set of tables were placed into the ark of the covenant by Moshe as instructed by Yahovah.

Moshe's Tablets

Additionally, Moshe rehashes our journey from B’nei Ya’akan to Moserah. It is at Moserah that Aaron died and the priesthood was transferred to his son Eleazer. (Reference Num. 20:28; 33:30-38) From Moserah we traveled to Gudgod and then on to Yotvatah. It is during this period of relocation that Yahovah set apart from the rest of us the Levites who would carry the ark for the covenant of ADONAI and to stand before ADONAI to serve him and to bless in his name, (Deu 10:8 CJB) Thus the Levite would have no inheritance in the promised land like all the other tribes, for Yahovah would be their inheritance.

Lastly, Moshe regales how he petitioned Yahovah on our behalf; for Yahovah to spare us as a result of our evil and sin. We were spared and allowed to proceed on our travels because of Moshe’s intercession. Indeed, Moshe was a precursor to our Lord and Savior Y’shua HaMoshiyach.

I want to return to the beginning of this section and look at this issue of the stone tables. We recall that Yahovah Himself hewed stone out of the holy mountain and inscribed His commandments upon them and gave those tables to Moshe. Moshe destroyed those tables in response to the people’s breaking of the covenant. The second go-round, Moshe was instructed to hew the stone tables and bring them before Yahovah for inscription. It is this second set of tables that were then placed into the ark of the covenant. What a beautiful shadow picture that Father has placed before us. The first set of tables Yahovah did all the work in bringing forth the commandments which resulted in the tables’ destruction. This second set, Moshe brings the tables for Yahovah to inscribe His commandment upon. We today are the second set of tables that must come before Father for Him to write His Law upon our hearts. Before, Yahovah simply provided the Law and said here, follow and obey. We did not follow and obey and thus the covenant was broken. We are now under a renewed covenant, whereby Yah’s Law is written in/on our hearts. Thus Yahovah’s Word lives within us. We are not compelled to obey out of rote obedience that is based upon fear and blind ignorance. We follow and obey because we love Yahovah with our entire being: our heart, soul and strength. (Reference Mat. 22:37; Deu. 6:5)

The Torah Challenge set before us today fellow Saints is for us to realize and live out Torah that has been written/inscribed on our hearts. We are no longer bound to religion and the whims and teachings of our religious leaders who twist the Word of Yahovah to fit their own personal or denomination’s agenda. Let us strip off denominationalism and religion from our being and walk and operate in the power and might of the Ruach Kodesh, realizing that we are one with Torah, because Yahovah has placed His Law within us. Be blessed. Shalom.

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Rod Thomas–Coroner Investigator–Messianic Content Creator–Disciple of Yahoshua HaMoshiyach–Wishful Musician