The Supernatural, Evil and Darkness of our Day

This week SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) legalized same sex marriage in all 50-States of union; a week ago, a crazed, seeming racist young man shot and killed 9 men and women attending a bible study in a black-church in Charleston S.C.; last month rioters looted and decimated Baltimore Maryland in response to the death of a young black man at the hands of Baltimore City Police officers; Islamic State fighters continue to make progress in Iraq and Syria as they leave a trail of blood and horror in their wake; ongoing European economic woes are leading the European Union down a path whereby its citizens will have limited access to their hard earned money—that is, the governments of the west will seize full control of every penny in their nations’ banks and the citizens of the world stand the chance of working solely for the economic well-being of their country while they live out the rest of their lives penniless and destitute; racial tensions continue to percolate in the United States in response to a proliferation of news reports on mainstream media outlets of white on black murders while white on white, black on black and black on white crimes go unnoticed by these same media outlets; the Bilderburg cabal met at a posh Austria resort 2-weeks ago to discuss and enact what most believe to be a globalist agenda. Meanwhile, the world’s citizens, especially in the west, in great part, goes about their day-to-day lives, oblivious of the things—the evil things—that are transpiring around them. These things, though they may not be directly impacting them at the moment, will have an immeasurable impact on everyone sometime in the near future. Yes, there is evil in this world dear Saints and there is especially evil in our day. Grab yourself a cup of joe or tea, settle in and let’s hash this thing out while we still can as a free people.