The Supernatural and Evil

This month of June in the year 2015 may mark on of the worst months on record for the proliferation of evil throughout the world. Word on the street is that the Supreme Court of these United States will rule on same sex marriages sometime between the posting of this writing and Monday the 29th. The ramifications of this crucial ruling may affect every believer in Y’shua Messiah in the United States. The Bilderberg Group (an international conglomerate of Elitists) met and discussed globally significant issues at a posh resort in the mountains of Austria last week. The primary topic of discussion at this globalists’ celebration is believed to have been “the use and employment of artificial intelligence” in the world. Russia is being antagonized and challenged by the West regarding her ongoing involvement in the affairs of the Ukraine. How far will this agitation and challenging go between the West and Russia before Russia tires and does something regrettable is a frightening prospect. Last Wednesday evening a radical racist entered one of the oldest black churches in the United States and murdered nine of that church’s members in cold blood. The nation mourned this heinous hate crime. All the while, more and more of every citizen of the United States and even the world is having their civil and human rights eroded away as governments are grappling with ways to combat a worldwide economic meltdown and terrorism. Speaking of terrorism, the Islamic State continues its blood bath in Iraq and Syria, almost unabated and unchallenged.

Many conservative pundits believe our nation and possibly the world is heading towards a period of terrible crisis and abject evil. It’s not a question of if all these terrible things will manifest on the world stage, but more a question of when and how bad will it get. As believers in Y’shua Messiah, we as a community tend to be quite knowledgeable of such current events and international trends. However, we tend to remain ignorant as to the degree in which we are prepared to face the certain fall-out associated with these crises. Take for instance the potential supreme court ruling in favor of same sex marriage. A potential ruling in favor of same sex marriage by the highest court of this nation would have attached to it mandates that would prohibit any semblance of bigotry associated with gay and lesbian rights. Notice I said any semblance of bigotry; semblance of bigotry because the potential that we our adherence to Torah and thus our stand on the issue of gays and lesbians will certainly be viewed as bigotry. Thus, any existing tax exempt status or religious practice freedoms may be removed by the government. Beyond that, we can only surmise how bad it may become if we as the redeemed of Yahovah were to take a stand against gay and lesbian rights. Could our religious freedoms for instance be at risk? The potential for our treasured freedom to worship Yahovah in accordance with Torah being stripped away from us is certainly not beyond the realm of impossibility.

As the Chosen of the Most High, we are not guaranteed protections against persecution, trials and tribulations. Somehow, we believers of modern times have deluded ourselves to think that we are not to suffer persecution and tribulation. That’s an absurd and most dangerous mindset to possess. We must be reminded of the first and second century believers who endured unimaginable tragedies and death as a result of their faith in Y’shua Messiah. I’m not necessarily linking the tragedy that occurred in South Carolina last week with anything that we as a community of believers in Messiah may experience. I’m more concerned with the likelihood that we may loose our right to practice our Faith because of the stand that we are compelled to take against gay and lesbian so-called rights. For me, it comes down to this internet-based ministry. If I am led to speak or write out against gay and lesbian so-called rights by the Ruach, I could stand to lose this ministry’s websites and my place on the worldwide web. It’s a daunting prospect to say the least. But I–we must not fear such things. The loss of our freedom to live, worship and teach Torah is going to happen–it’s not a matter of if but when. And when all our rights get taken away and we are hunted down and persecuted, we must be in the best spiritual strength that we can be in.  Now is the time to get in spiritual shape friends. We must pay attention to the signs and listen to the various news outlets to stay informed. We must make preparations for the inevitable–both physical and spiritual preparations. Let us pray and fast and keep our heads in our Bibles in anticipation for the times ahead.

Stay blessed Saints. Shalom