Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem-Part 3 of the Love or Hate Israel Series
We’ve all read or heard the psalmist urges his readers to “pray for the peace of Jersualem.” What does praying for the peace of Jerusalem mean to us today, if anything at all? Is praying for physical Israel something we’re supposed to do as believers?
In the previous two-installments of this series, we examined the significance of physical Israel to YHVH and the Body of Messiah. We also looked at some of the most commonly reasons people of Faith give for either revering or reviling Israel today. And we also considered some of the miraculous events surrounding physical Israel’s existence as well as some of her many negatives attributes.
Today we rap up this series with a discussion on what Scripture suggests the people of YHVH do related to physical Israel’s existence in the world. It is my goal to put this whole talk of Israel into a scriptural perspective for us.
Recap of Part One and Two
In recapping part one and two of this series, I’ve tried to sum up most of the many moving parts related to physical Israel’s significance or insignificance to YHVH’s people. (Part 1–To Love or Not Love Israel is the Question; and Part 2–A Biblical Perspective on the significance of Physical Israel.)
And some of you are no doubt aware of just how burdensome this subject of physical Israel is, not just the Body of Mashiyach (aka the Body of Messiah) and Christianity, but also to the non-believing world. For there’s not a day that passes that Israel does not show up in the news feeds in one form or another. Surely anyone knowledgeable of current world events and scripture must concede that Israel is increasingly becoming that “cup of trembling” Father speaks of in Zechariah 12:2.
When we hear news that major violent crimes against Jews worldwide increased by 13% in 2018 (Washington Post Emily Tamkin–May 2019–Violent Antisemitic Incidents Rose 13% Last Year); that certain Islamic nations have plans in place to annihilate Israel; and that history over the last millennia records unbridled persecution and even extermination of the Jews around the world, is it reasonable to conclude that Israel today is irrelevant to YHVH and His elect?
The Spiritual Israel Disception That Is Gripping The Faith
Many within and without our Faith community today strongly believe that Israel (including Jews worldwide) is of no importance to YHVH and His elect. For these see themselves as replacements to Israel or to the Jews in God’s plan of redemption. Thus you’ll frequently hear many of these folks refer to themselves as “Spiritual Israel.”
In the last installment of this series I attempted to show that the concept of “Spiritual Israel” is not founded in Scripture. Yet the dangerous concept of “Spiritual Israel,” like so many other pop-Christian concepts, has in effect become a mainstream doctrine of Faith.
As cute a concept as the title may suggest, the non-Jewish elect of YHVH are NOT spiritual Israel. We are, instead, a called-out, set-apart people who have been designated to be light and salt to the world. For under the provisions of the renewed covenant (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8; 10:16), as disciples of Y’shua Messiah, we have been adopted into the Creator’s human family—ie., we’ve been engrafted into the commonwealth of Israel (Rom. 11).
Our Engrated State As Disciples of Yeshua
Our adopted, engrafted existence within the Creator’s renewed covenant and plan of salvation/redemption does not in anyway erase physical Irael’s relevance to that plan. In fact, physical Israel is extremely important to YHVH for covenantal reasons. Additionally, she is extremely important to the Body of Messiah from an eschatological perspective.
Wrapping Up This Series
So in wrapping up this series, I want to expound upon four-things that Scripture suggests we, as YHVH’s elect, should focus on regarding physical Israel.
Please bear in mind that none of what follows is doctrine. These are merely suggestions that I believe are biblically-based. They are in no way, shape or form to be construed as biblical mandates.
It is my hope that these four-suggestions not only equip and edify you in your day-to-day walk with Mashiyach, but also glorify YHVH our Elohim Who is in heaven.
1. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
8 For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
9 Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good. (Psa 122:6-9 KJV)
Do these three-verses command disciples of Messiah to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem?”
No. In its truest context, this passage is more akin to that of a song or recitation than that of instructive writing. Some have suggested that this beautiful piece of prose is an example of intercession (ie., an intervening on behalf of Jerusalem). For it appears that the writer was moved by the Ruach haKodesh (aka the Holy Spirit) to encourage a spirit of continuous intercession on behalf of Jerusalem by the just.
Peace in Jerusalem ensured that Yah’s people were afforded the opportunity to worship in the city YHVH placed His Name, without fear of calamity or loss of access (Deu. 12:5).
Thus the sentiment of the writer here is pretty simple: Jerusalem—the place; what it represents; as well as the people that call her home–should have a profound, universal affect upon God’s elect.
YHVH’s and Messiah’s Feelings About Jerusalem
Matthew and Luke recorded three incidents where Yahoshua lamented over Jerusalem:
A. Luke 13:22-35—As He (ie., Yahoshua) traveled through Perea toward Jerusalem, He received warning from representatives of the Prushim (aka Pharisees) that He should avoid their area. They warned that Herod was intent on killing Him. Yahoshua sent back a rather snide retort that He had work to do. He was firm that He would not be deterred from that work out of fear of Herod.
And it is here that He speaks to the prophetic side of His earthly ministry. He hearkened back to Jerusalem’s violent history towards the prophets that YHVH sent to warn and sway the people from their evil ways. Thus, Yahoshua affirmed His pending fate as that of the prophets of old that preceded Him. For indeed He realized that He too would be subject to death in Jerusalem for His teachings.
Master exclaimed:
“Urishlim! Urishlim! You have killed and you have stoned prophets, those who were sent to you” (vs. 34a; AENT).
And then He waxed poetic over Jerusalem’s historic refusal to turn from their wicked ways and return to YHVH their Elohim.
Master here likened Father’s heartfelt outreach to His stiffnecked people as that of “a hen gathering her chicks under her wings.” But unlike the would-be compliant chicks of Master’s poem, the people stubbornly refused to teshuvah (ie., return; vs. 34b).
B. Luke 19:41-44—As Yeshua made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion, He wept over her. Luke recorded the thoughts of Yahoshua as He weeps over Jerusalem, which ties in so beautifully to our focus passage in the Psalms:
“If perhaps you had known those things that were for your peace, even if in this your day now, but they are hidden from your eyes. But to you will come the days when your enemies will surround you, and will oppress you from all sides. And will overthrow you and your children within you, and they will not leave in you a stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation” (vss. 42-44; AENT).
Master foretells of the coming destruction of the Temple and the city (c. 68-70 C.E.), due in part to Israel’s refusal to hearken to the Words of her greatest prophet: Yahoshua Messiah. Jerusalem ignored her historic visitation. Ultimately she would kill her greatest Prophet and foolishly believe she had done the world a big favor.
Little did she realize, however, that her fate was sealed, in great part because she refused to shema The Prophet that Moshe wrote about in Deuteronomy 18:18.
Even today, Israel continues to reject The Prophet that YHVH sent her 2,00o0-years ago. Consequently, eschatology suggests that Jerusalem along with many of her people be destroyed (Luk. 21:24). She indeed remains impossibly stiffnecked.
C. Matthew 23:37-39—Just two-days before His crucifixion, Yahoshua while teaching on the Temple Mount, exposed the illegitimate authority of the Prushim (aka, the Pharisees). In so doing, yet again, Master laments over the pending fate of Jerusalem:
“Urishlim! Urishlim! Murderess of the prophets and stoner of those that are sent to her” (vs. 37a).
And in identical fashion to the lament that Luke recorded as Yeshua made His way toward Jerusalem by way of Perea, Master yet again waxed poetic and historic:
“How often I have desired to gather your children like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you did not desire it! Behold, your house is left desolate (cf. Jer. 22:5). I say to you that you will not see me from now on until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Master YHVH” (vss. 37b-39; AENT).
Any logical talk of praying for the peace of Jerusalem must include the people who reside there, and or who have some aspirations or stake in the Land.
Regardless one’s views and feelings about the people presently residing in the Land of Israel, I believe it is important to at the very least recognize them as YHVH’s chosen caretakers of Jersualem. Granted, the people that govern and manage the Land, as well as many of the nation’s citizens are NOT God-fearing Jews. Indeed, some are likely Zionists; others secularists; still others heathens in every conceivable way. But I believe all that is beside the point.
Physical Israel Destioned For Salvation
The bible clearly suggests that the sincere orthodox and reformed Jews of the Land are going to turn to YHVH and accept Yahoshua as their Messiah in the Last Days (Rom. 11:26). Furthermore, I also believe there is presently a Messianic remnant residing in the Land, whose numbers are unknown. I believe these have been placed there by the Almighty for His divine purpose. Indeed, there is a remnant in the land that has NOT bowed a knee to Ba’al. These are the people who God is in love with and who are destined to do YHVH’s bidding on behalf of stiffnecked Israel (1 Kin. 19:18; Rom. 11:4).
So I say, to write-off physical Israel because of some hang-ups we may have related to Jews because some preacher told us that believers have replaced physical Israel today, is biblically unwise.
Biblical prophecy speaks to physical Israel looking upon Him whom they pierced (Yahoshua Messiah who they rejected) and mourning as one mourns over the death of their first-born:
“Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the house of David and the residents of Jerusalem, and they will look at Me whom they pierced. They will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child and weep bitterly for Him as one weeps for a firstborn” (Zec. 12:10; KJV).
Two things come to mind when I read this compelling passage:
(1) This event is to take place at some point in the End Times. It appears that Yahoshua will deliver a remnant of physical Israel destruction (Zec. 12:9). Which means that physical Israel will be in the Land prior to the time of the opening of their eyes by YHVH.
(2) If we are indeed Israel, as some claim to be, then it stands to reason—according to this prophecy–that we would be in mourning for our complicity in the death of Yahoshua haMashiyach when He returns. Right? For if we say WE ARE Israel today, then we’re going to have to take full ownership of those things that are coming to bear upon Israel in the End Times. And frankly, my blessed hope is on the other side of that brutal equation. Alongside those physical Jews and Hebrews who have given their lives over to Yahoshua and are YHVH’s elect, we look forward to being caught up to meet Master Yahoshua in the clouds and be with Him always (1 The. 4:17).
What Does It Mean To Pray For tThe Peace Of Jerusalem?
The psalmist in our focus passage encouraged his readers to extend good will or positive wishes for the welfare of the city and her inhabitants.
Prayers would be petitions to YHVH to protect the city from enemy invasion or devastation.
For us today, expressing such petitions is truly the best thing we could possibly do for physical Israel. In so doing our prayers would be that those who reside within the walls of that eternal city be secure and well.
Israel Has A Lot Of Bad Baggage
The modern nation of Israel carries with her a lot of bad baggage that causes her to become more of a hindrance for many of us in the Faith. Nevertheless for me, I can separate the meat from the bones on this issue, which I believe is in harmony with Scripture. In other words, I can recognize the bad aspects of physical Israel (ie., the bones), while at the same time recognize the special place physical Israel has in the Creator’s heart and mind (ie., the meat).
A Prayer For Well-Being Or Prosperity
The writer of our Psalms passage encourages the reader to pray to YHVH (ie., shaw-al; to ask, beg, request for) the peace (ie., the shalom; that is the “well-being”) of Jerusalem. The CEB words this part of the verse as: “Pray that Jerusalem has peace.” And then the writer continues with the hope that those who reside within her walls prosper (ie., shaw-law).
Now of the three-Hebrew lexicons I consulted for this verse, two apply a meaning of: to “be at rest; be secure; have peace and quiet.” The third sticks with the prominent English rendering of “to prosper.” This is suggestive referencing to passages such as Job 12:6, Jeremiah 12:1 and Lamentations 1:5. All three make reference to the enemies of YHVH prospering over His people.
Assuming that the preferred interpretation for shaw-law in this passage is indeed “prosper,” the term could be viewed as a twist on the whole enemies of God seeming to always prosper against His people. Thus, in this case, it is hoped that the prayers (ie., the petitions) of the righteous who pray for the well-being (ie., the shalom) of Israel will result in a blessed advantage over the enemies of God and His people.
Why Care About Israel?
According to YHVH Himself, “His eyes are always on Jerusalem and the Land of Israel” (Deu. 11:12).
So what does that have to do with you or me?
Well, that which YHVH cares about should naturally matter to His elect. That which He loves we must love, and that which He hates we also must hate.
Why? Because we are his adopted children. We are supposed to adopt all His Ways which means that we are to care about the things that Father cares about. It’s part and parcel of the covenantal relationship we share with Father.
Who else in the world is going to petition for the peace of Jerusalem unless we petition the Father for it? We are His hands and feet here on earth and through fervant prayer we have the potential to move YHVH to act on Israel’s behalf.
And with Yahoshua being the quintessential image of YHVH, we are to imitate our Master in every area of life? That includes compassion for others.
Despite that which He knew would befall Him, Yahoshua boldly entered Jerusalem. Yet He did NOT despise or reject her people (Luk. 19:41-44). Instead, with compassion and dread for the city’s future, He lamented over her. How then can we, as His disciples and as YHVH’s elect, possess an opposing view of Israel?
2. Avoid debates and arguments related to Israel and focus on getting our acts together as disciples of Yeshua Messiah.
Debates and arguments over the significance or insignificance of Israel serve no purpose other than to agitate and polarize the Body of Messiah. Such chaos denies YHVH the glory He so justly deserves.
Our Faith community, for whatever reason, seems naturally drawn to conspiracy theories.
Now, I’m not at all saying that some of the conspiracy theories surrounding the modern state of Israel aren’t true. I’m simply stating that NOT ALL of those conspiracy theories and stories are true; or better, relevant, especially as it pertains to the truth and rule of Scripture.
I personally believe one’s stance on physical Israel must be based upon the truth of scripture and not on the musings of popular conspiracy theorists. A proper stand on Israel comes only after careful, heartfelt prayer and searching of the scriptures. But to engage the members of the Body of Messiah in meaningless debate and argument over the relevance or irrelevance of physical Israel to the Body and or to YHVH is ill-advised and not pleasing to the Father.
3. Keep watch of what’s going on with physical Israel.
As I mentioned in the previous two-parts to this series, I believe the modern nation state of Israel serves as a sort of eschatological, end times weather vane for the Body of Messiah. Thus, as wese bridesmaids, we are to keep watch for the arrival of our Bride. And the thing that will help us keep watch for our Master’s arrival is to monitor what is going on with Israel.
Israel an Indicator of the End of Days
It was our Master Y’shua who prescribed the following when asked by His disciples when the End Times would occur. Master replied:
“The end (ie., telos; that is the terminus of the Messianic pangs) will come when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place. (Whoever reads, let him understand!) Then let those who are in Yehudaea flee to the mountains. Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house. Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. Woe to those who are with child and to those who give suck in those days! Pray that your flight is not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath. For then, [when you see the abomination of desolation] there will be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Mat. 24:14b-21; Rood’s Chronology).
“When you see Yerushalayim compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is near…” (Luk. 21:20).
Israel A Cup of Trembling
The Old Testament prophets foretold of a time, presumably during the End Times, when Jerusalem will become the absolute focus and concern of the world’s population. The Prophet Zechariah, through the inspiration of the Ruach haKodesh (aka the Holy Spirit), described Jerusalem and her inhabitants in those days as “a cup of trembling unto all the people round about” and “a burdensome stone for all people” (12:2,3).
Zechariah goes on to describe what will become of those who adversely concern themselves with Israel:
“…all that burden themselves with it (ie., Jerusalem) shall be cut to pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it…YHVH also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah. In that day shall YHVH defend the inhabitants of Jersualem…And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn” (12:3-10; KJV).
In order for these things to happen, physical Israel will have to already be in the Land.
Granted, Israel is not the model of spiritual perfection that some would have her be in anticipation of the return of Messiah. Yet I believe that it is physical Israel’s current depraved state that’s going to make her ultimate conversion to true Faith all the more miraculous and powerful.
The Kushner-Trump Peach Plan
In terms of current events, the world is waiting in anticipation for Jared Kushner’s soon to be revealed peace plan, the full version of which is slated to be released sometime after this coming fall’s Israeli elections. Seems that the group most interested in the outcome of this peace plan, apart from Israel and the Palestinians, is Evangelical Christians and certain Messianics. There’s little doubt in most westerners’ minds these days that Israel’s security is a major concern for a great many Conservative and Evangelical Christians.
One reason Christians give for their undying support of Israel is that, despite Jews making up a vast majority of the citizens of that nation, there also exists a Christian minority in the Land. What isn’t addressed as a problem among Christian supporters of Israel, however, is the fact that Christian citizens of the state (be they Conservative, Evangelical, Messianic, whatever) are treated as second class citizens by the Orthodox religious authorities of the state. One such issue of contention is that the Israeli government does not recognize non-Orthodox Jewish marriages.
The other element driving heavy Christian support of Israel is the promise YHVH made to Abram:
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:3; KJV).
In fact, the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, affirmed this in a recent speech he gave to a gathering of Israeli-supportive Evangelicals (Kushner Reassures Evangelicals Israel’s Security a Priority in Trump Peace Plan). In making this biblical reference Mr. Pence stated:
“We stand with Israel because we cherish that ancient promise that those who bless her will be blessed.”
How Must WE Bless Israel? Financially? Materially? Militarily?
The billion-dollar question that demands an answer is: How does a disciple of Yahoshua bless physical Israel? Is it by sending money and supplies to them? Or is it through prayers and petitions on behalf of the nation?
Here’s an even bigger question: What did Y’shua instruct us to do as His disciples?
(A) He commanded that we love one another as He loved us (Joh. 13:34; 15:12,17; 1 Joh. 3:11,23). When I think about this commandment in relation to the stated billion-dollar question, I’m reminded of the countless brothers and sisters in our Faith community who are in desperate need. Yet many in our very own Faith (as well as not too few Christians mind you) would rather send money and materials over to physical Israel over and above taking care of needy brethren in their own backyards. Whatever happened to take care of home first?
Master’s commandment that we love one another hearkens back to the great Torah commandment:
“Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am YHVH” (Lev. 19:18; KJV).
Contextually speaking, the commandment to love one another is really about members of the Body showing love to one another. Master referred to the object of our love as being “our neighbor.”
And who is our neighbor? Well, Master used the parable of the Good Samaritan to pinpoint who our neighbor is: any in our Faith community who is in need of our kindness, mercy and assistance (Luk. 10:37).
(B) We were commanded to make disciples for Yahoshua Mashiyach. This is known as the Great Commission:!
“Go! Teach all nations to carry out all the things that I have commanded you—forever” (Mat. 28:19; Rood’s Chronology).
(C) Master instructed us to seek the Kingdom of YHVH and His righteousness (Mat. 6:33).
(D) As our Master He requires that we keep His commandments (Joh. 14:15).
Thus, with all this in mind, I’m looking with great anticipation for a mighty work to take place in Israel. And it is that soon to occur great work in Israel that I believe will serve as a signal for us of the imminent return of our Master Yahoshua Messiah.
4. Lastly, prepare for the times ahead while we watch, pray and grow in the admonition of (ie., the discipline and instruction) of YHVH.
Indeed, it would be foolish to see prophesied future events take place with Israel that signal the return of Master Yahoshua and not make appropriate preparations.
I would submit that there are at least two-sides to the question of Netsarim preparing for the end times:
(1) preparation for the difficult times that Master Yahoshua and the Apostle John suggests will overtake this world in the coming tribulation. And,
(2) preparation for the return of Yahoshua haMashiyach.
Preparing For The end Times While Praying For The Peace Of Jerusalem
Let me touch upon both these sides of the preparation question real quick here.
In being a non-pretribulationists or pre-trib rapturist, I do not ascribe to the belief that Yah’s elect are going to be snatched out of here on the eve of the coming tribulation. I’m a firm believer, unless it’s revealed to me otherwise, that the elect of YHVH are going to go through, at the very least, a portion of the turmoil that will befall the earth in those terrible days ahead.
I base my understanding on the following:
In preparing to send His inner circle of 12-Talmidim (aka disciples) out on their first evangelical mission, He instructed and warned them of a great many things that would befall them during their mission. In the midst of some of His preparatory talk, Master throws out a warning to them that seems to have dual significance: that is, it applied to their immediate mission, as well as it most likely applies to His end times disciples:
“And you will be hated by all men because of My Name, but whoever that endures until the end, he will live” (Mat. 10:22; AENT; cf. Mat. 24:9; Mar. 13:13).
From these and other similar texts, we get the sense that there’s coming a day when the elect of YHVH will become targets of persecution by the enemies of Yah. And Master here is simply encouraging His would be disciples that if they will but endure through the turmoil, they will be “saved” (ie., sode’-zo; a future tense verb, denoting rescue from danger or destruction).
The way I see this is, if we’re going to be snatched away before stuff hits the fan, why would our Master pass on such a profound warning to His disciples?
And then Yochanan (aka, the Apostle John) pens in His Revelation of Yahoshua haMashiyach regarding the tumultuous times that are ahead for the true disciple of Messiah:
“Be not terrified at any of the things you are to suffer. For lo, the Accuser will throw some of you into custody, that you may be tried; and there will be trouble to you ten-days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life. He that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. He that is victorious, will not be harmed by the second death (ie., will not be separated from YHVH after the Great White Throne Judgment)” (Rev. 2:10,11; AENT).
And then there’s this compelling passage from Yochanan’s (ie., the Apostle John’s) Revelation:
“And after these things, I looked, and lo, a great multitude which no one could number, from all kindreds and nations and tribes and tongues; who stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hands…And one of the Elders turned and said to me: ‘These who are clothed in white robes, who are they and whence came they?’ And I said to him: ‘My Master, you know.’ And he said to me: ‘These are they who came from great affliction; and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev. 7:9-14; AENT).
The Elect And The Great Tribulation
In fact, Master Yahoshua was so emphatic that YHVH’s elect are going to go through great affliction, He intimated the following during His Olivet Discourse:
“For then will be great suffering such as has not been from the beginning of the world until the present, nor will ever be again. And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live, but because of the chosen, those days will be shortened” (Mat. 24:21,22; AENT).
It should be mentioned here, contextually speaking, that this time of great affliction that Yahoshua is talking about is going to be somewhere around the time that Israel is going to be, once again, ravaged and destroyed by the enemies of YHVH (Mat. 24:15-20).
So I believe that preparation comes into play here, presuming that some of us stand a really good chance of going through a portion of the great tribulation, at least for me, in my preparing physically and spiritually for those troublesome times ahead.
And then in terms of spiritual preparation, I firmly believe that our work for the Kingdom will not cease during the tribulation. Certainly that work may be hampered quite a bit. But I believe we may be the only hope that some would-be believers in Yahoshua Messiah are going to have in order to make it out of the tribulation with their salvation opportunity intact.
Preparation While Keeping An Eye On Israel A Must
So study, prayer, fasting and meditation on a regular basis I feel is essential for Yah’s elect in preparing for those days ahead, especially now while it is still day (Joh. 9:4). For Yahoshua, despite facing imminent death, worked up to the very evening before His arrest, teaching and admonishing and preparing His talmidim (aka, disciples) for the arduous days ahead of them. Master did not go into seclusion, awaiting the inevitable. He worked to the very end.
And then Paul, even while imprisoned, he continued to use the power of the pen to strengthen His proteges and ultimately strengthen the entire Body of Messiah before his execution. For Paul could have, understandably so, very easily gone into pity-mode, doing nothing but awaiting his inevitable execution. But neither our Master nor His apostle did such a thing.
And I believe it was their spiritual preparation for the end of their respective earthly ministries that facilitated their eternal efforts on behalf of the Kingdom of YHVH, even in the midst of their pending deaths.
These are indeed examples for us to aspire to and emulate as the days grow darker and dimmer, leading to the end of days. We must be prepared for the times ahead for sure. For Master was clear that those who would endure to the end would be saved.
Preparing For Our Blessed Hope
And then we’ve got to prepare for the return of our Master Yahoshua haMashiyach. To this end, we have at our disposal several parables that were told to us by Master.
On the heels of His Olivet Discourse, Master gave the parable of the five-wise and five-unwise bridesmaids. As most of you know, the wise bridesmaids were fully prepared to receive the bridegroom when He came for the wedding in the middle of the night, while the unwise bridesmaids were caught unaware and missed the bridegroom’s arrival. The wise were taken into the marriage proceedings while the unwise were shut out (Mat. 25:1-3).
Then we have the parable of the talents. Master details the story of a wealthy gentleman who left various amounts of talents (ie., suggestive of money) in the care of His servants, pending His return. The servants took the money that was placed under their care, invested it, and made their Master some profit. However, there was one servant who chose to play it safe and do nothing to grow the money that was entrusted unto him. Upon the Master’s return, each servant was summoned to give an accounting of the talents that was left to their care. Each that made their Master a profit were rewarded, while the one who did nothing to grow his Master’s money was stripped of his privileges in his Master’s home (Mat. 25:14-30).
Getting Right With YHVH
The other side to this preparation for Master’s return equation has to do with getting our lives right with YHVH. We have to be ready to receive YHVH’s right-hand Man—Yahoshua our Messiah. So we’re going to need to be in a state of spiritual purity to receive Him. We certainly do not want to be in a state of filth and confusion when He returns. As it related to the spiritual state of Messiah’s bride upon His return, Paul wrote:
“That He [Master Yahoshua] might present it to Himself (ie., the Assembly of Messiah) a glorious assembly for Himself, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27; KJV).
Final Word On Israel
In summary, we should pray for Israel. Secondly, we should avoid foolish and pointless debate about Israel’s significance or insignificance to YHVH. Thirdly, we should watch what’s going on in Israel in order to discern the signs of the times. And lastly, while these three things, let us prepare for our blessed hope in Yahoshua Messiah.
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Greetings and Introductions Greetings saints of the Most High. Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Rod Thomas coming to you on a beautiful Spring Preparation Day here in the DFW. I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy...
Shabbat Zachor – Blotting out the Spirit of Esau in the Lives of God’s People
Greetings and Introductions As I am publishing this discussion, it is the 6th day of the 12th month on Yah's sacred calendar year, which translates to March 7, 2025. And we are potentially less than a month away from biblical Rosh HaShannah. As we near the end of this...
Understanding our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree-Part 4: Jasher’s Hidden Chronicles of the Melchizedekian Priesthood
Greetings, saints of the Most High! Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Today, we delve into the intriguing topic of our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree, focusing on Jasher’s hidden chronicles. In Part 3, we explored the theological...
Understanding our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree-Part 3 : The Theological Implications of the Avram-Melchizedek Encounter
I. Greetings and Introductions Greetings saints of the Most High. Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Rod Thomas coming to you on a cold, overcast Preparation Day in the DFW. Thank you for taking the time out of your...
Understanding our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree-Part 2 : Abram’s Melchizedek
This is "Understanding our Melchizedekian Priestly Pedigree Part 2: Avram’s Melchizedek.” Rehash of Part 1: The Royal Priesthood: Exploring the Historical, Spiritual, and Eschatological Roles of Melchizedek - Part 1 In part one of this...
Divine Judgment and Mercy and Righteousness: The Story of Sodom and Lot – Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 16
Lot’s Privileged Life in Sodom Lot, Abraham's nephew, sits at Sodom's gate (19:1). What is the significance of Lot being seated at Sodom's gate? It’s likely that Avraham’s victory over Chedorlaomer’s and three other powerful Mesopotamian kings’ assault on the city...
Unveiling the Truth-Yeshua’s Prohibition Against Titles in Matthew 23:8-12-Part 2
Greetings and Introduction Greetings saints of the Most High. Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Rod Thomas coming to you on a beautifully mild Preparation Day here in the DFW. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to...
Living in Yah’s Presence: The Call to Holistic Righteousness
Greetings and Shalom to you saints of the Most High. I went through some of this past Sabbath’s Torah Reading (i.e. Torah Reading 14 of Yah’s 3-year Torah Reading Cycle). And in my reading of this parshah, I became captivated by just the first three-verses of the...