Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections for February 7, 2015


  • 11th Biblical Month 6014, 17th day
  • Upcoming Feasts and Messianic Celebrations
  • Astronomically & Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar–Michael Rood
  • Firstfruits–Est. 04/12/2015, or 22nd Day of the 1st Biblical Month of Aviv
  • Feast of Unleavened Bread–Est. 04/05-21/2015, or 15th through 21st day of 1st Biblical Month
  • Passover–Est. 04/04/2015 or 1st Biblical Month, 14th Day
  • Biblical Rosh HaShanah or Head of the Biblical Year–Est. 03/22/2015 or 1st Day of 1st Biblical Month of the Aviv 6015
  • Purim–Est. 03/06/2015 or 12th Biblical Month, 14th day
Who's Your Daddy?

Torah Living 46-Sabbath Thoughts

Sabbath Thoughts on “Whose your Daddy?”

  • John 8:31-59–Those who believed in Yeshua challenge some of His teaching
Mat 13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
  • We tend to behave in accordance with established mindsets, worldviews, perspectives and the like–These are forms of strongholds
  • Those mindsets, worldviews and perspectives are hardened and virtually impossible to break without the use of spiritual warfare and the intervention of the Ruach Kodesh
  • The Jews of Yeshua’s day were prideful of their Abrahamic heritage and placed a lot of stock on that simple fact, to the point of placing their future in the hands of that heritage; justifying their behaviors and actions and belief systems on that fact without examining what it actually meant to be of Abrahamic seed
  • The problem with such a staunch worldview and perspective, they were blinded to the fact that The Prophet was among them
    • If they had been in sync with their Father (i.e., the Spirit of Yehovah in them), understood Torah and the Prophets, and had the true spirit of Abraham they wouldn’t have taken the stance they were taking against Yeshua
  • Traditional Christianity tends to lend herself to heritage and tradition
    • This is why the Hebraic Roots of the Faith is so foreign and to some so abhorrent to our cousins in Christianity
    • If they were of the correct spirit and had the correct Father, the Hebraic Roots of the Faith and Torah Living would shine so bright on them and through them and they would be so sorry for all the years they lost following after a pagan Messiah and a mythologized Creator
  • The covenant that Yehovah established with man had its origin with Abraham
    • Gen 15:7-18–Yehovah certified that covenant with the blood of a heifer, a goat, a ram, a turtledove and a pigeon (vs 9)
    • Gen. 15:18–giving the land to Abraham and his seed
    • Gen. 17:2, 4–multiplying his seed exceedingly and making Abraham the father of many nations
    • Gen. 17:7–Yehovah will be a God unto Abraham and his seed throughout their generations
  • The relationship we have with the Father is based upon covenant. The Pharisess and scribes of old, although they were likely ignorant of this fact, were not in a covenant relationship with Yehovah and thus they were not true children of the Most High.
  • Yeshua brought about a new (kainos or fresh) covenant through His blood (Mat. 26:28; Mar. 14:24; Luk 22:20)
    • Every covenant that Yehovah has made He certified through blood (Exo. 24:8; 1 Cor. 11:25)
    • The covenant that Yehovah made with Abraham and his descendants has resulted in our adoption and sonship with the Father:
    • The fresh covenant through Yeshua’s blood is not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life–2 Cor. 3:6
    • Torah was not the covenant per se, but according to Shaul, it was added by Yehovah because of transgressions until the “seed” (Yeshua) should come to whom the promise had been made (Gal. 3:15-21)
  • The covenant that seals our relationship with Yehovah is thus:
  • I had to take assessment and answer the question in my life as to who my daddy was? Am I behaving and believing as one whose daddy is Yehovah? Or am I believing and behaving as one whose father is hasatan?