7 For what nation [goy=nation=gentiles] is there so great, who hath God [elohim] so nigh unto them, as the LORD [Yehovah] our God [elohim] is in all things that we call upon him for?
8 And what nation is there so great, that hath *statutes [choq] and judgments [misphat] so righteous as all this law [torah], which I set before you this day? 9 Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons; (Deu 4:7-9 KJV)

(cf 2Sa 7:23 And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods? )

America is said to have been built upon Biblical Principles, especially when it comes down to its laws and treatment of her people. Indeed, the founding Fathers clearly instilled within the constitutional make-up of this nation, many Biblical principles that are ocassionally apparent even to the casual observer today.

Yehovah in His infinite wisdom knew that the eyes of the nation of Israel would wander and lust after the perceived greatness of other nations. We see very clearly from the Biblical record that soon after being settled in the land, the people demanded a human king so that they would be like the other nations that they had observed or even heard about ( 5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. (1Sa 8:5 KJV)). Yet Yehovah, through Moshe’s teachings, sought to capture the attention and hearts of the people, and bring them to a firm knowledge, understanding and commitment that what they had in terms of organization. government and way of life, was far greater and more relevant than any nation on the planet. There was no need for their hearts and minds to wander and desire after other nations. In fact, the Children of Promise were to embrace and diligently hold to the things that they’ve been taught and the experiences they’ve endured so as to not be swayed towards adopting or observing the ways of the surrounding nations. Furthermore, these principles were to be taught to each generation; tenaciously guarded and instillled in to the minds of their children so that they would know nothing other than what Yehovah had provided them nor would they venture and seek out the ways of other nations.

This same principle so very much applies to us here in America today. Indeed, the world in which we live is like the nations that surrounded ancient Israel. We are like as Israel was at that time so to speak. The world in which we live has inticements that would draw even the most ardent and zealous of our faith. Television, movies, the printed media, all spend huge sums of money to study and analyze our base wants and desires in order to ultimately turn a profit for the great commercialists and globalists of our world. Thus they peddle their wares to us by appealing to our basest nature and our need for instant gratification. Simply watch a half-hour television show and you will see commercials that appeal to our perceived need to be up with the in-crowd and in tune with the latest and greatest products and services. Scantily dressed, thin and attractive women and shirtless, cut men tramp about our television and movie screens in meticulously crafted veniets, carefully designed to capture our attention and imaginations, prompting us to immediately run out and purchase whatever item is being advertised at that moment. Industry has identified the things that they’ve determined people want and desire and they then proceed to craft methods to convert our collective wants in to perceived needs. Cars, gadgets, services and the like, are presented to the nation in such a way that one could not possibly do without these things, these trinkets, these distractions if you will.

On the other hand the governments of the West seek to pacify the nation’s people with the things, laws and services that will keep them out of government’s hair, so to speak, and thus provide those who govern over us a lucrative and long-term income. Thus, our government appeals to the basest of our nation’s desires and perceived needs by enacting laws and programs that place the population in perpetual bondage. Sadly the people of the West have absolutely no idea what they have in terms of a life. Oh, we in America have the absolute highest standard of living of any other nation on the planet. We have an abundance of food and clean water and luxury items that keep us in line and in bondage to our government. Our government led industrial-military complex has given us television and video games and iPhones that consume our every waking hour; ultimately taking our attention away from Him who seeks after our attention and desires that we devote our lives to Him and Him alone.

All of this that I’ve mentioned is exactly what Yehovah didn’t want to see happen to His people. It goes beyond not wanting to see His people fall prey to lifestyles of pagan nations. Yehovah’s holiness and conversely His demand for holiness from His chosen people, could no, will not, shall not, co-exist with the ways of the nations round about them.

There are many parallels between ancient Israel and America the Beautiful. Israel was given statutes and judgments (i.e., collectively Torah), which would set her apart from the nations of the world. America was founded upon similar principles which also set her apart from the rest of the world. Both nations were blessed and grew as a result of adhering to these God given principles. However, both (i.e., Israel and America) moved away from the purity of the original message. In Israel’s case, she created through the Pharisaical system, a set of laws around the Torah. These laws were not of Yehovah and in many instances were in complete opposition to Torah. It was not the intent of the sages who created these additional laws (1,000’s of additional laws) that was the problem per se, but moreso it was the disobedience and the religious leaders’ refusal to point the people back to the original Laws of Yehovah that was the greatest offense. Yehovah clearly instructed that Torah was complete and not to be tampered with: Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (Deu 4:2 KJV) Like Israel, America has strayed from its Godly heritage and the people have placed over them evil men who have dismissed the Yehovah-centerness of our early nation and replaced those laws with self-serving laws and ordinances that exist only to enslave and control the people. Indeed, this is a terrible terrible state to be in. Yet today, after the passage of so much time, the citizens know nothing more than what they have now. In fact, the people demand these oversights and contrived laws and ordinances in order that they may feel safe and provide each individual assurances that their government is taking good care of them. America is simply repeating the same gross mistake that Israel did two and three-millennia ago. Yehovah admonished the people to understand what it was they were asking for when they demanded to have a king just like the other nations. The only king that should be over Israel was Yehovah. Just like the only government that we, the Believers in Messiah must acknowledge, is that of Yehovah. Why would we look elsewhere for our governance? Those same judgments and statutes are sufficient to meet all our needs today. Torah was composed of some 613 laws, ordinances and statutes and when ancient Israel lived according to these prescribed rules, they flourished. In the West, we have millions of ordinances and statutes and our nation continues to plummet into chaos. Why is this so? Torah’s origin was of Yehovah. The laws of the West are of man. Man can not save himself from himself. What makes him think that he can govern himself?

Brilliant Bible Commentator Matthew Henry wrote of the Law: “…that were so agreeable to reason (referring to the law), truth, jusice, and equity…” The laws of man when developed in a vacuum apart from the Bible, are self-serving and myopic. Many times these manmade laws are inspired by the enemy in order to facilitate continued stoking of the one-world government and the prosperity of the globalists. As conspiratorial as this may sound to many, and indeed it may very well be, we must ask ourselves why is the West in so much trouble despite the millions of laws and systems of oversight? All that appears left is more laws and more oversight, wouldn’t you think? Or wouldn’t the governments think that? Elections will be held in many areas of the United States next week. On may of the local ballots are dozens of new laws to be added to the already bursting at the seams catalogue of laws already on the books. Will these additional laws stem the tide of our nation’s slip and slide into chaos and even pending judgment from on-high? I don’t have to be a prophet to answer “no” to that question. One thing is certain: if the West (namely the United States) does not come to terms with her situation and she does not repent of her sinful ways and abandon her eivl ways, she will indeed be judged and judged harshly by the Great I Am.The prescription for America’s ills is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 which reads:

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.1 (2Ch 7:14 KJV)

The Hebraic Roots/Messianic Faith has a huge mandate to fulfill. We must take the place of Israel until their blindness is healed ( 5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. 6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.1
(Jer 23:5-6 KJV)) and become a people who understands and realizes the brilliance and perfection of Torah and through our obedience to Torah and our reliance upon Yehovah be that light to the nations. Christianity had a shot at this, but dropped the ball once she gave over her leadership and governance to traditions and doctrines and teachings of men. It’s a tall order and only a precious few will willingly take on this task. This thing is not just a calling (as Christianity would have the world believe that all 2.5 billion adherents have been called) but a selection. Just as Yehovah selected Israel to be the conduit whereby He would reveal Himself to the world and send His only begotten son, so we find that through Israel’s disobedience and non-belief we have been chosen to usher in the Kingdom of Yehovah here on earth.

How do we accomplish this thing? I believe verse 9 holds the key: 9 Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons; (Deu 4:9 KJV) It requires that we shamar (guard) ourselves (our eyes, minds, and souls) and stay focused on the ways that Yehovah has prescribed that we must walk. It is so easy to be caught up with the cares of this life and completely forget that which we are supposed to do. I know myself much better than I’ve ever known myself (as strange as this statement may read to you). I know that I am shiny objects kind of guy. I know initially what I’m supposed to do, but can easily be distracted. This applies ever so much in my walk with Messiah. The things of this world at times captures my full attention and before I know it, my day has gone by and my focus on Yehovah and His ways have been parked on the “shoulder” of life. For instance, I go to work each day. Before going to work, I devote my morning to Torah study and prayer. I seek Yehovah’s will and direction for my life as well as I offer petitions to Him as it relates to whatever needs and issues need taking care of. Once I walk through the doors of my office, the onslaught begins and before I know it, I’m caught up with one thing after another and into discussions and debates and a laundry list of concerns that diminish my spiritual focus and degrade my guard or shamar. Sometimes I will go the entire day and emerge from my office and it dawns on me that I didn’t even give Yehovah the time of day while I dealt with the issues of “work.” That’s crazy. That I realize must change. How many missed opportunities were there to receive critical direction and guidance from Yehovah? How many missed opportunities to be commune with the Creator of the Universe? There are times, however, where my tzitzits come in quite handy and by virtue of me simply feeling the fringes touching my arm or hands I’m reminded to come to center and think about Father and Torah and that which Yeshua HaMaschiach has done for us. It is those ocassions when I’m brought back full circle that I can say within myself: “what individual in this place is so great that he/she has statutes and judgments so righteous as the Torah that Yeshua taught us about and lived perfectly?”

It’s high time that we realize our uncomparable heritage and mandate and live in accordance with both. I pledge to do just that. It won’t be easy, but it is more than doable, especially with the help of the Ruach Kodesh. May Yehovah lead you to great things as you live the life of Torah and in the power and might of His Ruach Kodesh dear Saint. Be most blessed.

*choq=statutes=that which is prescribed by Yehovah for Israel to do. The Law is made up of statutes and judgments (vs 8)