Spiritual Transfer of Power–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode-78
“Finally my brethren, be strong in Yahuah and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Yah that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world; against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of yah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day. And having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the Besorah (the Gospel) of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of yeshu’ah (salvation), the sword of the Ruach (the Spirit), which is the Word of Yahuah: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Ruach and watching therefore unto with all perseverance and supplication for all qodeshiym.” (Ephesians 6:10-18, Cepher, adjusted by me)
The Peaceful Transference of Power
I found parallels to last week’s historic installation/inauguration of the 45th-president of these United States, Donald J. Trump and something that has become very near and dear to me over course of the last week–searching after Abba’s power in my life to overcome some personal challenges (in other words, I needed a transference of power from Abba to me).
With the swearing in of President Trump this past Friday (and even weeks and months prior to his inauguration), we in the public kept hearing talk about “a peaceful transference of power” being a fundamental and essential aspect of our democratic system.
Talk of the Spiritual an Affront to Many
Talk of the spiritual is often viewed as an affront to many in our Faith community. I suspect it is likely the result of charismatic churchianity’s heavy emphasis on the spiritual and their perverted doctrine of grace.
My point here is not to advocate that we Netsarim adopt such charismatic practices as slaying folks in the Spirit, laughing uncontrollably or making animal sounds. Such practices do not appear to be biblically sound at all.
A New Era of Spiritual Activity in the World
We’ve entered into an unprecedented time of spiritual activity, almost exclusively from the evil end of the spiritual spectrum. This is clearly seen in the high degree of:
- Personal attacks
- Anger (unwarranted anger)
- Violence
- Hatred
- Lying
- Warmongering/saber rattling
- divisiveness
- racism
President Donald Trump-The Christian’s 21st Century Savior?
Many in our Faith community, even throughout large segments of churchianity, have placed a great deal hope and future trust in President Donald Trump. Is this hope and trust misplaced? According to Scripture it most certainly is.
“Trust not in princes nor in the children of men in whom there is no safety.” (Psm. 146:3, LXX)
“It is better to trust in Yahuah than to put confidence in humans.” (Psm. 118:8, QBE, adjusted by me)
Our Battles Have Only Just Begun Despite Trump Being Elected
Why am I reflecting upon the topic of “Spiritual Transfer of Power?”
I’ve experienced some recent personal attacks that I believe to be of supernatural origin. Furthermore, I have concerns for the future of our nation and our Faith community. Why? I’m seeing what’s going on in the world today (i.e., the violence, hatred, evil and divisiveness).
We Are At War!
We are in a war. I believe that we’ve been in a war for quite some time. That war is ramping up and is only going to get worse in the days, months and if Master tarries, years to come.
Our war–our true fight–is not against humans/men/flesh and blood. Our war is against unseen powers that are spiritual in nature.
The enemy is obviously ramping up his assault on the elect. He is doing something in the world today, the knowledge of which is unknown to mankind. Nevertheless, the enemy has a purpose and an endgame in mind. That purpose and endgame is anti-man and anti-Messiah and anti-Creator. Whether we want it or not, we have been drafted into the armies of Messiah. We are at war against an unseen enemy.
At Lot is at Stake
How do we defeat the enemy when the enemy is spiritual in nature? How do we survive the present and future onslaught of the enemy? There is a lot at stake in this war:
- Our commission and discipleship is at stake.
- Our Faith community is at stake.
We are Sorely Ill-Prepared
Unfortunately, our Faith community is sorely ill-prepared for spiritual warfare for the reasons stated above. Why?
- We focus too much on Torah while ignoring the spiritual aspects of our day-to-day walk in Messiah.
- We tend to be angry, untrusting people who fail to show the love of Messiah to the world.
- We trust too much in our teachers and overseers, looking for the latest Torah revelation. All the while, there is a war ragging about us. Sadly, we go through our lives each day ill-equipped and ignorant of the war being waged around us.
- We lack spiritual objectives and purpose in our lives and in our walk with Messiah.
- Our movement, although likely still growing, has become stagnant. Yet, fundamental Christianity is losing/bleeding members each year. Ironically, we’re seeing more and more rejection and marginalization of our community when we should be attracking those who’ve abandoned fundamentalism.
Ephesians 6:10
“Finally my brethren, be strong in Yahuah and in the power of His might.” (Cepher)
- “Finally”–here Shaul is saying, henceforth (from this point forward; starting today; from now on…)
- “brethren”–most manuscripts and translations have omitted this term
- “be strong”–that is to be “empowered” –“endunamoo” which is a passive form of dunamis
- “power”–that is in the strength–“kratos”
- “might”–that is Yahuah’s strength–“ischus”
We Need Father’s Strength More Today Than Ever
I contend that we need Yahuah’s strength–His power–in our lives. We need Father’s Strength and His Power in order to properly walk this walk and to defend ourselves against the enemy. It’s not a stretch to think that we need Father’s power to wage an assault against the enemy (if and when we are instructed to do so by the Ruach.
The questions then become: why (why do we need it?); what (what is this power that Paul/Shaul speaks of in his letter to the Ephesian Assembly?); where (where do we find this power?); how (how do we harness this power?).
This reflection is the result of my journey through Scripture as it relates to this topic. It is NOT based upon any past or present popular dogma or denominational positions on spiritual warfare.
What is this Power that Paul is Writing About?
Let’s start with what: what is this power?
It is the same power/force that swept us up on eagles’ wings, rescuing us years of bitter bondage in Egypt .
Exodus 19:4–“You have seen what I did unto the Mitsriym (i.e., the Egyptians) and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you unto myself. Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and guard my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: For all the earth is mine: and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. ” (Cepher)
“…that the law of Yahuah may be in your mouth, for with a powerful hand Yahuah brought you out of Egypt. Therefore, you shall keep this ordinance at its appointed time from year to year.” (Exodus 13:9, 10; NAS)
Here Yahuah is referring to the Feast of Unleavened Bread/Matsah. The point in this is that we were instructed to pass on to our posterity why we kept Unleavened Bread throughout every generation. The reason should include that the power of Yahuah freed us from the mightiest miliatary nation on the earth at that time. It was not by our own hand that we were freed from hard bondage.
As we are today: many of us are in bondage to sin, strongholds and various life situations. That same power that freed us from Egyptian bondage can free us from the bondage of sin that besets us and hinders our walk with Messiah.
“And Moshe entreated (he besought; he implored; he pleaded with Father) Adonai his God and said, “O Yahuah, why does your wrath burn hot against your people whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power (in Hebrew: koach) and with a mighty arm?”” (Exodus 32:11, QBE)
“Yet they are your people and your inheritance which you brought out by your great power and by your outstretched arm.” (Deuteronomy 9:29, QBE)
“He (Yahuah) showed us the power (i.e., the koach; the power conferred by Yah according to BDB Lexicon) of His works.” (Psalm 111:6, NAS)
It is that same power/force that Yeshua tapped during His earthly ministry where He spoke with authority (the exousia of His Father), healed the sick, fed the hungry, prophesied and raised the dead, etc. (reference: Matthew 9:8; 10:1; 28:18; Mark 2:10; 3:15; 6:7).
Yeshua was imbued with both exousia (authority) and dunamis (power and strength) that comes only from Abba Father (reference Mark 14:62; Luke 1:35; 4:14, 36; 5:17).
Yeshua passed along that power and authority to His disciples. In doing so, Yeshua’s disciples were able to achieve the greatest of exploits
“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power (dunamis) and authority (exousia) over all devils and to cure diseases.” (Luke 9:1, KJV)
With the dunamis of Yahuah comes the added bonus of authority. Why? Because you can’t ply His power in the earth (His dunamis) without His authority (His exousia).
“Behold, I give you authority (exousia) to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power (the dunamis) of the enemy…” (Luke 10:19; NAS)
It is that same power/force that raised our Master from the grave and exalted Him in heavenly places, high above all earthly, and even heavenly, powers (Philippians 2:9-11).
“I pray that He will give light to the eyes of your hearts so that you will understand the hope to which He has called you; what rich glories there are in the inheritance He has promised His people and how surpassingly great His power (His “dunamis”) working in us who trust Him. It works with the same mighty strength He used when He worked in the Messiah to raise Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heaven, far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion or any other name that can be named, either in the olam hazeh (that is: this world) or in the olam habah (that is: the world to come).” (Ephesians 1:18-21; CJB)
This is the power we need to overcome the enemy and this evil and perverted world.
It is that same resurrecting power that will raise us up in the end times as Shaul has taught:
“Yahuah raised up the Master, and He will raise us up too by His power (His dunamis).” (I Corinthians 6:14; NAS)
Later on Shaul comments about the resurrecting power of Abba:
“It is sown (speaking of this mortal body being placed in the grave) in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power (in dunamis).” (I Corinthians 15:43; NAS/ESV)
All indications are that our new bodies will be permanently infused with this same dunamis that took us out of Egypt; empowered Yeshua to do His work; and that raised Him from the grave. Why do we shy away from that power today? Why do we in Hebrew Roots reject anything having to do with the workings of the Ruach and the dunamis of Yahuah? Clearly, with such awesome power at our disposal, I can’t help but think demons stand no chance against us.
And it is that same power/force that empowered and filled the apostles and saints on the Temple Mount that Pentecost morning, 2,000-years ago, and effectively turned the world upside down from that point forward in history.
“And behold, I am sending the promise of My Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power (dunamis) from on high.” (Luke 24:49; ESV)
Why Should We Concern Ourselves with Talk of a Transference of Power
Why? Why should we concern ourselves with seeking a transference of power from Yah to our lives?
“For now I will stretch forth my hand and smite thee and kill thy people, and thou shalt be consumed from off the earth. And for this purpose hast thou been preserved that I might display in thee my strength (My “koach”), and that my name might be published in all the earth.” (Exodus 9: 15-17, LXX)
“Then he (an angel conversing with Zechariah) answered and spake unto me saying, “This is the word of Yahuah unto Zerubbabel saying, “Not by might, nor by power (koach), but by My Spirit (My Ruach) saith Yahuah of Hosts (tsaba’ot).”” (Zechariah 4:6; KJV, adjusted by me)
Our natural, physical and cognitive powers (or koach) are totally ineffective against the enemy and the world. Most times, the problems facing us require the Ruach of Yahuah and His associated power (His koach) in order to over them.
The enemy possesses great power as well and in our carnal selves, we are absolutely no match to stand up to him and his minions. Master instructed and informed us:
“If you love me, guard My commandments. And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever. Even the Ruach of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him. For He dwells with you (He already dwells within those of us who are His)–He dwells with you and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:15-18; Cepher)
Shaul warned of the enemy:
“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of hasatan with all power and false signs and wonders.” (II Thessalonian 2:9; ESV, adjusted by me). (Further references: Revelation 13:2)
If not to defend against assaults from the enemy or assault the enemy in spiritual warfare, we still have a job to do. That job requires power from on high if we intend to be effective in our call:
“…the Ruach Koesh will come upon you and you will be my witnesses...” (Acts 1:8b, ESV)
The apostles were given great power (dunamis) from the Master though the infilling of the Ruach Kodesh such that they would become the most effective witnesses of the Gospel ever to walk this planet (Acts 4:33; 6:8; 8:10)
Regarding the work, mere words are often insufficient to deliver the gospel. When it comes to the spiritually oppressed and the enemy inhibiting the spread of the true gospel, Father’s power is necessary to accomplish the mission set before us:
“…my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Ruach and of power (dunamis) so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power (dunamis) of Yah.” (I Corinthians 2:4, 5; NAS, corrected by me)
Shaul comments on work of the Gospel:
“For the kingdom of God does not consist of words but in power.” (I Corinthians 4:20′ MAS)
It’s all spiritual in nature
The great Bible scholar Matthew Henry, in his commentary on the whole Bible wrote concerning the need for Yah’s spiritual power:
“…constancy in our Christian course and to encourage in our Christian warfare…for we struggle with the common calamities of human life…we struggle with the opposition of the powers of darkness, and with many enemies who would keep us from Yahuah and heaven. We have enemies to fight against, a captain to fight for, a banner to fight under, and certain rules of war by which we are to govern ourselves. Finally, my brethren, it yet remains that you apply yourselves to your work and duty as Christian soldiers.”
We can’t fully do this walk on our own strength–I can surely attest to that. And anyone who tells you that you can, is probably not quite with it in terms of a clear understanding of what they’ve signed up for in this walk of ours. Without Father’s help through His Ruach and the power that He has made available to us, we stand a great chance of faltering time and time again. Not to mention, getting our individual clocks cleaned by the enemy every time the opportunity comes for them to reek havoc in our lives from a spiritual perspective. We are all soldiers in a war unlike any that mankind has and will ever know: spiritual warfare. We cannot stand on our own against the supernatural and go toe to toe with the enemy. We are weak and feeble. Thus, we must rely completely upon the strength of Yahuah’s might.
Matthew Henry continues:
“Our natural courage is as perfect cowardice and our natural strength as perfect weakness; but all our sufficiency is of Yah…By the actings of faith, we must fetch in grace and help from heaven to enable us to do that which of ourselves we cannot do, in our Christian work and warfare.”
Speaking of why he left a life of privilege and influence to pursue and deliver the gospel, Shaul wrote to the Philippian Assembly:
“Yes, I gave it all up in order to know Him, that is, to know the power (dunamis) of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings as I am being conformed to His death.” (Philippians 3:10; CJB)
Most of all, we need Father’s power to endure these present times. Shaul taught his apprentice, the young evangelist Timothy:
“For men shall be lovers of their own selves (sound like today?); cov etous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection; truce breakers (i.e., irreconcilable; unappeasable; implacable), false accusers; incontinent (i.e., without self-control); fierce, despisers (i.e., haters) of those that are good (again, sound familiar with what is going on out in our nation’s streets?). Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power (the dunamis) thereof; from such, turn away.” (2 Timothy 3:2; KJV)
Where do we find this power?
Where? Where do we find this power?
“Both riches and honor come from You and You rule over all and in Your hand is power (koach) and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone.” (I Chronicles 29:12, NAS)
“O Yah. You are awesome from Your sancturay. The God of Israel gives strength and power (taatsumah–strength and abundant might; vigor) to the people.” (Psalm 68:35, NAS)
“The One who gives might (koach) to the faint (yaeph, to mean weary) will make power (otsmah, meaning full power) abound in those without strength (on, meaning the powerless)” (Isaiah 40:29, QBE)
“I have made the earth, the men and the beasts which are on the face of the earth by my great power (koach) and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is pleasing in My sight.” (Jeremiah 27:5, NAS)
Would it stand to reason that Yahuah gives His power to those who possess an obedient, pure and contrite heart and spirit? Are not such the individuals who get Yahuah’s attention and who please Abba the most?
The source of this power is the Ruach Kodesh that Master promised:
“But you will receive power (dunamis) when the Ruach Kodesh has come upon you…” (Acts 1:8; ESV)
Many come into the Faith once delivered as a result of the workings of Yahuah’s power and might as did Shaul, which He beautifully shared with the Thessalonian Assembly. For Shaul, his acceptance of the gospel was much much more than mere words, or an exercise in cognitive reasoning, or for that matter, a leap of faith:
“For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power (dunamis) and in the Ruach Kodesh and with much conviction…” (I Thessalonian 1:5; NAB, adjusted by me)
If not to wage war against the enemy, delivering the gospel to a sick, dying and perverted world often requires supernatural abilities as Shaul taught his apprentice, the young evangelist Timothy:
” For Yah gave us a Spirit who produces NOT timidity, but power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7; CJB)
How do we Harness this Power in our Lives?
How? How do we harness this power in our lives
In her “It’s Not as You Perceive” podcast program, as it relates to accessing and harnessing Abba’s power, my wife Hilary Thomas stated:
“When you move from self to the realm of Yah, you experience His strength.”
When we are at a point in our relationship with Father that we start to chip away self from our life-equation, and start to build upon a firm foundation of Yahuah’s Spirit taking over our lives; and that Spirit starts infusing every fiber of our being, then we can fully access and harness that power. An example of this can be seen in the writings of Paul to the Assembly in Corinth. In that epistle, Paul speaks of a time when He approached Master on 3-occasions to be healed of his infirmities. Master responded to Shaul’s petition:
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power (my dunamis) is made perfect in weakness (Greek for “astheneia” meaning infirmity). Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power (dunamis) of Messiah may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9; ESV)
Self-denial; total reliance upon Father and the work of Yeshua HaMashiyach is a prerequisite in receiving the Father’s power (dunamis) and authority.
I would say also, although Shaul does not actually say so in this cited passage, that we harness Abba’s power through the following:
(1) stay on the straight and narrow and warn those who are heading down the path towards destruction;
(2) comfort those who don’t know any better and who are in need of our help in matters where we may be of assistance to them;
(3) we exercise the patience of Job when it comes to relationships with one another;
(4) that we do not render evil for evil;
(5) we always seek after that which is good, in every aspect of our lives;
(6) rejoice in Yahuah always–in good times and in bad times;
(7) pray without ceasing;
(8) give thanks to Yahuah in all things;
(9) that we not ever stifle/extinguish/make sad the Ruach Kodesh operating in our lives;
(10) that we not reject prophesyings;
(11) we stay buried in the Word such that we are able to prove all things and hold fast to that which is of our heavenly Father; and
(12) that we avoid at all costs any appearances of evil in our lives (I Thessalonian 5:14-22).
When we find this power, what do we do with it?
Then What? When we find this power, what do we do with it?
“But as for me, I am filled with power (filled with koach) by the Spirit (the Ruach) of Yahuah, and with judgment and might; to declare unto Jacob his transgression (his pesha or his rebellion) and to Israel his sin.” (Micah 3:8, QBE)
We must be poised to deliver the Gospel to a dying, sick, perverted world and making disciples for Yeshua Messiah. We thus require Abba’s power to effectively carry out this responsibility.
As it relates to resisting temptations and overcoming strongholds, Yahuah’s power is crucial. Matthew Henry wrote:
“Resist temptations through a reliance of Yah’s all sufficiency and the ominipotence of His might.”
This is most eloquently stated by Shaul in his writings to the Corinthian Assembly where he declared that which Matthew Henry declared:
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Yah to the pulling down of strongholds;) casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of yah and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of HaMashiyach. And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Cepher)
This is crucial to our mission; to our spiritual health; to our very lives and being. We must seek after, find, take possession of and employ Yahuah’s power in our lives.
The Whole Armor of God
With Father’s power now operational in our lives, we must then put on the whole armor of God and stand (Ephesians 6:11, 13)–stand against the wiles of the devil and don’t let the enemy take one inch of territory. He is a liar and a loser and his end is certain. As Yahuah’s elect, we should be the biggest problem the enemy faces here on earth. In part, that is why he is going to wage a final frontal assault upon us (Daniel 7:21; Revelation 13:7).
At some point, the enemy, contrary to popular teaching, will prevail against us. Many of us will lose our heads (literally) for the sake of the gospel and at the hands of the enemy. But I say: not before we give him hell! We can achieve that through Abba’s power. In the end, Father will avenge us and we will be raised victorious and reign with Master Yahoshua for a 1,000-years.
Faithfully Submitted
Rod Thomas
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Good word, thank you!
Bless and thank you my friend. Have a blessed week. Shalom.