Greetings and Shalom to you saints of the Most High.

I went through some of this past Sabbath’s Torah Reading (i.e. Torah Reading 14 of Yah’s 3-year Torah Reading Cycle). And in my reading of this parshah, I became captivated by just the first three-verses of the Reading. So captivated was I that I embarked on a modest study just on those three verses. Yah opened my mind and heart to some important things about our Walk in Messiah that I am eager to share with you today.

The Focus Passage

The passage I’m referring to is Genesis/Beresheit 17:1-3a. And The Scriptures ISR rendering of this passage reads:

(1) And it came to be when Aḇram was ninety-nine years old, that יהוה appeared to Aḇram and said to him, “I am Ěl Shaddai—walk before Me and be perfect. 2And I give My covenant between Me and you and shall greatly increase you.” 3And Aḇram fell on his face … (The Scriptures, 3rd edition (Northriding: Institute for Scripture Research, 2009), Ge 17)


Avram’s Relationship with Yehovah

Moshe informs us that Avram is 99-y/o when Yehovah appears to him, identifies Himself to Avram as El/Al Shaddai (God Almighty), and instructs Avram to “walk before Him” (RSTNE = have your halachah before Him) and be “blameless” (RSTNE = be perfect). Yah reiterates He intends to cut a covenant between Himself and Avram and multiply Avram exceedingly. This is Yah’s 5th appearance to Avram. The text does not describe Yehovah’s appearance to Avram. The Jameson, Faussett and Brown Commentary on the Whole Bible suggests it is conceivable Yah’s appearance was of the “Shekinah glory of overpowering effulgence.”

From a chronological perspective, this is Avram’s fifth encounter with the Almighty and many years have passed between each of those encounters (Gen 12.1, 7; 13.14; 15.1; 17.1). And in each of these encounters, Yah reiterates the covenant He is going to cut with Avram. Each time he meets with Avram, Yah introduces an additional element into the Covenant He is cutting with Avram. Let’s not forget that Avram began His journey with Yehovah when he was 75 years of age. So, he wasn’t a spring chicken starting off. And here we have in the reading before us today notice that Avram was 99-years old in this fifth encounter with the Almighty. Twenty-four years have passed since Yah first appeared to Avram in Haran and proposed cutting a covenant with him. Here in this reading, it’s already been 13-years since the birth of Ishmael, as recorded in Genesis/Beresheit 16. Avram is a young 99-years old, and still no heir or son of the Promise has been born to Elizebeth/Elisheva and him. It is unclear from the text where in Canaan Avram and family were living.


Yah Reveals Another Aspect of His Awesomeness to Avram

Upon appearing to Avram this fifth-time, Yehovah identifies himself as “Al Shaddai/El Shaddai,” meaning “God Almighty.” Al Shaddai/El Shaddai appears 48 times in the Tanach. Scholars believe the title Shaddai originated in Akkadian, meaning “breast.” It carries with it the implication that Yehovah has the power to provide all that His child needs and do all that He has promised His child that He would do. This title also denotes Yah’s self-sufficiency in that Yehovah is all-in-all. Halleluyah!

In Avram’s fourth-encounter, Yehovah describes Himself as Avram’s “shield” (i.e. ma-gen = protector) and “exceeding great reward” (i.e. har-beh sa-kar = maintainer or provider). This is after Avram’s miraculous victory over Chedorlaomer’s confederacy against the city-states of the Plain, whereby Avram no doubt would have had some concern for the wellbeing of himself and his family (Genesis/Beresheit 14). And so, here, Yehovah allays the patriarch’s fears that He need not worry because He—Yah — had his back. Amein.  

And so, in these two encounters, we not only come to learn more about the man Avram and the unfolding covenant Yehovah had in mind for him, but most importantly, Yah uses two of these encounters to reveal to us more about Himself: His Person; Nature; Character; Capabilities; History; His Purpose for His chosen ones; and so forth.


The Instruction to Walk Before His Alohim/Elohim and be Perfect

And as the story goes, Al Shaddai/El Shaddai instruct Avram to Walk before Him. Our English verb walk in Hebrew is “hal-lek” or “halak”. Halek/halak is where we get the familiar Hebraic verb “halachah” denoting the sacred path we Messianics embark upon in this Faith Walk of ours. Anciently, “halak/halek” is spelled “lamed”– “kaph.” The “lamed” pictures a shepherd’s staff while the “kaph” pictures the palm of a man’s hand. These two letter concepts, when combined, suggest one’s travel on foot with staff (for support and protection) in hand. A journey. More so, a set apart lifestyle and custom.

In such a sense, it is our Al Shaddai/El Shaddai Who sets or establishes the path that His chosen one is to take. And that pathway for us who are of the true faith once delivered is Torah. The Torah is Yah’s loving instructions in righteousness. Yah communicated His halachah to Avraham in Genesis 17:1-3, and Avraham followed Yah’s instructions. Yes, Avraham had a couple of hiccups during his 24-year journey with Yehovah, as we all do throughout our halachah with Yehovah through Yeshua Messiah, but Avram’s obedience, which was a brilliant manifestation of his faith, was legendary.

On a human level, the concept of “walking” before one’s sovereign denotes one’s faithful service and devotion to their king. To live out one’s life in service to one’s king as well as to serve one’s king in his court. This same principle applies to the chosen one’s relationship with Al Shaddai-Yehovah. To walk before Him implies unwavering service in His glorious presence. The chosen one therefore stands in the presence of Yehovah, ever-ready to serve Him and do according to His expressed Will. In our reading, Yehovah was claiming Avram’s complete life’s attention. The fact that Yehovah appeared to Avraham underscores the link between walking before Him (i.e. in such a way that Avram is seen by Yehovah) and the reality of Yehovah’s abiding presence in His life. Yah’s presence in Avram’s life – and by extension our lives — coupled with our steadfast/faithful service to Him moves us towards perfection – imaging Him in the world. The English term “perfect” in our reading is “tamim” in Hebrew. The Hebrew word “tamiym” is spelled “tav” – “mem”. Anciently, people depicted the “tav” as a cross denoting a mark. Anciently, people depicted the “mem” as water, like a body of water. The two letters, when combined, carry a meaning of one being designated filled and whole. It denotes one who is mature and upright as one is whole. This one is without blemish—blameless — complete.

So, are we talking then about Yah’s people living perfect, sinless, blameless lives? Can’t you hear the anti-Torah crowd screaming at the top of their lungs that it is impossible for anyone to keep Torah flawlessly? That being the case, why even think about keeping Torah? Keeping Torah, or even intending to keep Torah, is a sign that the individual has fallen from grace.

Yes, it is impossible for one to keep Torah perfectly. Truth be told, we’re all human and we make mistakes from time-to-time. But that reality does not excuse the fact that Yehovah still demands that His chosen ones walk in His established Ways — His Torah — with the full-intent to walk it out perfectly. That is, at least try dying. It’s the intent — the heart —behind the walking out that gets Yah’s attention. And let’s not fool ourselves beloved. We don’t have to sin all the time. Especially under the auspices of the renewed covenant. We, as Yah’s chosen ones, have the Holy Spirit and Yah’s Torah being inscribed on our hearts and in our minds (Jer 31). The Holy Spirit — Yah’s abiding, indwelling presence — provides us the wherewithal to resist our flesh, to stop sinning, and to walk out Yah’s instructions and fulfill our purpose in the earth to the very best of our ability.


The Reality of Yah’s Abiding Presence in the Elect One’s Pursuit for Perfection

But it is imperative that the one who endeavors to walk before Yehovah realizes Yah’s presence in their life in order for them to move towards Yah’s expressed perfection. We, under the Renewed Covenant, experience Yah’s presence through His abiding Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit. How much are we willing to give ourselves over to the divine presence – the Ruach Kodesh – in our quest for blamelessness/perfection/wholeness? This is critical: It befalls us to devote our entire being to the providence of Yah’s abiding Ruach – His Holy Spirit – and we accomplish this “by habitual mindfulness of His presence” (Exell, Joseph S.; Genesis Vol 1 & 2). The elect one must always be cognizant – be it amid trying periods of any given day, or even during the mundane moments that speckle his/her day – that not only is Yah’s eye upon them, but He is dwelling within them. This mindfulness, in fact, should become second nature to the elect one.

What does one’s mindfulness toward Yah’s abiding presence look like? According to Exell, “The conception of God’s presence will take different shapes in different minds. We may regard Him as locally present everywhere, the veil of matter screening Him from our view; or we may regard Him as having a certain intimate connection with our minds, as upholding momentarily in us the powers of life and thought.” (Joseph S. Exell, The Biblical Illustrator: Genesis, vol. 1, The Biblical Illustrator (London: James Nisbet & Co., n.d.), 640.) Regardless of how one rationalizes this,  nurturing and maintaining this state of spiritual awareness is necessary for the elect one to operate before Yah and walk uprightly/blamelessly before Him. Such nurtured maintenance of being mindful of Yah’s presences must include: Prayer without ceasing (1 The 5.17); rendering unto Yah incessant sacrifices of praise via the fruit of our lips throughout the day (Heb 13.15); daily scripture studies whereby we satiate our hunger and thirst for Yah’s righteousness (2 Tim 3.16); and so forth, facilitates this mindfulness of Yah’s abiding presence in the elect one’s life. These elements also prompt an ongoing accountability of one’s day-to-day actions, thoughts, and spoken words. These elements also, over time, cause the one to behave righteously throughout their journey. Little by little, the elect one conforms to the splitting image of their Master Yeshua HaMashiyach (Rom 8:29).

 Simply put, this is about the elect one functioning in a lifestyle that is both physically and spiritually holistic in scope and application. And so, the mere thought that Yah’s insistence that Avram, and by extension we who belong to Yah today, need only conduct our lives with only a cognitive understanding that Yehovah exists, is acceptable to the Creator. Such a mindset is far from the truth. Because Yah demands His set apart ones be righteous in all their ways (1 Pet 1.15-16). And not just righteous from an imputed righteousness standpoint. For as the half-brother of Master Yahoshua rightly declares: “… faith without works is dead …” (Jam 2.20-26).


To walk before Yehovah, then, is to live holistically (i.e. to live out every aspect of one’s life) in Yah’s presence. This, however, requires complete devotion and service to Yehovah. There are no vacations or days off when pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of Yehovah in Messiah Yeshua (Phi 3:14). It’s a 24-hour 7-days a week commitment to Yah and His Ways. Yeshua instructed His taught ones to make the pursuit of doing whatever it takes to make it into the Malchut Elohim (aka the Kingdom of Yah) their highest priority in life (Mat 6:33). To seek first Yah’s righteousness is to walk in that holistic perfection that Yah is calling His chosen ones to. And to live holistically in Yah’s presence requires Yah’s elect ones to be blameless (i.e. tamiym). Exell defines blameless as being “unblemished” (as with the sacrifices we rendered unto Yehovah were supposed to be unblemished). Such were and are set apart. Holy unto Yehovah. The one who walks blamelessly before Yehovah is viewed by Yah as set apart (1 Pet 2:9).

Deuteronomy 10:12 commands Yah’s people to fear Yehovah their God, walk in all His ways, love Him, and serve Yehovah their God with all their heart and soul.


The Walkers Hall of Fame

Enoch walked with Yehovah some 300-years (Gen 5.22, 24). And because of his exceptional walk, the bible says that he was no more, for Yehovah took him.

Noach walked with Yehovah (Gen 6.9). Noach’s walk led to him finding favor in Yah’s eyes (6.8). He alone, with his immediate family, survived the destruction of the world by flood.

Avraham walked with Yehovah, as evident in Yah referring to him as His friend (2 Chr 20.7; Isa 41.8; Jas 2.23).

Moshe walked with Yehovah as evident in the unique relationship he enjoyed with Yah: “… Yehovah spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend” (Exo 33.11).

Luke describes Yochanan the Immerser’s parents — Elisheva and Zechariah – as “walking in all the commandments and ordinances of Yehovah blameless” (Luk 1.6).


Despite Denominationalists’ Claims that the Apostles were Anti-Torah, They Had Concerns

One of the apostle Paul’s many concerns for his followers throughout the Roman Empire was that they be found blameless in anticipation of the coming Day of the Lord as well as being found blameless among the nation peoples of the world (1 Cor 1.8; Phi 2.15; 1 The 5.23; 1 Tim 3.2, 10; Tit 1.7). The same concern was held by the Apostle Kefa/Peter, that his readers “be diligent that they may be found of Yeshua in peace, without spot, and blameless” (2 Pet 3.14).

If imputed righteousness was all one needed to receive the Kingdom and to be loved of Yehovah, why were Yeshua’s Sent Ones so focused on their readers being blameless before Yehovah and mankind?


A Misunderstanding of Which Righteousness Yah is Talking About

Imputed righteousness (aka justification) is the starting point of our sanctification journey. Our imputed righteousness is the blameless righteousness of Yahoshua Messiah, who bled, suffered, and died on our behalf. Yah gifted us Master Yeshua’s righteousness. The blood of Yeshua’s atoning sacrifice covered over our past, present, and future sins once and forever, making us eligible to receive Yah’s salvation. But from there, the road to blamelessness is founded upon our trusting faith, the state of our Torah-inscribed hearts, and the indwelling presence of Yehovah in these temples we call our bodies (1 Cor 6.19). It therefore befalls us, who are Yah’s chosen ones, to walk before Him and be blameless/perfect/unblemished/set apart as He has commanded us (1 Pet 1.15-16; 2 Pet 3.11). If imputed righteousness is all that Yah requires of His chosen ones, why is it that throughout His Word Yah insists that His chosen ones be holy as He is holy? Be blameless. Shaul poignantly declares to His Ephesian readers that Yeshua is seeking to present an unblemished, spotless, without wrinkle, Kehila to His Father (Eph 5.27).

Regardless of what the anti-Torah, grace-perverters may say or think, scripture verifies that there is the expectation that the one in which Yehovah’s presence dwells will walk before Him and be perfect — be tamiym.

The enemies of Torah will readily proclaim one cannot walk blamelessly before Yehovah. Thus, their irresistible and endless push for the supremacy of imputed righteousness in the life of every believer – holding ever so tightly to their perverted grace doctrine. This despite Yah’s recurring demand that we who belong to Him walk before Him and be perfect and holy. How do we, as Yah’s chosen ones, rectify this conundrum? As we’ve seen in the many scriptural passages I’ve noted in this post, the instruction to walk before Yehovah (i.e. persistently remain in Yah’s presence) and be perfect is not a suggestion or some pie-in-the sky ideal. It is a commandment. It is a requirement for those who choose to be in a covenant relationship with El Shaddai/Al Shaddai.

The requirement that Yehovah’s elect one’s walk out the tenets of their Faith – Yah’s instructions in righteousness as contained in His holy Torah and in the teachings and life example of our Master Yeshua – has always been a given. Our Master stated to His sent ones during His Sermon on the Mount that He had not come to destroy Torah or the prophets, but rather, He elevated His Father’s Torah to its ultimate reality in the lives of Yah’s set apart people (Mat 5.17). And in elevating His Father’s Torah to its greatest potential, our Master modeled for His taught ones, and by extension He modeled for us, the manner in which Yah’s Torah is to be kept and walked out.

It has only been with the rise of 21st century western evangelicalism that much of denominationalism has learned to feel quite at home, existing in her lawlessness. Even to the point of promoting a lawless lifestyle to any who would enter there in. These find Yah’s instructions to His chosen ones to “walk before Me and be perfect/holy/unblemished/blameless” to be an unrealistic ideal that any should never consider nor attempt who would seek salvation.

And when it comes to walking before their Creator – operating in their purpose and in accordance with Yah’s instructions and Yahoshua’s example – these find fulfillment of this mandate in their praise and worship entertainment services; their health-wealth-prosperity theologies and doctrines; and in the inclusiveness of their religious gatherings and affiliations, where “do as thou will” – live as you choose – be whoever and whatever you want is the name of the spiritual game. None of what Yah has said to His chosen ones regarding walking out His Torah and being holy and set apart as He is holy doesn’t matter to the anti-Torah, grace-perversion crowd, because they view each individual as one of God’s children. To these, God is everywhere. And God doesn’t turn a blind eye towards anyone, regardless of how evil and troubled they may be.

Sadly, such deluded individuals are living in their paradise today. These have received their rewards in the here and now. But their willful denial of the Truth of Yah and of His Ways does come with a shelf-life attached to it. The Apostle wrote Yehovah will give such deluded individuals over to “a debased (i.e. worthless) mind” to accomplish those things in their lives that are improper. These will continue to be filled with unrighteousness, wickedness, greediness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malevolence; gossip, slander, hate for Yehovah and His Ways; insolence, arrogance, boastings, profligates of evil, disobedience to their parents; to be senseless in their deportment; faithless, unfeeling, unmerciful, all this despite knowing the requirements of Yah – despite knowing what Yah requires of them and that if they do not straighten up and fly right, will be subject to Yah’s righteous wrath and judgment (Rom 1.28-32). These same ones have deluded themselves into thinking that they are walking before Yehovah – that they are operating in Yah’s divine presence – are holy and perfect because they’ve received Yah’s imputed righteousness. Indeed, these may very well have received Yah’s imputed righteousness at some point in their lives. But they’ve persisted in living lawless lives. And on that Great Day, many of these will declare to Master Yeshua that they’ve indeed walked according to the instructions that Him and His Father had given them. But in response, Yeshua will inform them: “Sorry, despite all that you think you’ve done for the Kingdom and the work of the Gospel, you’ve insisted on living a lawless life. And because you’ve insisted on not walking before Yah and being perfect – walking blamelessly in His Ways – I cannot say that I’ve had a true covenant relationship with you. And because we’ve not had a true covenant relationship with one another, you will be denied receipt and entry into My Kingdom.” (Mat 7.22-23 paraphrased)

As I’ve said many times on this program, beloved, “there are no free lunches in this life.” Yah’s demand that His elect ones walk before Him and be perfect has and always will stand. The lifestyle of the one who chooses to operate in Yah’s divine presence is not an easy one. In fact, it’s antithetical to the belief structure of much of denominationalism. Yeshua likened this set apart lifestyle to that of an arduous pathway and a narrow gate that few on this planet ever find and embark upon (Mat 7.14). At a human level, this path – this halachah — this walk – Master Yeshua describes as being a difficult one. But He also declares that it leads to life. Unfortunately, the pathway and gate that most humans, including the religious ones take, is straight/smooth and wide. That path, Yeshua warned, leads only to destruction.

Despite the road and gate that leads to life being a difficult one, Master Yeshua also declared that His halachah – His way of life – walking with Him – His yoke – when adopted by the one who would be His taught one, is really easy. And He promises not to overburden those who are His, unlike many of the religionists of this world (Mat 11.30).


We Have Help to Help Our Walk and Efforts Toward Being Perfect

Unlike the patriarchs of our Faith, Yah has, through the auspices of His renewed covenant, provided all we need to properly and effectively walk before Him and be perfect/blameless/unblemished/set apart. He is inscribing His Torah upon our hearts and minds (Jer 31; Heb 8; 12). Father has come to dwell in us (1 Cor 6.19; Eph 1.13; 1 The 4.8). And He has given us His written Word. It then falls to us to, as the Apostle declares to the Messianic Assembly of Corinth: “Having, then, these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim” (The Scriptures, 3rd edition (Northriding: Institute for Scripture Research, 2009), 2 Co 7:1.)

And let’s not forget that we also have Yeshua’s perfect example of how to walk before Yehovah and be perfect. Yah’s Spirit will lead, guide, and equip us to that end. We just need to avail ourselves to His Ruach – His Holy Spirit’s ongoing work within us and not grieve His ongoing work (Eph 4.30).

Again, we need to be ceaseless in our prayers and quick to obey. Maintain an insatiable appetite for and frequently feast upon His Word (Mat 5.6). Regularly fellowship with like-minded, Spirit-filled brethren of our Faith (Heb 10.25). Engage in worship of the Father throughout the day via the fruit of our lips (Heb 13.15). Guard our eyes, hearts, and minds against evil. As much as possible, come out of Babylon and be separate – set apart unto Yehovah in every aspect of our being (2 Cor 6.17). Trust in Yehovah and in His Ways and not in man and his ways (2 Cor 1.9). And rejoice in Master Yeshua always, constantly looking up for His appearing (Phi 3.1; 4.4; 2 Tim 4.8; 1 Joh 2.28).

And so, in this manner, let us walk before Yehovah our Alohim – our Al Shaddai/El Shaddai, and be perfect.


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