The Ineffable Name Controversy: Breaking Traditions and Unveiling Truth

Introduction: In the realm of faith, the Name of Yehovah holds profound significance. However, the tradition of not uttering or writing this sacred name has sparked controversy and debate. This blog post delves into the origins, interpretations, and implications of this practice, shedding light on the true essence of the Ineffable Name.

The Tradition of Writing “G-d”: Many Jewish communities avoid writing the full name of God, opting for “G-d” instead. This practice stems from a passage in Deuteronomy, which commands the Israelites to destroy the names of non-Israelite gods. Rabbinic interpretations extended this to mean that God’s name should not be erased, leading to the tradition of writing “G-d”1.

Rabbinic Interpretations and Misinterpretations: Rabbinic authorities, such as Rashi, interpreted the prohibition against erasing God’s name as a reason to avoid writing it altogether. This led to the practice of storing or burying Jewish literature containing the name “God” once it fell into disrepair2. However, this interpretation has been contested, as the original scriptural intent was to prevent the worship of Yehovah in the manner of pagan gods3.

The True Name of Yehovah: The Father revealed His eternal and holy name to Moses, declaring it to be remembered for all generations (Exodus 3:15). Despite this, Rabbinic authorities replaced the name Yehovah with titles and descriptors like “Adonai” and “Elohim,” effectively nullifying the Torah’s instructions regarding the use of God’s name4.

The Impact of Rabbinic Regulations: By enacting regulations against using God’s name, Rabbinic authorities transgressed Yah’s eternal Torah. This has led to a widespread practice of substituting God’s name with titles, which often have pagan origins5. This practice contradicts the scriptural mandate to declare and magnify Yehovah’s name throughout the earth6.

Conclusion: As Torah-observant disciples, it is our duty to honor and proclaim the true name of Yehovah. By doing so, we fulfill the scriptural command to declare His name to all generations. Let us break free from traditions that obscure the true essence of God’s name and embrace the profound significance of Yehovah.

For those of you who would like to explore this week’s Torah Reading 13, I invite you to read and listen to the discussion entitled “Yehovah: the God Who Sees.” (Yehovah-The God Who Sees-STAR 13)



Lessons Learned from the Death of Sarah-STAR-20

In our Torah Reading for this Sabbath, we read of the death of the Matriarch of our Faith, Sarah. And in our discussion, we will explore the eternal truths associated with this sad, but important story. We will touch upon the themes of loving our wives; being a sojourner in this world; burial versus cremation when caring for a deceased loved one; as well as we’ll examine many of the historic and cultural elements that are attached to this beautiful Reading. Shalom and Welcome.

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When our Covenant Relationship with God is Tested-Akeida-STAR-19

This week’s Torah Reading is that of the Akeidah or the binding of Isaac. It is a story about obedience, trusting faith and the ultimate goal of the Abrahamic Covenant. We will also explore the ramifications associated with God’s testing of those whom He loves. This is one of the most important Torah Reading Discussions of the Torah Reading Cycle. Come fellowship with us and let’s discuss the Eternal Mysteries of Yah’s Eternal Words of Life.

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The In’s and Out’s of Covenant-Justice and Mercy-STAR-18

Many of us view covenant as an exclusive club or culture that belongs to God’s elect and those who find themselves outside of covenant are doomed to be outside of God’s blessings and provision. But the truth of the matter is that God operates in ways that are often foreign to us and that defy how we believe God should operate. In today’s Torah Reading discussion, we discuss the in’s and out’s of covenant and how God’s justice and mercy define how He will interact with those who are in covenant versus those who are outside covenant.

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Abraham and the God (Yah) Culture–Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 15

This week’s Torah Reading touches on a number of relevant themes that include righteousness, justice, reverence, hospitality, boldness, laughter, theophanies and covenant. But the one theme that stands out most is culture. In this installment of TMTO’s Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, we explore each of these themes, in particular the theme of culture. What is the God Culture/the Hebrew Culture? What was Abraham’s role in that Culture? And what does that culture have to do with us today?

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El Shaddai-The Mothering Side of our God-STAR 14

Seems we have been indoctrinated to view God exclusively from a “Fathering” perspective. But could one of God’s revealed names be indicative of a “Mothering” side to the Creator of the Universe? In this installment of TMTO we explore and discuss the power and meaning of El Shaddai.

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Yehovah-The God Who Sees-STAR 13

In our reading today, we’re led to think and reflect on the themes of:

● Trusting Faith
● Respect
● Patience & Perseverance
● Responsibility
● Honor
● The Spirit Realm Intersecting with the Physical Realm
● Promise
● Sonship

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Our Example of Abraham Being a Friend of God-STAR-11

The circumcised heart of an individual—contrite and broken and humble in spirit—is the one thing that captures Yah’s attention and places him or her in contention for being chosen as His friend and ultimately His child. If our heart ain’t right, we ain’t going to be chosen to enter into an obedient covenant relationship with Yehovah, much less a friend or child of His.

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