Greetings, Saints of the Most High!
Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. I’m Rod Thomas, coming to you on a crisp fall afternoon in DFW. Thank you for taking the time to fellowship with me. I hope this post finds you and your loved ones well and blessed.
Today’s Date and Significance
As I publish this, it’s the 29th day of the 8th biblical month, which translates to Monday, December 2nd, 2024. We are just a few hours away from the start of the 9th biblical month. The 9th renewed moon was sighted in Yisra’el, so we will begin the 9th month at sundown this evening.
Torah Reading for Rosh Chodesh
Our Torah reading for today is from Numbers 28:1-15, focusing on verses 11-15. Yah, through Moshe, instructs the Sons of Yisra’el to present offerings made by fire at the beginning of each month. These offerings are a fragrant appeasement to Yah and are to be done at their appointed times.
Key Concepts
- Ram (a-yil): Symbolizes a ruler or mighty one.
- Gift (min-ha(h)): Represents veneration, thanksgiving, and homage.
- Sacrifice (o-la(h)): Refers to offerings wholly burnt upon the altar.
- Chodesh: Refers to the renewed moon.
- Sin (hat-ta’t): For expiation and purification.
- Libation (ne-sek): A drink offering.
The Importance of Rosh Chodesh
Rosh Chodesh, or the “head of the month,” is a significant day on Yah’s calendar. It involves blowing shofars, offering sacrifices, and conducting worship services. Despite the absence of a functioning temple, the day remains relevant and sacred. We now offer sacrifices of praise, service, and gifts in accordance with the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Observing Rosh Chodesh Today
Many Messianic and Jewish congregations observe Rosh Chodesh with services and meals. Yah has declared that Rosh Chodesh will be a mandated set-apart day in the Kingdom Age (Isaiah 66:23).
Encouragement to Observe Rosh Chodesh
I encourage you to prayerfully consider observing Rosh Chodesh each month. Hilary and I welcome each Rosh Chodesh with the blowing of shofars, special meals, and worship services. Let us keep this day with joy, focusing on Yeshua as our redeemer and soon-coming King.
Rosh Chodesh Tov, beloved of Yeshua Messiah. Take care.
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