And God Remembered Noah
This week’s Torah reading, “And God Remembered Noah,” is from Genesis 8:1-14, the 6th Parashah in our 3-Year Torah Reading Cycle.
The Power of the Ruach
In Genesis 8:1, Elohim remembered Noah and sent a wind (ruach) over the earth, causing the waters to subside. The term “ruach” is also used for the Holy Spirit, symbolizing Yah’s power to bring order out of chaos, as seen in Genesis 1:2 and Exodus 14:21.
The Great Flood: Global or Regional?
Debates continue over whether the Great Flood was global or regional. Genesis 7:17-24 describes a flood covering the earth for 40 days, extinguishing all life except Noah’s family. Some believe the flood caused the supercontinent Pangea to split into today’s continents. Artifacts and geological evidence support a global flood.
Noah’s Ark: Fact or Fiction?
In the 1980s, Ron Wyatt claimed to have found Noah’s Ark in Eastern Turkey. Despite skepticism, his findings involved the Turkish government and various scientists. Wyatt’s organization continues to research this discovery.
The Covenant with Noah
Genesis 8:1 states, “And Elohim remembered Noah.” This phrase signifies Yah’s steadfast loyalty to His covenant. Yah’s covenant with Noah, the first mentioned in Scripture, ensured the survival of Noah’s family and the animals. This covenant foreshadows the Renewed Covenant through Yahoshua, who is our ark of salvation.
Yah’s Faithfulness
Yah’s remembrance of His covenant with Noah highlights His righteousness and faithfulness. The Renewed Covenant, recorded in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8 and 10, promises Yah’s Torah written on our hearts and minds, and our sins remembered no more. Through Yahoshua, we enter into an obedient, trusting relationship with Yah.
This week’s Parashah teaches us about Yah’s unwavering faithfulness to His covenants. Despite humanity’s propensity to break covenants, Yah remains steadfast. The Holy Spirit helps us stay in covenant with Yah, transforming us into the image of Yahoshua Messiah.
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