As I am posting these thoughts and reflections, it is the very last Sabbath of the 7th Biblical Month, November 2, 2024. And assuming our contacts in Israel are successful in sighting the renewed moon the evening of this post, we will enter the 8th Month of Yah’s biblical calendar. Of which I should mention that if you are new to Yah’s reckoning of time — Yah’s reckoning of time through the observational calendar — you should know there are no mandated Feasts/set apart days/moedim for this coming 8th month. In fact, we will enter a dormant period of 6 months on Yah’s sacred calendar. The next feasts/moedim won’t be until next spring when we will look to Yah’s creation to alert us when Yah’s next biblical calendar year will begin and when the Spring Feasts of Yah will take place.
And so, we take this dormant phase of Yah’s calendar year to reflect upon that which Yehovah has done for us; the blessings and the shortcomings; the good fruit that we bore for the Kingdom, as well as the lack of good fruit that we bore. We also begin planting spiritual seeds in our lives — seeds related to our purpose in Yeshua Messiah — preparing for next year’s spiritual harvest in walk in Messiah. And that, beloved, is our aim here on TMTO: to equip us to walk in Kingdom — that is walking in that exceeding righteousness that our Master instructed us to walk in — to prepare for the coming Kingdom of our Master Yeshua here on earth. Abba willing, we have several teaching and ministry activities we plan to post/publish and hopefully bless you with. As well as TMTO are looking to enter areas of ministry that we never thought we would and I’ll be sharing what those areas of ministry look like in just a few moments.
Update on TMTO
- Why two month absence?
- September experienced technology problems.
- Preparation for our missionary trip to Kenya. I will share my thoughts and reflections on that trip with you in just a moment.
- What’s ahead for TMTO for the next year?
- Update TMTO Website to Provide Powerful, Essential Kingdom Preparation Content and to Improve User Friendliness.
- Continue the focus Kingdom Readiness
- Torah Reading Discussions
- Continue Paul and Hebrew Roots series.
- Promote and support Kenyan and Tanzanian believers through online teachings and QFF.
- Possible secondary missionary trip to Kenya and Tanzania…
- Add video to our postings.
- Publish 2-3 books 2025.
Thoughts and Reflections on the Issues and Points of Discussion From the Kenya Trip:
- Kenya is situated on the east coast of the African continent; south of Ethiopia and Somalia; east of Uganda; and north of Tanzania.
- Although the capital Nairobi is somewhat modern in terms of western standards, there still remains widespread poverty throughout much of Kenya. This makes ministry in Kenya and Tanzania challenging.
- The Pervasive SDA Influence (sprinkled with some Catholicism).
- The Calendar.
- Determining when during the calendar year the feasts occur.
- The Rapture vs. the Kingdom.
- The wearing of Tzitziyot.
- Women teaching and preaching in church.
- The trinity and Matthew 28 (baptism).
- The accuracy of our bibles.
- Baptism
- The Name of Yeshua and Titles.
- The 10 Commandments vs. Keeping the Whole of Torah.
- The Church or the Ekklesia.
- Request for teachings and assistance through commercial endeavors.
- Pastors seeking to be supported by their congregations.
- The plight of widows and orphans in Kenya.
If you having a willing heart and are led to support this ministry in Kenya, please visit
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