I’ve titled this discussion: Seven Reasons This Messianic Stands with Israel. Because this discussion complements the last series, we published (i.e. Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation), which is not yet finished, I included it in said series. So, this post will be the 5th installment of our Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation. And if you’ve not had the opportunity to either read or listen to any of the four installments in this series, I humbly encourage you to do so as you are so led. I’ll put the links to the four installments in this post’s transcript for your convenience.

Seven Reasons I Stand With Israel


As I continue with this discussion and enumerate each of the seven reasons, please understand that I do not present them in any order. Second, I make no apologies for my position on this topic. That which is at stake here is nothing short of our salvation and redemption. And I do not say such a thing to garner some shock value for this post, or to be unnecessarily dramatic. I mean what I’m saying here.


With all that is going on out there these days beloved — in terms of the Israel-Hamas situation, the ongoing woke agenda, the physical attacks on people of Faith and their congregations, the fear-mongering that the globalists are employing in the world today for purposes of controlling the citizens of the world, and so forth — we find ourselves at a cross-roads. And we must take a stand as it relates to which side we’re on in relation to such critical political-social-religious situations.


Folks, for the people of Faith (i.e. those who claim to worship and trust in the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov) this is a time of sifting — of culling — of separating. Master Yeshua informed Simon Peter that the enemy sought to “sift” him as wheat (Luk 22.31; KJV). “Sift” in the Greek is “siniazo,” which means to winnow. Winnowing is the physical act of separating the chaff from the wheat at harvest. Jacob’s Tent overseer and Messianic Torah Teacher Bill Cloud described the October 7, 2023 attack against the nation-state of Israel by the terrorist group Hamas and many of her so-called Palestinian proxies as the beginning of a new season or dispensation (Cloud, Bill; “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” ISOW). And indeed it was. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, what was unleashed on October 7th was a display of utter evil that has since driven the people of this world to take a side. People all over the world are being compelled to choose a side, either supporting the God of Israel or aligning with Islam’s Allah, also known as Hasatan, the head of the Kingdom of Darkness. The average person does not realize this reality. And many of those that have been out there protesting and creating chaos throughout their various communities in the name of a terrorist group and their ideology are unwittingly writing checks that their behinds cannot cash.


In these perilous times, virtually everything that we here in the West thought was stable and solid is being shaken (in the Greek, shaken is “saleuo”). Paul warned his Thessalonian readers that they not be shaken in mind, or troubled in spirit or by word, or by letter that is alleged to have been written by him regarding the arrival of the Day of the Lord (2 The 1.2). For everything that is being shaken around us may give us cause to worry and fret, but we are ill-advised as the Master’s chosen ones to not let our hearts be concerned. Yah has everything under control, and everything that we see being shaken about us must take place. These shaking events are an unfortunate means to an end.


The benefit of this shaking that we see transpiring round about us is that it sifts and separates out those that belong to Yehovah and those that do not belong to Yehovah. Master Yeshua prophesied about the nations being gathered before Him and He separating out the sheep from the goats in the coming Kingdom Age (Mat 25.32). Could what we see happening round about us today be an initial iteration of that separating out and culling of those that belong to Him from those that do not belong to Him? I believe Yah is indeed preparing a set-apart people through this and future tragic events. And it behooves the Netsarim of Yeshua Messiah to be informed of what’s going on and what He expects of His elect. Yah told the prophet that despite all that is about to go on around them, that the holy and just remnant “shall live by their faith” (Hab 2.4). Literally, we Netsarim are to gird our loins and keep the faith with all that is in us and make ourselves available to Him when He calls.


The multitudinous situations that are hitting us from every side these days are forcing us to either stand on the side of God and His Malchut Elohim, or on the side of the enemy and his Kingdom of Darkness. And I firmly believe that the onslaught of these multitudinous situations coming at us from all directions is only going to get worse as we go headlong towards the Great Tribulation.


And let us not allow ourselves to be deceived, beloved. All the foolishness we taking place round about us, especially in relation to Israel — the anti-Israel sentiments that are being expressed around the globe today — is indeed not just an assault against God’s chosen people Bene Yisra’el. But more so, what we’re seeing is an assault against Yehovah. And the people who are perpetrating these assaults for the sake of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, are ignorantly writing checks that their behinds cannot cash. I kid you not.


I could go on and on as it relates to some of the background stuff associated with the whole Israel situation, but I’ll save the rest of that stuff for another day. What do you say we get into the seven reasons that I stand with Israel?


  1. The Realities of the Abrahamic Covenant.

Paul affirmed to the Messianic Assemblies in Rome that the covenant promises of Yah are irrevocable (Rom 11.29). Which means that Israel’s claim and rights to the Land of Promise — Haaretz Yisra’el — has and will remain valid to the end of time:


Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever (Jer 7; KJV).


Turn ye again now every one from his evil way, and from the evil of your doings, and dwell in the land that the Lord hath given unto you and to your fathers for ever and ever (Jer 25.25; KJV).


25 And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince for ever (Eze 37.25; KJV).

  1. Hamas embodies pure evil, and it must be defeated.

Corrupt and violent behavior is behind the mindset and the name “Hamas.”


11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence (aka “Hamas”). (Gen 6.11; KJV).


Hamas is and has always resisted Yah’s purpose. Hamas is a representation of the Palestinian people. Interestingly, the terrorist group Hamas elected to embed themselves among the so-called Palestinian people living in Gaza.


Gaza in the Hebrew is “Azzah.” According to Messianic Torah Teacher Bill Cloud, “Azzah” means “a strong fortification or stronghold; a foothold” (Cloud, “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-ISOW). We know from Scripture that in order for Yah’s way to succeed, “strongholds” must be overcome” (2 Cor 10.4).

  1. Standing With Bene Yisra’el is the Right Thing to Do.

Whenever a majority crowd races to shed innocent blood, scripture warns us of God’s displeasure in such a thing. The Prophet described the corruption of Judah in the days preceding her captivity in a manner that aptly fits many of the Pro-Hamas and Palestinian supporters of today:

oTheir feet run to evil, And they make haste to shed innocent blood: Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; Wasting and destruction are in their paths. (Isa 59.7; KJV).

Biblical antisemitism defines a mindset that is diametrically opposed to the things and ways of the God of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’achov. Unlike the secular definition of antisemitism, true antisemitism is not about the color of our Jewish brethren’s skin, their culture, or their heritage. Unfortunately, the political Zionists and the secular pro-Israeli lobbies throughout the world, much of this having to do with their spiritually fallen state, have ignored God’s definition of antisemitism. Indeed, what we see Hamas and its proxies throughout the world doing in their efforts to destroy Israel is true biblical antisemitism. These stand diametrically opposed to the God of Israel and His chosen ones.

4. Israel Stands as the Stop-Gap for Potential Terrorist Attacks in the West.

Let us be clear about the true, but hidden force and agenda of the Pro-Hamas-Hezbollah movement taking center stage in the world today. Hamas is simply a useful tool that Islam is using today to make gains towards their stated goal of ushering in their version of the New World Order. Islam’s version of the New World Order is what they refer to as the Caliphate. Encyclopedia Britannica defines the Islamic Caliphate as “the Political-religious state comprising the Muslim community and the lands and peoples under its dominion” (Causes and consequences of the Caliphate | Britannica). In other worlds, the goal of the radical Islamists is to convert the world to Islam by force and rule the world through Shiriah law. How will they accomplish this? They are accomplishing portions of their goal even today through a massive immigration of Muslims into Western and Eastern nations. They use terrorism and other forms of violence to intimidate and force the non-Muslim nations to comply with their way of life.

  1. Our Salvation is Inextricably Linked to Israel.

Our engrafted status (Rom 11.17-24) into the Commonwealth of Israel (Eph 2.12; cf Php 3.20) must also temper our love and support of Israel. The KJV term “commonwealth” that applies to Israel by the apostle in the Greek is “politeia” (Eph 2.12). (In Phil 3.20, the apostle uses “politeuma” to describe being part of the heavenly “community.”)

As used in Ephesians 2.12, however, “politeia” carries the sense of Gentiles, through the qualifying work of Yeshua Messiah, becoming members or citizens of Israel. Some who are more in-tune with Messianic Judaism would insist this has to do with Gentiles becoming citizens of the Jewish nation — not in a political or secular sense as if one were to become a naturalized citizen of the United States — but in a covenant relationship sense. Consequently, there are rights and duties that are associated with being of the commonwealth of Israel.

  1. Israel has Every Right to Defend Herself.
  1. True Biblical Messianics are Supposed to be Biblical Zionists.

Biblical Zionism is the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. It is a concept and reality that must be embraced, anticipated, and walked out — to a lesser and greater extent — by every Netsarim.

In Closing

Beloved, I’ve given you just six reasons I stand with Israel. There are indeed others that I won’t go into. These are my reasons. They may or may not be the same reasons others who share my convictions have towards Israel. But I hold the belief that these convictions are biblically substantiated and they make spiritual sense.

Now is the time for every true Nazarene Israelite to stand firm in their convictions towards the nation state of Israel and our Jewish brethren. Those of our Faith who, because of some hang-ups they possess regarding the nation state of Israel or our Jewish brothers and sister must consider what side their spiritual bread is buttered. They must cease denying the realities of scripture and resisting the purpose and plans of the Almighty. Neither the nation state of Israel nor our Jewish brothers and sister around the world are perfect. They are indeed a flawed people on many levels. But truth be told, so are we. We lack in so many ways, despite the fact that we have been saved by grace through our trusting faith in Yeshua Messiah.

So, let us stand with Israel and with our Jewish brothers and sister. And let us not be burdened by all of the foolishness that the world is engaging in as it relates to Israel’s War against Hamas. But rather, as our Master instructed His inner circle of sent ones: 28“And when these matters begin to take place, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luk 21; KJV).


Links to Previous Four Installments to the Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Series: