I’m back! Well, not quite. But almost.
History of Ministry
QFC (2012)
Blog (2012)
Podcast (2014-11/2022)
YouTube (2018-11/2022)
QFC Affiliates with Feastkeepers (New York) and First Century COG (Baltimore) (2019-2021)
Why we ended the podcast arm of this ministry last year–It was a Hiccup of Faith!
Romans 8:28–“We know that for those who love Elohim, all things work together for good; for those who are called according to His purpose” (ESV).
The tagline for The Messianic Torah Observer: Encouraging you in righteous living while contending for the Faith once delivered.
Fulfilling the mandate/the command that Master Yeshua gave His chosen ones to make for Him disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
Not just evangelizing, but discipling.
Matthew 5:20–“For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (ESV).
My message from Passover 2022: “The Exceeding Righteousness that Takes us From Pesach to Tabernacles.”
What we’ve been doing since the podcast ended last year
- Blogging the weekly Torah reading Thoughts & Reflections
- Book writing project
- Restructuring the Website and Focus of the Ministry
- Seeking Yah’s will and purpose for the ministry
Where the Spirit is leading us: What’s Coming? Abba willing
- Resume the Messianic Torah Observer Podcast arm of QFC but with a focus on (1) fulfilling the purpose that Yah has ordained for us, (2) discipling, (3) promoting the righteousness that takes us to the coming Kingdom of Yah.
- Write and publish a series of books to aid in these three areas of ministry.
Abba is in control of the when. If within His will, around the time of the Fall Feasts/Moedim or 7th Biblical Month.
Shabbat Shalom/Shavu’atov.
Nobody Told Me That the Road Would Be Easy, but He Didn’t Bring Me This Far To Leave Me–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 115
Greetings Saint of the Most High. Coming at you on this cold Sabbath morning in the DFW, on the first day of the 11th biblical calendar month, trusting and hoping that these Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 115 find you, your family, and your fellowship is...
The Torah of the Red Heifer—A Foreshadow of Yeshua HaMashiyach–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 114
Shabbat Shalom, saints of the Most High. Coming to you on a cool and cloudy Sabbath in the DFW. I pray you, your families, and your fellowships are well and blessed. Our Parashah this week is found in Numbers 19:1-20:13. Although it covers Miriam's death and Moshe...
The Inherited Lie of Replacement Theology-Part 3 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Series
Greetings This is “Exposing the Lie that is Replacement Theology-Part 3 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation.” Recap and Purpose of Post In part one we interpreted Master Yehoshua's statement to the woman at Jacob's well that salvation is of...
Aaron’s Budding Staff and the Responsibilities of the Levites-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 113
These are my Thoughts and Reflections on this week’s reading which is the 113th reading of the 3-year Torah Portion Cycle. It is found in Numbers/Bemidbar 17:1-18:32 (17:16-18:32). Our reading picks up immediately where the Korah incident left off. Remember from our...
Rebellion-Deal Breaker to Making it into the Kingdom-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 112
Shabbat Shalom Saints of the Most High God. These are my thoughts and reflections on this Sabbath's Torah Reading. It is the 112th reading of the 3-year Torah Reading Cycle. (See Key Elements of this Week's Reading: Korah-Levite of the Kohath clan....
Asarah B’Tevet 10
Jews around the world honor Tevet 10 as a day of fasting, mourning, and repentance, specifically commemorating the siege of Jerusalem and the subsequent destruction of Solomon's Temple. It is an abbreviated, complete fast day (i.e. the observant Jew refrains from...
But Paul Said There is Neither Jew Nor Greek–Part 2 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Series
This is “But Paul Said There is Neither Jew nor Greek—Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Part 2 In part 1 of this series, I gave what I hope was a clear explanation of why I was led to explore Israel’s unshakable link to our salvation, which in great part was...
Israel’s Inextricable Link with our Salvation Part 1
This is "Israel's Inextricable Link to our Salvation Part 1." Back on 10/13/2023, I posted a teaching and discussion entitled Ministry Update and My Thoughts and Reflections on Hamas' Invasion of Israel. In the Hamas' Invasion of Israel portion of the post I expressed...
Are God’s People Required to Wear Tzitzit Today and is the Wearing of Them a Salvific Issue?
This is “Are God’s People Required to Wear Tzitzits Today and Is the Wearing of Tzitzits a Salvific Issue?” And just to cut to the chase, beloved, the answer to both questions is yes. I’ll explain why in just a few. Why Discuss Tzitzit Wearing? The reason I was led to...
Invitation to Messianic Discipleship-From the Sinner’s Prayer to True Messianic Discipleship
Welcome to The Messianic Torah Observer. Maybe you’ve been here before and have more questions about our ministry or the Messianic, Hebrew Roots, or Nazarene Israelite faith. And if that’s the case, I’m happy you’re here and I’m happy to answer questions you may have...