
I’m back! Well, not quite. But almost.


History of Ministry

QFC (2012)

Blog (2012)

Podcast (2014-11/2022)

YouTube (2018-11/2022)

QFC Affiliates with Feastkeepers (New York) and First Century COG (Baltimore) (2019-2021)


Why we ended the podcast arm of this ministry last year–It was a Hiccup of Faith!

Romans 8:28–“We know that for those who love Elohim, all things work together for good; for those who are called according to His purpose” (ESV).


The tagline for The Messianic Torah Observer: Encouraging you in righteous living while contending for the Faith once delivered.


Fulfilling the mandate/the command that Master Yeshua gave His chosen ones to make for Him disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).


Not just evangelizing, but discipling.


Matthew 5:20–“For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (ESV).


My message from Passover 2022: “The Exceeding Righteousness that Takes us From Pesach to Tabernacles.”


What we’ve been doing since the podcast ended last year

  • Blogging the weekly Torah reading Thoughts & Reflections
  • Book writing project
  • Restructuring the Website and Focus of the Ministry
  • Seeking Yah’s will and purpose for the ministry

Where the Spirit is leading us: What’s Coming? Abba willing

  • Resume the Messianic Torah Observer Podcast arm of QFC but with a focus on (1) fulfilling the purpose that Yah has ordained for us, (2) discipling, (3) promoting the righteousness that takes us to the coming Kingdom of Yah.
  • Write and publish a series of books to aid in these three areas of ministry.


Abba is in control of the when. If within His will, around the time of the Fall Feasts/Moedim or 7th Biblical Month.

Shabbat Shalom/Shavu’atov.


Usury-Interest According to God (YHVH)

The Practice of Usury Prohibited How does God/YHVH rule on the practice of usury or exacting of interest on monetary loans by His elect? We find in Torah Reading 61 (according to our “triennial reading cycle-- Torah Reading 61--Exodus 22:25-31 ) the prohibition...

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The Critical Role Faith Play in the Prayer Life of a Messianic

The prayer lives of many members in the Hebrew Roots-Messianic Community are ineffective and have little to no associated power. In this installment of TMTO, we look at the role faith places in a Netzari’s prayer life and how faith can transform our prayers, when properly aligned with God’s Word and His Holy Spirit, into a powerful and effective tool for the Body of Messiah. 

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