I’m back! Well, not quite. But almost.
History of Ministry
QFC (2012)
Blog (2012)
Podcast (2014-11/2022)
YouTube (2018-11/2022)
QFC Affiliates with Feastkeepers (New York) and First Century COG (Baltimore) (2019-2021)
Why we ended the podcast arm of this ministry last year–It was a Hiccup of Faith!
Romans 8:28–“We know that for those who love Elohim, all things work together for good; for those who are called according to His purpose” (ESV).
The tagline for The Messianic Torah Observer: Encouraging you in righteous living while contending for the Faith once delivered.
Fulfilling the mandate/the command that Master Yeshua gave His chosen ones to make for Him disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
Not just evangelizing, but discipling.
Matthew 5:20–“For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (ESV).
My message from Passover 2022: “The Exceeding Righteousness that Takes us From Pesach to Tabernacles.”
What we’ve been doing since the podcast ended last year
- Blogging the weekly Torah reading Thoughts & Reflections
- Book writing project
- Restructuring the Website and Focus of the Ministry
- Seeking Yah’s will and purpose for the ministry
Where the Spirit is leading us: What’s Coming? Abba willing
- Resume the Messianic Torah Observer Podcast arm of QFC but with a focus on (1) fulfilling the purpose that Yah has ordained for us, (2) discipling, (3) promoting the righteousness that takes us to the coming Kingdom of Yah.
- Write and publish a series of books to aid in these three areas of ministry.
Abba is in control of the when. If within His will, around the time of the Fall Feasts/Moedim or 7th Biblical Month.
Shabbat Shalom/Shavu’atov.
Paul on Physical Circumcision-A Question of One’s Jewishness Part 4
In today's post we answer the questions: Is physical circumcision still a valid commandment for men of faith to keep and obey? What advantage is there to physical circumcision? Synopsis of the Preceding Installments to the Series Over the course of the last three...
Marriage and Divorce According to Torah Part 2–A Discussion of Parashah 144
Marriage and Divorce According to Torah Part 2—A Discussion of Parashah 144 This is the second post or second half of the overall discussion I have for you regarding this week’s Torah Reading of Deuteronomy 24:1-4. In this post we will cover the teachings of Y’shua...
Marriage and Divorce According to Torah Part 1–A Discussion of Parashah 144
Marriage and Divorce According to Torah Part 1—A Discussion of Parashah 144 Although our Torah Reading for today, Parashah 144, covers Deuteronomy 24:1–25:19, I was led by the content to focus only on the first four-verses of the entire reading. The focus of these...
What Loving One Another Looks Like–The Morality and Love of Torah-Parashah 143
What Loving One Another Looks Like--The Morality and Love of Torah-Parashah 143—Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Our Torah Reading This Week—Parashah 143—Is Found in Deuteronomy 22:8-23:25 The physical should always be followed when applicable, but also the...
What is the True State of our Worship?–Parashah 139 Discussion and Study
What is the True State of our Worship?--Parashah 139 Discussion and Study In today’s installment we will be discussing Parashah 139—which is contained in Deuteronomy 17:1-20. So grab your bible and maybe a cup of coffee or tea, and let’s get into our study of Yah’s...
A Sit-Down Conversation with Dr. Miles R. Jones on the Survival of the Hebrew Gospels
Greek Primacy vs. Hebrew We have been indoctrinated and taught that the original Gospel texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and Revelation were all written in ancient Greek. But is this in fact true? For one must rationalize that the writers of these texts were...
Round and Round the Asherah Pole We Go–Parashah 138
This Week’s Torah Reading This week’s Torah Reading, Parashah 138, is contained in Deuteronomy 16:13-22. My ruach eye (that is, my spirit eye) seemed focused primarily on Deuteronomy 16:21-22. These two verses has to do with, yet again, another admonishment to avoid...
Paul on Physical Circumcision for God’s People–A Question of One’s Jewishness Part 3
Opening Remarks on Paul on the Question of Physical Circumcision for God’s People In this installment of the Messianic Torah Observer, we return to our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series and to our series within a series entitled: “A Question of One’s Jewishness.” Today,...
God’s Food Laws-Tithing-Walking in Obedient Covenant Relationship with God-Parashah 136
This Week’s Torah Reading is found in Deuteronomy 12:20-15:6. I’ve entitled this discussion: Gods Food Laws-Tithing-Walking in Obedient Covenant Relationship with God-Parashah 136 Personal Perspective—Opening Remarks Our obedient covenant relationship with the...
Racism and Faith–What Walking in Torah With a Circumcised Heart Looks Like—Parashah 134
How Yah views race and skin color This past week’s interaction with Faith and Race. Not a direct interaction, but an interaction that directly affected friends of this ministry. And these friends ended up having a very troubling experience with a member a black...