I’m back! Well, not quite. But almost.
History of Ministry
QFC (2012)
Blog (2012)
Podcast (2014-11/2022)
YouTube (2018-11/2022)
QFC Affiliates with Feastkeepers (New York) and First Century COG (Baltimore) (2019-2021)
Why we ended the podcast arm of this ministry last year–It was a Hiccup of Faith!
Romans 8:28–“We know that for those who love Elohim, all things work together for good; for those who are called according to His purpose” (ESV).
The tagline for The Messianic Torah Observer: Encouraging you in righteous living while contending for the Faith once delivered.
Fulfilling the mandate/the command that Master Yeshua gave His chosen ones to make for Him disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
Not just evangelizing, but discipling.
Matthew 5:20–“For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (ESV).
My message from Passover 2022: “The Exceeding Righteousness that Takes us From Pesach to Tabernacles.”
What we’ve been doing since the podcast ended last year
- Blogging the weekly Torah reading Thoughts & Reflections
- Book writing project
- Restructuring the Website and Focus of the Ministry
- Seeking Yah’s will and purpose for the ministry
Where the Spirit is leading us: What’s Coming? Abba willing
- Resume the Messianic Torah Observer Podcast arm of QFC but with a focus on (1) fulfilling the purpose that Yah has ordained for us, (2) discipling, (3) promoting the righteousness that takes us to the coming Kingdom of Yah.
- Write and publish a series of books to aid in these three areas of ministry.
Abba is in control of the when. If within His will, around the time of the Fall Feasts/Moedim or 7th Biblical Month.
Shabbat Shalom/Shavu’atov.
“Let No Man Judge You” in Your Keeping of Torah–A Messianic Examination of Colossians 2:16-17
This is "Let No Man Judge You" in Your Keeping of Torah--A Messianic Examination of Colossians 2:16-17. This is sort of a continuation, if you will, to our very last installment which was entitled “Did the Apostle Paul Permit the Eating of all Meats? A...
Did the Apostle Paul Permit the Eating of All Meats? A Messianic Examination of 1 Timothy 4:1-5
Setting the Table for our Discussion Here Today This is “Did the Apostle Paul Sanction/Permit the Eating of all Meats? A Messianic Examination of 1 Timothy 4:1-5.” Our discussion here today will serve as another installment to our massive Paul and Hebrew...
Does Torah Cause Someone to Sin More? A Messianic Examination of Romans 5:20
Goal: This is “Does Torah Cause Someone to Sin More? A Messianic Examination of Romans 5:20.” And so, our survey of the hard-to-understand—those challenging Pauline passages—takes us in today’s installment of TMTO, to Romans 5:20. And the KJV...
Experiencing the Wisdom of God Persists Even in the Midst of Despair–STAR-37
This week's portion is the 37th-Reading of the 3-year Torah Reading Cycle (STAR-37). And it is a familiar passage. For it is the story of Yosef interpreting the dreams of the cupbearer and baker in the Egyptian prison. If we recall STAR-36, Yosef was cast into prison...
Amazing Things Happen When God is with Us–Torah Reading 36–The Story of Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
Our Torah Reading for this Shabbat of 6/11/2022 is found in Genesis 39:1-23. It is The Story of Yosef and Potiphar's Wife. We find in this reading, themes of righteousness; trust; loyalty; prosperity; sexual immorality; favor-favor with man and favor with God; and...
Finding Peace with God-Eternal Life and a Blessed Assurance
This is “Finding Peace with God—Eternal Life and a Blessed Assurance.” This is a continuation of our Paul and Hebrew Roots mega-series where we’ve been discussing some of the more challenging—hard to understand Pauline writings. And we’ve been spending most of our...
The Story of Judah and Tamar: A Reminder that Yah’s Will Shall Already Triumph Over Humanity’s Carnality
This Week's Torah Reading #35--The Judah-Tamar Story This week's Torah Reading, number 35 in our three-year Torah Reading cycle, is found in Genesis/Beresheit 38:1-30. It is the story of Yehudah (aka Judah) and Tamar. It conveys tremendous spiritual lessons that...
Shavuot-Pentecost 2022 in Focus–Netzari-Messianic Perspectives on the Feast of Shavuot
1. An Introductory Primer on Shavuot What is Shavuot? For the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah, Shavuot—The Feast of Weeks—Pentecost is about the giving and receiving of YHVH’s Torah and the establishing of the marriage covenant between YHVH and the Children...
The Inapplicability of Torah–Part 3 of Where There is no Law There is no Transgression
This is “The Inapplicability of Torah.” It is the final installment to our 3-part series within a series entitled “Where There is no Law There is no Transgression.” Because I have so much content to cover today and I’m led to bring this series within a series to a...
Where There is no Law There is no Transgression-Part 2-The Role of Torah in the World
Quick Review of Part 1 Our focus passage was Romans 4:11-15 with particular emphasis on verse 15: For Torah brings wrath, because where there is no law there is no transgression [of the law]. Unfortunately, denominationalists erroneously use this and related...