Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles is the Season of our Joy
True joy is an offshoot of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit or the Ruach HaQodesh in each of us.
Our joy, especially as expressed through Yah’s Feasts, is incomplete without the Ruach HaQodesh’s influence. Otherwise, our joy will be limited to just our personal feelings, emotions, personalities; our abilities and preferences.
The Holy Spirit Produces Joy
Father’s Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit interacts and influences our spirit to produce fruit.
The Apostle Paul (aka Shaul) wrote to the Galatian Messianic Assembly that the fruit of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh is joy (Galatians 5:22).
Therefore, in order to fully keep Yah’s command to rejoice and to be joyful during Sukkot/Tabernacles, we must tap into the Ruach HaQodesh that is dwelling and operating within each of us.
The Kingdom of God and Joy
The Apostle Paul informed the Roman Messianics that the Kingdom of Elohim/God consists of…joy in the Ruach HaQodesh.
The Prophetic Shadow Picture of Sukkot
The writer of Hebrews stated that the Torah, which contains the Feasts of the LORD, is a prophetic shadow picture of good things to come. In the case of Sukkot/Tabernacles, the good thing to come is the Kingdom of God.
True Joy is Derived from the Holy Spoirit
The Apostle Paul taught the Messianic Assembly in Thessalonica that true joy comes only from the Ruach HaQodesh/the Holy Spirit, despite any onging challenges and afflictions one may be experiencing in their life.
The Holy Spirit is Inextricably Connected to Sukkot/The Feast of Tabernacles
Although not widely known to most, there is a Holy Spirit/a Ruach HaQodesh connection to Sukkot/the Feast of Tabernacles. And if we are to be obedient to Father’s command to have joy during Sukkot each year, we must embrace this reality.
The Holy Spirit Connection to Sukkot is Found in the Water Libation Ceremony
The Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh connection to Sukkot/the Feast of Tabernacles is embedded in the Water Libation Ceremony of ancient Yisra’el.
This ceremony illustrated for us the jjoy that Abba requires from all who would attend His Sukkot/the Feast of Tabernacles.
The Water Libation Ceremony was originally instituted by King David. And it’s workings are recorded in the historic Jewish writings of the Mishna.
The Water Libation Ceremony held tremendous prophetic and spiritual significance.
The Water Libation Ceremony Was the Highlight/High Point of Every Sukkot/Tabernacles
The Water Libation Ceremony was the highlight or high point of every Sukkot/Tabernacles in first-century Jerusalem (Mishna, Tractate Sukkah 5)
The Influence of the Holy Spirit Over the Water Libation Ceremony
Our ancient Jewish cousins, through the influence of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh, were rehearsing future spiritual events that they could not have possibly understood on their own accord.
Water is Symbolic of the Holy Spirit in Scripture
Regarding joy and water symbolism, the Prophet Isaiah/Yeshayahu wrote: (2) Behold, El is my salvation (that is, El is my Yeshua)…He has become my salvation. (3) With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation (that is, you shall draw from the wells of Yeshua) (12:2-3).
Verse 3 was repeated over and over throughout the water libation ceremony and throughout the Feast of Tabernacles! The attendees knew not the true meaning of what they were reciting.
A Prophetic Shadow Picture of the Ministry of Yeshua Messiah
Yet again, the Prophet Isaiah/Yeshayahu wrote of waters, which was prophetically associated with the ministry of our Master Yeshua Messiah:
(1) Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat…without money and without price. (2) Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? And your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness (55:1-2; KJV).
The Water that Yeshua Offers is Eternal Life and Joy
Of this water, it was John/Yochanan the Revelator that recorded:
“And the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come. And let him that heareth say, come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (22:17; KJV).
The Water Libation Ceremony was a Shadow Picture of the Ministry of Yeshua Messiah and the Holy Spirit
Indeed, the water libation ceremony of Sukkot in ancient times was a shadow picture of the ministry of Yeshua Messiah and the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh.
The Levitical Priests would draw living water and take wine and pour them into separate vases. These would pour them out onto the brazen altar of the Temple. And all these elements are representative of the Person and ministries of Yeshua Messiah and the dispensation of Yah’s Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh.
The Holy Spirit’s Connection to Sukkot/the Feast of Tabernacles
We find in the Gospel of John/Yochanan the historic utterance our Master made to the crowd attending at Water Libation Ceremony one Sukkot:
“…If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers of living water” (7:37-39; ASV).
This ceremony and the proclamation that our Master made to the attending crowds foreshadowed the sacrificial ministry of Yeshua and the subsequent giving of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh. And we know that the Ruach HaQodesh assists us in producing fruit and our operating in joy.
The Samaritan Woman and Water
The same Apostle John/Yochanan recorded the historic discussion that took place between Yeshua and a Samaritan woman drawing water one day from Jacob’s/Ya’achov’s Well:
“…the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life…But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth…Yah is a Spirit: And they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (4:7-24; KJV).
The Feast of Tabernacles in Great Part Represents the Pouring out of God’s Holy Spirit upon His People
Of the ministry of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaQodesh, the Prophet Joel/Yoel wrote:
“I (that is Yehovah) will pour out My Spirit/Ruach upon all flesh…” (2:28-29).
Prepare to Receive and Keep Sukkot/Tabernacles with Joy
So, let us all prepare to receive the coming Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot with joy. Which means that we must seek a great unction and infilling of Father’s Holy Spirit. And to receive that greater unction or infilling, all we need to do is ask Him.
Of this, Master instructed:
“…How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit to them that ask Him” (Luke 11:13; KJV)?
Therefore, let us keep Yah’s Sukkot with joy. And may our joy transcend the physical joy we’re all used to, to that of the spiritual. Whereby our worship, celembration, behavior, interactions with others is regulated by the Holy Spirit. And in so doing, may our joy intensify each day of the feast.
Previous TMTO Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles Discussion
Feast of Tabernacles and the Kingdom of God in You
The Fall Feasts of Yah-The Feast of Tabernacles-The Feast of Sukkot
Feast of Tabernacles 2017 Thoughts and Reflections
Overview of the Fall Feasts of the LORD 2022
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