Greek Primacy vs. Hebrew

We have been indoctrinated and taught that the original Gospel texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and Revelation were all written in ancient Greek.

But is this in fact true?  

For one must rationalize that the writers of these texts were either Jewish or operated and spoke only Hebrew during their lives. It further stands to reason that their works were originally written for a Messianic Jewish audience.

So why would these Hebrew speaking chroniclers and disciples of Yahoshua document the Gospel in Koine Greek? 

There exists evidence that in fact their original manuscripts were not written in Greek as is falsely taught by mainstream Christianity. But their manuscripts were instead written in Hebrew.

My Sit-Down Conversation with Dr. Miles R. Jones

In this very special installment of The Messianic Torah Observer,  we sit down with acclaimed and accomplished author, ancient language researcher, linguist, teacher and zealous Messianic Believer Dr. Miles R. Jones, to discuss his ground-breaking, landmark work on the Hebrew Gospels. 

And I’ll tell you, most of the questions we’ve had over the years regarding the original language the Gospels were written in, what happened to those original manuscripts, and ultimately what happened to those Messianic Believers of the early, early assemblies who embraced those original gospel texts and the Hebrew Scriptures and Yehovah’s Way of Life–those questions will be answered here in this post.


Dr. Jones’ Website: 

The Writing of God YouTube Channel:

Introducing Dr. Miles Jones

Dr. Miles Jones–Author; Teacher; Researcher; Linguist; founder of the Institute of for Accelerated Learning, and Disciple of Yeshua Messiah.

Dr. Jones’ Books

The Writing of God

The Coming Crisis

Sons of Zion

We were Baptized into Moses in the Red Sea

Our Baptism in the Red Sea Was Illustrative of our Transformation into the People of God So, in our departure from Mitsrayim/Egypt, which was representative of a would-be child of Yah coming into a covenant relationship with Yah through the Person and Ministry of...

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