Update on TMTO (Special post without any fanfare and promotion)–Where we are today and where we’ll be going.
  • Discontinuing Live-Stream and Why.
    • The failure of the Livestream.
    • Non-committal group of individuals. 
    • Newsletter failures.
    • Loss of focus on the original purpose and goal of TMTO
    • Forgetting my audience–focus on getting back to our core work.
  • Return to the original, overall Focus:
    • What caused this change?
      • Changes to my understanding of the sacred calendar.
      • Failure of the Livestream in the midst of so many online ministries that are focused on Messianic Judaism.
    • Yeshua-centric Torah Living and our Kingdom Destination.
      • Being an exceptional disciple of Yahoshua Messiah. Torah-living is crucial to our making it into the Kingdom. Unfortunately, many end up focusing on Torah as the end all to be all, but never truly realizing the existential impact that Torah must have on each individual’s life beyond the rote letter of Torah (remember, the letter of Torah kills but the Ruach of Torah gives life (2 Cor. 3:6). And this is the life that our Master came to bring us is it not (Joh. 10:10)?
        • People are looking for rote–drawn-out pathways to walking out their Faith.
        • Many ministries circumventing Yeshua altogether in their dividing of the Word of Yah.
        • Yeshua and his Apostles gave us the Spirit of how our Faith is to be walked out. 
      • Pulling back on Torah, Torah, Torah focus and Rabbinic influences to our Faith (e.g., Torah Portions–whereby Torah has all but become secondary to the Torah Portion system).
        • Instead, focusing on Yeshua’s teachings on Torah principles and how those things prepare us for the coming Kingdom of Yah.  
      • This is not a fellowship or congregation or church, but a resource for day-to-day walking out of our Faith.
  • Ministry Elements:
    • Podcasts and Blogs and other content designed to inform, exhort, equip and bless the Body of Mashiyach.
      • Looking also to add guests to our show’s content that fit within the paradigm and focus of TMTO.
    • Explore avenues for evangelism of our Jewish and Christian cousins.
    • Engage you the audience.
    • Shorter–More Content Packed–Timely Posts. (Missed opportunities–confused focus.)
    • More personal posts–thoughts and reflections–sharing my day-to-day walk with you–sharing my studies–my experiences.
      • Engaging guests with their experiences and perspectives
      • News
  • Constantly evolving as the Spirit leads and as the needs of our Community are identified we will respond in the appropriate, Ruach-led manner. 
    • Invitation to share this journey with me and fellowship with me as we walk this journey together in Faith, Obedience, Love and Grace. 
  • Thanks to all of you who have stood by this ministry over the years. Stand-by and prepare for what’s coming ahead.
    • Please pray for us as we re-adjust and re-focus
  • Shalom and Blessings