Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And...

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Seeking First the Kingdom of God, And….


Yeshua instructed us to pursue those things that qualifies one to receive and enter the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of YHVH our Elohim. In fact, He said to His disciples on that hill somewhat distant from the masses that had gathered below that day, that they were to seek first before anything else the Kingdom of God and the Creator’s righteousness; and in so doing, ever care of life would be attended to by Father.  Well, if that is indeed the case, how does Torah-keeping fit in with Yeshua’s instruction?

There Are Legal Prerequisites for Entering the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God

There are legal prerequisites for entering the Kingdom of God.

There are legal prerequisites for entering the kingdom of heaven. And in order for us to enter the Kingdom of God we must meet those legal prerequisites. And those legal prerequisites are found in the Gospel of the Kingdom

Those legal prerequisites are specific and difficult to meet
Pertaining to those specific and difficult to meet requirements, Master taught in Matthew 7:13, 14:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat. 7:13, 14; KJV). 

The Church Does Not Acknowledge the Difficulty 

But many believe that all one needs to do to make it into the Kingdom is to keep the Feasts–primarily the Feast of Tabernacles; don’t work on the weekly Sabbath; don’t eat pork and shell fish; get baptized and receive the laying on of hands; and then you’re good to go for the Kingdom. Yet it’s recorded only once or maybe twice where Master focused on keeping the commandments in relation to entering Kingdom:
Matthew 19:17–in speaking to the Rich Young Ruler, Master says to him: “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God: but, if thou wilt enter into life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS” (KJV).

Commandment-Keeping and the Kingdom 

Why did Master place so little emphasis on keeping the commandments in relation to entering the Kingdom? Because commandment keeping was a given; it essentially went without saying that if one wanted to enter the Kingdom of God he or she must keep the commandments. So what more needed to be said? Why belabor the issue? 
What Master did focus on, however, was not commandment-keeping, but those prerequisites for making it into the Kingdom.

The Narrow Way and the Strait Gate Focus of Yeshua

The “Narrow Way” and the “Strait Gate” were Master’s focus and the whole point behind the Gospel of the Kingdom. We return to the story of the Rich Young Ruler and we find the Ruler, just like Job, was blameless in his keeping of the Commandments. BUT, Yeshua brilliantly pointed out to him that which disqualified Him from the Kingdom:
Matthew 19:21–If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me” (KJV).
Not everyone who says Lord Lord to our Master will enter the Kingdom according to our Master (Mat. 7:21). And it is not so much those who are “bad” people who will not enter the Kingdom of God as much as it will be those who fail to meet those legal prerequisites for entering the Kingdom. 

Failure to Meet the Requirements For the Kingdom 

These did what the Church said do (in certain cases), but they failed to do what Yeshua said needed to be done in order to make it into the Kingdom. 
So important is it for us to meet those prerequisites that Master told His disciples to:
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness… and all these things will be added unto you (Mat. 6:33)

It was during the famous Sermon on the Mount that Yeshua provided us the rules to the Kingdom of God and admonished us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

This famous instruction given by our Master is part of the “Sermon on the Mount” where He declared to His disciples the “rules of the Kingdom” (Matthew 5:1-7:29).

Matthew spent three-whole chapters on the Sermon on the Mount. (Out of 28 chapters, Matthew devoted 10% of his gospel record to this teaching!)

An Important Message For Those Who Climbed the Hill to Hear It

Important you think? Only to those disciples who would climb the mountain to hear the rules of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:1, 2).
Consider that the Sermon on the Mount was given by Yeshua in plain speak–no parables–direct talk (which meant no code was used by our Master). Yeshua did not give this sermon to the multitude as we may erroneously be led to believe:
Matthew 5:1–“And seeing the multitudes, He (ie., Yeshua) went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him and He opened His mouth and taught them…” (KJV). 

 Each of us Must Make the Climb Up the Hill

We must go directly to where the Master is and learn from Him face-to-face. For the fullness of His Truths are gained by us in those secluded places–those places that are not frequented by the crowds–away from the multitudes. Because contained within those lessons and teachings is the rules and requirements for entering the Kingdom–the elements to life eternal. And when one takes the time to climb that solitary mountain and sit at Jesus’ feet to learn and then obey that which He teaches about the Kingdom, one will see that there’s much more required to enter the Kingdom than keeping simple Torah commandments such as keeping the Feasts; eating clean and not working during the weekly Sabbaths. 

The Rules of the Kingdom Oppose Religion 

Turns out that the rules of the Kingdom were in direct opposition to the rules of the Pharisees–that is, their oral traditions and laws in many cases (Mat. 5:1-7:29).
It goes without saying that the rules of the Pharisees parallel that of our world system’s rules today. These are the ways of the world that we are indoctrinated to follow and embrace.
Over and over throughout His sermon, Master tells His disciples:
“You’ve heard it said…but I say to you…..”
Thus it was Master pointing out the rules of the Pharisees–equivalent to the rules of the world–to His disciples which were really twists and even alterations to the rules and commandments of Torah.

Yeshua Clarified Torah For Us

As Yeshua laid out each worldly rule, He refuted their twisted laws by clarifying God’s laws from the standpoint of God’s laws being the rules of the KingdomThis is one of the reasons Master was sent to us–to bring Torah to its fullest expression; to clarify Torah for us:
Matthew  5:17–“Think not that I am come to destroy the Law (Torah), or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (KJV); Isaiah 42:21–YHVH is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will magnify the Law (ie., Torah) and make it glorious” (KJV). Romans 10:4–For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth” (KJV). 

The Rules of the Kingdom Equal Torah Instruction 

It turns out that the rules of the Kingdom are and have been contained in Torah all along. But those rules were watered down and made of no effect by the traditions and laws of the Jewish religious leaders:
Matthew 15:6–“…ye (ie., you Pharisees and Scribes) made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition” (KJV). 

 The Rules of the Kingdom Constitute Proper Godly Behavior

So what then are the rules of the Kingdom of God that Master taught the disciples on the mount that day?  Well, they constitute in great part proper, Godly behavior:
    • Humility–the humbleness–the pious poor–of whom God especially cares (Psm. 14:6; 22:24; 25:16; 34:6; 40:17; 69-29). These are seen as being in a state of spiritual bankruptcy (Mat. 5:3).
    • Mourn–those that are spiritually, emotionally or financially lost because of sin resulting in a longing for Father’s forgiveness and healing. These lament the sinful lives they’ve lived; the wasted years they pursued other gods and rejected or ignored the One True God. These followed after their own desires. (2 Cor. 7:10). (Mat. 5:4).
    • Teachable–Those who don’t assert themselves over others in order to further their own agendas in their own strength, but who will ultimately be in positions of rulership in the world tomorrow (Mat. 5:5). 
    • Desirous of righteousness–those who long for the righteous character Yehovah and these will be satisfied to overflowing through the invitation to be in intimate relationship with the Almighty (Mat. 5:6).
    • Merciful–those that show mercy unto others–these will be shown mercy from the Creator of the Universe (Mat. 5:7).
    • Purity of heart which succeeds that of external ritual purity. Master taught that purity of heart was one of the most important aspects of His disciples’ live–Mat. 5:28). (Mat. 5:8). Jer. 17:10–I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings (KJV). Jer. 29:13–And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart (KJV).
    • Peacemakers–that advocate shalom in the Body of Messiah–will be called Sons of God, for they reflect the true character of their heavenly Father (Mat. 5:9). 
    • All the martyrs and those who are and were tribulated by the world for the sake of Messiah, for they will enter the Kingdom of God (Mat. 5:10-12). Great will be their reward. Martyrdom and persecution are the natural birthrights of true disciples of Yeshua Messiah. 
    • Salt and light of the earth (Mat. 5:13-16)–those that do good works and glorify Abba who is in heaven.
    • Those that do not diminish nor augment Torah–God’s word. Whoever shall break break one of these least commandments of Torah and teaches others to do also shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But those that teach and obey Torah shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat. 5:17-19).

 Our Righteousness Must Exceed That of the Religious Leaders of Yeshua’s Day

Yeshua asserted that a disciple’s righteousness MUST exceed the righteousness of the sages and Prushim (ie., Pharisees) if they are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat. 5:20).
Consequently, the scribes and pharisees taught that one may be forgiven by God if they break a Torah commandment. However, one who willfully breaks the “takanot” (ie., the oral law) of the Pharisees will not see the world tomorrow. But here in verse 20 we see where Master turns the table on the Jewish religious leaders by asserting that the true standard of righteousness in the kingdom will not permit even the scribes and pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven.  

The Level of Righteousness to Enter God’s Kingdom is High

Thus the level of righteousness to enter the kingdom is so high that man is required to keep even the highest spiritual application of Torah:
  • Murder versus hating someone without right cause (vss 21-26) Thus we must do everything we possibly can to ensure we are in right standing with others in this life if we expect to enter the kingdom of heaven. We cannot hold grudges nor hate for no reason.
  • Adultery versus lusting after another (vss. 27-30). If we have such a problem, in order for us to make it into the kingdom, we must get it fixed.
  • Improper marrying versus adultery = legalized adultery  (vss. 31-32). Far too many people use divorce as a means to easily get out a marriage, only to afford them an opportunity to marry someone else. God’s prescription for marriage allowed for divorce/dissolution of marriage in cases of adultery. Remarriage is permitted only in the case of the death of one of the partners. 
  • Making improper oaths unto Yehovah–oaths that you don’t intend to keep. Yet religion in Yeshua’s day facilitated the breaking of oaths through manmade loopholes in Torah (Deu. 6:13; 10:20; Num. 30:2). We must keep our vows to YHVH. If you don’t intend to keep a vow, you must not make it and certainly do not look for ways to circumvent fulfilling vows made unto God (vss. 33-37).

       Treatment of One Another Under the Rules of the Kingdom

      Then Master goes into how we treat one another in the Kingdom way of livin, in such we do not demand recompense from those who do evil against us. We don’t seek retribution against others. When we’re sued for our property for whatever reason, we don’t fight against the suit but give willing. If someone demands our assistance, we go out of our way to assist them. We give to whoever asks of us that which we have (vss. 38-42).
      This of course is contrary to the world’s treatment of others. Under the world’s treatment of others we fight, hoard, and seek revenge at every opportunity. These are not the means by which we inherit the Kingdom of God. These are the ways of the Oral Traditions of the Jews–not Torah as so many have erroneously proposed. 

      The Oral Tradition Contrary to the Eternal Principles of Torah 

      Oral traditions tells the Jew to love their neighbor but hate their enemies. But under the Kingdom way of treating one’s neighbor and enemies, we love our enemies and do good to those who hate us (ie., those who are our enemies). We pray for those who use us and or persecute us out of spite. Master downplays the love we may have for those who would love us in return. The problem with this secular mindset is that even the UnGodly love those that love them. What’s the difference when a disciple of Messiah loves someone who loves them (vss. 43-48)?
      Jewish leaders were renowned for flamboyantly giving to the poor. They often made a big production of their giving so that others would see and admire them for their supposed generosity. Those that do such things to draw attention and admiration unto themselves, according to our Master, receive their reward in the form of that attention and admiration. For the Kingdom dweller, he or she is to give discretely; never letting the left hand know what one’s right hand is doing. This discrete way of giving is seen by our Father in heaven who will in the world tomorrow reward that discrete giving publicly. 
      Likewise, our prayers must be carried out appropriately: maybe in a prayer closet; out of sight and hearing of those who have no business seeing and hearing about it in the first place. Our prayers must be substantive and pure and purposeful. And then Master gives us the template of the famous Lord’s Prayer to help us formulate our prayers (6:1-13). 

      Forgiveness Is Essential For Entering the Kingdom

      We must learn to forgive unconditionally (6:14-15).

      Our Focus Must Be on Things Eternal–Not on Things of this Life

      Therefore, Messiah requires that we not worry or be anxious over the things of this life:
            • What we’re going to eat.
            • What we’re going to drink.
            • What we’re going to have to wear.
            • In fact, Master requires that we not be distracted by continually chasing after food, drink, and clothing–nails–hair–stuff as the gentiles endlessly pursue such insignificant things. 
      We are instead to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (FOR MANY OF US IT’S A FULL TIME JOB). And in so doing, all the cares of life will be taken care of. We are not to be distracted about the concerns of tomorrow; tomorrow will have its own concerns. Each day has it own problems (6:34).
      Instead of investing our moneys and time into these temporal things, why not spend that time and money on things eternal–those things that will help us prepare ourselves for receiving and entering the Kingdom. Are we willing to invest in our eternal security and wellbeing? And if we invest in our eternal security, Father will invest in our earthly–temporal security by providing that which we need to get by on this earth in this life.  

      Seeking Out the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

      The seeking out of the Kingdom of God and YHVH’s righteousness is all laid out in the two chapters we’ve just looked at. Contained within these 2-chapters is the standards of the Kingdom that every disciple of Messiah must meet. And Master is simply saying to us, spend your time working on meeting the standards of the Kingdom and living Godly and righteous and holy lives. And while you’re focusing on doing this, YHVH will provide for our natural needs. Just as He did in the Israelite’s sojourn in the wilderness for 40-years. 
      And that which Father provides may not always be what we desire, but it will meet our needs in the here and now. (It may not be the nice car we want or need–it may be a bus pass or a workable car–it may not be a trip to the hair and nail salon, but instead a bottle of nail polish from CVS and maybe a box of hair color–it may not be New York steak but instead a bowl of soup and bread or rice and beans. I can confidently say that the manna the Israelites consumed for 40-years sojourning in the wilderness wasn’t their first choice as it related to meals. But it met their needs–it fully nourished them and kept them healthy so that the people could focus on living right and not worry about them trying to sort out where their next meal was coming from.




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