Preparing for the Feasts of God-2019--The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts

by Rod Thomas | The Messianic Torah Observer

Preparing for the Fall Feasts of God 2019–The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts

This, my friend, is a special re-posting of a portion of last year’s post I did on Preparing for the Fall Feasts. Bear in mind, this is just a brief, edited portion of that post. It’s a short, succinct message relating to the role grace plays in our keeping of the Fall Feasts. And my aim in publishing this abbreviated is to remind us of the importance of being spiritually prepared for the coming Fall Feasts. You know, it’s one thing to simply keep Yom Teruah–Trumpets–Yom Kippur–Atonement–and Tabernacles–Sukkot, each year as they come. But it’s an entirely different thing to keep the Feasts in Spirit and in Truth and to fully understand, embrace and walk out the important aspects of the Feasts. 

The Fall Feasts are celebratory manifestations of God’s grace shown to mankind.

As it relates to teachings/discussions on the individual Fall Feasts, what follows is the links to my discussions for each of the three-Feast days. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you will no doubt recognize that my posts tend to be rather long. Those 3 posts are consistent with the lengthy posts I typically publish that resonate most with those who wish to consider the many facets/many colors of the topic on which I’m addressing: thus time for them is generally not an issue. But for those who recall the content of those posts last year and are not inclined to do a repeat listen this year, I’ve provided what I believe is a substantive discussion on the link between grace and the Fall Feasts that I believe will bless you and enhance your walk with Messiah. 
Nevertheless, if you are inclined to listen to any or all of the posts I did on the Fall Feasts last year, I will put the direct links to those posts here in the show notes/show script for your convenience.
In any event, my sincerest hope, trust and prayer is that you, your families and fellowships will have a meaningful Day of the Blowing of Trumpets–a meaningful and revealing Day of Atonement–and a joyous and blessed 8-day celebration of Tabernacles. 
We plan on returning in November with a new season of posts.
So without further ado, here’s “Preparing for the Fall Feasts of YHVH.”
Blessings and Shalom to you. 

Scriptural References:

Matthew 4:3-11

Mark 1:13

Luke 4:3-13

John 8:44; 12:31

2 Corinthians 11:14

Ephesians 2:2

1 John 5:19

Revelation 12:1


Fall Feasts specific posts:


The Fall Feasts of Yah–Feast of Trumpets–Yom Teruah

The Fall Feasts of Yah–Day of Atonement–Yom Kippur

The Fall Feasts of Yah–Feast of Tabernacles–Sukkot



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