Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading Pedudei-Accounting Of
This week’s Torah Reading entitled Pedudei (ie., Accounting Of) focused on worship. The reading consisted of Leviticus 1:1 to Lev. 5:6:7. The Haftorah consisted of Isaiah 43:21-44:23.
Specifics of Worship
That which was given to us by Abba related to worship of Him was specific and intentional. It differed from the worship rituals of the peoples of the Ancient Near East. The prescription for our worship came directly from YHVH. This ran contrary to pagan worship that was derived and contrived by the wicked and depraved hearts of men. Here, in the Book of Leviticus (ie., Vayyikra), Father essentially told us: “As my people, this is the way you will worship Me from here on out–or at least until I tell you to stop.”
Torah-A Shadow of Good Things to Come
Although we no longer have at our disposal the Temple in Jerusalem or the Tent of Meeting/Sanctuary in which to offer these prescribed sacrifices as a means of worship, the message of Pedudei should resonate with each disciple of Y’shua Messiah. For Torah and the precepts contained therein are “a shadow of good things to come” (Heb. 10:1).
Therefore, when we read and study Torah, as so many of us do in our weekly Torah Readings or Torah Portions, we must look to the Holy Spirit (ie., the Ruach HaKadosh) to reveal to us those good things–those better things–contained in each commandment. For should never fall for the false teaching of some who contend that Torah is irrelevant to us today or is only for the Jews. Such an evil mindset serves only to deprive the Truth-seeking Child of the Most High of an accurate understanding of the Person of YHVH our Elohim.
In this week’s reading, we were introduced to a series of sacrifices that we were given the option to make for a various worship opportunities. They included:
Burnt Offerings
Burnt Offerings (offering=”korban”) were freewill offerings that symbolized our “total surrender” to YHVH’s perfect will. This was THE PREMIER, YHVH sanctioned means of worship for us back in the day. For freely rendered burnt offerings were a manifestation of our love and devotion toward YHVH our Elohim.
From a dollar and cent standpoint, burnt offerings were the most costly offering prescribed by YHVH. When we made burnt offerings unto YHVH, the entire animal was burned with the exception of the hide, which the priests could keep.
YHVH especially appreciated these heart-felt offerings and He described them as “a gift of a soothing aroma” to Him.
Burnt offerings were meant to cost us something. It wasn’t meant to be like a dollar that one would customarily throw into an offering plate on Sunday mornings. It involved giving our best to YHVH without reservation and freely. That’s the reason these were called sacrifices. We give up something of value because of our love for YHVH and out of obedience to His instructions.
Burnt offerings could also include the means by which atonement for sins could be made. Grain offerings could also substitute for animal sacrifices.
Precise Method For Burnt Offerings
Burnt offerings had to be made in a precise manner and could only be facilitated by a Levitical Priest. The animal offerings had to be of either the herd or the flock: an unblemished male. The sacrifice had to be offered at the Tabernacle and performed by a Levitical Priest. The priest had to perform the sacrifice in a precise method and manner in order for it to be accepted by YHVH. Everyone could participate in worship, even the poor. Father made provision for those with little to no means. He would accept bird offerings consisting of turtledoves or young pigeons.
In fact, this was the very type of sacrifice offered by Yosef and Miriam at the birth of Y’shua:
And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the Law of YHVH: a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons” (Luk. 2:24).
These were known as offerings for the poor. Paul wrote of this in 2 Corinthians 8:12:
“For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not” (KJV).
Grain Offerings
The grain offering according to the NET generally accompanied a burnt or peace offering to supplement the meat with bread. Later on we would learn about the libation to include drink (Num. 15:1-10). What was being assembled here was “complete meal offering.” It made atonement along with the burnt offering or when given alone a sin offering for the poor as described in 5:11-13.
Peace Offerings
Peace offerings symbolized the giver’s gratitude for YHVH’s bounties and mercies. This is a THANKSGIVING OFFERING. According to the NET Bible, was a form of communion between YHVH and His people. The worshiper took partook of the meat of the sacrificed animal. The ESV depicts the Peace Offering from the standpoint of it being fellowship between YHVH and the offerer as well as it represented a state of peace between YHVH and the offerer. It is a communion meal between the offerer, the officiating priest and YHVH.
According to ESV Study Bible, the peace offering sacrifice was the only sacrifice in which the offerer was permitted to partake in consuming it. However, in verse 17 of the 3rd chapter, the offerer and the priests were forbidden to consume the blood (the life of the animal) and the fat (the best part of the animal).
This offering represents the affirmation of the covenant relationship we are supposed to have with YHVH (cf. 1 Cor. 10:16-18; 11:23-26).
Sin Offerings
Sin offerings symbolized the giver’s sorrow at having erred from the way of YHVH and the resolve to be reconciled with Him.
According to the ESV Study Bible, the sin offering was about “making amends for one’s broken relationship with YHVH caused either by unintentionally violating Torah or by failing to do something that one was required to do.”
Sin must not remain in the Body of Messiah. Blood must be offered to atone for the sin, but the body of the animal on which the sin was transferred must be removed from the assembly and burned/destroyed. The Sin Offering was never to be burned unto YHVH.
The Heart At The Matter Of All Worship
These were gifts of the heart. (That heart thing keeps creeping up in virtually every aspect of our relationship with the Almighty.)
Of course, we are no longer operating under the Levitical Priesthood today. Praise YHVH, we are now under the Melchizedekian Priesthood and our High Priest (ie., our Cohen Gadol) is Y’shua HaMashiyach (Heb. 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:11,17,21).
Many Methods of Worship But Only One Way to YHVH
Back in the day, we had a prescribed method of worship and the various offerings described in this week’s Torah Reading clearly demonstrated this.
But Y’shua told the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well that such forms of worship would be replaced by a very different form of worship. He described that form of worship to the woman as follows:
“Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet in Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (Joh. 4:21-24; KJV).
Although we now worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth which can take many different forms according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, there still remains only One Way to YHVH. That One Way is through none other than Y’shua HaMashiyach.
Master taught about the doorway to the sheep being of one access point:
“Verily, verily, I say unto you: I am the door of the sheep…I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved; and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (Joh. 10:7-9).
Paul spoke about a single access point:
“For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father” (Eph. 2:18).
Our Forefathers Refused to Worship
The recurring theme of the Hebrews throughout the Old Testament account was their stiff-neckness; their refusal to keep Torah; and their affinity for paganism. The Haftorah Reading this week gave us a peek into this reality.
We find here there Isaiah that the people of Israel strayed away from the various sacrifices and offerings as given in this Torah Reading. Yet Father reminds Israel that He had made provision for the sins of the people to be forgiven. The people brazenly stood before YHVH in a perpetual sinful state.
“I, even I, am He that blots out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and thy sins no longer” (Isa. 43:25; LXX).
Thus YHVH deposed the sanctuary officials and delivered Jacob to curse.
We Were Foretold Of
Then a most amazing prophecy ensues beginning verse 3 of Isaiah 44. The prophets reveals that despite Israel’s refusal to keep His Torah, He will “pour water upon the dry, thirsty land”—He will pour out His Spirit on their descendants (cf. Joe. 2:28). And the Israelite’s progeny will prosper.
And here’s the spine tingling aspect of this whole prophecy:
“This one will say, ‘I belong to Yahweh,’ another will call himself by Jacob’s name. On his hand another will write ‘Yahweh’s and be surnamed Israel” (44:5; NJB).
Man is Inherently Foolish
The rest of the prophecy brings up a very interesting principle having to do with the foolishness of man. Whereby Abba provides the wood from trees that He planted and watered and nourished. Man cuts down those trees and warms himself; cooks; and fashions for himself idols and calls upon those idols to deliver them and to act as their god. Man’s rationale is totally insane. And Father points out the reason for man’s insanity:
“They know not, nor do they discern, for he has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see and their hearts, so that they cannot understand” (44:18; ESV).
Yet man’s heart prevents him from recognize the source of their sustenance and warmth and idol—YHVH.
YHVH Continues to Wait on Physical Israel
YHVH then reminds Israel who He is to them—that it was He that formed them to be His servants (44:21).
So YHVH gives Israel a chance to turn from her pending destruction. All they had to do was resume the keeping of Torah and turn their hearts to YHVH. And Father begs them:
“…Turn to me and I will redeem thee” (44:22; LXX).
Indeed, physical Israel will eventually be saved (44:23).
Of this amazing situation Paul wrote to the Messianics of Rome:
“And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, ‘There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. For this is the covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins” (Rom. 11:26, 27; KJV).
A Growing Hatred Towards The Modern Nation of Israel and Jews Worldwide
It hurts me to my core when I hear such hateful words uttered and written about modern day, physical Israel. How they are devils; impostors; etc. And the folks that are proliferating such hatred are those in our Faith who hold themselves up as paragons of holiness and omniscience. These spout evils from their mouths and fingers tapping out to the airwaves hatred and bitterness towards a nation and people they know little about, other than what has been told to them.
The people of Israel are not the government of Israel. Just like the Messianic Believer is not the corrupt, liberal government headquartered in Washington DC. YHVH has His remnant in place in the Land of Israel just as He has them in place here in the United States. His true people are not to be identified by the corruptness and agenda-driven nature of the government in which they currently reside. Father identifies His people by the state and content of their heart and who are called by His Name through their obedience to His Word.
And I’m not even talking about every so-called practicing Jews that resides in the Modern State of Israel (or for that matter anywhere in the world).
Paul eloquently defined what a true Jew is:
“For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God” (Rom. 2:28, 29; ESV).
YHVH Is Going To Fix Physical Israel Regardless Our Personal Feelings Toward Them
I don’t know how YHVH is ultimately going to do it, but I firmly trust the prophecies of Isaiah and Paul that foretell of the salvation of all Jews. I further believe that we who are YHVH’s elect—who keep the commandments of YHVH and have the testimony of Y’shua HaMashiyach are Jeshurun—the upright and just and straight of the Almighty (Deu. 32:15; 33:5; 33;26; 44:2). We will ultimately return to the Land of Israel (ie., the modern state and land of Israel) and be united with the true physical Jews who are Yah’s chosen and who keep His commandments and who will have the scales dropped from the eyes and they through some miracle claim Y’shua HaMashiyach as their Messiah. We will comprise the two-witnesses foretold in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 11:1-14).
Now, I’m not dogmatic about my interpretation of Revelations and the two-witnesses. I know that the more widely accepted belief is that the two-witnesses will be two-men. But for reasons I won’t go into here (because it really will take us off course from the core point of this post), I will only ask you to, before you completely dismiss this idea from your head, that you give it some thought; that you read and re-read the Book of Revelation and gain as much of an understanding of who the True Israelites are now and who they will be in the End Times. I think your understanding of these things just may be wonderfully expanded.
Physical Israel Is Our Example–Believe It Or Not
Physical Israel must serve as our example of what to do, as well as what NOT to do!
Our forefathers were given the gift of Torah back in the day. A remnant kept Torah to the best of their ability, while most did not.
It falls to us to learn from our forefather’s successes in Torah, as well as their horrific failures in Torah.
But we have a tremendous advantage over them. We have the teachings of our Master Y’shua Messiah, as well as the indwelling and leading of the Holy Spirit to assist us in living out the spirit of Torah to the best of our ability.
In that advantage over our forefathers, let us not fall into the traps they fell into. Let us stay close to YHVH and walk in His Ways without fail. And let us celebrate and revere the gift of Torah that has been bestowed upon each of us who call ourselves YHVH’s child.
This week’s Torah Reading reminds us to celebrate these things through our worship of YHVH in Spirit and in Truth. The writer of Hebrews penned the following:
“By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to YHVH continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His Name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices YHVH is well pleased” (Heb. 13:15,16; ESV).
Shabbat Shalom Dear Saint and Child of the Most High Elohim.
Faithfully Yours,
Rod Thomas
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