The Red Heifer–Parashah 39–Hukkat–Numbers 19
I pray that you had a meaningful Sabbath Rest. This week’s Torah Portion was yet again an amazing journey into the Things and Ways of YHVH that defy anything that humanity could ever imagine. This 39th Portion addresses the “Mystery of the Red Heifer,” which is a shadow picture of good things to come.
The Red Heifer
Here we see outlined in Numbers 19 a rehashing of the “Laws of Purification” (reference Hertz’s Torah and Haftorah). This rehash stems from Leviticus chapters 12 through 15’s treatment of the Laws of Purification. In this particular Torah Portion, however, Father has us revisiting the use of an unblemished “Red Heifer” for purposes of purifying us in the event we became defiled by a dead body.
A Red Heifer found in Mexico–is Temple 3 just around the corner? The important thing for us is the prophetic shadow picture embodied in this Torah Commandment.
In preparation for members of the Body of Israel becoming defiled through our exposure to dead bodies, Father commanded that an unblemished red heifer that has never been yoked (i.e., never used to plow a field or used in any domestic work) be killed outside our camp. It was then to be burned on a pyre. Cedar-wood, hyssop and scarlet was to be cast upon the red heifer pyre. Interesting huh?
Scarlet, Indicative of Iniquity Yet Used in the Tabernacle
Scarlet or otherwise known as crimson is a vivid dye obtained from eggs of the shield-louse, collected on leaves of oak-trees (reference Holladay Hebrew and Greek Lexicon of the Old Testament) . Scarlet material was used in the construction of the Tabernacle. As well as scarlet was often referred to in much less than a pure and holy sense such as the woman riding on a scarlet beast (Revelation 17) and of sin (Isaiah 1: 18). In this particular case, scarlet is a key ingredient for the mixture that would purify us from the defilement we would receive through an exposure to dead bodies.
Hyssop, Used for Medicinal and Application of Substances
Hyssop, another key ingredient for the purification concoction was hyssop. Indeed, throughout the Tanach (i.e., the Old Testament), hyssop is a plant that was widely used for medicinal and purifying purposes in the Ancient Near East. Hyssop was famously used to apply the blood of the very first Pesachs to the lintels and doorposts of our homes just prior to the death angel making its way through Egypt on that fateful first Passover Night or Night to be Most Remembered (Exodus 12).
The Mixture Use
The ashes that would be extracted from this pyre was to be dissolved in fresh water. That mixture of the ashes of the red heifer, hyssop and scarlet, was to be sprinkled upon any who would come into contact with a dead body. Interestingly enough, the task of preparing this mixture doomed those who prepared it to become also impure. Both groups–those exposed to the dead body and those who prepared the mixture–were deemed impure. The priest that sprinkled the mixture, the individuals that gathered the ashes and burned the heifer were deemed impure till evening. However, the individual exposed to the dead body was deemed impure for 7-days had to wash their clothes; then had to be sprinkled with the red heifer–scarlet–hyssop mixture on the 3rd day of defilement, and remain unclean until the 7th day before being admitted back into the congregation of Israel.
The Prophetic Shadow Picture
Many non-believers in Yeshua Messiah have attempted to interpret or explain the “Mystery of the Red Hefner” regulations over past millennia, but all have failed. To these individuals, this exercise that Father commanded be followed for purification is a great mystery, the true workings and meaning known only to YHVH. However, for those of us who are Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah, this exercise is a great foreshadowing of the work and sacrifice of our Master and Savior Yahoshua Messiah (Colossians 2:17). The author of Hebrews wrote:
13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: 4 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (Heb 9:13-14 KJV)
The spilled blood of our Master and Savior Yeshua Messiah cleanses us from all unrighteousness once and for all. Unlike those of us who lived at the time when it was necessary for us to be sprinkled with ashes of a red heifer in order to be in a state of ritual purity to worship YHVH and be part of the fellowship of the congregation of Israel, we have the once and for all sacrifice of our Master that purifies us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad that our Master, Yahoshua Messiah, loved us so as to give His perfect life for ours, that we may stand pure and undefiled before our Father. Shavu’atov.