Global Warming/Climate Change Make the News

Climate Change

Is Climate Change a plague caused by man or is something else afoot there?

Anyone who has kept up with the news over the last decade or so should be somewhat familiar with the subject of “global warming,” recently changed to “climate change.”

In case this subject is a little foggy in your mind, allow me to refresh your mind. Global warming, now climate change, is the science, associated studies and the social and economic structures that have been developed around the supposed gradual warming and changes to the planet’s overall environment. This gradual warming and the associated changes to the earth environment is attributed to man’s irresponsible treatment and mishandling of the planet.

Climate Change–A Scientific Reality

Pro-climate change experts tell us that the perceived uptick in severe weather, reductions in animal and insect population and various agricultural challenges are products of uncontrolled pollution, over-population, irresponsible farming practices, and the like. These same experts have, of course, fed the burgeoning fear that is permeating throughout western nations that if these irresponsible acts by humans are not halted and reversed immediately, then the earth will die and man will face certain destruction.

Thus, every several weeks or so, new articles are written and published by the news media establishment, reporting the latest pro-climate change scientific findings. As climate change has become more and more mainstream and part of the day-to-day global-socioeconomic discourse, world leaders are considering legislation that is designed to address this seemingly dire situation. The side-effects that such legislation will impose upon the citizens of this planet is nothing short of frightening:

  • Mandated population reduction.
  • Elimination of certain targeted industries, resulting in the loss of countless jobs and careers.
  • The imposing of severe financial and legal penalties if individuals, companies, communities and nations are found guilty of violating forced global climate restrictions, laws and policies.
  • Forced restructuring of societies to include the moving of suburban and rural populations to condensed urban areas.

The data and science upon which much of global warming and climate change is built has frequently been challenged by more moderate and conservative experts and politicians. Several scientists have been caught red-handed fudging and manipulating their findings and data when they fall short of supporting their pro-climate change agendas. Yet many world leaders have shown that they are unwilling to look at climate change honestly and objectively.

Climate Change–More A Global Agenda Than a Human Concern

Yet again today, Yahoo News reported that climate change was producing record snows in Alaskan mountains. The article went on to detail that snowfalls atop Alaskan mountain ranges had doubled since the start of the industrial age and that this was essentially one more piece of evidence in support of climate change. Of course the article did not stop there in terms of beating the climate change drum. The piece went on to take somewhat of a benevolent educational bend by proclaiming a recent scientific research group’s findings pointed the finger of blame for the significant rainfall from Hurricane Harvey to climate change. And to end the piece on a preachy note, the writer seemed he could not help himself and launched into the following statement:

“Every nation in the world except the United States has joined a global pact to fight climate change. (Is that really true?) “

And certainly the political leanings of the writer showed ever so in the last sentence of the piece:

“President Donald Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement in June, saying it was too costly for the U.S. economy.” (Reference Richard Valdmanis, Reuters News)

Something is Certainly Different About Our Climate and Environment of Late

If I am to be honest, I would have to say that there have been changes to the earth’s climate and the overall environment in recent years. Just this year alone we’ve seen unprecedented hurricane activity in this nation’s southeast and numerous devastating earthquakes around the globe. However, I do not in the least concede to or support the globalistic climate change explanation for these horrendous events. What I do concede to is a true understanding of the reasons for the apparent climate and environmental changes we’ve recently seen occur on this planet.

A Different Way At Looking at this Thing

I am compelled to look at this thing from a Hebrew Roots perspective, as I do most everything in my life.

Father created this world and all that inhabit it. Indeed, humans have not been responsible stewards of the planet that Father has blessed him with. Yet, all that we see going on about us these days in terms of the shaking of every conceivable element of human life–politics, society, economy, family, religion, etc.–are tied to a bigger and more amazing reality than most people can ever imagine. Sure, humans are not helping the climate and environmental situations by their obstinate behavior, but they aren’t entirely responsible either.

I would submit to you that the various “shakings” (i.e., upheavals) that we are witnessing today, including climate and environmental changes, are tied directly to the end times and immanency of the Kingdom of Yahovah.  Another way to look at this is that this thing is spiritual in nature.

Paul Seems To Have Identified The Cause of Climate Change

Over 2,000-years ago, the Apostle Paul penned, what I believe, to be the most brilliant and eloquent explanation as to the climatic and environmental changes we are witnessing in the world today. He wrote:

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of Elohim. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body (Romans 8: 18-23; KJV adjusted).”

So we see here that the Spirit had revealed to Paul how the whole of creation was in travail, as if in the process of a woman giving birth to her first child, in anticipation of the revealing of the sons of the Most High and the coming of the Kingdom of Yahovah. And if this description is not the most fitting to our current world situation, I don’t know what is, apart from a contrived, agenda-driven construct such as climate change. And I would add here that such a man-made construct is purely inspired by the enemy to dissuade the world from the Truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Is Climate Change About Control of the Environment or Control of People?

Assuming this global travail as Paul described is a reality for us today, then the whole climate change agenda is a ruse and just another example of power-driven, evil-inspired-people trying to control the world population. It is a known fact that this country and other advanced western nations have been aggressively using technology to alter and manipulate weather and the environment of various and sundry nations around the globe. Yet little is ever reported about such things. Wouldn’t it seem that such manipulations of weather and environment would cause many of the extreme weather examples we’ve witnessed over the last few years?

The World Travails in Anticipation of the Revealing of the Children of Yahovah

Climate Change is a symptom of the world being in travail awaiting the revealing of the Children of Yahovah.

However, the fact remains evident: the world is going to continue to experience increased extreme weather and environmental episodes, be they induced by humans, or in anticipation of the revealing of the Children of Yahovah our Elohim. This was prophesied to happen, not just by the apostles, but by our Master Yeshua Messiah, as recorded in Matthew 24 and 25. And these events will continue to worsen as we get closer and closer to that revealing/manifestation of Father’s Children and the establishing of the Kingdom of Yahovah here on earth.

Fear Not As Our Redemption Draws Closer

So for Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah, climate change and all the ancillary stuff that the world’s leaders are admonishing us to fear and to get on their agenda bandwagons, have nothing to worry about. This shaking–this travail–even this climate change nonsense is something that must take place in anticipation of the advent that will be our glorious eternal future. Master told his disciples:

“And when these things begin to come to pass (i.e., those events He stipulated would lead to the end times), then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28; KJV).”

Faithfully submitted,

Rod Thomas