Should Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua Celebrate Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving and the Torah-Keeping Believer in Yeshua Messiah.
In this installment, we reflect upon Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua celebrating Thanksgiving: Is it a terrible reminder of genocide that New World Settlers brought upon Native American Indigenous Peoples, or a day that believers should not keep, but instead stick to the mandated Feast of the LORD?
Perusing Facebook
This week while perusing one of my Facebook streams, I came across what I felt to be a very good question posed by one of my friends and followers. The gentleman, who is renown for asking simple but often controversial questions to our Facebook group, simply asked if we celebrate Thanksgiving or not. Interestingly, he did not ask for a reason for our yes or no answers.
A Question About Thanksgiving
I typically gloss over his questions because they garner so many varied and often weird responses, but this go-round, I was interested in reading what the responses would be. I was shocked to see that he had accumulated some 70+ responses. Curious to see why so many folks responded to what seemed to me to be an innocuous question, I clicked comments to see why so many folks had answered. To me, I couldn’t imagine why anyone would have a problem with Thanksgiving. I mean, of all the American holidays, why would any Hebrew Rooter/Messianic scoff at any day dedicated to giving thanks (ideally to the Creator) for all that He’s provided and done for us?
Opposed to Thanksgiving
Turns out, it did not take me very long to find a flurry of negative responses to this gentleman’s simple question. Some respondents took to a vitriolic rant against the celebration of Thanksgiving, while a few folks actually stuck to the gentleman’s question and simply answered yes or no.
Now bear in mind that most, if not all, of the respondents appeared to be self-professing Hebrew Rooters/Messianics; so the negative responses were primarily posted from a Faith perspective.
What do I mean by the negative responses to the question were posted from a Faith perspective?
Although I did not read all 70-some-odd responses, I read a great many of them before I, frankly, got fed up with the insanity of some of the negative answers. Some of the responses were laced with a sense of self-righteous indignation over the celebration of the holiday, while others were infused with an obsessively legalistic-draconian perspective that tied their position directly to Torah.
Two Negative Perspectives on Thanksgiving
The negative responses related to whether Hebrew Rooters/Messianics should celebrate Thanksgiving tended to fall into two-general categories:
- An expressed indignation over the genocide of Native American Indigenous Peoples by the early American settlers, which they tied to Thanksgiving holiday.
- A “if it’s not one of the 7-mandated Feasts of the LORD then I don’t celebrate or observe it” attitude.
Judging Thanksgiving and Those Who Observe It
Now, the tenor of those expressing these negative attitudes towards Thanksgiving carried with them one of harshness and exclusivity. In all honesty, the judgmental and self-righteous naysayers were outnumbered by the pro-Thanksgiving crowd. Those who expressed harshness and exclusivity in their responses against Thanksgiving, seemed to be coming from a self-righteous and judgmental place. They came across as, “how can or why should any well knowing and well meaning believer celebrate a holiday that is tainted with the blood of murdered Native American Indigenous people; and how can you observe anything other than the Torah instructed Feasts of the LORD?”
I have to tell you, at first I was somewhat taken aback by some of these negative responses. However, after a couple days of reflection, I pulled back on my uneasiness over their negative responses.
I Support Believers Celebrating Thanksgiving
You’ve probably figured out where I stand as it relates to members of our Faith Community celebrating or observing Thanksgiving, but in case you haven’t, plainly stated: we (i.e., my family and I) celebrate and observe Thanksgiving and have happily done so throughout our time in the Faith. My attitude towards the keeping of Thanksgiving did not change when I transitioned into Hebrew Roots. In fact, my attitude regarding the relevance of Thanksgiving has only strengthened during my time in the Faith. The way I see it, dear friend, is: if the world has set aside a day to give thanks for all that we have; that the nations’ leaders at some point saw fit to set aside a day of the year where we somehow acknowledge that our increase and sustenance comes from a greater, higher power; for the love of God and country, why would we NOT celebrate Thanksgiving? The Apostle Paul admonished that we should in everything give thanks…(I Thessalonians 5:18) Besides, what better time than Thanksgiving to be with family and friends and to give thanks to our Father in Heaven for all that He’s done for us?
Let me just say that my family and I do not keep or celebrate Thanksgiving as a memorial to the Pilgrims and Puritans who supposedly landed in Plymouth Rock Massachusetts and celebrated a bountiful harvest in 1621. Truth be told, the true origins of Thanksgiving are not all based upon that legendary feast that was held by the Pilgrims and the Native American Indians who aided them through a harsh period of time during their settlement here in the New World. The first Pilgrim-Native American Thanksgiving may or may not be factual. However, most Americans may be shocked to learn that Thanksgiving had been observed by peoples of Faith throughout much of Europe, well before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. It is clear that the Pilgrim and Puritans brought their Faith-based tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving with them and then continued those traditions upon their settling into the New World.
Thanksgiving—A Historic Perspective
Nevertheless, Thanksgiving is NOT specific to the United States and the Pilgrim settlers and the ensuing genocide of Native American Indians. Thanksgiving has always been a holiday that is celebrated and observed among many nations of the world, to include Australia, Canada, Grenada, Liberia, The Netherlands, the Philippines, Saint Lucia, Judaism (seen more as secular than religious), Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Granted, the dates for these various regional celebrations fall outside the United State’s tradition of the 4th Thursday of every November, but the fact remains that Thanksgiving is NOT an American invention.
The Truth About Thanksgiving
So the argument that Thanksgiving pays tribute to the genocide of Native American Indians is baseless and is set on a principle that falls well outside the true meaning of the day. Indeed, this nation’s genocide of her Native-Indigenous population, like slavery and other such atrocities, is a sorrowful dark mark in her history. There’s no doubt about it. Regardless, such terrible periods in this nation’s history should not cause us to lose sight of truth, reason and reality. Such attitudes are bred in the autoclaves of liberal thinking that serves only to dissuade others from the Truth, informed and honest thought.
Bottom Line: the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate in this country has nothing to do with the genocide of Native Americans.
What about the celebration of holidays and traditions that fall outside the 7-mandated Feasts of Yahovah: should Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua Messiah avail themselves to celebrating such holidays as Thanksgiving? The simple response to that question is: where in Torah did Father instruct us to NOT celebrate such holidays? The instructions were that we must never follow after the ways of pagan nations; not to imitate or seek after the worship of pagan deities; nor to speak about these false gods.
Now, when we consider secular and quasi-religious holidays such as Thanksgiving, the litmus test that we employ should rule out any associated paganism. I honestly cannot find any associated paganism in Thanksgiving. Again, it’s just that simple.
Thanksgiving vs. Christmas and Easter
Some might interject into this discussion: well, why is it not okay to celebrate and keep Christmas and Easter; aren’t they celebrations and memorials of the birth, death and resurrection, respectively speaking, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? My response to that question is a question: says who? Who says that Christmas and Easter are true commemorations and memorials to the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Well, maybe these holidays commemorate those things for their Christ, but not my Messiah. And we could spend many additional hours discussing reasons why Christmas and Easter are not valid memorials and holidays that honor our Messiah, but I’m not going to torture you with that today. Bottom line my friends, Christmas and Easter have, and will forever, be intricately linked to paganism; plain and simple. And as hard as some might try, I don’t see Thanksgiving in the same light that I see Christmas and Easter.
My position as it relates to Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah celebrating Christmas and Easter is that doing so would constitute a violation of Torah in a very strong sense. Nevertheless, if any believer chooses to keep Christmas and Easter, that’s entirely between them and Father. As the old folks used to say when I was growing up: “I don’t have a heaven or hell to put them in.” So who am, then, to judge any who chooses to celebrate any one or all of these holidays?
A Change in My Internal Perspective
I have to say that I have, over the last year or so, undergone a rather significant internal shift in my perspective of the people of Yahovah. I will confess that I was throughout much of my time in Hebrew Roots, quite judgmental and I did not tolerate those who lived and operated outside my preconceived, defined righteousness box that I had erected in my pea brain, early on in my walk with Messiah.
I’ve come to learn, painfully so I might add, that it’s a full time job just keeping my own behind in line and walk this walk as best I can, with a lot of help from the Holy Spirit. I don’t have time to focus on what you might or might not be doing.
This Faith Community of ours is filled with a huge variety of understandings, practices and teachings, many of which I do not at all agree with. And if I were to keep slicing away at every conceivable connection I could have with members of our community on the basis that I don’t agree with their brand of Hebrew Roots, then at some point down the road, I’ll be standing alone; because I’ll tell you, if we are honest with ourselves and with one another, we are never going to agree on every single issue and aspect of our Faith. It’s just not going to happen.
Some Fundamentals Can’t Be Set Aside
Indeed, there are certain fundamental elements of the Hebrew Roots Faith that we must all agree with in order for this thing to operate as Father has established:
- Yeshua is our Master and the Messiah—He is the Son of the Living God. We must obey His instruction and follow His example. We are saved by the blood of His sacrifice on the execution stake and the grace of Almighty Yahovah.
- Yahovah/Yahuah/Yahweh is our Creator and the architect of our redemption and salvation.
- Torah is our constitution that we must obey and keep to the best of our ability. The keeping of Torah would include honoring the weekly Sabbath, the 7-mandated Feasts of Yahovah and the food laws. We follow Torah, not because it provides for our salvation, but we do so because Father requires that we live our lives the way He desires of us to live our lives. Torah is Father’s house rules. If we want to live in His house, then we must abide by His rules.
- The Bible is Truth and contains the Word of our Creator.
These and a few others are essential elements of our Faith that define who we are as a unique Faith Community. Those deeper aspects of our Faith that include how we are to keep the Feast Days and questions on the divinity of Master Yeshua are certainly topics and issues that at some point must be discussed in the Body, but they are not foundational to Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Community; and if we differ in how we go about dealing with these, not-so essential elements, we certainly can still fellowship and glorify Father together.
The Plank in my Own Eye
And this is what I’ve come to learn and understand and embrace in my walk with Messiah. I have no authority to judge anyone as it relates to how they walk out this Faith of ours. First and foremost, I just need to worry about me and my walk. Secondarily, I also need to be of ready-help to any who would come to me for assistance or guidance. I will always avail myself to give any who asks a reason for the hope that is in me with meekness and fear (I Peter 3:15). This is one of the main reasons I do this podcast program. We put content out as it relates to our understanding of the Faith, and then it’s up to the body of listeners to determine what to do with that content.
Where Do You Fall Out on this Issue?
The lesson to be had with this whole discussion around whether Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua should celebrate or observe Thanksgiving, is one of: what does the Holy Spirit tell us (as a Body and as individuals) to do about Thanksgiving, and other such holidays? Is our perspective and practices related to Thanksgiving based upon what Father has spoken to us about it; or is it based upon our own personal convictions and sense of righteousness? If we are opposed to the observance of Thanksgiving and we’re a Torah Observant Believer, how do we view our brothers and sisters who do keep Thanksgiving? How do we see them? Do we see them as having not reached our level of understanding? Or maybe we simply see them as Yeshua would see them: as brothers and sisters who choose to keep Thanksgiving?
A Spirit of Judgment
A spirit of judgment can be a terrible things to possess, and a most difficult thing to dispossess oneself of.
The biological brother of our Master, James, brilliantly wrote of this type of thing:
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another (James 4:11,12; KJV)?
In his addressing the overbearing Judaizers of the Roman Assembly of Messianic Believers on the divisive issue of meats that may (or may not have) been sacrificed to pagan gods and idols, the Apostle Paul expounded in great length on the whole issue of judging one another. The entire chapter of Romans 14 addresses this issue of judging, so I will just condense the chapter and highlight the pertinent parts. It reads:
Now as for a person whose trust (i.e., faith) is weak, welcome him—but not to get into arguments over opinions. One person has the trust that will allow him to eat anything, while another whose trust is weak eats only vegetables. The one who eats anything must not look down on the one who abstains (bear in mind this is not Paul condoning the eating of foods that are forbidden by Torah—only those foods that are potential foods sacrificed to idols); CONTINUING–and the abstainer must not pass judgment on the one who eats anything, because God has accepted him…One person considers some days more holy than others, while someone else regards them as being all alike. What is important is for each to be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes a day as special does so to honor the Lord. Also he who eats anything, eats to honor the Lord, since he gives thanks to God…You then, why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For all of us will stand before God’s judgment seat; since it is written in the Tanakh, “As I live, says Adonai, every knee will bend before me, and every tongue will publicly acknowledge God.” So then, every one of us will have to give an account of himself to God. Therefore, let’s stop passing judgment on each other! Instead, make this one judgment-not to put a stumbling block or a snare in a brother’s way. So then, let us pursue the things that make for shalom and mutual upbuilding. Don’t tear down God’s work for the sake of food. True enough, all things are clean; but it is wrong for anybody by his eating to cause someone to fall away. What is good is not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. The belief you hold about such things, keep between yourself and God. Happy the person who is free of self-condemnation when he approves of something! But the doubter comes under condemnation if he eats, because his action is not based on trust. And anything not based on trust is a sin (Romans 14:1-23; CJB).
Bottom Line
So none of us should be ashamed to keep Thanksgiving if we are so led by the Holy Spirit to do so. Likewise, if the Spirit has led us to abstain from the keeping of Thanksgiving, then it behooves us to not squander the day, but to use the day, as we would any day that Father gives us that we do not work, but glorify and honor Him. He alone deserves our praise and our thanksgiving. For we serve a great God who has blessed and kept us.
In closing, let me just say that, regardless what position each of us takes on the issue of Thanksgiving, let us base our position in Spirit and in Truth and give our God the glory. And regardless which side of the coin we land upon, let us have warm and blessed feelings towards one another and look forward to the next opportunity where we may fellowship and worship our Elohim.
Blessings to you. If you are observing a day of Thanks this week, have a blessed Thanksgiving. If you are not, have a wonderful day off in Yeshua Messiah. Take care, until next time.
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Shabbat Shalom beloved of Yeshua Messiah. I pray that this post finds you, your families, and your fellowships well and blessed on this hurried but expectant Preparation Day. 12 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon in the land of Mitsrayim, saying, 2“This new...
The High Expectations for God’s People to Fulfill His Will and Purpose — Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 122
Shabbat Shalom beloved of Yeshua Messiah. This week's Torah Reading is the 122nd reading of our 3-year Torah Portion reading cycle. Our reading is found in Numbers 32:1-42. I’ve entitled this teaching: The High Expectations for God's People to Fulfill...
What God Expects From Us When We Make Vows — Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 121
Shabbat Shalom beloved of Yeshua Messiah. This week's Torah Reading is the 121th portion of the 3-year Torah Portion reading cycle. Num 30:1-31:54 contains this week's Torah Reading. I’ve entitled this teaching: What God Expects from us When We Make Vows...
Worshiping God Throughout the Year — Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 120
Shabbat Shalom beloved of Yeshua Messiah This week's Torah Reading is the 120th portion of the 3-year Torah Portion reading cycle. Num 28.1-29.40 contains this week's Torah Reading. I’ve entitled this teaching: Worshiping God Throughout the Year — Thoughts and...
The Generational Inheritance Covenant Realized — Thoughts & Reflections on Torah Reading 119
Shabbat Shalom beloved of Yeshua Messiah. This week's Torah Reading is the 119th portion of the 3-year Torah Portion reading cycle. Num 26:52-27:23 contains this week's Torah Reading. In last week's reading, Abba instructed Moshe to conduct a census of...
Learning to Fear God and Receive His Peace — Israel’s Inextricable Link to Our Salvation Part 4
After Paul’s conversion to the Way Faith, the Nazarene assemblies that were strewn throughout the Judean region, including the Galilee and Samaria, enjoyed a season of relative peace and unity. (Act 9:31) Those coming into the Way Movement, a movement that many...
The Call For God’s People to be Jealous with His Jealousy — Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 118
And greetings elect of the Most High. Welcome back to the Messianic Torah Observer. I’m Rod Thomas, coming to you on Preparation Day, the 21st day of the 11th month of Yah’s biblical calendar year. That translates into 2/2/2024 on the pagan Roman Calendar....
Our God’s Blessings and Promises are Irrevocable — Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 117
Greetings! Shabbat Shalom saints of the Most High. It is the 15th day of the 11th biblical calendar month and the 27th day of the 1st month of the Roman calendar year of 2024. I pray, trust, and hope that this week’s Thoughts and Reflections find you, your families,...
There’s a Little Balaam in All of Us–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 116
Shabbat Shalom saints of the Most High. It is the 8th day of the 11th biblical calendar month and the 20th day of the 1st month of the Roman calendar, 2024. I pray, trust, and hope that this week’s thoughts and reflections find you, your families, and your fellowships...
Nobody Told Me That the Road Would Be Easy, but He Didn’t Bring Me This Far To Leave Me–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 115
Greetings Saint of the Most High. Coming at you on this cold Sabbath morning in the DFW, on the first day of the 11th biblical calendar month, trusting and hoping that these Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 115 find you, your family, and your fellowship is...
The Torah of the Red Heifer—A Foreshadow of Yeshua HaMashiyach–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 114
Shabbat Shalom, saints of the Most High. Coming to you on a cool and cloudy Sabbath in the DFW. I pray you, your families, and your fellowships are well and blessed. Our Parashah this week is found in Numbers 19:1-20:13. Although it covers Miriam's death and Moshe...
The Inherited Lie of Replacement Theology-Part 3 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Series
Greetings This is “Exposing the Lie that is Replacement Theology-Part 3 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation.” Recap and Purpose of Post In part one we interpreted Master Yehoshua's statement to the woman at Jacob's well that salvation is of...
Aaron’s Budding Staff and the Responsibilities of the Levites-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 113
These are my Thoughts and Reflections on this week’s reading which is the 113th reading of the 3-year Torah Portion Cycle. It is found in Numbers/Bemidbar 17:1-18:32 (17:16-18:32). Our reading picks up immediately where the Korah incident left off. Remember from our...
Rebellion-Deal Breaker to Making it into the Kingdom-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 112
Shabbat Shalom Saints of the Most High God. These are my thoughts and reflections on this Sabbath's Torah Reading. It is the 112th reading of the 3-year Torah Reading Cycle. (See Key Elements of this Week's Reading: Korah-Levite of the Kohath clan....
Asarah B’Tevet 10
Jews around the world honor Tevet 10 as a day of fasting, mourning, and repentance, specifically commemorating the siege of Jerusalem and the subsequent destruction of Solomon's Temple. It is an abbreviated, complete fast day (i.e. the observant Jew refrains from...
But Paul Said There is Neither Jew Nor Greek–Part 2 of Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Series
This is “But Paul Said There is Neither Jew nor Greek—Israel’s Inextricable Link to our Salvation Part 2 In part 1 of this series, I gave what I hope was a clear explanation of why I was led to explore Israel’s unshakable link to our salvation, which in great part was...
Israel’s Inextricable Link with our Salvation Part 1
This is "Israel's Inextricable Link to our Salvation Part 1." Back on 10/13/2023, I posted a teaching and discussion entitled Ministry Update and My Thoughts and Reflections on Hamas' Invasion of Israel. In the Hamas' Invasion of Israel portion of the post I expressed...
Are God’s People Required to Wear Tzitzit Today and is the Wearing of Them a Salvific Issue?
This is “Are God’s People Required to Wear Tzitzits Today and Is the Wearing of Tzitzits a Salvific Issue?” And just to cut to the chase, beloved, the answer to both questions is yes. I’ll explain why in just a few. Why Discuss Tzitzit Wearing? The reason I was led to...
Invitation to Messianic Discipleship-From the Sinner’s Prayer to True Messianic Discipleship
Welcome to The Messianic Torah Observer. Maybe you’ve been here before and have more questions about our ministry or the Messianic, Hebrew Roots, or Nazarene Israelite faith. And if that’s the case, I’m happy you’re here and I’m happy to answer questions you may have...
The Deep Abiding Mysteries of the Aaronic Blessing-My Thoughts and Reflections of Torah Reading 104
Greetings and Salutations Greetings, Saints of the Most High. This Rod coming to you from the DFW, thanking you for taking the time from your busy schedules to fellowship with me on this glorious Shabbat. As always, I hope, trust, and pray that this installment...
TMTO Ministry Update and My Thoughts and Reflections on Hamas’ Invasion of Israel
There are two things I wish to cover in this installment of TMTO. The first will be an update on this ministry: What's happening and what's ahead. Secondly, I want to share my thoughts and reflections on the terrible, tragic, horrific, heinous events that transpired...
Ten Things God Expects us to do for Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles 2023
In today's installment, I will be putting out to you what I have elected to call ten things Yehovah says in His Word that every Netsari, disciple of Yeshua Messiah, must do for Sukkot/Tabernacles. Now, some of you will be acutely aware of many of these things...
The Variegated Shadows of Yom Kippur 2023—Or When Payback is a Bear for the Enemies of God and His Set Apart People
Yom Kippur, the Holiest Day of Yah's Calendar Year Yom haKippurim is considered by many in our Faith and orthodox Judaism as the holiest day of Yah's biblical calendar year. On this holiest of days, Yah mandated His chosen ones to "afflict their...
Thoughts and Reflections on Yom Teruah-The Feast of Tabernacles 2023
This is a special TMTO post that I pray will encourage, and maybe inform you, as it relates to the imminent advent of Yom Teruah, or the Day of the Blowing of Trumpets. As you may, or may not know, we are on the very cusp of receiving this Moedim, this...
Upholding the Utter Holiness of God-My Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 100
Greetings and Shabbat Shalom. It is my hope, trust, and prayer that this posting finds you, your families, and your fellowships well and blessed on this warm but blessed Sabbath in the DFW. A Short Passage with a Big Message This 100th parashah of our three-year...
God’s Priestly Armies Then and Now: Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Portion 99
Greetings on this warm Shabbat in Maryland. May this post find you, your families, and your fellowships well and bless. These are my thoughts and reflections on the 99th reading of the 3-year Torah Reading cycle. I've entitled this post "God's Priestly Army Then and...
The Power From Within-Thoughts and Reflections on Parashah 98
Greetings to you on yet another exceptionally warm Sabbath in the DFW. May this day of rest find you, your families, and your fellowships well and blessed. These are my thoughts and reflections on the 98th Torah or Parashah Reading of our 3-year reading cycle. It is...
God Brings His Children Unto Himself: My Thoughts and Reflections of Torah Reading 97
Greetings on this warm summer Shabbat in the DFW. These are my thoughts and reflections on the 97th reading of our three-year Torah Reading Cycle. It is contained within Numbers 1:1-2:13; the Haftarah in Ezekiel 47:13-23; and the Apostolic in Luke 15:1-7....
The Realities of the Messianic’s Liberty in Messiah–Thoughts and Reflections of Torah Reading 95
These are my thoughts and reflections on the 95th parashah of the 3-year Torah Reading cycle. It is contained in Leviticus/Vayiqra 25:39-26:2. I’ve entitled this discussion: The Realities of the Messianic's Liberty in Messiah--Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading...
TMTO Ministry Update
Greetings I'm back! Well, not quite. But almost. History of Ministry QFC (2012) Blog (2012) Podcast (2014-11/2022) YouTube (2018-11/2022) QFC Affiliates with Feastkeepers (New York) and First Century COG (Baltimore) (2019-2021) Why we ended the podcast...
Shabbat Chazon–Our Hope for Salvation and Redemption–Thoughts and Reflections on Isaiah 1:1-27
Shabbat Shalom Saints of the Most High on this balmy, but sublime Sabbath in the DFW. I'm Rod Thomas. Hoping, trusting, and praying that this teaching finds you well and blessed. As this teaching is being recorded and posted, 7/22/23, the 4th day of our 5th biblical...
God’s Requirements for Holiness in Worship–Thoughts and Reflections of Torah Reading 92
Greetings, Saints of the Most High, on this sizzling but beautiful Sabbath in the DFW. These are my thoughts and reflections on this week's Torah Reading, which happens to be the 92nd reading of our 3-year Torah Reading cycle. Given its contents, I've entitled...
Becoming and Existing as Priests of God-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 91
Greetings beloved of Yehovah on this steamy, but beautiful Sabbath here in the DFW. This week's Torah Reading is the 91st Reading of the 3-year reading cycle. It is contained in the 21st Chapter of the Book of Leviticus and entails the exclusive and exceeding...
Remaining Set-Apart in the Midst of this Evil and Adulterous Generation-Rebooting my Thoughts and Reflections of Torah Reading 90
Shabbat Shalom Greetings beloved, on this glorious set-apart day from the DFW. My sincerest hope, trust, and prayer is that this reboot of Torah Reading 90 will be a tremendous blessing to you in these troublesome times were living. This Week's Reading as a Reboot...
Conforming to God’s Ways in the Midst of Present Day Wokeness: Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 89
Greetings from the DFW on this warm but glorious Shabbat. We commenced the 4th month of Yah's sacred calendar year earlier this week, and we're trusting in His keeping mercies as we progress throughout the month. These are my thoughts and reflections on the 89th...
Oh the Blood of Yeshua-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 88
Greetings, Beloved of the Most High, on this warm but glorious Sabbath in the DFW. I pray that you, your families, and your fellowships are well and blessed. This is the 88th parashah or reading of the 3-year reading cycle. It is contained in Leviticus/Vayiqra...
Only One Way to God-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 87
This week's reading comes under the General Torah Reading Title of "Acharey Mos," which covers chapters 16 through 28 in the Cepher of Leviticus/Vayiqra. Shabbat Shalom on this warm but otherwise beautiful Sabbath in the DFW. Our reading here today is contained within...
Dwelling in the Presence of God Through Physical and Spiritual Cleanness-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 86
Shabbat Shalom from the DFW on this, what promises to be a warm but beautiful Sabbath. What follows are my thoughts and reflections on this week's Torah Reading, which is the 86th reading of the 3-year Torah Reading cycle. Our portion is found in...
The Leprosy-Sin Connection-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 84
Shabbat Shalom. I pray that this post finds you and your families and fellowships well and blessed on this holy weekend. This is the Leprosy-Sin Connection. It is my thoughts and reflections on the 84th Torah Reading of our 3-year Torah Reading Cycle....
Torah Reading 81–The Ordination of Aaron and Sons–First Steps to Humanity’s Reconciliation
Shalom! I pray that you had a meaningful and blessed Sabbath. What follows are my thoughts and reflections on Torah Reading 81 of our 3-year Torah Reading Cycle on this mild, but peaceful Sabbath in North Texas. Parashah 81 Leviticus 8:1-36--The Ordination of Aharon...
Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 80
Shalom! We pray that you had a restful and meaningful Sabbath this past week. This past Sabbath’s Torah Portion was the 81st parshah of the 3-year Torah Reading Cycle. (If you are so led to participate in reading and studying the weekly Torah Readings, we have put the...
Biblical Rosh Hashanah 2023 and a TMTO Ministry Update
Greetings Saints! May this post find you, your families, and your fellowships well and blessed during these challenging times. I wanted to update you as to what's going on with The Messianic Torah Observer of late, as well as I wanted to encourage you as we enter the...
Shabbat HaChodesh-The Realities of The Sabbath Before the Biblical New Year in 2023
Welcome to Shabbat HaChodesh—The Sabbath Before the Biblical New Year of 2023 Jewish custom holds that the Shabbat that falls on or before the 1st of Aviv is Shabbat HaChodesh--or the Sabbath of the New Moon. Like its two preceding Sabbaths of Shabbat Zachor and...
Shabbat Parah-A Foreshadow of our Perpetual Cleanness Through Yeshua Messiah
Shabbat Shalom, and welcome to Shabbat Parah. Like Shabbat Zachor last week, Shabbat Parah is neither a feast day nor a Jewish holiday. But instead, it may be viewed as somewhat of a themed Sabbath, if you will. And the theme of this Sabbath is brought forth through...
The Silver and Gold of our Service to God-Post Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 73
Shalom and Greetings, Beloved of Yehovah. I trust that you had a mighty and restful Sabbath. The Gist of Torah Reading 73 Yesterday’s Sabbath Reading discussion focused on Shabbat Zachor. If you’ve not had the opportunity to read that post, I would humbly invite and...
Shabbat Zachor 2023-Our Sabbath of Remembrance
Shabbat Shalom Beloved. Our Torah and Haftorah Reading in Light of Where we are on the Calendar This is a special Shabbat, for it is the Shabbat that immediately precedes the Jewish holiday of Purim. According to our observational calendar, Purim will occur at sundown...
The Ordination of the Levitical Priest-A Foreshadow of Good things to Come-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 66
Introduction Shabbat Shalom, beloved of Elohiym. I pray that you, your families, and your fellowships are well and blessed on this blessed day of rest in Yeshua Messiah. This is “The Ordination of the Levitical Priests: A Foreshadow of Good Things to Come.” It will...
The Renewed Covenant Spiritual Application of the Levitical Priestly Garments-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 65
Introducing Torah Reading 65 This week’s Torah Reading is the 65th reading in our 3-year cycle. It is contained in Exodus 27:20-28:43. I’ve chosen to entitle this synopsis of the reading: The Renewed Covenant Spiritual Application of the Levitical Priestly Garments....
The Connection Between Giving and God Dwelling with His People-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 63
Shabbat Shalom! Warm greetings to you, dear Saint. We hope, trust, and pray that this post finds you, your families, and your fellowships well and blessed on this bitterly cold Sabbath amid Hanukkah 2022. Our Torah Reading Have you ever considered the reality of a...
The Book of the Covenant-What it Means to Modern Day Believers-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 62
Our Torah Reading this Shabbat features the covenant Yah established between Him and Yisra’el at Sinai. It is the 62nd Torah Reading of our 3-year Torah Reading Cycle. Our reading is contained in Exodus/Shemot 24:1-18. This is the next iteration of Yehovah’s...
God Prohibits His People from Badmouthing Government Leaders—Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 61
Shabbat Shalom beloved. In this Thoughts and Reflections of Torah Reading 61, we will examine a number of themes and concepts that fall within the realm of loving Yah and loving one’s neighbor as one would love themselves. I’ve taken the liberty of breaking this...
Dealing with Difficult Relationships-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 60
Shabbat Shalom saints of the Most High. May you, your families, and your fellowships be well and blessed in the perilous times we’re living. Central Themes and Life Lessons of Torah Reading 60 I’ve entitled this reading study: Dealing with Difficult...
The Fox in the Hen House–The LGBTQ Infiltration of Judeo-Christianity
Shalom beloved. I pray that this installment of The Messianic Torah Observer Journal finds you, your families, and your fellowships well and blessed. They Say that Curiosity Kills the Cat True to form, Hilary and I canvassed portions of YouTube to augment our worship...
We’re Getting Married in the Morning–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 59
Shabbat Shalom Saints of the Most High. Welcome to the second post of our The Messianic Torah Observer Journal. Today is a special day of sorts. It’s not only the Sabbath, but it is also the start of the 9th Biblical Month. Rosh Chodesh. There are no mandated Feasts...
Learning to Lean on Yeshua Messiah–Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 58
Shabbat shalom beloved. We pray that you, your families, and your fellowships are well and blessed during these perilous times. Despite these being perilous times, beloved, we who are the redeemed of Yah through Yeshua Messiah, can find refuge and shalom in our...
We were Baptized into Moses in the Red Sea
Our Baptism in the Red Sea Was Illustrative of our Transformation into the People of God So, in our departure from Mitsrayim/Egypt, which was representative of a would-be child of Yah coming into a covenant relationship with Yah through the Person and Ministry of...