Leaving the Hebrew Roots Faith Lured by Seducing Spirits
Leaving the Faith Lured by Seducing Spirits
Leaving the Hebrew Roots Faith Lured by Seducing Spirits
In this installment we reflect upon a recent Zachary Bauer posting related to folks leaving Hebrew Roots after being lured by doctrines of seducing spirits.
Taken Aback
I was quite taken aback after viewing a Zachary Bauer YouTube video this past weekend, to learn that folks are leaving Hebrew Roots. These individuals were not leaving Hebrew Roots in the classic sense of leaving a group or organization as we see happening in Fundamental Christianity today (see Barna 2011 survey). Turns out that these folks are leaving our Faith through a change, or what could be considered, a complete reversal of belief in certain core aspects of Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Faith.
Zachary Bauer reported that he had recently received correspondences from or had had communications with certain individuals, claiming to have been formar Hebrew Rooter and Messianics. These individuals informed him that they had determined, convinced by the teachings of certain “wolves in sheep’s clothing” and shysters (my word choice), that either the keeping of Torah is improper for believers in Messiah or that Yeshua is not The True Messiah.
Hard for Me to Justify
Now,it’s hard for me to justify why I am in such a mournful state after hearing such news from a well-respected and well-informed leader in our community. I guess it comes down to the difficulty that I have processing how any individual could at one time arrive at The Truth, and then reject The Truth after hearing information that is contrary to what they claimed to have once received and accepted.
All Manner of Teachings and Belief Systems in Hebrew Roots
Since my coming into this Faith, roughly a decade and a half ago, I have been exposed to all manner of teachings and belief systems that have over the course of time called Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Community their home. Some of those teachings have been completely off-kilter and anti-Torah, anti-biblical, anti-Messiah, racist, hateful, and just outright wrong. Despite hearing such teachings, often delivered by some talented orators and presenters, when time for the “spiritual smell test arrived,” I had no problem rejecting the teaching, shaking the dust off my shoes and moving on in my biblically-centered walk with Messiah. I can honestly say that since converting to Hebrew Roots and the Messianic Movement, I have never wavered nor questioned the tenets of our Faith.
I know of others in our Faith Community who have had similar experiences as I just described who did essentially the same thing I did when they applied the “spiritual smell test” to those unsavory teachings and half-baked belief systems.
Yet of late, I’m hearing more and more about former Hebrew Rooters who are happily leaving the True Faith once delivered after receiving and accepting so-called “new” knowledge; revelation; and teachings that not only betray the tents of our Faith, but I would go so far as to deem heretical.
Wolves in our Midst
Zachary Bauer went on to describe the situation and explain that many members of our Faith community are being subjected to wolves that are operating out there in our midst; preying upon the less spiritually grounded of our community.
Bauer’s impassioned post reminded us that our Master warned us that this very thing would take place and that there’s little that we can do to prevent such occurrences.
Looking for Answers and Direction
As Zachary’s video continued, I scrolled down the comments section of his YouTube post and was bothered to find comments from some who criticized him for not detailing for his listeners how to convince these departing believers that they were making the greatest mistake of their lives. Zachary lamented in his monologue as well how he had received criticism for his seeming ambivalence towards those individuals who were leaving the Faith.
Let me just say that I found no fault whatsoever with the way Zachary Bauer handled this situation nor in the fact that he did not track down these departing individuals and attempt to convince them to stay in the Faith.
We Cannot Convince Anyone
We cannot convince anyone to convert to this Faith of ours, nor can we convince anyone to stay committed to a Faith that they were never chosen to be a part of in the first place. This is not the order that Father established for admission of souls into the Kingdom. No eloquence of speech or persuasive manner will alter the minds and hearts of potential candidates for the Kingdom of Elohim.
Now, I realize that this truth may not resonate with our compassionate sensibilities as caring Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah. Indeed, we would want nothing more than for everyone that we care dearly about to become vibrant and happy members of the Body of Messiah and of the Kingdom of Yahovah. Unfortunately, this is not how Father set this thing up to be. Truth be told, it comes down to our having to trust the wisdom, providence and purpose of our Heavenly Father.
The Bible Warns of Unstable Believers and Instigators in the Faith
Many instances are given in the Holy Writ where God’s anointed warned us that there would be, disappointingly so, some who would at first, seem to have been devoted members of our Faith community, who we later learn were never truly invested or grounded in the Body of Messiah.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (1Jo 2:19 KJV)
Act 20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
1Co 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
Deu 13:13 Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
Defending Zachary Bauer’s Actions
The question that should be asked of those who would criticize Bauer’s inactions or his seeming heartless stance toward those who choose to leave the Faith for whatever stated and unstated reasons is: why would you want anyone to be strong-armed into either coming in to or remaining in the Kingdom of Yahovah and Body of Messiah?
Keep in mind that we are not talking about defending the Faith and giving every individual who asks an answer as it relates to why we believe what we believe and why we do what we do. We are compelled to treat our Master Yeshua as holy, and with gentleness and respect and with a good conscience, be ever so ready to defend our beloved Faith (1 Peter 3:15). However, that’s not at all what we are talking about here. Zachary was not asked by these departing souls whether or not their new-found understanding and revelation was biblical. These individuals were simply informing him that they no longer held to the beliefs central to the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Faith.
No One Likes to be Strong Armed
Have you ever been strong armed into doing something that you did not genuinely want to do? Or for that matter, have you known of individuals who have been coaxed into committing to an endeavor of which they had not been originally invested? The general outcome, with few exceptions, is that the efforts expended by those coaxed into participating in the endeavor is pathetic, pitiful at best. In fact, the lives of those who are forced to endure the strong armed ones’ whining and miserableness are made all the more burdensome and even perilous. Besides, how fair is it to force someone to give up the life they wish to live for the life that you have chosen to live?
Let’s look at this from a secular standpoint and maybe this will help to shed some perspective on this critical issue. In this country, every citizen that works or receives an income of some sort is required to pay income taxes. I would submit that no worker, be they the lowliest fast food worker or the corporate elitist, relishes paying taxes to the government. Yet each year citizen workers of this country endure the self-deprecating exercise of filing their income taxes and having to pay money out to a government that only abuses and misuses those funds; that is, unless they are able to find loopholes in the system that would aid them in not paying out those taxes. Everyone dreads paying taxes unless they know for a fact that they will reap a massive return of their withholdings. Nevertheless, is it no wonder why there is so much widespread cheating and endless searching by citizen workers to avoid paying out taxes to the government? The citizen worker, out of a viable fear of being punished by the government, is forced to do something that they do not wish to do, and therefore, they will do whatever they can to avoid giving up their hard-earned moneys to the power brokers in Washington and their local and state leaders, in more ways than one.
I believe the same sentiment holds true when we seek to strong arm souls into the Kingdom of Yahovah. Any who would be admitted to and remain in the Body of Messiah and the Kingdom of Yahovah must pay a steep price. The price to be paid, if one is truly invested in converting and coming in to the True Faith, is a full and complete change in his/her heart, mind and soul. The true Torah Observant Believer in Messiah must give up the life they once knew, and likely held dear, for a life unlike any the world at large will ever understand and truly know. If the convert is true to their profession of Faith, they will stand out like a sore thumb in the secular world. They may be ostracized and brutally criticized by members of their family; they may endure long periods of loneliness and isolation. The true convert must say no to things that they once said yes to with great pleasure and acceptance. Conversely, they must say yes to Father but no to the world.
Entrance into the Kingdom and Body of Messiah is not something that should ever be taken lightly by the would-be believer; nor should such a commitment be forced upon anyone. For one, their commitment to the Faith has nothing to do with our commitment. And two, as disciples and members of the Body of Messiah, we are only tasked with being disciples and discipling those whom Father sends; teaching them to observe all things that Master taught us. Does that discipling aspect of our journey require us to act as gatekeepers of the Faith—determining who to admit and who to let out? Absolutely not. Again, our human sensibilities may say otherwise, but the Kingdom of Yahovah does not operate based upon our human sensibilities. May seem cold and callous, but it really is not. It is God’s way over our way.
The Father’s Plan of Salvation
Abba’s plan of salvation factors in those who are not going to be a part of His eternal Kingdom and the Body of Messiah. In fact, the Apostle Paul reveals to us in his cepher to the Assembly of Messianic Believers in Rome, that Father gives those who reject Him and His ways, and who persist in their ways “worthless ways of thinking” (Romans 1:28; Stern, CJB).
Addressing Those Who Reject and Turn From the Faith
So then, how must we address this situation of individuals who are rejecting and turning away from the tenets of the True Faith once delivered?
Well, I would say that we need not address it at all. Master did all the addressing on this matter that is required. Consider the following Gospel passage where Master is recorded to have addressed Jewish synagogue goers of Kfar Nahum (i.e., Capernaum) about the Kingdom of Yahovah when He was challenged by a handful of attendees:
What shall we do that we might work the works of Yahovah? Yeshua answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of Yahovah, that you believe in Him whom He has sent’ They replied, ‘What sign will you show us then, so that we may see and believe in you? What miraculous work will you do? Our fathers did eat manna in the desert, as it is written, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.’
Let’s stop briefly at this juncture of the story. Are there not significant parallels being played out in this story with those who would today be convinced to either come in to the Body or even stay in the Body? You see, Master was being challenged to produce solid proof that what He was teaching and preaching about was indeed true; and that He should prove those things with some sort of sign or wonder.
Prove to Me the Bible is True
In the natural world, the human psyche often has to be convinced that a matter is true in order to internalize it and adhere to it. Generally, we believe things are so by proofs that are manifested and supported by our five natural senses of sight, hearing, taste, feel and smell. If we walk out of our homes and see on the horizon smoke, smell something burning and hear the sounds of fire engine sirens, we will feel pretty certain that a fire is nearby.
Bear in mind that we also factor into our decision-making whether to believe a thing or not our knowledge base and life experiences.
Thus, if the issue in question is certified by any one or a combination of our natural senses, knowledge base and life experiences, then we will normally accept those things as valid and true; unless those verified things are somehow challenged by opposing known and established facts that we’ve tucked safely away in our psyche. Case in point: we may see what would appear to be a murder being committed on a movie or television screen, but we know that that murder did not occur because the actor or actress that was shown to be murdered on the screen was known to have cashed that very hefty check he or she made and received a Best Acting Award for being in that movie.
The Natural Versus the Spiritual
This verifying of things as true or not through our natural senses, knowledge base and experiences, are of the established natural order. And there is nothing wrong with how this order plays out in our lives and how we make determinations of things being true or not in our lives. Father set this order in operation within us for our safety, health, wellbeing and so on.
Nevertheless, when we move from such natural things on over to the spiritual, the natural order no longer applies. In the case of Zachary Bauer and the convincing of souls to come in or stay in the Faith, there is a process that must take place that in some respects defies the natural order. That process involves the intervention of the Holy Spirit in the heart and mind of the would be believer. Master expounds on this as we continue with the above cited passage out of the Gospels:
“Yeshua said to them (those demanding that He show them a sign so that they will believe), ‘TRUTH I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but my Father, and He now give you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of Yahovah is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.’ Then they said to Him, ‘Master, give us more and more of this bread.’ Yeshua said, ‘I am the bread of life. He that comes to me shall never hunger, and He that believes in me shall never thirst. But I also say to you that you have seen me, and yet believe not. All that the Father gives me shall come to me, and he who comes to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me. And this is the Father’s will who has sent me: that of all whom He has given me I should lose none, but should raise them up again at the last day…No man can come to Me except the Father, which is has sent me, draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day…The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you who will not and cannot believe.’ (For Yeshua knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray Him.) Then He said, ‘That is why I said to you that no man can come to me, except it is given to Him by my Father.’ From that time many of His disciples went away and walked with Him no more. Then Yeshua asked the twelve, ‘Will you also go away?’ Shimon Kefa answered Him, ‘Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure that you are that Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.’” (John 6:28-66; Rood’s Chronology of the Gospel Record)
It took a rather long time for me to be convinced of this reality: that being only the Father can bring a bona fide, would be disciple into the Body of Messiah and into the Kingdom. Thus, I have stopped trying to convince people that this Faith of ours is THE TRUTH that they must hearken to and live. Instead, I have taken on the stance of planting and watering the seeds of the Word, but allowing the Father to bring about the germination and growth that leads a convert into the Body and the Kingdom. Otherwise, my efforts are contrary to that of the teachings of my Master.
Paul brilliantly expounded upon this whole issue of conversion and maintaining the body when he wrote the following to the Messianic Assembly of Believers in Corinth:
Who then is Shaul, and who is Apollos? But ministers by whom you believed, just as Yahweh gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but Yahweh gave the increase. So then, he who plants is not anything, neither is he who waters, but IT IS YAHWEH WHO GIVES THE INCREASE. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor (I Corinthians 3:5-8; The Book of Yahweh).
I say: let us not get worked up by news of those who have departed from the foundational elements of our Faith, nor by those who refuse to accept the Truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Faith once delivered. Their ultimate destination, though it should be our concern, is really NOT our concern. These individuals’ fate are in the providential hands of our Creator. Instead of worrying and consternating over those resisting ones, let us pray and intercede on behalf for them; make ourselves accessible to them if they have any questions; and leave it to our God to do the work that He has started.
Father will build the increase to our Faith Community and ultimately to His eternal Kingdom. It is not for us to worry how He will do this and to insert ourselves into the mix. We simply must plant and water and allow Yah to germinate and grow that seed within His chosen ones.
Everything is Being Shaken
Everything on this planet is now being shaken with a tensity and frequency unseen in our time. Governments, economies, families, societies, entertainment, religion, and yes, even our Faith Community. As the days of human existence grows dim and begins to devolve towards ever increasing chaos and ultimate, complete takeover by the evil one, lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold. There will be a falling away from the Faith as more and more believers’ professions are challenged by heresies and the increasing cares and infringements of this life. Where it may have once been a safe haven for some, our Faith for some will seem a hindrance and relic of days long ago. For all we know, our numbers may dwindle to just a small, precious few—the small flock our Master spoke of, but that’s entirely okay. It is okay because our God and our Master are still seated upon their thrones in heaven and Father’s great plan of redemption will not be voided by the works of hasatan, halleluyah!
Eventually, our Jewish cousins will do a 180 and turn fully back to Yahovah and become tremendous disciples of Yahoshua our Messiah and Redeemer. Father will bring us who are of True Nation of Israel out of every nation of this world, to Jerusalem and Messiah will establish His illustrious millennial reign over the peoples and nations of this world. Peace will reign and Torah will be established as the world’s sole constitution and way of life.
As troublesome as such things may be to us, these are times of great hope. Knowledge of Yahovah and our Master Yeshua abounds and is readily accessible for any who would seek it out. Yes, people are departing from the tenets of the True Faith once delivered for doctrines of devils, but truth be told, more and more people are waking up to the True Faith once delivered as well. These are indeed exciting times. Yet these are times where we as a faith community must rally around one another and certify and uphold the pure and undefiled foundational elements of what it means to be a Spirit Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah.
Let us stand firm in our convictions, neither turning to the right or left, ever so ready to give any who would seek of us a reason for the hope that is in us, and let us glorify and uplift the eternal Name of our God until Master Yeshua returns.
I Did Some Shoobing Around
I did some snooping, or should I say, Shoobing, to try and find some information on one of the main leaders Zachary Bauer had identified as putting out such doctrines of seducing spirits within the Body of Messiah. I learned that one individual in particular, a Mr. Scott Shoob, apparently has put out written material that many who have read or heard his materials are stating that he denies the Messiahship of our Master Yahoshua. I have personally NOT read nor heard any of his teachings, and quite frankly, am not the least interested in doing so.
Now, a lot of us may find ourselves in an uproar over the shanaghans of such teachers and their spurious doctrines, but again, this is all expected and even addressed by the Apostles of Old.
People have been denying the Messiahship and person of our Master Yeshua from virtually day one. The bigger problem I personally have with these wayward purveyors of anti-Biblical and anti-Messiah rhetoric, along with their followers, is that they tend to be aggressive and quite rambunctious when operating in and around the Body of Messiah. These are not above inciting discord in the Body of Messiah and setting spiritual fires within the hearts and minds of some of the less grounded of our Community. Their actions occasionally, as we see happening even today, cause our less rooted brothers and sisters to question the foundations of our Faith.
To Keep/To Guard
Father has, in this dispensation, made provision for folks to believe and follow whatever doctrine appeals to them. Yet it falls to the most grounded of our community to “guard” the essentials of the Faith. Over and over throughout the whole of the Holy Writ, we are told to “guard,” that is to “keep” (which in Hebrew it is “mishmereth” and in the Greek it is “tereyo”):
Guard/Keep the Word of God (Luke 8:15; 11:8)
Guard/Keep the teachings of our Messiah, Yeshua (John 8:51,52; 14:15, 23; 15:10,20)
Guard/Keep Father’s Feasts (I Corinthians 5:8; all of Torah)
Guard/Keep the Unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3; Jude 1:21)
Guard/Keep ourselves unspotted from the world (James 1:27; I John 5:21)
Guard/Keep God’s commandments (I John 2:3, 22; 5:2; Revelation 12:17; 14:12; all of Torah)
For me, the concern then becomes, not one of convincing those in our community who have been mislead to rethink their path, but one of us being able to stay on point and not allow the enemy to continue to bring disharmony into the Body of Messiah.
Thus it behooves us to be ever more set in our resolve to “keep;” to “guard” the very foundations of our Faith. That’s not to say that we, as individuals and as a collective Body of Believers in Yeshua Messiah are to never examine how we’re doing in our walk with Messiah. Are we:
Properly keeping/guarding Father’s Torah according to Father’s written instructions? Not according to someone’s “private” interpretations as we see happening in greater frequency and numbers (2 Peter 1:20).
Following and living out the instructions of our Master Yeshua HaMashiyach.
Doing our part in the Great Commission.
Producing the fruits that Master Yahoshua instructed us to produce.
Safeguarding against heretical, anti-Biblical, anti-Torah, anti-Messiah belief systems and teachings that serve to separate us from Truth and purity of the Gospel and the Kingdom of Yahovah.
Serving the members of the Body of Messiah with our gifts and talents.
Itching Ear Syndrome
We recently met up with a Hebrew Roots based couple last week, who we did not know personally prior to the meeting, but we had heard of via a YouTube video that they were featured in. Upon meeting them, we exchanged information as it related to our profession of Faith and what ministries we followed and so forth. When it came time for the couple we were conversing with to tell us of their ministry preferences, I was slightly taken aback by the mention of one ministry in particular they strictly adhered to, with the comment that they as a couple had moved beyond the fundamental tenets of the Hebrew Roots Faith. In other words, the ministry they were now closely following was bringing to the select few, new knowledge and revelation that somehow put them into a higher plain of holiness—understanding—spiritual savoir faire—I don’t know.
We thought these folks, based upon what little we’ve come to know about them through watching their YouTube video, were well rooted in the foundations of our Faith. Turns out that they may be suffering from “itching ears syndrome;” an ailment that seems to be plaguing so many in our Faith Community these days. What I mean by “itching ears syndrome” is simply that which the Apostle Paul counseled the Evangelist Timothy:
Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove (i.e., refute), rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (2 Timothy 4:3,4; KJV).
Be On Guard
It is what it is my friends. Challenges to the tenets and foundations of our Faith—the True Faith once delivered—whether they be external or internal challenges will abound and plague us till the time our Master cracks the sky and orders His angels to collect us from the four-corners of the earth. That is an indisputable fact of Faith reality.
As crazy as this may sound, some days I feel as though that such internal and external challenges to our Faith are the least of our worries. I believe our greatest problems lies within the realm of the spirit, whereby our adversary hasatan, is ramping up his military operation against the saints.
Knowing his time is growing shorter by the day, hasatan, as he’s done in the past, is setting up for a full frontal assault against the Body of Messiah, and I am concerned that some of us may not be up to meet that assault.
Satan Means Business
Hasatan means business, and he aims to wipe us out.
Although not Hebrew Roots, just a couple weeks ago, a young man entered a Sutherland Springs Texas Baptist Church and murdered some 26-parishioners in cold blood.
Massive attempts by liberal elements of our government and society to turn this horrible tragedy into a national referendum for “gun confiscation,” does not in the least hide the ominous truth that this event was a full-frontal attack on Faith. It just so happened, tragically so, that this attack was perpetrated against fundamental Christians and not members of our Hebrew Roots/Messianic Community. Truth be told, it’s just a matter of time before such an attack could potentially be levied against one or more of our Hebrew Roots/Messianic fellowships.
Nevertheless, this is not a Christian versus Messianic situation. There is a much broader agenda being played out here that we must be cognizant of as a people of Faith.
Dear saints, let us not be, as Paul customarily cited in many of his epistles, ignorant of what is going on about us and what is going to happen to us in the future. Our government and elements of the social order—so to speak—would have the world believe that the Sutherland Texas Church Massacre (as it has infamously become referred to in the press) was all about a troubled, lone gunman who seized upon an opportunity to abuse the freedoms that the U.S. Constitution affords to her citizens to bare and possess firearms, and infringe upon that freedom to harm innocent people. It just so happens that the innocent people who were harmed were no-doubt well meaning Christian believers enjoying their Constitutional Freedom of assembling to worship their God in a way and manner that seemed fitting to them and their established religion.
Make no mistake, that attack was leveled against people of Faith. (I told you earlier that everything that can be shaken is being shaken these days, and that includes Faith.) I have tried to nail down some statistics on church killings of recent years, but hit a brick wall. There were a handful of articles written just around the time of the Sutherland Texas massacre, and those pieces attempted to downplay the significance of such murders—yes, believe it or not. One article in particular, written by Francie Diep, of the Pacific Standard, on November 6, 2017, asserted that, “Church shootings are becoming much more common, yet the existing data suggests churches aren’t more or less vulnerable to gun violence than other publicly accessible spaces.”
Certainly, if one has an agenda that is not in alignment with Truth, but more geared to social reform and even enacting gun confiscation laws, then of course, church murders by the numbers will seem relatively insignificant. The truth of the matter, regardless of numbers and agendas is, that such murders of people of Faith portend of a much darker time ahead when, like the Body of Messianic Believers of the first-century C.E., our beloved Faith and the true Body of Messiah will face an existential threat to our very existence. My purpose here is not to alarm or trouble you, but to simply alert us all to the fact that hasatan is on the prowl and he means business; he means business now, and he definitely will mean big business tomorrow.
What’s a Messianic to Do?
So what’s a Messianic to do with all that I’ve laid out before us today?
The Apostle Peter wrote a most brilliant piece in his first general epistle addressing in great part some of these issues that we are, and will be soon facing, as a Body. He write:
Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time He may lift you up. Throw all your anxieties upon Him, because He cares about you. Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (Do we fret or hide our heads in the sand? Not at all saints. Peter admonishes…) Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering. You will have to suffer only a little while; after that, Yah, who full of grace, the one who called you to His eternal glory in union with the Messiah, will Himself restore, establish and strengthen you and make you firm. To Him be the power forever and ever. Amein (I Peter 5:6-11; CJB)
Everything is Going to be Alright
Saints, everything is going to be alright. It’s gonna get rockier as the days grow darker. Many more of us are going to leave the Body and the Kingdom in pursuit of “fables” and “myths.” Sadly, many of us may face martyrdom at the hands of the evil one. Nevertheless, our beloved and older brother, Yeshua HaMashiyach gave us a wonderful hope that we would be wise to keep in the back of our minds as we continue our walk with Him. He said:
He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 24:13; KJV).
And what awaits us who endure and who refuse to waver and who earnestly and tirelessly await His appearing?
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth…Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Yeshua and because of the word of Yahovah, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years…Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of Yah and of Messiah and will reign with Him for a thousand years (Revelation 5:10; 20:4,6; NAS).
Be well and blessed fellow saints. Warmest Shalom.
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A speaker at a recent prophecy conference denounced apathy in the body of Christ and demanded Christians wake-up from their apathy and engage in political and social activism, so to speak. Given the mixed Faith Communities represented at this conference,...
Torah Portion Re’eh–See–I Set Before You a Blessing and a Curse
Torah Portion Re'eh--(See) I Set Before You a Blessing and a Curse--11:26-16:17 This week's Torah Reading, entitled “Re’eh” or “See—I Set Before You a Blessing and a Curse,” is found in Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17. I found this reading to be rich in...
Torah Portion ‘Ekev–On the Heel Of–Because
This week's Torah Portion (i.e., Reading/Parashat) was entitled, 'Ekev--On the Heel Of--Because. It is found in Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25. [If you follow the Torah Portions or Readings, I invite you to check out my post entitled, "Hebrew Roots and Torah Portions--Are...
Torah-Keeping–When it is Practiced in Sin
This Week's Torah Reading--D'varim This week's Torah Reading was D'varim. A section of it addressed our eventual abandonment of Father's Torah after we were established in the land. As a result of our abandonment of Torah, the land would be overrun by Gentiles and we...
As It Was In The Days of Noah
Do recent advancements in DNA manipulation and Artificial Intelligence portend the return of Yahoshua Messiah? Are they elements of modern day spin-offs to the Days of Noah? Each week it seems, we receive more and more disturbing news about the existential dangers...
Sacred Oaths and Vows–The Wages of Sin–The Spoils of War
In today’s post, I wish to reflect upon elements of this week’s combined Torah Portions entitled Mattot (or Tribes) and Masei (or Journeys). This Portion ends our journeys through the Book of Numbers and sets the stage for our historic and long-awaited conquest of the...
The Red Heifer–Parashah 39–Hukkat–Numbers 19
I pray that you had a meaningful Sabbath Rest. This week's Torah Portion was yet again an amazing journey into the Things and Ways of YHVH that defy anything that humanity could ever imagine. This 39th Portion addresses the "Mystery of the Red Heifer," which is a...
Hebrew Roots and Torah Portions–Are Torah Portions Valid for Messianics
I have always been one to think: if one person has a question on a particular topic or issue that I have posted on this program, it stands to reason that there are others out there who have the same question. Recently I received feedback from a dear listener of this...
Messianic Lessons From The Revolt of Korah
The Players of this Torah Portion The players of this passage are: Moshe, Aharon (Cohen Gadol); Korah (a Levite of which he and his family and lineage served with the Aaronic Levitical Priesthood--he was not a priest but a most blessed assistant and servant to YHVH);...
Impediments to our Faith-Absence of Discipleship and the Holy Spirit Operating in the Lives of Believers (Part 2)
It goes without saying that many of us have a difficult time grasping the things of YHVH, especially when we first transition into our Faith Community. It’s one thing to decide to give up pork and shell fish and to start worshiping on Sabbaths as opposed to...
Yeshua Messiah (aka Jesus Christ) as our Apostle and High Priest
During my morning studies today I was led to pick up where I left off from this past Sabbath's Brit HaDashah reading that is found in Hebrews 3:1-6. Interestingly enough, roughly 1-1/2 to 2 hours after beginning the study, I had not progressed beyond verse one. For...
Messianics Dedicated to Service
This Week's Torah Portion-Beha'Alotekha-The Menorah On this Shabbat, I was blessed to read and reflect upon this week's beautiful Torah Portion entitled Beha'Alotekha-The Menorah. The portion was contained in Numbers, chapters 8 through 12, And I don't know if it's me...
Impediments to our Understanding Things of the Faith–Part-1–Understanding the Bible
Many of us have a hard time grasping the things of YHVH. There seems to be impediments to our receiving, understanding and applying the things of our Faith. Indeed, there are many impediments that we could explore. However, for this post we will consider those...
The Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah as Slave
Paul opens his letter to the assembly of Messianic Believers in Rome with an introductory bio of himself. He writes: "Paul, a bond-servant of Christ (i.e., Messiah) Yeshua, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God (i.e., Yah)..." (Romans 1:1; NASB). Other...
Keeping Shavuot–The Feast of Weeks–Pentecost–Its Importance and Meaning to Messianic Believers Today
For the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah, Shavuot—The Feast of Weeks—Pentecost is about the giving and receiving of YHVH’s Torah and the establishing of the marriage covenant between YHVH and the Children of Israel. The Feast of Weeks is about...
Feast Pilgrimages to Israel–Messianic Lessons Learned from Shemitah
Pilgrimages to Israel for the Feasts of YHVH Question Posed: Are We Suppose to Conduct a Pilgrimage to Israel Today? The question has been posed and sadly has been incorrectly answered some: Are we obliged to keep Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Weeks...
Living a Life Beyond the Norm–Lessons Learned from the Levitical Priesthood
Organizations establish standards by which its members' job performances are judged. There are set standards and job performance levels that separate an average from an exceptional worker. A member's job performance when compared to those standards may determine that...
Biblical Illiteracy Behind the Anti-Hebrew Roots Agenda
Is Biblical Illiteracy behind the Anti-Hebrew Roots Agenda these days. In this post I reflect upon a recent experience I had on Facebook that suggested to me that Biblical Illiteracy may, in part, be behind the animus Christians have towards our Hebrew Roots/Messianic...
A Call for Unity in the Body of Christ/Messiah
By virtue of our role as disciples of Yahoshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), we are called to be a united and unified body of believers in every respect. Just as Master was united with His Father, we too must be united with the Father, our Master and with one...
When Tradition Eclipses Torah
My Torah Portion Observation of the Week I was profoundly moved by the section of this week’s Torah portion that recorded what on the surface seemed the very harsh and violent encounter we had with YHVH. It was Parashah 26: Sh’mini, Eight and I wish to briefly...
Day of Firstfruits and Keeping the Sabbath Holy
Keeping the Day of Firstfruits The Day of Firstfruits is a little known or publicized feast in our Faith Community. Firstfruits is also referred to as Yom haBikkurim (Hebrew) and the Wave Sheaf Offering. It is sandwiched into the week of...
Our First Passover–A Survey of Exodus 12 and 13 and How it Applies to Us Today
Passover Like All Feasts are Shadows of “Good Things to Come” Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, embodied and explained to us in Father's Torah, was aptly described by the writer of the Book of Hebrews as "Shadows of Good Things to Come:"...
Select Your Passover Lamb
I'm Reminded I’m reminded when looking over our copy of the Hebrew Observational Calendar that today is the day that we would select the unblemished animal of the first-year that would serve as our paschal lamb. Choosing a Lamb Today Certainly, today, the vast...
Observing and Guarding the Month of Aviv–How to Observe and Guard the Month of Aviv
Torah Instruction to Guard In Deuteronomy 16:1-3 Abba instructed us to “observe (i.e., shamar—guard) the Month of the Aviv,” and keep the Passover unto YHVH our Elohim.” Because in the Month of the Aviv YHVH brought us forth out of Egypt by night. What...
Torah Portions and the Body of Christ (Messiah)
My Love and Concern of Torah Portions I personally love the Torah Portions system for a number of reasons, including reasons associated with connecting with other like-minded Messianic believers who appreciate the Torah Portion system as well. Certainly, there are few...
All Things Are Lawful For Me
"All Things Are Lawful For Me..." (The Apostle Paul to the Corinthian Assembly of Messianic Believers) Well, I’m going to take a slight break from our series on the plurality of the Godhead series to tackle one of the Apostle Paul’s many difficult passages that the...
Are the Father and Son the Same Person (Part 2)–Genesis 1 and Elohim Proof in the Trinity or Not
The question has been posed countless times: Are the Father and the Son one and the same Person? In this second part of the series we reflect on Genesis chapter one, specifically the term/title Elohim in our search for an answer to this question. Pluralists contend...
Are the Father and the Son the Same Person?
The Billion Question In this installment of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections we will begin tackling one of the biggest and most frequently posed questions by members of our Faith Community: Is the Creator—God—Yahovah/Yahweh/Yahuah and the...
Five Things Every Believer Should Consider About Christmas (104)
Preface Let's consider five things every Messianic should know about Christmas. Indeed, there are numerous other things to consider beyond this simple list of five, but these five constitute a great starting point. Christmas now being upon us, I felt that I would be...
What Does Climate Change Really Mean From A Hebrew Roots Perspective?
Global Warming/Climate Change Make the News Anyone who has kept up with the news over the last decade or so should be somewhat familiar with the subject of "global warming," recently changed to "climate change." In case this subject is a little foggy in your mind,...
Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua (Installment 103)
To Observe Hanukkah or Not Observe Hanukkah Today's Thought and Reflections topic is season appropriate and it has to do with Hanukkah and its significance to the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua. Obviously, some of you do not observe or celebrate Hanukkah, and...
Are We Heading for Heaven or Staying on Earth When Yeshua Messiah Returns? (Installment 102)
Are We Heading for Heaven or Staying on Earth When Yeshua Messiah Returns? Question: Are We Heading for Heaven or Staying on Earth When Yeshua Messiah Returns? In keeping with our renewed aim to include a question and answer session in Sabbath Thoughts and Reflection...
Should Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua Celebrate Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving and the Torah-Keeping Believer in Yeshua Messiah. In this installment, we reflect upon Torah-Keeping Believers in Yeshua celebrating Thanksgiving: Is it a terrible reminder of genocide that New World Settlers brought upon Native American Indigenous...
Understanding our Call and Purpose-The Wilderness Experience
Understanding Our Call and Purpose Through a Wilderness Experience Do you truly understand your call and purpose? Maybe you're a new to the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith and you have no idea where to go from here. Or maybe you've been in the Faith for a while but have...
The 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
Netsarim/Netsari Defined The term or title Netsari and Netsarim have been making and floating about the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith Community for a few years now, slowly catching in popularity and distinction. The reason I use Netsari and Netsarim to refer to us as a...
Feast of Tabernacles 2017 Thoughts and Reflections
What is the Best Way to Witness to Non-Torah-Keepers? Right and Wrong Ways to Witness This is probably one the most frequently asked questions that I have received over the years, and to be honest, there is no true right answer to the question. I do believe that there...
How to Correctly Keep Yom Kippur
How to Correctly Keep Yom Kippur Believers Want to Know How to Keep Yom Kippur Correctly We have brethren in our Faith Community who are seeking Truth and want to understand when and what Yom Kippur is and how to properly observe and celebrate the day. As mature Torah...
Day of Trumpets—Yom Teruah—Rosh Hashanah—Subject to God or to the Rabbis?–STAR-95
The Calender: Friday 9-22-2017—Yom Teruah—Day of Trumpets Sunday 10-1-2017—Day of Atonement—Yom Kippur Friday 10-6-2017 through Friday 10-13-2017—Feast of Tabernacles—Sukkot Commentary: The World is Falling Apart and Coming to an End Although the Day of Trumpets is...
Overcoming the Cares of Life–STAR-94
The Cares of Life—For Some a Daily Challenge; For Others A Frequent Distraction From a general, let’s say, secular standpoint, the cares of life (or cares of this world as interpreted by some Bible translations) are the many elements of everyday...
The Bible-The Answer to Every Concern or the Ultimate Instruction Manual-STAR-92
Thoughts and Reflections Part 1: The Great Book Known as the Bible The Bible--The Holy Writ--The Word--The Word of God--The Sword--The 66-Special--The Book--The Good Book: these and many more are the descriptors and titles of arguably the most famous and well known...
Witnessing to Non-Believers-Is Keeping Torah Even Possible–Is Tithing a Burden–Does Prayer Purify Forbidden Foods–STAR-91
Thoughts and Reflections Part 1: Closing Thoughts on the Issue of Controlling Our Emotions I just want to put forth some closing thoughts on emotions and the problems that emotions can cause us in walking and living out this walk. Episodes 87 through 90, I reflected...
Controlling Our Emotions for the Work of the Gospel–STAR-90
Shabbat Shalom fellow saints in training. Greetings and blessings to you on this day that Yahuah our Elohim has made—one that we were admonished by the psalmist to be glad and rejoice in it. This is especially so given that the Sabbath is a most sacred day to us Torah...
The Rule of Emotions Over the Lives of Certain Christians-STAR-89
Part-1--The Rule of Emotions Over the Lives of Certain Christians In following up with my last Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections post (episode 88—”When Tradition Overrides Truth and Reason”), I explored how some of the traditions of the church (namely the modern...
When Tradition Overrides Truth and Reason–Sabbath Thoughts & Reflection-88
KJV Mark 7:1 Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. 2 And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault.1 3 For the Pharisees, and all the...
Making a Case to be Holy–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–87
A Case for Holiness As I was conducting my Torah studies week-before-last, I came to Exodus, chapter 19. This of course, is a well-known passage of Torah to our community, for it is the place that marks that point in our history that we officially received our...
Why Aren’t We Wearing Tzitzits or Fringes?
38 "Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves atassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue. 39 "It shall be a tassel for you 1to look at...
Post Passover–Feast of Unleavened Bread Thoughts and Reflections–STAR-85
This is Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections—Episode 85—My Post-Passover-Feast of Unleavened Bread Thoughts and Reflections Greetings fellow Saints in Training. I am trusting that this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections finds you, your families and...
Interpreting the Bible Literally and Eating Unleavened Bread for 7-Days?
Feast of Unleavened Bread--Thus Saith the LORD! As is my typical custom during this time of the Biblical Calendar year, i read and re-read Torah's account and instructions regarding the Passover. What I especially enjoy doing, though, is reading entire passages of...
One of the Greatest Passover Mysteries of the Ages Revealed-STAR-84
The Greatest Passover Mystery of the Ages is Found in the Knowledge and Understanding of Who Yeshua HaMashiyach Is. For some strange reason, a rather sizable chunk of Rooters seem to be more focused upon the mechanical observance of Passover than upon the revealed...
Operating Effectively as a Disciple of Master Yeshua Today–Episode-83
Before moving in to the focal point of this thoughts and reflections episode, I want to first touch upon one housekeeping item if you don’t mind. Last week on 3/29/2017, we began a new calendar year. We celebrated--or should have celebrated, Biblical Rosh...
Is Cooking on the Sabbath Prohibited by God and Torah-Pastors in a Credibility Crisis-STAR-82
Calendar: Just 1-1/2-weeks out from Rosh haShanah presuming the barley is Aviv and the renewed moon is sighted over the land of Israel concurrently. Rosh haShanah is the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah's New Year Day! and signals the start of the Spring...
Identity Crisis in Hebrew Roots–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode-81
Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine; and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation...But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY...
Hebrew Roots Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth
Hebrew Roots Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth Let's reflect upon the topic of worshiping Abba in Spirit and in Truth as it relates to our Hebrew Roots Faith. This will be part 3 of my multi-episode series on operating and walking out this walk in the Spirit. If...
Spiritual Transfer of Power–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode-78
"Finally my brethren, be strong in Yahuah and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Yah that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against...
Israel and the U.S.-Best of Friends, Right? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-Episode 76
Israel and the United States--Best of Friends, Right? This is Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections--Episode 76 By now, anyone who keeps up with world events will know of the most recent United Nations Security Council Resolution. But in case you've been distracted with...
Falling in Love with Christmas all Over Again-Part 2–STAR-75
KJV Jeremiah 10:1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are...
Falling in Love with Christmas all Over Again Part 1-STAR-74
Are we falling in love with Christmas all over again? This is part 1 of what i hope will be just a two part series on this issue. Christmas Posing A Crisis of Faith in the Hebrew Roots Community I believe our community is in, at a minimal, what I've chosen to call "a...
Compassion and Yeshua Messiah–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-73
Compassion and Yeshua Messiah Part 2 of my Divinity of Yeshua Messiah Series--Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 73 In this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, I wish to examine the the Godly attribute of Compassion and Yeshua Messiah. This topic stems...
The Divinity of Yeshua Messiah-Part 1
The Divinity of Yeshua Messiah-Part 1 Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-72 Visitor’s Comment on the Cepher Bible Episode A few weeks ago I received a comment from a visitor to themessianictorahobserver.org that I felt needed to be aired and discussed. The commenter was...
Sharing Hebrew Roots with Christians—The Lunar Sabbath Debacle—America Spotlighted in Deuteronomy 32
Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 70 Day of Atonement Just a day or so out from Day of Atonement (aka Yom Kippur)—a most solemn day of rest for our Faith where we fast and pray and reflect upon our lives and the past year. Prophets sight this Day of...
Are We Seekers of God or Torah Observers?
Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-Episode-69 A Probing Question For this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, I have been led to share a comment left by a visitor to our website. That comment--more a question than a comment I should say--seemed to call into...
Rejected by Family and the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-68
Rejected by Family and the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-68 Master Yahoshua was rejected by the very people He grew up. All indications are that Master's hometown rejected His Messianic works and wisdom because they could not get past His...
A Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit Gets God’s Attention–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-67
A Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit Gets God's Attention A Question of Numbers--Affiliation--Religion--Or Something Else “With all the billions of people in the world—believers and non-believers alike—what makes me stand out from all the others? What makes...
Hollywood and Atheism
Hollywood and Atheism Atheism is Alive and Well in Hollywood I came across an article the other day that just solidifies for me how shallow some of the more elite of us are in our western society. When it comes down to the question of "do you believe in God?" I...
How Must We Deal with a World that is in Chaos–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode 66
How Must We Deal with a World that is in Chaos? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections—Episode 66 Vanity of Vanities for all is Vanity! Well, unless you’ve been completely off the grid—that is, in complete seclusion without access to news of any sort—you are no doubt...
Will the True God of the Old Testament Please Stand-Up–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–65
Will the True God of the Old Testament Please Stand-Up? The so-called God of the Old Testament: This is somewhat of the focus of this episode/post. As I completed chapter 24 of Deuteronomy in my Torah studies this week, I came to realize that we serve a most loving...
The Costs of True Discipleship–A Hebrew Roots Perspective–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–64
The Costs of True Discipleship A Hebrew Roots Perspective Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections--Episode 64 Opening Passage: 28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, doth not first sit down and count the cost, whether he have wherewith to complete it? 29 Lest...
What Must Our Focus Be in Hebrew Roots–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–63
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4475152/height/90/width/480/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/" height="90" width="480"] What Must Our...
The Mixing of Seeds in our Faith–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode-62
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4455245/height/90/width/480/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/" height="90" width="480"] The Mixing of...
The Value of Life According to Yahovah–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 59
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4423863/height/90/width/480/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/" height="90" width="480"] The Value of Life...
Pope Francis and the Spirit of Anti-Messiah–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode 58
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4405449/height/360/width/480/theme/standard/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/" height="360" width="480"] Pope Francis and the Spirit of...
Counting Omer and a Question of Circumcision–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 57
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4384332/height/360/width/480/theme/standard/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/" height="360" width="480"] Counting Omer and a Question of Circumcision...
The World Loves Baal (aka Nimrod)–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode 56
The World Loves Baal (aka Nimrod) Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections--Episode 56 In this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, I reflect upon the realization that the world loves Baal (aka Nimrod). This comes to mind in light of a couple YouTube videos that I...
10-Key Teachings of Yeshua Messiah Leading Up To Passover–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 55
10-Key Teachings of Yeshua Messiah Leading Up To Passover Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections--Episode 55 The week leading up to His sacrifice on the execution stake, Yeshua Messiah delivered a number of key teachings to us, contained in the Gospel Record. I selected 10...
Purim–The Providence of God–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 54
Purim--The Providence of God Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections--Episode 54 In Purim-The Providence of God: Then Mordekai commanded to answer Hadassah: “Think not with yourself that you shall escape in the king’s house more than all the Yahudiym. For if you altogether...
Purim–Mourning in Sackcloth and Ashes–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 52
Purim--Mourning in Sackcloth and Ashes Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 52 Well, we can say that we’re still in the Purim season as we work through the latter half of this Adar Bet—the 13th Month of the Biblical Calendar year—and I would refer you to STAR...
Is the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith in a State of Crisis? STAR 50
Is the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith in a State of Crisis? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 50 Well, I have to tell you, I was hard-pressed and set to continue with the Purim series for this posting when I got tangled up with thoughts on the...
What do you Mean the Barley is not Aviv? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 49
GUARD the month of Aviyv, and keep the Pecach unto Yahovah your Elohim: for in the month of Aviyv, Yahovah your Elohim brought you forth out of Mitsrayim (that is Egypt) by night. (Deuteronomy 16:1) as I am publishing this episode, which I believe to be a very...
Purim-Haman, the Anti-Christ (aka Anti-Messiah) Cometh–STAR-48
Purim-Haman, the Anti-Christ (aka Anti-Messiah) Cometh Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-48 Chapter 3 Verse 1 (cf. 5:11) Haman is advanced by Achashverosh to the rank, according to JFB, of vizier or prime confidential minister Achashverosh establishes Haman’s authority...
Thoughts and Reflections on Purim–Yahovah’s Providence Over the Will of Man and Satan–Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 47
Thoughts and Reflections on Purim--Yahovah's Providence Over the Will of Man and Satan Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 47 As I reflect and put together this episode, we find ourselves on the 11th Day of the 12th Biblical Month known to some as Adar. The next...
The Cepher Bible–A Violation of Torah? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 46
The Cepher Bible--A Violation of Torah? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 46 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the...
Praying to the Man Upstairs? Really? Torah Living Daily Challenge–Episode 35
Praying to the Man Upstairs? Really? Torah Living Daily Challenge—Episode 35 As I was driving into the office this morning, I was listening to one of Southern California’s 24-7 news radio stations as I often do to get a sense of what’s happened in the world over...
Spiritual Darkness in the Desert–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 45
Spiritual Darkness in the Desert--Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 45 Territorial Spirits in Las Vegas? Biblical Calendar The writer of Psalms got this principle and I believe it is only by the Ruach--the Spirit--of the Most High that he was led to write this...
A Postmortem Examination on David Jesse’s Defense of Christmas and the Top 7-Issues Most Affecting Hebrew Rooters in 2016–STAR 42
A Postmortem Examination on David Jesse's Defense of Christmas and the Top 7-Issues Most Affecting Hebrew Rooters in 2016 Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections Episode 42 Shalom and Welcome Calendar 27th day of the 10th Biblical Month which is the 9th of January, 2016...
Grace-God’s Sovereignty or Man’s Free Will–Part 11 of the Grace and the Law Series–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 41
Grace--God's Sovereignty or Man's Free Will Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 41--Part 11 in the Grace and the Law Series Opening Scripture-- 12 ¶ And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; ...
Falling into Idolatry and Paganism–Torah Living Daily Challenge 34
Falling into Idolatry and Paganism Torah Living Daily Challenge 34 Deut. 13:13-19 speaks to the destruction of those people and places that are considered heretical and that follow after pagan gods and practice paganism. We live in a secular society, far different...
The Real Hanukkah Story–Torah Living Daily Challenge 33
The Real Hanukkah Story Torah Living Daily Challenge 33 The true story and meaning of Hanukkah is encapsulated and recorded for posterity sake—praise Yahovah for that!—in the Maccabean Revolt or movement that occurred between the rise to power of Antiochus IV—surnamed...
Hanukkah–The Ultimate Torah Challenge–Torah Living Daily Challenge-Episode 32
Hanukkah-The Ultimate Torah Challenge Torah Living Daily Challenge Episode 32 No better time of the Torah Observant Believer in Y’shua Messiah’s calendar year better exemplifies challenge—that is the daily life of living Torah Y’shua-style that Hebrew Rooters face,...
What About Grace Then? Part 10 of Grace and the Law Series–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 39
What About Grace Then? Part 10 of the Grace and the Law Series Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 39 Calendar 22nd day of the 9th Biblical Month—Kislev Just 2-days before the start of Hanukkah—sundown December 7th, ending on Sunday the 14th According to the Calculated...
Torah and Politics–Torah Living Daily Challenge 31
When you have come unto the land which Yahovah your God gives you, and shall possess it, and shall dwell therein; and shall say: I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are round about me; you shall in any wise set him king over you, whom Yahovah your God...
Grace or the Law, Which is it? Part 9 of the Grace and the Law Series–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 38
Grace and the Law, Which is it? Part 9 of the Grace and the Law Series--Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 38 As I am putting the finishing touches on this Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, Thanksgiving is at the door. Despite what is typically a joyous time of year,...
Israel Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow–Torah Living Daily Challenge 29
Israel Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Torah Living Daily Challenge 29 As I came to the end of Parashah 47, I went over to the Haftorah reading that is found in Isaiah 54:11-55:5. What a heart-lifting passage of Scripture. And let me just say before I move forward with...
We are no longer under the Law? Grace and the Law Part 8–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 37
We are no longer under the Law? Grace and the Law Part 8 Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 37 Calendar 2nd-day of the 9th-Biblical Month--also known as Kislev. The renewed moon was sighted over the land of Israel by members of the New Moon Society—headed by Torah...
Where is God’s Dwelling Place-Part 2-Torah Living Daily Challenge 28
Where is God's Dwelling Place Part 2 Torah Living Daily Challenge 28 In my last Torah Living Daily Challenge, we discussed the last Torah Portion section of Parashah 47 that addressed the Feasts of the Lord and our celebrating before Yahovah at the place of Father’s...