The Bible-The Answer to Every Concern or the Ultimate Instruction Manual-STAR-92
The Bible-The Answer to Every Concern or the Ultimate Instruction Manual
Thoughts and Reflections Part 1: The Great Book Known as the Bible
The Bible–The Holy Writ–The Word–The Word of God–The Sword–The 66-Special–The Book–The Good Book: these and many more are the descriptors and titles of arguably the most famous and well known book in the history of literature.
To the world at large, the Bible is a book containing ancient writings of dead idealists who got together to compose writings to convince the world of the existence of God–the Creator of the Universe. These folks believe the book to be a book of positive affirmations and a compilation of the best examples of writing pros known to mankind. They believe the Bible to be fabled history, but also a book that offers mankind an idealistic image of what man should and could be if he were to simply give him/herself over to this God and His Son, Jesus Christ. To these individuals, the Bible offers little to no value to the world’s human population.
To secular scholars, the Bible is simply another literary compilation of ancient writings that have little to no relevance to this world apart from its ancient near east historical placement. To these folks, as it relates to its literary place in the world, it ranks with ancient writings such as the Iliad, Homer, the Koran and various Hindi writings. To these individuals, the Bible only has literary significance and should not be taken seriously as any sort of life instruction .
To the 30,000 or so Christian denominations; the various and sundry Catholic sects and Jews, the Bible is the foundation of their Faith. To most, the Bible is the principle vehicle by which God/Jesus Christ communicates with His people. To many, it is an instruction manual; the Faith’s primary record of its history; a devotional tool; a discipleship resource; a source of profound hope and trust; the glue that binds the members of the Faith community together.
To those of us in Hebrew Roots, or as I prefer to call us, Spirit Filled Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah, the Bible is our Creator’s instruction manual for living the way He has always intended man to live. Indeed, within this instruction manual, we find the summation of our trust and hope in Yahoshua Messiah; we find our heritage and strength; we find lessons to be learned to prevent us from falling from grace; we find Truth; we find peace; we find clues to our amazing future.
With that said, the Bible also is different things to various people in our Faith. It means all that I’ve just mentioned, but it also has unique appeal and understanding to each of us as we go through our day-to-day walk with Master Yahoshua. I guess it comes down to how much we actually tap this amazing resource and tool: if we dive into its boundless pages each day we live, then this book means everything to us; if we reach for it on rare ocassions for whatever reason, its significance to us is debatable. If we never open the covers of our Bible, then certainly the Bible becomes nothing more than an asterick; a semi-colon; or at best, a footnote in our spiritual journey. The Bible is a pretty good gauge as it relates to how we perceive and live out this walk of ours. If the Bible is indeed that foundational and primary resource to our Faith and walk, then it must be tapped constantly with great intensity, anticipation and hope. Otherwise, it becomes as any other book on our dusty shelves.
For me, the Bible is the one printed resource that I tap on a daily basis; often multipe times in a day. It calls to me throughout the day and beckons me to explore its vast depths and mysteries. It serves as my daily medicine regimen, correcting me when I’m wrong and encouraging me when I’m down. It educates me. In a synergistic manner with the Holy Spirit, it connects me with the Creator of the Universe in a way that is not understood by carnal man. It fills my thirst for righteousness. It instructs me on what it means to be a true disciple of Yeshua Messiah. It sets me apart from the 7-Billion people on this planet that may or may not know Father. The Bible is the calling card that connects me with other like-minded believers in Yeshua Messiah. It serves as a reminder that no matter how tough things get down here, Master can identify and provide the blessed assurance that if I stay the course and run the race set before me, there is a prize at the end that awaits me and my fellow Torah Observant Believers in Yahoshua Messiah.
Thoughts and Reflections Part 2: The Bible: A List of Does and Don’ts or Instructions for Righteous Living
Most of us realize that the main disagreement that exists between Torah Observant Believers and Fundamental/Charismatic/Traditional Christians is the efficacy and application of “The Law” for Gentile believers. Essentially, Christianity teaches that the “Law” was done away with once Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected from the dead. Many place their belief in this assertion on a skewed understanding and misinterpretation of Colossians 2:14, that they insist proves that the Law was nailed to the cross along with Jesus. In nailing the Law to the cross, a new era of “freedom in Christ” emerged whereby the would be Christian was no longer subject to the extensive laundry lists of the do’s and don’ts of the Bible.
Sadly, this is the attitude that millions of would be believers in Messiah (more so Christ) hold regarding Torah: that it is a list of do’s and don’ts. Of course, no one likes being told what to do, even if the person telling us what to do is the Cretor of the Universe and the giver of the Law.
There are many problems associated with such a skewed understanding of the Law/Torah. The one that I wish to reflect upon in this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections has to do with the erroneous perception that the Bible is simply a list of do’s and don’ts for the would be believer; that our God is a terrible and tyranical Being who despises His creation (i.e., man) and demands that they do this and do that; that He demands strict and uncompromising obedience (which He does but not in such a crude, unloving and harsh manner) .
The Bible is in no way this magical 8-ball of answers to every question man has related to his or her present condition. In fact, the Bible is not the mystical book that tradition has assigned it, although I truly believe the Bible to be of divine origin.
Paul (i.e., Shaul) described the Bible as being given to mankind by the Creator of the Universe and that it is a valuable resource in leading every man and woman to Truth; that it is effective in correcting man’s behavior and showing him/her the right direction he/she should go; and lastly that being a disciple of the True Messiah, we have been tasked with bearing good fruit and living righteous lives. In order to accomplish this, the Bible is an apt resource for equiping any who would be of Yeshua HaMashiyach’s chosen (1 Timothy 3:16, 17; CJB with my embellishments). Nowhere in this passage did Paul indicate that the Bible should be looked at and treated as a book of answers. More so, Paul sees the Bible as “an instruction” manual.
Because we tend to not fully grasp the full meaning and purpose of the Bible, we tend to treat the Bible as a “spiritual Google,” where by we search out specific answers to our modern day problems and challenges. As much as it would be a lovely thing to have at one’s disposal, I do not believe the Father desired His Word to be used in such a fashion. I believe He gave us His instructions upon which we would build our lives and walk accordingly. If we simply follow these instructions, the rest will naturally fall into place: that is, our modern day issues and challenges would become non-issues and non-challenges.
A dear sister recently asked what the Bible had to say about “shacking up” (that is living unmarried) with a fella. To her credit, she didn’t want any denominational perspectives and no personal opinions on this issue. All she wanted was chapter and verse. Needless to say, there appears to be no such content to be found in the pages of our Bible as it relates to the question of shacking up. There are passages that suggests to us that shacking up is not a thing that Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah should be doing, but there are no “thou shall not hook up and live together as an unmarried couple” passages to be found in the Holy Writ.
I don’t mean to beat up on this sister, or anyone who looks to the Bible in such a manner. Nevertheless, I truly believe that if we truly have the Ruach of Yah dwelling within us, we should have a pretty good idea what is pleasing to Father and what is not.
Unfortunately, this is a common practice among many members of both fundamental Chritianity and Hebrew Roots communities. These individuals, instead of walking out their Faith in accordance with the Torah-based principles as taught to us by Master, use the Word to spell out to them almost verbatim what they can and can’t do in their day-to-day lives. Can I cook on the Sabbath? Can I worship alone on the Sabbath? Can I stay in a hotel during Sukkot or do I have to live outdoors in a Sukkah? Can I socialize with members of the opposite sex during fellowship? Can I put gas in my car on the Sabbath? Do I have to conduct a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in order to properly observe the Feasts of Yah? Can I use the title God when addressing the Creator of the universe? Must I grow a beard if I’m a male in our Faith? And what we find when we seek to answer for ourselves these and countless other such questions is that the Bible in more situations than not does not have the specific answers to our specific questions.
So in the absence of answers to such probing and specific questions, what many do is create their own answers devoid of living out the life that scripture spells out for us. Yet the truth of the matter is that the answers to such questions will never be found in the Bible. They were never supposed to be found there in the first place. For Father gave us all that we needed to know to live according to the way He wants us to live. Anything else that pops up that is unclear in scripture then becomes a thing that should be rationalized in light of scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We can never live the instructions contained in our Bibles without the guidance of the Holy Spirit; for without the Holy Spirit, we become no different than our forefathers who go about mechanically living out their religion. It becomes robotic and those individuals who go about living such a mechanical lifestyle end up being tossed about the waves and winds of life. There’s never going to be an answer good enough–there’s always going to be “but what if’s” and “but what about’s.” We’re human. We’ve unfortunately evolved into such a way of thinking and living.
If we can simply learn our Bibles; live out that which is spelled out before us in the pages of our Bibles; and leave the rest up to the guidance and instructions of the Holy Spirit, we will be alright.
Paul wrote to Timothy: “Timothy my son, do the best you can (in the KJV, it is famously written–“study to shew theyself approved-Christianity has wrongly interpreted the word spoodadzo to mean study of the scriptures, which is not at all correct. Spoodadzo means to be dilligent or endeavor) to present yourself to Yahuah/Yahweh/Yahovah as someone worthy of His approval; and in so doing, we will not have any need to be ashamed of the life we’ve lived.” (2 Timothy 2:14,15; my paraphrasing of the KJV)
It’s one thing to confer with Scripture on life’s issues; it’s entirely another to rely upon Scripture to tell us what in life should be obvious. If we feel funny about the thing we’re thinking to do and we aren’t sure if doing that thing would be sanctioned by Father, then we should know right off the bat the answer to our question.
The culture, timeframe and geography in which the bible was written 9-times outta 10 does not afford us a keen match as it relates to our particular 21st-century life issues. Sure, there’s nothing new under the sun as Solomon once wrote, but much of what is contained in scripture is not going to be a verbatim rehashing of our modern 21st century lifestyle. So we gotta know the mind of God in conjunction with the specific instructions outlined in His Torah in order to live the best life we can in Yeshua Measiah.
Thoughts and Reflections Part-3–What is the Bible Anyway?
With the exception of the Torah (i.e., the first-five-books of the Tanakh/the Old Testament), the Bible is a compilation of inspired writings. I separate the Torah from the rest of the Bible, not to insinuate that Torah is uninspired; on the contrary, I believe that Torah was communicated directly from the mouth of Yahweh/Yahovah/Yahuah to Moses as Israel’s constitution; the manual that defines righteous living and leads to an unparalleled relationship between the Creator and His people. The remainder of the Holy Writ came about as men (i.e., the authors) were moved to write by the Holy Spirit; to write about the events that were transpiring before them; to write about the things that they saw with their very own eyes and heard with their very own ears; to write about their feelings, thoughts and fears; and to write that which Father desired be communicated to the select reader.
The Bible as we have it today is a compilation of some 66-books (i.e., cephers and letters): some of these cephers are prophetic writings that foretell of things that were to happen to us as we lived in the land of promise as well as things that are to happen to us in the Last Days; some of these cephers were composed of songs and poems; some of these cephers were historical in nature and served to document the history of our people (i.e., the Hebrew nation) in perpetuity; some of these cephers were letters written to specific individuals, addressing specific issues and questions that were posed to the writer. Although the Bible has been known from time-to-time to resonate with us as a people and as individuals, and to speak to our souls in very profound ways (which I would identify more as a gift to us by the Creator at the time we need His touch the most), the thing we have today that we call the Bible is a repository and collection of ancient writings that served (and for that matter, can serve today) specific and diverse purposes for its readers. Again, the Bible is not this mysterious 8-ball that gives us magical answers to the questions we have for Father at any given hour of the day. More so, it is a training manual; a guide to Truth; a behavior corrector; a history book; and an equipping resource guide.
Nevertheless, I have had to go out of my way to keep in mind what the Bible is when I go about studying and researching in its pages. When we neglect having a True understanding of what the Bible is and what it is supposed to be used for, we invariably find ourselves misusing it; misinterpreting its content; damaging our relationship with the Most High; and leading others down a wrong path.
Yes, I believe with my whole heart that the Bible is Yahuah/Yahweh/Yahovah breathed; but it is also a product of man. Do I believe the Bible to be the Word of God? Well, I believe the Bible contains the Words and thoughts and love of God for all of mankind, especially for His chosen people. I believe for us to gain the greatest benefit we could possibly get from our Bibles, we must view and use the Bible from an entirety perspective (i.e., the Bible as a whole instead of scriptural soundbites that so many of us often hang our spiritual hats upon and develop these doctrines and beliefs that are rarely based upon any Biblical truth or reason). I believe that we must view the Bible from the perspective of the Creator of the Universe desiring to eternally connect with the jewel of His creation: mankind and that the bridge between man and Creator is our Master Yeshua Messiah. Everything in the Bible points us to the second-Adam: Yahoshua HaMashiyach.
As an aside to all this, many of us in Hebrew Roots spend the vast majority of our time in Torah and our focus is upon fulfilling the ceremonial and moral elements of the Law. Over time, we inadvertently write Yeshua out of the Bible and instead of living Torah the way Master taught us to, we live Torah in rote manner–striving to relive Torah the way our forefathers did in Synai and in the Land. Many of us eventually learn to become, what I’ve chosen to call them, Yeshua-haters. These individuals take on a pharisaical-like mentality and lifestyle that they somehow fool themselves into thinking, will earn themselves eternal life, devoid of anything having to do with Master Yeshua.
Then there is the New Testament, or as known in our circles, the Brit HaDashah, which so many in all faith community treat as do’s and don’ts answer books. The fact of the matter is that the Gospels, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, serves as our history book about the ministry of Master Yahoshua and the Holy Spirit, as well as it serves as our instruction manual related to our being His loyal disciples who have been tasked with fulfilling His Commission (Matthew 28:19,20)–and I would include the Book of Acts in the Gospels and maybe even the Book of Revelation.
Then there are the epistles or letters from Jude, James, John, Peter and of course Paul, which have been used by denominational Christianity to develop doctrinal structures within the body. The fact of the matter is that these are letters, written by men–apostles–to specific individuals, addressing specific issues and topics. It just so happens that these letters have been preserved, codified and translated for our benefit. Thus, in effect, when we open one of these letters, referred to in the Bible as books, we are essentially snooping in on a private communique that the author had originally posted to specific individuals related to issues and topics that he chose to address. Consequently, when we read one of these epistles–books–letters–we must always keep in mind what it is we are reading and thus it would behoove us to take specific passages within proper context.
All too often we spot a verse or two, and build an understanding about spiritual things without taking into account the whole of the conversation or discourse. Look how Christianity built around a couple verses, the doctrines of “grace” and the understanding that the Law was done away with. If those same individuals who took liberties to snag these scriptural soundbites and build around them vast and emcompassing doctrines would have studied the whole of the texts from the standpoint of contextual criticism and true Biblical scholarship, I believe it’s a fair bet that we wouldn’t have 30,000-plus Christian denonimations in existence today, for the truth of the matters in questions would be clearly evident and things such as Sunday worship, eating of uncleaned food and whether it is cool for Believers in Messiah to keep Torah would no longer be in question.
The quintessential passage of Bible that describes what the Bible is and what purpose it serves in the body of Messiah is of course found in 2 Timothy. Paul wrote:
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.1 (2Ti 3:14-17 KJV)
Paul’s prolific brilliance shines exceptionally forth here as he summarizes for his young apprentice the purpose of scripture. We must bear in mind that at the time of this writing, scripture was the Old Testament writings–the Tanakh. So here he is specifically speaking to Timothy on the purpose of the Torah, the prophets and the writings. So much is contained in these 4-verses that one could spend hours exploring and pondering their significance to any Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah.
- The scriptures are the paramount pathway to all Truth which leads one to salvation in Yeshua Messiah
- The scriptures, although written by the hand of men, is God-breathed–an amazing meeting and coming together of the Divine and the mortal. Father spoke and men wrote as the Spirit so-led and guided. And Abba’s divine providence ensured that His Word would remain intact such that it would reach and be available to us in these last and evil days
- Scriptures/the Bible must be viewed as the foundation upon which the instruction of Truth is to be taught
- Scripture provides us instruction and defines what sin is
- Scripture corrects our faults
- Scritpure outlines the path that leads to righteous living
- The Bible is the ultimate equipping agent in all spiritual and human matters
- Strict adherence to the tenets of the Bible lead to good works/the bearing of good fruit, which is the meat and potatos of every believer’s life and calling.
Although the Bible is the ultimate instruction manual, every believer must be cognizant of its origin, the culture in which the writers of the books of the bible lived, the purpose for which each book was written, the meaning of words and phrases, and the effectiveness and accuracy of the translations we are using. Reading and understanding the Bible requires work on our part, and those who are willing to invest the time and energy to explore its great spiritual riches will come out on top everytime–these will be the most well centered and grounded and not be blown about by every wind and doctrine. Far too many of us have given only a passing read to the Bible. Far too many of us have only punched the pages of our Bibles to see if we can get away with something we know very well is wrong. Far too many of us have relied upon preachers, teachings, pastors, evangelists and deominations to tell us what the Bible says, when the truth of the matter is, that anyone of us who has access to a Bible, some basic Bible helps and tools, a willing and obedient heart and mind, and the Holy Spirit dwelling within, can know what Father is revealing in His word to us. As much as I respect scholarship and the accomplishment of some of our Faith leaders, which Father will on ocassion use to provide us with information that may not be readily available to us at the time, nothing trumps sitting down with a cup of coffee or tea and diving into the pages of one’s Bible to learn “what sayeth Yahuah/Yahweh/Yahovah. Father has no problem telling us what He wants from us and what He expects from us through the pages of His Bible. Churchianity has programed us to believe that we simple lay folk are incapable of effectively studying the Word of Yah. Nothing can be further from the truth.
If we are unable to receive that which we are searching for in the Bible, it behooves us to turn to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to, in Father’s perfect time, reveal those truths to us. He may send someone to us with the answers to the questions we seek. He may involve us in a situation where the answers to our questions will become quite evident. He may lead us to other areas of scripture that will illuminate within us that Truth that we are seeking.
The Bible–our go-to spiritual Google? Not hardly. A simple laundry list of do’s and don’ts? It certainly tells us what things are permissible and what are not in terms of living life Abba’s way, but it is not a simple do’s and don’ts list that we are to mechanically follow. Torah is supposed to be written on our hearts and minds and we should not focus on the rote, mechanical applications of the Word, but living lives that are pleasing to Father and provide an effective and righteous witness to the world around us. If we but take the time to read the Bible–the whole thing–multiple times through–and apply those principles to our day-to-day walk with Messiah, we will be apt workman approved of God needing not to be ashamed.
Thoughts and Reflections Part 4: The Bottom-Line to the Question of Do’s and Don’ts as Related to the Bible
I have always felt that anyone who would become a disciple of Yeshua our Master, before they were left to forge out on their own and walk out their Faith, that they first be equipped. Some organizations within our Faith Community, like the Church of God splinters, provide their initiates a great amount of teachings and valuable content to help them get acquainted with their new found Faith and walk with Messiah. The problem is that the teachings and content they offer are specific to Church of God doctrine and mindset and is not entirely based upon a literal, contextual and Spirit-led dispensing of the Truth. So any who would venture into a Church of God congregation to begin their walk with Messiah, would find themselves being indoctrinated into a Church of God body. The fact of the matter is that these are not being discipled into the true Body of Messiah. I’m not trying to bad mouth the Churches of God. I myself began my Torah Observant life in the United Church of God. That experience, which lasted roughly two-years was a positive one that introduced me to foundational tenets of the Hebrew Roots Faith. Certainly not a place one would spend the remainder of his/her life if they are truly desirous in fulfilling their unique role in the Great Commission and walking out their Faith profession in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.
Please know that I am in no way looking to badmouth the Churches of God–I love them and the people who attend these congregations are wonderful, sincere folks. Unfortunately, I truly believe that the vast majority of Church of God attendees may be too comfortable in their set-church lives to move beyond the walls of that community and achieve the great things that Father has in store for everyone of His beloved children. The point of my bringing up the Churches of God in the first place is the element of doctrine and indoctrination that pervades these communities. The same thing seems to be true as it relates to certain Messianic Jewish communities where members are taught Judaism first and foremost, and then maybe some of the teachings of Master Yeshua. These and other such communities endeavor to provide their followers laundry lists of do’s and don’ts that carry the weight and authority of scripture. Most of these communities, again, are devoid of anything having to do with the Holy Spirit.
Bottomline dear friend, the Bible is not, nor should it ever be treated or seen as a grab-bag of answers to questions related to our day-to-day living. I concede that there is nothing wrong with punching the pages of one’s Bible to see what Father has to say to us on a particular topic or issue. Absolutely, the Bible is the absolute best resource we have to put us in sync with Father’s will for us as His special possession and kingdom of priests. The problem comes, unfortunately, when we ignore the things in Torah and the teachings of Yeshua in the first place, but choose instead to follow our own pathways to righteousness while using the Bible as a means to that end.
Abba has given us all we need to know to live according to the way that He wants His children to live. If we simply employ the commonsense that He has given each of us; come to Him in prayer and meditation with a pure heart; search the scriptures with an open mind to receive that which Father wishes to reveal to us; and give heed to the leading of His Holy Spirit that will guide us into all understanding and give us the wherewithal to walk out our Faith perfectly in the midst of this perverse and dying world.
The brilliant and prolific apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian assembly:
For, brothers, I don’t want you to miss the significance of what happened to our fathers. All of them were guided by the pillar of cloud, and they all passed through the sea,
2 and in connection with the cloud and with the sea they all immersed themselves into Moshe,
3 also they all ate the same food from the Spirit,
4 and they all drank the same drink from the Spirit – for they drank from a Spirit-sent Rock which followed them, and that Rock was the Messiah.
5 Yet with the majority of them God was not pleased, so their bodies were strewn across the desert.
6 Now these things took place as prefigurative historical events, warning us not to set our hearts on evil things as they did.
7 Don’t be idolaters, as some of them were – as the Tanakh puts it, “The people sat down to eat and drink, then got up to indulge in revelry.”
8 And let us not engage in sexual immorality, as some of them did, with the consequence that 23,000 died in a single day.
9 And let us not put the Messiah to the test, as some of them did, and were destroyed by snakes.
10 And don’t grumble, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the Destroying Angel.
11 These things happened to them as prefigurative historical events, and they were written down as a warning to us who are living in the acharit-hayamim (i.e., the end of the ages). (1Co 10:1-11 CJB)
Thus our Bibles serve, according to Paul, as a warning–given the examples lived out by our forefathers in the desert and in the land of promise–a warning to live according to His prescribed ways and methods so that we may flourish and be a blessing and please Him. It would seem as we read the Bible and the Spirit speaks to us where we live at the moment–see what happened to our forefathers because of their insolence and stiffneckness. Don’t let it happen to us. Do the opposite. And how do we go about successfully living out this Faith? Through the example and teachings of our loving and blessed Master Yahoshua HaMashiyach.
Paul further wrote related to the use of scripture in governing our lives, this time to the Roman Assembly of believers:
So we who are strong have a duty to bear the weaknesses of those who are not strong, rather than please ourselves.
2 Each of us should please his neighbor and act for his good, thus building him up.
3 For even the Messiah did not please himself; rather, as the Tanakh says, ‘The insults of those insulting you fell on me.’
4 For everything written in the past was written to teach us, so that with the encouragement of the Tanakh we might patiently hold on to our hope. (Rom 15:1-4 CJB)
Thus the Bible serves as an instruction manual that teaches us how to live so that we “might patiently hold on to our hope” –that is, keep a positive spiritual perspective on life; enjoy life to its fullest; serve one another and act for their good and work towards edifying and building up one another in righteousness; to remain strong so that we may bear the weaknesses of those in our Faith Community who are struggling; to imitate Yeshua our Messiah and not take the things of this life too personal and do the best that each of us possibly can. That’s all that we can do. As far as Father is concerned, that’s all that He’s asking of us.
However, in order to fulfill these expectations, we must fully grasp the purpose and reality of what the Bible is and use it in the spirit and fulness in which it was given to us. Indeed, the Bible is not to be worshiped as so many of us tend to do, delving into the mystical elements that define much of Kaballah and Jewish mysticism. No, the Bible is our roadmap to righteous living and instruction manual that ultimately connects us with the Creator of the Universe.
I hope, trust and pray that this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections has been a blessing to you, as much as it has been a blessing to me to ponder and reflect upon this subject of the Bible. Keep on keeping on, despite all the things that are going on around us in this nation and in the world today. Don’t focus on those things if you can help it for we have other matters to tend to. For Paul wrote to Timothy:
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.1
3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (2Ti 2:1-4 KJV)
Let us therefore strive for higher heights and deeper depths in Yeshua Messiah so that we may successfully be that kingdom of priest to the world that Father has assigned us to be.
Certainly, if you are reading this transcript or listening to this episode online, leave a comment in the comment box that follows this post if you are so led. Otherwise, you can connect with me either on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I’m here for and with you. Stay well and blessed fellow Saint.
Until next time, I bid you warmest and loving shalom.
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Polygamy and the Bible–A Messianic Perspective
My Interest Piqued In my studies of this past week’s Torah Reading, I was drawn to Deuteronomy 21:15-17. Many modern English bibles generally entitle this passage something akin to “The Right of the Firstborn.” That being said, this short passage really is about the...
Picking Up and Moving Forward With TMTO
Update on TMTO (Special post without any fanfare and promotion)--Where we are today and where we'll be going. Discontinuing Live-Stream and Why. The failure of the Livestream. Non-committal group of individuals. Newsletter failures. Loss of focus on the original...
Torah Reading 48–Shofetim–Judges–Reading Outline
This week's Torah Reading is contained within Deuteronomy 16:1--21:9 and is entitled Shofetim. In English, Shofetim means Judges. If one were summarize the content of this reading I guess it could be described as a discussion of Yah's established civil...
The Righteousness of God Revealed From Faith to Faith—Its True Meaning and Reality for God’s People
Today’s discussion is entitled, “The Righteousness of God Revealed From Faith to Faith—Its True Meaning and Reality for God’s People.” Why The Church Loves This Romans 1:17 Fundamentalists; traditionalists; and evangelicals absolutely love this passage. Why? Because...
Jews Before Gentiles?
Today’s discussion is entitled, “Jews Before Gentiles? How Does that Work?” And the biblical basis for our discussion this evening is found in Romans 1:16 which reads: 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation...
Torah Reading 46–Ekev (Because)–A Focus on the Kingdom of God
Highlights and Comments Shalom Saints. This week's Torah Reading is entitled, "Ekev," or "Because." The portion covers Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25. I wish to share with you some of my thoughts and reflections on the many life truths that I drew from my study of this...
To Whom Do You Pray?
Who do you pray to and worship and give thanks? Yeshua? YHVH? Both? Is it Biblical to pray to and worship Yeshua as so many Christians routinely do? In this installment of the Messianic Torah Observer, we will continue our review of the Book of Romans and Paul's...
Messianic Sainthood–Paul and the Book of Romans
Paul Calls His Roman Readers Saints. What Gives? Our next challenging Pauline passage of the Book of Romans is found in chapter 1 verse 7 and it reads as such: "To all those in Rome who are loved by G-d and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from G-d our...
Chevra Kadisha-Honoring the Jewish Dead
An Intriguing Article I recently became intrigued by an article I came across on the "My Jewish Learning" website. The article was entitled: "Chevra Kadisha or Jewish Burial Society." It was written by a Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. And yes: I do from time to time visit...
Guarding the Righteous Heart–The Breastplate of Righteousness–Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
How does the Child of Yah put on and use the Breastplate of Righteousness? Yeshua taught us how and we discuss in detail how to don and use this vital piece of spiritual armor: The Breastplate of Righteousness.
Putting on God’s Image-The Belt of Truth-Part 1 of the Armor of God Series
Ephesians 6:11-18—The Armor of Yah Famous passage of Scripture that most evangelical and fundamental Christians know and understand from a denominational standpoint. In fact, whole ministries have been launched and based upon this passage alone. And the focus seems...
Living the Life of a Priest of God–Yeshua-focused Torah Discussion–Torah Reading 91
Living the Life of a Priest of God (of Yah)--Torah Reading 91 Leviticus 21 Ezekiel 44:25-31 Luke 11:30-44 ________________________________________________________ Leviticus 21--Section Verse Study--Laws Concerning the Levitical Priests Know that you are special in...
Is Torah-Keeping Necessary For Salvation?
This week’s Torah Reading is about the Holiness Codes that Father provided to the Hebrews in order that they be set-apart from the nations of the world. These holiness codes remain in effect for every disciple of Yeshua and are of salvific expediency.
Obedience Versus Faith–Paul and the Book of Romans Series
Link to My Post Entitled: Messianic Duty During Times of Global Crises. This is Obedience Versus Faith--Part 18 of Our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series In preparing to discuss our next challenging Romans’ passage—1:16—I happened upon 1:5: an equally challenging passage...
Torah’s Forbidden Sexual Relationships-Yeshua-Focused Torah Studies–Torah Reading 89–Leviticus 18
This is Torah's Forbidden Sexual Relationships--Yeshua-Focused Torah Studies-Torah Reading -89--Leviticus 18 The underlying theme of our Torah Reading this Shabbat is Sanctification: Being Sanctified unto YHVH. Sanctification is that internal, spiritual...
Animal-Blood-Sacrifices–Torah Reading 88–Leviticus 17:1-16
Animal-Blood-Sacrifices Leviticus 17:1-16 Unpack this Torah Reading Verses 3-4 Prohibition against the slaughter of domesticated animals outside the Tabernacle System. The English term "kill" in Hebrew is SHACHAT {Shaw-Khat} which is rendered slaughter in...
The Book of Romans and the Gospel of God-Part 17 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Goal: This is “The Book of Romans and the Gospel of God—Part 17 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series.” Today we will begin our extensive study of the many challenging Book to the Romans passages by examining one of Shaul/Paul’s foundational doctrines....
The Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur-Torah Reading for 6-6-2020
Parashah 87--Leviticus 16:1-34--Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur-Torah Reading for 6-6-2020 Father Affirms and Enforces His Holiness (vss. 1 & 2) The transgression of Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10) led to Abba re-affirming that the Holy of Holies was not a place...
The Messianic Duty in Times of Global Crises
Given all the chaos and turmoil that is ongoing in the world today, I was led to talk to you today about duty. Specifically the Messianic duty in the midst of global chaos. Are we as Messianics required to put our two-cents towards fixing the clobal crises that are...
The Shavuot-Pentecost Connection
Two-Competing Schools of Thought Regarding Shavuot and Pentecost When we talk about Shavuot and or Pentecost there are essentially two-prevailing schools of thought and understanding. Interestingly, these two schools or lines of thought are often at odds with one...
Shavuot 2020-When is It? How Did We Arrive at the Date? Do We Still Keep It ?
Explanation for this post As I record and post this installment of TMTO we are on the 4th day of the 3rd Month of the Creator's Calendar Year according to the observational calendar and the 5th day of the Month Sivan according to the Hillel's calculated...
The Gates of Hell
The Gates of Hell Today I want to discuss the enemy’s goal to destroy and hinder the Creator's Plan of Redemption, Restoration and Salvation. It will become the purpose of this discussion to examine how the enemy was defeated by Master Yahoshua (Yeshua) Messiah and to...
The Book of Romans-To Whom Was It Written?
Our Purpose for This Post To whom was the Book of Romans Written? We know quite a bit about the author. But we may not know much about the so-called Romans or the Roman Church. Unfortunately, our understanding of who they are may be influenced by our...
The Book of Romans-What it is and What it is Not–Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
In this installment we resume our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series with a brief introduction to the Book of Romans. We discuss what the Book of Romans is, and what it is not.
The Niddah Laws–Still in Effect Today ?
The Question of Niddah One question that seems to pop-up a lot from members of our Faith Community has to do with the Laws related to Niddah. Are the laws of Niddah still valid for today’s Torah Observant Disciples of Yeshua Messiah? And in case you aren’t familiar...
Mark of the Beast: What Are You Going To Do When They Come For You?
The world’s power-brokers are suggesting implementing a tracking mark to distinguish those immune to the current virus from those not. Mark of the Beast? What will you do when they come for you?
The Feast of Unleavened Bread: A Ridiculously Long Week
My Struggle With Time One of the many things I struggle with in this life is the issue of time.Time is an enemy. It is often stressful. There never seems to be enough of it to go around. Time moves by so swiftly. And I often find myself fearful of wasting it; losing...
Our First Passover–An Overview of the First Passover Exodus Chapters 1 through 12
Exodus 1 70 blood relative of Jacob enter Egypt-->Joseph dies as well as the Patriarchs. Israelites grow in number. A pharaoh who did not know Joseph enslaves the Hebrews, yet the Hebrews flourish in number. Pharaoh orders every male infant be cast into the...
Sins Committed by Mistakes are Still Sins–Torah Reading 77
Vayikra 4:1-35; Ezekiel 18:1-18 Revelation 5:6-10 Unintentional Sins Unintentional sin may be better defined as acts of unfaithfulness; sins committed without knowledge; or sins resulting from carelessness (such as manslaughter that may result in the guilty person...
Rosh Hashanah Happy Biblical New Year and Guarding the Month Aviv
The Command to Guard the Month of the Aviv First Day of the Month of the Aviv and the head of the Biblical New Year--Rosh Hashanah; Month of Nisan in Jewish circles. We must first understand what it is we're guarding. Why is it important? What it's composed of. We...
The Coronavirus Pandemic in Relation to God’s People
Fear and uncertainty has gripped the world. Widespread infections (Italy just announced 600+ deaths in one day; politicians and celebrities infected) Civil liberties are at risk of being severely curtailed or eliminated altogether. Personal and business incomes and...
The Brazen Laver–The Anointing Oil–Sacred Perfume–Messianic Reflections on Torah Reading 68
The Brazen Laver The Brazen Laver would sit between the Tabernacle and Brazen Altar. The Levitical Priests would be required to wash their hands and feet prior to entering the Tabernacle or facilitating/tending to the sacrificial offerings on the Brazen Altar...
The Significance of the Half-Shekel Ransom Offering to Messianics Today–Reflections on Torah Reading #68
The commandment given to the Hebrews by YHVH that they give a half-shekel ransom offering at the time of census holds tremendous prophetic and spiritual significance for today’s Messianic.
Living Deceptively in the Service of God Results in Shame and Disgrace All Around–Reflections on Malachi 1:11-2:7
YHVH Outs His Chosen Ones Because the nation had despised the true worship of YHVH, YHVH Tzva'ot informed the Hebrews that their failure to properly worship Him as He had prescribed would not be ignored. Despite the people's outward deceptiveness in worship of YHVH,...
The Golden Altar of Incense–The Ministries of Yeshua Messiah and the Prayers of the Saints–Torah Reading 67
Welcome back my friend to our discussion on this week’s Torah Reading from the Triennial Torah Reading cycle. This week’s reading is found in Shemot (Exodus) 30:1-10. I’ve entitled this study: “The Golden Altar of Incense--The Heavenly Ministry of Yeshua Messiah and...
Plans for Consecrating the Levitical Priesthood and What it Means to Messianics Today
The consecration of the Levitical Priesthood as featured in this week’s Torah Reading foreshadowed the role we–Messianics-are appointed to fulfill as Melchizedekian Priests under the High Priesthood of Yeshua Messiah.
Reflections on Torah Reading 65–The Garments of the Levitical Priests
Parashah 65--"You are to order…"--Shemot 27:20-28:43 Focus Must Guide Our Study of Torah As with any study of Torah, the true disciple of Y’shua haMashiyach considers the contents contained therein from a Messianic—Yeshua-centric—Yeshua-focused perspective. How do we...
Can Messianics Attend Same-Sex Weddings and Similar Social Events?
Often we’re asked to attend same-sex weddings and similar social events. But are we permitted to attend and participate in such social activities as disciples of Yeshua Messiah? We discuss this critical issue in this installment of TMTO.
Praying in the Spirit-Part-3 of a Series on Messianic Prayer Life
Shalom Saints! In today’s post, we’re going to look at a central Truth or component to effectual prayer. And that central Truth of effectual prayer has to do with “Praying in the Spirit.”
Fashioning the Elements of the Tabernacle-Torah Reading 64 (Triennial Reading Cycle)
This week’s Torah Reading/Portion, #64, focused on the elements of the Tabernacle. We examine those elements from its Messiah/Mashiyach foreshadowing.
Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah Recast
A Recast of a Previously Published Discussion on Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah Today's installment of TMTO will be, what I will call, a "recast." It's a "recasting" or a "re-purposing" of a previous posting I did regarding Hanukkah. As...
The Book of the Covenant Versus Book of the Law Controversy–A Study of Torah Reading 62
In this study of Torah Reading 62, we examine the Book of the Law versus Book of the Covenant Controversy that has made its way through the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Community.
Usury-Interest According to God (YHVH)
The Practice of Usury Prohibited How does God/YHVH rule on the practice of usury or exacting of interest on monetary loans by His elect? We find in Torah Reading 61 (according to our “triennial reading cycle-- Torah Reading 61--Exodus 22:25-31 ) the prohibition...
The Critical Role Faith Play in the Prayer Life of a Messianic
The prayer lives of many members in the Hebrew Roots-Messianic Community are ineffective and have little to no associated power. In this installment of TMTO, we look at the role faith places in a Netzari’s prayer life and how faith can transform our prayers, when properly aligned with God’s Word and His Holy Spirit, into a powerful and effective tool for the Body of Messiah.
Constancy-Persistence-Ceaselessness in Prayer
Are our prayers as effective as they should be? We discuss one of the critical-crucial elements of effective prayer-constancy-persistence-ceaselessness in prayer.
Cooking on the Sabbath-Is It Allowed ?
Was God’s commandment that the Hebrews not go out to gather manna on the Sabbath a prohibition against cooking on the Sabbath?
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And…
Yeshua instructed us to pursue those things that qualifies one to receive and enter the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of YHVH our Elohim. So how does Torah-keeping fit in with Yeshua’s instruction?
Torah Portions-The Many Types and Patterns of Torah
Returning from the Fall Feasts, we anxiously launch into a new season. Today we examine the two predominant-types of Torah Portions followed by Hebrew Rooters; I reflect upon our 2019 Sukkot experiences; and we examine some patterns and types found in Torah.
Preparing for the Feasts of God-2019–The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts
As we approach the Fall Feasts of 2019, we are compelled to prepare spiritually and physically for each Feast’s arrival. In this discussion of the Fall Feasts, we discuss the connection between God’s grace and His Fall Feasts.
Paul’s Bold Stand Against Anti-Torah Teachings in the Ephesian Church—Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Why did Paul insert the creation story and the fall of man into 1 Timothy? Was it, as convention erroneously teaches, the reason women must not teach and preach in the Church? The answer to this question will shock you and cause you to appreciate battle Paul faced against Gnosticism in the Ephesian Assemblies of Messiah. This is Part 15 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series.
Paul Never Prohibited Women Teaching and Preaching in Church–Part-14 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
The so-called Church over the centuries has used 1 Timothy 2:11&12 as the basis for their imposed prohibition against women teachers and preachers in the Body of Messiah. But we will show that his passage in no way prohibits women from fulfilling their call and giftings in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah.
First-Timothy—Paul’s Inconsistencies—Myths-Tales-Torah—Part-13 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
In continuing our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we look at seeming inconsistencies in Paul’s writings as well as examine the role myths and tales played in the teaching of Torah in the Ephesian Assemblies.
Modern Day Idolatry-God Approved Foods-Torah Keeping-Tithing–Reflections on Torah Portion Re’ eh
This week’s Torah Portion entitled ‘Re’eh’ is a rough sketch of the inner workings of the Kingdom of God: no idolatry-proper foods-the keeping of Torah-giving of Tithes–As we prepare to possess the Land of Promise.
Obedience to Torah-Marked for Destruction-The Wisdom of Wearing Phylacteries-Reflections on Torah Portion ‘Ekev
In this installment of TMTO, we reflect upon Torah Portion ‘Ekev–highlighting the importance of obedience to Torah–what nations were marked for destruction by YHVH and why–and the wisdom of wearing phylacteries by Torah observant believers in Yeshua Messiah.
1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.
First Timothy-Paul’s War Strategy Against Gnosticism-Part-11 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
“As I counseled you when I was leaving Macedonia, stay on in Ephesus, so that you may order certain people who are teaching a different doctrine to stop. Have them stop devoting their attention to myths and never-ending genealogies; these divert people to speculating...
Let the Woman Learn in Silence-The Problem With First Timothy-Part 10 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
1 Timothy 2:9-15 has been used by churchianity for years to prohibit women of Faith from doing what they were called to do. In this 10th installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series we dispel this false practice and understanding by examining the Truth of what Paul was truly saying in his letter to Timothy.
Phineas’ Covenant of Peace—Our Road Map to Peace in Messiah—Reflections on Torah Portion Pinchas
Peace is the birthright of every disciple of Y’shua Messiah. Yet so many of us lack true peace in our lives. What if I tell you that this week’s Torah Portion Pinchas provides a road map to peace in Messiah? Would you be interested? Come and let us reason together in the Word of our Elohim. Shalom and welcome.
Social Media and Hebrew Roots-A Warning to Discern Who’s Who in the Social Media Zoo
Most of us who are members of the True Faith Once Delivered, have one or more social media accounts. Many of us share our Faith convictions and or even minister on these platforms. But Social Media, like Hebrew Roots, can be likened to the Americana images of the...
A Little Balaam in Each of Us–Reflections on Torah Portion Balak
Can the character and principles of the prophet for profit Balaam be found in each of us. You may be surprised at what Scripture has to say about that. Welcome to The Messianic Torah observer and our reflections on Torah Portion Balak. Shalom and welcome.
Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem-Part 3 of the Love or Hate Israel Series
What does it mean to pray for the peace of Israel? We discuss also Israel in terms of her covenant-relation with God as well as her significance in end times prophecy.
Rebels in the Congregation-Reflections on Torah Portion Korah
As we examine Torah Portion Korah we learn about the potentially rebellious condition of our hearts; the importance of living holy lives; and the dangers of false teachers and their teachings to the Body of Messiah.
One Law For All–Reflections on Torah Portion Shelach Lekha
The Giver of Torah-YHVH-clearly stated that Torah was for all who would attach themselves to the commonwealth of Israel and live according to the Way He prescribed for men and women to live. Yet many within and without our Faith Community teach otherwise--that Torah...
Messianics—Modern Day Levites—Separated for Service to God—Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Portion Behaalosecha
This week’s Torah Portion-Behaalosecha-foreshadows a great many spiritual elements necessary for our service to the Kingdom of God. In a sense we are modern day Levites. We have been separated from all the nations people of the world unto God for His service. Are we up for the challenge? This is a wake-up call to the Body of Messiah to take immediate action.
Israel: To Love or Hate Her—That is the Question—Part 2–A Biblical and Personal Perspective on the Significance of Physical Israel
In this 2nd Part to our Israel: To Love or Hate Series, we continue our analysis of some the most common reasons people reject physical Israel today. As well as we consider some of the miracles said to have resulted in Israel’s deliverance from certain destruction. And lastly we consider the problems associated with the nation state of Israel. Shalom and welcome.
Burdens and Service-Thoughts and Reflections on Parashot Naso-Lift Up
Lessons of bearing burdens and service to YHVH are embodied in this week’s Torah Portion Naso. As disciples of Messiah, we are compelled to serve and bear burdens as we discuss in this post.
5-Facts About Pentecost [Shavuot] Every True Disciple of Messiah Should Know
As the Day of Pentecost (aka, Shavuot) descends upon many of us who are of Faith in the coming days, we reflectively prepare for the Day. With that preparing in mind, today I will reveal 5-things every spirit-filled disciple of Yeshua Messiah should know about Shavuot—Pentecost.
To Love Or Not Love Israel?That is the Question–Part 1
As Yeshua-focused Torah Keepers, how are we to view physical Israel? We discuss this polarizing issue from a historic, biblical and personal perspective. Shalom and welcome.
Shemittah and Jubilee-Shadows of the Rest, Redemption and Freedom We Have in Messiah
This week’s Torah Reading/Portion entitled B’Har is a message of the rest, redemption and freedom we have in Y’shua Messiah.
10-Things You Must Do To Improve Your Understanding of the Bible
In this installment of TMTO, I outline 10-things you can put into practice today that will drastically improve your understanding of the Bible.
Being Holy in the Midst of an Evil and Adulterous Generation
This week’s Torah Portion was timely indeed. As we are presently living in perilous times, this week’s Torah Portion challenges us to live holy lives in Messiah. We explore what it means and how to live holy lives.
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread Replay
In light of this weekend’s Passover observance and our week’s longing keeping of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, I elected to repost a teaching I posted last year on Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Chag Pesach Sameach. Shalom.
Keeping God’s (Yehovah’s) Feasts
I give an overview of the Creator’s Feasts by discussing why we keep them; when we keep them and what they mean. Shalom and welcome.
M’tzora-Person Afflicted With Leprosy-Torah Portion 28-Commentary
Parashah 28-M'tzoro--Person Afflicted With Tzara'at Continuation This week's Torah Portion/Reading entitled "M'tzoro," or a "Person Afflicted with Tzara'at (Leprosy)" is somewhat of a continuation of last week's reading (ie., Tazaria) that dealt with the diagnosis and...
Tazria (She Conceives)-Leprosy, A Shadow of Sin and the Healing Work of Messiah–Parashah-27
In this week’s Torah Portion entitled Tazria, we consider the spiritual applications of leprosy.
How to Keep (Guard) the Month of the Aviv–Replay
In this replay of a past episode, we discuss how to keep–how to guard the Month of the Aviv. Happy New Year! Shalom.
Irresistible Holiness-Torah Portion-26-Eighth-Shi’mini–TMTO-23
What Father is essentially saying here to us through this shadow picture—this lesson—this Torah Portion—is, “Look, I’m going to get the glory and my holiness is going to be proclaimed and demonstrated to all the world. Now this can be done by and through your actions of obedience and worship of me. And if you choose to glorify me and extol the virtues of my holiness to the world, you’re going to have to do it my way. For if you don’t choose to do it my way, then I’m still going to get the glory and my holiness will be demonstrated and manifested through my chastising of you. You see, it’s going to be done my way; or it’s going to be done my way. Either way, I’m going to be glorified and deemed holy to all the world.”
Torah Portion 25–Give An Order–A Call To Worship
This week’s Torah Reading-Parashah-25–dealt with sacrifices and offerings. These were shadows of our worship of Father in Spirit and in Truth.
Let Your Women Keep Silence in the Church–Part-9 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
We break down 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 to determine what Paul really meant when he instructed that the Corinthian women keep silence in the church.
Patterns of Evidence-The Moses Controversy Film Review
In this 21st installment of The Messianic Torah Observer, I review Tim Mahoney’s newest documentary, “Patterns of Evidence-The Moses Controversy.”
Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading Pedudei-Accounting Of
This week's Torah Reading entitled Pedudei (ie., Accounting Of) focused on worship. The reading consisted of Leviticus 1:1 to Lev. 5:6:7. The Haftorah consisted of Isaiah 43:21-44:23. Specifics of Worship That which was given to us by Abba related to worship...
TMTO-20-Endure Sound Doctrine I Will Not
Many members of the Body of Messiah will not endure sound doctrine as they are being led astray by false teachers or they themselves are teaching false doctrine. We discuss this troubling situation and provide ways to overcome the deception.
The Un-Silenced Women of Paul’s Ministry-Part 8 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Many female leaders were associated with the Apostle Paul’s ministry. We highlight some of those great first-century women of the Body of Messiah.
When Evil is Considered Good–The Hypocritical, Evil and Demented Mindset of America Today
What are the challenges facing today’s Torah Observant Disciple of Yahoshua in America Today?
The Unsilenced Women of the Bible-From Torah to the Conversion of Paul-Part 7 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
The Pauline Passages of Question So as to re-establish or restate the issue at hand as it relates to Paul’s views about women in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah, the primary passage in question is as follows: “Let your women keep silence in the...
Parashat Mishpatim Judgment-Property and Love of Neighbor
This Week's Torah Reading In continuing my travels through this week's Torah Reading, I came upon Exo. 21:28-36. I found endless truths and spiritual applications that I am so happy to share with you today. The Consequences of Negligence This passage in a narrow sense...
Parashat Mishpatim Judgment-Murder-Abortions-Sanctuary
Timeliness of This Week's Torah Reading This week’s Torah Reading could not have been more timely. And I was compelled to respond in the wake of the news we’ve received over the last couple weeks regarding the legalization of late term abortions on demand. And just...
Parashat Mishpatim or Judgments-Debt and Slavery
Concerning the Treatment of Slaves by Hebrews The first portion of this week's Torah Reading deals with the issue of Hebrews owning slaves; particularly Hebrew slaves (Exo. 21:1-11) . According to this passage, if a Hebrew acquires a Hebrew slave, they would serve...
To Call or Not Call on the Name of the LORD
What Does it Mean? What does it truly mean for a would-be disciple of Jesus Christ (ie., Yahoshua Messiah) to call on the Name of the L-rd? Is it simply an utterance whereby the would-be disciple utters or invokes the actual Name or Title of the Divine One? Or is it a...
Paul-Emancipator or Subjugator of Women-Part 6 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
This is Part 6 of our multi-episodic series on Paul and Hebrew Roots. This installment is entitled: “Paul: Emancipator or Subjugator of Women.” I Corinthians 14:34, 35, and 1 Timothy 2:11,12 have long challenged my sensibilities and understanding of how women are to...
No Pagan Links to Catholicism and Christianity
Pagan Links to Catholicism and Religion in Doubt I have, of late, become somewhat concerned over what I see as growing support by a good many leaders within and without our Faith for there being no pagan links to Catholicism and Protestant Christianity. And how are...
Paul Opposing God On Issue Of Circumcision?
A Matter of Circumcision or No? As I was watching Kenny Russell's (Bulldozer Faith) most recent Sabbath teaching entitled "Press On!," the text of which he based his message being Philippians 3, I became fixated on verses 2 and 3 of that chapter. It is here that Paul...
My Last Word on the Cepher Bible and the Divinity of Yeshua–At Least Till Next Time
Why Discuss the Cepher Bible Yet Again So I elected to do a rather quick reiteration--albeit last word on the Cepher Bible and the Divinity of Yeshua. At least, until the issue comes up, let's just say. Over the last year or so I've received a number of inquiries...