The Rule of Emotions Over the Lives of Certain Christians-STAR-89
The Rule of Emotions Over the Lives of Certain Christians--STAR-89
Part-1–The Rule of Emotions Over the Lives of Certain Christians
In following up with my last Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections post (episode 88—”When Tradition Overrides Truth and Reason”), I explored how some of the traditions of the church (namely the modern Southern Baptist Church) seemed to override and supersede many biblical truths and in some cases even commonsense and spiritual reasoning. I reflected upon the things that I had witnessed that transpired in and around the passing of one of my close, dear family members and how many of the traditions and practices of the Baptist Church related to the passing of members of the Baptist Community are not in any way biblically-based and that some of those things defied what I would say is general reasoning. These things—these traditions and practices–are part and parcel of my upbringing in the Baptist Church of my youth and at the time of my upbringing, I of course, bought into all of these traditions and practices lock-stock-and barrel without question. Why would one question such sketchy traditions and practices when members of the Baptist Community have been taught from birth to not question the ways and things of the Church because those ways and things were biblical and had always been. Questioning the traditions and practices of the Church was tantamount to questioning God Himself, and everyone knows that one does not question God—for the Church and God are essentially one and both are sovereign and authoritative.
In many parts of this community, the pastors, ministers, evangelists, and teachers of the church are believed to hear directly from God and Jesus Christ and what they say and do is relatively infallible. Thus those anti-biblical traditions and practices remain entrenched in the fabric of the Baptist Church Community to this day.
I must mention one thing that I did witness throughout the course of this journey of mine related to the Baptist Community: there are a small handful of members of this community that are becoming more and more emboldened to question many of those established practices and traditions. This I found to be a relatively positive thing, for when one is able to move beyond the fear of questioning why he or she do the things he or she does or believe the things that are taught in one’s chosen Faith they’ve taken the first step in establishing their journey on the path towards finding Truth—that is, if finding Truth is important to that individual. Indeed, I have come across many folks during my stay here who are in absolutely no rush to find Truth, or for that matter, to establish a true and substantive relationship with the Creator of the Universe. For these individuals, it is more important to maintain traditions, practices and culture than to find and live out Truth and have a personal relationship with the Almighty. Nevertheless, I am encouraged that there appears to be that remnant that is actually reading their bibles and who are beginning to perceive that the things that they once held as sacred in the Church may not be as sacred as they’d always been taught or have believed them to be.
In my reflections on some of the traditions of the Baptist Church of my youth (mainly centered around death and eternal life), I touched upon how some of these traditions and practices that I observed seemed to target the emotions of the members of Baptist Faith Community. I found this focus and targeting of emotions to be such a powerful and prominent thing that I have been led to reflect upon it in this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections. It is clear to me, dear Saints of the Most High, that human emotions have such massive potential to be exploited by people and things that may be good and holy and beneficial, just as they can be exploited by people and things that are bad, evil and damaging to us.
Clearly, the enemy from the very beginning identified the power that emotions can and do have over us as human beings. This is of course not to say that emotions are a bad thing: on the contrary, I believe that our emotions were implanted in us by our Creator and they were given to us for purposes that would glorify and honor Yahweh/Yahovah/Yahuah—as strange as that may seem.
Part-2–Just What Are Emotions Anyway?
Google defines emotions as that of “a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.” They are described as feelings and sentiments. They are instinctive and intuitive and are separate from reasoning and knowledge.
In episode 88 of this program I mentioned that traditions and many of the practices of the Baptist Church played heavily upon the emotions of the members of the community, which I believe in great part has blinded the members from Truth and distracted them from sound reasoning. Now, this reality does not only apply to the Baptist Church; it applies to any denomination, faith or religion in existence today. The difference between them, us and the world is that Abba’s grace was extended to us such that we received the True Gospel and committed to walk according to the covenant and provisions set forth in His Torah.
So it’s not that these well meaning, precious believers in Jesus Christ are bad people; on the contrary, they are simply blinded to the Truth and it will take an outright act of Yahovah to loosen the scales from their eyes just as happened to Shaul (i.e., Paul) on that Damascus road shortly after the ascension of our beloved Master (i.e., reference Acts 9).
But back to emotions. The definition contends that emotions are natural and instinctive feelings and sentiments that are derived from one’s circumstances, moods and relationships with others. The traditions and practices of churchianity certainly attach themselves to members’ emotions and they work effectively to keep members of the denominational community in spiritual bondage.
Question: Why do so many people in this community go to church every Sunday? What are they looking for?
Well, there are a number of reasons why members of this community go to church each week, but the primary reasons I believe are to get an emotional fix for the week ahead and get an emotional release from past, present and perceived future challenges and problems. They want to feel better about themselves and their life’s situations. So they want their souls to be stirred and their fears allayed. Mind you, there is no obvious stated desire to learn the ways of their Creator. It’s all about having their emotions tickled and manipulated and I would submit that many of these folks are addicted to having their emotions tickled and manipulated. Thus, the point of attending church each week is all about them as individual members of their Faith Community and God is relegated to a secondary and even a tertiary place in the reasoning matrix of their minds and souls.
The other primary reason why these individuals attend church each week is because the local culture requires it. Many individuals attend churches down here each week because that is what you do every first-day of the week—you go to church—it’s the proper thing to do. Again, God is found nowhere in their decision-making matrix for attending.
Now, I came across a few lists of emotions on the internet and most of the listed emotions are pretty obvious. There seems to be three-general lists that are regarded in the realm of psychology: “Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions;” “Aristotle’s Rhetoric;” and Darwin’s, “The Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals.” Many of the individual emotions found on these three-lists are repeated on these respective lists. I will not burden you by mentioning and exploring all of the emotions from these three-lists, but I would like to explore just two of these emotions that denominational churchianity seems to target most. Unfortunately the fallout from the exploitation of these emotions sadly impedes the True Gospel message from reaching the ears of the members of the Church Community.
Part-3–Joy—The Fun Emotion—Right
The first emotion that I’ve seen exploited is “joy.” Certain church traditions and practices target the members’ desire to feel better about their present life situation. Thus the preaching and singing is fashioned to incite joy in the members.
I came across 155-verses in the KJV (i.e., King James Version) where joy is mentioned.
Joy denotes “gladness,” “exaltation,” and “rejoicing.” And if you’ve never had the experience of attending charismatic Christian denomination services, you’ve missed something that is distinctively American and generally of African American origin. Joy, exaltation and rejoicing is part-and-parcel of charismatic church services. There is customarily a feeling of exuberance and happiness that spreads throughout the congregation like a wildfire as a result of the heart-pounding, soul-stirring music and forceful preaching that is expertly dispensed by some very talented and motivated individuals.
Clearly, joy is a welcomed and revered emotion in this setting. The healthy-minded individual would prefer to be joyful than sad, grief-stricken or in despair. Thus the leaders of denominational churchianity realize this and they seize upon every opportunity during such church gatherings to elicit joy from their members for various and sundry reasons to include dropping a few more dollars into the offering plates. The methods employed by the singers and preachers to bring about joy among members of their congregations are generally centered around well-crafted promises to members that everything in their members’ lives is going to be alright—one way or another—and that there is coming a day when they will live out eternity in the happiest place in existence—heaven. The problem with this situation is that 9-times out of 10, the story lines that are being put forth to these members as a means to elicit joy, are not based on biblical Truths and or sound reason. Promises that members are going to heaven and that things are going to be alright in the morning, regardless how bad those things might be at the moment; regardless the lawlessness that reigns in the members’ lives; regardless the lack of obedience to Yahovah’s instructions defy commonsense and established biblical principles.
I guess it is preferable to hear about happy and fun things than to hear of stark truths that require us to conform to Father’s instructions and not our own. The joy that comes from true service to Father lasts throughout one’s earthly life—as opposed to joy that is based upon lies and misinterpretations.
Although joy is not mentioned in Torah, joy is mentioned throughout the remainder of the Tanakh (i.e., the Old Testament) and the writers firmly suggests that true joy is had by the people of Yahuah who focus their attention upon Father. In other words, joy that is centered on the individual and what that individual is going to get from God is not of Abba, but biblically-based joy is focused on Yahuah our Elohim exclusively and it is that exclusive focus on the Creator of the Universe that pays dividends to the worshiper whereby they receive a happiness and joy that the world can not fully and truly comprehend.
For us Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah, obedience to Abba’s way of life as stipulated in His perfect Torah, brings about a joy that is indescribable—certainly contrary to the understanding of the secular world and denominational churchianity. These entities see any adherence to Torah as bondage and legalistic drudgery. But the truth of the matter is that observance and obedience to Torah—Torah observance from the heart that is done by the Believer in Yeshua because he or she truly loves the Father and wants to please Him at every opportunity—brings about true everlasting joy. Reliance upon the protection, provision and spiritual guidance of Yahuah our Elohim brings about joy. Knowing that we are Abbah’s chosen and that we have a special purpose in His plan for mankind brings about joy. Our joy is not born on lies and scriptural misinterpretations.
Just a simple perusal of the 155 or so verses where joy is found in the Holy Writ strongly suggests that joy—true joy—comes from Yahweh, our Elohim. True joy does not come from man nor does it come from convenient man-centered circumstances such as stirring Church services. That joy is fleeting at best and is easily diminished and even destroyed once reality kicks in.
As it relates to our responsibility in this joy thing, it certainly does not fall upon a reliance of man to bring us joy. Instead, the Prophet Habakkuk, suggests that we rejoice and find joy in the God of our salivation (Habakkuk 3:18). Furthermore, one’s joy should not be contingent upon the preaching and singing of the Church, but instead, it must flow from Yahuah our Elohim to us and from us outward to Yahuah. Shaul (i.e., Paul) wrote that we should rejoice in Yahovah always (reference Philippians 4:4), regardless what is going on in our lives at any given time. This is certainly not an easy thing to do and it stands to reason why so many Christians default and turn to the Church to find joy. We humans love to take paths of least resistance don’t we?
I am working each day to be joyful in the things of Yahuah and my Master. It is that joy that we have within us through our obedience and relationship with the Most High that wins the spiritual battles that each of us must fight in each day.
Part-4–Fear—The Darkest Emotion
The fact that joy and other emotions are not given much parchment space in Torah tells me that being a Spirit Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah is not—should not—be influenced by his or her emotions. Emotions when they are activated have a tendency to turn one’s focus to self and away from the Almighty and that just doesn’t end well for anybody now does it? No it does not.
That’s not to say that we, then, exist as lifeless, one-dimensional creatures that portray our beloved Faith as appealing as a root-canal to the outside world. The joy that we naturally receive from honoring and pleasing Abba will sufficiently fuel the essential Gospel message to an evil, dying world, to turn from lawlessness to Yahovah’s way of life and to lean not to the Church’s understanding.
The second emotion that comes readily to mind when we speak of the Church along with her traditions and practices and the influence that they have over the emotions of her members and the community is fear.
I would venture to guess that fear has probably been the most exploited of emotions in all of Church history. The one thing that generally incites fear in members of the Church is the tradition and doctrine of heaven and hell—that is, if you are saved, you go to heaven; if you are not saved, you burn for an eternity in hell. No one wants to spend an eternity burning in the fires of hell, especially if you’ve been taught since birth these traditions and doctrines. Using such erroneous teachings by leaders of the Church that are devoid of any Biblical support, is tantamount to witchcraft. It is essentially a ploy to control the members of the Church Community and Master taught against that.
Fear of eternal damnation then becomes a powerful motivator for the members of the community to “straighten up and fly right;” and it doesn’t hurt the Church’s bottom line either as people will give a little more to the organization to ensure that their fears of going straight to hell are allayed. It then becomes a practice of buying one’s salvation from the Church.
Back in the day, the Universal Church (i.e., the Catholic Church) used fear of being excommunicated from the Church or denying certain individuals communion to keep the people in check.
There are some 395-verses in the KJV where the term fear is mentioned in one form or another. In some instances, fear is used to denote a concern that something or someone is a threat to one’s wellbeing. In other instances, fear is used to denote more of a reverence and high regard for our God or some individual of influence and power.
The common theme that plays out throughout most of the Bible is one of not exercising fear of men or things from the perspective that one has concern for his or her wellbeing. Scripture teaches that our God will protect, provide and rescue us from any potential problems we may encounter in life. This of course requires that the individual in question is obedient to Yahuah our Elohim and that he or she is completely reliant and subservient to Him and Him alone.
The second part of the biblical concept of fear has to do with reverence and high regard for our God and it is Him that we are to honor and fear in like manner.
Yet the Church Triumphant, instead of training and teaching her parishioners how to fear God through Torah observance, chooses to teach her people to fear what will happen to them if they don’t say a sinner’s pray; join the rolls of the Church; give offerings and tithes; and attend Church every Sunday. Father has stipulated in the tenets of His perfect Torah how He wishes to be treated as our Sovereign. Man has chosen to step in and usurp the authority of Scripture and tell man what and how they are to fear both man and our God.
In the 25th chapter of Leviticus, Father instructs us to treat one another fairly, according to the provisions set forth in His Torah, such that no individual should ever fear harm from another. The only Being to be feared, more so from a reverence standpoint, but also from the standpoint of being concerned that we might cross Him by violating His Torah is Yah. There are instances strewn throughout Torah where Abba instructed us not to fear the enemy but instead rely upon His strong arm to protect and deliver (cf. Deuteronomy 1:21 and others). We see an example in Torah where the nations once feared us because of our God (Numbers and Deuteronomy). Further along in the Book of Revelation we see that two mighty men of Yahuah will bring the fear of God back to the nations of this earth (Revelations 11:11).
Bottom line: fear has a proper place in the lives of God’s people and it is not up to man to exploit this essential emotion for purposes of furthering the ambitions of the Church. If anyone should be fearful it is those who profess to know the Creator of the Universe and who have vowed to teach and preach the Truth, but who, instead, have chosen to replace Yahovah’s authority over their members’ lives with that of the Church and to seek personal gain in the form of influence and power over the people. These individuals have a very dark and miserable future ahead of them if they do not teshuvah–that is turn to Yah’s way of life for mankind.
I pray for those confused and encumbered souls in Churchianity who have succumbed to fear and given their lives over to the influences of denominationalism. These are victims of hasatan and slaves to religion who don’t know any better. It is up to us to somehow get out into the rippened fields and work and tell the Truth to these enslaved souls.
I have decided to answer the call and challenge denominationalism as Yahuah my Elohim leads and directs. It is one thing for me to stay within the relatively safe confines of Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah fellowship, but is that truly fulfilling the great commission of Master Yahoshua as recorded in Matthew 28:19. This is exactly what Master did when He walked the dusty highways and byways of Judea and surrounding provinces—he taught and preached the True Gospel message with power and authority to imprisoned souls. He didn’t keep that message exclusively within the confines of His inner circle, nor did His handpicked disciples who became the great Apostles of Yeshua Messiah. They went out into a hostile Jewish environment and delivered the Gospel.
So many of us fear going out into the highways and byways of the world and enacting the Great Commission as instructed. Instead, many of us stay only within the safe confines of our fellowships or to ourselves. That’s not what we’ve been commissioned to do and I personally am fearful that I stand to miss that precious opportunity to do what Master has instructed me—us–to do. Time is quickly passing us by and eventually each of us is going to have to give an account for that which Master has appointed us to. I reflect upon the parable of the talents as recorded in Matthew 25. We have each been given a set of unique gifts and opportunities that more times than naught have been left unused and not worked. That’s not something that we can afford to squander. Master is counting on us to do that which we agreed to do when we signed up for this journey.
Part-5–The Rule of Emotions in the Hebrew Roots Community
Far too many of us erroneously believe that simply filling our heads with the latest and greatest Torah tidbits—minutia—the net result of going deep; of digging; of splitting scriptural atoms—far too many of us believe that we are effectively doing the will of Master Yahoshua. Some of us who fall into this realm ultimately come to a place in our walk where we abandon the teachings and example of Master and dive headlong into Judaistic, religiosity; and we engage in pointless babble and debate that does not serve the Kingdom of Yahuah at all. What does the accumulation of too much knowledge do? It puffs up (reference I Corinthians 8:1). The Apostle Paul (i.e., Shaul) suggested that instead of valuing head knowledge as it relates to Torah, it is better to exercise charity.
Emotions not only harm our cousins in churchianity, they also create havoc in the Hebrew Roots Community. Our community has some of the most angry, bitter, sad, disgusted, envious, shameful, grief-stricken and hateful people you could ever find in any religious circle outside of radical Islam. It is truly a sad situation to behold.
Simply consider FaceBook where we have so many Hebrew Roots-based communities in existence, and the members of these various communities are constantly at war with one another. We tend to wear our Faith on our sleeves in such communities and it doesn’t take much to fire some of us up over some of the most innocuous issues and topics. Just a few months ago, I had one brother who I had been FaceBook friends with for well over a year, swapping varying and frequent posts on various issues and topics related to our Faith, who out of the blue berated me for using the title “God” in one of my posts. I mean he lit into me and ceremoniously unbefriended me in FaceBook public—so to speak. I had another so-called brother in the Faith call me a heretic and heathen in FaceBook public because I did not agree with his posted Lunar Sabbath ideas. And still, there are countless others in our Faith who have been beaten down by other members of our beloved Faith for the goofiest of things.
As supposed Spirit Filled Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah, we should not in the least be influenced by our emotions. If anything and if one considers love to be an emotion (which Aristotle considered it to be), then that is the one emotion that we should constantly be displaying towards one another. We can never love Father and one another enough.
Our Faith Community cannot stand the coming storm of the end times if we are slaves to our emotions. It’s quite clear to me: if we fear; if we are always angry; if we are constantly sad and disgusted; if we are envious of others those who have this and that and we don’t; if we have low self-esteem, then we are essentially setting ourselves up for spiritual and even physical failure.
You see, the carnal world doesn’t have time to deal with all our insecurities and lack of integrity. The world is secure in their way of life and if we are trying to show the world that what we have is better than what they currently have, yet we are living contrary to the acclamation that Abba’s way is the one true path to the life abundant, then we will be made to appear as fools in the eyes of the nations.
Part-6–Closing Thoughts and Reflections
I don’t know about you, but I do not want to fail Master. I don’t want to finish this life that Abba has given me and not accomplish something of eternal significance. There are many things that can stymie the accomplishment of Yah’s will for our lives. I hope I have competently shown in this post, the negative influence that emotions have over our lives and how they have the potential to impede Abba’s will in our lives.
One of the things that every Believer is wanting to hear when they stand before the King is “well done thy good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of the Master (reference: Matthew 25:21-23).” If we allow emotions to rule over our lives, there is a good chance that many of us will not hear these words from the Master, but instead hear “depart from me you worker of lawlessness (reference Luke 13:27).” Now that is something to genuinely fear.
I personally have a problem controlling some of my emotions. I am not afraid to admit this. I don’t want you to think that I am an emotional basket case because that is certainly not me. But I must confess that I have need of the Spirit (i.e., the Ruach) to mold me into image of Master Yahoshua such that I am able to control my emotions better and that they do not interfere in my day-to-day walk with Master. I don’t wish to lack in anything in this Faith. I am in this for the long haul and in this to win it. I seek to see this thing to its perfect end so that I can hear my Savior say to me well done good and faithful servent.
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The Command to Guard the Month of the Aviv First Day of the Month of the Aviv and the head of the Biblical New Year--Rosh Hashanah; Month of Nisan in Jewish circles. We must first understand what it is we're guarding. Why is it important? What it's composed of. We...
The Coronavirus Pandemic in Relation to God’s People
Fear and uncertainty has gripped the world. Widespread infections (Italy just announced 600+ deaths in one day; politicians and celebrities infected) Civil liberties are at risk of being severely curtailed or eliminated altogether. Personal and business incomes and...
The Brazen Laver–The Anointing Oil–Sacred Perfume–Messianic Reflections on Torah Reading 68
The Brazen Laver The Brazen Laver would sit between the Tabernacle and Brazen Altar. The Levitical Priests would be required to wash their hands and feet prior to entering the Tabernacle or facilitating/tending to the sacrificial offerings on the Brazen Altar...
The Significance of the Half-Shekel Ransom Offering to Messianics Today–Reflections on Torah Reading #68
The commandment given to the Hebrews by YHVH that they give a half-shekel ransom offering at the time of census holds tremendous prophetic and spiritual significance for today’s Messianic.
Living Deceptively in the Service of God Results in Shame and Disgrace All Around–Reflections on Malachi 1:11-2:7
YHVH Outs His Chosen Ones Because the nation had despised the true worship of YHVH, YHVH Tzva'ot informed the Hebrews that their failure to properly worship Him as He had prescribed would not be ignored. Despite the people's outward deceptiveness in worship of YHVH,...
The Golden Altar of Incense–The Ministries of Yeshua Messiah and the Prayers of the Saints–Torah Reading 67
Welcome back my friend to our discussion on this week’s Torah Reading from the Triennial Torah Reading cycle. This week’s reading is found in Shemot (Exodus) 30:1-10. I’ve entitled this study: “The Golden Altar of Incense--The Heavenly Ministry of Yeshua Messiah and...
Plans for Consecrating the Levitical Priesthood and What it Means to Messianics Today
The consecration of the Levitical Priesthood as featured in this week’s Torah Reading foreshadowed the role we–Messianics-are appointed to fulfill as Melchizedekian Priests under the High Priesthood of Yeshua Messiah.
Reflections on Torah Reading 65–The Garments of the Levitical Priests
Parashah 65--"You are to order…"--Shemot 27:20-28:43 Focus Must Guide Our Study of Torah As with any study of Torah, the true disciple of Y’shua haMashiyach considers the contents contained therein from a Messianic—Yeshua-centric—Yeshua-focused perspective. How do we...
Can Messianics Attend Same-Sex Weddings and Similar Social Events?
Often we’re asked to attend same-sex weddings and similar social events. But are we permitted to attend and participate in such social activities as disciples of Yeshua Messiah? We discuss this critical issue in this installment of TMTO.
Praying in the Spirit-Part-3 of a Series on Messianic Prayer Life
Shalom Saints! In today’s post, we’re going to look at a central Truth or component to effectual prayer. And that central Truth of effectual prayer has to do with “Praying in the Spirit.”
Fashioning the Elements of the Tabernacle-Torah Reading 64 (Triennial Reading Cycle)
This week’s Torah Reading/Portion, #64, focused on the elements of the Tabernacle. We examine those elements from its Messiah/Mashiyach foreshadowing.
Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah Recast
A Recast of a Previously Published Discussion on Hanukkah and the Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah Today's installment of TMTO will be, what I will call, a "recast." It's a "recasting" or a "re-purposing" of a previous posting I did regarding Hanukkah. As...
The Book of the Covenant Versus Book of the Law Controversy–A Study of Torah Reading 62
In this study of Torah Reading 62, we examine the Book of the Law versus Book of the Covenant Controversy that has made its way through the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Community.
Usury-Interest According to God (YHVH)
The Practice of Usury Prohibited How does God/YHVH rule on the practice of usury or exacting of interest on monetary loans by His elect? We find in Torah Reading 61 (according to our “triennial reading cycle-- Torah Reading 61--Exodus 22:25-31 ) the prohibition...
The Critical Role Faith Play in the Prayer Life of a Messianic
The prayer lives of many members in the Hebrew Roots-Messianic Community are ineffective and have little to no associated power. In this installment of TMTO, we look at the role faith places in a Netzari’s prayer life and how faith can transform our prayers, when properly aligned with God’s Word and His Holy Spirit, into a powerful and effective tool for the Body of Messiah.
Constancy-Persistence-Ceaselessness in Prayer
Are our prayers as effective as they should be? We discuss one of the critical-crucial elements of effective prayer-constancy-persistence-ceaselessness in prayer.
Cooking on the Sabbath-Is It Allowed ?
Was God’s commandment that the Hebrews not go out to gather manna on the Sabbath a prohibition against cooking on the Sabbath?
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God And…
Yeshua instructed us to pursue those things that qualifies one to receive and enter the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of YHVH our Elohim. So how does Torah-keeping fit in with Yeshua’s instruction?
Torah Portions-The Many Types and Patterns of Torah
Returning from the Fall Feasts, we anxiously launch into a new season. Today we examine the two predominant-types of Torah Portions followed by Hebrew Rooters; I reflect upon our 2019 Sukkot experiences; and we examine some patterns and types found in Torah.
Preparing for the Feasts of God-2019–The Connection Between Grace and the Fall Feasts
As we approach the Fall Feasts of 2019, we are compelled to prepare spiritually and physically for each Feast’s arrival. In this discussion of the Fall Feasts, we discuss the connection between God’s grace and His Fall Feasts.
Paul’s Bold Stand Against Anti-Torah Teachings in the Ephesian Church—Part 15 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Why did Paul insert the creation story and the fall of man into 1 Timothy? Was it, as convention erroneously teaches, the reason women must not teach and preach in the Church? The answer to this question will shock you and cause you to appreciate battle Paul faced against Gnosticism in the Ephesian Assemblies of Messiah. This is Part 15 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series.
Paul Never Prohibited Women Teaching and Preaching in Church–Part-14 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
The so-called Church over the centuries has used 1 Timothy 2:11&12 as the basis for their imposed prohibition against women teachers and preachers in the Body of Messiah. But we will show that his passage in no way prohibits women from fulfilling their call and giftings in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah.
First-Timothy—Paul’s Inconsistencies—Myths-Tales-Torah—Part-13 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
In continuing our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we look at seeming inconsistencies in Paul’s writings as well as examine the role myths and tales played in the teaching of Torah in the Ephesian Assemblies.
Modern Day Idolatry-God Approved Foods-Torah Keeping-Tithing–Reflections on Torah Portion Re’ eh
This week’s Torah Portion entitled ‘Re’eh’ is a rough sketch of the inner workings of the Kingdom of God: no idolatry-proper foods-the keeping of Torah-giving of Tithes–As we prepare to possess the Land of Promise.
Obedience to Torah-Marked for Destruction-The Wisdom of Wearing Phylacteries-Reflections on Torah Portion ‘Ekev
In this installment of TMTO, we reflect upon Torah Portion ‘Ekev–highlighting the importance of obedience to Torah–what nations were marked for destruction by YHVH and why–and the wisdom of wearing phylacteries by Torah observant believers in Yeshua Messiah.
1 Timothy-The Properly Attired Praying Woman-Part-12 of our Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
In this installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series, we consider Paul’s instructions regarding properly attired praying woman. We explore the significance of prayer in the early Church and the fact that Paul sought to use prayer as one of his first tactics against the scourge of early Gnosticism that had infiltrated the Ephesian assemblies of Messianic Believers. And we find clearly layed out in 1 Timothy that Paul advocated women leading worship and corporate prayer in the assemblies. Shalom and welcome.
First Timothy-Paul’s War Strategy Against Gnosticism-Part-11 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
“As I counseled you when I was leaving Macedonia, stay on in Ephesus, so that you may order certain people who are teaching a different doctrine to stop. Have them stop devoting their attention to myths and never-ending genealogies; these divert people to speculating...
Let the Woman Learn in Silence-The Problem With First Timothy-Part 10 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
1 Timothy 2:9-15 has been used by churchianity for years to prohibit women of Faith from doing what they were called to do. In this 10th installment of our Paul and Hebrew Roots series we dispel this false practice and understanding by examining the Truth of what Paul was truly saying in his letter to Timothy.
Phineas’ Covenant of Peace—Our Road Map to Peace in Messiah—Reflections on Torah Portion Pinchas
Peace is the birthright of every disciple of Y’shua Messiah. Yet so many of us lack true peace in our lives. What if I tell you that this week’s Torah Portion Pinchas provides a road map to peace in Messiah? Would you be interested? Come and let us reason together in the Word of our Elohim. Shalom and welcome.
Social Media and Hebrew Roots-A Warning to Discern Who’s Who in the Social Media Zoo
Most of us who are members of the True Faith Once Delivered, have one or more social media accounts. Many of us share our Faith convictions and or even minister on these platforms. But Social Media, like Hebrew Roots, can be likened to the Americana images of the...
A Little Balaam in Each of Us–Reflections on Torah Portion Balak
Can the character and principles of the prophet for profit Balaam be found in each of us. You may be surprised at what Scripture has to say about that. Welcome to The Messianic Torah observer and our reflections on Torah Portion Balak. Shalom and welcome.
Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem-Part 3 of the Love or Hate Israel Series
What does it mean to pray for the peace of Israel? We discuss also Israel in terms of her covenant-relation with God as well as her significance in end times prophecy.
Rebels in the Congregation-Reflections on Torah Portion Korah
As we examine Torah Portion Korah we learn about the potentially rebellious condition of our hearts; the importance of living holy lives; and the dangers of false teachers and their teachings to the Body of Messiah.
One Law For All–Reflections on Torah Portion Shelach Lekha
The Giver of Torah-YHVH-clearly stated that Torah was for all who would attach themselves to the commonwealth of Israel and live according to the Way He prescribed for men and women to live. Yet many within and without our Faith Community teach otherwise--that Torah...
Messianics—Modern Day Levites—Separated for Service to God—Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Portion Behaalosecha
This week’s Torah Portion-Behaalosecha-foreshadows a great many spiritual elements necessary for our service to the Kingdom of God. In a sense we are modern day Levites. We have been separated from all the nations people of the world unto God for His service. Are we up for the challenge? This is a wake-up call to the Body of Messiah to take immediate action.
Israel: To Love or Hate Her—That is the Question—Part 2–A Biblical and Personal Perspective on the Significance of Physical Israel
In this 2nd Part to our Israel: To Love or Hate Series, we continue our analysis of some the most common reasons people reject physical Israel today. As well as we consider some of the miracles said to have resulted in Israel’s deliverance from certain destruction. And lastly we consider the problems associated with the nation state of Israel. Shalom and welcome.
Burdens and Service-Thoughts and Reflections on Parashot Naso-Lift Up
Lessons of bearing burdens and service to YHVH are embodied in this week’s Torah Portion Naso. As disciples of Messiah, we are compelled to serve and bear burdens as we discuss in this post.
5-Facts About Pentecost [Shavuot] Every True Disciple of Messiah Should Know
As the Day of Pentecost (aka, Shavuot) descends upon many of us who are of Faith in the coming days, we reflectively prepare for the Day. With that preparing in mind, today I will reveal 5-things every spirit-filled disciple of Yeshua Messiah should know about Shavuot—Pentecost.
To Love Or Not Love Israel?That is the Question–Part 1
As Yeshua-focused Torah Keepers, how are we to view physical Israel? We discuss this polarizing issue from a historic, biblical and personal perspective. Shalom and welcome.
Shemittah and Jubilee-Shadows of the Rest, Redemption and Freedom We Have in Messiah
This week’s Torah Reading/Portion entitled B’Har is a message of the rest, redemption and freedom we have in Y’shua Messiah.
10-Things You Must Do To Improve Your Understanding of the Bible
In this installment of TMTO, I outline 10-things you can put into practice today that will drastically improve your understanding of the Bible.
Being Holy in the Midst of an Evil and Adulterous Generation
This week’s Torah Portion was timely indeed. As we are presently living in perilous times, this week’s Torah Portion challenges us to live holy lives in Messiah. We explore what it means and how to live holy lives.
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread Replay
In light of this weekend’s Passover observance and our week’s longing keeping of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, I elected to repost a teaching I posted last year on Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Chag Pesach Sameach. Shalom.
Keeping God’s (Yehovah’s) Feasts
I give an overview of the Creator’s Feasts by discussing why we keep them; when we keep them and what they mean. Shalom and welcome.
M’tzora-Person Afflicted With Leprosy-Torah Portion 28-Commentary
Parashah 28-M'tzoro--Person Afflicted With Tzara'at Continuation This week's Torah Portion/Reading entitled "M'tzoro," or a "Person Afflicted with Tzara'at (Leprosy)" is somewhat of a continuation of last week's reading (ie., Tazaria) that dealt with the diagnosis and...
Tazria (She Conceives)-Leprosy, A Shadow of Sin and the Healing Work of Messiah–Parashah-27
In this week’s Torah Portion entitled Tazria, we consider the spiritual applications of leprosy.
How to Keep (Guard) the Month of the Aviv–Replay
In this replay of a past episode, we discuss how to keep–how to guard the Month of the Aviv. Happy New Year! Shalom.
Irresistible Holiness-Torah Portion-26-Eighth-Shi’mini–TMTO-23
What Father is essentially saying here to us through this shadow picture—this lesson—this Torah Portion—is, “Look, I’m going to get the glory and my holiness is going to be proclaimed and demonstrated to all the world. Now this can be done by and through your actions of obedience and worship of me. And if you choose to glorify me and extol the virtues of my holiness to the world, you’re going to have to do it my way. For if you don’t choose to do it my way, then I’m still going to get the glory and my holiness will be demonstrated and manifested through my chastising of you. You see, it’s going to be done my way; or it’s going to be done my way. Either way, I’m going to be glorified and deemed holy to all the world.”
Torah Portion 25–Give An Order–A Call To Worship
This week’s Torah Reading-Parashah-25–dealt with sacrifices and offerings. These were shadows of our worship of Father in Spirit and in Truth.
Let Your Women Keep Silence in the Church–Part-9 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
We break down 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 to determine what Paul really meant when he instructed that the Corinthian women keep silence in the church.
Patterns of Evidence-The Moses Controversy Film Review
In this 21st installment of The Messianic Torah Observer, I review Tim Mahoney’s newest documentary, “Patterns of Evidence-The Moses Controversy.”
Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading Pedudei-Accounting Of
This week's Torah Reading entitled Pedudei (ie., Accounting Of) focused on worship. The reading consisted of Leviticus 1:1 to Lev. 5:6:7. The Haftorah consisted of Isaiah 43:21-44:23. Specifics of Worship That which was given to us by Abba related to worship...
TMTO-20-Endure Sound Doctrine I Will Not
Many members of the Body of Messiah will not endure sound doctrine as they are being led astray by false teachers or they themselves are teaching false doctrine. We discuss this troubling situation and provide ways to overcome the deception.
The Un-Silenced Women of Paul’s Ministry-Part 8 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Many female leaders were associated with the Apostle Paul’s ministry. We highlight some of those great first-century women of the Body of Messiah.
When Evil is Considered Good–The Hypocritical, Evil and Demented Mindset of America Today
What are the challenges facing today’s Torah Observant Disciple of Yahoshua in America Today?
The Unsilenced Women of the Bible-From Torah to the Conversion of Paul-Part 7 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
The Pauline Passages of Question So as to re-establish or restate the issue at hand as it relates to Paul’s views about women in the Body and Assemblies of Messiah, the primary passage in question is as follows: “Let your women keep silence in the...
Parashat Mishpatim Judgment-Property and Love of Neighbor
This Week's Torah Reading In continuing my travels through this week's Torah Reading, I came upon Exo. 21:28-36. I found endless truths and spiritual applications that I am so happy to share with you today. The Consequences of Negligence This passage in a narrow sense...
Parashat Mishpatim Judgment-Murder-Abortions-Sanctuary
Timeliness of This Week's Torah Reading This week’s Torah Reading could not have been more timely. And I was compelled to respond in the wake of the news we’ve received over the last couple weeks regarding the legalization of late term abortions on demand. And just...
Parashat Mishpatim or Judgments-Debt and Slavery
Concerning the Treatment of Slaves by Hebrews The first portion of this week's Torah Reading deals with the issue of Hebrews owning slaves; particularly Hebrew slaves (Exo. 21:1-11) . According to this passage, if a Hebrew acquires a Hebrew slave, they would serve...
To Call or Not Call on the Name of the LORD
What Does it Mean? What does it truly mean for a would-be disciple of Jesus Christ (ie., Yahoshua Messiah) to call on the Name of the L-rd? Is it simply an utterance whereby the would-be disciple utters or invokes the actual Name or Title of the Divine One? Or is it a...
Paul-Emancipator or Subjugator of Women-Part 6 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
This is Part 6 of our multi-episodic series on Paul and Hebrew Roots. This installment is entitled: “Paul: Emancipator or Subjugator of Women.” I Corinthians 14:34, 35, and 1 Timothy 2:11,12 have long challenged my sensibilities and understanding of how women are to...
No Pagan Links to Catholicism and Christianity
Pagan Links to Catholicism and Religion in Doubt I have, of late, become somewhat concerned over what I see as growing support by a good many leaders within and without our Faith for there being no pagan links to Catholicism and Protestant Christianity. And how are...
Paul Opposing God On Issue Of Circumcision?
A Matter of Circumcision or No? As I was watching Kenny Russell's (Bulldozer Faith) most recent Sabbath teaching entitled "Press On!," the text of which he based his message being Philippians 3, I became fixated on verses 2 and 3 of that chapter. It is here that Paul...
My Last Word on the Cepher Bible and the Divinity of Yeshua–At Least Till Next Time
Why Discuss the Cepher Bible Yet Again So I elected to do a rather quick reiteration--albeit last word on the Cepher Bible and the Divinity of Yeshua. At least, until the issue comes up, let's just say. Over the last year or so I've received a number of inquiries...
Paul on Aggadah–Part 5 of Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Paul on Aggadah—Part 5 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series Let us quickly recall from Part 4 of this series that Aggadah is that unseen/invisible aspect of our lives that prompts or influences or even controls our behavior; in particular,that inward motivation, zeal,...
The Meaning Behind The Recent Dedication of an Altar in Jerusalem
If you’ve been keeping up with world news of late, you may know (or not) that the resurrected Great Sanhedrin, headquartered in Jerusalem, sanctioned a Levitical offering of a previously sacrificed lamb upon a practice altar somewhere in Jerusalem. (Yes, there really...
Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah–Part 4 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Paul on Halakhah and Aggadah Last installment, or Part 3 of this series, I introduced to you the Hebrew concept of Halakhah. In that discussion, I attempted to not only define what halakhah meant, but I also attempted to convey the significance of...
A Biographical Portrait of the Pre-Converted Paul and Halakah–Part 3 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
Review of Parts 1 and 2 of this Series Over the course of the last two installments of this series, we have been laying the groundwork for assembling our portrait of the Apostle Paul prior to his conversion. In the first two-installments we discussed: Why it is...
To Fellowship Or Not Fellowship
A Nagging Question To fellowship with a group of Sabbath-Feast-keepers or not has been a question plaguing me for the last couple weeks. A couple months ago we were invited to fellowship with this group. Now, know that this is NOT a question whether to participate...
Paul-The Man Beneath the Apostleship–Part 2 of the Paul and Hebrew Roots Series
If you've not already done so, I invite you to listen to or read Part 1--Paul, the Man Beneath the Apostle, before moving in to this installment. Apparent Biblical Contradictions and Controversies Before we address the person of Paul straight-on today, I...