Post Passover–Feast of Unleavened Bread Thoughts and Reflections–STAR-85
Post Passover-Feast of Unleavened Bread Thoughts and Reflections--STAR-85
This is Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections—Episode 85—My Post-Passover-Feast of Unleavened Bread Thoughts and Reflections
Greetings fellow Saints in Training. I am trusting that this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections finds you, your families and fellowships well and bless.
Hey, how was your Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread celebration? I hope they were spiritually enriching and that you received the blessings that you were hoping and looking for.
As I am posting this episode, we find ourselves just having entered the second Biblical Month of the Creator’s Calendar Year, with the renewed moon sighted over the land of Israel yesterday, 4/28/2017. Having just concluded Passover and the 7-Day Observance of the Feasts of Unleavened Bread (aka Matzah) less than 2-weeks ago, we now turn our sights to Shavuot (aka Pentecost), the final installment of the Spring Feasts of Yahuwah, which will hit us on 6/4/2017.
As it relates to my Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread observance this year, Hilary and I stayed local, but we did vacate our home and checked in to a hotel for the week. We realize that we cannot keep Passover and Unleavened Bread the way Torah expressly lays out for us given that the Romans in 70 C.E. destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and that Yeshua’s sacrifice replaced the animal sacrifices. Nevertheless, the once majestic temple that once stood in Jerusalem is gone but has been replaced by these bodies of ours and it is our bodies that Abba’s Ruach dwells (I Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). Thus we honor the Feasts of Yahuwah as Abba commanded (Leviticus 23) through fellowshipping with other like-minded Believers in Yeshua Messiah as Father provides. It becomes our greatest pleasure, or it should be, to welcome each feast as it comes with joy and great anticipation, for these are Abba’s appointed times—the sacred moedim of Yahuwah. Father did not abolish His feasts as so many of our cousins in Christianity are quick to point out to us. They are to remain in perpetuity and they serve a divine purpose of reminding us of the great things that Father has done for us through His Son Yeshua Messiah and the great things to come for those who are His and await His coming and the establishment of His Kingdom here on earth.
We know for a fact that Yeshua kept the feasts as did the apostles, especially Paul who wrote to the Corinthian Assembly of Believers: “Therefore, let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (I Corinthians 5:8, NAS).’
So who are we to shirk the feasts? While the world is falling apart by its seams, we are blessed to have Yeshua, Torah and the Feasts of Yahuwah. Amein.
With that my beloved, let us get on with some post Thoughts and Reflections on Passover and Unleavened Bread.
In Love With the Feast of Yah!
I am a “down-right,” “bought and paid-for,” fanatic when it comes to the Feasts of Yahuwah/Yahovah/Yahweh. Ever since I officially began observing the feasts back in 2004, I take the greatest joy in their observance and the celebratory opportunities they provide the Torah observant believer in Yeshua Messiah.
Looking Back at the Beginning
When I first began observing them, I, as I am certain any new believer to our Faith has experienced, met each Feast with somewhat of a tense sense of anticipation. What I mean by this is that, we begin our “Feasts-honoring-careers” (if you will) with a deep, heartfelt desire to “do the Feasts” properly (knowing now that there is no Biblical-specifics as to what constitutes “proper” when it comes to 21st-century Feast observances) and in such a manner that it would be pleasing to Abba; we did not want to screw any of these celebrations up.
So at the beginning of my Feasts-honoring-career,” I began to over-do them (the Feasts that is) to such an extent that the Feasts became somewhat burdensome for me and I began to question: were we doing this thing correctly; were we dishonoring Father in the way we were observing the Feasts; what will my family members and co-workers think of me taking off so much time from work and life in general to observe—what?—dead Jewish holidays that even the Jews don’t truly observe anymore; do we have the correct dates for the Feasts; would we be ready in time to begin the observance; what is the point behind the observances anyway? Yaddy…yaddy…yaddy.
Still Concerned About the Feasts
These questions and concerns haunted me in the first couple years back when I first converted, and to a lesser extent, they still haunt me even to this day. Oh, these questions and concerns have somewhat morphed over the years, I’ll be honest to say, taking on more of a deeper, personal concern: will we squander the opportunities the feasts provide by not seeking out every possible opportunity; what does Abba want us to gain from the experience; who are the best persons to observe the feasts with—just Hilary, friends or a particular fellowship-gathering; what is reasonable to spend (money-wise) in order to honor Yah through observing His feasts in the spirit that Abba would justly require?
This Passover a Bust?
This particular Passover celebration season proved a challenging one for me in terms of these and other stated concerns. This particular year was quite odd in that my concerns centered upon what Abba wanted me to gain from the celebration period. (Yes, I know, touching on being a bit inwardly focused in my concerns, but I am giving you my sincerest thoughts.)
I will be honest with you: for much of the 8-day observance period (i.e., the day we identify as Passover, followed by the 7-days of Unleavened Bread), I felt troubled and frankly, empty. I just could not identify what I was supposed to be getting out of the weeklong observance. Oh, I delved into some moderately deep Scriptural studies; some teachings online; and some personal reflections and prayer throughout the week, yet by week’s end, I was still unclear what I gained (spiritually speaking that is) from the celebration week.
Yes, I believe (it’s a quirk of mine) that we are to gain or get something out of each feast observance—that we must leave each feast celebration in a better spiritual place than when we began the feast, otherwise I feel as though I’ve missed what Father would have in store for me. Moreover, I do not want to miss a thing that Father has for me.
Father’s Feasts
These are supposed to be Abba’s appointed times that He established at the very beginning to meet with us (Genesis 1:14; Leviticus 23:4; Psalm 104:19; Daniel 2:21) collectively and individually, especially during the three-pilgrimage Feasts of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23), Shavuot (aka Pentecost or Feast of Weeks) and Sukkot (aka Feast of Tabernacles or Booths). I believe that is one of the distinct reasons Father commanded us to pack up and go to where He chose to place his Name and to celebrate these times before Him in joy and in reverence and in anticipation of a spiritual blessing (Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 12, 14, 16 and 26). These feasts gatherings are “dates” we are privileged to have with the Most High and they should be some of the most memorable, beautiful, spiritually romantic, substantive periods in our lives.
A Date with the Creator
I remember when I was courting my lovely wife, Hilary, back in the day: oh, how I looked forward with indescribable anticipation the dates we would have. Each date we’d set would result in my mind being almost entirely focused upon the plans that we’d made and how I could make those plans even more special for her. When the time came for our date to begin, there was a joy and an anticipation of a wondrous time that I would have with her and how much closer we would become because of the experience. Those were heady and crazy times, looking back 36-years ago. Talk about “first love.”
Somehow, I believe my dates—those set, annual, appointed times with Yahuwah—must exceed the dating experiences I used to experience with Hilary three and a half decades ago.
The question for me becomes–how do I capture that same sense of anticipation and joy in my celebration of the feasts, and for that matter, exceed them?
Not Much Joy this Passover
Sadly, I was lacking that sense of anticipation and joy this year and that has somewhat disappointed me. Do I feel that the entire Passover period was a spiritual bust for me? No, not in the least, but it was not joyous nor inspiring. I will explain in just a second.
Introspective—Testing—Bitter Sweet—Revelatory Type Passover
This Passover for me was more of introspection and a time of testing and spiritual self-inventory; it was more of a bitter experience than a pleasant one. Now this does not mean that the experience was not spiritually good for me. On the contrary, I believe it proved to be a most spiritually beneficial feast for me as a Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believer in Yeshua Messiah. No, it was not one of those “hang out with the brethren” Feasts this year—it was something else: revelation; introspection; inquiry; concern; regrets are just a few of the descriptors of my time last week. Again, it all came down to what I gained from the experience. It is all about spiritual gain: growth; spiritual development; spiritual and personal insight; fellowship (when available); rest, both spiritually and physically; peace; opportunity; worship; and celebration—celebration of life, who I am as a Son of the Most High, of my redemption, of my tremendous good fortune in Father’s adoption of me as His child. Of course, there is much more.
So what did I come away with—or what did I gain—from this year’s Passover? I came away with the following things that, quite frankly, I’m still working through even as I write this post: first, the “love of the many” has seemingly “waxed cold” in our Faith Community and I’m afraid to say that even I may also be infected with this malady; secondly, the Passover-Unleavened Bread observance was more than just a reminder that sin must be purged from our lives; and thirdly, as much as I prefer introversion as my primary framework for worship, I found that I missed fellowshipping with other like-minded believers apart from Hilary.
I know, a bummer, right? Well, not exactly. What these elements have begun to teach me is that I, Rod, have a ton of work that needs to be completed in my life and that I must decide where my heart, mind and soul truly will lay in my remaining years on this earth before Master returns.
Allow me to reflect upon each of these 3-areas if you don’t mind.
The Love of the Many…in Hebrew Roots
The first of these 3-reflective areas of Passover has to do with my perception—dare I say heartfelt concern—that love is quickly vanishing from the ranks of our Faith Community, if it has not already done so by now.
Despite the reality of our abject preoccupation with Torah, one of the central, dare I say essential criterion of being a member of the Hebrew Roots Community, is that Yahoshua/Yahshua is our Master and we are compelled to obey Him as we obey our Creator Yahuwah. For some odd reason, a huge swath of Torah-keeping believers have all but abandoned Yeshua and have turned their lives almost entirely to a radical form of Judaism or have adopted a Judaistic-like worldview. One believer that I came across in social media aptly dubbed these individuals as “Yeshua-haters;” and indeed, given the excessive venom and vile disdain these individuals have for anyone who doesn’t see the things of our Faith as they do, this title certainly fits these individuals to a tee.
Nevertheless, Master Yeshua and His teachings if ignored will have eternal repercussions.
Shaul (aka the Apostle Paul), in his letter to the Assembly of Believers in Philippi, so eloquently wrote of our Master: “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Messiah Yahoshua, who, although He existed in the form of Yahuwah/Yahweh/Yahovah (i.e., having the qualities and characteristics of His Father), did not regard equality with Yahuwah a thing to be grasped (i.e., a thing to take hold of), but emptied Himself (He essentially set aside His favored status with the Father), taking the form of a bond-servant and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, Yahuwah highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name (i.e., above every authority), so that at the name of Yeshua every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (i.e., every created being that has ever existed), and that every tongue will confess that Yeshua Messiah is Master, to the glory of Yahuwah the Father (Philippians 2: 5-11; NAS, amended by me).
So with this knowledge being set firmly in our hearts and minds, it makes undeniable sense that we should do what Yeshua tells us to do; that of course assumes that He is indeed Master over our lives, having been appointed as such by Yahuwah His Father. I would further submit that this point is not up for debate, nor is it optional.
Now, Master gave us a commandment, that He stipulated as a “new” instruction or commandment, and that instruction is found exclusively in John’s gospel, chapters 13 and 15 which reads: “A new commandment I give to you that you love one another just as I have loved you; you also are to love one another” (13:34, ESV); and “This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you” (15:12; ESV).
As an aside, I find it fascinating how this concept of love for one another seemed to resonate so profoundly with John, whom the writing suggests the Master loved exceptionally so. This commandment resonated with John so much that he even referenced it in his first and second general epistles—I John 4:21; 2 John 1:5.
So the question I have for our community today is–where is the love? Why is our Faith Community so devoid of love for one another? Why do we persistently hate on one another? Why do we despise one another over the most innocuous things and cut off fellowship with one another because we interpret elements of our Faith differently from one another? This thing is worse than money and politics in the carnal world, for these are just two examples of things that have the potential to sever most relationships between once respecting and even loving peoples.
For some bizarre reason we have many angry and mean folks attaching themselves to our community who seem quite obtuse to the aforementioned Johannine passages.
Yes, people in our Faith Community can be exceptionally mean and these exceptionally mean people have no problem eating you alive in person or online over the most innocuous Torah topics. I got into, yet, another fight on Facebook the week of Passover, this time over the Biblical validity of what I often refer to as the Lunar Sabbath debacle. That on-line conflict essentially ruined an entire day of the Feast for me; I was outraged at the arrogance of the two individuals who insisted that we Torah-keepers are for all-intents and purposes lower forms of life and, as one of them called me, infidels, for not adopting this evil, baseless doctrine that seems to be setting up shop in our community. How does such a ridiculous doctrine, obviously from the pit of hades itself, find such a zealous home in the hearts of once devout Hebrew Rooters? I just do not get it. Then those very same Hebrew Rooters, now converted Lunar Sabbatarians, take on a sense of brutal arrogance that seeks to shut down those of us who do not agree with it.
Another Facebook conflict happened to me just this week, although I was not a willing participant in this conflict, which involved a long-time Facebook friend (whatever that actually means these days), who posted a scathing retort on my Facebook page over my referring to Abba as—wait, here it comes—God! Yes, I dared to refer to Yahuwah, our Elohim, by the title of God. Okay, since when did it become a crime in Hebrew Roots to use the title God? Honestly, how many of us grew up calling our Creator by what we presume to be His true name today—Yahweh—Yahovah—Yahuwah? I can pretty much guess, not very many of us, and oh, by the way, our best guesses at the Creator’s Name is just that—best guesses. No one alive today truly knows the correct pronunciation of the Creator’s Name. However, there are certain members of this sacred names sect that will cut you down just as quick as the lunar Sabbatarians. Again, where is the love that Master commanded us to show towards one another? Indeed, the love of the many in our community has waxed ever so cold.
Nevertheless, what Father has revealed to me in the midst of my outrage and disappointment (in those who are supposed to be Spirit-filled and possess love for God and for brother/sister) is that the tares and wheat MUST grow together until the time of harvest, otherwise in uprooting the tares to free the wheat, the wheat will be uprooted in the process (Matthew 13:24-30). Furthermore, it’s too bad that my little feelings were hurt as a result of a couple of personal attacks over such non-issues and topics as the Lunar Sabbath debacle or even the Pharisaic attempts by some to stamp out the use of the term God from all Hebrew Rooter vernacular. In addition, I am almost certain that many of you listening to me today have endured such attacks from the ultra-conservative, radical arm of our community. These and other such fights are not mine to wage, as much as my ire towards those who seek to harm our Faith Community with their lies is so easily kindled when they so arrogantly go about their trolling for new converts to their confederacy of evil.
Unleavened Bread—A Time to Embrace Affliction
The second of my three reflective areas for this Passover season has to do with the concept of affliction. Allow me to explain.
This past Passover and Unleavened Bread season was particularly challenging for me on a couple of levels. To begin with, Hilary and I are working through some major life-changes that involve relocating cross-country to attend to ailing family members and initiate a full-time ministry. Can I just say—this is one of the most challenging things we have ever done in our 3-1/2-decades of married life. I will not bore you with the particulars, but suffice to say, this is turning out to be something that I will be happy to see come to a complete end here shortly, Abba willing and the crick don’t rise.
Along with that, the situation back East with my aging and ailing loved ones seems to have taken quite a turn for the worse and I’m having to deal with a great deal of guilt over not being there, and of course, the tremendous anxiety of not getting this whole “relocation” thing over and done with fast enough. I guess it comes down to a “woe is me” situation playing out in my head. It is weighing heavy on it adversely affected, not just and me how I was relating to my beloved Hilary, but it was weighing heavy on my focus during the entire Passover week.
Therefore, I struggled to maintain a positive focus during the week of Passover and Unleavened Bread in the midst of my guilt and worries, while at the same time fighting to identify what it was I was supposed to be learning for the Feast-week.
With all, that I have mentioned that was going on with me during that week, turns out that I did not gain an understanding of what Father had for me in terms of that Passover week until the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Upon tuning in to House of Israel in Charlotte North Carolina from Hilary and my hotel room (having vacated our home in honor of the Feast week), I received the understanding I was searching for. That understanding was something that I have always known about in the back of my mind, but never thought to apply it to myself, David, a minister at House of Israel, delivered it to me.
David reminded me that most of us place quite a bit of focus on sin as it relates to the Feast of Unleavened Bread; that is, the elimination of sin from our lives. The popular teaching in our Faith Community is that the Feast of Unleavened Bread provides a prophetic-framework that reminds us that Abba’s plan of salvation and His purpose for sending us Master Yeshua was to vanquish sin from our lives—both imputed vanquishing of past sins through Abba’s grace and Yeshua’s sacrifice, and our daily work of eliminating sin from every aspect of our lives through obedience to Torah and the transformative work of the Ruach HaKodesh (i.e., the Holy Spirit) in our lives.
Indeed, this is a crucial aspect of our lives that I believe we must keep in the forefront of our thoughts, and thus we fight the good fight daily of dying to self.
Yet until David’s teaching, I felt as though Abba was shortchanging me this Feast. Oh, how wrong could I have been!
The other aspect of Unleavened Bread we tend to overlook in our Faith Community is the historical link between the consumption of Unleavened Bread during the 7-day Feast week and the years of horrendous bondage that we endured in Egypt. Abba referred to those years of bondage as “affliction” (that is, “oniy”) (Exodus 3:17) and that affliction is memorialized in the leavened bread that we consume during the week and the bitter herbs we cringe to eat during the Pecach meal (Deuteronomy 16:3).
Affliction, the consuming of matzah and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are intricately linked. Unleavened bread is symbolic of affliction. Let us face it, leavened products can be quite pleasing to the pallet and appealing to the eyes; whereas unleavened products tend to appear bland and taste equally so. It is often a challenge to willingly submit oneself to consuming something that is as distasteful as unleavened bread (aka matzah) for seven days, especially when there is so many other options readily available to us.
Have you noticed breads, cakes and cookies seem to find their way in our line of vision annoying so during the week of Unleavened Bread? Fortunately, I love the celebrating this feast more than I care for leavened foods.
What then is the nexus between unleavened bread and affliction? Well, for me, affliction is certainly not something that I relish taking place in my life. Yet I am not so naive to know that bad times come upon us when they come and often there is little that we can do about them. Often times they come as a result of something bad that we’ve done, thus affliction is the reaping of that which we’ve badly sown (Galatians 6:7-9). The Tanakh is filled with examples of affliction brought about through disobedience or evil deeds.
Afflictions come to us at times to prove us and build us up in the areas of our lives that are spiritually lacking and if those areas are not refined and molded properly, we become useless to Father (Job 4, 8, 11, 18), and this my dear friends is one of the areas of affliction that seems to applied to me the most. There are many areas of my life that need refining and strengthening in order for me, and yes you, to be the vessels that Father is desirous of us to work out His purpose in the earth.
Afflictions come to us at times to test us—to show to Father, the world and to us, that we’ve overcome our weaknesses and have died to self and are ready to truly be Yahushua’s disciples (again, see the story of Job).
Afflictions come to us at times to bring Abba glory. I know, how strange to apply such a concept—affliction—to the glory of Yahuwah, but David did a fantastic job pointing out that the Scriptures are filled with examples of people being healed and miracles transpiring all over the place for the express purpose of our God gaining the glory He so justly deserves (John 9:1-5).
Afflictions come to us at times to draw us closer to Father and to put us into “a right relationship with Yahuwah.”
In the case of our Master, afflictions came to Him to atone for the sins of the world. We deserved to be on that execution stake, but our Master took on that penalty for us and thus we’ve been gloriously released from the eternal sin debt that haunts all mankind from birth (Isaiah 53:3-7).
The first thing that comes to my mind whenever I sense affliction has come to my world is that God is out to get me. I recall growing up in Baltimore during the 1960’s and 1970’s, in a Southern Baptist environment, and whenever someone would be afflicted with whatever, the common thinking amongst the holy rollers was that God was getting some payback. In some cases, this may have been true, but the more accurate way of looking at these situations should have been that Father was not intending to destroy those who were being afflicted (as with us today), but was simply working these individuals through any of the above noted situations.
What I came away with this Unleavened Bread season was that afflictions are a big part of our walk with Messiah and as distasteful as afflictions may be (just like the taste of matzah), there is a divine purpose behind them. Our desire should be, then, to readily accept those afflictions and endure them (2 Timothy 2:10), no matter how bad they may get. As the affliction progresses, it then becomes our responsibility to turn fully to Yahuwah and resist the temptation to complain to the world about our issues (Colossians 1:24); to rejoice in Yahuwah for the great things He is presently doing and is going to do in our lives (Philippians 4:4) and give Abba thanks, even though when afflictions hit, it’s often a challenge to do so (I Thessalonians 5:18).
This is the life we signed up for and it took this Unleavened Bread season for me to have this reality revealed to me. Praise Yahuwah for David’s teaching and for delivering to me that missing piece of the Unleavened Bread puzzle that eluded me for most of the Feast this past season.
Missing Fellowship
The last reflection has to do with my missing the joy of formal fellowship this Passover season. This was one of the first years in a few years where we, Hilary and I, celebrated Pecach and the Feast of Unleavened Bread alone, outside of a formal fellowship-type gathering. I must admit that I missed having that formal-fellowship this season. We were blessed to be able to tune into the Michael Rood Passover celebration, broadcasted on the internet for a fee by the Rood organization. I have some personal misgivings about this whole thing that I will save discussing for another time, but we did get some semblance of fellowship through this live-internet broadcast. Additionally, House of Israel broadcasts first and last day of Unleavened Bread teachings and praise and worship services that I found helped lessen my feelings of missing fellowship.
It was not the same, and I am hoping that next year, if Master tarries, Hilary and I will have the blessing of fellowshipping with a group of like-minded Spirit-Filled Torah Observant Believers in Yeshua Messiah.
King David wrote, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1, KJV). As convenient and cost effective as on-line programs such as was offered by House of Israel and the Rood organization, I can attest that tuning in to on-line programs during the feasts does not compare to actually being with and in the midst of the brethren.
Concluding Thoughts and Reflections
I’ve shared with you just a few thoughts and reflections that I gained from last week’s Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread celebration. Looking back to that week, I can honestly say that it was bitter sweet for me. Part of me wished that it would have been different; that it would have been like in years past when we fellowshipped with other like-minded believers in a formal fellowship setting and that things were going along in our lives swimmingly and without the problems that I described to you earlier. Turns out, I did not have such a pleasant experience this go-round.
I should say that I cannot attest for Hilary’s experience this season, but I think she spent a great amount of time putting together some teachings that you might find of spiritual value; and you may find them at
The other part of me, however, is thankful for the week. I can say, without reservation that I’ve gained more spiritually from this year’s Passover/Unleavened Bread season than I’ve gained spiritually in past years. I’m still “feasting,” if you will, from the various elements of this year’s feast, as bitter as those elements turned out to be, and I am seeing myself from the perspective of someone who remains a “work in progress” and who has a long ways to go as it relates to meeting that mark for the prize of the high calling of Yahuwah in Messiah Yeshua.
It is my hope and trust that you too had a blessed Passover/Unleavened Bread season, not just celebratory-wise, but spiritual-wise. I do not know what is going on in your life today nor do I know what transpired in your life during the Feast last week. All I know is that Father is preparing for Himself a people who will finally fulfill the void left behind by our forefathers who chose to follow other elohim. Father is going to fix that problem soon and eventually, all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26). As it relates to us today, Abba is preparing a nation of priests for this world and it is my sincerest hope that we all find ourselves busy at work doing that which Father has commanded us to do and that we ultimately find ourselves happily and eternally housed in the soon coming Kingdom of Yahuwah.
I would have once said, hasten and come now Master Yahoshua, come now, but after this past feast season, I’m hoping He tarries just a little longer so that I can get my act together and fulfill the mission that He’s given me; there’s just so much remaining that needs to be done.
Nevertheless, may Yahuwah bless you and keep you and may His glorious face shine ever so brightly upon you and that you live in complete shalom. Until next week my dear friends and fellow saints in training.
Rod Thomas
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Leaving Church Torah Living Daily Challenge 24 Article entitled: "Americans become less religious, especially young adults: poll" by Mary Wisnieswski of Reuters (11/3/2015) Americans becoming less religious--mostly among adults according to recent poll conducted by...
Righteousness and Torah–Grace and the Law Part 6–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 35
Righteousness and Torah Grace and Law (Part 6)--Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 35 Calendar 17th/18th day of the 8th Biblical Month--also known as Marheshwan Next festival is Hanukkah--slated for December 8th or at the end of the 9th biblical month Hanukkah is the...
Torah Teaches Love for Humanity–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Episode 22
Torah Teaches Love for Humanity Torah Living Daily Challenge 22 Continuing on in my Torah studies this morning, I am still in Parashah 47, but in section 6. This portion of Torah addresses the very timely topic of the Shmittah. (And Shmittah has a number of...
Tithing and Torah–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Episode 21
Tithing and Torah Torah Living Daily Challenge My Torah studies brought me to Parashah 47 section 6; a portion of Torah that addresses tithing. Now I must admit that I thought I knew all there was to know about tithing until I came upon this Torah portion. As it turns...
Don’t Eat the Bacon–The Duty of Holiness (Part 2)–Torah Living Daily Challenge 19
Don't Eat the Bacon The Duty of Holiness (Part 2) You are the sons of Yahovah your God…For you are a holy people [set apart]to Yahovah your God; and Yahovah has chosen you to be a peculiar people to Himself, above all the nations on the earth. (Deuteronomy 14:1, 2)...
The Duty of Holiness (Part 1)–Torah Living Daily Challenge 18
The Duty of Holiness (Part 1) Torah Living Daily Challenge 18 You are the sons of Yahovah your God…For you are a holy people [set apart]to Yahovah your God; and Yahovah has chosen you to be a peculiar people to Himself, above all the nations on the earth. (Deuteronomy...
What is our identity and purpose? Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 34
What is our Identity and Purpose Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 34 Understanding our Identity--who we are as a people of Faith--is paramount for each of us to grasp Our identity defines who we are--in my line of work, one of the most important aspects of my job is...
Your Faith Might Get You Hurt–Torah Living Daily Challenge 17
Your Faith Might Get You Hurt Torah Living Daily Challenge 17 Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil on account of the Son of Man! (Luke 6:22 ESV) I came across a very disturbing articles this week,...
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem–Torah Living Daily Challenge 15
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Greetings Why TLDC? Encourage Torah Living Y'shua Style and preparing us for the tough times ahead through pertinent and inciteful discussions on the issues and topics affecting today's Believer in Y'shua Mashiyach Useful Information...
Hitting the Default Button on our Faith–STAR 33
Hitting the Default Button on our Faith 8 ¶ Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy...
Released from the Law
Released from the Law Moving on from our lengthy discussion on Grace as taken from Ephesians 2:8 and 9, I’d like to look at another popular passage of the Bible that the anti-Torah Christian uses to condemn those of us who embrace a Torah lifestyle. Romans 6:14, and...
The Blood Moon Controversy with a Side of Smittah–STAR 31
The Blood Moon Controversy With a Side of Shmittah I. Introduction This Monday, September 28, 2015, a total lunar eclipse will be visible over Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas. This event is projected to last 1-hour 11-minutes. In Israel the eclipse...
Serve the LORD–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Parashah 47 Part 6
SERVE THE LORD Torah Living Daily Challenge The 4th aspect of Moshe’s admonishment to us from verse 4 of the 13th chapter in most modern translations and verse 5 of the CJB is that we serve Yahovah. In the KJV, the term “serve” is used some 193-verses. The term...
Blood Moons–Feast of Trumpets–Grace Revisited–Part 3 of Grace and the Law Series–STAR 29
Blood Moons--Feast of Trumpets--Grace Revisited Part 3 of Grace and the Law Series Day 27 of the 6th Biblical Month, also known as the month of Elul in Jewish circles. Creator's Calendar versus the Jewish Calculated Calendar. Choose your calendar. About 3-days or less...
Listen to What the Father Says–Part-5 of Parashah 47
Listen to What the Father Says Part 5 of Parashah 47 The third aspect of Moshe’s direction to us as it relates to Yahovah preparing us to enter the Land of Promise (verse 5 of the 13th chapter of Deuteronomy—it is the 4th verse in the NAS, KJV DBY, NLT, ASV, YLT, ESV,...
By Grace are you Saved–Grace and the Law Part 2
By Grace are You Saved Part 2 of the series: Grace and the Law In part one (1) of this series entitle Grace and the Law, we critically looked at some of the key bible passages that our cousins in fundamental and charismatic churchianity (or Christianity...
Listen to What God Says–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Parashah 47 Part 5
Listen to What God Says Torah Living Daily Challenge--Parashah 47 Part 5 We are commanded to listen to what Yahovah says as recorded in Deuteronomy 13: 5. What does that look like to us living in the 21st century? 15 ¶ All the people experienced the thunder,...
By Grace are you Saved–Grace and the Law, Part 2–STAR 28
By Grace are you Saved--Part 2 of the multi-episode series on Grace and the Law Supreme Court Ruling on Gay and Lesbian Unions Blog Post We're roughly 10-days out from Yom Teruah, or Day of Trumpets, or in Jewish circles, Rosh HaShanah The Creator's...
Obeying God’s Commandments–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Parashah 47 Part 4
Obeying God’s Commandments Torah Living Daily Challenge—Parashah 47 Part 5 Remaining in verse 5 of the 13th chapter of Deuteronomy, I want to examine the second directive and that is to “obey His mitzvot” (or rather, “obey his commandments”). What does that look like...
Grace and the Law–Hasn’t the Law Been Done Away With?–Part 1–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 27
Grace and the Law Hasn't the Law Been Done Away With? That Which Separates Us Those of us in the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith (Messianic Believers in Y’shua Messiah; Torah Observant Believers in Y’shua Messiah) are comparatively the smallest of...
Christianity and Biblical Inspiration–Understanding the Bible Part 4–STAR 26
Christianity and Biblical Inspiration Introduction This will be part 4 of the series generally subtitled "Understanding the Bible." Today's title is "Christianity and Biblical Inspiration." Certainly one of the most familiar phrases known by Bible readers and...
Babylon Rising and the First Shall be Last–Rob Skiba–Messianic Torah Observer Book Review
I came across Rob Skiba this past May while attending his breakout session at the 2015 United in Torah Conference in San Diego, California. I had never heard of Rob Skiba prior to attending the conference. Since coming into the Faith I had for all-intents-and-purposes...
Idolatry-False Prophets and Teachers–Clinging to the Father–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Parashah 47–Part 3
Idolatry-False Prophets and Teachers-and Clinging to Father Deuteronomy 12:28-13:19 Picking up where we left off in parashah 47, we come upon this portion that addresses three key issues: (1) the consequences associated with inquiring after the gods of those nations...
The Prayer Shawl Controversy-Part 1–STAR 25
The Prayer Shawl Controversy--Part 1 In recent months we've noticed a rather disturbing trend taking place in traditional Christianity, especially in the more charismatic circles of the Christian Faith. As more and more adherents/believers/Christians, if you will, are...
Where Do You Worship Yahovah?–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Parashah 47–Part 2
Where Do You Worship Yahovah Deuteronomy 12:10-28 Continuing on in my Torah daily Torah studies, beginning with verse 10 and reading through verse 28, Yahovah provided us clear instruction as to where “Central Station Worship” would be. At this early juncture, that...
Torah: Is it liberty or bondage?
There is a beautiful doe that has chosen our "back four" as her favorite place to give birth to her baby every year. Why here, is anybody's guess, but it seems she feels safer on our fenced property in the underbrush of a dry creek bed than she does in the forest,...
Blessings and Curses–Part 1–Parashah 47 (See)–Torah Living Daily Challenge
Blessings and Curses Part 1 I had somewhat of a short week this past week as I was returning from attending to a family emergency on the East Coast. I sort of alluded to this situation in my last podcast entitled Defeating Satan. If you’ve not had the opportunity to...
Blessings and Curses–Stuck in the Middle–STAR 24
Blessings and Curses Stuck in the Middle Why did Father drill in our heads in anticipation of entering the land of promise--over and over--the idea of blessings to be had if we stayed/remained in His Torah and curses if we strayed from His Torah? I have some thoughts...
Defeating Satan–Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 23
Defeating Satan Matthew 4 and Luke 4 record Satan's tempting of Y'shua (Jesus) in the wilderness and how Y'shua was able to overcome those temptations. This event provides the Torah observing believer in Y'shua Messiah with an example and prescription for defeating...
The Bride of Christ (Messiah) Part 2–STAR 22
The Bride of Christ (Messiah) Part 2 is the second part of a two-part discussion between Hilary and Rod on the subject. Who or what is the Bride of Christ (Messiah)? This is the central question that demands an answer that most believers are not clear on....
The Bride of Christ–Part 1–Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections 21
What did Shaul and John mean when they made reference to the bride of Christ? Were they referring to the Church Triumphant? Were they referring to individual born again Christians? Hilary and I discuss this important element of our Faith in the first of a two-part...
Occupying Territory–Parashah 46 Part 7
Occupying Territory Deuteronomy 11:22-25 This passage brings us to the end of Parashah-46. As it has been throughout this lengthy portion, we see again Moshe's admonishment that we love Adonai our God. This concept of love in the Ancient Near East continues to be...
The Great Commandment–Torah Living Daily Challenge–Parashah 46 Part 6
The Great Commandment Deuteronomy 11:10-21 Verse 10 gave us a glimpse of the many features associated with our pending inheritance. One of those features included the fertileness of the land. Yahovah compared the fertileness of the land of Canaan compared to Egypt,...
The Messianic Declaration of Independence–Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 20
The Messianic Declaration of Independence InfoWars on Americans' knowledge of history and Independence Day. Galatians 5:1 Matthew 23:23-34 The Opening of the Declaration of Independence When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to...
Barna Group on Same Sex Marriage
The Barna Group Reports on Same-Sex Marriage I came upon these statistics published by the well established and respected Barna Group, regarding the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. I found these statistics not so surprising I must admit and it...
The Supernatural, Evil and Darkness of our Day–Torah Daily Living Challenge
Last week SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) legalized same sex marriage in all 50-States of union; a week ago, a crazed, seeming racist young man shot and killed 9 men and women attending a bible study in a black-church in Charleston S.C.; last month rioters...
Willing Obedience is a True Act of Love–
Willing Obedience is a True Act of Love Deuteronomy 10:12-11:9 What does our experience tell us about Yahovah? What is our testimony? It is these exploits, these events that occurred in our lives that make us strong and ready to possess the land. We must not...
God’s Law Written on our Hearts–Parashah 46 (Part 4)
God's Law Written on our Hearts Deuteronomy 10:1-12 Moshe regales the time past when Yahovah instructed him to come up the holy mountain with two tables of hewed stone, similar to the ones that Yahovah provided in the first time. (Reference Exo. 34:1, 2) Prior to...
“Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads”? (Deuteronomy 6: 6-8)
What do you think YHWH (Yahweh) meant by: "Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads"? Deuteronomy 6: 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home...
The Supernatural, Evil and Darkness of our Day–STAR 19
The Supernatural, Evil and Darkness of our Day This week SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) legalized same sex marriage in all 50-States of union; a week ago, a crazed, seeming racist young man shot and killed 9 men and women attending a bible study in a...
The Supernatural and Evil–Torah Living Daily Challenge
The Supernatural and Evil This month of June in the year 2015 may mark on of the worst months on record for the proliferation of evil throughout the world. Word on the street is that the Supreme Court of these United States will rule on same sex marriages sometime...
Who Do You Think You Are?-Torah Living Daily Challenge-Parashah 46 Part 3
Who Do You Think You Are? Deuteronomy 9:4-29 Verses 4-6 of part 3 of parashah 46 sort of puts us in our respective places, so to speak. Moshe reminds us thusly: "Don't think to yourself, after your God has pushed them out ahead of you (speaking of the nations...
Remembering God–Torah Living Daily Challenge (Parashah 46 Part 2)
Remembering God Deuteronomy 8:11-9:3 Part 2 of Parashah 46 (Because) reminds us to "Be careful not to forget Adonai (i.e., Yahovah) your God." (verse 11). How is it even possible to forget the Creator one could ask, at least that was the question in my mind initially....
TLDC-2–Read Torah Daily and Obey (Parashah 46 Part 1)
Deu. 7:12-8:10--Read Torah Daily and Obey Commentary Continuing my foray into Torah, I've come to this Torah portion, #46, day 1, entitled "Because." For the newbies among us, every Torah portion takes from the first verses of that portion a descriptive word that...
A Conversation with Chaim Goldman–STAR 18
Join me as I converse with Chaim Goldman of Repairing the Breach Ministries. You will be blessed.
What’s the difference between a “Greek” and a “Hebrew” mindset?
What is the difference between a Greek and Hebrew mindset? Have you ever thought about what it means when someone tells you you have a "Greek mindset?" Well, "Hebrew mindset" and the "Greek mindset" refers to the fact that there is a difference in their respective way...
What is Torah? – The condensed version!
What is Torah? Here is a condensed explanation. YHWH (God the Father) created everything, including Man. He commanded all living things - the birds, fish and animals - to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:21-25). He gave man some rules to follow as well. That is...
Questionnaire for our Christian friends
Shalom, everyone! My name is Carmen and I love to help people become Torah observant! To help you along the way, I have made up this questionnaire for our Christian friends. Enjoy! QUICK INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: Is it really true that to gain eternal life, all we have...
STAR 17–My Discussion with Author and Messianic Teacher Carmen Welker Part 2
Carmen Welker discusses her ministry--what The Refiner's Fire is all about and how it is impacting the Christian and Jewish communities.
STAR 16–A Discussion with Carmen Welker Part 1
STAR 16--A Discussion with Carmen Welker (Part 1) Shalom Saints! Check out Carmen's Webites and Associated Ministry: The Refiner's Fire Reality Check TV The Aramaic English New Testament
STAR 15–Understanding the Bible Part 3–A Question of Inspiration or Perspiration
Understanding the Bible Part 3—A Question of Inspiration or Perspiration What is the Bible? As it relates to the Bible, how many of you have heard the Bible described and labeled as the Holy Bible? What about the bible as the “unadulterated Word of God?” How bout...
STAR 12–Understanding the Bible Part 2 (Why Should Believers Read Their Bibles)
Understanding the Bible Part 2--Why Should Believers Read the Bible? Opening Scripture Passage: Hos 4:1-6 KJV The Moedim Conference--United in Torah--May 1-3, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Featured Guests: Psalmstress Elisha Rico Cortes--Founder Wisdom in Torah Ministries...
Torah Living 50–Understanding the Bible (Is the Church Suffering from Biblical Illiteracy?)
Introduction What is the bible? Some would contend the bible to be the “unadulterated Word of God.” Others would similarly contend that the bible is NOT the word of God per se, but rather it contains the Word of God. Others would say that it is an instruction manual...
STAR 11–Understanding the Bible or Is the Church Suffering from Biblical Illiteracy?
Understanding the Bible Part 1--Is the Church Suffering from Biblical Illiteracy? What is the bible? Some would contend the bible to be the “unadulterated Word of God.” Others would similarly contend that the bible is NOT the word of God per se, but rather it contains...
Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 10–The Day of Firstfruits or the Wave Sheaf Offering
9 ¶ Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 10 "Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, 'When you enter the land which I am going to give to you and areap its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest....
Torah Living 49–The Day of Firstfruits or the Wave Sheaf Offering
Yom Bikkurim or the Day of Firstfruits This Feast of Firstfruits in Hebrew is referred to as Yom HaBikkurim (meaning the Day of the First ripe fruits of a crop) or the Day of the Wave Sheaf. On this day, the cohen (aka priests) would wave a sheaf of the first fruits...
Mentally Preparing for Passover
6 aYour boasting is not good. bDo you not know that ca little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?7 Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our aPassover also has been sacrificed.8 Let us therefore...
STAR 8–Preparing for Passover Mentally, Physically and Spiritually
Preparing for Passover Mentally, Physically and Spiritually Preparation is a key factor in getting the fullest possible spiritual, cognitive and physical benefit from the Feasts. Failure to adequately prepare in every aspect of our being could lead to a less-than...
Because you are Obedient Part 3–Forgetting Yehovah
Picking up in Chapter 8, verse 11, we find that we are commanded not to forget Yehovah our Elohim. The passage reads: 11"Beware lest you aforget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today;...
Because you are Obedient to Torah Part 2
Picking up from the previous section of Deuteronomy 7:12-8:10: 7:12--there is a 3-part requirement related to Torah observance: (1) listen (i.e., to shama or to hear); (2) keep (i.e., to watch and preserve); and (3) obey (i.e., to do them). What we have here is a...
Because you are Obedient to Torah-Part 1
Because you are Obedient to Torah (Part 1) Greetings Saints, My Daily Torah studies took me to D'varim 7 (Deut 7). Beginning at verse 12, we find Moshe speaking to the nation of Israel from a reassuring perspective. He'd already established the need for them to keep...
Episode 6–Hilary Thomas on the Hebraic Roots of the Faith
Calendar--March 14, 2015--23rd Day of the 12th Biblical Month 6014 (aka: Adar 5775) This past week, according to Rood's "The Chronological Gospels--The Life and 70-Week Ministry of Yeshua Messiah," Yeshua travels to the city of Ephraim as found in John 11:54: "Because...
Standing Up To The Christian Bullies Part 1
Standing Up to the Christian Bullies Part 1 Commentary on "Hebrew Roots Heresy" Facebook Page One of the posts on this site rails upon Hebraic Roots advocating Christian believers being Torah Observant. This post went out of its way to insist that the New Testament...
Sabbath Thoughts 5–Standing up to the Christian Bullies Part 1
Calendar--March 8, 2015--16th Day of the 12th Biblical Month 6014 (aka: Shevat 5775) This past week, according to Rood's "The Chronological Gospels--The Life and 70-Week Ministry of Yeshua Messiah," Lazarus is raised from the dead on Purim. Recorded in John 11:17-53...
Two of Purim’s Greatest Secrets
Happy Purim! Well, here we are in the Month of March which translates to the 12th Biblical Month or the Month of Adar as recorded on the Rood “Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar.” At the time of this post it will be the beginning of...
Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 4–7 Reasons Why Hebraic Roots Over Mainstream Christianity
Calendar--March 1, 2015 This past week, according to Rood's "The Chronological Gospels--The Life and 70-Week Ministry of Yeshua Messiah," Miriam and Martha sent emissaries to Yeshua to report on the dire situation of their brother Lazarus. Passage found in John...
Why Hebraic Roots–An Ongoing Debate–Post 1
Why Hebraic Roots The Messianic/Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith focuses on what the Father truly has to say to us. Thus, in order to understand what it is the Father has to say to us, it is vital that we somehow come to a place in our lives, existence, etc.,...
Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections 3–Dealing with Naysayers
Calendar--February 21, 2015 Renewed moon was sighted over Israel--New moon sighted from Jerusalem on Feb 20, 2015 by Gil Ashendorf at 5:54pm and Devorah Levine at 5:57pm. The photo at the top of this message was taken by Devorah Levine from Jerusalem.We will be...
Grieve the Holy Spirit?
Don't cause grief to God's Ruach HaKodesh, for he has stamped you as his property until the day of final redemption. (Eph 4:30 CJB) It comes down to us simply giving in to the leading of the Ruach Kodesh in every aspect of our lives. Things are not always going to go...
Doctrine of Baptisms
Doctrine of Baptisms Having just posted the latest episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections where my focus was on baptism or the Doctrine of Baptisms as mentioned in Hebrews 6, a full day later I'm just as fired up about this topic as I was when I recorded and...
Sabbath Thoughts #2
Sabbath Thoughts #2--Baptism and Teachers Calendar--February 14, 2015--the West is celebrating St. Valentine's Day 24th Day of the 11th Biblical Month 6014 (aka: Shevat 5775) Upcoming Feasts and Messianic Celebrations Purim--Est. 03/06/2015 or 14th day of the 12th...
TL-46-Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections–Who’s Your Daddy?
Sabbath Thoughts & Reflections for February 7, 2015 Calendar 11th Biblical Month 6014, 17th day Upcoming Feasts and Messianic Celebrations Astronomically & Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar--Michael Rood Firstfruits--Est. 04/12/2015, or 22nd...
TL 45-We Must Deal with the Stronghold in our Life
We Must Deal with the Stronghold in our Life The Challenge--Causes of Strongholds What is a stronghold? The true, exegetical explanation of strongholds as I've learned this past Sabbath through Arthur's message and my own studies of the chapter has completely...
Yeshua teaches in the Dead Sea Valley During the Winter of 27 CE–Part 1–Prayer and the Disciple of Messiah
My Torah studies have stopped for a time to examine portions of the Gospel that correlate to this time of the year as it relates to the Creator's Calendar. During this period, the Master is believed to have been teaching His disciples in the Dead Sea region as winter...
Hanukkah’s Greatest Hidden Secrets Part 2
Part 2--A Case of Anti-Jewish/Anti-Hebrew Sentiments Leading to Christianity's Profound Ignorance On the Keeping of Easter--From the Letter of the Emperor to all those not present at the Council (Found in Eusebius, Vita Const., Lib. iii., 18-20) Jude 1:4 speaks to...
Deuteronomy 7:8–The Everlasting Love of Yehovah–Part 1
My Torah studies have brought me to Deuteronomy 7:8 which reads thusly (by the way, I attached verse 7 to verse 8 to ensure a complete thought and complete sentence): CJB Deuteronomy 7:7 ADONAI didn't set his heart [His love-chashaq] on you or choose you because you...
Torah Living 44–Hanukkah’s Greatest Secrets, Part 1–Context, context, context
I posted this audio blog episode specifically for our sister site "It's Not As You Perceive." I was led to post it here for your review as well. I realize that many of you who are of the Hebraic Roots/Messianic Community might be familiar with the context. But I hope,...
The Love of a Father for His Creation
My Torah studies brought me to Deuteronomy 7: 8 this morning and the passage reads accordingly: But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you...
Torah Living-Episode 43–5 Reasons to Observe Hanukkah (and Reject Christmas)
Many in the Hebraic Roots/Messianic Community reject Hanukkah as a legitimate time of observance and celebration. The primary reasons are that Hanukkah is not one of the mandated Feasts of Yehovah and that Hanukkah is not found in our Bibles. Both of these are sound...
In Yehovah’s Eyes, Size Doesn’t Matter
Continuing my Torah studies, I've come to Deuteronomy 7:7 &8: 7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: 8 But because the LORD loved you, and because he would...
Torah Living Episode 42–The Oneness of Yehovah–A Salvation Issue?
Dt. 6 speaks to the oneness/uniqueness of Yehovah and the love the nation must have for Yehovah. This is the basis of the Hebrew Faith. This mitzvah is not only central to the Hebrew Faith but also the Faith once delivered. All indications are that it is this creed....
The Shema is NOT a Precursor to the Trinity
Read each of these translations of Deuteronomy 6:4 and see for yourself how the Shema (incorrectly referred to by many) states the "oneness of Yehovah:" ASV Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah: (Deu 6:4 ASV) CJB Deuteronomy 6:4 "Sh'ma,...
Deuteronomy 6:5-Shema Yisra’el, Yehovah is Our God is One Yehovah
My Torah studies brought me today to The Shema, which remains the pearl--the gem--the beacon that stands out in the whole of the Holy Writ. It certifies that Yehovah is the one and only True God of the universe. It crushes (in my mind) any doctrine that insists that...
Speak to Us Yehovah as You did at Horeb
Continuing my Torah studies, I come to Deuteronomy 5: 24 (the corresponding Complete Jewish Bible's verse is 21). The CJB reads as follows: and said, 'Here, ADONAI our God has shown us his glory and his greatness! We have heard his voice coming from the fire, and we...
Commandment Keeping, Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Spiritual Side to Torah Observance
My Torah studies has taken me to Deut. 4:41-5:18 Passage Outline: * vss 41-43--Moshe establishes 3 cities of refuge (love of neighbor) * vss 44-49--Taking and marking of the boundaries of the land of promise * 5:1-4--Moshe reminds the people of the covenant that...
Deut 4: 9-40–Avoiding Idolatry at any Cost
As I continue my daily Torah studies, I come to Deuteronomy 4:9-40. What follows is a summary for your reference and review, followed by commentary and application: vs 13--He proclaimed His covenant to you which He ordered you to obey, the Ten Words which He wrote on...
Torah Living Episode 39-Halloween, Christianity (Messianic Believer) and the Bible (Torah)
In the West, this coming Friday--October 31st--will be Halloween. It is a time deemed primarily for children, although many adults take great pleasure in celebrating that night as well. As the day wanes and night settles in, millions of children will emerge from...
America the Beautiful versus Torah
7 For what nation [goy=nation=gentiles] is there so great, who hath God [elohim] so nigh unto them, as the LORD [Yehovah] our God [elohim] is in all things that we call upon him for? 8 And what nation is there so great, that hath *statutes [choq] and judgments...
Keep and Do Torah
6 Keep [shamar-guard, observe, give heed] therefore and do [asah] them; for this is your wisdom [chokmah] and your understanding [biynah] in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding...
Deuteronomy 4:2–Neither Add Nor Subtract from the Word of Yehovah
We've violated this mitzvah on so many levels in our Faith. Catholicism and protestantism alike have added to and taken away from the Word of Yehovah despite His clear admonishment to the contrary (2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye...