Rejected by Family and the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew

Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections-68

Master Yahoshua was rejected by the very people He grew up. All indications are that Master’s hometown rejected His Messianic works and wisdom because they could not get past His past. This amazing story is recorded in Matthew 13:54-58 and Mark 6:1-6.

We must exercise discernment and caution when using many biblical resources

Exercise discernment and caution 

What does that say about each of us in Hebrew Roots? How many of us have experienced rejection by family and friends because we are Hebrew Rooters? Additionally, what lessons can we learn from Master regarding our individual stories of rejection? Indeed, if Master endured such rejection, who are we to whine when we experience similar rejection?

Alteration of Philippians 2:11

The Cepher Bible

Additionally, with all the resources that we now have at our disposal in Hebrew Roots (e.g., George Howard’s The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, the Cepher Bible, The Chronological Gospels and a litany of other Bible and extra-biblical resources), should we take them all at face value? Are they trustworthy resources? Can we trust the Hebrew Roots teachers that taut and sell and teach from them? How should we use them? One thing is certain: many of these resources are questionable as it relates to their trustworthiness and accuracy. As a result, we must use them with great caution and discernment.