Hollywood and Atheism

Atheism is Alive and Well in Hollywood

I came across an article the other day that just solidifies for me how shallow some of the more elite of us are in our western society. When it comes down to the question of “do you believe in God?” I elected not to recite for you the names of said elitists. I don’t want to glorify those who would take a stand or side against our Creator. Some of the reasons these elitists gave for not believing in God had hostile overtones. My purpose here is to share with you the mindset we’re up against as active members of our shared Faith.


It is a fair bet that the fans of these paragons of all that is “cool” and “desirable” in our culture and society, adopt the mindset of their idols. Sadly, these elitists and those who adopt their atheistic worldview are misled “fools.” The great King of Israel David wrote: “The fool has said in his heart there is no God. They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds. There is no one who does good.” (Psalm 14:1, NASB) What David is saying here is that with so many infallible proofs to the Creator’s existence, how can any person question God’s existence. And when you are blessed with tremendous responsibility (such as being a celebrity), you are expected to be a role model. You are prohibited from leading your followers astray.

Needless to say, I was especially ticked off when I read this article. I was outraged by the arrogance that some of these individuals proudly displayed in expressing their disbelief.

So as a means of therapy for my outrage over these folks’ statements against my God, I felt that I might as well air these foolish reasons for not believing in the existence of the Creator.


The first celebrity declared he was an atheist because he was angry that the Creator was “homophobic.” Father is “homophobic” so I just won’t believe in Him. I’ll show Him mentality. Well, for me, that celebrity certainly showed his true colors in more ways than one. And I would even submit that this individual’s gripe is not against the Creator but with him self. And that is sad.

A Question of Baptism

The second celebrity had an issue with Christianity as it is portrayed in the New Testament. This individual specifically had an issue with baptism, which I found to be quite strange. But whatever. This individual throws out there that if he finds that he’s wrong about God’s existence, then he would be fine with being committed to a fiery abyss. All I say to that is: live, drink, be merry because if you don’t get this sorted out, you just might get what you believe will happen to you.

Knowledge Over Faith Every Time

The next celebrity had more of a rational take on the question of the Creator’s existence. He and another polled celebrity elected to side with intellect. They asserted that the knowledge that mankind has accumulated over the course of his existence has replaced any need for belief in a sovereign God. Well, I would say that I respect this perspective more than any of the previously stated perspectives and the perspectives to come.

The second celebrity who appealed to intellect cited that religion can not be proved while science is provable. Interestingly, isn’t it the Creator who created the laws of the universe which embody science? But I would venture to guess that most of these intellectual types do not realize this which in my mind questions their level of intellect. I believe that most denials of God’s existence are based upon emotion and ego. I do realize that knowledge, although one of the greatest gifts from the Creator, has the potential of being used to deny the existence of Father.

Faith in God is a Waste of Time

The next celebrity asserted that belief in a sovereign God is a waste of life. Okay. I guess that accumulating fame and fortune is a much better use of one’s life. At least those who are the elite of our society enjoy in this life a life of pleasure, comfort, etc. Yet these have no real sense of security when it comes to the day they close their eyes for the last time and they cease to exist as a living being on this planet. Then what?

The Bible is Offensive

The next celebrity is simply offended by the Bible? I guess that’s as stupid a reason to deny the existence of God as any other. But then, why is this celebrity offended by the Bible? One of the greatest purposes of the Bible is to offend and cause one to make a change in their life. Maybe this individual is feeling the tug to come over to the Faith and abandon his or her evil and anti-God ways.

Celebrity is God

One female celebrity, jokingly, cited that her celebrity was her god. She gave a slight back-slap at our Master by staunchly asserting that Jesus had nothing to do with her success. I believe this back-handed remark had to do with the conventional practice by some celebrities who give credit to Jesus or God for their success, especially when receiving and or accepting an award.

Christianity is Immoral

Another female celebrity pompously cited that her morality was superior to Christianity’s morality. Again, wow! I certainly have come across at least one individual who has made the same type of assertion. But when one takes an inventory of these individuals’ sense of morality, one finds that these individuals tend to be extremely liberal in their views. Their lives and worldviews are typically less than pure and noble. Elitists are naturally self-centered. They feel a sense of superiority over those who would adopt the Faith once delivered. But this is a most dangerous game that these individuals are playing with the Almighty. When we pit our sense of morality against the creator of true morality, we are clearly signing our own eternal death warrants.

I Can’t See God–So He Can’t Possibly Exist

I like this next celebrity’s take on the existence of God: How do you believe in something you can’t see? Well, the answer to that question is simple: you just do goofy! The whole point of the Faith and faith is faith! Faith is the cornerstone of everything. We base our life; our behavior, hopes, obedience, everything on that which we can not see with our natural eyes. That’s the whole kit and caboodle in a nutshell.

God is Mean

And closing out this thing is a celebrity who declares that he’s an atheist because he sees God as cold, callous and hateful. I did an podcast episode addressing this very thing and I entitled it: Will the Real God of the Old Testament Please Stand Up. That episode got a goodly amount of downloads. I challenged the common misconception that God is cold, mean and callous in that post. I essentially called out the common but arrogant behavior that we humans tend to display. That has to do with judging the Creator using our own set of morals. Sadly, this is a fools game that we commonly play. Yahovah is the sole establisher of morals for humanity. The Torah contains Father’s established morals. Unfortunately, the Torah stands before most secular souls as being immoral. That spells bad news for all who would foolishly second-guess the Father.

So What Then?

This is what we’re up against folks. Most of these individuals and their myriad of followers require the scales fall from their eyes in order for them to see the truth. That truth will set them free.

Let us be about Father’s business and make disciples of the nations. Pray for this nation. Let us hope that more and more scales fall from the eyes of the elite in the coming end of days.

Faithfully Submitted

Rod Thomas