The World Loves Baal (aka Nimrod)

Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections–Episode 56

In this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, I reflect upon the realization that the world loves Baal (aka Nimrod). This comes to mind in light of a couple YouTube videos that I watched by Zachary Bauer and Rob Skiba addressing the recent construction and dedication of an imitation archway from the Temple of Baal in Trafalgar Square, London.

Last week I stumbled upon several articles and YouTube videos addressing a new phenomenon that is taking place in many of the world’s western metropolitan cities and that is the erecting of dozens of Baal Temple entrance-ways or archways. These are imitations of the original Temple of Baal gate or archway that once stood in Palmyra Syria, but that ancient temple was destroyed by ISIS late last year. That destruction, along with a few other ancient archaeological structures over the last couple years, has outraged the Western World, and the world at large has demanded that an end be put to ISIS’ indiscriminate murdering and destruction. Unfortunately, ISIS continues to terrorize much of the world. Now, the West has decided to erect an imitation or model of the famous archway in dozens of their metropolitan cities. The latest ones to be erected and officially dedicated as monuments of some sort was in Trafalgar Square in London England and New York City. There is a viral YouTube video of the ceremony marking the dedication of the archway in Trafalgar Square that suggests these archways are actual portals into a spirit realm that we as a race have no business tapping into.
Imitation Archway Temple of Baal in Trafalgar London

Imitation Archway Temple of Baal in Trafalgar London

The Faith-based conspiracy theorists believe that the construction of these archways is not an innocent venture to honor ancient history and the human spirit. There is a general belief among many (with me included) that maybe this is a contrived endeavor designed to bring Baal worship right-smack into the center of major Western cities as well as point a proverbial finger upwards towards Father, signaling that we humans can choose whom we will worship and our choice is Baal, Moloch, Osiris, Zeus, what have you. These Faith-based conspiracy theorists contend that these archways may be portals into the forbidden demon world which could serve to open the door to evil spirit entities entering into our Western cities. This sounds all well and good, but don’t we already have evil spirit beings dwelling in virtually every segment of our world today?
I believe the construction of these archways is more to offend the Creator and to remind the world at large of the preferred worship of Baal.
Zachary Bauer

Zachary Bauer

Zachary Bauer and Rob Skiba recently did fantastic YouTube videos on this very subject that I would encourage you to take a look at. If you are so inclined, simply click on their names and it will take you to their postings.
Rob Skiba

Rob Skiba

Skiba focuses more on the return of Nimrod in the last days while Bauer does more of a focus on the Mark of the Beast. Both videos address ancient Babylon and the world religions that have emerged from that ancient culture and peoples. Both tie in the construction of these archways to Baal worship. Rob Skiba believes that the anti-Christ will be some type of Nimrod incarnation.
As it relates to these planned 100-Baal Temple archways being installed around the world, Skiba asks the question: “These are gates, but gates to what? They must be gates to something.” I love what Skiba has to say about such endeavors that aim to unite the “so-called” civilized world with ancient pagan ways which the west seems to be fascinated with of late. There seems to be absolutely no interest in restoring the paths that the Creator of the Universe set before us; of rebuilding the old waste places that Father once anointed; of raising up the foundations of the lost and forgotten generations that He once embraced; of having that breach that was severed, once again repaired (reference Isaiah 58:12).
Rob Skiba says that we in Hebrew Roots are given a list of rules we are to follow–contrary to the beliefs and doctrines of our Christian cousins. I would add to this statement of Skiba, that we in Hebrew Roots signed up for a job–to be disciples of Yahoshua Messiah. That job is a full-time job that doesn’t end at a set time each day or that we are on duty only on the Shabbat. But our ultimate jobs are to be priests to the world and who keep Yah’s laws. And as Skiba rightly says in alignment with Scripture, it is our transformation into that nation of priests that will ultimately cause the world to have the scales drop from their eyes, realize the error of their ways and discern the countless lies that they’ve been told about the Father and His Son and their expectations of us, and to become children of Yahovah (Reference: Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:5, 9; Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 20:6). No greater promise nor purpose has ever been given to men–and once we embrace our role in Yah’s grand plan, we then begin to appreciate what we’re up against in this world as hasatan knows that he has but little time remaining before those archways fall on him–figurative speaking.
I also agree with Bauer’s take on this whole Temple of Baal thing and in his assertion that the world is already worshiping the beast. But Bauer in his video also believes that the Mark of the Beast, prophecied in the Book of Revelation a multitude of times, is actually world currency. In his video, Bauer shows the viewers an Iraqi Dinar, which has printed on it Babylonian symbolism. We know also that our national currency–United States currency that is–has Babylonian symbolism imprinted on it. In ancient times, Caesar’s image was engraved on Roman currency and we know that Caesar was considered and worshiped as a god in his day. What better way is there to propagate Baal worship throughout the world than through the world’s currency. That is hasatan genius, unfortunately.
Some feel that the Mark of the Beast could not possibly be currency since many believe that common currency/hard currency will be done away with in the end times. These same folks believe that the Mark of the Beast will, instead, be biometrics-based, such that to buy or sell, one must have chips implanted in one’s head and arms/appendages. I agree with Bauer that this system is still currency, regardless the physicality of the currency. If the world goes towards biometrics as many believe it will, then the world system, which is essentially Babylonian-based, will be behind that biometrically based currency.
Rob Skiba agrees with Bauer in that the whole world worships the beast and has been doing so for centuries, although the world at large is oblivious to their participation in this worship. The Christian Church, especially Catholicism, has through the centuries, sought to “Christianize” paganism as a means of bringing in more and more adherents into the Universal Church. Protestantism believes that she was successful in escaping the paganism of Catholicism, but to her chagrin, Protestantism never left or abandoned paganism, and to this very day, she continues to worship a Greek God and Jesus through her various traditions and doctrines and practices and teachings. Holidays such as Easter and Christmas remain Christianity’s hallmark symbols of her adoration and worship of the Greek/Babylonian-based god and religion. Many in Churchianity have come to learn and realize that maybe we in Hebrew Roots are correct about the pagan origin of some of their practices and holidays. But the vast majority of churched adherents refuse to abandon Church and the trappings of their religion because it makes them comfortable and happy and content.
I love Skiba’s statement that handsomely sums up the predicament facing the world–that single dividing question and mindset: “Will we be divisive in Truth or united in lies?” And that is the million dollar question my friends. The Truth is out there, and don’t be fooled: today, more folks in the Church realize the Truth than we could ever fathom. But those that know the Truth are willing to hedge their bets, that they will be given a pass by Judge Yahoshua in the last days, because “He knows my heart.” Well, indeed, He does know our hearts and He will judge accordingly. For He knows and the Father has revealed to us: “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick; who can understand it?”
I’ve read some of Rob’s materials as well as we’ve attended a couple of Rob’s lectures and I think he has some very important things to say about our world today and where we may be heading as the human race. Check it out. But Rob treats the viewer of his YouTube video to snippets of his book, “Babylon Rising,” and he reveals, in connection to the Baal Temple archway construction in London and New York, that Nimrod is at the heart of it all. Nimrod, according to Skiba, and a host of other experts on the subject, is none other than Baal; none other than Marduch or Moloch; is none other than Apollo, Gilgamesh, Osiris, Dionysius and a host of other such pagan deities throughout the course of human history. Skiba holds that Nimrod founded Babylon and was the first Global Leader and Babylon was the first superpower, new world order of the post flood era. As time has gone by and the spirit of Nimrod has taken on various entities and deities and religions, there has been a never ending line of men who have kept the candle burning for Nimrod and looking forward to Nimrod’s return to earth to re-establish absolute reign and control over this world. Skiba believes that Nimrod (I believe more, a spirit of Nimrod) is going to be the prophecied anti-Christ in the end times. That being the case, by constructing these various Baal Temple archways throughout the world, which are believed to be portals to the spirit realm (bad spirit realm that is), is the world then “putting out a welcome sign to Baal?”
I pulled up before and after images of the Ancient Syrian Temple of Baal (i.e., before and after ISIS destroyed the edifice) and I have to say that it looks frighteningly similar to proposed images of Solomon’s Temple. We know that hasatan is a consummate counterfeiter and spiritual fraud. The coming anti-Christ will claim to be Yahoshua Messiah and the many signs and wonders that he will do will be so sophisticated that it would potentially deceive Yah’s elect.
Temple of Baal in Palmyra Syria

Temple of Baal in Palmyra Syria

Skiba brings up an interesting point related to the erecting and dedication of the Temple of Baal archway in Trafalgar Square in London last week: that this whole thing comes right smack in the middle of the Feast of Baal–which is, again, a counterfeit of the Feasts of Yahovah–a week-long celebration and worship of Baal that generally falls between 4/19 and 5/1. The culmination of this week-long festival is the celebration of Beltane–5/1, which symbolizes the rebirth of Baal. Is it not suspicious that this archway was dedicated in Trafalgar Square London during one of paganism’s holiest holiday seasons? Yet no one in the secular world has protested or rejected the erection of this archway. No one is sounding out an alarm to the world about the 99 or more of these things that are being installed in cities throughout the world. Churchianity is still asleep at the wheel on this thing. Not only are they oblivious as to the True Faith once delivered, they are oblivious as to this serious of portals being constructed around the globe. For what purpose we can only surmise.
At the very least, assuming I’m wrong and I could very well be wrong; at the very least, we were warned by the Almighty to not inquire into the ways of the heathen nations of the world about us. And by erecting and dedicating these archways, we are violating Yahovah’s Torah and in doing so, man is going to at some point, have to pay and pay dearly. I wholeheartedly agree with Skiba: “We can’t erect monuments of the 10-commandments in this country of ours, but we sure as hell can erect a pagan archway in the heart of New York City. Give me a break.
It is interesting indeed that we in the West and in various parts of the East, were outraged over the destruction of the Temple of Baal by ISIS last year. But we as Natsarim know Father’s position on the subject of pagan worship. Father simply abhors any suggestion His people inquiring after false god.
As Natsarim, Deuteronomy 12 is our reference as it relates to how we are to view and react to false gods:
“And these are the statutes and the ordinances which you shall be careful to carry out in the land which the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess all the days that you live on the earth. You shall surely destroy all the places where the nations that you dispossess have served their gods: on the high mountains, and on the hills, and under every green tree. And you shall break down their altars, and dash their pillars to pieces and burn their Asherim with fire; you shall hew down the graven images of their gods; you shall obliterate their name from that place. You shall not act like this toward the LORD your God.” (vss. 1-5)
Essentially, Father is telling us directly that we should have nothing whatsoever to do with false gods. Thus, by our inquiring about such things as the Temple of Baal and then seeking to erect a similar monument in dozens of Western cities throughout the world, we are in total and utter violation of Torah. We are thus cutting our own throats by doing this. Father will not tolerate an “in your face” gesture such as this and not exact punishment upon these cities and those that are leading millions down a road of eternal destruction. It is imperative that we pray earnestly for our nations; that Father spare the nations from His coming wrath and that any evil that may come from these structures will be staved. I believe that we must intercede on behalf of the world as long as there is a chance that she may turn from her wicked ways:
“If my people who belong to me, humble themselves; pray, seek to please me; and repudiate their sinful practices–turn from their wicked ways; then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, ESV)

Thoughts and Reflection on Lew White’s Book–“Nimrod’s Secret Identity–The Greatest Conspiracy on Earth”

Lew White--Author

Lew White–Author

I came across Mr. Lew White’s Book, “Nimrod’s Secret Identity,” quite by accident. Most of my reads and even bible-based/related resources have become almost entirely electronic–i.e., Kindle books. If you own a Kindle, you know that whenever you scroll through your books on the carousel and your device is connected to the internet, you will receive notice of books you can purchase from Amazon that fall within the same genre as the book you are scrolling to at the time. So this book popped up as a recommended read. The price was reasonable and after reading the book’s limited reviews by former readers and a description/summary of what the book was about, I elected to download the book and read it.
I have to say at the outset of this review that I’m not entirely a fan of Mr. White’s writing style. Don’t get me wrong, he is a fair writer and his writing is clear and moderately concise. However, what drove me absolutely crazy about Mr. White’s writing is his insipient repeating of a handful of points that he makes throughout the book. And I’m not just talking about restating these handful of points. He actually cuts and pastes these points over and over again throughout the book and that is just annoying to me. But, I can overlook it for the sake of content. So then, what about the content of this book?
Nimrod's Secret Identity by Lew White

Nimrod’s Secret Identity by Lew White

Well, Mr. White makes some excellent points in his work, especially as it relates to the drawing of lines separating true Hebrew Rooters, who I prefer to refer to as Natsarim or Natsari, and nominal Christians and Catholics. Most of what he wrote as it relates to the pagan origins of every other religion and Faith on the planet is pretty well established in the minds of us Rooters, but he does bring a fresh perspective on the issue which is always nice to read from time to time.
I will also note, however, that there are some areas of this work that I do not agree with or that I take issue with. The major area of disagreement that I have with Mr. White concerns the divinity of the Master, Yahoshua, whom He identifies as the Creator of the Universe, Yahuah. I’ve mentioned on this program a few times that I do not believe that Y’shua is the God of the Old Testament and I’ve given a few reasons why I don’t believe this. But I will save my comments regarding this area of his work for another time as I also read his second book entitled “I Am Yahuah,” where he goes into greater death about this issue. When I review that book, I’ll spend a little time discussing my perspective on the divinity of Y’shua in relation to Mr. White’s book on this subject.
The areas of concern I had with this book is mutli-faceted. First and foremost, I know nothing about Lew White. Is he a Torah scholar or a Bible scholar? Is he a professor or is he educated in ancient history? Is he by chance an ancient Hebrew and or Greek scholar? These questions regarding his pedigree and credentials come into play here because Mr. White does not provide any references to many of his claims, whatsoever. He makes tremendous claims regarding the pronunciation of the Creator’s name, delving into the realm of ancient-paleo-Hebrew. But not knowing his background and by him not providing references to his statements and claims, the reader is left to make unsubstantiated assumptions, which at this stage of my life, I’m not happy at all to do. You see, most of us in Hebrew Roots came out of Churchianity where you were told what to believe and what not to believe and most of us simply saluted and said “yes ma’am, yes sir” and went about our business–dumb fat and happy and never questioning what we were just taught. But we’ve come out of that, have we not? We search out a matter and we compare the matter to what is written in the Holy Writ. We seek input from the leading of the Ruach Kodesh and we go back and study the matter more–all before we make a final decision whether to believe and accept what is being given to us or not. But it would seem that Mr. White did not get that memo.
You see Mr. White, when one writes a book that is advocating that the reader give serious consideration to your claims by using a technical, historical-teaching approach (as you did in this book), you either have to be THE expert holding the appropriate experience and pedigree making the claims; or you better provide sound references to back up what you’re saying. You did neither in this book and because of this serious oversight (whether intentional or unintentional), the content of your book must, in most places, be taken with a grain of salt–especially if you are appealing to the Hebrew Roots community. We know better than to simply take some stranger’s word as fact. That approach got most of us tangled up in religion for many years and most of us simply don’t wish to go back to that lifestyle ever again. Just saying.
But allow me to give you a quick overview of the book and hopefully after I’m done this review, you’ll have a better idea as to whether or not you will purchase this book. My aim here is not to sway you one way or the other. My goal is to target aspects of this book’s content and see if there is anything to what the writer is saying that impacts each of us and our community.
To begin with, Mr. White asserts that Nimrod’s identity is hidden from the world today and that his hidden identity is the greatest conspiracy on earth. He continues that “This conspiracy concerns all faith groups, whatever you believe, this information will change everything.” To me, that’s a pretty pompous statement. Mr. White is essentially saying that this book will expose the truth to everyone who picks it up and reads it, regardless what the reader believes. Well, I have to completely disagree with that statement, for I can tell you Mr. White, most people will not take well to your work. Let’s face it, the vast majority of the world is “big-fat–dumb-and happy” in their lives and their religion and they are not interested in hearing or reading anything that may challenge that happiness and contentment. Most people who come across your book will likely kick it to the curb after reading a few pages. Another thing you should consider Mr. White, is that the content you wrote was mostly written using Hebrew names and Hebrew terms which for the vast majority of people in the world, be they secular or be they Christian, will be turned off by the foreign terms and names. This type of book in my opinion, should have been written with the reader in mind–not you in mind Mr. White. And I must include myself in that grouping as I do not know nor do I read ancient–paleo Hebrew nor Greek. So the read for me from that perspective was a tough one. In addition, neither I nor anyone else, has any way of verifying whether that which you wrote in Hebrew is correct since you provide no references, apart from specific Scriptural passages.
Mr. White supports many, if not most of the claims against the Catholic Church, that were made in Alexander Hislop’s seminal work “The Two Babylons.” For me, that scores some big points for Mr. White. I like Mr. White’s statement: “The papacy claims to be the ‘vicar’ (one in place of) Yahusha, when in reality, he is the vicar of Nirmod.” As I alluded to above, we Natsarim came out of received manmade teaching authority and we receive our teachings directly from Yahovah and His Son Yahoshua, not from one who claims to be the ‘vicar of Christ’–that is, one who stands in place of the Messiah. The reality of the matter is, and I do whole heartedly agree with White on this: “In reality, he (the pope) is the vicar of Nimrod.” (White) Unfortunately, this problem is not found just in Catholicism. It is also found in our very own Hebrew Roots. There is a ministry that seeks to create churches from students that are trained and educated in that church’s Hebrew Roots doctrines and beliefs which is administered by one man. To me, that is simply taking a step back into the muck and mire that most of us just emerged out of.
Mr. White does a pretty good job pointing out to the reader how Nimrod, or as I prefer to refer to him, as the spirit of Nimrod, has permeated virtually every aspect of our day-to-day lives, especially as it relates to our common customs. White contends, as to a great extent Hislop in his book, that all “sun” deities are believed to have originated from Nimrod in some form or fashion. White writes: “all share a common birthday, which more times than not is December 25th–the winter solstice of the ancient world.” (White) These sun gods are not individual gods, coming onto the human scene in some type of succession and ascension of power, but are really one and the same being–that being Nimrod. White claims that Nimrod is Zeus, Gilgamesh, Molok (Moloch), Osiris, Ahura Mazda, Woden (or Odin of Norse legend), and even Santa Claus. Well, I don’t know about Santa Claus. Furthermore, White asserts that the names of the week are tied to pagan gods, specifically the names of Norse pagan deities. I’d never heard of the days of the week being tied to Norse pagan legends until I read Mr. White’s book. I did some loose checking on my own and found on Wikipedia some very loose tie-ins with Norse mythology. However, the greatest link to pagan deities seems to be tied to Greek and Roman gods. According to the Wikipedia article on this subject, the names of the days of the 7-day week in many languages are derived from the names of the classical planets in Hellenistic astrology, which were in turn named after contemporary deities, a system introduced by the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity. In some other languages, the days are named for corresponding deities of the regional culture, either beginning with Sunday or with Monday. Greco-Roman Tradition: The days were named after the planets of Hellenistic astrology, in the order Sun (Sunday), Moon (Monday), Mars (Ares–Tuesday), Mercury (Hermes–Wednesday), Jupiter (Zeus–Thursday), Venus (Aphrodite–Friday) and Saturn (Cronos–Saturday). Again, White’s failure to provide sound references to his content makes it difficult for the reader to determine what is accurate and what is not. In this case, White’s explanation is very loose in terms of a true explanation of the days of the week and their pagan name derivations. But close enough not to argue over.
White spends a great amount of book space addressing what he entitles as The Magisterium, which he defines as “teaching authority,” of Latin derivation. He attaches the term “Didascalia” with Magisterium, which holds the same “teaching authority” meaning, but from a Greek perspective. White does a pretty good job showing a line of false teachings from the Magisterium and the Didascalia, headquartered in Rome at the seat of the Universal Church (aka the Catholic Church)–centralized power and authority to dictate what the masses are to believe. But the teaching authority does not begin and end there. The teaching authority actually has its origins in Babylon where the Nimrodian, one world order, created a religion and doctrine and teaching that has survived to this very day, manifesting in every religion on the planet in one form or another. That line of false teachings, from Babylon (the single, unified teaching authority in the world) to today’s world multi-religion world of ours, has never abated nor been cut for any length of time. It’s a fascinating study if one has the time to look into it. And despite what most would argue against, I still hold that Alexander Hislop’s book, The Two Babylons, is a great resource whereby one may wet his or her appetite and get a sense as to how far the rabbit hole actually goes in this Magisterium–Didascalia machine. (I should insert here that many have contended that Alexander Hislop was a fraud who made up much of the content of his book, The Two Babylons. Much of the reason for this discounting of Hislop as an authority on the Magisterium–Didascalia–Babylon line of teaching authority that has permeated into Christianity even today, is that most of Hislop’s references no longer exists and more recent archaeological findings shed a questionable light upon some of his assertions. I’m sorry. I cannot discount Hislop anymore than I can discount the teachings of some of today’s Hebrew Roots teachers. We all know the adage, where there’s smoke, you can usually find evidence of a fire. Or in my line of work, when you come into a home that has an overpowering fowl odor, you know you’re not far from finding a dead body. The evidence may not be readily apparent folks. But if one simply hearkens to the still small voice in his or her mind and spirit, one can not ignore the fact that the “Catholic Church’s doctrines of purgatory, eternal suffering in fire, relic kissing (which is the veneration of human remains), transubstantiation (which is the transforming of the bread wafer into the body  and the wine into the blood of Yahoshua), statue veneration (which is the kneeling before objects), steeples/sun pillars, bells, worship of the host of heaven, prayers to the dead (which is prohibited in Torah), the employment of monks, nuns, popes, priests, celibacy, indulgences, the trinity doctrine, infant baptism, apostolic succession, sacraments, crosses (which turns out to be symbols of the sun deity), replacement of the name of Yahovah to titles such as LORD, God, etc., the adoption of Easter/Ishtar fertility festival and sunrise worship and egg/bunny/fish symbols, Christmas,” and the list goes on. (White) And I agree with White, throughout history, there has always been those who have rejected all these doctrines and teachings and have kept true to the true Faith once delivered. These are our brethren in the Faith that preceded us; who gave their lives to stand up for the true Faith and not bend to the power and evil of Babylon and the Pope. How many lives have been lost because of this creature who we assign culpibility to–Nimrod. But the reality of the matter is, the fault falls at the feet of hasatan and we as Yahovah’s created beings. Yahovah gave us free will and ability to reason and to choose right from wrong. Indeed, many have been misled and raised in false doctrines from their birth and those who have perpetuated this Magisterium-Didascalia-Babylonish line of teachings, knowing the Truth all along, will have a high price to pay in the coming judgment. Those who were taught lies from their fathers and mothers and who were never given the opportunity to come to know the truth and the true Faith once delivered, they will receive an opportunity to hear and receive the truth and decide once and for all whether they will accept it or not. White seems to disagree with my mindset here as he mentions the reapers coming to separate the true followers from the chaff and the tares that will be burned in unquenchable fire in the end. (I will look at doing a thoughts and reflections on this subject in the future, Father permitting.) But Father is just and He is a God of “justice.” He will see to it that every soul receives fair judgment and receives what is due to them. That is an area that we have no say in, for Father is sovereign, but also just and righteous beyond measure. But as it relates to this Magisterium–Didascalia–Babylonian connection of teaching authority, the only teaching authority today is found in Yahoshua Messiah. Praise Yahovah! There is no other. For Father has given our Master authority and power and His name (Psalm 110). Thus, there is none other who has the teaching authority.
A Psalm of David. aThe LORD says to my Lord: b “Sit at my right hand, cuntil I make your enemies your dfootstool.”
 2 The LORD sends forth afrom Zion byour mighty scepter. cRule in the midst of your enemies!
 3 aYour people will boffer themselves freely on the day of your cpower,1 in dholy garments;2 from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours.3
 4 aThe LORD has bsworn and will cnot change his mind, d“You are ea priest f forever after the order of gMelchizedek.”
 5 The Lord is at your aright hand; he will bshatter kings on cthe day of his wrath.
 6 He will aexecute judgment among the nations, bfilling them with corpses; he will cshatter chiefs1 over the wide earth.
 7 He will adrink from the brook by the way; therefore he will lift up his head.
 (Psa 110:1-7 ESV)
Michael Rood does a seminal teaching on true identity of our Master Yeshua Messiah called the “Messiah Dilemma:” an hour or so long teaching where he fleshes out the true identity of Yeshua based primarily upon this passage of Scripture. If you’ve not seen this teaching, I would absolutely recommend you get your hands on this teaching at your earliest convenience.
Continuing on: White brings up the concept of Natsarim being the “Repairers of the Breach” as famously mentioned in Isaiah 58:12-14. I have to give White his props on hitting this point spot on. Let me quote him as he does a fantastic analysis of the Natsari’s responsibility as it relates to teaching the world: “The 10-Commandments are the ‘eternal’ covenant, and they teach us how to love Yahuah and love our neighbor. They are not difficult; they are our great commission to teach the ‘old paths’ in which to dwell. Natsarim are the repairers of the breach before the reapers come on the Day of Yahuah. The 7th day of each week is also called ‘the set-apart day of Yahuah.'” (White) Indeed, Torah is not difficult. Man has been sold a bill of goods, especially in Churchianity, that says to the world: “Oh, the Law–the Torah–is impossible to keep. Thank God Jesus came and fulfilled (kept) the Law for us so that we don’t have to.” What a bunch of crap. Really? The Law is impossible to keep? Don’t steal land from your neighbor; don’t bear false witness against your neighbor; don’t murder; don’t commit fornication or adultery (don’t cheat on your spouse); keep the Sabbath and Father’s Feasts; don’t eat that which is not considered food; don’t follow after other gods; don’t stray from His Torah? There is nothing difficult or impossible in this prescription that leads to life folks. Churchianity has gone out of its way to distance us from the Hebrew Roots of our Faith. They’ve replaced Yah’s Laws with their own laws that they have determined are more fitting and reasonably easy to keep. Yet we saw quite handily with the Jews of Yeshua’s day where Judaism–that is the religion of Judaism–was and in some respects even today, an absolute impossible religion to keep–man’s laws that is. Yet man is willing to put himself out there and put himself at odds with His Creator by “practicing (obeying, serving, worshiping) tradition, while being told they ‘live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuah.’ In fact they observe nothing Yahuah commanded and follow the previous traditions of cultures that worshiped the host of heaven.” (White) Well stated Mr. White. Thank you.
Next, White discusses the origin of the term “Christian” that I sort of disagree with. White asserts that Cretin is derived from Christian or Christianity. But Wikipedia assigns an etymology of the term to describe a person affected by cretinism, but, as with words such as spastic and lunatic, it is now considered derogatory and inappropriate. Cretin became a medical term in the 18th century, and was actually a “tick box” category on Victorian-era census forms in the UK. The term spread more widely in popular English as a markedly derogatory term for a person who behaves stupidly. Because of its pejorative connotations in popular speech, health-care workers have mostly abandoned cretin. The etymology of cretin is uncertain. Several hypotheses exist. The most common derivation provided in English dictionaries is from the Alpine French dialect pronunciation of the word Chretien (a Christian), which was a greeting there. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the translation of the French term into “human creature” implies that the label “Christian” is a reminder of the humanity of the afflicted, in contrast to brute beasts. Other sources suggest that Christian describes the person’s Christ-like” inability to sin, stemming, in such cases, from an incapacity to distinguish right from wrong.” White’s zeal to denigrate Christians, including the moniker Christian, leads to inaccuracies. His statements of Christians being derived from the word Cretin is word reassigning and is a form of manipulation that serves only to offend and show the world that we are not a Messiah-loving lot. We are not afraid to insult our misguided cousins in churchianity with the most obnoxious terms and descriptors. But according to Wikipedia–The Greek word Xpristianos means “follower of Christ.” It comes from the term Christos which means “anointed one,” with an adjectival ending borrowed from Latin that denotes an “adhering to” or even “belonging to,” as in slave ownership. In the Greek Septuagint,christos was used to define the Hebrew Messiah, meaning “one who is anointed.” In other European languages, equivalent words to Christian are likewise derived from the Greek, such as Chretienin in French and Cristianoin in Spanish.”
White goes on to then discuss the origins of the Natsarim which he places in Acts 24:5. He states that the original followers of Yahusha were called Natsarim. Most of the translations that are out there today use the term Nazarenes as the name assigned to the true followers of Yahoshua. But the CJB does use the term Natzratim and the Aramaic New Testament, Natsroyee. So I would go along with White on the name of the true followers of Yeshua, especially when we understand that a Netzer is an agricultural term that denotes a branch that sprouts out from the ground, a ways away from the original tree or root. It’s a fascinating concept and naturally occurring phenomenon with tremendous spiritual applications associated with it. The descendants of David settled in Nazareth years after David’s reign and that is how Yeshua became known as Jesus of Nazareth–right in alignment with prophetic Scripture, for Yeshua had to be, according to prophecy, the son of David and Nazareth was where His family had settled. Bethlehem was Yeshua’s ancestral home town, but Nazareth was where the descendants of David eventually and permanently settled years after David’s reign.
White writes about how the Natsarim were viewed by the Didascalia and the Magisterium; that they were viewed as heretics because they did not ascribe to their so-called authorized teachings and give homage to their self-proclaimed teaching authority. Certainly White is spot on here and this statement of his pretty much says it all: “We’re trained to obey tradition and disobey Yahuah, just as Nimrod intended from the beginning.” White then goes into history, citing the outlawing of the Sabbath through edicts that came out of the Council of Laodicea in 365 CE. Certainly, this is established history where one can easily find the documents that support the dissolution of the Sabbath and forbidding Christians or anyone else for that matter, having anything to do with the Jews, which of course would mean, anything having to do with the true teachings of our Master, Y’shua Messiah. And I absolutely love this statement of White’s: “Yahusha was the counter-culture of that time. His Natsarim are now the same counter-culture, rejecting and exposing the teaching authority of our time.”
White again goes into the origin and true name of the Creator which I will not go into in this review, but will hopefully consider in my review of his book, “My Name is Yahuah.” He also touches upon the origin of the name of the Son, which I will also look at in my review of “My Name is Yahuah.”
And lastly, White goes into a weird discussion on the end times and how the elements will go into disarray, signaling the return of Yeshua and the establishment of His millennial kingdom here on earth. He talks about how the sun will become a red-dwarf star and how the moon will in turn appear to us here on earth as blood red. All well and good for a table discussion Mr. White, but I felt this was out of place as it related to your book’s primary focus which is Nimrod’s secret identity. But it’s your work and I believe you are sincere in your efforts, although we know nothing about you whatsoever.
So in summary, I would have to say that Mr. White provides the reader an interesting perspective on the identity of Yahovah’s true people and he exposes the lies that are the world’s religions that were all born out of Nimrod worship that goes back to ancient Babylon. I gave this book a 3-star rating on Amazon for the reasons that I’ve stated throughout this review. I would not recommend this book per se. I don’t reject the book nor do I dismiss Mr. Lew White. Again, I know nothing about him. I think he has some really relevant things to say about religion and about our responsibilities as Yahovah’s elect. But at the same time, he goes into things that he does not support with references and his take on the true Name of our Creator I felt was extremely dogmatic and judgmental. No one absolutely knows the true pronunciation of our Father’s name. We can only approximate it based upon the Hebrew and the tetragrammaton. I wholeheartedly agree with my dear brother in the Faith, whom I will refer to as Mike, who said of this subject: “We can only know the true pronunciation of the Father’s name if we grab a mike, fly over to the middle east and interview Mosheh and have him utter the true name of the Creator for us.” Indeed! So we do the best we can with the knowledge that we’ve been given. We don’t stop searching and delving into the boundless Word of our Father. We continue to be obedient to Torah, Yeshua-style. And we do our part in the Great Commission, hoping that the seeds we plant will fall on good soil and that our efforts, through the guiding of the Ruach Kodesh, will bring many sons and daughters into the Kingdom of Yahovah.