Leaving Church

Torah Living Daily Challenge 24

  • Article entitled: “Americans become less religious, especially young adults: poll” by Mary Wisnieswski of Reuters (11/3/2015)
  • Americans becoming less religious–mostly among adults according to recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center on Religious Landscape Study
    • Drop in church attendance
    • Drop in prayer
    • Drop in belief in God
  • 89% of American believe in God in 2014, down from 92% in 2007
  • 63% Americans believe God exists absolutely in 2014, down from 71% in 2007
  • 39% of young people pray daily and attend church, compared to 67% of adults born between 1928-1945
  • Still 77% Americans identify with a religion
    • of the 77%, 2/3 say they pray daily and sight their religion as important to them
  • Democrats are predominantly non-affiliated with a religion compared to Republicans
    • 38% of Republicans consider themselves to be evangelical Protestants
    • Catholics make up 21% of each party
  • Religious folks are considered not intelligent in part because they do not believe in global warming
  • The Real Reason So Many Christians Are Leaving Church by Jennifer LeClaire (5/18/2015) seems to confirm Ms. Wisnieswski’s Article and the reason provided is as follows:

“These statistics should alarm every Christian in America, yet they should serve to motivate every pastor and Christian to greater biblical obedience,” Rohrer says. “In the early church, Christians ‘turned the world upside down’ because their faith in Jesus Christ had been put to the test and they experienced firsthand the transformative impacts of the gospel and unconquerable power of the truth of God’s Word. Our nation is in desperate need of pastors and Christians with the early church’s passion.”

“The decline in Christianity in America is a call not simply for Americans to return to church but for the church itself to return to God’s Word,” Rohrer continues. “We know from research that too many pastors are not preaching the whole counsel of God’s Word as it relates to societal issues, holy living and true discipleship. Therefore, many Americans are leaving the church because the church has left the authority of Scripture. It’s past time for pastors to take a stand for obedience to biblical truth if we are to see God’s blessing return to our nation.”

  • How encouraging and refreshing to have this type of feedback and commentary which suggests that Fundamental Churchianity in certain sectors is waking up to the truth about Christianity and the need to return to the Hebraic Roots of our Faith
  • Our challenge is to encourage this sentiment through evangelism and fellowship
    • Home Churches
    • Fellowships
    • Social Media
  • Too many of us in the Hebraic Roots community are allowing grass to grow beneath our feet
    • we accumulate vast amounts of knowledge and understanding about Torah and the Bible, but we don’t do anything with it
  • There’s a bumper crop of souls coming on-line today, who are prime to receive the true Gospel and become Torah Observant Believers in Y’shua Messiah
  • Matthew 9:37,38

37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;  38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
  (Mat 9:37-10:1 KJV)

  • Now is the time for Torah Observant Believers in Y’shua Messiah act as we are at a cross-roads: we are coming close to at time when we will begin to lose our freedom to practice and live out our Faith without fear of persecution; and as the trend becomes that of a Post Christian America taking center stage in the world
Thousands of former Christians are leaving their churches each year. What’s a Torah Observant Believer in Y’shua Messiah to do?
Music by Dan O Music