Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

  • Greetings
  • Why TLDC? Encourage Torah Living Y’shua Style and preparing us for the tough times ahead through pertinent and inciteful discussions on the issues and topics affecting today’s Believer in Y’shua Mashiyach

Useful Information

  • Gnosticism–the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity whom scholar refer to as the demiurge
    • Platonic and neopythagorean schools of philosophy–the demiurge is an artisan-like figure responsible for the fashioning and maintenance of the physical universe
    • the Demiurge is seen as a “bungling and incompetent fool that creates the world as a spiritual prison.” (
    • there is a supreme, but unknowable alien god and the creator of the demiurge
  • Ignosticism–the term “god” is ambiguous to the ignostic
    • those who hold to ignosticism require a good, non-controversial definition of god before arguing His existence
  • Agnosticism–challenges truth values such as the existence of God or the supernatural that these values are unknowable
    • “an agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of God”
  • Athiest–total disbelief in the existence of God

News of the Day

1000’s are stranded on borders of a new European migrant route–Amer Cohadzic (AP)–10/19/2015

Croatia and the Migration Crisis

Croatia and the Migration Crisis

  • Many Messianics are in alignment with secular mindset that is uncaring about these people
  • Fear that radical islamic terrorists are embedded in 1000’s of migrants
  • Should we hold an uncaring attitude and feeling towards these people who are simply seeking to escape persecution or war?
  • Matthew 25:31-46
  • James 1:26,27
  • Isaiah 58:7
  • The attitudes we have, the compassion we show, to those in need will be handsomely rewarded by our Father in heaven as the above passages seem to suggest. And that compassion and love must come from a good place and not from an obligatory place
  • There’s not a whole lot we can do for those people who are struggling to survive but pray. Our time is coming in the not too distant future

Dozens of Jews illegally enter torched West Bank Shrine–Aron Heller–AP–10/18/2015

The Torching of Joseph's Tomb

The Torching of Joseph’s Tomb

  • Joseph’s Tomb is a funerary monument that is located about 325-yeards northwest of Jacob’s Well on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Nablus
    • Psalms 122

50,000-child witches exorcised–Nick Fagge–Daily Mail–10/19/2015

Congolese witchcraft and catholic priests

Congolese witchcraft and catholic priests

  • Chronological Gospels–Event 124–The disciples arrive in Kfar Nahum and Yeshua teaches–October 1, 27 C.E.

Let’s get studied up, prayed up, fasted up and ready for the times ahead.