• Calendar–March 1, 2015
    • This past week, according to Rood’s “The Chronological Gospels–The Life and 70-Week Ministry of Yeshua Messiah,” Miriam and Martha sent emissaries to Yeshua to report on the dire situation of their brother Lazarus. Passage found in John 11:1-16
    • 9th Day of the 12th Biblical Month 6014 (aka: Shevat 5775)
    • Upcoming Feasts and Messianic Celebrations
      • Purim–Friday 03/06/2015 or 14th day of the 12th Biblical Month–significance of Purim is that it paints a prophetic shadow picture of of the bride of the King (aka: Messiah). Embodied in the story of Esther. Purim means the casting of lots. It was to represent a day in history whereby all of God’s people would be exterminated, all in one day
      • Biblical Rosh HaShanah or Head of the Biblical Year–Est. 03/22/2015 or 1st Day of 1st Biblical Month of the Aviv 6015
      • Passover–Est. 04/04/2015 or 14th Day of the 1st Biblical Month
      • Feast of Unleavened Bread–Est. 04/05-12/2015, or 15th through 21st day of 1st Biblical Month
      • Firstfruits–Est. 04/12/2015, or 22nd Day of the 1st Biblical Month of Aviv
      • Astronomically & Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar–Michael Rood


  • Messianic Happenings & Ministries


  • A Rood Awakening–Michael Rood
    Shabbat Night Live

    Shabbat Night Live

    • Michael’s heart surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd
    • Michael announced on this most recent Shabbat  Night Live (obviously recorded prior to Michael’s admission into the hospital) that Shabbat Night Live would no longer occur in its 2-hour format, but hinted that it would be dialed down to just 1-hour Sabbath
    • 4/3-5/15-Rood Awakening Passover celebration in Charlotte North Carolina
    • 4/19-5/1/15-Rood Tour of Israel
  • Arthur Bailey Ministries and House of Israel  Arthur Bailey
    • Sabbath Services HOI (every Sabbath morning at 11 A.M. EST)
    • Discipleship Training 101
    • Arthur on Evangelistic Tour of Israel (2/26-3/11/2015)
  • WildBranch Ministry–Brad Scott
    • Fort Walton Beach, FL (March 7, 2015)
    • Amarillo, TX (March 14 & 15, 2015)
    • Abilene, TX (March 19, 2015)
    • Midland, TX (March 20-22, 2015)
    • Georgetown, TX (March 27, 2015)
    • Jerrell, TX (March 28, 2015)
    • League City, TX (March 29, 2015)
    • Hebraic Roots Network–each Friday 7-8 P.M. (CST)
  • Founded in Truth–Matthew Vander Els
    • New DVD teachings include “The Church’s Curse,” “Holy War,” “Being the Image of God,” “Way of the King”
    • Sabbath Services each Sabbath at Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene in Fort Mill S.C.
  • Bulldozer Faith–Kenny Russell
    • 2-months into his evangelical tour of the US

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7-Reasons Why Hebraic Roots Over Mainstream Christianity

  1. Our Faith is unique and incomparable to traditional Christianity–traditional Christianity envelops some 41,000 denominations, all vying and contending for members and all claim to the truth as given by Jesus Christ (aka Yeshua Hamaschiyach) and the path to eternal life.
  2. Our Faith takes into account the unique socio-economic characteristics of the region and peoples of the first century and not infuse Western culture into the fray.
  3. The Messianic/Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith focuses on what the Father truly has to say to us.
  4. My Faith is not dependent upon any one or set of ministers, pastors, preachers or teachers.
  5. Hebraic Roots provides a firm understanding of our heritage which is vital in ensuring we hit the mark and we don’t keep repeating the mistakes of those who preceded us.
  6. Hebraic Roots provides a solid lifestyle infrastructure that came directly from the Creator to man.
  7.  Hebraic Roots directly addresses the problem that has plagued man since the fall: sin; focuses on seeking the Kingdom of Yehovah; and establishing the relationship with the Creator that was desired originally by the Father