Don’t cause grief to God’s Ruach HaKodesh, for he has stamped you as his property until the day of final redemption. (Eph 4:30 CJB)

It comes down to us simply giving in to the leading of the Ruach Kodesh in every aspect of our lives. Things are not always going to go our way and frankly, things shouldn’t necessarily always go our way. Our way is often self-serving and ill-advised. The Ruach’s influence in our lives will always lead us in the proper direction. When we ignore that direction, we frustrate that Spirit and after a time, we degrade that influence in our lives simply because we have taken control or taken over the driver’s seat and are now steering the bus. Isaiah recorded the fact that our example, the nation of Israel, vexed Yehovah’s Spirit on one too many occasions and it reached to such extents that Yehovah fought against them (Isaiah 63:10). I don’t interpret that Yehovah physically fought against His children, but fought against them in the sense that Yehovah lifted His eternal protection from them and withdrew the blessings that were inherent to Israel’s obedience of Torah (Deut. 28). What makes us think that we are any different? When we find ourselves in frustrating situations and we choose to handle them our own way, failing in the process to following the direction and leading of Ruach Hakodesh, we stand to lose the Ruach’s precious influence over our lives and the inherent blessings that come with having the Father’s Spirit in our lives. Oh how often I default to my own carnal nature to address the issues that crop up in my life, only to come to the end of the day realizing that I’ve frustrated the Spirit. I feel a let-down within my own spirit to such a degree that I’m embarrassed to acknowledge my stupidity before the Father. But our Father is long-suffering and our Mediator continues to advocate on our behalf. Thus, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start this walk all over again. But this time, a bit more wiser and hopefully a bit more cognizant that it’s His Ruach that must steer our life’s bus.